The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: sd_dreamcrystal on January 05, 2013, 05:55:50 AM

Title: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: sd_dreamcrystal on January 05, 2013, 05:55:50 AM
Yep another 'Got to get the clones!' deal XD

For those who are following the thread on Ploomette you know she is a bonus pony that comes with... you guessed it, a main 6 character... Though in Twilight's defense I don't see her get released nearly as much in sets/packs with other ponies as much as I see Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie

So Ploomette herself kind of brought back to my mind 'How many people out there just have to get every release? Clone or not..'

Personally I don't want every release (no clones please), except for the characters I need... Only time I get doubles is for bait fodder or if something strikes my fancy... or in some cases... I'm forced to get the double...

What about you guys?
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: DaffyDilly on January 05, 2013, 06:04:24 AM

Personally I don't want every release (no clones please), except for the characters I need... Only time I get doubles is for bait fodder or if something strikes my fancy... or in some cases... I'm forced to get the double...

I'm just like this. I'm trying to bait my doubles rather than buying a new one if at all possible, partly because my G1-3 collections are full of duplicates, I don't want to get into that habit again!
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: EmBee on January 05, 2013, 06:08:40 AM
I collect all of the brushables with the exception of the playsets and ponies with reverse side symbols being the only difference.
I really need to count them again...  :sunny:

Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Malicieuse on January 05, 2013, 06:14:22 AM
I avoid doubles as much as i can, that includes characters that get released in a different pose. I will only get multiples of the same character if i really like the character and if there is a very noticeable difference between the toys. Like Shine Bright Luna and the new princess mold Luna.

I consider buying "doubles" to be a waste of money and space. It's better to spend that money on an item that doesn't look like an item i already got.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: starrypawz on January 05, 2013, 06:33:23 AM
No, mainly because I don't have the money to do so and I don't really want every release. I get different releases if there's something to make them interesting to me but not if it's just the same pony packaged up again.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Jemstar666 on January 05, 2013, 06:40:46 AM
I don't collect the G4's but I do buy them for my 3 daughters to play with/collect (waiting for the ponies with pitchforks!) but we don't go out and buy every set that is released but we are trying to get 1 of each different character released  :lol:
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Leopard_Print_Unicorn on January 05, 2013, 06:58:02 AM
Aside from the three different versions of Luna (regular brushable, Nightmare Moon, Princess body style) I really only want one of each character. I only end up with doubles/triples/quadruples if I'm going after a new character that is sold with an old one.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: ApertureScience on January 05, 2013, 06:59:38 AM
If I get duplicates, I generally just customize them.  Unless they're rare, then I sell them, of course.  But the mane six isn't rare, so nothing to worry about!

I'm a bit peeved that Ploomette's coming with Twilight, honestly.  Hasbro promotes her, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash so much that the others are almost becoming rare.  They had the first plushies, they get put on more random merch... it's a pain, especially for me because they're my bottom three.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Rhubarbpie on January 05, 2013, 07:21:13 AM
I try to avoid doubles, but if i accidentally get one, it'll go to my step daughter or go for customising.  As for multiple mane 6's.  I don't mind as long as there is something different I have a Pinkie with glittery cutie mark, a Pinkie with tinsel mane and one normal one which I have permed.  I will got out and purposely get another if there is something different about her.

That said, I know there are a number of us who are MIB collectors and I can understand how they'd get a bit miffed with a constant slew of mane 6 who have just been chucked into the play sets.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Bow Tie on January 05, 2013, 09:12:34 AM
I didn't choose an option because well, I don't collect all of the main 6. Unless the first option still counts because I collect every single Rarity (including blind bags). I am only missing one and that's the new CE playful pony that's coming out in the next wave. I keep each Rarity with her accessories so I have a good idea of which set she came from (i.e. Bridle Rarity still has her necklace and dress on, Travel Rarity has her suitcase attached to her hoof, etc.). I don't really go for the different accessory color variants for Rarity (though I do have all the variant FS Raritys) or the international ones that come with a bonus pony because I'm not that OCD.

I don't really collect any other main 6. I do buy my bestie every single Fluttershy that's released for his birthday and Christmas because she is his favorite pony. So does that count? :lol: I have a Rainbow Dash brushable and a few Fluttershys (FS, Riding Along, Easter, CE and a random playful pony since I got her without any accessories at a flea market) as she is my second favorite pony. I don't have any Twilight Sparkles, AJs or Pinkie Pies as they are not my favorites and I am not too big of a fan of Rainbow Dash anymore so I've lost interest in her. :lol:
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: StarlightGaze on January 05, 2013, 09:46:28 AM
I'll get it if it's a variant, but I can't afford every one because I don't have the money!
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Honeycomb on January 05, 2013, 10:10:51 AM
I only get one of each character.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: BrightIdea on January 05, 2013, 10:23:49 AM
I collect every new character. Also, every oddity I can get my hands on.

