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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Toy Box & Games Cupboard => Topic started by: tuneful87 on June 23, 2013, 02:52:06 PM

Title: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: tuneful87 on June 23, 2013, 02:52:06 PM
Are these strange little creatures still being considered G2, or are we onto G3 now? Their bodies are smaller than ever, and they seem to be very sharp and angular looking. Not cute and cuddly at all. I'm really not into them, and you will never catching me buying them! Not a one!

So is this is for the G2 LPS I've come to love? How do you feel about them?
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: xdartfrogx on June 24, 2013, 11:40:08 AM
I liked the very first few I saw, some fairies I believe. Didn't like them enough to buy them. I had no idea they intended to move away from the G2 line into such 'modern' forms. The current ones will never be welcome in my collection. They are just plain creepy. I think the ones out now should be 'G3' as they are just not the same and are 'revamped'. I wonder if they were trying to cut costs- cause I know they just cut their profits with this endeavor! :lol:
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: tuneful87 on June 25, 2013, 05:04:50 AM
Modern is s nice way of putting it. I just can't imagine anyone gravitating towards these new molds. They're so cold looking!
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: babylicketysplit on June 25, 2013, 12:17:37 PM
i kinda consider them g3's just because they are pretty different in sculpting style.   some are kinda cute, but the horses scare me!
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: Rhini on June 25, 2013, 12:33:38 PM
Yeah the horses are no good :S I do like some of the molds, but as a vast majority no I don't care for them. The lion,tiger, and cocker spaniel molds are my exceptions. Some of the other cats and dogs are okay.

dis faaace!

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Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: tuneful87 on June 25, 2013, 03:27:44 PM
Rhini, I don't think I knew that you collected! Yay!
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: Rhini on June 25, 2013, 07:51:09 PM
Oh yes! haha. They were my favorite toys ever as a child besides my stuffed animals and ponies, so I have a TON of vintage ones. I also have several hundred G2's @_@

I was ecstatic the other day, I found most of the rare mommy and baby deer and fox sets!
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: dxgirly on June 26, 2013, 01:39:18 PM
The new ones definitely are definitely more like the tv show.... or should I say the tv show is like the new ones? They're okay I guess. I will miss G2. I guess I'll have to start picking more sets up on ebay.
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: DaintyDalek on June 26, 2013, 02:38:09 PM

 I collect all three generations, and I like each one for a different reason. The G3s are really stylized because they were designed by artist Kirsten Ulve.

 I actually like the look of the G3s because they remind me a bit of Dakin Dream Pets. I also like that they seem to be doing a lot of pets that have little actions to them, much like the G1s. I miss the bobbling heads a lot though; that's my biggest beef with the G3s.
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: tuneful87 on June 28, 2013, 05:14:30 PM
Oh yes! haha. They were my favorite toys ever as a child besides my stuffed animals and ponies, so I have a TON of vintage ones. I also have several hundred G2's @_@

I was ecstatic the other day, I found most of the rare mommy and baby deer and fox sets!

Awesome! I had a bunch of LPS as a kid. Would love to get them cat tower set, tree with raccoon, and the doghouse with pink poodle
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: babylicketysplit on June 28, 2013, 05:39:05 PM
i think that dog is super cute :P   some of the new ones are kinda cute but others like the giraffe and horses really frighten me.   
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: Rhini on June 28, 2013, 05:39:14 PM
Oh yes! haha. They were my favorite toys ever as a child besides my stuffed animals and ponies, so I have a TON of vintage ones. I also have several hundred G2's @_@

I was ecstatic the other day, I found most of the rare mommy and baby deer and fox sets!

Awesome! I had a bunch of LPS as a kid. Would love to get them cat tower set, tree with raccoon, and the doghouse with pink poodle
Omg! Its so funny that you mention that pink cat tower, I lent the tower to a friend and then we stopped hanging out and I never got it back. For YEARS I thought about asking for it back XD
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: tuneful87 on June 28, 2013, 05:41:53 PM
Oh yes! haha. They were my favorite toys ever as a child besides my stuffed animals and ponies, so I have a TON of vintage ones. I also have several hundred G2's @_@

I was ecstatic the other day, I found most of the rare mommy and baby deer and fox sets!

