The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Tilas on May 07, 2013, 02:05:27 PM

Title: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: Tilas on May 07, 2013, 02:05:27 PM
I was visiting a friend and she took me to her aunts place. Her aunt had a bunch of G1 ponies that she had let her 2 year old granddaughter play with. Out of curiosity my friend showed them to me. Mostly basics, but in the collection were 3 Big Brothers.

Salty, Steamer, and Barnacle.

I saw them and I really liked them. I mean they were MINT. No scuffs, no marks, hair was perfectly vibrant. Then the gramma mentioned she "had a bag of stuff for the ponies". I asked to look, and what do I find?

Each brother was 100% complete. Bandana, Brush, Hat, like they just came out of the package! The letters on the hat were PERFECT! I got super excited, and I told the mom of the granddaughter what she had, what that meant to collectors like myself, and I made an offer to buy them. $100 cash, for the lot, which I thought would be fair (maybe a little too much, but I WANTED them for my collection...).

...she didn't bite. She decided she wanted to keep them for her daughter to play with, and she "didn't really get why they meant anything to me". Outwardly, I understood and thanked them for just letting me see and hold them, but deep down, I cringed, big time. I tried to buy just the accessories since her 2 year old is too young to play with them but nope. I offered to spend that $100 on NEW ponies and MAKE the kid a collection. Nope.

I know, I KNOW it's nice that she wanted to keep her toys for her own daughter to play with, I know that's sweet and they're hers to do with what she pleased, I know it could be a family thing or whatever but.... as a collector... eeeerrrrrgggggghhhh!  The thought of seeing that perfect set of 3 getting thrashed by a toddler... :yikes:

Gah. Part of me was slapping myself for even telling the mom/aunt what the ponies were worth to collectors. I mean, I might have been able to scoop them if they thought they were just toys, but that wasn't right to me, I had to be honest. I had to be fair.  And I'm STILL thinking about those 3 perfect complete brothers and how they slipped form my hands. Help me feel better, I can't be the only one who's had ponies slip away... :yikes:
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: achab1984 on May 07, 2013, 02:16:12 PM
Oh that is horrible!!!!! Why did she not take the money!!!!! She could buy that kid alot of other toys with that $100.00 :(
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: MidnightMocha on May 07, 2013, 02:19:15 PM
That is SO ANNOYING! Oh goodness. I've been in a similar situation, nto with ponies, but I really feel like people like that are sort of...I don't know, I can't think of the word. It's like they're not MEAN but they sort of enjoy not giving in to people?

Which could not be the case at all, I'm just saying that I know some people tend to enjoy having something that someone else wants, and they don't want to make them happy because they're set in keeping it for what they want. And practical reasons don't matter to them -_- Leaves a bad taste in my mouth, personally.

It's okay, one day she is going to miss that $100 and will see the tattered investments on the floor or in a kid's mouth and she will be resentful, maybe.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: LightingElectricDream on May 07, 2013, 02:22:26 PM
I missed out on a $20 TAF) Munchy On ebay. I was so sad..
But I do understand her reason she wanted to keep the memory alive of ponies being played with. and she may have not seen them as a display shelf item. I mean My kids are going to get all my ponies when they are old enugh to be nice to them and careful and grateful for them. But I may keep a few out of reach completely.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: elish2 on May 07, 2013, 02:25:45 PM
It is really hard for me even to find traces of g1 ponies where I live. Not even at garage sales or thrift shops. At work a few of the other nurses are catching on that I like MLP and a few have said "oh I have a bunch in my attic" and I'm like BRING THEM TO ME!!! and they just don't do it. I have told them I would buy them...but nope, they haven't brought them yet. One gal even told me she has all her original mlp in perfect condition including Dream Castle with all the accessories....aghhhh
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: MidnightMocha on May 07, 2013, 02:28:30 PM
It is really hard for me even to find traces of g1 ponies where I live. Not even at garage sales or thrift shops. At work a few of the other nurses are catching on that I like MLP and a few have said "oh I have a bunch in my attic" and I'm like BRING THEM TO ME!!! and they just don't do it. I have told them I would buy them...but nope, they haven't brought them yet. One gal even told me she has all her original mlp in perfect condition including Dream Castle with all the accessories....aghhhh

