The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Majesty on June 02, 2013, 11:59:59 AM

Title: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 02, 2013, 11:59:59 AM
So, sometime shortly before G3's were done (didn't know this was going to happen so soon after) I had the urge to be really generous.  I had decided I was done with ponies so I went through my huge lot of G3's (most were early or first release) and picked out ones I thought I would be OK without and set them aside.  I then went next door and asked the mother of the little girl who lived there (I think she was about 9 at the time) if she would want them and her Mom said sure.  So, I brought over three plastic grocery bags full of ponies, plus my Celebration Castle and Twinkle Twirl's Dance Studio to this little girl's house.  I also ended up giving up some pony items such as my Star Swirl plush from Toys R Us to Salvation Army.  :cry:  Anyway, some time later my Mom decides to invite the little girl I gave ponies to do my niece's 4th birthday party.  I think the little girl was about 11 at the time.  When her Mom came to pick her up I casually asked how her daughter liked the ponies.  Her casual, no big deal response was "Oh she hasn't touched them since they were put in her closet", (basically since I gave them to her they went right to her closet and weren't touched since then). :mad:  OK her Mom said her daughter would want them but since I gave them to her and at the time has about two years and she hasn't touched them.  I knew she was only going to get older and probably would lose interest as the years went by.  So, I'm estimating her daughter is probably 14 or 15 now.  I've been back into collecting for a long time and really regret giving up those G3's.  At the time they were still being sold in stores and I gave up ponies I thought I would be OK without, including my Halloween ponies Pumpkin Tart and the purple one dressed as a witch (can't remember her name).  I love Halloween and really wish I could go back in time to at least keep those.  Luckily, I was smart enough to keep my mail order Love Wishes and Hasbro charity pony and some other ponies.

This has been eating me up for a while.  I've been debating about whether or not to ask if I could have the ponies back since it's obvious her daughter has never touched them and probably never will.  I asked my Mom for an opinion on this and she said I shouldn't ask for them back.  I realize it is sort of wrong but if it turned out her daughter hasn't touched them you would think she would say "did you want them back?"  At least I would have hoped she would say that.

I'm 29 and sort of feel a little silly asking for my ponies back from a 14 or 15 year old, even if she doesn't want them.  I even thought about using the excuse that I could save them for my niece who lives in Texas with her Mom and we'll probably never see again, due to annoying circumstances.

I mean, the most they will say is I can't have them back or they gave them away to someone else or they've been thrown away (but I can't think about that it's too upsetting).

So, after all that what do you guys think I should do?  Currently I'm unemployed and have been since October otherwise I would try to remember what ponies I had and buy them from people here a little bit at a time.  I can't afford to do that kind of spending.  I'm also a little worried about embarrassing myself[ or making myself look like an idiot.  We don't socialize with our neighbors that much so so I don't know how understanding they would be if I asked for them back.

Anyway, so sorry this was long.  I needed to get this out.

Thanks for reading.  :)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: CupcakeLoverXx on June 02, 2013, 12:08:49 PM
Hmm,not sure... I would possibly try asking for them back. Just say to them that you have become a MLP collector since giving away your ponies,you thought that her daughter had probably outgrown them by now and you could possibly have them back? Maybe joke about it a little... sorry this wasn't of much help,I'm not sure what's for the best but I really hope you are able to get them back  :)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Calico_Star on June 02, 2013, 12:28:23 PM
I would ask for them back. If the girl had played with them, that would be one thing, but since she's been totally disinterested, it's not like you're trying to snatch ponies away from a child or anything. If it makes things easier for you, why not tell her that you have a niece/cousin/best friend's little sister who has gotten into ponies, and since you recall hearing that the girl you gave the ponies to wasn't interested, wondered if she'd mind giving them back so you could pass them on to someone who'd really appreciate them ;)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Teddy on June 02, 2013, 12:29:50 PM
I don't think it would hurt anything if you asked. It's not like you have a relationship with the neighbors that you might damage, right? I say go for it! I would. ;) The ponies are just sitting there collecting dust anyway.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: NovelNerd on June 02, 2013, 12:43:21 PM
I wouldn't ask for them back since you did give them two her and you're not great friends with your neighbor. Maybe if you were buddies I could see you saying " hey....". I would just swallow it as a bad mistake I made and collect them later on.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 02, 2013, 01:09:36 PM
Since most of you guys said I should ask for them back I'll probably at least try it.  I figured it would be too awkward to do that by going up to their house and asking but if I see them outside or something I'll ask.  The worse they could say would be no.  I am going to say they are for my niece and she could play with them when she visits but they're really for me.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: ravengusty on June 02, 2013, 01:12:08 PM's a toughie, see I'm the kinda person who would be far too embarrassed to ask for them back in case neighbouroonie decides to make a big broohahaha about me wanting ponies at the age of 29 (we all know some people find it weird that we collect ponies).

