The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Jinxxy on June 07, 2013, 01:28:45 PM

Title: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Jinxxy on June 07, 2013, 01:28:45 PM
We all set collecting goals and such. S
ome of our collections range from a few, to a few hundred, and we also set goals for ourselves like "I want to own all the sea ponies" or "I want to own every butterfly pony" etc..

But I am wondering this:
Is anyone here actually DONE COLLECTING?

By that I don't mean DONE with MLP itself or fed up, but rather done with the ACT of collecting; not because of a loss of interest at all but because you actually acquired every pony you personally set out to own/want.

It's probably harder to say for people who collect G4 since there are plenty to still be released, but what about the other gens?

I only ask because I much enjoy the chase of finding awesome ponies, and finding them is a big part of the actual collecting.. but I only have a handful of ponies I actually need anymore... I will likely find them all within the next 5 years or so, and after upgrades, I realize I am probably done!!

Any of us here actually complete all their collecting goals?!?!

Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Starly on June 07, 2013, 01:43:01 PM
i'll never be finished as G4s keep being made as do fanmade plushies and customs.
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: cyberunicorn on June 07, 2013, 01:43:41 PM
I have never said that i am done with collecting. But I have a few times I have got certain ponies I want. then it is a while until i get another goal.

Also I seem to switch which generations I am collecting mainly at that point in time. right not I have some how got in to glimmer wing ponies. But they will be modified before they actually go on display. (I cannot stand them wings)

so it is kinda the same thing.
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Teddy on June 07, 2013, 02:11:08 PM
I pretty much "finished" collecting years ago. I still love all my ponies and have them on display, but I don't actually add to their numbers. I can't afford it anymore since G1's have essentially disappeared from thrift shops and fleamarkets (that's where the majority of my 300+ collection came from back in the day). I pretty much have all the ones I want anyway, unless it was another Gusty for my army. ;)

I do pick up a couple of the G4 blind bag ponies that I like now and then, so I guess I'm not completely done. They look really nice up on the shelves with the G1's. ^-^
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: banditpony on June 07, 2013, 02:29:35 PM
I'm close to being done...
I think there are only 3 more on my G1 want list, and some are common-- like Moonstone. But, I'm not buying them online-- they will be found in person. So that's what keeps my collecting alive. I could probably spend the $15-20 and be done now... but it's more fun to find in person.

I'm also open to more G4s... but, there is none that I want right now. I decided no more pink ponies. So. Yeah.

I would possibly get another takara if I had another possibility... but.. meh. I don't find that too likely.

So... yeah... Since there is only a handful left... I'm so close to being done... meh.
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: flyawayraven on June 07, 2013, 02:35:31 PM
I think I remember hearing that there had been a very small handful of collectors who had every known at the time G1. I want to say the Delaneys fell into that category but one of the older members would know way more than I do. :)
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 07, 2013, 02:40:23 PM
I have never said that i am done with collecting. But I have a few times I have got certain ponies I want. then it is a while until i get another goal.

Yep, my goals change after a period of time so I am "always" collecting but at the same time, not actively collecting since most of my finds are second-hand and I haven't been hunting. :)
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: katrine2309 on June 07, 2013, 02:50:17 PM
Yes, I'm pretty much done with buying ponies - I only wanted to add to my childhood collection - completing it with the mommies and babies I never had and adding the must-haves from my childhood. Of course some other oddball wiggle their way in - just because they are pretty :)

However, I'm still into collecting - only not ponies, but more puffy stickers, backcards and other accessories. I'm not sure if I'll ever be finished with that...? :)
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: kiwimlp on June 07, 2013, 02:57:17 PM
I hit that stage a couple of years ago so I took a break from ponies all together.  Then I came back to ponies and discovered accessories... Now I am hooked all over again!
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: hathorcat on June 07, 2013, 03:15:31 PM
Hmmm...I need one more pony, one more barrette, 3 more combs and then yup I am done :P
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: butterflybuttons on June 07, 2013, 03:16:34 PM
I hit my goals I think it was two years ago :happy: , so I made a new harder goal!
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on June 07, 2013, 03:18:59 PM
For now I have a huge goal list for each and every generation , I am very close to finishing the gen 3.5 wish list.
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: LightingElectricDream on June 07, 2013, 03:22:38 PM
I don't think I will ever be done, Nor will I get all that I want.
But if I get everything I want then i'll get bored with mlp all together.
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: girlyponce on June 07, 2013, 03:26:47 PM
I go through waves... and like a lot of other people have said, I have a goal, reach it, and then wait until I have another! I slow down, but never really stop. First it was Rainbow Dashes... then it was White G3s... then it was Ice Crystal...
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Lorelei Redfern on June 07, 2013, 03:28:39 PM
i have three goals.  lol

