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Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 22, 2012, 05:49:38 PM

Title: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 22, 2012, 05:49:38 PM
I just recently acquired SS Angel and she's got pretty bad flocking damage, it's rubbed around her mouth, nose, hooves, ears and other places... Otherwise she's in great condition. I don't know if deflocking her is a major no no since she's pretty hard to find, or if in this case it's okay to deflock her and make her pretty.

Here are some pictures, let me know your thoughts :3 I don't want to devalue her if I can avoid it.

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Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: DancingPhoenix on December 22, 2012, 05:53:18 PM
In that condition I'd say no.

Seen as the flocking loss is in pretty typical wear areas, and she is very hard to come across with flocking or otherwise. I'd clean the flocking, maybe get some fun flock to cover the tiny spots. My usual take on SS deflocking is only do it if it is truly sparse, grubby, or a pony that is easier to find. Always try restoring before deflocking if you can!
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 22, 2012, 05:57:03 PM
hmm... I don't know much about reflocking, I've never had any real luck cleaning flocking either, and she is pretty dingy

anyone have tips for reflocking and cleaning flocking?
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: foalpatrol on December 22, 2012, 05:58:27 PM
Rubs only on mouth, nose, hooves and ears is pretty good condition in my book.  It's very difficult to find SS ponies who aren't rubbed in these areas, and I think she looks great.  Up to you, of course, whether or not you deflock, but I'd be very happy to have an Angel in that condition. 
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: silverskimmer on December 22, 2012, 07:40:48 PM
I agree with what others have said :)
Cleaning wise, I normally just wash the flocking with the same conditioner I use on the hair and give it a soft scrub with a tooth brush if my hands can't get in clean
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on December 22, 2012, 07:47:42 PM
I wouldn't deflock her in that condition, no.  It's really difficult to find ANY So-Soft without rubs on the nostrils, lips, edge of ears, and edges of feet.  And she's a hard to find pony.

Regarding cleaning, the second set of So-Softs actually clean up much more easily than the first set.  I've had great luck with lathering them with shampoo and conditioner and then using a high pressure showerhead on them.   (I wouldn't scrub them in hot water, that might cause the flocking to fall out.)
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Diamond on December 22, 2012, 08:24:29 PM
She is much better shape then ours who is sadly heading for a deflock due to missing about half of it.  I second the do not use super hot water though, had that take flock off a very baity So Soft the first time I tried to wash one.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: StarDragon on December 22, 2012, 08:41:56 PM
She's in a lot better condition than many that I've seen XD I wouldn't deflock her, she's one of the harder SS ponies to find. I bet if you clean her up, she could be in wonderful condition.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 22, 2012, 09:08:54 PM
Maybe if someone had spilled paint on her or something but not in that condition, no!  She doesn't look all that bad for an Angel. 
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: MnDancer on December 22, 2012, 10:39:36 PM
She actually does look pretty good, so I'm not sure I would deflock that particular one, but generally speaking, I'd love to have a deflocked Angel!
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 22, 2012, 10:44:53 PM
Alright... so I've been trying to clean her, conditioner bath did not work, she's still dingy... any other suggestions?
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: pinkkittywinks on December 23, 2012, 03:55:10 AM
i would say no as well :)

i deflocked my SS angel, but she was BROWN and STICKY. i tried to clean her up before i deflocked up, but she was still brown and sticky :(

love pkw xxx
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: FarDreamer on December 23, 2012, 05:22:53 AM
What are you trying to clean her with?  If it's not surface dirt, but the glue it'self has turned brown, then I'm not sure there is anything you can do.  I hope I'm wrong though!
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: HollowZero on December 23, 2012, 09:01:28 AM
I'd gladly do a piece of art for her if you want her off your hands. She's too pretty to deflock! :)
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 23, 2012, 09:05:00 AM
Yeah, if the glue has gone yellow, there is nothing that will change that. 
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 23, 2012, 09:45:24 AM
<.< I'm not selling Angel, I bought an entire lot of ponies just to have her <.<

I'm worried that the glue has yellowed on her as well.

I tried using conditioner like was suggested, dove conditioner that I use to soften pony hair.

I'm looking for more options, I want to exhaust all options before I resort to deflocking :(
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on December 23, 2012, 10:08:02 AM
The real trick is not the conditioner, but having a high pressure stream of water to basically BLAST the dirt and lint out of her flocking.