But at the same time I'd want to ask for them back because they are just sitting around doing nothing in a cupboard (assuming they haven't been thrown/sold).

I guess it's up to you, you could always say 'if your daughter isn't playing with them ponies do you think i could have them back as my niece is really in to ponies and she'd get better use out of them and they wont be taking up closet space?'. That's the best I can come up with but try to be super nice when you ask so they don't think your being funny, you don't want trouble from non pony believers.

Good luck, I gave up my childhood collection when I was about 15, I still regret it now especially with the rare G1s and the variant Princess Royal Blue that I had.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 02, 2013, 01:15:16 PM's a toughie, see I'm the kinda person who would be far too embarrassed to ask for them back in case neighbouroonie decides to make a big broohahaha about me wanting ponies at the age of 29 (we all know some people find it weird that we collect ponies).

But at the same time I'd want to ask for them back because they are just sitting around doing nothing in a cupboard (assuming they haven't been thrown/sold).

I guess it's up to you, you could always say 'if your daughter isn't playing with them ponies do you think i could have them back as my niece is really in to ponies and she'd get better use out of them and they wont be taking up closet space?'. That's the best I can come up with but try to be super nice when you ask so they don't think your being funny, you don't want trouble from non pony believers.

Good luck, I gave up my childhood collection when I was about 15, I still regret it now especially with the rare G1s and the variant Princess Royal Blue that I had.

I also gave up my childhood collection.  I originally had two G1's Princess Royal Blue and Teeny Tiny Baby Little Whiskers then a friend gave me some of hers so I think I had a total of 6 or 7 G1's.  Then, around 13 or 14 I thought I was too old for ponies and gave them to a childhood friend of mine who I played ponies and barbies with, shortly before I moved to Kentucky from Rhode Island.  I regret that too only for the memories and such.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Sakuyamon on June 02, 2013, 01:25:32 PM
You could make a simple mention that if the ponies are untouched, unappreciated and are just taking up space, its fine to give them back.You dont need to ask directly.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Thunderwing on June 02, 2013, 01:46:56 PM
Go and ask or it will bug you forever. Be bold!  I was too shy to ask when I was in a similar situation many years ago (with G1 ponies).  And it still bugs me. I still wonder where they ended up...
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: scarletjul on June 02, 2013, 02:00:00 PM
I would (politely) ask.  It can't hurt; I doubt your neighbor would hold it against you.  :)

If it makes you feel better, you can say they're for your niece but at least bring it up once.  Otherwise, you'll always wonder what might have been.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: katrine2309 on June 02, 2013, 02:05:35 PM
Sure - go ahead and ask! I would have gone with the niece excuse too, but that is because I'm way too shy with my pony interest ;)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Vintergatan on June 02, 2013, 02:17:53 PM
Yup, I'd ask! Sure, it's a bit embarrassing, but they won't think less of you and saving all those ponies would mean a lot to you :) I say definitely ask, with whatever excuse you can think of :)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: kiwimlp on June 02, 2013, 02:21:55 PM
You have nothing to lose by asking - and so much to gain.  *fingers crossed you get them back*  Good luck!
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: LeighAnnApanites on June 02, 2013, 02:44:47 PM
When you ask definitely play up the saving space in the closet part. Who isn't trying to get stuff out of their closets?
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: StarDapple on June 02, 2013, 02:48:09 PM
I would ask for them back.  If the girl has shown absolutely no interest in them, the mom might actually be happy to be gaining some much needed closet space for things the girl will use.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Baby Mischief on June 02, 2013, 03:01:20 PM
I would definitely ask for them back, especially since the girl didnt even play with them! I would actually be a bit angry about that aswell, if someone gave my little girls something (I have two) and they wouldnt play with it, I would give it back right away! There is always some other child out there who might appreciate it!
So you just go ahead and ask for your ponies back, tell her that your niece is really into ponies and that she has asked about your old collection, that should be enough. Good luck!!  ^.^
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Marlin on June 02, 2013, 03:29:17 PM
I say go for it!  Sure, it's a tad nerve wracking, but you were kind enough to give them to her in the first place I don't really see what the problem would be 'if' they are still in that closet and they have never been appreciated.

I think a lot of people understand that people can have a 'later' appreciation for their childhood toys. You could be totally honest about it from that perspective and advise that's why you want them back - you could even say that you'd like them for your own children one day if you don't want to use the niece story?

Either way, I hope you find the courage, and get a happy result!
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: thekozmicpig on June 02, 2013, 03:40:55 PM
Go and ask or it will bug you forever.

Oh yes this.

If you don't ask, you will most likely never get them back. If you do ask, you might.