See, and this is why I honestly think there are some people who get some sort of horrid joy from having things that they themselves don't want or need, but know that someone else really wants it. So petty...ugh.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: rybett on May 07, 2013, 02:29:48 PM
Mine would have gone for the $100 and then sent me to e-bay to spend it on ponies.  Hugs!!
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: Eldarwen on May 07, 2013, 02:40:42 PM
Thats so annoying!  >_<

This has happened to me a couple of times.. I feel like sometimes people just change their minds once they find out how expensive ponies can be.  A few weeks ago, I met this woman who said she had a huge bag of ponies that I could have for free. I even said that I could pay, no need to give them for free. Next time I saw her, she just told how she had visited this auction site and saw how my little ponies go for really high prices. Next day when she brought the " huge bag of ponies", it turned out to be just 4 fakies.

What happened to the "huge bag of ponies" after she realized they go for high prices? I guess she changed her mind and decided to sell elsewhere. I felt really bad because I would have paid a good price. The truth would be nice.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: himmie on May 07, 2013, 02:55:15 PM
Aren't G1's actually NOT recommended to be played with? I have heard people mention reasons before.

A friend of mine, around my age, has four small children. I remember when she and I were kids that she had a complete Chief and Wig Wam, probably others. I have asked about several times in the last few years, she just always tells me, "the girls play with them once in a while." It's painful to hear. I would gladly pay her or buy her kids NEW toys. *sigh* I know how you feel!
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: LightingElectricDream on May 07, 2013, 02:57:00 PM
Never tell people what they are worth.. When they are not collectors.
When I go to stores and talk to people in adds. I never tell them I am a collector. I never tell them what they are worth. I just play stupid.
  :nuts:  Lol!
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: Lyra on May 07, 2013, 03:04:05 PM
It sounds like that lady had been saving them a long time, maybe waiting for the opportunity to finally give them to a little grand daughter to play with?
I wouldn't give up my childhood ponies for 10x what they are worth and the whole reason I collect is because they remind me of childhood, so don't feel bad for those ponies getting trashed, they are just staying in their family. You know how money cant replace sentimental items...
So I think that lady probably did want them more than you
 Don't know if any of that makes you feel better
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: MidnightMocha on May 07, 2013, 03:15:38 PM
It sounds like that lady had been saving them a long time, maybe waiting for the opportunity to finally give them to a little grand daughter to play with?
I wouldn't give up my childhood ponies for 10x what they are worth and the whole reason I collect is because they remind me of childhood, so don't feel bad for those ponies getting trashed, they are just staying in their family. You know how money cant replace sentimental items...
So I think that lady probably did want them more than you
 Don't know if any of that makes you feel better

That may be the case, but it's difficult when they don't have a good reason for doing it!

By the way, big thumbs up for Lyra Silvertongue- I miss the His Dark Materials series :(
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: lochnessmomster on May 07, 2013, 03:43:04 PM
I agree with Lyra, that maybe the woman cared more about the sentimental value than how much she could sell them for, but I can totally understand being disappointed all the same.  That really stinks. :hug: I hope you are able to score a great pony deal on eBay or at a flea market, etc. to help make up for it. 

The closest I've come to a situation like that is missing out on a Mountain Boy auction that started at 99p.  It was mislabeled as "shire pony."  Either I fell asleep through the auction or the seller ended it early, I'm not sure which.  I emailed the seller later to ask if she still had it available, and she said that she did and would be re-listing it soon for a higher starting bid because a friend of hers told her what it was worth.  Bummer, but I understood her point of view. 

I've also had several friends tell me that they have ponies to send me, but to date I have never seen any of them.  Doesn't matter that I've offered to pay for them and cover the shipping costs as well.  I don't think anyone is being deliberately mean in my case, though... probably just lazy. 

Never tell people what they are worth.. When they are not collectors.
When I go to stores and talk to people in adds. I never tell them I am a collector. I never tell them what they are worth. I just play stupid.
  :nuts:  Lol!