IMO there is a good chance it is not yellowed glue, but just grubbiness.  I had a SS Bangles who looked very much like that, and now she is the most beautiful, soft shade of light pink.  Before I cleaned her you could literally not even see her symbols, she was so bad.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 23, 2012, 10:09:27 AM
:( I don't have any access to high pressure water sadly
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: DancingPhoenix on December 23, 2012, 01:11:46 PM
<.< I'm not selling Angel, I bought an entire lot of ponies just to have her <.<

I'm worried that the glue has yellowed on her as well.

I tried using conditioner like was suggested, dove conditioner that I use to soften pony hair.

I'm looking for more options, I want to exhaust all options before I resort to deflocking :(

If your idea is to clean her, and if she's not clean you have to deflock her I would REALLY suggest trading her for one that is in a poorer state that you CAN deflock. Please do not deflock her because you think it's your "only option".
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Sunshine on December 23, 2012, 01:14:01 PM

I'm about to try an deflock an Angel too... I just happened to get her for a price that was worth it to me to deflock versus resell... am I a terrible person??

Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 23, 2012, 01:19:34 PM
honestly if someone had one that was in great condition aside from the flocking, I would probably consider a trade.

In the end however, she's my pony, I bought her for $2.78 if I divide out the # of ponies vs the price I paid. I honestly think she would look better deflocked, but I would prefer to clean her if it was possible, but if it's the glue that is yellowed and bad on her, deflocking would probably be the gentler option. As I said though, I will exhaust all other options before I consider it, as  she is in pretty good shape aside from the yellowed flocking.

Also, at the same time, would you rather I use techniques that people say work and end up destroying the pony? I'm not willing to use bleach or any harsh chemicals on the pony because of the mixed results it has given. I'd prefer to use methods that I KNOW will fix a pony and not destroy it because especially on a pony that is HTF I would feel awful if I destroyed one that was in good shape.

I'm not going to make a hasty decision on her, I'm going to continue researching and trying gentle cleaning methods on her, so keep suggestions coming, but know that I will not go out and buy harsh chemicals or expensive treatments to fix her up, especially if the results are varied.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: hathorcat on December 23, 2012, 01:22:42 PM
She is your pony so if you decided to deflock that is completely your call - but I do agree with others that she is in reasonable condition so not an obvious deflock candidate. 

If the glue has yellowed there is no fixing that. However, if its dingyness in the coat the other thing I have used which works well is a toothbrush, toothpaste and cold water - you need to be really really careful when scrubbing however as sometimes even a gentle abrasion will remove flocking. But if it is just dirt I have always found that toothpaste works well to remove things and brighten the coat again.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 23, 2012, 01:25:07 PM
She is your pony so if you decided to deflock that is completely your call - but I do agree with others that she is in reasonable condition so not an obvious deflock candidate. 

If the glue has yellowed there is no fixing that. However, if its dingyness in the coat the other thing I have used which works well is a toothbrush, toothpaste and cold water - you need to be really really careful when scrubbing however as sometimes even a gentle abrasion will remove flocking. But if it is just dirt I have always found that toothpaste works well to remove things and brighten the coat again.
I have considered using toothpaste, but I was afraid mine might be harsh on it... would a whitening toothpaste be okay? I'm too afraid to scrub them with a toothbrush... last time I did that with a Truly that was in good shape aside from being yellowed... a gentle scrub with a toothbrush took a HUGE chunk of flocking right off >_< I ended up having to deflock her :(
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: hathorcat on December 23, 2012, 02:26:38 PM
It is a risk unfortunately - flocking varies from super tough to move right down to coming off if you pass a brush over the pony. :( And when the glue is yellowed this normally means it has broken down and is as a consequence less likely to "hold" the flocking in place. Think of it like sellotape/scotch tape when exposed to the sun and it goes that yucky horrible yellow colour and is no longer sticky - same thing with glue.

