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Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: SourdoughStomper on March 03, 2013, 10:35:25 AM

Title: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9) WINNERS!
Post by: SourdoughStomper on March 03, 2013, 10:35:25 AM
Yay! It's March! :woohoo: :party: My favorite month of the year! Let's have another little giveaway to celebrate.

These are ponies from my modest collection that need someone else to love them just a little more than I do. Some of need someone to give them an extra loving touch of restoration! Perhaps some are looking at someone to make them into something new altogether.

They are in various states of repair, ranging from excellent (nearly mint out of the box) to custom bait.  However, there might be an occasional "diamond in the rough" show up! You never know.

*****The ponies are free. Complimentary. For nothing. Free of cost. Gratis. On the house. However, since Mr. Stomper is still unemployed, I need help with shipping costs should you enter and win. (Paypal preferred.) Please don't enter if you can't help with the shipping costs.*****

I will use to determine the winner at the end of the week. Saturday, March 9, at approximately 2pm (MST).

This week's theme is favorite fruit or vegetable. What is your favorite fruit or veggie and how do you like it? Raw, cooked, in a casserole, coated in chocolate, on top of a sirloin steak, etc?

Here are this week's featured giveaway ponies. The winner will pick one. However, since this is my birth month, I will have two winners! First place and second place get to pick.
(Click the thumbnails to see the larger version.)

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Locket is in bait condition. Her twinkle eyes are pressed into her head. Her hair is frizzy (and someone must have enjoyed braiding her hair a lot), she's got marks and surface dirt. If someone is in the mood for a restoration project or wants something to throw at the annoying person in their life, this is the right pony for the job!

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What says "spring" like Spring Fever? She is in excellent condition. This is the one that came with the Applejack and the little tea set.

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Pinkie Pie of awesomeness! Who doesn't need yet another Pinkie Pie for their collection? She will take over the world, it's only a matter of time, here. She is in good condition. This is the one from that set with the inspiration words written on the body. She's having a bit of a bad hair day, which can be easily fixed. A stray mark here and there, but it's not overly noticeable.

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Pinwheel! She's a nice little girl, in good condition. A few stray marks, but not glaringly visible.

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Princess Primrose is in good condition. I think she even stands decently upright. ^.^ No small feat! Impress your pony friends. She'll be the talk around the water cooler. "Hey, guys! I have a Primrose that doesn't fall over! How cool is that?" *followed by weird stares from colleagues who call for a psychiatrist in his nice white coat* 

(Y'know, I think Stomper's cold is effecting her mind. :nuts: )


How To Enter:
Show/tell me about your favorite edible plant - fruit or veggie. Let's bask in the yumminess!
:apple: :straw: :banana: :chili: :carrot: :cuke: :broc: :rasp: :orange:

1   Eternia
2   shimmer73083
3   ChipsteRJ
4   Prince Primbrose
5   Eluluu
6   xkelpiex
7   Melodia
8   Razena
9   LunaDehligt
10   Sprinkles
11   Whippycorn
12   pixieponies
13   TwilightOwl
14   Babushka
15   Suineder
16   Sugar
17   heavenfamily
18   ShannonInPonyland
19   Lady Starflower
20   Salli
21   celticowgirl88
22   OneWingChangeling
23   Snapdragon
24   Crowpriest
25   ATXPone
26   Kitkumi
27   Mori_LeStrange
28   rosierjay
29   scarletjul
30   tictactoe_kf
31   StarDragon
32   SunshinePony
33   heftysmurf76
34   Jinxxy
35   TrixieStix
36   rybett
37   mkia9
38   Linnzy
39   NinaMarie
40   kestral_kitsune
41   Bow Tie
42   Princess Starburst
43   Stormness_1
44   Wishing Well
45   PinkRosedust
46   egyptiondragon
47   Mirnyj
48   Enolaalone
49   bluerose9978

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:woohoo: Our 1st place winner is Jinxxxy and 2nd place is tictactoe_kf! :woohoo:
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Eternia on March 03, 2013, 10:48:53 AM
strawberries! I love them. Raw, covered in chocolate, baked into cupcakes, in my cereal, etc. my favorite fruit and flavor.
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: shimmer73083 on March 03, 2013, 10:52:33 AM
I really like lettuce, lol.
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: ChipsteRJ on March 03, 2013, 10:52:39 AM
When I was growing up every year my grandma and I would plant YELLOW PEAR tomatoes in her garden. When I was finally in highschool she bought me own tomato plant for my own house (I was still living with my parents of course)!