I nodded vigorously while reading this.  I went to a car boot sale last summer and found a near mint Fiery the Dragon and a cute Pound Puppy in a plastic container at one seller's stall.  I casually held them up and asked "How much for these?"  Didn't breathe a word about their rarity or worth.  I wound up getting them for 10p each, and I don't feel the least bit guilty.  ^.^
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: nessa16 on May 07, 2013, 05:08:33 PM
Never tell people what they are worth.. When they are not collectors.
When I go to stores and talk to people in adds. I never tell them I am a collector. I never tell them what they are worth. I just play stupid.
  :nuts:  Lol!

I nodded vigorously while reading this.  I went to a car boot sale last summer and found a near mint Fiery the Dragon and a cute Pound Puppy in a plastic container at one seller's stall.  I casually held them up and asked "How much for these?"  Didn't breathe a word about their rarity or worth.  I wound up getting them for 10p each, and I don't feel the least bit guilty.  ^.^

I do that too.  I did that when I found two TAF babies and a MIP My Little Puppy Spaniel set for $.50 each.  I try not to act too excited until I leave :lol:.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: Ice_gypsy on May 07, 2013, 05:41:50 PM
or because you offered $100 for them she probably assumes they are worth WAY more like those people who think the original 6 are worth $100 each
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: Lorelei Redfern on May 07, 2013, 06:20:52 PM
I know the feeling. This friend of mine one of the guys he knows that vista every weekend his wife has mib g1s. And I said hey can I buy them? So he asked and apperntly she wants to keep them because her niece or someone is going to have a baby and if it's a girl she wants to pass them down.  And I'm thinking... What's a baby need mib g1s for?
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: scarletjul on May 07, 2013, 07:38:07 PM
:hug:  That must have been so frustrating.

I can (hopefull) see her wanting to keep them for sentimentality but I hope you find a good score soon
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: NovelNerd on May 07, 2013, 07:41:11 PM
I know it's hard sometimes as collectors to get past the "ponies going to children" thing, and I might be the odd person out here. I actually like the idea of ponies being with the kids instead of for example with me. They were meant for children, and the ponies I have the fondest memories of were the ones that I had during my childhood. I agree with several that it might be for sentimental reasons or just wanting to keep something for the kids. Not everything is for sale or has a price tag.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: katieklassified on May 07, 2013, 08:09:14 PM
I hate when people act like that...there's no way they're *that* sentimental about the ponies if they're letting their kid play with them. My super nice toys won't be going to my kids...not until they're old enough to appreciate/not completely trash them, that is. If I display them, they're DISPLAY toys, not meant to be played with. And aren't G1s supposed to be something you DON'T give kids to play with anymore? Something about lead or something?

I hate when people pull things like that. She probably realized they were rare/worth money when you went nuts and asked to pay the $100 for them. Bet they turn up on ebay or something, with crazy starting prices.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: elish2 on May 07, 2013, 08:13:03 PM
My kids have their own mlp toys (g4) and then there are my ponies, and they know they are not allowed to touch them. I figure I am saving them for when they are old enough  to understand the value.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: PinkRosedust on May 07, 2013, 08:14:44 PM

One time I bought a lot of G1s from a woman - her childhood collection. An amazing haul at a good price (though I still paid well). A few mail orders, various other rares, tons of accessories, and all in good/great/mint condition.

The woman was pregnant...with a girl. She said that she had gone through the ponies and picked out those that were most special to her, and was saving them for her daughter. One of those ponies? Rapunzel. Now I didn't see these ponies myself, but I believed her (being that she did have other MOs). Also, I *think* one of Punzie's barrettes was actually mixed in with the accessories I got. :O Also in the lot was the princess baby buggy but no Baby Princess Sparkle...guessing that was another she kept.

Not quite as bad since I did still get some great stuff, but I definitely feel your pain. >.<
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: Rosencrantz on May 07, 2013, 11:24:32 PM
My boss was like that. When she found out I collected ponies, she liked to brag about her daughter's 'perfect' collection that she'd, in my boss's words, never use again but would never give up. However, given my boss thought ponies started in the 70s, I was less inclined to care much about whatever she was up to. I never asked to buy them once.

However, on the topic of toddlers and ponies, I gave a bag of mid-condition ponies to my niece, because hey, I suddenly had a niece (step) and she had no toys when she was visiting grandpa and grandma.