If you are worried about the toothbrush try massaging the toothpaste into the flocking perhaps? I honestly havent noticed a difference in brand when I use toothpaste for cleaning but weirdly yes I always use a whitening one when trying to move tail rust or dirt caught in flocking.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 23, 2012, 02:28:39 PM
well I'll give the toothpaste a try, see if that works, and honestly I'm not going to be heartbroken if the flocking comes off, but I will be careful to try not to get it off :3
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: tulagirl on December 23, 2012, 02:29:04 PM
I have gotten so softs in just that kind of shape and I have cleaned them up perfectly and I don't deflock with those types of rubs.  You can get her clean again. I use a soft bristle toothbrush and I have used it on yellowed flocking and never had a problem.  I just do things very carefully to test first.  Sorry you have not had the best of luck with that method.  I think it just depends on the state of the flocking.  I use oxy on mine too and everyone here says no don't ever use it, but I have never had a problem, but I don't leave them in it for very long at all.  So, don't try that since everyone but me has problems with it. LOL

I think we all have to remember that not all of  us are purest collectors and some people are just fine with altering things.  If altering her makes you happy then that is up to you. It does seriously affect her value so many purest collectors will cringe, but that doesn't mean you can't deflock your pony.  She is more rare and its a sad though for some of us, but really she belongs to you.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on December 23, 2012, 02:58:40 PM
For the toothbrush thing, you could test on the bottom of a foot, perhaps.  Then if it does come off at least it's not visible.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Shenanigans on December 23, 2012, 03:16:13 PM
I'm completely in the minority, but I would deflock *dodges fakies* I know she is a bit hard to find, but she does look really dingy and like the glue is yellowing. She is STUNNING deflocked. She is your pony and you shouldn't feel guilty if you like her better deflocked :) But then again I also don't like flocking.

*hides in corner*
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 23, 2012, 03:18:20 PM
in general I hate flocking too, unless it's perfect flocking that's not yellowed, like the mint condition ss paradise I have that still has her original curl....

this one is dingy, and has rubs on the face, which bug me *sigh*
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: tulagirl on December 23, 2012, 03:35:17 PM
I have a SS that is missing most of her flocking on one side and all over her face. Poor thing. I wonder how that happened?  It does bug one to look at that..even the feel of it isn't the same.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 23, 2012, 03:36:33 PM
mhm... I feel like I'm doing them a favor by deflocking them, helping them to look beautiful again, and they are so much prettier and brighter with that flocking gone
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Shenanigans on December 23, 2012, 04:57:19 PM
mhm... I feel like I'm doing them a favor by deflocking them, helping them to look beautiful again, and they are so much prettier and brighter with that flocking gone

I agree! They are so much more vibrant and beautiful without the fuzz. I couldn't believe how vibrant Ribbon was deflocked when I saw one :shocked:
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 23, 2012, 04:59:21 PM
mhm... I feel like I'm doing them a favor by deflocking them, helping them to look beautiful again, and they are so much prettier and brighter with that flocking gone

I agree! They are so much more vibrant and beautiful without the fuzz. I couldn't believe how vibrant Ribbon was deflocked when I saw one :shocked:
Twist is the one that shocked the hell out of me, she was grey, and I deflocked her and BAM! Bright vibrant purple
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: partypony566 on December 24, 2012, 01:09:50 AM
I hate the fuzz, I say deflock them all :P

Honestly if the flocking is bad/missing, why keep it on?!
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 24, 2012, 07:39:49 AM
I dunno... I keep thinking about this, and honestly, I have to say my Angel's flocking is gross and I've debated deflocking her as well.  I'd love to have a deflocked one but I know the outcry from the community would be loud.  :-p 

But she is your pony!  If you deflock her, please share with us what the results are, because I bet she's really pretty deflocked and very few people would go through with it.  :)
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: xkelpiex on December 24, 2012, 07:51:04 AM
Your pony! Do what you want with it. Personally, I think she is much prettier without the flocking. I would love to have a deflocked Angel, actually, but I know getting my hands on one would be super hard.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Sapphire-Light on December 24, 2012, 08:46:10 AM
For cleaning SS I use a toothbrush to scrub , johnson baby shampoo in the first wash along wit tap water :accomplished:

After that for a second bath  I use baking soda to remove the stubborn dirt (scrubbing wit the toothbrush) , and then for a third bath I use the shampoo again to remove the baking soda and then let the pony to dry.  :cool:

See this before and after pics of SS Sundance:  :happy:


Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 10:37:50 AM
The more I look at her, the more I'm considering deflocking her.