1. Get  giant frilly (done)
2. get chacha the llama   and  the dinosuar
3. get all the g1 playsets.

as  i   get ore and more done and   getting them.. i find myyself still collecting but pulling back.  i'm not done collecting  and i doubt i will be done becuase as soon as i accomplish one  or   two i get more lol
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: wizzer218 on June 07, 2013, 03:36:29 PM
I shall never be done.....muhahahaha :lol:
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Jinxxy on June 07, 2013, 04:07:40 PM
Hmmm...I need one more pony, one more barrette, 3 more combs and then yup I am done :P

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Finally completing your own collection.
Dare I ask what that last pony is?
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Galactica on June 07, 2013, 04:17:25 PM
My goals always change-  I never try to get ALL of something (with a very few exceptions)-

And even once you have everything there is - there are always prototypes, oddities and customs!
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: hathorcat on June 07, 2013, 04:22:04 PM
Hmmm...I need one more pony, one more barrette, 3 more combs and then yup I am done :P

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Finally completing your own collection.
Dare I ask what that last pony is?

Baby Princess Sparkle with the blue purple symbol. I have the red purple symbol but need this little lady to complete :)
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Shenanigans on June 07, 2013, 04:36:37 PM
I don't think I'll be done for a loooooong time. I have so many ponies on my wish list and some pricey ones (Rapunzel, Icey, Sugarcake, year three sea ponies) And after I get all the ponies on my wish list I'm going to try to collect ALL the unicorns from each gen, minus nirvanas ;)
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Kiwi on June 07, 2013, 05:01:57 PM
Nope, and I think it'll be a long while before I am (don't have every pony yet :P not including nirvanas, not worried about those)
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: DazzleKitty on June 07, 2013, 05:35:37 PM
I don't think I will ever be done. There are just so many ponies out there I need to get!
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: LeighAnnApanites on June 07, 2013, 05:41:40 PM
I keep finding new things to add to my want list. I'll see something in person that I didn't like in pictures and it's so awesome I must have it. Or I'll learn about something I've never even heard of. It'll be a long long time before I have all the ponies on my wishlist, but even once I do, there's always customs!
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Corona on June 07, 2013, 06:15:13 PM
I'll probably tell myself I'm done once I complete my non-butterfly bug symbol collection but I know I'll go "... but this pony is cute too..."
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: FarDreamer on June 07, 2013, 06:46:27 PM
I don't think I'll ever be finished unless I lose interest in them and that doesn't seem likely to happen soon.  I have almost all the G1's that I want, but there are plenty more that I like.  A lot of the ones left that I want are harder to find and expensive so it'll take awhile to get them.  And then there's the accessories!  How I adore accessories.

Add the fact that Hasbro keeps making more ponies and playsets and I don't think I'll ever be done.  I intend to have ponies on display in my nursing home room someday, so by then I probably won't be buying any more.   :P
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: gabumon on June 07, 2013, 08:33:30 PM
Now that you mention it, Yah, I think I'm done with G1-G3, I have Chief, MB Sunburst, Magic Star, Clever Clover, and Pearly Pie.  Those are my personal grails.  Though I never leave a pony at thrift, (except McPonies).

G4, I dunno, the only ones i dont have that interest me are the upcoming TRU collection.  Masked ponies are a pass, and blind bags are a pass.  Unless Hasbro has some neat surprises in fall, I think I'll have a passive 2013 collecting year.
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on June 07, 2013, 08:48:04 PM
I just re-started my collection. Had to sell most of it off several years ago, due to real life issues. That was mostly G3 and a few G1's. That being said, I know right now that this go round. My collection will have an end point, there are critically important real life things going on. That need my money and attention more, plus living space in a few years. Is going to be down sized greatly.

But that's just me. I'll still collect merchandise and hang out here.

Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Sabrina on June 07, 2013, 08:54:30 PM
I don't think I'll ever be done with collecting. Knowing me I'll always be able to find a pony or a pony accessary I want to collect. :biggrin:
I'm only really collecting g1s at the moment with a couple of g3s and g4s sneaking in here and there....  :lol: but I figure once I've got all the g1s I want I'll just move on to other generations and customs. Though I guess this plan could change once my house has become over-run with ponies..... or I could just get another house..... ooh a whole house to just keep ponies in! :biggrin: Hmm might not have a husband then though...  :P
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: rearing_palomino164 on June 07, 2013, 09:11:13 PM
I also go through waves. I only buy the ones I really like.
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: NovelNerd on June 07, 2013, 09:14:21 PM
I dunno mine seems on and off. I have the ones I really like, and I like to keep my collection small. I have tons of other collections, ad I cannot let ponies run those over. I tend to buy here and there and anymore it's to rehair or clean up. I love fixing them up, but I also like my numbers to stay down. I know right now all of my girls fit in two storage tubs.