But I like giving toys to kids I know. My stepbrother gets legos, my cousins got warcraft toys, my high school bff's foster sister got kelly dolls, my new cousins get g3s, stuffed toys, etc.

Toys are meant to be played with. It can be painful when you really really want that toy, but that's something that you worked through once as a kid, when your friends had toys you really wanted.

...although in my case I stole the pony friend camel when I was three. I'm... I'm so sorry.  :cry:

If, uh, any of you happened to have lived in a cruddy neighbourhood in Edmonton across from some drug dealers, and a dorky blonde three year old girl (not associated with the drug dealers), in the eighties and your camel went mysteriously missing, I am so ashamed.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: Oak23 on May 08, 2013, 01:06:21 AM
so you offered a woman you barely knew money for sentimental keepsakes she took very good care of who'd rather share with her own daughter than sell them off? I can understand disappointment but the venom towards this woman seems unjustified especially since it seems a bit presumptuous to just offer to buy something from someone without really knowing who they are.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: tealslippers on May 08, 2013, 03:04:04 AM
I find this topic and the responses odd.  They are her ponies and she wants to give them to an important child in her life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Just because you want them doesn't mean there is a great tragedy here.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: AusMLP on May 08, 2013, 03:40:46 AM
I find this topic and the responses odd.  They are her ponies and she wants to give them to an important child in her life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Just because you want them doesn't mean there is a great tragedy here.

This! If someone I didn't know tried to push me into selling something I wanted to pass on I'd be kicking them out my door. Very Rude!
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: Jinxxy on May 08, 2013, 03:54:27 AM
UGh! Nothing is quite as bad as that "I nearly had them!" feeling.
That happened to me a few months back at Value Village.
I was digging though the bags and didn't see anything, but I saw a lady wtih 4 bags in her hand and a whole buncha kids.
There were MINT G1s in the bag! I could see original curl and unfaded pink hair in the bags.
Nothing toooo rare that I could see aside from maybee Satin and Lace.. but still! They looked so nice!

Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: Enolaalone on May 08, 2013, 04:39:23 AM
I find this topic and the responses odd.  They are her ponies and she wants to give them to an important child in her life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Just because you want them doesn't mean there is a great tragedy here.

This! If someone I didn't know tried to push me into selling something I wanted to pass on I'd be kicking them out my door. Very Rude!

Yeah I agree. Just because we are collectors doesn't mean everyone else has to be. Also, just because someone has kids it doesn't mean they have to be brats who will wreck ponies. *shrugs*
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: cleverLC on May 08, 2013, 04:44:30 AM
It is really hard for me even to find traces of g1 ponies where I live. Not even at garage sales or thrift shops. At work a few of the other nurses are catching on that I like MLP and a few have said "oh I have a bunch in my attic" and I'm like BRING THEM TO ME!!! and they just don't do it. I have told them I would buy them...but nope, they haven't brought them yet. One gal even told me she has all her original mlp in perfect condition including Dream Castle with all the accessories....aghhhh

See, and this is why I honestly think there are some people who get some sort of horrid joy from having things that they themselves don't want or need, but know that someone else really wants it. So petty...ugh.

I will never understand the dog-in-the-manger attitude.  If you don't want it, why keep it around to clutter up the place?
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: elish2 on May 08, 2013, 07:15:07 AM
I find this topic and the responses odd.  They are her ponies and she wants to give them to an important child in her life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Just because you want them doesn't mean there is a great tragedy here.

This! If someone I didn't know tried to push me into selling something I wanted to pass on I'd be kicking them out my door. Very Rude!

Yeah I agree. Just because we are collectors doesn't mean everyone else has to be. Also, just because someone has kids it doesn't mean they have to be brats who will wreck ponies. *shrugs*

I do concur with this sentiment. I understand this thought completely with what I am doing with my girls. In fact they play with all my g1s and they know better than to be rough with them. I do keep rare ponies aside, but they still get the joy of the g1s along with the g4s. The g3s will be when they are older as they are mib.

