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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Psivampyr on February 03, 2013, 02:13:17 PM

Title: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Psivampyr on February 03, 2013, 02:13:17 PM
There are so many musical artists out there, and everyone has their own flavor of music they listen to. Do you listen to some that people just look at you funny for liking or maybe you just don't look like that "type" to listen to that style? Thought it would be a good discussion for fun.
I actually like a huge mix of stuff
Cyndi Lauper- especially her Blues Cd
Ke$ha- I love alot of her dance club stuff
The Supremes or any other Motown stuff
The BioShock sound tracks are fantastic to listen to- I love the 1940s
Lady Gaga
Aeosmith, Ted Nugent, Offspring
Celtic music
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: MaronaPossessed on February 03, 2013, 02:41:53 PM
Yes because I listen to TOO MUCH video game music XD

Primarily I like 80s and 90s music...some music on today.

Artist I Like:
Queen (My mom is a fan too)
Lady Gaga (I don't care what people say about her, she's awesome and she don't care what others think. That's how awesome she is!)
Train (Drive by and 50 ways to say goodbye <3333)
Michael Jackson(Man his music was awesome....B-b-billie jean's...~)

Oh game music...ahem

Video Game Music I like:
Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 4-10 (Don't worry I played FF1-FF10. My most favorite is FF4 and FF6<3)
Kingdom Hearts Music (The Other Promise is the best of them all)
Breath of Fire 2 Music (I only played Breath of Fire 1 and 2...I got 3 but didn't even touch it)
Probably more but those are examples.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: moonsugar on February 03, 2013, 02:52:37 PM
Tunng is my favourite band, and it's really special to me because it's also a favourite of my best friend and it reminds me of her. c: I'll share a few of my favourites.

I also really like the Braid soundtrack.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: mlp4me on February 03, 2013, 03:32:08 PM
I'm not that old, but I love listening to oldies... The kids at school think it is a bit weird, but they just love rap...
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Sora on February 03, 2013, 03:36:56 PM
A lot of times... I mostly listen to JPop, JRock, videogame tracks, Rock n Roll and 50s/60s music in general. I especially love listening to 8-bit remixes of songs, so yeah, many times I get people wondering what on earth I'm listening to. :P

Kingdom Hearts Music (The Other Promise is the best of them all)
Agree with this SO MUCH.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: andibgoode on February 03, 2013, 04:27:05 PM
Someone was once surprised that I love Kylie Minogue because he thought I 'had good taste in music'. I do. He's clearly just a snob ;)

Most of my friends are just about as eclectic as I am when it comes to taste in music. Some are more open-minded than others. And I love when I surprise people by music I like (or when they surprise me).
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: bagheera86 on February 03, 2013, 04:30:01 PM
Yes, my ipod is full of the horrible histories songs, disney songs, tim burtons version of sweeney todd and fad songs from the 80's xD
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Eviecorn on February 03, 2013, 05:07:37 PM
The amount of ABBA and Ace of Base played in my car is shameful.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: mlp4me on February 03, 2013, 05:25:55 PM
I was just thinking, 3 letters, bsb. Deny it all you want, but if many of you heard them on the radio you'd sing... Lol! I enjoy ace of base to evie...
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: OLumeVaSti on February 03, 2013, 05:53:46 PM
The amount of ABBA and Ace of Base played in my car is shameful.
I try to hide that side of me. :P

For some reason I really like Romanian pop music. People think I'm strange for that.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 03, 2013, 06:01:43 PM
I mostly listen to death metal or thrash but I also have playlists dedicated to jazz and Baroque era classical.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: RAMChYLD on February 03, 2013, 06:26:04 PM
Well, my MP3 collection consists of a large amount of childrens music and soundtrack from TV shows...
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: DoctorMowinckel on February 03, 2013, 06:53:00 PM
I listen to a lot of eastern European folk music and gypsy jazz. So, yeah, I get a lot of 'wut?' when I link people to what I listen to. I'm also into bluegrass, and a lot of people find banjos offensive. I listen to a bit of Americana, but I'm really particular about it.

