The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => The Dollhouse => Topic started by: fiwen30 on December 02, 2012, 11:28:07 AM

Title: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: fiwen30 on December 02, 2012, 11:28:07 AM
So my birthday is 5 days after Christmas, and my fiance wanted me to come up with present ideas...and I've persuaded him that a Pullip would be a fine addition to my pile under the tree! ;) I've wanted a Kiyomi for ages, but with saving for the wedding I've not been able to justify getting her, so bring on Christmas!

Is anyone else looking forward to a dolly-filled holiday season this year?
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Yurusumaji on December 02, 2012, 11:31:32 AM
Well, I'm in the Dolly Swap on here. So there's that.

I'm hoping that by the end of the month I'll be receiving my FairyLand order from DDE. I'm waiting on a PukiFee PongPong and a PukiPuki Flora. So yeah, it's going to be a pretty dolly-fied Christmas!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: PandaBerryInSpace on December 02, 2012, 11:33:23 AM
My boyfriend and I already agreed that my Hujoo Dana will be my Christmas present. :) I already got her.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Flaileigh on December 02, 2012, 02:05:32 PM
My Dad got me the Peter Pan Pullip, and my Mom got me Katniss (Mattel version) from The Hunger Games. She was also going to get one of the boys to go with her, but there weren't any. I doubt I'll get much more than that in the dolly area, since they also got me some Skylanders and The Walking Dead comics.  :drunk:
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: lolaandbean on December 02, 2012, 02:07:22 PM
I'm getting new eye chips for my Blythe. Does that count?
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: partypony566 on December 02, 2012, 02:18:10 PM
Well I am in the Dolly Swap and MH Fashion Swap here so thats gonna be amazing to get dolly gifts this year!

I doubt my family will get me dolls or doll related stuff...I dont mind that, but what I do mind is when the family ask me for what I would like for Christmas, and I'll give a whole list ( with links to ebay etc for doll stuff, even things that cost £1 ) and they will completely disregard it and ask if I have any 'proper' things I want!!!! :blink: I will say my mum is great anyway cos she picks me up dolly stuff all the time from thrift stores etc, but everyone else is always a bit :crazy:

Does anyone else get that reaction?!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: xkelpiex on December 02, 2012, 02:22:24 PM
I'm thinking my brother got me a Byul and I have a hunch mommy got me something dolly related, but am unsure. Gifts are always a huge surprise in this house.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: partypony566 on December 02, 2012, 02:28:26 PM
I'm getting new eye chips for my Blythe. Does that count?

Yes it does! :) Which colour eyes did you get? I love Blythes, do you have a pic of your girl?
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Yurusumaji on December 02, 2012, 02:38:55 PM
Does anyone else get that reaction?!

I purposely don't mention it to anyone. I have so many hobbies and collections that I can always find something people are willing to accept as potential gifts for the holidays and birthdays. My mum, sister and husband are the only ones who still buy gifts for me anyway so it ultimately doesn't really matter. Mum gets me anime, my sister gets me Hello Kitty stuff and my husband lets me choose what I want within a dollar range every year.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: crazykimochi on December 02, 2012, 02:46:43 PM
I ammmmmmm!! But I got mine early~ My boyfriend got me a MNF Breakaway~ 8D
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: on December 02, 2012, 03:08:29 PM
I ammmmmmm!! But I got mine early~ My boyfriend got me a MNF Breakaway~ 8D

What an amazing xmas gift! Congrats!

Personally I have PKF Luna on my wishlist, but I doubt BF was able to get her for me with all the drama we have had lately. I'll prob get myself some playline dollies around christmas, if I see anything I like!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: justkitter on December 02, 2012, 03:11:55 PM
I've got nothing but dolls on my wishlist!  It'll be hard for anyone to get me anything BUT dolls :lol:
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: youngatheart on December 02, 2012, 03:36:15 PM
i already go my 3 Tangkous as early xmas presents :)
oh goodness, I get the reaction too of what proper gifts do you want if I ask for doll or pony related things! Drives me crazy as I try my best to get things related to peoples interests even if its not something I find nteresting!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: ZennaBug on December 02, 2012, 03:39:58 PM
Well, I'm hoping to have one doll's head back from her faceup around Christmas and I'm planning on using Christmas money to help finish paying off my Beyla.  But that' just presents to myself.  :P The hubby can never know how much BJDs cost.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Yurusumaji on December 02, 2012, 03:45:26 PM
I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm leaving right after this.

