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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Taxel on May 20, 2013, 03:24:27 PM

Title: Flickr's changes
Post by: Taxel on May 20, 2013, 03:24:27 PM
I'm still completely in shock. The website looks absolutely horrible and the neverending scroll on photostreams is really aggravating (that feature, on any site, does not do well with my poor laptop). Spending any amount of time on Flickr now makes my laptop overheat. x.x

I was going to upgrade to pro in a few days, and I'm SO glad I didn't waste my money. I'm happy about the viewing limits being gone (before you could only see your last 200 uploads without pro) and the 1 terabyte of space for everyone is awesome. I would leave because of the changes but I spent so long uploading every single one of my old photos, and I can't say no to that much space.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Flitter on May 20, 2013, 03:59:23 PM
I want to cry right now.  :yikes: I switched from PB to flickr in 2008 and have been paying for a pro account since 2010. I can't believe they'd do something so horrible. Not only is the layout atrocious and the yahoo toolbar they installed a couple weeks ago annoying and there is no way to revert it, they have dissolved pro accounts with no warning.
I dealt with the justified view and uploadr changes. This I cannot deal with and it makes me really sad. I love the community aspect with flickr, groups, contacts, commenting, etc. but now I feel like people cannot view my photos the way I'd like them to be viewed so it defeats the main purpose of having an account there.
I really hope they fix things. I don't think I will ever pay flickr for anything again. I think I will need to find another way to share my photos. :cloud:

I'm definitely in shock right now  :stressed:
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Yurusumaji on May 20, 2013, 04:14:57 PM
Oh man, that sucks that you're unhappy with the changes.  :(

I didn't even know Flickr had updated its look until I saw this thread, but actually, based on my first look at it I like it. It looks way cleaner and easier to navigate to me. Possibly because I run Windows 8 and use Tumblr (maybe not a coincidence that they made these changes the same day they bought Tumblr?) and I'm just way more used to this more modernized style of social networking.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Taxel on May 20, 2013, 04:30:15 PM
3377345 - I really hope they fix the hideous layouts and formatting. I can't stand the main page thing anymore.

There's no reason to give a cent to Flickr anymore. Its $50 to remove the ads, and absolutely nothing else. Just install Adblock.

Yurusumaji - Do you have an account? The front page doesn't look so bad until you're logged in, and when you are its just awful.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Yurusumaji on May 20, 2013, 04:34:22 PM
Yurusumaji - Do you have an account? The front page doesn't look so bad until you're logged in, and when you are its just awful.[/center]

Yeah, I have an account. My main page reminds me a lot of my Tumblr theme. I guess I am just so used to it, it really doesn't bother me.

I honestly feel that I would use this version of Flickr more. I didn't use it a whole lot before because it was bland and uninteresting to me. I guess I like it busy. Ha ha.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: HawaiianRain on May 20, 2013, 04:44:27 PM
Didn't Yahoo also acquire Tumblr as well?
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Yurusumaji on May 20, 2013, 04:46:23 PM
Didn't Yahoo also acquire Tumblr as well?

Yup! They said they're going to make it more family-friendly ...
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Icicle on May 20, 2013, 04:57:59 PM
Didn't Yahoo also acquire Tumblr as well?

Yup! They said they're going to make it more family-friendly ...
Really? I've heard the exact opposite...

Otherwise, Yahoo went full dumbdumb in regards to the layout imo. So busy x.x;. And I can't even change my damn icon! I'm trying to keep myself sane knowing there is practically no limits and my adblocker takes care of ads..
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: kaoskat on May 20, 2013, 05:06:52 PM
Ick! That doesn't sound fun! I don't use flickr but I can relate to unwanted site changes.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Yurusumaji on May 20, 2013, 05:08:40 PM
Really? I've heard the exact opposite...

Otherwise, Yahoo went full dumbdumb in regards to the layout imo. So busy x.x;. And I can't even change my damn icon! I'm trying to keep myself sane knowing there is practically no limits and my adblocker takes care of ads..