I suppose actively seeking new ponies yeah I'm done. I'll pick up a few sometimes to fiddle with.
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Lightning Twirl on June 08, 2013, 12:30:49 AM
Me? As long as they keep making g4's, possibly never! :D Lately I feel like I am at the climax of my collection, now that I have $ and all these new ponies are popping up, my collection grows! I have a lot of goals to accomplish in G4 collecting.... I want to collect all the brushables-including the awesome prototypes,  all blindbags/mini figures, all build-a-bear plushes, all released funkos, all enterplay cards, all 11 inch funrise plushies, and possibly playsets after that but we will see! Lots to collect, an amazing pony hunting journy ahead awaits me!
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Chinabun on June 08, 2013, 01:29:27 AM
Oh, we just started and I change goals every day.. Ill keep at it for a long time I think. But not as intense as these last few weeks though.. Id be ruined! :p
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Moonbreeze on June 08, 2013, 03:36:07 AM
Sort of.
I'm done with collecting G2 ponies (because I have them all) and only looking for merchandise or accessories I don't have yet.
For the G3's too, I have around 40 of them or so... only Pepperberry and I'm done.
G1 still quite a few, but most of them are nirvana's and htf >.>
G4 is still being made, so I'm still collecting those.
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Elfpony on June 08, 2013, 04:06:48 AM
I keep finding new things to add to my want list. I'll see something in person that I didn't like in pictures and it's so awesome I must have it. Or I'll learn about something I've never even heard of. It'll be a long long time before I have all the ponies on my wishlist, but even once I do, there's always customs!

That's more or less what I'm like. My wish list keeps growing, often when I see a pony in person or a really good picture. Sometimes the hairstyle makes all the difference. I also do most of my shopping once a year at the Fair, so that slows me down a bit. And I've recently gotten into collecting Nirvanas so...

Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: partypony566 on June 08, 2013, 04:31:08 AM
I'm almost done with G3s. No I don't have the whole set, I don't collect that way. :P I do however have some faves that I must own.

I own all the g3s I want except for Snowdrop Swirl, Rainbow Bubbles and Beach Belle.

I own February Birthflower, MIB pumpkin Tart, Carribean Delight, Anchors Away, Whistle Wishes, Applejack with her picnic accessories, Shenanigans and MIP Love Wishes. Small collection of G3s but the only ones I want :)
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: rtattles on June 08, 2013, 10:42:45 AM
I think I remember hearing that there had been a very small handful of collectors who had every known at the time G1. I want to say the Delaneys fell into that category but one of the older members would know way more than I do. :)

Nah they didn't, they just had an impressive collection. If you are talking about just the US releases, maybe, but even then, I didn't think they had all the factory oddities. I knoew Helen Kiker had a pretty comprehensive collection too, and she was good friends with the Delaneys.
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: StoryDreamer on June 08, 2013, 11:05:36 AM
I think I remember hearing that there had been a very small handful of collectors who had every known at the time G1. I want to say the Delaneys fell into that category but one of the older members would know way more than I do. :)

Nah they didn't, they just had an impressive collection. If you are talking about just the US releases, maybe, but even then, I didn't think they had all the factory oddities. I knoew Helen Kiker had a pretty comprehensive collection too, and she was good friends with the Delaneys.

They bought all of Helen's collection too, when she passed, right? Who knows how many they have now!
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Winter Bones on June 08, 2013, 11:13:21 AM
Goodness no. I still have three more brushables to go, then I'll be tracking in-store releases and hunting down wave 1, 2, 3, and 5 blind bags, all with cards--not to mention any prototypes that have popped up. And that's just G4!
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: achab1984 on June 08, 2013, 12:37:28 PM
It comes and go with me and collecting. I was hot and heavy the last few months. And now I have not bought a pony for over 3 weeks now. Guess its cause I have to have some work done on my car and the money needs to go there. I really do not have a big wish list right now. I have everything that I want that is out right now.
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: rtattles on June 08, 2013, 08:18:02 PM
I think I remember hearing that there had been a very small handful of collectors who had every known at the time G1. I want to say the Delaneys fell into that category but one of the older members would know way more than I do. :)

Nah they didn't, they just had an impressive collection. If you are talking about just the US releases, maybe, but even then, I didn't think they had all the factory oddities. I knoew Helen Kiker had a pretty comprehensive collection too, and she was good friends with the Delaneys.