Fishtank Ensemble, gypsy jazz leaning more toward gypsy music than jazz;
Caravan of Thieves, gypsy jazz leaning more toward jazz than gypsy music;
Luminescent Orchestrii, traditional Romanian folk based out of New York;
Csokolom, Hungarian folk;
Reverend Glasseye, macabre Americana;
The Dirt Daubers, bluegrass, Americana, and a bit of early rock;
Le Chat Lunatique, they bill themselves as 'filthy mangy jazz';
Los Colorados is a Ukrainian folk band who was all 'You know what we should do? Covers of American pop music!', here's their cover of Hot & Cold;

I listen to rock, but not much. Mostly jazzy things and downtempo electronica, which is itself a derivative of jazz. Gypsy jazz was born from jazz, and gypsy jazz was influenced by eastern European folk music. Jazz is the root of what I listen to.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: andibgoode on February 03, 2013, 07:25:10 PM
The amount of ABBA and Ace of Base played in my car is shameful.

I watched a doco on how ABBA's career was really boosted by Australian audiences and I'm not ashamed to say I cried a little because I love ABBA so much. And heck yes Ace of Base. I love playing The Sign & All That She Wants on my ukulele.

Oh and mlp4me I have plenty of BSB (& 5ive & New Kids on the Block etc) on my computer ;) I'll sing along to it in shopping centres never mind the radio haha
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: TwistedWindSox on February 03, 2013, 09:32:56 PM
I get some funny looks when I tell people I'm in to metal (doom metal and death metal mostly, but some other sub genres). I don't look like a "metal head" at all, as I am a very small girl who usually wears pink :P
Other than metal I usually listen to indie, pop, or psychedelic music. Right now it's the Shins and Seabear that I listen to a lot. I also really really really really love Danzig. I don't know what to classify them as though. Some people say they're metal, some say blues rock, so I don't know, but I adore their early albums.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: DoctorMowinckel on February 03, 2013, 09:56:26 PM
From what I've gathered the accepted colloquialism for Danzig is blues metal.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: kaoskat on February 03, 2013, 10:09:37 PM
I don't pay enough attention to notice if people look at me funny.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: reyl on February 04, 2013, 12:16:19 AM
I regularly play the soundtrack to Sweeney Todd in my car and sing along loudly. Even Mrs. Lovett's part. Thankfully no one can hear me.

I love old goth rock, metal with opera singer front women, Lady Gaga, David Bowie, Tori Amos... Right now I'm listening to something new, pow-wow dubstep... It's just - amazing. I also listen to Brony Dubstep sometimes... it's kind of special.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Vintergatan on February 04, 2013, 04:44:18 AM
Well, most people, when I tell them my favourite bands, have no idea what it is. The thing is, while I do listen to metal and look like a total metalhead, my biggest field of interest is indie, brit rock and post rock and while some people might have known my favourite bands 10 years ago, few will recognise them now. I tend to like bands that mix styles and where every song sounds differently so I never get bored of them, like Mansun and The Cooper Temple Clause :) and of course, some more popular ones like Muse and Radiohead (not too big on Muse's new album though).

I think the most eye-brow raising feature of my music taste is how intolerant I am of all things pop. I literally can't stand any of it and will not subject myself to it for even a minute. Most people can't understand that if the vibrato (or whatever you call it) is too prominent, I will suffer a physical reaction and I literally can not stand it! Which is why I always have my music with me.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: OctoberFlash on February 04, 2013, 04:47:58 AM
Ooh yeah definitely. xD I actually really love music in foreign languages. I don't know why, I just do. A lot of what I listen to is Japanese (in particular Vocaloid! I don't understand why I love Vocaloid... I just do and I have since the sixth grade haha), but I also have a few songs here and there that are in Swedish, German, Polish, etc. xD

People always ask me "how do you know what they're saying if it's in Japanese? Do you understand it?". xD I think people forget that there is such a thing as subtitles on a video sometimes, haha.

I also really love 80s music, even though I was born in '97. xD I blame my parents for that one. They always played 80s music during car trips when I was younger.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: DazzleKitty on February 04, 2013, 09:49:21 AM
I do listen to some things that many others in my country would dismiss as too weird or even childish.

I listen to a lot of Japanese pop and anime music. Anyone who has heard a lot of it knows that some Japanese women can sound like six year olds when they sing. But I think that's part of the music's charm and something very unique to their race. It sets their music apart from other types.

I also love male sopranos. Two artists I really adore are the Russian singer Vitas (he can sing just as high if not even higher than many female sopranos) and a Korean one name Jo Kwan Woo. Both have such amazing voices and beautiful music. A lot of people seem to have a stupid prejudice against male sopranos but I love them.