Maybe Tumblr isn't the best place to get info on this, but here ya go. ( ^_^
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Icicle on May 20, 2013, 05:15:35 PM
Yeah, it's not legit. A lot of people are making those fake caps. Yahoo! and Tumblr have both gone on record to say nothing is changing.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Yurusumaji on May 20, 2013, 05:16:29 PM
Not terribly surprising. Ha ha! ^_^ Well, I guess that's a relief.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Icicle on May 20, 2013, 05:24:32 PM
Indeed! I wonder if Yahoo's taking it out on Flickr >_>;! If it was only slightly less busy than it is now I'd be okay. Infinite scrolling is really my biggest problem, and I'm not wild about the actual pages for the pictures, since I can't look at all the sizes?? Oh I figured that out! Pain in the butt that was to find it.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Yurusumaji on May 20, 2013, 05:29:58 PM
Well I just read the CNN article about Yahoo and Tumblr and Yahoo has announced that they will "monetize" Tumblr "in a way that means something to the users". And Tumblr's CEO, who was kept, has said Tumblr has "grown up" enough to allow advertising. So ... yeah ... things are going to change and I'm not so sure it's going to be for the better or even small enough that no one will notice. Which is a shame. They have also stated that Tumblr poses a problem for them because advertisers will be repelled by the adult content on Tumblr.

The woman responsible for Yahoo's purchase of Tumblr is the same person responsible for Flickr's new look. Her name is Marissa Mayer and she apparently left Google to work for Yahoo. The article in question can be found here (
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Eternia on May 20, 2013, 05:42:09 PM
oh my. I just checked on my flickr...i don't like how everything is so...big. like, the pictures take up the whole screen...I prefer a menu! it is confusing, and this layout is gonna take some getting used to. I like that I can upload more now!
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Eviecorn on May 20, 2013, 05:56:31 PM
Ugh.  I hate changes like this.  I don't use Flickr but I don't want Tumblr to change!
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Dragonsummoner on May 20, 2013, 07:03:31 PM
I liked the old Flickr better! It was simpler and easy to navigate. This makes me sad that people I know there might leave because of this. :(

Found a feedback forum to let them know how you feel

Looks like the majority dislikes it. I hope they change it back.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: LuvlyMelody on May 21, 2013, 10:29:51 AM
I didn't check Flickr until I saw this thread, ugh the front page looks all durrr now. Once you go to your photostream, why the hell does it try to look like facebook with needing a cover photo??? There's no context, just pictures.

Although, with one free TB Of space, I can
t complain, it does cushion the blow, so I guess it'll just take some time getting used to it to enjoy it again. I know I had to deal with Youtube changing a lot and now I've gotten used to that layout, I'm sure it'll be the same with Flickr.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: BlueyBirdy on May 21, 2013, 12:36:56 PM
I've used flickr since 2006 and I am so full of hate for the new changes. :mad: People like me who carefully organised and curated their photos are having all of those features shoved aside for giant walls of photos that slow down the site. Don't get me started on infinite scrolling, which is a menace to most users.

They've evidently started using the YouTube mantra of: "If the layout's broken we can always make it more broken."
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Radiance on May 21, 2013, 01:00:37 PM
Bah, I just went pro a few weeks ago! Grrrr... I don't like the new layout and it's difficult to navigate. Thumbs down!
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: LuvlyMelody on May 21, 2013, 07:35:32 PM
Has anyone tried uploading anything after the change to see if the uploading is any different?? I haven't, but I'll try tonight
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Taxel on May 21, 2013, 07:46:06 PM
I haven't yet either.

I found this trick on the forum:
Adding the ?details=1 makes it display in the classic layout. Since that feature is there they should give us the option of how it displays by default.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: LuvlyMelody on May 21, 2013, 11:51:29 PM
D'oh I don't think I'll be able to post anything tonight, but I did notice something on my phone. I have Windows Phone 8 and the Flickr App doesn't seem to work anymore either. >,<; Every time I try to log in, it just doesn't do anything but ask me to log into my Yahoo account. Just throwing this out there in case anyone here has a Windows Phone.