I didn't have a garden. I potted it in a pot- a huge pot with 100% potting soil... by the end of the summer the tomato plant was no longer a -plant, but a tree- it was taller than me!

I love tomatoes and still grow them in our community garden!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Prince Primbrose on March 03, 2013, 11:00:11 AM
Whee, happy birth month! (This one ends on my birthday, so I figured I'd finally enter.)

I think my favourite fruit would be raspberries. We used to pick them every summer out of our garden.
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Eluluu on March 03, 2013, 11:04:26 AM
ooh thats a tough one... i love me some fruits and veggies... but im gonna have to go with... Marachino Cherries! on ham studded with cloves and covered in glazey-awesomeness and pineapple rings.. each pineapple ring with a cherry in the center. i was the blight upon our thanksgiving and christmas hams... cause id nab all of the cherries and pineapple i could get away with without getting whacked with a spoon!

cherries on icecream, in shakes, in drinks  :wine:, in my infamous Cherry Cardamom cookies (ill share the recipe if anyone wants it), on pancakes/crepes/waffles, and straight out of the jar if im feelin froggy =P

now i need to go to the store. =P
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: xkelpiex on March 03, 2013, 11:07:21 AM
I love Bananas! Banana everything, in fact! Real bananas, candy bananas banana flavouring.... I like em straight from the bunch, fried with brown sugar, on toast with peanut butter, in my name it, I love it!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Melodia on March 03, 2013, 11:12:17 AM
My favorite veggie is Artichokes! I love them, they take a bit of work to make but worth it! steamed for 45 mins and dipped in Garlic Mayo, or butter. Core out the heart and eat it! Pickled Artichoke hearts are amazing in salads, and on pizza.
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Razena on March 03, 2013, 11:17:50 AM
My favorite would be strawberries.  They go great by themselves or even better in strawberry shortcake.
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: LunaDehligt on March 03, 2013, 11:23:32 AM
I like mango, it is so sweet an I like it so much :D hihi  :biggrin:
Mango is a good fruit that is good raw and in drings and smooties haha xD
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Sprinkles on March 03, 2013, 11:24:22 AM
My favorite fruit is a banana! I like them in desserts or by themselves. I also like banana flavored and banana scented things

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Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Whippycorn on March 03, 2013, 11:28:45 AM
Oh my gosh, I am totally with Eluluu on this one. I could eat Marachino Cherries till they came out of my ears!  :lol: I remember as a child sitting at a hotel bar pinching some cherries straight out of the bowl they have for making cocktails. The barkeep pushed the bowl toward me so I could gobble them all! He was the best bartender EVER!  :biggrin: Nowadays I particularly love an Amaretto sour with Marachino Cherries in it. ;)

So yeah, I'd LOVE your cookie recipe please Eluluu!  :blush:
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: pixieponies on March 03, 2013, 11:50:11 AM
strawberrys, strawberrys and more strawberrys  :dribble: dipped in melted chocolate

nom, nom, nom
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: TwilightOwl on March 03, 2013, 12:00:38 PM is technically a veggie, but feels like a fruit, and makes a fantastic upside-down cake...sweet and tart deliciousness. :dribble:
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Babushka on March 03, 2013, 12:23:40 PM
I love avocados! Sliced up with salt and pepper and balsamic vinegar . . . mashed up with jalapenos and tomatoes . . . YUM!


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Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Suineder on March 03, 2013, 12:44:31 PM
I love kohlrabi! The best veggies are the ones you can eat raw!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Sugar on March 03, 2013, 12:49:08 PM
Difficult to pick only one fruit or veggie - I love so many of them! :heart:

But since my son absolutely loathes them and thus I so rarely get to eat them, I'll have to go with:


The humble daucus carota, sativus, the domestic carrot. :bunny:  Cooked, if you please, and a little dollop of butter - but I like them raw, as well... or baked into carrot cake... or pretty much anyhow!