If anyone is bored, here is a Vitas song that shows just what he can do with his voice. 
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: melodys_angel on February 04, 2013, 10:00:07 AM
Sure, I suppose.  I like a wide variety of things and im sure some of it would offend or turn heads, like some of the rock/alternative stuff.  But im not bothering them so it doesnt really matter what they think..until someone actually says something to my face (beides the 'can youplease keep it down').  Then they usually wish they never went to go bug me...but thats something else entirely xD

But, to be fair, other things I listen to include relaxing or soothing music...thing some video game stuff or enya :) I guess im all over the place xD
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: kaninchen on February 04, 2013, 10:27:53 AM
i know here in surftown, southern california... the girl with the doll ringlets and lace dress gets a hell of a lot of strange looks driving around in her little grey bug blaring sweet home alabama. note: while i AM southern, i am not nor have i ever been from alabama.

Post Merge: February 04, 2013, 10:28:48 AM

ps: to whoever mentioned tunng: i think i love you!
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Roccoriel on February 04, 2013, 10:35:49 AM
I listen to fairly "normal" music in the car and at home, such as classic rock and "oldies".  I guess some people think that's weird, since I'm 27 and most of my favorite music is from before I was born, but it's not really bizarre.

In my office, though, I listen to classical and opera.  I don't know why people think it's odd,  but I guess people do.  I think it's kind of sad how classical-type music is thought of as "odd" anymore, since a lot of it is absolutely, amazingly beautiful. :)
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Kazzellin on February 04, 2013, 11:33:43 AM
The only music I don't listen to is most country (as I don't like southern twang; dunno why, it just gets on my nerves. I'm getting accustoned to it, though, as two of the managers at work grew up with it, so tend to put the overhead music on the country channels). I can't stand hip-hop/rap/whatever they're calling it these days. Opera gives me a headache, so that's normally right out.

I've gotten double-takes when telling coworkers that I'm listening to Nightwish, which is amusing. No one's surprised to hear me listening to Heather Alexander or pop/rock, though. :lol:
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Lady_Manson on February 04, 2013, 08:29:50 PM
I do not know if anyone looks at me funny or not with the music bands I like
When I was in Highschool though I told a Girl I liked Marilyn Manson and she told me I did not look like
someone that liked him I guess cause I did not dress like I did.

 Anyways these are some bands I like but I do not know many people that know who they are or like them or not but here goes
Black Veil Brides a ton of people on Facebook and Deviant like them I found out
Blood on The Dance Floor
Pierce The Veil
Blessed The Fall
Vampires Everywhere
Davey Suicide
London After Midnight
Cinema Bizzare
Falling In Reverse
Escape The Fate
Motionless in White
The Relapse Symphony
Mondern Day Escape
These are new Bands I been into since 2011
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Dawn on February 05, 2013, 04:25:13 AM
I get some funny looks when I tell people I'm in to metal (doom metal and death metal mostly, but some other sub genres). I don't look like a "metal head" at all, as I am a very small girl who usually wears pink :P
Same here  ^.^
I dress really cute/femine most of the time, so when I recently told a friend that I listen to Iron Maiden, she was like "Oh, I can only really imagine you listening to bubble gum pop type music" it was funny!

Although since I mainly listen to progressive rock, the usual response when I list bands is either *blank stare*, "never heard of them" or "oh right, I know Yes, weren't they the guys who sung "owner of a lonely heart"  :lol:
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: brightberry on February 05, 2013, 07:50:14 AM
When I tell people I don't have a favorite band, singer or genre I get funny looks.  Does that count?   :P

I like the quiet.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Foxfire on February 05, 2013, 08:42:37 AM
Nearly anything that combines Bagpipes with Electric Guitars. Odd combo, I know but I love Blackmore's Night, The High Kings, Celtic Woman, Dropkick Murphys, and Celtic Thunder. I also like Enya, Enigma, and Loreena McKennit. Not sure what genre they are. Probably "New Age" I guess.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: StoryDreamer on February 05, 2013, 06:30:19 PM
I'm sure my coworkers look at me funny for blasting French rap all day in my office, but it's my cave. (It's odd because I know zero French and I am American)
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Lady_Manson on February 05, 2013, 09:02:40 PM
I forgot I like The Band Shinedown to And HellYeah&Lynyrd Scynyrd as well
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: DazzleKitty on February 06, 2013, 05:18:46 PM
I just thought of another one! I really love Andrea Bocelli. My brothers and dad thought it was horrible and couldn't believe I like it. I know it's definitely not a very popular genre, that's for sure.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Kaeldre on February 06, 2013, 08:13:35 PM
Anything and everything hair metal and 80's along with 90's grunge/rock (the stuff I grew up with!).

