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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Sprinkles on April 21, 2013, 10:40:20 AM

Title: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Sprinkles on April 21, 2013, 10:40:20 AM
Hi there everyone! I'm toying around with the idea of getting a tattoo but of course, I have no idea what I would even get. And I have a bunch of questions for those of you that have them :blush:

How did you decide on a tattoo? What does it represent/what is it's meaning? How old were you when you got your first one? Do you have a tattoo you regret getting? Do you have a favorite tattoo? Have you gotten matching tattoos with someone else?

Pictures are encouraged! :)
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Eviecorn on April 21, 2013, 10:49:20 AM
To answer your questions:

1. I decide on mine pretty randomly, honestly, but I make sure they're things I love and can live with, like beautiful pieces of artwork, animals, etc.
2. Some of mine have deep backgrounds (like my lucky cat - my grandfather collected statues of them; my mockingbird represents my two states, Tennessee and Texas.)  Others have mostly aesthetic value.
3. I was 15 when I got my first one.  I no longer have that one, though.
4. See above.  It was badly done and I had it removed since it was solid black and hard to cover.  Painful, and so not worth going through.
5. My favorite is my Sarasvati half sleeve.

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6. Yes, with my bestie.

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Some more pics for posterity:
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Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Enolaalone on April 21, 2013, 10:51:14 AM
Yay, tats! One of my favourite topics :biggrin:

I was... 21 or 22 when I got my first one (I'll be 28 in July). I have four now, one of which I added to so it's kinda like having five. Sort of. I am planning more (I am always planning more). I decided on them each for different reasons, they tend to have to have a very strong personal meaning for me to want them permanently on my skin, and a lot of my tats are writing. So much so I've put myself on a person ban from getting more with words, my next one has to be a picture!

I have no regrets when it comes to them. Some days I look at them and think, well maybe I wish I didn't have that, but I think it's the same with a lot of things. You change your mind a bit but... they represent moments in time for me. So I never regret them long-term, because they represent who I used to be, and who I still am. I'm not sure how much sense that makes.

I don't have any tattoos that I got with someone else. I am not sure I can imagine doing that tbh.

I go through a process with deciding on my tats. I generally have a bit of a think about them, like I'll come up with an idea and then I'll let it settle for a period of time. That way I can see if I go off it. A recommendation I got from a friend is that if you find a picture or a drawing or whatever that you like, stick it on the wall next to your bed. That way you'll see it every day and you can decide if you want it on you permanently.

I'm going to stop blathering on now  :lol: Hope I kind of helped.
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: LadyStarCatcher on April 21, 2013, 10:53:13 AM
I have three tattoos. I was 24 when I got my first one on my chest. I designed it at work doodling. Haha. Decided I wanted it. Its a heart and crown. Very simple with simple elegant filligree. Had the money. Was 27 for my second on my arm. Gir from invader zim. And 28 when I got my ankle one which is glory's symbol. I love all my tattoos. I have five others planned. But it depends on your pain tolerance, the artist doing it, and many other factors. It's weeks of healing and care. And some people have allergic reactions. Two of my tattoos scared. One you can't tell, but the other I'll have to have redone. Sorry I don't have pictures to share. But hopefully this helps some. Good luck!
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: kaninchen on April 21, 2013, 05:42:35 PM
i have a number of tattoos. it's easier to count hours in the chair than it is to count individual tattoos.

i was 19 when i got my first one, a small quarter-sized hyper-realistic ladybug on my left foot, above my ring? toe. i wanted that in the exact placement because i had wanted since childhood. i love and collect ladybugs, and my grandmother even called me her little ladybug.
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: kamakazee82 on April 21, 2013, 05:59:38 PM
lol i've wanted tattoos since i was tiny lol so far i only have one, but i love it and it's been something i'd been working on for years, but came to fruition with the advent of Metalocalypse and Dethklok.  long story short, i have the dethbrand gear between my shoulder blades. i love metal, i love dethklok, my grandfather, who has now passed away, was an unbelievable tinkerer of all things and when crap really started hitting the fan for me as a teen he pulled me aside and said 'no matter how small ans insignificant you feel, you are a piece of something bigger ..."

i do not regret it, okay maybe only in that it took so long to get it lol

but yeah you have to figure out what YOU want ... something with love and meaning for YOU ... that's the important thing ... YOU ... not someone else ... not a fad ... not something you just came into the last year or two even ... something that has been in you forever ...

