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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Vintergatan on March 31, 2013, 02:51:13 PM

Title: Let's talk sports!
Post by: Vintergatan on March 31, 2013, 02:51:13 PM
(sorry if a similar thread already exists, I just don't remember seeing one)

So, as some of you might remember I recently started playing Ice Hockey and tomorrow is the beginning of Women's Ice Hockey World Championship in which some of my team mates are participating :) So, naturally I got all excited, but most of my friends and family are not too interested in sports :P So i turn to you!

Do you like sports? Do you, or did you play any and what? Are you a big fan of a particular sport/person/team? Let's hear it ^^

I took after my dad in being a very sporty person my whole life. Sports that i've played include Athletics, Volleyball, Softball, Badminton, Archery, Synchronised Figure Skating, Speed Skating, and now, my favourite of all - Ice Hockey!
I've competitively competed in Badminton (silver medal in women's singles at the national level), Speed Skating where I represented Serbia in a few competitions before i got bored of it (NOT a fun sport to do imo :S) and now Ice Hockey where i've been playing in the Icelandic league ^^

As a spectator I used to be a huge fan of football (soccer), especially the Premier League, however, recent events in my home country, where the sport clubs and football fans have become very prominent (in all the worst ways) have literally made me sick of football :(
I also used to watch a lot of winter sports, mainly Ski jumping, but I no longer have the patience for it :P

And since i'm very proud of my team mates that are representing Iceland, here is a picture of my team from our last game a few weeks ago - we won the silver medal  ^^ Here's to hoping we actually win the championship next year :)  (I am in the upper left corner in black)

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Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: kaoskat on March 31, 2013, 03:03:50 PM
Not really in to sports myself, but good luck to your team mates!
Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 31, 2013, 03:42:11 PM
That's so cool, I love ice hockey. Good luck to your teammates in the championship!

I haven't played many sports outside of school. I was in gymnastics as a kid and on the volleyball team when I was older, though I never liked it much. I wanted to play field hockey actually! There was no team, and no one seemed to be interested besides me, but it was always something I enjoyed when we'd play it for Phys Ed.

As far as being a spectator, I enjoy the NHL and NFL but my real passion is wrestling. I and several people I know are so upset that the Olympic Committee voted it out of the games! It's a fundamental event of the Olympics :mad:

I love pro wrestling too, and in fact just Friday went to a show ^^ Some people don't count pro wrestling as a "real" sport, but it depends on which company you're watching. Some of those guys are seriously talented athletes that just also happen to enjoy acting, but that doesn't mean what they do is "fake". You can't fake things like this-

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That's duel dropkicks from the guys at the far left and right, to the other two in the center. Not one foot on the mat from any of them!

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Slingshot dive over the top rope practically into my lap :P

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Plus, the people are usually good people. Some of my best friends are indie wrestlers :)
Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: Sonata on March 31, 2013, 04:15:48 PM
I'm not much into sport, but... I wish to start doing Tai Chi when I can afford it. I think I'll love it and will help my health a lot :)

I have the body of someone who could be amazing at sports. I've got a lot of muscle but it's not developed a lot. I have close to no endurance and am really in bad shape. Because I had no incentive and had no confidence/self-esteem through most of my life, I ended up sucking at PE. Sometimes I wish it had all been different...
Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 31, 2013, 04:27:09 PM
I like bus-surfing... you know, going hands-free and balancing while taking the bus instead of hanging onto something.  :D  It can be a sport!  :-p  Other than that, I dance!
Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: Hervoyel on March 31, 2013, 05:06:48 PM
Good luck to your hockey team!

I'm into endurance sports myself - big fan of travelling to the international marathons, but love the local events too.

In terms of spectator sports, I enjoy watching rugby (union and league - I'm not picky) although I'm a bit of a fair weather fan, so I sometimes support a new team every season.  My husband (and his entire family) are huge soccer/football fans, so I tend to watch quite a bit of that just be association.
Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: Vintergatan on March 31, 2013, 05:21:38 PM
Thanks for the nice wishes everyone :)
BlackCurtains - it sucks so much when you can't play a sport you like :S I guess we just have to deal with liking more obscure sports ^^ And hey, I didn't even know wrestling was voted out of the Olympic games! That makes no sense to me :( sorry to hear that. As for pro wrestling, I've never watched it personally, though I know that it's quite popular here in Iceland. I might give it a try now :)