That aside, it is different when there is someone telling you that they have a bunch sitting in the attic collecting dust that they have no intention of doing anything with. That gets and ugggh, and is frustrating, but in the end, it is their stuff and their decision to give them up or not.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: FantasticFirefly on May 08, 2013, 07:59:57 AM
The health issues (the reason vintage toys are technically illegal to give to children in the USA) are due to lead. Unsure if our vintage ponies contain lead, which would have been used in the pigments to colour them. But they DO contain phthalates, which along with lead you don't need to lick or chew on the toy to get that into your system- it's absorbed through your skin. Phthalates have been banned in baby bottles, and dishware here as well.

When I sell toys locally, if someone mentions "I'm looking for my young niece/daughter" I put away the vintage and haul out the G3's and explain. :) Heck, I try not to over-handle my collection and wash my hands well after.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: Icecrystalline on May 08, 2013, 08:36:55 AM
Never tell people what they are worth.. When they are not collectors.
When I go to stores and talk to people in adds. I never tell them I am a collector. I never tell them what they are worth. I just play stupid.
  :nuts:  Lol!

I nodded vigorously while reading this.  I went to a car boot sale last summer and found a near mint Fiery the Dragon and a cute Pound Puppy in a plastic container at one seller's stall.  I casually held them up and asked "How much for these?"  Didn't breathe a word about their rarity or worth.  I wound up getting them for 10p each, and I don't feel the least bit guilty.  ^.^

I do that too.  I did that when I found two TAF babies and a MIP My Little Puppy Spaniel set for $.50 each.  I try not to act too excited until I leave :lol:.

I do the same. I wanted Tropical Breeze the flutter for months but never found a minty enough one, went to a carboot and found her, Majesty (near complete), UUAA, Majesty's cape + brush, tootsie and ribbon and a few others with fakies in a bag of kiddies ponies and picked out the G1s, and asked how much they were explaining I wanted just 'these ponies as they are prettiest' and she said, "Oh I just wanted £2 the bag" so I bought them all. Sold the fakies for about £5 so technically paid nothing. And guess what? Tropical Breeze is the mintiest flutter I've ever come across. So yeah, I always play dumb. I asked a woman with small kids and lots of barbies if she had any last season and she looked at me and said "Oh so I hear they are extremely rare, collectable and expensive now. You'd be lucky to get them." Pffft. I did get some, so how wrong you were lady! XD
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: Crowning_Glory13 on May 08, 2013, 10:23:47 AM
I know how you feel...a very close friend of mine has a near mint blueberry basket as she hardly played with ponies as a kid....yeah she want to have her children play with it:( I begged to let me buy it or replace it with more common ponies or ponies that had marks all over:( sigh
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: Galactica on May 08, 2013, 12:50:19 PM
I have given vintage toys (including a couple of ponies) to my nieces to play with.  I know some things are worth money, but the kids seriously love the stuff, and I absolutely love seeing them enjoying it.  They also take REALLY really good care of the stuff.  Last year I gave my then-3 year old niece a winged She-ra horse, I'm sure I told her to that I was entrusting it to her care, and trusting her not to break or step on it.  The next Christmas she couldn't wait to show me how well she had taken care of it.  Apparently every time she played with it she told my sister how she was taking care of it for her aunt-  it was so adorable. 

Seriously- not all kids are complete brats that ruin their toys.  If my sister sold the toys to some friend (or stranger) who came over asking to buy them-  I'd be seriously disappointed.   The toys belong to the kids.   
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: PinkRosedust on May 08, 2013, 01:17:28 PM
I don't think it's rude to offer someone a good deal of money for something you collect and cherish (bold maybe but rude? Eh..) Sure, maybe the child will someday cherish those ponies (you know, if she doesn't toss them aside in favor of a new gadget), but she's 2 years old right now. Would a 2 year old even notice if certain toys were replaced with other similar toys? And hey, if the woman ever needs some quick money, she now knows one way to get some. =P
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: DazzleKitty on May 08, 2013, 01:30:59 PM
I would have also been mad at the person for not selling it. I almost think she was doing it just to make the topic creator mad. A two year old won't even remember if a few ponies go missing.

I would have been furious too. No, I wouldn't have said anything rude to her, but I would have been fuming inside.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: lochnessmomster on May 08, 2013, 01:53:53 PM
I know it's hard sometimes as collectors to get past the "ponies going to children" thing, and I might be the odd person out here. I actually like the idea of ponies being with the kids instead of for example with me. They were meant for children, and the ponies I have the fondest memories of were the ones that I had during my childhood. I agree with several that it might be for sentimental reasons or just wanting to keep something for the kids. Not everything is for sale or has a price tag.