You'll be kicking yourself if your neighbor tells you two weeks from now that she threw them out.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: LightingElectricDream on June 02, 2013, 05:01:56 PM
I'd ask for them back, At least you could say that you want them for your niece. and give her the ones you already have and get back the ones you don't have. If they don't wanna give them back then what can you do? its worth a try. and if nothing else you tried.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: brightberry on June 02, 2013, 05:23:41 PM
I wouldn't ask for them back.  I know how much you want them but, they were a gift and you never know what really happened to them.   They might be too embarrassed to say.   Kids these days seem to have more toys than what they know what to do with. However, it's sad that you didn't at least get a thank you note.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: DazzleKitty on June 02, 2013, 05:36:08 PM
I see nothing wrong with asking for them back. Tell them you are collecting now and if they are no longer wanted, you'd give them a really great home. I see nothing to be embarrassed about. What do you have to lose? :D
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Honey Buzz Oregon on June 02, 2013, 07:14:09 PM
I'd go ask for them back...... Just go knock on the door & say "Hey, remember all those ponies I gave to you for your daughter? Do you happen to still have them? My niece is really into ponies & I would love to be able to pass my ponies on to her, but since I gave them to you I can't really do that. So, I just thought I would see if you still had them & wanted to get rid of them.

What's it going to hurt to try.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: snwbear24 on June 02, 2013, 07:34:36 PM
I would ask for them back but I would be to shy to knock on the door and be like hey you know those ponies yea can I have them back please? I would invite her over or something like that for coffee since you do know her. And, casually mention the ponies and ask what did her daughter ended up doing with them. And, if she says something like oh they are in storage or whatever just suggest that if you would like to clear up some space for her you can take them back for your little niece or possibly for your future baby :)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Nightbow on June 02, 2013, 11:55:50 PM
Now I know you mentioned not being loaded with cash ... but I'd offer to buy them back. Can't expect getting something for nothing these days. But I'd talk to the girl. If she's fifteen now it is her decision to make and not her mother's. I'd be devestated if my mom had sold my toys behind my back. (Not that she didn't try!)

Seeing as it was a load of ponies, and she probably still have them untouched (meaning she never cared for ponies in the first place and won't miss them), it's only fair that she gets enough to buy herself a new pair of shoes.
But of course one canät be sure if she does care for them or not, or if they're even there. But as someone before me said, do it now before it is too late. Do it before you'll regret it forever. If it comes down to money, maybe you could consider this a gift to yourself? Rebuilding the collection later would probably be more costly.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Starfall on June 03, 2013, 01:17:31 AM
I'd go ask for them back...... Just go knock on the door & say "Hey, remember all those ponies I gave to you for your daughter? Do you happen to still have them? My niece is really into ponies & I would love to be able to pass my ponies on to her, but since I gave them to you I can't really do that. So, I just thought I would see if you still had them & wanted to get rid of them.

What's it going to hurt to try.


You could always give your niece some doubles or bait, then get your niece to write a thank you cards. Everyone's a winner!

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: LunaDehligt on June 03, 2013, 01:22:19 AM
If i were you i would ask i gave some ponys away. but after a wile i got them back :P
so now they are wit me again ^^
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Mirnyj on June 03, 2013, 01:56:41 AM
Do it before you'll regret it forever.

Totally agree with this, just go for it!
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Tiffymh1fan on June 03, 2013, 04:15:19 AM
I say go for it!  Sure, it's a tad nerve wracking, but you were kind enough to give them to her in the first place I don't really see what the problem would be 'if' they are still in that closet and they have never been appreciated.

I think a lot of people understand that people can have a 'later' appreciation for their childhood toys. You could be totally honest about it from that perspective and advise that's why you want them back - you could even say that you'd like them for your own children one day if you don't want to use the niece story?

Either way, I hope you find the courage, and get a happy result!
I would go with this story for sure, if it was me. She probley wouldnt mind giving them back just to make more room for shoes or whatever shes into. Please update us & let us know if you got them back! Abracadrbra (spelling is wrong I bet) Is the one your talking about's name..I think. Im interested to know if they were even open. If they are in the same bags when you gave them to her? If so even better means they will have little chance of being in bad shape! Cheering you on!! Dont feel bad!!  :) :)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 03, 2013, 05:56:17 AM
I'll definitely let you guys know what happens either way.  They have a lot of people living in their house, or a lot of cars in their driveway with few people.  I'm not brave enough to knock on the door.  I had planned on waiting to see the girl's mother outside and ask.  Do you guys think that if the ponies have been kept in the bags in a closet the entire time, there's a risk for them having mold or mildew or something?  If they've been in the closet during hot summer days I mean.

Someone had mentioned that I should offer to buy them back.  Honestly, I can't.  I was even told not to buy anything for my Father for his birthday and father's day, except cards.  I've been writing out checks for everything since mid October so my checking and savings is very low.  To be honest, I see your point but why should I offer to pay for them when I didn't sell them to my neighbors?  I would hope I wouldn't have to buy back my own ponies.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: mercynova on June 03, 2013, 06:42:56 AM
I don't think you should have to buy them back either...