I just found out that my husband is going to pre-order a LoongSoul White Tiger for me for Christmas. ^_^ Another dolly in the bag!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Taxel on December 02, 2012, 04:00:07 PM
I've asked for money from family members who have asked so I can save up for a Hujoo Freya or two, and I'm in the process of completing a trade (doll for doll clothes) that's basically my Christmas gift to myself. My boyfriend is currently trying to see if he can get me a Tiger Lily Byul and a Tinkerbell Dal for Christmas (with the help of other relatives, lol) because of their crazy low prices in Canada.

I'm realllllly curious about what the other "side" of the family is getting for me. None of them asked what I wanted, but when I was down in California to visit and my grandma took me to Walmart I she let me took at the toys. I was showing her all the dolls while she just laughed and laughed and laughed because she didn't believe me when I told her I was basically a four year old. xD So she might have picked up one of them for me, and might have told my aunt about my playline doll obsession (which I hope she did, since my aunt knows I love ponies but may not know I don't collect G4 anymore).

My mom might be getting me a Bratillaz (I really hope so!) and/or Bratz clothes because she asked me specifically if I like Bratz. Though she also asked about Disney princesses. . .not sure if that could mean clothing (since she likes to buy pajamas and stuff from the Disney store) or if it means dolls.

No matter what I'm really excited and curious!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: dxgirly on December 02, 2012, 04:07:10 PM
No dollies for me this year... none that I'm aware of, at least. Lots of ponies, though. haha
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Tiella on December 02, 2012, 05:13:54 PM
My hubby pre ordered a LoonSoul White Tiger for me for xmas too! I am also in the dolly swap.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: ZennaBug on December 02, 2012, 06:14:52 PM
I'm not sure I'll ever ask anyone but my mom for dolls.  She would understand, everyone else would think I had lost my marbles when they heard the price.  Doll accessories is a totally different story.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: DazzleKitty on December 02, 2012, 06:29:47 PM
I asked my brother for several Monster High dolls for Christmas. I  am hoping I get at least one. :)
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Chi on December 02, 2012, 06:51:26 PM
I plan to..But they'll be gifts from me to me.. :devious:
No one in my family would know what to get me anyway.. I'll be getting my Pullip a new wig, outfit and some custom eye chips I saw on Etsy. :blush:
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: aellos on December 02, 2012, 09:39:28 PM
Hmm, other than the Dolly Swap and the Resinsoul Ya that I do not plan on saving for Christmas if she comes before then, nope.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: karrie91 on December 02, 2012, 11:21:55 PM
I asked for JC penny exclusive Monster High stuff from my Grandma who usually just gets me a 100 dollar gift card for there. Instead, I wrote down the item number for Draculaura and her car and the item number for Holiday Cinderella!!!

I'm also expecting dolls from my sister. :)
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: lolaandbean on December 03, 2012, 06:58:00 AM
I'm getting new eye chips for my Blythe. Does that count?

Yes it does! :) Which colour eyes did you get? I love Blythes, do you have a pic of your girl?

I'm getting chips similar to the color in the picture. For some reason I like my Blythe's to have similar color chips.

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Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: karrie91 on December 03, 2012, 10:26:58 PM
My mom was asking me if I had certain Monster High dolls today.. I sense she might be buying me some dollies too!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: angelfish on December 03, 2012, 10:42:24 PM
My fiance bought pullip Regeneration Moon for Christmas; she's on her way but I can't open her until Christmas.. :)  I think he wants to find MH Jinafire for me as well. 

I hope everyone gets what dollie they want for Christmas this year!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: kCherry on December 04, 2012, 10:09:22 AM
  I have a Magical Angel "Kelly" under my tree right now!!!! It's KILLING me!!!! But, he's my big-ticket item this year so I refuse to not have him under the tree to unwrap on Christmas day. :P Sometimes I'm actually impressed by my will-power... And then I think on how many more paychecks I have to dump into "BillMeLater" to payoff my latest purchases and then I'm not so impressed anymore. XD hee hee

The hubby can never know how much BJDs cost.