This is probably by far the comment that resonates the most with me.  One thing we all have to keep in mind here is that we are a community of collectors.  It can be difficult to step outside ourselves and realize that not everyone views things the way we do.  When I started collecting again as an adult, it was because I had such great memories of the ponies I played with as a kid.  I didn't care about finding rare or expensive ponies... that came much later after I got hooked, lol.  To be honest I kind of miss those beginning days when I was over the moon at FINALLY getting Bow-Tie, a pony I never had as a child.  I'm not sure at what point it turned into something more than just replacing a childhood pony that had gotten ruined or lost, or buying one I had always wanted.  I guess what I'm saying is, isn't the whole point of collecting because we want to connect with our childhoods in some small way?  If it's for the sake of collecting only, maybe we should reconsider why we are doing it. 

I'm not saying I wouldn't have been disappointed, either, but it's one thing to feel that someone is letting their old ponies collect dust vs. wanting to keep them for their own children or grandchildren.  Health and safety issues aside, it shouldn't matter to us if vintage toys are getting played with.  After all, isn't that what we did when we were kids?  Did any of us ever say to ourselves, "Boy, I better keep this pony in her original packing so she's worth something someday"?  No, we released them from their plastic bubbles right away so we could get to the business of playing with them.  Brushing and styling their hair, dressing them up in cute outfits, twirling them around in the Baby Bonnet School of Dance, etc.  Sometimes we even cut their hair, gave them eyeshadow, and wrote our initials on the bottoms of their hooves like Andy did with Woody, Buzz, and the gang. 

I don't know about the rest of you, but I rue the day I ever start thinking more like a collector and less like a child.  And believe me, I have had to snap myself out of that mindset more than a time or two.  I am sorry if this causes waves.  I'm not speaking to anyone in particular, just commenting on the conversation as a whole and sharing my own opinion on the matter.  ^^;
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: spookysage on May 08, 2013, 02:14:46 PM
I have given vintage toys (including a couple of ponies) to my nieces to play with.  I know some things are worth money, but the kids seriously love the stuff, and I absolutely love seeing them enjoying it.  They also take REALLY really good care of the stuff.  Last year I gave my then-3 year old niece a winged She-ra horse, I'm sure I told her to that I was entrusting it to her care, and trusting her not to break or step on it.  The next Christmas she couldn't wait to show me how well she had taken care of it.  Apparently every time she played with it she told my sister how she was taking care of it for her aunt-  it was so adorable. 

Seriously- not all kids are complete brats that ruin their toys.  If my sister sold the toys to some friend (or stranger) who came over asking to buy them-  I'd be seriously disappointed.   The toys belong to the kids.

Very true! I was one of those careful children - taught to handle records and later CDs by the edges and label, never "dogeared" a book. I never even threw out my Barbies' boxes, and was very careful not to lose their accessories (and the Teen Skipper glasses I lost rankle to this day). I even got mad at my mother for machine washing and drying a plush white Persian cat I had - he wasn't even dirty, and his long, lovely fur came out completely frizzy, coarse and ruined! Too bad I only had one pony, secondhand at that - but years later and she's still in the condition I got her in.

I understand the disappointment, but it may help to remember just how many collectors still treasure their toys from years ago. Those Big Brothers are just future childhood ponies! Plus, with family members knowing the toys are worth a little something, I'm sure the kids will be encouraged to play with care.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: kestral_kitsune on May 08, 2013, 02:25:04 PM
 I have a friend who has a complete Big Brother and Mountain Boy collection from childhood along with a bunch of other ponies including a Punzie -i've seen them-, but they're stored away and she doesn't collect. But I've never once asked after them even though a few are on my 'i'd like to own' list.  That doesn't mean that the person needs to be regarded with such unwarranted ...hate/disgust.... that I'm reading from some of these responses. Sometimes its not Petty that a co-worker/friend/boss doesn't want to give you their collection they have... maybe after hearing your stories about collecting they've realized 'oh hey i have these still, and I still like them.'

edited for word vomit and parts sounding too rude for my own liking
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: Tilas on May 08, 2013, 02:32:53 PM
so you offered a woman you barely knew money for sentimental keepsakes she took very good care of who'd rather share with her own daughter than sell them off? I can understand disappointment but the venom towards this woman seems unjustified especially since it seems a bit presumptuous to just offer to buy something from someone without really knowing who they are.