Awesome! I had a bunch of LPS as a kid. Would love to get them cat tower set, tree with raccoon, and the doghouse with pink poodle
Omg! Its so funny that you mention that pink cat tower, I lent the tower to a friend and then we stopped hanging out and I never got it back. For YEARS I thought about asking for it back XD

Muahaha! I used to 'trade' pets with a friend, but just for the night. Well, one time she thought I had stolen a pet and totally freaked out on me and made me look really bad. Turns out she had missed it and it was in her backpack after all. We were never friends after that.
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: babylicketysplit on June 28, 2013, 08:11:02 PM
sounds like a brat tuney :P i wouldnt have put up with her either LOL
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: Birdlady25 on July 14, 2013, 03:27:34 PM
I am on the littlest pet shop collector forum and many people on their have stop collecting because  of the new look of pets coming out. To me it is a little bit cartoonish and I like my "g2" pets the best. I have pets from each time they came out and I am still collecting them. But especially with these new series coming out I have only been collecting the bird lps since that is my favorite animal.  I see that too with MLP.  I will prob only stay and collect the ponies from the 80's since that the time I remember them.
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: tulagirl on July 17, 2013, 01:05:18 PM
Their bodies are awkward in that they fall over easily.  They really didn't get this right. I still like them though, I just have to use a ticky tack blob for some of them.
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: AnnaPommes on July 21, 2013, 10:29:33 PM
that is interesting, i just became aware of LPS because of the big-head-gen. ;) i am not an LPS collector, not actively seeking because i think thier eyes are still a tad to big.
 but i have to agree that some, maybe because of these funky porportions, are unreasonably and cute. XD
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: Star Spark on July 23, 2013, 02:56:12 PM
I find them very hit or miss- I have a collie and a peacock in the "new" design, and like a few more such as the dolphin and seal, but for others the tiny bodies are just too disproportionate and the features are angular to the point of just being weird. To be fair, I didn't like G2 initially, either (I really liked G1 with their actions and homes) but I guess as the number of molds increased I found many to like (I also tend to collect the bird ones more than anything.)

One thing I really don't like is the mixing in of show characters with generic animals in the G3 assortments- I know the point is to cross promote the cartoon and the toys, but it just seems to clash.
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: kuzronk on July 25, 2013, 01:17:17 AM
They are alright but not as good as Gen 2.
Most fans should just deal with the change instead of ringing hasbro and hating people who love G3 or the cartoon though.
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: clouded_vision on October 24, 2013, 04:01:52 PM
Honestly for me, I hate all the LPS that isn't G1 made by Kenner :/ I just cannot let go of how realistic yet cute, cuddly and awesome they were to the new toys that are disproportionate with their teeny tiny bodies and huge heads and giant bug eyes... I have tried to like them, I've played with them with my niece... I just can't do it! I think they are so ugly and it breaks my heart that they took something from my childhood that I still obsess over (and buy!) And ruined it.
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: kiwiikiss on October 24, 2013, 09:46:39 PM
I don't really like G3 but I have quite a few. My birthday was recently and I got a lot for my birthday as my family and friends knew I loved LPS, but honestly I only like the G2. There are a few G3 that are cute, but do not deserve the title of "Littlest Pet Shop". YouTube is a popular place for LPS lovers (LPStubers, as they are called) to post videos and due to no bobbling heads, one of the LPS signature attributes, it's hard to make them move and appear to be talking. Also, G3 are very stiff and like many other users have stated, it's hard for them to stand. Why? All the pets' legs end in short nubs the size for a knitting needle's tip! There are no paws! There are actually a few pets, like the toy Pepper Clark from the awful LPS show on Hub, that balance solely on their oversized tails.