And I still have a bit of an affinity for Japanese rock and Korean pop, even though I grew out of my serious fangirl phase. xD
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: TwistedWindSox on February 06, 2013, 08:56:16 PM
I get some funny looks when I tell people I'm in to metal (doom metal and death metal mostly, but some other sub genres). I don't look like a "metal head" at all, as I am a very small girl who usually wears pink :P
Same here  ^.^
I dress really cute/femine most of the time, so when I recently told a friend that I listen to Iron Maiden, she was like "Oh, I can only really imagine you listening to bubble gum pop type music" it was funny!

I've had people say the same thing, mostly people that don't know me well. "Shouldn't you listen to XYZ band/artist?" Usually they say Justin Bieber, One Direction or someone else along those lines. :P

From what I've gathered the accepted colloquialism for Danzig is blues metal.

That's what the person who introduced me to them called them, I've just heard so many people call them different thinks I don't know what the "proper" name for they style is. I'll have to remember blues metal.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Wardah on February 06, 2013, 09:07:11 PM
I listen to covers of English pop and rock songs as Gaeilge (aka Irish Gaelic). I don't really know the language yet but at least I know what the songs mean (unless they are pulling what Basshunter did with DOTA and All I Ever Wanted which are the same exact song yet they have 100% different meanings in different languages). The only problem with that is when the English versions of songs I listen to on my iPhone come on in public I have to resist the urge to start singing the non English lyrics. I imagine I would definitely get odd looks if I did that.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: ApertureScience on February 06, 2013, 09:17:16 PM
Video game/cartoon soundtracks and Vocaloid songs.  My entire iPod is a giant WTF for others scrolling through it.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: CuteyBina3 on February 06, 2013, 10:23:38 PM
Nearly anything that combines Bagpipes with Electric Guitars. Odd combo, I know but I love Blackmore's Night, The High Kings, Celtic Woman, Dropkick Murphys, and Celtic Thunder. I also like Enya, Enigma, and Loreena McKennit. Not sure what genre they are. Probably "New Age" I guess.

Dropkick Murphys! ♥ Definitely one of my fave bands! :)
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: rosierjay on February 06, 2013, 10:25:38 PM
totally in this boat.
love Christian rap and bollywood music
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Summerlycoris on February 06, 2013, 10:28:32 PM
I listen to Vocaloid and Utauloid music, my favourites being at the moment Momo Momone's cover of Q and The Earth's Final Confession by Gumi.
I also listen to video game music, the Tales Series OP's tend to get stuck in my ipod, especially Karma. Touhou related music also tends to be pretty good, so some of that ends up on my ipod too.
Music from musicals is also very nice to listen too, I have a few songs from Wicked and other musicals as well.
So it can get a bit awkward when someone wants to know what song I'm listening too...
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on February 06, 2013, 11:26:09 PM
When a friend of mine and I were still sort of getting to know each other, I asked her to see if she could guess what my favorite band was. She just kind of squinted at me and said "Well... you seem like the kind of girl who would like the Beatles?"

So I guess I look like a Beatles fan? When asked about my favorite genre, people aren't really surprised to learn that I love everything about the wide, wide genre of rock. I do like a huge variety of music, but it's gotta be rock n roll music if you wanna dance with me.

So I guess my answer would be... no, not really. I guess I just look like I like the music that I do?

ETA: Actually, I will say this. Since I AM such a big Beatles fan, a lot of people are really surprised to learn that I actually really love Yoko Ono. I mean, she can't sing to save her life, but the songs themselves are pretty good, I think. I don't know how anyone could listen to this ( without dancing or at least making egregious hand motions.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: andibgoode on February 07, 2013, 02:36:20 AM

ETA: Actually, I will say this. Since I AM such a big Beatles fan, a lot of people are really surprised to learn that I actually really love Yoko Ono. I mean, she can't sing to save her life, but the songs themselves are pretty good, I think. I don't know how anyone could listen to this ( without dancing or at least making egregious hand motions.