Some day I hope to get the opposite cutie mark ponies.

I am a real sucker for ponies in dresses, so I have been collecting bridesmaids and the Canterlot set ponies.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Novavelle on January 05, 2013, 11:21:46 AM
in the case of ploomette, I will get that set, and don't mind having my 18th twilight lol.... but in some cases i don't bother... like the scooter sets... I only have the two packs, RD with Sky wishes and rarity with daisy dreams? I think lol.... but I didn't buy the other two singles at all.

now a days it's getting much more selective for me... then it used to anyways.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Corona on January 05, 2013, 11:25:53 AM
The only ones I'll collect if there's something different about her is Rainbow Dash and Applejack since they're my favorites. I don't mind getting clones of those because I'm a shameless Rainbow Dash fangirl but I try not to.

Other than that, I pass over clones or ponies that don't really get my attention unless it cannot be avoided (like the Pinkie and White Celestia set.) Then I attempt to resell or use as bait.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: sd_dreamcrystal on January 05, 2013, 11:39:01 AM
Bow Tie - the first option would still count as well as the 2nd option. They are both kind of the same but not. The one that says Main 6 is a general one because I know not everyone wants a Pinkie Army xD
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Dusky on January 05, 2013, 12:04:25 PM
I have some of the Twilight variants, I'm actively after the Shine Bright ponies only because they're so different to the regular brushables, other than that I pick up the ponies that I like from each wave. I might get an entire wave of non-mane-6 ponies when I see them, but like as not I'll pass on the ones I don't like to collectors in case anyone is trying to complete a set.

Mostly what's putting me off is the resale prices of ponies, so if I want Ploomette I'll end up spending ~£20 to get her.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Flitter on January 05, 2013, 12:12:41 PM
I only purposely buy a variation of the same character if I see it as an improvement upon the one I already have somehow. Most of my doubles and variants I have accumulated have been because they came in a set with another pony.

(Having a BB, playful pony, FS ver. etc. of the same pony doesn't count to me as I see them as different lines in my collection.)
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Yurusumaji on January 05, 2013, 12:21:44 PM
For the most part, I won't get any repeat sets if the pony is the exact same as every other set (which it usually is). One exception will be the re-release of FS Pinkie Pie because the new one comes with the umbrella hat she wears in "Pinkie Keen".

I will also get doubles if they come in exclusive sets with other ponies I don't have/haven't been released previously. In those cases I'll set aside any doubles for customizing.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on January 05, 2013, 12:24:02 PM
I definitely do not collect every release.  Ugh, that sounds exhausting and unfun. 
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Saber-Toothed Crow on January 05, 2013, 12:48:05 PM
I try to avoid doubles whenever I can. I just don't have the money to try and grab every release, and it sounds exhausting. Don't have the room for loads of doubles either. The only time I end up with doubles is if they're packaged with another pony I really want, though in most cases I still won't pick it up. Don't want to pay extra money when there's really only on pony in the package I want.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: brightberry on January 05, 2013, 12:53:32 PM
I'm indifferent.  I really like the toys but I only buy them if I'm in the mood.  Making room for them all and keeping them clean, brushed and dust free also limits how many I display and therefore buy.  I have to really, really want it.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: GustyFox on January 05, 2013, 01:00:23 PM
I try to avoid doubles (even if the pose is different) but I end up with doubles anyway because some sets are must have for me, like Favorited collection gave me some extra RD and Pinkie.
I avoid stuff like glimmer wings.