Sonata - I was also interested in Tai Chi! It seems like such a serene but empowering sport, though I don't think I could really do any martial arts, as I am severely disgusted by feet :P Oh, and you seem like the exact opposite of me. My body is everything but sporty! I'm short and, erm, womanly :P i have very big breasts which has been a source of frustration for me with all sports, until now :) I hope you get the chance to try out a sport, it's never too late ^^

lovesbabysquirmy - haha, well, I come from Serbia where riding in the public transport is definitely an extreme sport, so I can relate :D

Hervoyel - I have a friend who often travels and does marathons in various countries! :) in fact, this year she came to Iceland to do it, so if you ever decide to do the same, let me know :D

Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: DoctorMowinckel on March 31, 2013, 07:13:49 PM
I've been playing hockey forever. Don't play much these days, but I am a sub goalie for a nearby rink. If a team has no goalies that can make it to a game, they give me a ring and say 'Hey, hey, Ed. You wanna play net?', then I play a game.

I've been kicking around the idea of getting into good shape again, and playing hockey at a competitive level. Recreational leagues in North America are split into different tiers. Usually E/D, C, B, and A. E/D is the lowest tier, for people who have just started playing and don't have a lot of experience skating. A is for people who have been playing their whole lives and still enjoy it, but aren't good enough that people are willing to pay them to play hockey. Right now I sub mostly in C and B leagues. They don't let me sub in D league games, it wouldn't be fair. I'm not saying I'm a super awesome goalie, but the skill dichotomy between myself and the lowest tier league would make it a really one sided game. Playing in C and B leagues is fun, but I really want a serious level of competition.
Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: melodys_angel on April 01, 2013, 09:05:28 AM
Nah, ive never beena sports kind of girl unfortunetely :(  I ended up with the creativity and arts side of things :)

I do wish you the best of luck though!
Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: Beldarna on April 01, 2013, 10:17:53 AM
I used to play soccer as a kid and horsebackride as a young teen. I wish very much to take up riding again but it's so expensive I can't afford it right now. Soccer was fun in the beginning until I got pulled from my position and into a new one just because the new trainer wanted his daughter in a better position. I quit after one season in the new position, because I hated it.

I don't follow any sports nowadays but I used to follow the worldcup of horsejumping years ago and my hero was Nelson Pessoa. I was saddened when he retired from the competitions and stopped following after that. Nowadays if they show horsejumping on TV and I have the time, I watch it, but not as possesed as before.
Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: STLGusty on April 01, 2013, 10:57:24 AM
I loooooove sports.  My clear-cut favorite is ice hockey - I love to play it (not that I'm awesome at it, but I love it), and I love to watch it (obviously - by my avatar and signature lol).

I have played basketball and track/field ever since I was little, and both of my brothers were highly into them - so it's almost like I had no choice.  I adore playing tennis, and I never turn down a good badminton match (not that many people want to play badminton here, ha). 

Baseball is also fun for me to play and watch, too... and I enjoy watching football... 

I really love a ton of different sports.  I totally suck at volleyball and anything requiring tumbling or being super duper flexible, lol....and for that reason, I'm not a big fan of those, haha.

Even though I don't get a chance to play sports regularly anymore, I still definitely enjoy playing when I can and watching them whenever possible.
Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: Vintergatan on April 01, 2013, 02:53:31 PM
Yay, more hockey fans and players around :D We should make a MLP team :P
DoctorM, I admire hockey goalies so much! It takes guts to stand there knowing that everyone is trying real hard to knock that puck at you as hard as they can! respect!
On that note, Iceland won against South Africa today by 5:1 so it's a really good start ^^

I am really not an artistic person although I'd love to be! I guess we can't choose what talents we end up with ^^

Beldarna, it is so sad that you had to change your position out of someone else's selfishness! I basically got cheated by my federation which lead to me quitting speed skating, so I know how much it sucks :S I hope you can afford horseriding again soon! I can't ride but I love horses, it must be so fun!

STLGusty - WOW! you really ARE sporty :D I never got a hang of tennis even though my father used to coach it and was a referee, but i do like to watch it. And track and field, might sound silly, but I don't really know what that is. i've heard about iin the movies, but I have no idea what it's about. Sounds fun though!
Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: Eviecorn on April 01, 2013, 04:21:55 PM
Congrats to your team!

I play rugby.  I played in college and now I play for the city league.  I was a second-row forward, but my position is changing to loose forward as my knee is getting better.  :)
Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on April 01, 2013, 05:36:18 PM
I love playing hockey, though growing up in southern CA didn't get much ice. So it was street pick games or in the gym.  Go Ducks! and I root for the Penguins.
Title: Re: Let's talk sports!
Post by: hilamb on April 01, 2013, 09:03:45 PM
Im not sure if this goes for sports, but i go to the gym alot.
When the snow melts i will start to bicycle again, i also go for long walks many times a week.
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