ETA: as for pain, meh ... feels like a bee sting tht lasts forever lol the bonier the area, the worse it feels, sine is NOT fun, you get used to it on one side then WHAM! hello other side! lol healing can be the downside ... scarring can happen and if you have problems with scar tissue/healing i sadly do not recommend tatts ... friend of mine had a scarring thing where he scars from ANYTHING and his pierced ear and tatt did NOT go very well ... A&D ointment when the tatt is frsh for the week/week and a half, keep it goopy, DO NOT SCRATCH/ITCH/SCRUB/LET IT DRY OUT. careful showering with it ... and use lotion to keep it soft/moist for the next week/week and a half after the A&D ...
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: himmie on April 21, 2013, 06:16:21 PM
1. All of my tattoos mean something to me. Or represent something important in my life.

2. I was 18, that's a legal age here in Wisco.

3. I do not regret any. But there are some I wish I could move to a different area.

4. My favorites are portraits of two of my deceased dogs and a portrait of a Himalayan rabbit.

5. Yes, I have two friends with a similar tattoo to one of mine, in different colors.

I really do not have photos of mine, never have. Heh.

I have slept during a lot of my tattoos. However, depending on where the tattoo is, you may have to be in an uncomfortable position for a long time.
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Lorelei Redfern on April 21, 2013, 08:30:53 PM
well i  have always  loved my tattoos. i  rp a lot and my   char that i use  has this beautiful birthmark. and i had always wnate dto get it tattooed.  well i wa scared so i thought i'd start with soemthing simple. I was told that the best palce to get your first one  is your ankle. it int hat  tender.  the worst place is your ribs. 

I  have 12 tattoos and i plan to get more1   its a bit addicting.  I   dont really share tatttos with anyone..  i have a couple tattoos that have meaning.  one a field mouse becuaes  my  nick growing up was mouse becuase i have a vocal tick that makes me "sqeak" like a mouse.

my  fav tattooo would be my  blue  swiss cheese  cresent moon! i loveit... it is gorgous. it  even has a small mouse  bite taken out..  and then  later on i got my  little "hamlet mouse"   and he  just fits in perfectly. 

I dont  regret any of them.. i just regret not getting more..  i have a few memorials i plan on getting.  but one i wish i could have changed  the one i wnated the most insread of a moon it looks like pac man ><
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Sprinkles on April 21, 2013, 08:37:48 PM
Wow, these are all great answers! Thank you all for the answers and the tips :) I have come up with one or two ideas that I really like (nothing major) so I'll spend the next several days giving it some serious thought.

And Eviecorn, your tattoos are all gorgeous! I really like the bird and your half sleeve, they're so detailed!
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: allhallowsevepony on April 21, 2013, 09:24:52 PM
I don't have any tattoos and don't really ever plan on getting one. But - if I ever do - because of MLP I now at least know where on my body I'll get it (read: cutie mark).
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: stopxmotion on April 21, 2013, 10:25:22 PM
I have 6 tattoos and I do regret two of them - One would be ok if it wasn't so badly done (I blame myself for not being more perceptive of what was going on when the design was shown to me before it was inked), but the other I just wish would go away. It is large, was never even finished, and is in a horrible location. I plan to get it covered by something a little nicer sometime in the future.
I'm happy with my others, especially the smallest one on my finger and the UV design on my wrist. I've discovered that it can work very well at getting me into theme parks for free, lol.

I got my first one at 18 right before I started studying veterinary medicine, and it's doggie pawprints on my shoulder.
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Sunshine on April 21, 2013, 11:50:06 PM
I have two tattoos...

One that I love so much, and means the world to me. I designed and drew it myself, and to top it off, it was FREE (yes, amazing, about a $400+ tattoo, its nice having tattoo artist friends)
It's on my lower back so, technically a "ttramp stamp" but... I don't think it is.
It's a Shovelnose sturgeon (Well technically it looks more like a Shortnose/Shovelnose hybrid)
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My other one is on my wrist and I'm actually going to get it changed but... I'm not saying much about it.
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I don't regret it, but I wish I put more thought into it, and I wish it had been done by the same person (this artist was not a friend, and NOT as good)

Both photos were taken RIGHT after being done. None of them scabbed or scarred at all. I had no issues with healing.