I was going to stick with a few favs but already failed that plan >.< I can't stand uncompleted sets/waves in my collection. :P
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: ShannonInPonyland on January 05, 2013, 01:04:40 PM
I try to avoid having 50 Twilight Sparkles and Pinkie Pies, so like when they had the singles with the luggage I got those but didn't get the wedding singles because they are the exact same ponies just with different accessories. I did however get the Crystal Empire singles because of the tinsel hair. I will get a few of the same pony as long as they have something different about each, for example: different poses (some have a raised leg), tinsel, symbol on the opposite side, glittery symbol :)
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: OLumeVaSti on January 05, 2013, 01:54:51 PM
I am not sure how to answer the poll. I collect just the brushables and I just try to get one of each pony.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: xeevee on January 05, 2013, 02:00:19 PM
Nope, I specifically don't do that.  I prefer to keep it one of each pony.  I do have blindbag/brushable and most styling size as an exception, and if it is a completely different mold maybe (like with the different Celestias).  I do definitely have doubles of the main, but only when they are released with another pony I don't already have, and as I keep them MIB they stay in my herd.  Also I do have a bunch of AJs and RDs because they're my sort of army ponies from pre-g4.  I don't get the same pony in the same pose just because she was released another way, but if she's noticeably different I'll usually get her.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: gabumon on January 05, 2013, 02:13:04 PM
I prefer to just have one of each... but have a serious weak spot for "special" versions, like playful size Rarity that has a sparkly cutie mark and horn!  <3  (came with the boutique set)
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: dxgirly on January 05, 2013, 03:26:46 PM
I have *almost* every pony/set that's been listed in the thread at the top of the forum that's been released so far, MIB. All of the playful ponies with pets, traveling ponies, wedding singles, and crystal empire singles. I think I have at least 4, if not 5 sets of the main six MIB spread out over those releases. I also have some of the variants for each wave, like bangs/no bangs, and dvd/no dvd. I also have a lot of the international only releases, I think the only set I'm missing is the French Rarity's Carousel. I'm also missing the Story-Teller stuffed ponies, Pinkie Pie Learns To Walk, and the plushies released in 2010-11, otherwise I'm just waiting for all the new things to show up in my stores. I also have Waves 1, 3, and 4 complete of the blindbags, the two TRU blindbag sets, the Walmart blindbag set, and all 6 3 packs.

Then I have doubles of some ponies that I wanted loose. At least one each of every character released in the US, brushable sized, and then one of each character of the Fashion Style ponies, except for Applejack (I only have her MIB).
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: hathorcat on January 05, 2013, 04:39:02 PM
Gosh dx that must be an amazing collection!

When G4 started I fully intended to do something similar - but that is because I had the amazing thought of lots of ponies - different colours, characters, amazing variety. But to be honest in the last year I have realised that is not the case with G4. So now I collect one of each character - I dont need different poses or symbols on a different side or a different hair order or with tinsel or with a funny eye - just one of each character thats all.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: DazzleKitty on January 05, 2013, 04:58:50 PM
Nope. The only way I'll buy a reissue is if there is something really unique about it that I like. Otherwise, I avoid them like the plague.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Bergamot on January 05, 2013, 04:59:30 PM
I'm going to try to have a complete collection of G4 Rarity toys sometime, but I only intend to collect releases that are actually different from each other. I'm don't collect ponies MIB, so the toys themselves must have some kind of difference (Tinsel hair and display side variation included!).
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: dxgirly on January 05, 2013, 05:03:12 PM
Gosh dx that must be an amazing collection!

When G4 started I fully intended to do something similar - but that is because I had the amazing thought of lots of ponies - different colours, characters, amazing variety. But to be honest in the last year I have realised that is not the case with G4. So now I collect one of each character - I dont need different poses or symbols on a different side or a different hair order or with tinsel or with a funny eye - just one of each character thats all.

Pics someday soon when I finally get my spare room, Cat. ^.^
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Winter Bones on January 05, 2013, 05:12:41 PM
No duplicate mane 6's for me, and if I do end up with one I either give her away as a gift or keep her in the bait bin for future customizing. I already like the ponies I have, and see no reason to have more than one just because the latest reissue comes with new accessories or a glitter symbol or something. It's just easier to keep track of everything that way.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Snapdragon on January 05, 2013, 05:27:02 PM

I use tail-ribbons to tell the different releases apart. ;)
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: CarnationTwirl on January 05, 2013, 05:47:40 PM
I'll get doubles if there is something unique about them.  Duplicates I end up with of the mane 6 that are exactly the same as all the others get added to my okay for customizing box.
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: scarletjul on January 05, 2013, 05:48:15 PM
I try to stick to one of each character - I still don't have Rainbow Dash!  :)
Title: Re: So do you really collect every single release?
Post by: Silver_mirror46 on January 05, 2013, 06:01:58 PM
I avoid doubles as much as i can, that includes characters that get released in a different pose. I will only get multiples of the same character if i really like the character and if there is a very noticeable difference between the toys. Like Shine Bright Luna and the new princess mold Luna.

I consider buying "doubles" to be a waste of money and space. It's better to spend that money on an item that doesn't look like an item i already got.

I feel the same except I do buy different pose ponies, I don't care about accessories and will only buy same mold-same character if there is something noticeably different or cool about them (like Nirvana variants or awesome symbols)

Like G4 Rainbow Dash (she's a huge exception but ONLY because she's my favorite pony, I am willing to get both the regular and the tinsely haired one and maaayyybee the glimmer wings one too, but that's it XD )
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