(And happy birthday month to all you March birthday ponies - me too! :woohoo:)

ETA:  By the way... :lookround:  What's your favourite fruit/veggie, SDS?  You didn't post it; I just checked back to check my (admittedly frequently faulty) memory...
Title: Re: Stomper\'s Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: heavenfamily on March 03, 2013, 12:51:53 PM
i must say i love sprouts:) i know it's strange but kooking them in water wth kerriepoeder ( yellow curry powder ) and when they are done eating them with a slicht drop or kerrie mayoniase .....mmmmmm yum

Post Merge: March 03, 2013, 12:55:12 PM

ohh and chicory cooked first , then make long slides from them, put on the herbs or salt, pepper anything you like.
and bake them ...yum :)
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: ShannonInPonyland on March 03, 2013, 01:35:19 PM
Currently my favorite fruit are mandarin oranges! Man I can sit and eat like 8 of them in a sitting, they're delicious! :lol:
As a bonus, my current favorite vegetable is spinach. I enjoy frying it in a pan with tofu and then putting it in a wrap with raw spinach as well ^.^

Happy early Birthday by the way!! :D
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Lady Starflower on March 03, 2013, 01:37:44 PM
Raspberries!! Loveee to dip them in Nutella : D
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Salli on March 03, 2013, 01:59:54 PM
Mmmmmm, Nutella....

I LOVE mangoes!!! I especially love mango and peach together  :lovey: Dole's Peach Mango Orange juice is something I consider a major treat. I also love mango and pineapple. It's a good thing I am eating something mango right now or I would have to run to the store...

Avocados are super YUMM.
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: celticowgirl88 on March 03, 2013, 02:24:55 PM
My favorite...err... fruit i think? Whatever a tomato is...
I loooooove fried green tomatoes. ALWAYS battered in corn mill!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Winter Bones on March 03, 2013, 03:11:30 PM
Pineapples. Why? Two words: pina colada.

...and téléfrançais.
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: SourdoughStomper on March 03, 2013, 03:19:47 PM
This thread is totally putting me in the mood for fruit salad. :yummy:

Sugar, I have many favorites too, although I cut back on many of the fruits when I went low-carb. Oranges are awesome, as are bananas. But my go-to fruit of late are berries (especially strawberries), and avocados (love that good, natural fat). As for veggies... I could go for some broccoli with made-from-scratch cheese sauce right about now. :dribble: :broc: :cheese:

EDIT: I forgot to mention coconuts! Awesome food and I love coconut oil. :heart:
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: fireglides on March 03, 2013, 03:40:48 PM
Red delicious applies . . .they are, well, delicious! Mmm . . .
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Snapdragon on March 03, 2013, 06:07:38 PM
Favorite edible plant? Avocado, definitely!! (I think I answered avocado for one of these other giveaways, too. XD) I LOVE THOSE THINGS! @_@
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Saber-Toothed Crow on March 03, 2013, 06:21:52 PM
I'd have to pick cherries. I only buy them when they are in season because local berries are always the best. I can eat a whole bag of them in one sitting, yum!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: ATXPone on March 03, 2013, 06:28:08 PM
I love broccoli! I like it raw in a banana protein shake! Broccoli is queen vegetable because it comes in crowns  :cool:

I don't have a cool sign yet, maybe one day! :P
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Kitkumi on March 03, 2013, 06:35:12 PM
I love lettuce. It's a simple veggie but it goes good with so many things and I love the crunch to it. More than that, when I was a little kid I had this garden with a number of things growing in it. I drove my granny crazy because while she was cooking dinner I would get hungry, so I would go out and sit in the garden and eat lettuce. After awhile she figured out why I was never hungry at dinner and I was placed on the kitchen counter while she worked and no longer allowed to go out and munch XD
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Mori_LeStrange on March 03, 2013, 06:43:18 PM
I love blackberries! I can't get enough of them. When I was little we had wild blackberry bushes growing near where I lived. My Dad and I would take buckets and pick them. Nothing better than blackberries right off the bush. One of my favorite desserts is blackberry pie. I've come close to eating a  whole one in one sitting.
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: rosierjay on March 04, 2013, 05:11:59 PM
happy birthday month!!
zucchini. grilled.
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: SourdoughStomper on March 04, 2013, 06:04:22 PM
:wonder: I wonder if I can make a dancing avocado smiley? That would be so amusing. *adds project to smiley-making list*

Blackberries! Those are pretty tasty. Does anyone have experience with mulberries? My grandparents had mulberry trees in their yard and I loved eating those! Sure makes for a messy yard though.