How I decided? The sturgeon is my world, my passion, my job - I worked with them for a time and I want to again... it's gorgeous and beautiful and original (to me). There was no question about wanting it. I also didn't want it RIGHT in anyone's face. I wanted it to be kind of big, so my back was the only place...

Definitely planning on getting more in the future. But, they're forever. So I think ALOT about them. Been years since I got my first one, but I was like 23 when I got my sturgeon. :)
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: kaoskat on April 22, 2013, 07:27:28 AM
I have none but best of luck choosing!
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: hilamb on April 22, 2013, 08:50:42 PM
I have 4 tattoos and i want more. I am not getting any new tough yet, since im a student and they cost alot. Maby newxt year or so. :biggrin:
Good luck with choosing the tattoo.
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: DoctorMowinckel on April 23, 2013, 01:44:41 AM
I go with the ten year rule. Ten years ago, what would you have gotten a tattoo of? Is it the same thing you'd get a tattoo of today? If so, then it's probably okay to get that tattoo.
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Eldarwen on April 23, 2013, 02:31:05 AM
I have a dragon/tribal tattoo on my lower back. Its nice, but.. Yeah, I was 18 when I got it. Nowadays I would take something totally different, no tribals at least. I've decided that if I hit my goal with losing weight, I will allow myself to go and get it removed. I will get another tattoo on the same place.

I have also decided that if I still collect ponies 1 year from now, I want to get a G1 pony on my wrist.  ^.^
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Sunshine on April 23, 2013, 10:52:32 AM
I go with the ten year rule. Ten years ago, what would you have gotten a tattoo of? Is it the same thing you'd get a tattoo of today? If so, then it's probably okay to get that tattoo.

That's a smart rule, lol! I never really thought about it, since I haven't had mine for quite 10 years yet, but I CAN say today that I would definitely get my sturgeon again... the other, eh. Prolly not. But nice to know I'm not totally alone in having some tattoo that you're not thrilled about...

Speaking of... and he'd kill me if he found out I was saying this, but my fiance has a piece of work on his back... I like to summarize his back tattoo by saying, "It's like... you walked in to the tattoo shop and said, "I REALLY love that scene in the Neverending Story where they're trying to get through the gates that look like woman sphinxes, but I ALSO really want them to be nude." Seriously. It's a pair of nude laides facing each other, one like devil horns and a spear, the other like... nice hair and boots. It's RIDICULOUS. and it's just Line-Art, so thankfully it's not a full back piece. He's definitely wanting to get that removed... lol. I like to color it in on his back with those smelly fruit markers...
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Sprinkles on April 23, 2013, 11:10:37 AM
I go with the ten year rule. Ten years ago, what would you have gotten a tattoo of? Is it the same thing you'd get a tattoo of today? If so, then it's probably okay to get that tattoo.

I really like that rule but unfortunately, 10 years ago for me was when I was 9 years old.... But one of the ideas I've been playing around with has had significance to me for the past 5 years so I think it might be a good idea....

I go with the ten year rule. Ten years ago, what would you have gotten a tattoo of? Is it the same thing you'd get a tattoo of today? If so, then it's probably okay to get that tattoo.

That's a smart rule, lol! I never really thought about it, since I haven't had mine for quite 10 years yet, but I CAN say today that I would definitely get my sturgeon again... the other, eh. Prolly not. But nice to know I'm not totally alone in having some tattoo that you're not thrilled about...

Speaking of... and he'd kill me if he found out I was saying this, but my fiance has a piece of work on his back... I like to summarize his back tattoo by saying, "It's like... you walked in to the tattoo shop and said, "I REALLY love that scene in the Neverending Story where they're trying to get through the gates that look like woman sphinxes, but I ALSO really want them to be nude." Seriously. It's a pair of nude laides facing each other, one like devil horns and a spear, the other like... nice hair and boots. It's RIDICULOUS. and it's just Line-Art, so thankfully it's not a full back piece. He's definitely wanting to get that removed... lol. I like to color it in on his back with those smelly fruit markers...