It really looks like the glue is yellowed, the flocking loss on the face bugs the crap out of me, she's got some random weird spots where the flocking looks different, her head and body are mismatched because of the flocking coloration, I think she'd look prettier without the flocking, the flocking is kinda thin along her whole neck... and even if it devalued her a bit, I only paid $2.78 for her in the first place >.>, and I am not willing to go buy tons of chemicals and supplies to clean her because as I said, I paid $2.78 for her. if Dawn dish soap, dove conditioner, whitening toothpaste, and water can't make her look pretty as I want her too, then deflocking is worth it for me, because that's cheaper than cleaning her.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 24, 2012, 11:09:57 AM
I am not willing to go buy tons of chemicals and supplies to clean her because as I said, I paid $2.78 for her. if Dawn dish soap, dove conditioner, whitening toothpaste, and water can't make her look pretty as I want her too, then deflocking is worth it for me, because that's cheaper than cleaning her.

Then that's that.  :-p  Sounds like a perfectly reasonable argument, especially as there has been no method of re-flocking that isn't industrial and therefore unavailable to the average person.  :D 

Just please show us pics if you do deflock and the haters can go just hate... by themselves... in a corner.  ;)
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 11:15:11 AM
I am not willing to go buy tons of chemicals and supplies to clean her because as I said, I paid $2.78 for her. if Dawn dish soap, dove conditioner, whitening toothpaste, and water can't make her look pretty as I want her too, then deflocking is worth it for me, because that's cheaper than cleaning her.

Then that's that.  :-p  Sounds like a perfectly reasonable argument, especially as there has been no method of re-flocking that isn't industrial and unavailable to the average person.  :D 

Just please show us pics if you do deflock and the haters can go just hate... by themselves... in a corner.  ;)
of course I will, I'm going to give it a little more time to see if I can settle for her in the shape she's in, and see if I can clean her up satisfactorily, but honestly I've felt reamed over it enough, I was in a rather bad mood yesterday because of all the people getting on my case to not deflock her, and it made me want to deflock her even more. I feel the arguments were not valid enough, and honestly after seeing past price checks on her, she's not THAT valuable, she can't be that sought after if she's only worth $25 in better condition than mine, as far as I'm concerned, she's less valuable than Mimic, and no matter what even if she's deflocked, she's worth more than $2.78 as long as people are willing to buy her. I also have no plans on selling her (like most of my ponies, people will have to just try and stop me from taking them to the grave with me >.>) so I plan to enjoy her in the way I see fit :3
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: hathorcat on December 24, 2012, 11:53:46 AM
As mentioned before Alatariel-Silimaure she is your pony to do as you please with :) I think if you have tried all the cleaning methods you have mentioned you have pretty much given everything a go. And I am really sorry you felt that people were not supportive of your decision to deflock initially :( - unfortunately deflocking or baiting or deboxing ponies are always subjects which have those very much on both sides of an argument. I am sure the comments were meant in kindness due to her being quite a hard to find pony and an attempt to ensure you knew she is hard to find in half decent condition anyway.

I hope you post us pictures when she is done :) - she is a lovely pony when deflocked - her colours are gorgeous!
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Shenanigans on December 24, 2012, 12:04:42 PM
I definitely want to see her when you've finished her :) I personally would pay a lot more for a deflocked pony than I would for a pony with perfect flocking, but that's just me :biggrin: If you will enjoy her more deflocked, then I say go for it :)
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Sapphire-Light on December 24, 2012, 12:15:29 PM
As mentioned before Alatariel-Silimaure she is your pony to do as you please with :) I think if you have tried all the cleaning methods you have mentioned you have pretty much given everything a go. And I am really sorry you felt that people were not supportive of your decision to deflock initially :( - unfortunately deflocking or baiting or deboxing ponies are always subjects which have those very much on both sides of an argument. I am sure the comments were meant in kindness due to her being quite a hard to find pony and an attempt to ensure you knew she is hard to find in half decent condition anyway.

I hope you post us pictures when she is done :) - she is a lovely pony when deflocked - her colours are gorgeous!

Agree wit you.

Only because some of the members posted cleaning methods it doesn't mean people were after the OP.

In this forum when a question is asked (the title of this tread DOES have a question) then multiple alternatives to solve what is asked are going to come up so the OP can choose.