OKay, first of all, I did know these people, you missed the part of "my friends aunt", I know her whole family. Secondly, there's no "venom" towards anyone. I was disappointed (merely in losing a potential buy), but not angry. The grandmother didn't even know what she HAD, nor did the mother. They didn't "take very good care of them", nor were they "keepsakes", they were simply boxed up in the attic for the past two decades until the gramma found them and dug them out for the kids. The mother didn't CARE about the ponies other then her daughter played with them. Neither of them had any idea they were collectable, and in the aunt/grandmothers case, she didn't even know what they were. She thought they were only simple toys.  She decided to keep them simply because her kid played with them. ...and possibly since I mentioned their value she probably plans to keep them until the price rises, who knows. But, whatever, her choice of course.

And the only reason they learned they were worth anything was because my friend knows I'm a pony fan, and brought the whole thing up. My friend asked her aunt/the gramma to show them to me, and she was actually the one who suggested to the aunt/gramma she sell them to me. I was just happy to SEE them. I was excited at seeing the whole collection and being a collector, I let them know that it was such a collection and what the entire collection was worth (roughly $200 NOT counting the BB's!) by doing some quick checks here and on ebay. I figured if anything the gramma should know in case she ever did want/need to sell them, she could get fair price instead of $0.50 in a garage sale! She was happy to know that too, and even had me price check the Barbie she had for the kid too (she had some PRICEY Barbies and some really old classic cases!).

I don't see where anyone gets the idea that I was "venomous" or "rude", and some of the comments here came off as if you think me some horrible person... I was just trying to share a little "so close!" story. To me, I find it interesting top learn if what I have may be worth something to someone. Not "just to make money", but just to know. I've had collectors of other things see items *I* have and tell me about them and offer to buy them (and yes I've sold/kept things before) so when my friend suggested it to her aunt, I didn't see the problem in making the offer. Never hurts the ask, the worst people can do is say no, and THAT'S OKAY. I may have been disappointed at the response but such is life, it was nice to just see them.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: kestral_kitsune on May 08, 2013, 02:36:03 PM
I don't think your's in particular was venomous , I need to reword mine  or just blast it cause blagh XD I need to not respond with a headache  it was just a couple others on here that kinda gave the vibe. 
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: lochnessmomster on May 08, 2013, 02:54:07 PM
@Tilas, big hugs to you.  It's no fun to feel like people are ganging up on you and/or making assumptions.  I can't speak for all the comments here, only my own.  Mine were mostly as a response to the conversation in general, not to your original post.  You shouldn't have to defend your position, though I definitely understand why you'd want to.  The full story makes a lot of sense to me, and it was actually very kind of you to point out their value should she decide to sell them in the future.  A lot of people wouldn't do that.  Heck, I don't even know if I would do that.  I would probably just say, "Please think of me if you ever change your mind."  :P
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: elish2 on May 08, 2013, 03:02:13 PM
Tilas you did nothing wrong. As they say, you never know unless you ask. I personally do not think it is rude to ask someone if they would be interested in selling something. It becomes rude if you pester them about it after they say no. But just asking, "hey, would you ever consider selling them to me if I make you and offer" is not wrong.

I can also only speak for my posts, and it was in reference to that sometimes things can be like a oh drat situation. Just like on ebay, oh drat I did not win that pony and I was close. Like I said earlier, in my situation it just stinks that they would tell me they have them, and have no plans to do anything with them and know I am interested, but it is their decision as to what they do with their stuff. It is just a frustrating, oh drat scenario, but its all good. I  do not muster feeling of anger or hatred for it.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: ashes on May 08, 2013, 03:37:59 PM
Let's keep things civil, shall we?