Lol I would want to do the same thing!  :lmao: Lines are meant to be colored in! And SunshinePony, your tattoos are very nice :) I really like the sturgeon one, it's so unique!

Also, some more questions :blush:

I was looking at tattoo parlors and on one's Facebook page, they had a picture saying how it's bad to get tattoos on your hands because they end up looking really bad due to not being able to heal correctly :blink: Is there any truth to that? Or does it depend on how well it was taken care of while it healed and how good of a job the tattoo artist did?

And what is everyone's opinion about a word tattoo? Two of my ideas are words (Don't worry! They're not names!) and I was having a bit of trouble figuring out placement. For one, I was thinking about the side of my right middle finger (which is why I asked about hand tattoos) and the other either the side of my left foot or my left wrist....
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Enolaalone on April 23, 2013, 11:16:52 AM
I have loads of text tattoos, love them :) I would be wary of getting them on my hands though, maybe a small one on the side of your finger might be okay, but they're quite out there in terms of tats. It depends what sort of job you want, but I find it's a bit like neck/face tattoos in that they can be off-putting to prospective employers.

The thing I would say about hands is there's probably a similar problem to foot tattoos, in that you use and wash your hands all the time, so you're more likely to get blurring/fading issues.
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Sunshine on April 23, 2013, 12:31:14 PM
The only issue I had was I ran into some artists who refuse to do small tattoos, probably because they (the artist) sucksssss so avoid them anyway. Words can have LOTS of meaning, and shouldn't be passed over if that's what you feel can best sum up your "idea" or what you want to express...

I don't personally know about hand tattoos... the one on my wrist had no problems healing, but it was a WEIRD feeling there, you know.. needles going in and out of the stereotypical "wrist cutter" place, made me kind of nervous because of the veins and stuff, but I had no issues. (Sorry if that's graphic, but that's how I felt when I was getting it!)
I think if you have a good artist, who doesn't tattoo you too deep, you shouldn't have problems with a tattoo healing on any part of your body (except maybe something odd like your palms or bottom of your feet where we have that extra layer of skin... NOT that those are typical tattoo locations...)

My best friend has a tattoo on the top of each foot. The first one he got, the artist tattoo'd him WAY too deeply, and the stars scarred up so they look puffy, and are just a tad raised now... it's been a few years. Then he got his other foot done by a much better artist, and it's BEAUTIFUL. Crisp and clean, no scarring or puffiness. He's going to try and get the other one fixed somehow, like tattooing larger stars over the puffy ones, but - that's the worst that happened. He did say it was a sensitive area, top of hands, top of feet, VERY thin skin there...
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Enolaalone on April 23, 2013, 02:20:54 PM
Ooh I love wrist tattoos though, especially writing on wrists. Here is mine:

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That was when the stick and the writing were just done, hence the slightly wrinkled look.

I will now stop hogging your thread :bolt:
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Sprinkles on April 23, 2013, 08:42:43 PM
Ooh I love wrist tattoos though, especially writing on wrists. Here is mine:

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That was when the stick and the writing were just done, hence the slightly wrinkled look.

I will now stop hogging your thread :bolt:

Another awesome tattoo! Seriously, ever since I started this thread, I've been loving tattoos more and more  XD I keep looking at all kinds of tattoo pictures and talking to my friend about it.

And Enolaalone, you're not hogging it :P Feel free to keep talking! I love hearing everyone's stories and seeing the artwork you guys have :)
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: DoctorMowinckel on April 24, 2013, 06:03:44 AM
The thing I would say about hands is there's probably a similar problem to foot tattoos, in that you use and wash your hands all the time, so you're more likely to get blurring/fading issues.

That is absolutely correct. If you get some intricate lettering on your fingers, any lettering, really, it will start to fade within a year. In three years, it will look like utter crap. This is partly because you move your hands and fingers a lot, and because the skin on your fingers isn't as thick as it is elsewhere on your body. It also increase the chance of a 'blow out'. A blow out happens when the ink is inked too deep into the skin, the tattoo area gets aggravated before it heals, and it causes the ink to either bleed from the lines, or blur. There are varying degrees of blow outs, some will be a little tiny bit of bleed, and in the worst cases, it will be a mess. Google tattoo blow out if you're curious.