This means different opinions, and just because people are given you different options than you  it doesn't mean   want to get you in a "bad mood"

Also only if someone gives a suggestion to a question asked, it doesn't mean they are forcing the OP to do what they suggested.

Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 12:38:33 PM
a lot of people were helpful, but there were some that left me feeling like I'd be labeled a bad person for deflocking her. I appreciate the help given for coming up with solutions on how to clean her and such, those I appreciate, and perhaps I took some of the posts wrong as well, I dunno.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: partypony566 on December 24, 2012, 12:52:26 PM
Honestly, in the grand scheme of things she's a plastic toy pony, relatively easy to find, and she's got bad flocking. Deflocking is the best thing for her ;) so you don't have to worry about what anyone thinks, it's your pony.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 12:53:10 PM
*nods* thanks :3 I am feeling a bit better about it now
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Shenanigans on December 24, 2012, 12:57:56 PM
*nods* thanks :3 I am feeling a bit better about it now

I'm glad :hug:
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Sapphire-Light on December 24, 2012, 01:00:51 PM
a lot of people were helpful, but there were some that left me feeling like I'd be labeled a bad person for deflocking her. I appreciate the help given for coming up with solutions on how to clean her and such, those I appreciate, and perhaps I took some of the posts wrong as well, I dunno.

I see, maybe you just need to picture the different opinions of the types of collectors we have here.

There are some that want they ponies as pure as possible like they came from the Hasbro's factories, even if it means having a mohawk on ponies like the nirvanas, they prefer to have it that way wit a hair that came from peru (for example)  than getting them a rehair wit more common hair.

Others don't care to rehair a nirvana wit any type of hair, others will do it since they don't like  mohaks but  only using hair that is saran or nilon.

So depending wish type of collector you are, you will react different on what you will think is more important to you.  ;)

Maybe some people could sound jumpy because there's always the risk of ruining a pony (mostly the symbol)  when making things like a deflock, so some people do it just when is the last option.

Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 01:05:22 PM
*nod* I have noticed that there are varying degrees of collectors here. I like to keep the ponies as pure as I can... but at the same time I want them to look beautiful, not some ratty half flocked yellowed ss sitting on my shelf... I'm one that will rehair and deflock if needed. Usually if the flocking is rubbed anywhere noticeable I'll deflock but usually I try to buy ones that I want deflocked in bad shape so that no one will fault me for deflocking.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: rybett on December 24, 2012, 01:18:14 PM
I love them deflocked, on a hunt for a manky Angel myself.  I might get some fun flock sometime and flock a pony or two.  I can see the appeal of them when the fuzz is nice.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 02:26:22 PM
I always prefer them deflocked, I like vibrant colors :3
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on December 24, 2012, 02:28:27 PM
a lot of people were helpful, but there were some that left me feeling like I'd be labeled a bad person for deflocking her. I appreciate the help given for coming up with solutions on how to clean her and such, those I appreciate, and perhaps I took some of the posts wrong as well, I dunno.

Okay, I don't want to be nitpicky, but you did specifically ask for people's opinions on whether you should deflock her.  I didn't see anyone being mean about it?  Were there some specific posts that bothered you?
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 02:31:36 PM
there were, but I don't want to point them out and single them out. it just bothered me, I really don't care to go into it further, I've got the answers I needed, and I don't want to turn this into a "lets take apart Alatariel's Posts" topic or a debate topic. I spoke how I felt in a few cases without naming names, and I prefer to keep it that way, I don't want to beat it to death
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: hathorcat on December 24, 2012, 03:49:42 PM
When we type things sometimes what we mean to say can be misread at the other end...I completely understand being a little upset :hug:

I say we turn this into a thread on how pretty Angel is deflocked or flocked...:)

Note this is my Angel not the OPs!!!

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Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 03:50:53 PM
ahh! she is gorgeous deflocked

*glances are her dirty one*

makes me want to deflock her even more <.< *eyes her acetone*
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 24, 2012, 03:54:51 PM
Yes, Hathorcat, yours is the reason why I want to deflock mine!  Wow... she's just so gorgeous.