They bought all of Helen's collection too, when she passed, right? Who knows how many they have now!

Nah I think the Delaney's sold their collection first. They helped Helen liquidate her stuff later me think.

As for collecting, I am not active anymore. As in I don't go all the way out to search, hunt and buy ponies, but I still pick up the occassional one I like when I conveniently run into one while shopping, or dig out crap at the thrift store. Still very rewarding, so don't feel bad for me. :)
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: RAMChYLD on June 08, 2013, 08:47:27 PM
Well, as I mentioned before, I'm more or less done with collecting.
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: zora on June 08, 2013, 11:30:58 PM
my goal is to aquire every italian CP pony variant but i only want to spend the maximum of 50eur for each of them. so i will wait and see if i can find them on fleamarkets or in newspaper ads :D
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Sunshine on June 08, 2013, 11:39:54 PM
I could never be done with collecting. Honestly.

I AM finished with the Non Mail Order US collection. But now I look for even nicer ones and upgrades to them.
I also look for their accessories.
I collect G2s, G3s and G4s...
I look for merch which seems endless, G1 especially.

There's just no way I could see myself being "done", which is what I love about it. I'll accomplish small goals (like finishing off the NonMail Order US ponies) but, there is no way I could ever be done. :biggrin:
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Flitter on June 09, 2013, 05:12:40 PM
I don't think I'll be done until G4 is over.  I see myself slowing down a bit though/getting more picky. I'm just getting to a point where I don't necessarily feel I need every new thing. :P
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Jinxxy on June 09, 2013, 06:49:42 PM
accomplish small goals (like finishing off the NonMail Order US ponies)

Lol! I love how this is a "small" goal :P Hehe!
I can't wait 'till you're able to display your whole collection sunshine, that will be something epic to look at!
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: mlp4me on June 09, 2013, 09:09:46 PM
I don't think I'll ever meet my goal of owning all US g1's including mail orders... It's a  s l o w  process...
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Kaeldre on June 09, 2013, 09:37:28 PM
I've reached one of my collecting goals for G1 (all of the Big Brothers), so I'm done with G1 for now.  I'm gonna need more shelves if I wanna go for all of the TEs and Happy Tails. >.>
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Sprinkles on June 09, 2013, 09:47:23 PM
I'm nowhere near done collecting. I just started back in August :P
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Sunshine on June 09, 2013, 10:50:31 PM
accomplish small goals (like finishing off the NonMail Order US ponies)

Lol! I love how this is a "small" goal :P Hehe!
I can't wait 'till you're able to display your whole collection sunshine, that will be something epic to look at!

*Ha - okay that is not a "small" goal, but in the relative scheme of "All that IS My Little Pony" - those 500 or so ponies only make up a small portion of what exists :P

I keep telling my parents I'm either going to have to build an addition onto the house or take over part of their house... I get so antsy not being able to display things... but, it's fun to "never be done" collecting. Especially with a "pokemon" mind-set of "gotta catch 'em all!" - I mean, it's pretty much impossible, OOAKs are ridiculously expensive, don't know if I could ever justify spending a couple THOUSAND dollars on a single pony, so, it leaves the door open to collecting, basically, FOREVER...

Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Jinxxy on June 09, 2013, 11:03:02 PM
Truedat lady!
You can just fill a swimingpool up with them and swim though a sea of mlp! ^_^

And that leaves you open to collecting.....
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Sunshine on June 09, 2013, 11:42:45 PM
^ Bahahaha Pinkie!! :haha:
I forgot about that clip... ! :)

Gets me to this... Oh Sandlot, what a great movie... (

Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Beth3346 on June 10, 2013, 03:42:41 PM
I thought I was pretty much done about a year ago. I had most of my grails (Nightlight, Ice Crystal, Dutch Love Letter, Mimic) and I felt satisfied with my collection.

Now i am slowly getting back to my goal of having all the g1's minus super htf nirvanas of course.  I would also like to have a complete collection of G2s (which i think is pretty doable), petite ponies, and a lot of the g3 and g4 ponies I like.

As long as i have room and money i'm sure there will always be ponies to collect.  Maybe by the time i finish this goal it will be time for G5 or G6.
Title: Re: Is anyone DONE with collecting?
Post by: Wishing Well on June 11, 2013, 01:01:52 AM
My goals are to own all of the adult G2's (minus variations) and certain G1s and G3s I like. I currently own all released G4s so I feel like that I'm set for the future
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