A really good tattoo artist is going to occasionally have a flub and ink too deep, happens. Usually not a cause for concern, but if the ink was put too deep on a part of the body that sees a lot of movement or pressure, it can really exaggerate the chance of a blow out. When you're inked too deep, it's not a 100% chance for a blow out, either, and after it fully heals, there's no more chance of a blow out. If it's a tattoo on your forearm, shoulder, bicep, a part of your body that stays mostly inert, and the tattoo artist inked too deep, it'll be fine. But, if the artist inked too deep, the more you move the area where the tattoo is, the bigger the chance for a blow out.

Tattoo artists are iffy about things like finger tattoos for all of these reasons, as well they should be. They don't need someone who didn't do their research coming back and saying 'look what happened!'.
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: CottonTALE on April 24, 2013, 06:33:51 AM
I have some tattoos :) I have 3.5 on my back and 2 on my legs. My first tattoo I got was in my final year of high school in 2011:

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This is going to be a full upper-back tattoo of the first 6 pokemon i ever had on my team when I was younger. There is also half a bulbasaur on my back that I need to get finished:
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Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Sprinkles on April 24, 2013, 09:21:50 AM
The thing I would say about hands is there's probably a similar problem to foot tattoos, in that you use and wash your hands all the time, so you're more likely to get blurring/fading issues.

That is absolutely correct. If you get some intricate lettering on your fingers, any lettering, really, it will start to fade within a year. In three years, it will look like utter crap. This is partly because you move your hands and fingers a lot, and because the skin on your fingers isn't as thick as it is elsewhere on your body. It also increase the chance of a 'blow out'. A blow out happens when the ink is inked too deep into the skin, the tattoo area gets aggravated before it heals, and it causes the ink to either bleed from the lines, or blur. There are varying degrees of blow outs, some will be a little tiny bit of bleed, and in the worst cases, it will be a mess. Google tattoo blow out if you're curious.

A really good tattoo artist is going to occasionally have a flub and ink too deep, happens. Usually not a cause for concern, but if the ink was put too deep on a part of the body that sees a lot of movement or pressure, it can really exaggerate the chance of a blow out. When you're inked too deep, it's not a 100% chance for a blow out, either, and after it fully heals, there's no more chance of a blow out. If it's a tattoo on your forearm, shoulder, bicep, a part of your body that stays mostly inert, and the tattoo artist inked too deep, it'll be fine. But, if the artist inked too deep, the more you move the area where the tattoo is, the bigger the chance for a blow out.

Tattoo artists are iffy about things like finger tattoos for all of these reasons, as well they should be. They don't need someone who didn't do their research coming back and saying 'look what happened!'.

I've read a lot about finger and hand tattoos becoming faded and all of the reasons behind it but I hadn't heard of a tattoo blow out before. Thank you for the warning! For the finger tattoos, I've seen a lot of really nice looking ones and read about people that got them a long time ago and how they still look nice. I also read that with finger tattoos, you should get them touched up two or three times to lessen the chance of them fading. Does that really help?

I have some tattoos :) I have 3.5 on my back and 2 on my legs. My first tattoo I got was in my final year of high school in 2011:

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This is going to be a full upper-back tattoo of the first 6 pokemon i ever had on my team when I was younger. There is also half a bulbasaur on my back that I need to get finished:
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CottonTALE, your first tattoo is so pretty! And I love the idea of your first pokemon team as a tattoo :) So cute!

Again, thank you so much everyone for sharing all of this with me. I have really learned a lot from you all  :)
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: DoctorMowinckel on April 25, 2013, 02:58:06 PM
The thing I would say about hands is there's probably a similar problem to foot tattoos, in that you use and wash your hands all the time, so you're more likely to get blurring/fading issues.

That is absolutely correct. If you get some intricate lettering on your fingers, any lettering, really, it will start to fade within a year. In three years, it will look like utter crap. This is partly because you move your hands and fingers a lot, and because the skin on your fingers isn't as thick as it is elsewhere on your body. It also increase the chance of a 'blow out'. A blow out happens when the ink is inked too deep into the skin, the tattoo area gets aggravated before it heals, and it causes the ink to either bleed from the lines, or blur. There are varying degrees of blow outs, some will be a little tiny bit of bleed, and in the worst cases, it will be a mess. Google tattoo blow out if you're curious.