Heck yes! I love Yoko. I think her singing is fine for the music she made and the songs are indeed awesome. Plus I think she's a really interesting woman and artist in general! (The Beatles are my favourite band.)
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: gustystarr on February 07, 2013, 12:00:01 PM
   Well I know almost no one is clueless to the fact that I love the Beatles. I am sort of pertty expressive with my deep passion for them in the stories and poems I write, and I talk about them alot. Buy most people take me as more of a classic rocker rather than a oldies girl, the latter which I totally am. Most people find it so strange that I listen to doo wop, a guilty pleasure of mine, and sometimes even fourties big band stuff, when I'm in the mood. I guess it's just a not very known or appreacated type of music but to me it's pure gold. I get many odd looks and qustions for loveing it so much.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on February 07, 2013, 12:47:17 PM

ETA: Actually, I will say this. Since I AM such a big Beatles fan, a lot of people are really surprised to learn that I actually really love Yoko Ono. I mean, she can't sing to save her life, but the songs themselves are pretty good, I think. I don't know how anyone could listen to this ( without dancing or at least making egregious hand motions.

Heck yes! I love Yoko. I think her singing is fine for the music she made and the songs are indeed awesome. Plus I think she's a really interesting woman and artist in general! (The Beatles are my favourite band.)

Yes, definitely! I do agree that while I personally don't like the sound of her voice, it was pretty perfect for the type of music she's always been making and while I'm not always a big fan of her art, I do appreciate the fact that she's always trying to do something creative and new. She's pretty fascinating and she really seems quite lovely. I love her lots.

It really irritates me actually when people point fingers at her and say she broke up the Beatles. I think it's so immature. If you're going to hate who broke up the Beatles, then you're going to hate the Beatles!
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: SynCallio on February 07, 2013, 12:59:54 PM

People expect someone with a music degree to love classical music, true. It's not always snobbery. The good stuff lasts! But I like a wide variety of things: there's plenty of good stuff coming out now. My iPod has movie soundtracks and folk rock and some pretty weird modern choral stuff. But my favorite? The work of Johann Sebastian Bach. I fangirl him. I squee when his work is on the radio. When I play "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor" on my stereo, I crank up the volume and rock out.

Speaking of which, anybody else here familiar with E.S. Posthumus? I love the way they fuse classical, electronic, and hard rock.

Post Merge: February 07, 2013, 01:04:11 PM

Actually, I will say this. Since I AM such a big Beatles fan, a lot of people are really surprised to learn that I actually really love Yoko Ono. I mean, she can't sing to save her life, but the songs themselves are pretty good, I think. I don't know how anyone could listen to this ( without dancing or at least making egregious hand motions.

Liking the song w/o liking the singer's voice: I know the feeling! I don't know if you're familiar with Michael W. Smith - used to be huge in Christian music in the 80s and into the 90s. He wrote some great songs, but I can't stand his voice! It's like, "I love your work, but would you mind having someone else sing?"
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: gustystarr on February 07, 2013, 02:56:01 PM

ETA: Actually, I will say this. Since I AM such a big Beatles fan, a lot of people are really surprised to learn that I actually really love Yoko Ono. I mean, she can't sing to save her life, but the songs themselves are pretty good, I think. I don't know how anyone could listen to this ( without dancing or at least making egregious hand motions.

Heck yes! I love Yoko. I think her singing is fine for the music she made and the songs are indeed awesome.
Plus I think she's a really interesting woman and artist in general! (The Beatles are my favourite band.)

Yes, definitely! I do agree that while I personally don't like the sound of her voice, it was pretty perfect for the type of music she's always been making and while I'm not always a big fan of her art, I do appreciate the fact that she's always trying to do something creative and new. She's pretty fascinating and she really seems quite lovely. I love her lots.

It really irritates me actually when people point fingers at her and say she broke up the Beatles. I think it's so immature. If you're going to hate who broke up the Beatles, then you're going to hate the Beatles!
    This is so off topic but I just had to put my two cents in :blush:

   I agree! My other Beatles fan friends always whine when every they here anything about Yoko and it's so annyoing. Now quite frankly I'm not too crazy about her but you should be free to love who ever you want and what John and Yoko had was love. Sometimes I think it's hard for people to admit there idol has caused something they find as a bad choice so they blame anything else. Now yes she got in between John and Paul but as they always tried to say they were falling apart anyways and serval times in there history before Yoko they nearly broke up, it was just waiting to happen. Anyways it's good to know I'm not the only Beatles fan who dosen't hate Yoko :satisfied:.
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: WickedWonderland on February 07, 2013, 10:56:13 PM
Rasputina. Especially the skit things they put between songs. My mother is always like "What the heck is that??"
Title: Re: Do you listen to music people kinda look at you funny for?
Post by: Wardah on February 27, 2013, 02:45:42 PM

I can't help but wonder what my neighbors think but oh well. Especially when I sing along.
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