And I saw the neatest thing in the produce section of Walmart this morning. A cactus pear! I recognized it as a fruit from a prickly pear cactus. I've never tried one before, so I'll get to find out what I think of it.
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: scarletjul on March 04, 2013, 07:06:45 PM
Happy birthday month!  :cheer:

Ok, I'm in for this month. :)  And my choice is:

Asparagus.  Grilled.  :)
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: tictactoe_kf on March 04, 2013, 07:17:22 PM
Bananas! I put them in everything. Also I recently tried frying them and OH MY GOODNESS. Amazing.  :dribble:

Good luck to everyone!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: StarDragon on March 04, 2013, 09:06:06 PM
My favorite veggies are artichokes and zucchini, not sure which one over the other, depends on my taste i guess! Artichoke is boiled with some lemon and mayonnaise sauce (the only time I will ever eat mayo, lol), and the zucchini any way \. ^^
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Sunshine on March 04, 2013, 09:08:36 PM
Any more room for another entry?

One of my favorite veggies are Red Bell Peppers - RAW! I can mow those down, I LOVE them!!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: heftysmurf76 on March 04, 2013, 09:09:49 PM
My favorite fruit is Strawberry. I've recently become addicted to them in smoothies, courtesy of my magic bullet, I go through a 4lb bag of strawberries in a day or 2 I am so addicted...YUM!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Jinxxy on March 04, 2013, 10:08:23 PM
Avocados for me too.
I love them so much I named one of my rats Avocado (or Avvie for short!)
I like to make guacamole with them when I have the ambition but I mostly like to just eat them plain and sliced with a dash of salt over them.

Getting a nice perfect Avocado is rare though, and I absolutely can't stand one that is nasty and brown, stringy or under ripe, but that makes the good ones even better.

Happy Birthday yo!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: TrixieStix on March 04, 2013, 10:22:54 PM
March is a wonderful month for birthdays!!   :frolic: :frolic: :frolic:

Since March is my month too, I shall enter :heart:

Hmmmm....a dancing avocado would be so cute.

I love to snack on grapes. I did all the time as a child and just still love to have em.
Just juicy tasty goodness  :dribble:
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: rybett on March 04, 2013, 10:38:42 PM
Happy Birthday month for my hubby!!!!!
Nectarines atm.  Sliced and put in the dehydrator!!!!! 
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Mkia on March 05, 2013, 07:18:12 AM
Grapes! I love them freshly washed and straight from the fridge so they're still cold, but not frozen!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Linnzy on March 05, 2013, 08:00:42 AM
My fav veggie is either Broccolimush (insted og potatoe-mush) OR Cauliflower-rice...I just simply can't choose between's sooo yummy!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: NinaMarie on March 05, 2013, 11:57:16 AM
 :birthday: Yay for March birthdays!

So my favorite fruits (mistaken for veggies) are jalapenos and tomatos. :chili: I'll eat jalapenos on most anything. Just love burgers with jalapenos. I'll make sandwiches with pastrami, sauteed onions and jalapenos and melt some provolone cheese on top. Yummy  :dribble:

As for tomatos, they are of course the very best when home grown. I can eat a nice vine ripened tomato like an apple. Often do that classic mozzarella, tomato, basil, with balsalmic vinegrette dish. Gosh I can't wait for tomatos to be in season again.
I can make some pretty decent salsa too. :biggrin:

Avocados for me too.
I love them so much I named one of my rats Avocado (or Avvie for short!)
I like to make guacamole with them when I have the ambition but I mostly like to just eat them plain and sliced with a dash of salt over them.

Getting a nice perfect Avocado is rare though, and I absolutely can't stand one that is nasty and brown, stringy or under ripe, but that makes the good ones even better.