A really good tattoo artist is going to occasionally have a flub and ink too deep, happens. Usually not a cause for concern, but if the ink was put too deep on a part of the body that sees a lot of movement or pressure, it can really exaggerate the chance of a blow out. When you're inked too deep, it's not a 100% chance for a blow out, either, and after it fully heals, there's no more chance of a blow out. If it's a tattoo on your forearm, shoulder, bicep, a part of your body that stays mostly inert, and the tattoo artist inked too deep, it'll be fine. But, if the artist inked too deep, the more you move the area where the tattoo is, the bigger the chance for a blow out.

Tattoo artists are iffy about things like finger tattoos for all of these reasons, as well they should be. They don't need someone who didn't do their research coming back and saying 'look what happened!'.

I've read a lot about finger and hand tattoos becoming faded and all of the reasons behind it but I hadn't heard of a tattoo blow out before. Thank you for the warning! For the finger tattoos, I've seen a lot of really nice looking ones and read about people that got them a long time ago and how they still look nice. I also read that with finger tattoos, you should get them touched up two or three times to lessen the chance of them fading. Does that really help?

It depends on the design. If it's any sort of lettering that isn't super bold, it will fade, you won't need to get it touched up a few times in your life, more like a couple times a year.

Here are some finger tattoos with intricate lettering right after they healed;

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Nice ink, right? No blow outs, really tight lines, detailed script, too. Have an after;

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I don't know how much time passed between the two, but they were both taken with a cell phone camera. So it was likely less than three years. Finger tattoos will fade, fast.

If it's a design with really bold lines and shapes, like some people will get a 'wedding band' tattoo, it will start to fade and blur around the edges, but it's not like it's a really detailed piece, so whatever.

Don't listen to heresy from other people. Talk to your tattoo artist. Ask them what you're thinking about it, and ask them how it will age. Tattoo artists really care about their work, and if they're going to do a piece that could make someone go 'look how quick this faded! That tattoo artist sucks!', they're not going to be eager to do it, they don't need that negative press. Tattoo artists want to give you an awesome piece that will look good for the rest of your life, and they'll work with you on that.

If this is going to be your first tattoo, do your homework. Ask the tattoo artist what they think of it, how it will age. Ask them about the design, what they think of it, if they think it's the type of tattoo that's trendy and will be out of fashion in a year, thus making you look silly. Look at the artists portfolio, be ready to pay for good work, and tip them! You tip your tattoo artist, they're putting something on you forever. That lasts longer than a pizza or dinner.

If your tattoo artist doesn't have their bloodborne pathogens certification, leave immediately. OSHA (Occupation Safety and Health Administration) requires a tattoo artists in most states (I think all) to have their bloodborne pathogens certification. If you're in a tattoo shop and they don't have it, they're not taking it seriously, at all. You can find someone with more experience, easily. You'll pay more, but it's worth it.

I advise people to put a lot of thought into tattoos, not because it's there forever or some gobbledegook, but because you only have so much real estate on your body! When I was 19 or 20 I almost got the Konami logo (the old one) tattooed on my shoulder, and while that would be an awesome tattoo, it'd be taking up that space, which is likely going to spent on something else, something that I've been into for nine years now. So, I'm glad I sat on that! Get tattoos, tattoos are awesome, but don't get something and think 'that's neat but I could have done better'. There's no backsies!
Title: Tattoo Talk
Post by: kirei_na_sakura on April 25, 2013, 07:41:37 PM
My tattoo was spur of the moment when I was in college. I believe I was 20 or 21. I just picked a star design (I love stars) and got that. It is on the top of my back, right below my neck, so I forget it's there most of the time.  :)
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Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: kaninchen on April 25, 2013, 11:45:24 PM
i love well done lettering tattoos, and i have a word tattoo. just one word. and one i didn't even pick out! in fact, i had agreed to get the tattoo without ever knowing what my word would be! it's part of an art/literaure project and i wouldn't have missed the chance to be a part of it for the world. i would have been happy with anything, but i really really adore the word i ended up with.

and why not, have some pictures of some of my ink:

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swollen to high heaven and back!