But if it's been 5 years since you gave them to her I kinda doubt they will still have them... Always worth a go though. I agree that you should make it a casual, passing thing rather than knocking on their door.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Sunset on June 03, 2013, 07:05:18 AM
I think you should ask.  If you don't feel too uncomfortable with it, I would even through in the money issues.  Not specifics but something like this.

"Hey!  How are you!  So if you don't mind me asking, do you still have those ponies I gave to **** a few years ago?   You do!  My niece has totally gotten in to ponies recently and I really wanted to get her some but money being tight, I can't afford to buy new toys right now.  Hey,  since **** is fifteen now, if she doesn't still want them, would you mind if I took them to give to me niece?"

And if you do get the ponies back, I would definitly make sure to go ahead and find a few other ponies to give to your niece.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: hathorcat on June 03, 2013, 03:45:35 PM
I am with the majority on this one. I think the key being that if the little girl was never in to them in the first place and if in many ways she is highly unlikely to be interested in them now, you are not snatching toys from a child or anything :)

I say give it a go. They may no longer have them or they may be huffy but if you dont chap that door, if you dont ask, its going to make you wonder.

And I agree if you are shy and uncertain of their reception, go with a little fiction on who and why you wish them back for.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Shy Violet on June 03, 2013, 05:08:52 PM
I would definitely try to get them back. I am shy so I know how you would feel uncomfortable asking but I think once you get it over with it will be a huge relief to you to know either way. I would ask if they still had them and since her daughter is probably not into toys anymore if you could have them back because you'd like to save them for your future children or your niece :) You never know. Good luck and keep us updated!
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: katieklassified on June 03, 2013, 07:40:38 PM
I would SO go get them back! Honestly, she should have offered to give them back when you asked about them the first time, and she said they were just in a closet. It's kind of rude. If it had been me, I'd have at least lied and said, oh yeah she totally loves them, or something. I mean, you DID give her a TON of ponies for free.

And definitely don't ask to buy them back. They didn't pay for them, so you shouldn't either. They're probably still there unless your neighbors are big donators/garage sale people. We just moved and found stuff from YEARS ago just hanging around...I even found a bag of my G1s under my air conditioner! And obviously the 15 year old probably doesn't know what they're worth, or her mom. I don't know that I'd even say they were for your niece...I'd probably just say, "Hey, remember those ponies I gave you? If you still have them and they're just kind of sitting around taking up space, I'd be glad to have them back". No shame in my game!
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: kezrob23 on June 03, 2013, 09:04:10 PM
I would SO go get them back! Honestly, she should have offered to give them back when you asked about them the first time, and she said they were just in a closet. It's kind of rude. If it had been me, I'd have at least lied and said, oh yeah she totally loves them, or something. I mean, you DID give her a TON of ponies for free.

And definitely don't ask to buy them back. They didn't pay for them, so you shouldn't either. They're probably still there unless your neighbors are big donators/garage sale people. We just moved and found stuff from YEARS ago just hanging around...I even found a bag of my G1s under my air conditioner! And obviously the 15 year old probably doesn't know what they're worth, or her mom. I don't know that I'd even say they were for your niece...I'd probably just say, "Hey, remember those ponies I gave you? If you still have them and they're just kind of sitting around taking up space, I'd be glad to have them back". No shame in my game!

yep, totally agree with this!! i have a bit of a phobia of knocking on people's doors :lol: so i'd just sit by a window and watch for someone to come out, then pounce!! :biggrin:
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 04, 2013, 06:14:18 AM
I would SO go get them back! Honestly, she should have offered to give them back when you asked about them the first time, and she said they were just in a closet. It's kind of rude. If it had been me, I'd have at least lied and said, oh yeah she totally loves them, or something. I mean, you DID give her a TON of ponies for free.

And definitely don't ask to buy them back. They didn't pay for them, so you shouldn't either. They're probably still there unless your neighbors are big donators/garage sale people. We just moved and found stuff from YEARS ago just hanging around...I even found a bag of my G1s under my air conditioner! And obviously the 15 year old probably doesn't know what they're worth, or her mom. I don't know that I'd even say they were for your niece...I'd probably just say, "Hey, remember those ponies I gave you? If you still have them and they're just kind of sitting around taking up space, I'd be glad to have them back". No shame in my game!

yep, totally agree with this!! i have a bit of a phobia of knocking on people's doors :lol: so i'd just sit by a window and watch for someone to come out, then pounce!! :biggrin:

That's kind of what I did yesterday but no one came out.  I guess the girl is at school and her parents and older siblings are all gone during the day.  One Wednesday I was heading to an open interview at Petsmart and her Mom came out of the house some time after Noon I think and went some place.  I was hoping to see her but never did.  She must have been working.