I have my vast pony collection, and I have four daughters.  And they have the ponies they play with - G1s, G3s, and G4s.  (No G2s really because I'm not into collecting them).  True many of the G1s my kids have are duplicates, but some I gave them were pretty nice.  And they still are.  We have bins for the ponies, bins for the accessories, and bins for the playset accessories.  And I've shown them my ponies - the only ones I don't let them handle are the wingers, the flutters, and the Nirvanas/customs (due to fragility).  I look at my collection and realize that above all, I'm glad that my daughters love to play with ponies as much as I did, and that it would be sad if I couldn't share it with them.  Afterall, they are toys, and toys were meant for children.

Still, as a collector, it is a bummer when you miss out on ponies you really, really want.
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: cyberfluf on May 08, 2013, 03:52:28 PM
When growing up I had a friend who had two ponies, an italy parasol and a spanish baby bow-tie (cuddles pose). I did not know the value of the baby bow-tie back then but I had never seen her before and I did feel this must be a special pony. I offered to buy them from her as she did not play with them anymore, but she said she would keep them for her children to play with. Please keep in mind we were about eleven years old when this occurred, so I really didn't get why someone our age would do that. I still don't have a baby bow-tie in that pose in my collection and I'm still hoping to get her one day. She's in her twenties now and when reading this post I can't help but think what might have become of that baby bow-tie.. it can mess with your head as a collector :-p :-(
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: HoustonCollector72 on May 08, 2013, 04:21:03 PM
Cool Story and Thread , Love all the different opinions and well is all good
My niece who I have been giving ponies since I started ,asked me the other day :

Would you leave all your ponies to me when you die ??

LOL  I was very surprised , I was thinking she was not that much into all the pony stuff, she likes most of the ponies,but not so much the old generations,Except G2's
I said  Yes of course ,with  her promise to cherish them as much as I do :)

she is a G4/g2 :)   so far............  LOL

I know she will appreciate them all when I'm gone :)

Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: tealslippers on May 09, 2013, 02:37:37 AM
I would have also been mad at the person for not selling it. I almost think she was doing it just to make the topic creator mad. A two year old won't even remember if a few ponies go missing.

I would have been furious too. No, I wouldn't have said anything rude to her, but I would have been fuming inside.

I don't understand how you think you have the right to be furious or fuming in this scenario.  If I come to your home and see something I like and I offer you money for it - do I have a right to be furious at you when you say no, for whatever reason? 
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: hathorcat on May 09, 2013, 03:06:10 AM
Y'all may have noticed that so far there has only been a delicate prod in this thread to not start arguments or get angry or accusatory with one another.

Well...this is the big fat warning...stay chill or its locked...its your call
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: lochnessmomster on May 09, 2013, 04:44:14 AM
Y'all may have noticed that so far there has only been a delicate prod in this thread to not start arguments or get angry or accusatory with one another.

Well...this is the big fat warning...stay chill or its locked...its your call

Thanks, Cat.  What would we do without our arena mods? :hug:

I am confident that my comments were not out of line, but all the same, it is good to be reminded to keep things polite.  ^.^
Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: DazzleKitty on May 09, 2013, 04:47:51 AM
I would have also been mad at the person for not selling it. I almost think she was doing it just to make the topic creator mad. A two year old won't even remember if a few ponies go missing.

I would have been furious too. No, I wouldn't have said anything rude to her, but I would have been fuming inside.

I don't understand how you think you have the right to be furious or fuming in this scenario.  If I come to your home and see something I like and I offer you money for it - do I have a right to be furious at you when you say no, for whatever reason? 

You don't need to attack me.

I would FEEL furious, but I said I wouldn't say anything to the person. I would just internalize the feelings, okay?

And it's your right to feel however you want. As long as you don't lash out at the person, feel however you need to. You can be angry about something but also be mature about it too and not say anything. I would have been angry in her shoes, but it's not like I would take it out on the person not selling me the ponies or yell at them.

Sorry, I don't mean to start any fights. I just felt a little miffed. I don't want the thread to be locked, but I don't think I should be called out just because of how I would feel in a situation, not how I would act.

There are going to be people who would be angry in this situation, and others who would be totally understanding. It just shows how different people are, but those differences aren't always bad.

Title: Re: 3 Complete Big Brothers...
Post by: hathorcat on May 09, 2013, 05:26:52 AM
Good bye thread...
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