My idea for Hasbro is to bring back the rarer pets such as #339 and #675 in collectors editions and sell them for $30-$40. Ebay users sell fake ones for the same price or even more than that! Over thousands of dollars are made on ebay over G2s.
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: tuneful87 on October 27, 2013, 11:56:35 AM
Honestly for me, I hate all the LPS that isn't G1 made by Kenner :/ I just cannot let go of how realistic yet cute, cuddly and awesome they were to the new toys that are disproportionate with their teeny tiny bodies and huge heads and giant bug eyes... I have tried to like them, I've played with them with my niece... I just can't do it! I think they are so ugly and it breaks my heart that they took something from my childhood that I still obsess over (and buy!) And ruined it.

I do initially did not like the G2s on account of the big heads, but now I have a ton of them. Eventually I managed to get past it. That being said, I dislike the gimmicky pets with glitter and weird symbols on them. Those I really can't stand.
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: clouded_vision on October 28, 2013, 12:46:24 AM
Honestly for me, I hate all the LPS that isn't G1 made by Kenner :/ I just cannot let go of how realistic yet cute, cuddly and awesome they were to the new toys that are disproportionate with their teeny tiny bodies and huge heads and giant bug eyes... I have tried to like them, I've played with them with my niece... I just can't do it! I think they are so ugly and it breaks my heart that they took something from my childhood that I still obsess over (and buy!) And ruined it.

I do initially did not like the G2s on account of the big heads, but now I have a ton of them. Eventually I managed to get past it. That being said, I dislike the gimmicky pets with glitter and weird symbols on them. Those I really can't stand.

For me, so much of the charm and appeal of G1 was how realistic  they were (and I wholeheartedly feel that once they started to deviate from that with the sparkly fictional animals in the last productions had a huge factor in their loss of business). I used to carry them in my pockets EVERYWHERE lol. I always wanted to be a veterinarian so I could really take care of all the animals ;) I am usually open to change and new things but this is one thing I absolutely cannot get passed! When G2 (I have a hard time even calling them G2 because they are nothing of what they were) first came out, I was disgusted... they look like Bratz Dolls in animal form lol. I know plenty of people like the new ones, maybe I'm just to stuck on the memory of the ones I loved and can't get over it, but I know I will never like them.
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: sarafina on October 29, 2013, 01:22:22 AM
For me, so much of the charm and appeal of G1 was how realistic  they were (and I wholeheartedly feel that once they started to deviate from that with the sparkly fictional animals in the last productions had a huge factor in their loss of business).

Ditto!  I remember being sooo hopeful toward the end of the G1 line, since they had produced the Country Fun Pets, which were more realistic and charming like their predecessors... it was quite sad to see the whole toy line end at that time, when I felt like they were returning to their roots. :(  I'm also not a fan of the more fantasy-like animals from G1 - I don't collect the Mer Pets or the Dazzling Hair Pets, for instance.  I feel like they're cute in their own right, and I can see why folks collect them, but they're just not my preference. :)
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: HelloGoodbye on November 07, 2013, 11:20:34 AM
I just picked up a two pack of them (a chocolate themed puppy, and a purple horse with sprinkles in her mane).  I partially got them because I am drawn to anything with a horse on it, and partially to check out the new molds.  I miss the cute, chubby bodies of the older ones, and the lack of bobble heads bothers me. They are kind of cute though.  I like the vibrant colors, and the dessert theme in the pack I bought is really cute.  While I prefer the bobble head ones, I'll probably end up getting more of these.  Packs with horses, at least.  I have kind of an obsession with LPS horses  :P