:lmao: Mine does know, but it's because I'd like to make my own line of dolls myself (one day, fa-aaaar into the future. XD ) My family does gasp when I talk about BJD prices, though. It makes me giggle; I remember gasping at dolly prices, too, not that long ago. :drunk:

  Oh, I also hope that everyone gets the dollies (and ponies!!) that they want for Christmas!!! :happy:  :green:
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: klein on December 04, 2012, 10:28:43 AM
Though she won't actually be here in time for Christmas my hubby ordered me this little darling from Latidoll as a Christmas present (she probably won't actually arrive until much closer to my birthday in March :lol: )
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I also know there are some Monster High dolls as well as the Disney Designer Villain Queen of Hearts doll tucked away and hidden somewhere in the apartment. There will probably also be at least one pullip or dal under the Christmas tree.

My best friend got me MH Jinafire and the skeleton girl for Christmas.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Tiella on December 04, 2012, 03:22:19 PM
Oh she is a cutie Klein!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: karrie91 on December 04, 2012, 03:23:24 PM
*squeeee* That robe is absolutely adorable!!!  ^.^
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: crazykimochi on December 04, 2012, 04:23:15 PM
What an amazing xmas gift! Congrats!

Personally I have PKF Luna on my wishlist, but I doubt BF was able to get her for me with all the drama we have had lately. I'll prob get myself some playline dollies around christmas, if I see anything I like!
Thank you! He arrived yesterday~ I'm utterly in love! I'm downsizing his eyes though, the ones he came with are a bit too big (and I'm out of spare 14mms for him to borrow..). I hope you can get PKF Luna!! I love mine too~ And I hope things work out between you and your bf! :(

This is my Christmas boy who came home early, his name is Journey.
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Journey ( by ❥CrazyKimochi (, on Flickr
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: xkelpiex on December 04, 2012, 04:24:46 PM
My mom let loose a clue to my present by accident today-- she's so upset! She told me she was worried the package wouldn't arrive till after christmas because the seller noticed there was "a flaw on her face" and she s going to wait til she got another one to send it. This makes me VERY excited, but my mom is so beat up about it ;.;
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: on December 05, 2012, 11:58:13 AM
What an amazing xmas gift! Congrats!

Personally I have PKF Luna on my wishlist, but I doubt BF was able to get her for me with all the drama we have had lately. I'll prob get myself some playline dollies around christmas, if I see anything I like!
Thank you! He arrived yesterday~ I'm utterly in love! I'm downsizing his eyes though, the ones he came with are a bit too big (and I'm out of spare 14mms for him to borrow..). I hope you can get PKF Luna!! I love mine too~ And I hope things work out between you and your bf! :(

This is my Christmas boy who came home early, his name is Journey.

Oh, it's not me and BF that are having trouble, it's just life thats giving us a rough time lately!
Thank you for the well wishes anyways!

Conrats again on Journey, he loks great!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: ZennaBug on December 05, 2012, 08:06:28 PM
Oh wow, CrazyKimochi, he is so handsome!!!  I need a handsome boy doll...
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: barbgirl1999 on December 06, 2012, 03:20:15 PM
Sounds like lots of people are having a great Dolly Christmas, lol. 

I am in the Dolly Swap here, so I know I'll be getting some great stuff there...otherwise, I have asked for LOTS of dolls, so I'm sure I'll get at least a couple.  I'm hoping my mom gets me the Designer Villains Evil Queen from the Disney Store.  I am also crossing my fingers for a couple of MH girls, once they start showing up here. 

I'll also be collecting Christmas money to buy my poor floating BJD head a body :heart: 
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: shockponie on December 07, 2012, 10:48:35 AM
I will receive a couple of MHs, a Novi Star, an I love Minnie, and (hopefully) a Calico Critter or 2.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Yurusumaji on December 07, 2012, 11:56:19 AM
I need a handsome boy doll...