Post Merge: June 04, 2013, 06:26:55 AM

OK so I tried to observe my neighbors most of the day to see if the girl's Mom or someone would come out and I could run out of my house to catch her and ask her about her daughter's ponies.  I think the girl leaves for school pretty early so I wouldn't be able to run into her until later.  No one was home until around 3-something when the girl and one of her brother's came home.  In the early afternoon yesterday, I did get the courage to knock on their door and after a while I determined no one was home, even though there were tons of cars in the driveway.  I really want to get this over and done with as soon as I can before (if they have the ponies) they do something with them and I don't get the chance to get them back.

I had this idea yesterday about writing a short letter to the girl, telling her what I would pretty much tell her in person.  I've been back into collecting shortly after I gave her the ponies, and I also got my niece (who is now 8) into collecting and I know she would really appreciate those ponies to play with when she comes to visit.  I will mention that if she doesn't want them anymore I would be happy to take them off their hands and give them a good home.  Although, they may take that the wrong way and say to themselves "so we didn't give them a good home?" you didn't.  I had planned on putting the letter in an envelope with the girl's name on it and either put it in the mailbox or tape it to their door.

What do you guys think of this idea?  At least they will get the letter and see what I want and hopefully respond  and let me know.  I only live next door and it's not far.

I'm trying to get the ponies preferably during the day before my parents get home because my Mom originally told me not to ask for them back.  Which is why it took me so long to do this.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: hathorcat on June 04, 2013, 07:49:08 AM
Maybe you could address the letter to the mum and daughter? Just a thought...but I like the idea of that softly softly approach.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: partypony566 on June 04, 2013, 08:13:59 AM
You could make a simple mention that if the ponies are untouched, unappreciated and are just taking up space, its fine to give them back.You dont need to ask directly.

This sounds like a great idea to me :)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Marigold on June 04, 2013, 08:27:47 AM
If you only live next door, you really should ask in person.  Go, ask, be done with it.   Take courage.  Keep it simple.  Just say "Hi neighbor, I was wondering if I could please have the ponies back that I gave your daughter if she is no longer interested in them". 

You don't have to give reasons.  But if you do, just be honest about why you want them back.  Don't talk about value or money or how much it might cost to rebuy them.  Just say that you still like ponies and want them in your collection. 
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 04, 2013, 09:03:14 AM
If you only live next door, you really should ask in person.  Go, ask, be done with it.   Take courage.  Keep it simple.  Just say "Hi neighbor, I was wondering if I could please have the ponies back that I gave your daughter if she is no longer interested in them". 

You don't have to give reasons.  But if you do, just be honest about why you want them back.  Don't talk about value or money or how much it might cost to rebuy them.  Just say that you still like ponies and want them in your collection. 

I supposed I could try that.  Probably would be better anyway, get an immediate response.

Post Merge: June 04, 2013, 09:16:32 AM

OK as an update.  I was brave and knew some neighbors were home cause UPS came by their house.  It was one of the girl's older brothers.  He knew I was his next door neighbor.  His response was "Howdy neighbor".  I was a little nervous but that helped some.  I told him a while ago I gave his sister some My Little Ponies and wanted to see if she wasn't interested in them anymore and if she didn't I could take them back and I mentioned that I was back into collecting for a while.  I didn't want to outright say that I wanted them back but I was nervous and I felt like I said it in a nice way.  I kept it brief and gave a short reason.

He said his Mom was sleeping but when she woke up he would mention it to her.  He seemed really friendly about it.  I felt very awkward but at least he was friendly about it.

So, now I'm just waiting.  I did write up a letter for her but it was one page two-sided, gave a backstory to why I wanted them back.  But, I'm glad I did this.  I just wish I didn't have to wait for a response. :P
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: cloud_weaver on June 04, 2013, 09:56:59 AM
If you only live next door, you really should ask in person.  Go, ask, be done with it.   Take courage.  Keep it simple.  Just say "Hi neighbor, I was wondering if I could please have the ponies back that I gave your daughter if she is no longer interested in them". 

You don't have to give reasons.  But if you do, just be honest about why you want them back.  Don't talk about value or money or how much it might cost to rebuy them.  Just say that you still like ponies and want them in your collection. 

I supposed I could try that.  Probably would be better anyway, get an immediate response.

Post Merge: June 04, 2013, 09:16:32 AM

OK as an update.  I was brave and knew some neighbors were home cause UPS came by their house.  It was one of the girl's older brothers.  He knew I was his next door neighbor.  His response was "Howdy neighbor".  I was a little nervous but that helped some.  I told him a while ago I gave his sister some My Little Ponies and wanted to see if she wasn't interested in them anymore and if she didn't I could take them back and I mentioned that I was back into collecting for a while.  I didn't want to outright say that I wanted them back but I was nervous and I felt like I said it in a nice way.  I kept it brief and gave a short reason.

He said his Mom was sleeping but when she woke up he would mention it to her.  He seemed really friendly about it.  I felt very awkward but at least he was friendly about it.