One thing that drives me nutty about the horse though is how far forward her ears are.  She would be very cute except for that, but the ears are just... odd.
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: moonlight twinkle on December 09, 2013, 05:04:01 AM
I HATED  them at first, some are scary. :yikes: :yikes: I like the molds for Zoe and Pepper, and some of the Cats. I also like the blind bags. I am also dissapointed because there is no creativity anymore. In g2 and g1, they wouldn't keep on releasing the same characters, and it allowed fans to be more creative about naming their pets. I feel like the only characters they make now are all of the main characters, just like g4 mlp. :cry:
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: Zapper on December 17, 2013, 01:11:37 AM
I'm in the minority(?) here. I think the previous big-headed LPS were ugly and the new ones are cute, stylish and have a much better, dynamic character design. I particularly love how they updated the hooved animals. Recently aquired the new llama and giraffe for a friend of mine and their long faces are just adorable. Much better compared to the squishy-looking pancake heads from the previous versions ^^#
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: Sandi on March 20, 2014, 05:42:22 PM
There are a few cute ones, but most of them are either meh or hideous.
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: Tribble79 on March 21, 2014, 12:24:58 AM
I like a few of them, especially the shark - I adore that little shark! LOL... Some of them I don't want- not that I think they are hideous or anything, I just don't want them. Some of them I see I just HAVE to have ;) .  I too thought that the first generation the best... Especially the little guinea pig set and the hamster pet - want soooo bad!!!
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: Star Spark on March 23, 2014, 09:29:25 AM
I like a few of them, especially the shark - I adore that little shark! LOL... Some of them I don't want- not that I think they are hideous or anything, I just don't want them. Some of them I see I just HAVE to have ;) .  I too thought that the first generation the best... Especially the little guinea pig set and the hamster pet - want soooo bad!!!

I love the shark, too! I already had him from a previous set (he was my Shark Week "mascot"), but I saw a recolored one on clearance yesterday and couldn't pass him up!

I found a lot of other clearanced singles from what I'm assuming are the past two waves (one had a German Shepherd and the shark and the other had a goldfish) and thought they were all pretty cute (excepting the show based characters- just not my thing.) It looked like a mix of G2 and G3 molds, though I don't regularly collect LPS so I'm not sure what's what (I am a little sad I never saw these guys before the last few hit clearance- I love the woodpecker and pink kitty, but there were none left. :()
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: ponyqueen on April 12, 2014, 07:08:30 AM
I've never liked the huge head look of the new Gs. I wish this trend would go away! Bring back the well-proportioned animals!
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: yaizel on May 04, 2014, 11:29:21 PM
I'm in the minority(?) here. I think the previous big-headed LPS were ugly and the new ones are cute, stylish and have a much better, dynamic character design. I particularly love how they updated the hooved animals. Recently aquired the new llama and giraffe for a friend of mine and their long faces are just adorable. Much better compared to the squishy-looking pancake heads from the previous versions ^^#

I second this, i lost all interest on lps after G1, i was a grate fan but the toys that came after them were terrible to me, the big heads and small bodies and dropy eyes, to me they looked like chibis gone wrong, i specially disliked the eyes and how their cheeks looked, like they lacked sleep badly and their eye bags were melting down, and their begging eyes screamed "can i go to sleep now?"... maybe i was reflecting on them how i felt on those days thanks to college hahahaha :P
 there were rare exeptions that seemied cute to me, like some tiny babies but never convinced me to get more than a couple
but this new design is totally appealing to me, i also love the llama long face and edgy angles, they remind me of vinyl collectibles, or designer toys, and it makes sense seeing that the one who designed them is an artist with a solid particular style (the kind of style i really like)
but that is also (i think) the reason they aren't that appealing to most people, specially the audience they were previously selling lps to, the change was quite drastic quite fast, funny tho, with mlp new look they styles seemed to match the style and may be liked as well, but it seems that wasnt the case.
this reminds me that time i had my g1 sugarberry with me and a 14 year told me she was ugly, that she liked the g3.5 that were being sold in stores at the time a lot more, that what i had didnt looked like a horse and had a weird face  woot! XD  what some people love others could hate :P
Title: Re: How does everyone feel about the new LPS?
Post by: Honey Buzz Oregon on May 10, 2014, 07:07:53 PM
I know I'm late to the party, but we (Rylee & myself) LOVE all of the G2/G3..... We are having a blast collecting them since we have just about got all of the my little pony dolls that I can afford to buy her until she is a little older or I am in a better place to start trading for the ponies we really need :)
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