You and me both!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Akemi-chan on December 07, 2012, 10:54:07 PM
I've been naughty and ended up making several dolly purchases for myself this Christmas >_<:

- Tokidoki Pullip coming out ending December or early January
- New face-up and body blushing for my Soom Beyla

My bf asked if I wanted a doll, but I told him he could get me new work shoes so I could use that money for dolls instead. ^_^
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: astroasis on December 09, 2012, 02:41:12 AM
Aside from a new android tablet, I think all of my gifts this year will be toys! XD Mostly dolls, but some little figures and Funko Pop vinyl, too.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: tulagirl on December 09, 2012, 10:52:52 AM
I am not thinking any dolls would be under my tree unless they were lalaloopsy, but I really believe my husband went with G1 ponies this year.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: barbgirl1999 on December 09, 2012, 12:24:25 PM
Grassshackgirl- is the Tokidoki Pullip already sold out??  I was looking for her on PS, and she is nowhere to be seen. *sadface*
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Akemi-chan on December 09, 2012, 01:13:38 PM
Grassshackgirl- is the Tokidoki Pullip already sold out??  I was looking for her on PS, and she is nowhere to be seen. *sadface*

No, I actually pre-ordered mine from this seller on FB:

Tokidoki is selling for $196 and change, and the seller requires 30% down.  The rest is paid when she's released in early Jan.  According to Pullipdreams blog, the regular price is $182.99, but I didn't want to risk her being sold out with her regular release.  Still kicking myself for missing out on the Tokidoki Barbie >_<.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: justkitter on December 10, 2012, 12:43:43 PM
That Tokidoki Barbie is so pretty!  I would have converted to Barbie just for that one:)  Everything about her is perfection<3

I just searched for the Pullip, and she's pretty too!  Congrats on your pre-order:)
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Tilas on December 10, 2012, 02:28:27 PM
We're not doing anything for Xmas other then buying our OWN gifts, so I bought Tinkerbell AND Peter Pan cause I couldn't walk away from such a discounted price! ^_^; So looking forward to getting them here, they'll be the first pullips I've bought in like two years.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Flaileigh on December 16, 2012, 10:14:16 AM
A Christmas doll unexpectedly arrived today. When the mailman came, I thought he had a package of videogames I'd ordered a few weeks ago... Instead, it ended up being a Red Apple Petite Blythe! When I opened the box, I saw a tiny shipping box inside with "Takara" on it, and automatically it got me excited that I just had to rip it open. She's so cute! I'll have to make room for her so she can be with the other Takara and Littlest Petshop petites~   :frolic:
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: wystearya on December 16, 2012, 10:23:36 AM
I've bought myself a couple of 'pet' dolls.  One is on the way from China right now, the other is to be mailed on Monday.  I can't wait to get them!  :)
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: coinoperatedgirl on December 16, 2012, 02:42:31 PM
I've got a Hujoo Freya under the tree (she's been hidden somewhere in the house since October or so when she was purchased), and hubby came home from work last night with Jinafire to add to the Monster High collection.  There's two other boxes under the tree that look like they could be dolls, but they're Amazon shipping boxes, so who knows what they may have in them.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: rayedelsol on December 17, 2012, 04:31:23 AM
I wanted the Pere Noel Pullip for Christmas, but we couldn't find her anywhere online, so maybe Birthday?? I don't think any of my family will be doing a dolly Christmas, but I got to participate in the dolly swap, so my Dolly Christmas came early :) [Thanks jupi!]
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: barbgirl1999 on December 17, 2012, 02:24:33 PM
EEEEEeee...there's a PullipStyle box on the floor in my bedroom, lol.  It's a Christmas present from my husband, so I have no idea WHICH doll is in there, but there are only a few on the wishlist that he had me make for him, lol!  So, I'm getting one of them ^_^

There's also a box from the Disney store, so  I'm sure there's at least one doll in there as  YAY
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: aellos on December 18, 2012, 09:41:14 PM
I may or may not be having a Dolly Christmas (not counting the Tangkou and BJD I have coming).
My mom said my dad got me something they KNOW I want. Sooo..that COULD be a doll. :D
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Taxel on December 20, 2012, 12:36:57 PM
And now I've officially handed in my Christmas list (kinda late xD) and its got some nice main non-doll wishes, but they won't be done until Feb-March. So I added some dolls on sale on Amazon in case my uncle wants to get my at least one thing I can open on Christmas. I'm really excited now! :D

Hopefully he doesn't show it to grandma, since she keeps asking what I want even though I've said money half a dozen times. I want things she cannot buy, commissioned things. And she gave everyone money last year and for birthdays so. XP If she pulls through I'm gonna get a flocked LPS Blythe (! They're so cute.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: justkitter on December 20, 2012, 02:07:43 PM
I stayed out of stores since Thanksgiving, so I wouldn't end up buying a bunch of things for myself, when I should be shopping for others, but that didn't work!  I've done more damage at home on Amazon than I could do at the stores!  Why is Amazon marking so many of my wants down 70%? 