So, now I'm just waiting.  I did write up a letter for her but it was one page two-sided, gave a backstory to why I wanted them back.  But, I'm glad I did this.  I just wish I didn't have to wait for a response. :P

Perfect!  Good luck!  At least now you'll know. :)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 04, 2013, 10:47:20 AM
If you only live next door, you really should ask in person.  Go, ask, be done with it.   Take courage.  Keep it simple.  Just say "Hi neighbor, I was wondering if I could please have the ponies back that I gave your daughter if she is no longer interested in them". 

You don't have to give reasons.  But if you do, just be honest about why you want them back.  Don't talk about value or money or how much it might cost to rebuy them.  Just say that you still like ponies and want them in your collection. 

I supposed I could try that.  Probably would be better anyway, get an immediate response.

Post Merge: June 04, 2013, 09:16:32 AM

OK as an update.  I was brave and knew some neighbors were home cause UPS came by their house.  It was one of the girl's older brothers.  He knew I was his next door neighbor.  His response was "Howdy neighbor".  I was a little nervous but that helped some.  I told him a while ago I gave his sister some My Little Ponies and wanted to see if she wasn't interested in them anymore and if she didn't I could take them back and I mentioned that I was back into collecting for a while.  I didn't want to outright say that I wanted them back but I was nervous and I felt like I said it in a nice way.  I kept it brief and gave a short reason.

He said his Mom was sleeping but when she woke up he would mention it to her.  He seemed really friendly about it.  I felt very awkward but at least he was friendly about it.

So, now I'm just waiting.  I did write up a letter for her but it was one page two-sided, gave a backstory to why I wanted them back.  But, I'm glad I did this.  I just wish I didn't have to wait for a response. :P

Perfect!  Good luck!  At least now you'll know. :)

Thanks.  :)  I feel a little relieved already knowing that they know.  I wanted to mention or hope to mention that the ponies I gave to her they don't make anymore and are harder to come by and that's why I want them back but I could probably mention it if they stop by my house to tell me either way.  Just so they understand better.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: josiekat on June 04, 2013, 11:49:43 AM
Hope it all works out for you :)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 04, 2013, 12:12:16 PM
Hope it all works out for you :)

Thanks.  The neighbors mom has been awake for some time.  I just wish someone would come over and tell me either way so I can stop anticipating.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: CupcakeLoverXx on June 04, 2013, 01:41:53 PM
Yay! I hope you will be getting them back then,however I wouldn't necessarily tell them that they are no longer made in case they want to keep them to try and sell them :P It's unlikely but you never know
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 04, 2013, 01:59:51 PM
Yay! I hope you will be getting them back then,however I wouldn't necessarily tell them that they are no longer made in case they want to keep them to try and sell them :P It's unlikely but you never know

Yeah that's true.  I would have waited until I got them in my hand before I say that if I decide to.  Sadly I'm still waiting.  I told them around Noon or so so it's been about five hours so far.  The girl and her Mom usually walk their Pomeranian by our house later in the evening so maybe they are waiting until then to bring them, if they do.  I am just impatient I guess.  I'm hopeful but at the same time I'm trying to set myself up for disappointment in case for some reason they are keeping the ponies, or don't have them anymore.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: ravengusty on June 04, 2013, 02:01:06 PM
*fingers crossed* Good luck I hope you get them back
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 04, 2013, 02:02:13 PM
*fingers crossed* Good luck I hope you get them back

Thanks. :)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: hathorcat on June 04, 2013, 02:29:35 PM
Yay! Well done you for just going for it! I really hope they come through.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: June on June 04, 2013, 02:31:42 PM
I'm really amazed by how you had the courage to ask! Congrats :D I hope that the ponies will be home soon :hug:
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Marigold on June 04, 2013, 03:03:03 PM
You might have to start up the conversation if you don't hear back.  Sometimes others forget or don't realize something is important.  So it is possible the neighbor forgot to ask about the ponies. 
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 04, 2013, 03:41:51 PM
You might have to start up the conversation if you don't hear back.  Sometimes others forget or don't realize something is important.  So it is possible the neighbor forgot to ask about the ponies. 

Yes, you could be right.  That would be something I'll ask in passing or if I see them outside.  I don't want to knock at their door again, because I don't want to seem insistent even though I am. :P
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Marigold on June 04, 2013, 04:47:34 PM
Right!  :)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: zabe77 on June 04, 2013, 04:56:28 PM
So glad you got-up the courage to ask! Crossing my fingers for you that they are still there and they give them back to you!
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 04, 2013, 05:14:39 PM
Thanks for the support everyone.  :)  It means a lot.  I'm not going to hear from them today I guess.  They may be the sort of people who don't do things right away.  I just think it would have been nice for them to stop by and tell me either way and to say if they have them they'll get the ponies to me when they have the chance or something like that.  I would offer to pick them up myself if they didn't mind.

I just need to be patient.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: ValeofSpring on June 04, 2013, 08:17:23 PM
I read through all these posts with interest!  I think you handled things perfectly, and I think you're right to just hold tight for a while to see if they come through.  Remember they have no idea you have been anxious about this, so there's no sense of urgency on their part.  In the meantime keep your eye peeled for the mom when you're outside b/c if you just casually see her (if you've waited a few days with no luck), it would be fine to just mention it.