I hate to complain but WHY is she a So-Soft?  She would have been gorgeous in another set, perhaps a Seaside release that had been more global rather than the UK releases only!  Why make a fish-themed pony fuzzy and furry anyway? 
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 04:02:39 PM
I totally agree there, her as a so soft confuses me
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: hathorcat on December 24, 2012, 04:04:34 PM
I adore so soft ponies and if I had a choice I would always pick the flocked over the deflock [unless they are in terrible shape]...but...that being said, underneath their flocking, there are some seriously gorgeous ponies who I think miss out on popularity because their colours are less intense. I love the idea, lovesbabysquirmy, that some of these girls should have got a non so soft release as well..

I mean look at how intense Hippity Hop is in colour and how amazing Skippity Doos hair is with her body colour

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Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 04:05:44 PM
HOLY CRAP! that makes me second think my so soft hippity hop, too bad her flocking is perfect >_< I want her deflocked now! <3
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Shenanigans on December 24, 2012, 04:21:57 PM
When we type things sometimes what we mean to say can be misread at the other end...I completely understand being a little upset :hug:

I say we turn this into a thread on how pretty Angel is deflocked or flocked...:)

Note this is my Angel not the OPs!!!

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:faint: *grabby hands*
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: DazzleKitty on December 24, 2012, 04:26:22 PM
My SS Angel is definitely one that may be a candidate for deflocking. I sure wish I was brave enough to do it.

I am not a big person on SS ponies. I'd deflock a whole bunch of them if I knew how to do it.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: rybett on December 24, 2012, 05:48:07 PM
Dazzle, I bought several baity SS ponies and had them shipped to A-S for deflocking.  Small price for me not having to deal with chemicals.  Win-win situation!
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 05:49:07 PM
lol yup XD

oh speaking of which, I'm pretty much done with them, I want to do a little touch up work on Twilight, her glue is a pain in the butt >_< but they're pretty much finished :3
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: rybett on December 24, 2012, 06:28:10 PM
YAY!!!!  Twi, your flocking has lost the war.  Give it up.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 06:28:39 PM
XDDD some of it is being stubborn
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Baby Sugarberry on December 24, 2012, 06:55:07 PM
Deflocking does permanently alter a pony, which will never be original again.  Some collectors want deflocks, some consider them unacceptable.  While personally I'd prefer to see only those with truly poor flocking be stripped, especially when they're rare, that's just me.    Just because we don't have a fix for yellowed glue right now doesn't mean someone won't figure out how to fix it in the future.  When I first started collecting, pindot and marker stains were considered incurable. 

It's a matter of personal opinion - in the end, it's your property to do with as you wish.  (Really though a bottle of dish soap isn't expensive and is a good thing to have on hand for cleaning any ponies that come  your way in less than minty shape. o.O I don't see why you'd factor that as an unreasonable expense.)

Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 06:58:02 PM
I never said dish soap was an unreasonable expense...

I said buying chemicals like bleach, and oxyclean and other such things that I don't use is unreasonable, and I refuse to use harsh chemicals, especially bleach when I have two cats who are sensitive to such things, not to mention I have allergic reactions to.

I have tried dish soap, conditioner, and I'm going to be trying toothpaste with it, but if that doesn't work, I'm not going to go out and buy a ton more chemicals to try and fix the flocking, it's not worth it.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: PrincessLocket on December 24, 2012, 07:16:10 PM
I'm lucky enough to have a beautiful deflocked Angel too and she cost a lot more than my near mint flocked one lol.  I'm a fussy collector so can only have near mint SS as difficult as they are to find :-( I don't like rubs, yellow and worst if all that terrible dinginess the fur can get

In that condition being harder to find I prob wouldn't deflock but trade/sell and look for a better one but at the end of the day she's your pony and you can do whatever you like with her. There are plenty if other angels around even if she isn't super common and many in better condition too.  Enjoy your Angel she's one of my fav ponies :-)

Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Baby Sugarberry on December 24, 2012, 07:16:52 PM
Thought I saw Dawn dish soap on that list?  Perhaps I was mistaken.
Oxyclean's actually pretty nice stuff for its intended purpose as well, getting clothes clean.  Bleach isn't something you want to use on ponies, it has undesirable side effects (yellowing).