Anyway, on top of whatever my family has gotten me, I've also ordered all 5 of the original Bratzillas, and the Novi Stars playset, so yeah, I'm having a Dolly Christmas!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Echo_Shell on December 20, 2012, 05:34:02 PM
There's a Dika Doll Monica coming for me this year...though probably not in time for Christmas.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Yurusumaji on December 20, 2012, 06:55:30 PM
Erm, I was feeling dolly deprived, so I ordered all the Novi Stars dolls except Nita Light. They'll get here a couple days after Christmas, but I got a good deal on them (all 4 dolls shipped to my house for $51), so I couldn't stand to pass them up anymore.

I found out my Pukis were delayed until January, as was my Pure Neemo girl. So this was my last chance for a kind-of dolly Christmas.  :blush:
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: on December 21, 2012, 01:05:57 PM
I've just spotted a PukiFee-sized parcel in the pile of presents! Omg omg omg!

Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Uninu on December 22, 2012, 02:37:27 AM
Kind of, I'll be getting a Minifee body for my Juri08 head on 27th :D
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: kaninchen on December 22, 2012, 09:31:31 AM
my father-in-law gave me a check and written in the memo was "for big eyed doll!" so a pullip... but i can't decide who should join the patch next!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: rayedelsol on December 22, 2012, 09:41:53 AM
My dolly Christmas came early!! Found Batgirl Pullip online and my hubby bought her for me! She came in yesterday :)
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: jupiternwndrlnd on December 22, 2012, 11:07:36 AM
i am pretty sure there is a MH size box under the tree :D
and my dad gave me money, so I think I am going to buy my first Dal
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: wystearya on December 22, 2012, 12:57:19 PM
My little kitty pet doll 'Wong' is in the USA, and now in my state!   I might just get it very soon!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: aellos on December 22, 2012, 02:26:03 PM
I may not be having a dolly christmas after all.
Doesn't look like either of my dolls will make it by then. T_T
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: PandaBerryInSpace on December 22, 2012, 02:49:47 PM
I certainly am! :) As I said earlier in this thread, I got Hujoo Dana back in November, but once I got her, I sent her head off for a faceup. I was scared that I wouldn't have her in time for Christmas, but her head got back yesterday! Yay!!!

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Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: beajjai033 on December 23, 2012, 03:31:35 AM
I don't! :nope: I hope to have my first Pullip after the next few months, holidays and vacations really get me broke.
Hope your fiance would give in to what you want - Pullip Kiyomi is really lovely! I love her overall sweetness, both her faceup and stock.
Happy Holidays dear!~  ;)
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 24, 2012, 12:33:50 PM
Yes.... but it's not Pullips or BJD or Barbie...

Got another 18" doll - this one is from the TRU line "Journey Girls".  Not too bad for the price... the hair's rooted instead of wigged, but I can deal with that.  Decent hair quality as well.  Most of the JG clothing line fits snugly on American Girl dolls but it does still fit.

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The newest doll, still needs a character to go with her

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Clothing sets

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Emily wearing the other dress set I found

Combined with the order from AG I received last month, and the finding of 3 dolls at the thrift store for only $15, I've been having a great Doll-idays!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Akemi-chan on December 24, 2012, 03:55:37 PM
Yes.... but it's not Pullips or BJD or Barbie...

Got another 18" doll - this one is from the TRU line "Journey Girls".  Not too bad for the price... the hair's rooted instead of wigged, but I can deal with that.  Decent hair quality as well.  Most of the JG clothing line fits snugly on American Girl dolls but it does still fit.

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The newest doll, still needs a character to go with her

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Clothing sets

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Emily wearing the other dress set I found

Combined with the order from AG I received last month, and the finding of 3 dolls at the thrift store for only $15, I've been having a great Doll-idays!