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Roland Topor's "la masochiste"
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Schitterboogje on April 26, 2013, 10:43:19 AM
I have 2 tattoo's.

The first one I got on my 18th birthday. It's a tribal on my lower back. Only with black ink and not too big. Sorry I have no photo.
I had that one just because I wanted a tattoo so badly and I got it out of a book at the tattoo shop.
I don't regret that one because I still think it looks nice but I would definately not get a tattoo again just to have one.

Now I'm 26 and my second tattoo I got maybe 7 months ago. Since my first tattoo I said that if I wanted another one it should be something with a personal thought.
I've been fighting a battle against anorexia and low self esteem for almost 5 years and the mirror was my biggest enemy at that time. Now I'm still recovering from it but the mirror is becoming my friend more and more.. so I didn't have to think very long for a second tattoo. I let the words  ' Mirror, Mirror ' tattooed on the inside of my left arm.
It's very personal to me and that tattoo is very special too me. And I so much more happy with this one than with my first one !  :biggrin:

My advise would be to think good about what tattoo do you want. Don't take something just to have one. So chances to regret it later will be much smaller.  :)

Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: kaninchen on April 26, 2013, 10:59:35 PM
i love your "mirror, mirror" tattoo so much. there's a very similar reason why i have a tattoo of a woman embroidering on herself called "la masochiste."
Title: Tattoo Talk
Post by: kirei_na_sakura on April 27, 2013, 04:44:33 PM
Kaninchen, love your foot tattoo!
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Ivaness on April 29, 2013, 07:57:57 PM
I have 5 tattoos. 3 were spur of the moment tattoos when I was 18/19.
This is my first tatto:
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I've always liked stars and moons.
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This is called PATTERN IN THE IVY, done by Mellon on DeviantArt. It's my FAVORITE favorite favorite tattoo. Ever. I'm the first person to get it tattooed on themselves. :D
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(To see the color better)
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A fairy sleeping on stars. :) I'm not happy with how the artist tattooed her.
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Sorry it's dark. They're my Autism puzzle pieces tattoos. My son is on the spectrum.
And my 5th, done just two weeks ago, about.
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Another Autism related one, with my son's name. He was SO happy to see his name on my foot. He picked out the tattoo, the colors. I already had the placement. He's my reason to get up every morning, to fight his fight. He deserves this and so much more. <3
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: hilamb on April 29, 2013, 08:49:03 PM
^ Wow, you have awsome and gorgeus tattoos.
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Schitterboogje on April 30, 2013, 04:03:43 PM
i love your "mirror, mirror" tattoo so much. there's a very similar reason why i have a tattoo of a woman embroidering on herself called "la masochiste."

Thank you so much!

Can I ask you what does that mean "la masochiste" ?  It's very nicely done by the way !
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: kaninchen on April 30, 2013, 04:08:07 PM
literally: the feminine masochist.
(one who harms oneself)
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: ponylady on April 30, 2013, 04:18:14 PM
Let's see I was 19, I think. Gosh, it was a long time ago now that I think about it but anyways it is on my ankle. It's a daisy chain. I love gardening and daisies are one of my favorite flowers, so it made sense.

I am planning another one though soon. Just have to get the courage up to do it again.  :blush:
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: Schitterboogje on April 30, 2013, 04:20:42 PM
literally: the feminine masochist.
(one who harms oneself)

Also very personal I see..   the artist did a good job with it !
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: allhallowsevepony on April 30, 2013, 05:48:04 PM
literally: the feminine masochist.
(one who harms oneself)

A masochist is someone who receives pleasure from being harmed (physical or mental or emotional or whatnot). Not necessarily only from harming oneself, though that obviously falls under it. It's the opposite of sadist - one who receives pleasure from harming others.
Title: Re: Tattoo Talk
Post by: kaninchen on April 30, 2013, 07:24:58 PM
well yes, i quite know. but it's a catch all term for any sort of enjoyment gathered from pain, be it physical or emotional release. i meant only a simple explanation of personal matters.
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