They should definitely implement that option into the Account Setup for everyone because I like the way that looks, compared to nothing but pictures.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Taxel on May 22, 2013, 01:53:15 AM
If they'd changed photostream layouts to that, I wouldn't even be upset about it. I actually quite like how that looks. Apparently there's an 'Edit' button on Photostreams now to make it switch, but I still hope we get to set the default.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Rhubarbpie on May 22, 2013, 02:03:10 AM
It sucks mightily :(  I have no idea how I am supposed to share my photo's. The "share" option isn't available. Luckily I have not paid to go pro, but does anyone have any idea's how I am to share my pics??
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Taxel on May 22, 2013, 02:20:55 AM
Click on the box with the arrow in it. That took me a while to figure out.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Rhubarbpie on May 22, 2013, 02:39:23 AM
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
2012_0115marchponies0013 ( by Rhubarb Pie1 (, on Flickr

Ha ha it works!! Thanks Taxel.  Still you'd think that a change like this would warrant a "how to use" pop-up or something??
Title: Flickr's changes
Post by: Chinabun on May 22, 2013, 02:39:33 AM
Well, i actually find the changes to the better. I had no issue uploading via site or iPhone app yesterday, and i still have to click a few times to get the "right click and copy image location" - no biggie. As for photobucket - that I cant stand anymore. Such a slow site!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: GothMummy on May 22, 2013, 09:27:24 AM
Taxel - thanks for that tip about adding "?details=1" to the end of your photos address - thats the first time I have been able to see my photostream since the changes - before that all I got were revolving pink and blue balls!! I was worried all my photos were lost.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Flitter on May 22, 2013, 02:21:28 PM
It's now been a couple days and I've tried to make myself get used to the new menus and navigating and I'm still really not happy with the update. I think the thing that bothers me most is that my collections are no longer visible on the front page of my photostream. That and I've never been a fan of the justified view. I liked being able to customize the look of my photostream and am upset that isno longer an option.. I'm also one of the ones that Aviary and the photo editing options have disappeared on. :(
Edit: figured out that I can only see the full "..." menu if I set my browsers to 90% zoom /stupid
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: banditpony on May 22, 2013, 04:48:18 PM
I actually love the first page. Other then that, I don't like how the gallery pages seem to be like tumblr. meh.

But I REALLY hate when websites roll out these crazy/drastic pages out of no where. testing? feedback? opt out? ugh.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Taxel on May 22, 2013, 07:11:49 PM Shows acitivty the old way. :3
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Wardah on May 23, 2013, 06:11:41 AM
I think Tumblr might end up doing something like Flickr or DA where you have to be "over 18" to see adult content.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Icicle on May 23, 2013, 03:45:29 PM
I think Tumblr might end up doing something like Flickr or DA where you have to be "over 18" to see adult content.
I actually wouldn't mind that, tbh (but I'm also 24 and that wouldn't mean anything to me whoops).

I'm starting to get.. a little more used to the new flickr, the app on the phone is derping out something fierce for me (won't show my photostream, but I also haven't checked it since my phone last died on me and shut off, so.) I think my biggest pet peeve with the thing right now is that dang cover photo. The height on it is so small, that you can't crop anything nicely.. even my beautiful shot of my pho doesn't crop right for the height uuuugh.
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Taxel on May 23, 2013, 06:26:05 PM
Apparently the ?details=1 trick doesn't work in sets, which is incredibly annoying.

They've added some white space back to photostreams, which really helps. Now to just hope they remove infinite scrolling (for two pages. . .dumbest thing ever).
Title: Re: Flickr's changes
Post by: Griffin on June 09, 2013, 02:53:24 AM
I'm trying to get used to the new Flickr but it's really hard to like it... :(  I don't mind the photostream view and bad as my laptop is, it still loads the pictures fine - I've heard many have problems with slow loading. However, I really dislike the endless scrolling (I was trying to go to "Help" the other day to check something, and it was almost impossible to get to the end of the page where the links are! Ctrl+End = no use) and the navigation is really difficult. For example, when I view one of the pictures larger, how do I get back to the photostream or group main / front page view?? I see no other way than clicking "[person x's] photostream" on the right where the stats are - so slow! And it always takes you to the beginning of the stream, right? There should be an option to close the "lightbox view" or whatever the close up is called and go back to the stream - like on Facebook.

I would very much like to move to Ipernity - the site looks like the classic Flickr used to, easy to navigate. Some of my friends have already moved there, but I'm hesitating... I've been using Flickr since 2007, I only post my mail art work there (no photos) and now with the added space it's quite fun to be able to view pretty much every piece of art I've done since. And there's the community aspect, I'm a member of several groups which are the main reason I use Flickr. So I wouldn't want to delete my account or anything, and joining Ipernity would mean I'd have one more site to upload my work to... I already post on deviantART (selected pieces), Facebook (again selectively), and several yahoo! groups (group theme related pics or pieces made for the group trades). I don't know what to do, argh. Thank you very much for this unwelcome change, Flickr.
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