Like I said, it's your property to do with as you want.  Just because some of the community doesn't approve, won't change that one bit.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 07:21:28 PM
@Princess: that's why I didn't go for a super good one, it was in a bait lot, so I expected it to be in deflocking condition easy, and then it wasn't which is what put me in the dilema, I wanted a deflocked one more than a flocked, cause I can't stand less than near perfect flocking either >_<

@Sugarberry: dawn was on a different list, it was the list of stuff I would try lol. I don't buy oxyclean, or bleach or anything like that because I have so many allergy issues and my skin is very sensitive. I found one laundry detergent that works for me, any time someone has washed my clothes in anything else I end up getting rashes, so I don't have the stuff on hand, and wouldn't buy them specifically for cleaning a SS, since I usually buy ones in a perfect condition for deflocking
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Breyer600 on December 24, 2012, 09:42:50 PM
I had a similar Angel and managed to find someone who had one in worse condition to trade with.  It took awhile, and there were a number of times before I traded her that I was sorely tempted to just start deflocking.

Here's my deflock with my regular one who has yellowed glue but otherwise near perfect flocking:

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In her case, I think the deflock is much prettier. 
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on December 24, 2012, 09:44:07 PM
yeah that's about where the color of mine is at, she just looks so yellowed and dingy
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 25, 2012, 08:30:05 AM
Mine looks about the same...  gahhhh!  I didn't have these qualms about Twilight!
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Sunshine on December 25, 2012, 06:52:51 PM
I was hoping I could pop in again and ask a question since it has to do with this exact topic...

I just received a beautiful Angel for Christmas... she has beautiful hair, not yellowed... but her nostrils, top of her ear, and some spots above her eye are bare... I was hoping I could upload a photo to this thread and get opinions whether to deflock her or not? If I can't join onto this post it's okay I just wanted to know :D
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Sapphire-Light on December 25, 2012, 07:08:44 PM
I was hoping I could pop in again and ask a question since it has to do with this exact topic...

I just received a beautiful Angel for Christmas... she has beautiful hair, not yellowed... but her nostrils, top of her ear, and some spots above her eye are bare... I was hoping I could upload a photo to this thread and get opinions whether to deflock her or not? If I can't join onto this post it's okay I just wanted to know :D

You could create another tread, so it would be easier for us to help wit any questions you have   ;) so they don't get mixed in this tread.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Sunshine on December 25, 2012, 07:54:08 PM
Okay thanks, I will do that as soon as I get pictures of her. Thanks for letting me know! I didn't want to draw focus away from the OP and their question!
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: josiekat on December 26, 2012, 08:14:58 AM
I'm not posting this to pick fights....just my opinion.

I have been reading through this entire thread, and it seems to me that the OP has had it in their mind to deflock the entire time. Suggestions were given, and it just seemed like they didn't want to do them. Don't get me wrong....I'm not against deflocking and it's their pony so do what you want, but it just seems to me that your mind was made up before you posted the original post.

I hope Angel turns out gorgeous for you. Please post pics when you're done. :)
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: hathorcat on December 26, 2012, 03:12:29 PM
I think this thread seems to have strayed off the OPs original intentions and gone a little around and around in circles.

Please lets not judge one another too harshly on how we keep our own collections.
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Honey Bunches on December 26, 2012, 03:25:12 PM
I am one of those who struggles with the SS ponies. I like things to be pretty crisp and clean for the most part. But the flocking on the So-Soft ponies is rather delicate, and after about 25 years it's hard to find something that's fresh and clean.. and Flocked.

I have a stash of SS ponies that I'm unsure of myself. And, of course, everyone's opinion of what is bait or good or very good for an SS differs so I've neither displayed nor deflocked.

Thanks for posting and for everyone who has shared their opinions.   :)
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: angel_rose on December 26, 2012, 11:43:36 PM
This thread inspired me to finish mine.
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I really dislike the look of that yellowed glue. It's really hard to remove too.
 Acetone was the only thing I used that completely removed it but it's dangerous to paint :yikes:
I say go for it :)
Title: Re: is G1 SS Angel okay to deflock?
Post by: Sunshine on December 28, 2012, 04:21:51 PM
This thread inspired me to finish mine.
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I really dislike the look of that yellowed glue. It's really hard to remove too.
 Acetone was the only thing I used that completely removed it but it's dangerous to paint :yikes:
I say go for it :)

Ha! Love it. This thread inspired me to do the same... I was going to ask opinions for my two Angels' but decided, eh, lets got for it. She's almost finished now!!
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