Happy Birthday yo!
We have an avocado tree in our backyard! Avocados are pretty amazing too it's awesome when we can go out and pick one ourselves.
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: kestral_kitsune on March 05, 2013, 06:49:05 PM
my favorite fruit: is apples because I don't have to down allergy meds to eat them, and i love them baked, drizzled in caramel and a little bit of brown sugar.
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Bow Tie on March 05, 2013, 07:11:48 PM
Strawberries with lots of sugar! :heart:
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Princess Starburst on March 06, 2013, 02:53:00 AM
My favourite are definitely mangoes, and I like them best when they're mixed into smoothies (although, they do taste very nice raw, too) :)
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Stormness_1 on March 06, 2013, 12:13:13 PM
I'm gonna go with a veggie! My fave vegetable is corn! Straight out of the garden, peeled and straight off the cob- via my teeth! I miss having corn in my garden so much, but that happens when you move to the city :(
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Wishing Well on March 06, 2013, 02:06:50 PM
I'm going to be that girl and say that nothing beats a fresh and tasty Mangosteen fresh from the market.

Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: PinkRosedust on March 06, 2013, 02:30:08 PM
Hmm, I'd probably have to go with pineapple! I love fresh cut, but also don't say no to store-bought "fresh cut" or even canned. Don't care to try it on pizza though. =P
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: egyptiondragon on March 06, 2013, 03:32:10 PM
hmmmm i think my favorite would halve to be grapes or cherrys i love them both sooo much
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: SourdoughStomper on March 06, 2013, 04:08:38 PM
Hmm, I'd probably have to go with pineapple! I love fresh cut, but also don't say no to store-bought "fresh cut" or even canned. Don't care to try it on pizza though. =P

But :pineapple: and :pizza: are so awesome together! :D
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Mirnyj on March 07, 2013, 05:10:15 AM
My favorite fruit is avocado, I enjoy mine cut in half with some lemon pepper or salt and lemon juice, spooned right out of the peel!  :yummy:
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: Enolaalone on March 07, 2013, 05:27:12 AM
I've got to join in here with the mango love! They're awesome raw, in salads (Jamie Oliver has a lovely recipe with mango, chicken, feta cheese and many other lovely food items. Nom nom.) and also dried! I love dried mango. If I'm not careful I eat a whole packet of it in one sitting. And it's expensive too  >_<
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: bluerose9978 on March 07, 2013, 07:07:47 AM
My favorite fruit is peaches and I especially love them in the peach belini tea they serve at Olive Garden! 
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9)
Post by: SourdoughStomper on March 09, 2013, 11:22:17 AM
I had to draw about 90 minutes earlier than normal because I'll be out of the house this afternoon. Our 1st place winner is Jinxxxy and 2nd place is tictactoe_kf!

I'll be PMing you both! :sendmail:
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9) WINNERS!
Post by: Whippycorn on March 09, 2013, 12:03:36 PM
 :) Congrats guys!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9) WINNERS!
Post by: scarletjul on March 09, 2013, 12:52:04 PM
Congrats!  :)
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9) WINNERS!
Post by: Winter Bones on March 09, 2013, 01:53:53 PM
Congratulations to the both of you!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9) WINNERS!
Post by: TrixieStix on March 09, 2013, 02:40:40 PM
Congrats to the winners! yay!  :frolic:
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9) WINNERS!
Post by: tictactoe_kf on March 09, 2013, 05:13:47 PM
WOOP!!  :yippee:
Can't wait to receive my pony! Thank you so much!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9) WINNERS!
Post by: Sugar on March 10, 2013, 01:37:43 PM
Yay!  Congrats, Jinxxxy and tictactoe_kf! :cheer:
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9) WINNERS!
Post by: PinkRosedust on March 10, 2013, 06:26:51 PM
Oh snap, look who came in third! lol! Congrats to the winners!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9) WINNERS!
Post by: Sunshine on March 10, 2013, 08:48:19 PM
Congrats to the winners!! :green:
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9) WINNERS!
Post by: hathorcat on March 11, 2013, 03:01:05 PM
Congrats you guys :)

Another awesome give away Stomper!
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9) WINNERS!
Post by: kestral_kitsune on March 12, 2013, 01:31:22 PM
whooot congrats to the winners!! and lol i think thats the closest i've ever come to winning something -snicker-
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9) WINNERS!
Post by: tictactoe_kf on March 21, 2013, 06:25:21 PM
Thanks everybody! Pinwheel arrived last week and she is gorgeous! I'm so excited and I feel so lucky to have her in my herd. Thanks to Stomper once again for a really awesome, generous idea. :heart:
Title: Re: Stomper's Mini-Giveaway #6 (Mar 3 - 9) WINNERS!
Post by: SourdoughStomper on March 21, 2013, 06:35:16 PM
:sheepish: You're welcome.
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