I, too, gave away my childhood ponies (except for one)--they all went to the Salvation Army way back in 1994.  Almost twenty years later, I'm still a bit sad to think about it.  But I've now assembled a collection (a small one) that I would have *loved* to have had as a child, so that's my consolation :)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: SparklersOasis on June 04, 2013, 08:37:07 PM
ASK!  The worst they can say is no or that they don't have them anymore!!!  Ask ask ask!!!
 To clarify, I fretted about asking the lady that babysat my sister and I for a LONG time.  When I finally got around to asking she had a few G1s she had left bundled up waiting for me!  I hope you have a happy ending in all this and I hope you get some of your 'girls' returned to you!!!
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Teddy on June 05, 2013, 12:12:19 AM
Great job getting up the courage to go over there! I just hope the boy didn't forget to ask his mom about it, that does happen. Especially when it's not something that person thinks is important. Some people just don't understand ponies like we do! ;)

Anyway, I think you did the right thing in all aspects here and I hope they get back to you soon!
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Mermaid on June 05, 2013, 02:10:06 AM
Ohhh this is a good thread! I'm crazy with anticipation! Please keep us updated! *crossing my hooves for you!*
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 05, 2013, 05:34:22 AM
I just saw the Mom this morning.  She pulled into her driveway.  I walked as quickly as I could without running to meet her.  I went up to her and said "Morning" and she said "Morning" like I was casually going up to her for no reason.  She then realized why I was there and said she doesn't have them anymore.  :cry:

She said she works with someone who has a little girl and when they want to give stuff they go to her.  So, the ponies were one of those things.  She assured me they are being cared for and loved.  That's fine but I wished they had remembered to ask me first.  She apparently realized after they had been given away who they belonged to and they forgot to ask me.

I'm pretty bummed but I supposed if I had asked much sooner I could have had them but I don't know when this was done.  If only I hadn't listened to my Mom sooner and decided to ask sooner.  Oh well.  Nothing I can do about it now.

Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: cloud_weaver on June 05, 2013, 06:40:58 AM
I just saw the Mom this morning.  She pulled into her driveway.  I walked as quickly as I could without running to meet her.  I went up to her and said "Morning" and she said "Morning" like I was casually going up to her for no reason.  She then realized why I was there and said she doesn't have them anymore.  :cry:

She said she works with someone who has a little girl and when they want to give stuff they go to her.  So, the ponies were one of those things.  She assured me they are being cared for and loved.  That's fine but I wished they had remembered to ask me first.  She apparently realized after they had been given away who they belonged to and they forgot to ask me.

I'm pretty bummed but I supposed if I had asked much sooner I could have had them but I don't know when this was done.  If only I hadn't listened to my Mom sooner and decided to ask sooner.  Oh well.  Nothing I can do about it now.

Aw, I'm sorry sweets.  :(  I know how disappointing that can be.  But on the plus side, as least they're being well loved and played with. 
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: mercynova on June 05, 2013, 06:51:37 AM
That's a real shame :( Sorry to hear that you couldn't get them back.

At the end of the day though, you've learned an important life lesson. If you give things to people then those things become theirs to do what they want with and they likely wont consult all the original owners before getting rid of them!
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 05, 2013, 07:05:17 AM
That's a real shame :( Sorry to hear that you couldn't get them back.

At the end of the day though, you've learned an important life lesson. If you give things to people then those things become theirs to do what they want with and they likely wont consult all the original owners before getting rid of them!

True.  It seems to me like they forgot.  Just packed some things up and left.  I have a nice collection about 7 or so G3's I kept plus comic con, fair and art ponies plus tons of G1's.  Not as much as other people but I have a much bigger collection than I did when I was a kid.  When I start working again I'm going to try to get some of my favorite G3's back here.  I would have been more upset if they were thrown away or something.

Post Merge: June 05, 2013, 07:06:14 AM

I just saw the Mom this morning.  She pulled into her driveway.  I walked as quickly as I could without running to meet her.  I went up to her and said "Morning" and she said "Morning" like I was casually going up to her for no reason.  She then realized why I was there and said she doesn't have them anymore.  :cry:

She said she works with someone who has a little girl and when they want to give stuff they go to her.  So, the ponies were one of those things.  She assured me they are being cared for and loved.  That's fine but I wished they had remembered to ask me first.  She apparently realized after they had been given away who they belonged to and they forgot to ask me.

I'm pretty bummed but I supposed if I had asked much sooner I could have had them but I don't know when this was done.  If only I hadn't listened to my Mom sooner and decided to ask sooner.  Oh well.  Nothing I can do about it now.

Aw, I'm sorry sweets.  :(  I know how disappointing that can be.  But on the plus side, as least they're being well loved and played with. 

Yes, that made me feel a little better.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: mercynova on June 05, 2013, 07:08:04 AM
There are some people here selling more common G3s for good prices so I'm sure you will have your collection back in no time :) Good luck!
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 05, 2013, 07:17:30 AM
There are some people here selling more common G3s for good prices so I'm sure you will have your collection back in no time :) Good luck!

Thanks. :)  I will look forward to pony shopping here again.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: cloud_weaver on June 05, 2013, 07:32:16 AM
And also check craigslist too.  I frequently see large lots of G3's.  At least it wasn't G1's that were given away.  ^_^
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Icecrystalline on June 05, 2013, 07:32:22 AM
I haven't commented before, but I was one of the minority who thought is was best to not ask. It's a shame you couldn't get them back, but at the end of the day, G3s are fairly common and cheap to pick up, so I wouldn't worry, it shouldn't take too long to reclaim them. I have nearly 70 G3s on my trade thread that I am also selling at very reasonable prices if you are interested, PM me the ponies you want, and I'll get you individual prices. I just need the space back from my bedroom floor, having 70 G3s in crates on the floor isn't fun!
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: ravengusty on June 05, 2013, 07:47:55 AM
Aww that's a shame, though with them being in a good home it's better than them just going in the trash  :biggrin:
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 05, 2013, 08:29:28 AM
I haven't commented before, but I was one of the minority who thought is was best to not ask. It's a shame you couldn't get them back, but at the end of the day, G3s are fairly common and cheap to pick up, so I wouldn't worry, it shouldn't take too long to reclaim them. I have nearly 70 G3s on my trade thread that I am also selling at very reasonable prices if you are interested, PM me the ponies you want, and I'll get you individual prices. I just need the space back from my bedroom floor, having 70 G3s in crates on the floor isn't fun!

Thanks for the offer.  Nothing personal but I'll probably end up buying from US sellers, because of the price of shipping.  I do appreciate the offer though.

Post Merge: June 05, 2013, 08:30:52 AM

And also check craigslist too.  I frequently see large lots of G3's.  At least it wasn't G1's that were given away.  ^_^

Yeah true.  I wouldn't do that, no matter how much I figured I wouldn't like MLP anymore.  I wish I could go back in time and just put my ponies away until I was ready for them again.  Kudos to who invents a time machine. :D
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: June on June 05, 2013, 09:37:05 AM
I'm so sorry, I understand how disappointed you are :( But at least you now know you have courage and you won't be thinking about "what would have happened if I asked" :) Always look on the bright side  ;)
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: PurpleCheeseStick on June 05, 2013, 09:37:55 AM
Aw hon I'm so sorry to hear about that :c what a bummer! If it helps, I have a few G3s for sale that I could sell you for cheap if you want, and I'm a US seller. They're in great condition, from my childhood collection, so if you're interested shoot me a pm! I'd love to help you get your collection back D:
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: zabe77 on June 05, 2013, 01:07:12 PM
Sorry they're gone hun. At least now you know though, and at least they're being loved and played with.  There's always the hunt now which can be fun, I often see G3s on craigslist, at the thrift store and garage sales. All the best in rebuilding your collection!
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: Majesty on June 05, 2013, 01:39:16 PM
Aw hon I'm so sorry to hear about that :c what a bummer! If it helps, I have a few G3s for sale that I could sell you for cheap if you want, and I'm a US seller. They're in great condition, from my childhood collection, so if you're interested shoot me a pm! I'd love to help you get your collection back D:

Thanks that's kind.  i need to get a job first though. :)  I've been unemployed since mid-October.  Everyone wants experience, even in retail.  It stinks.  I think I might be getting a job at McDonald's.  Not what I was hoping for but I have 5 years experience at Wendy's so at least it's money for now.  Eventually it can be pony money.  :)

Post Merge: June 05, 2013, 01:40:09 PM

I'm so sorry, I understand how disappointed you are :( But at least you now know you have courage and you won't be thinking about "what would have happened if I asked" :) Always look on the bright side  ;)

Yeah, I'm glad I asked at least instead of wondering.
Title: Re: What Should I Do?
Post by: PurpleCheeseStick on June 06, 2013, 08:28:52 PM
Aw hon I'm so sorry to hear about that :c what a bummer! If it helps, I have a few G3s for sale that I could sell you for cheap if you want, and I'm a US seller. They're in great condition, from my childhood collection, so if you're interested shoot me a pm! I'd love to help you get your collection back D:

Thanks that's kind.  i need to get a job first though. :)  I've been unemployed since mid-October.  Everyone wants experience, even in retail.  It stinks.  I think I might be getting a job at McDonald's.  Not what I was hoping for but I have 5 years experience at Wendy's so at least it's money for now.  Eventually it can be pony money.  :)

I hear ya, finding jobs right now is tough :( I'm hoping to get one over the summer, but good luck in getting that one at McD's!
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