I'm starting to get into 18" dolls as well, and I keep looking at these girls.  Some of their faces are ok, but I love their size!  Can you do a mini-review later on Squirmy?  BTW, grats on your dolly scores!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: xkelpiex on December 24, 2012, 04:26:24 PM
I saw these at TRU and they so wonderful I almost bought one. But if I am going to buy an 18" vinyl, it'll be those heart to heart World Vision dolls. Beautiful!
Also, gaiz, tomorrow morning is Christmas. I CAN'T EVEN ADNKAAGHKSAGKJ
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Flaileigh on December 25, 2012, 05:45:01 AM
Can't wait to see what everyone ended up receiving! Dolly-wise, I got the Red Apple petite Blythe, The Hunger Games Katniss Barbie, my first Gene doll (Bird of Paradise version, not complete), Peter Pan Pullip, and a MIB 80's Indigo Rainbow Brite doll.  :frolic:
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: bagheera86 on December 25, 2012, 06:06:58 AM
yes. I had a buttload on layby! I brought them all home Chrissy eve, 13 MH gals in total!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: xkelpiex on December 25, 2012, 06:31:20 AM
This morning I opened a Byul Tigerlily, a Vampire Tangkou and MH Venus among other things. I also got a hundred dollars which is going towards my RS Ai! And on the pony end of things I got the Favourites collection!
And lol, I didn't even know my parents knew what a Tangkou doll was, haha! My mom must have really researched dolls in order to have found them.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: rayedelsol on December 25, 2012, 05:27:20 PM
Well, I got Batgirl Pullip early. I got a MH blanket, and my aunt took special measures to make sure I got some new dolls. I got Picture Day Abbey and Draculaura :) I'm trying to convince my hubby to pre-order Pere Noel for me :)
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: barbgirl1999 on December 25, 2012, 08:05:36 PM
I got Harley Quinn!!  I wasn't sure what Pullip was in the box sitting in the corner, but I am SO excited!  I was worried she would sell out and I wouldn't be able to get her.  I collect any and all things Batgirl and Harley, and I NEEDED this girl to go with my Babs.  LOL

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Harley Quinn ( by barbgirl1999 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Uninu on December 26, 2012, 05:03:10 AM
Oops. I got more Christmas present money than I thought and so I ended up ordering a Sasha Nuna ( doll. I hope it ships soon and arrives safely :)

You guys have gotten awesome dolls this Christmas, congrats to everyone! :lovey:
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: aellos on December 26, 2012, 05:29:48 AM
Yup! I got a Rochelle. While I have a version of her I want, i plan on customizing this girl!
What's even cuter is that it's the first doll my fiance bought for me, and he said he picked her because he liked the fact that she was a gargoyle. CUTE
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: xkelpiex on December 26, 2012, 10:01:09 AM
JUST preordred Pullip Pere Noel with my Christmas monies! Whoo! Thank you pullip freaks of the dollhouse who led me to her!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Yurusumaji on December 26, 2012, 10:14:25 AM
Mum sent me GR Frankie. Hubbs got her for my birthday earlier this year, so I'll be exchanging her for something else. Don't know what yet, though!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: ZennaBug on December 26, 2012, 10:29:10 AM
I didn't get any dolls, BUT we got enough money from Josh's grandparents, parents, and my family to cover rent plus some extra.  Looks like I will have Beyla paid off by the end of the year after all!
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: skyrocketneko on December 26, 2012, 12:29:06 PM
Well, I didn't get any dolls from anyone, but I caved and bought myself the Peter Pan and Tink from Tuesday Morning when I saw them there. I so said I wasn't collecting Pullips anymore too...
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: MidoriKeiko on December 26, 2012, 02:33:04 PM
Mine turned out to be a dolly Xmas! With a pullip batgirl from my wonderful bf! I also two ghost cam packs and I bought the whole new basic monster high scaris line on Boxing Day :)
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 26, 2012, 03:29:03 PM
I'm starting to get into 18" dolls as well, and I keep looking at these girls.  Some of their faces are ok, but I love their size!  Can you do a mini-review later on Squirmy?  BTW, grats on your dolly scores!

Thank you!  I will try to write up some kind of review on this Journey Girl doll ... any specific questions?
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: klein on December 26, 2012, 05:40:45 PM
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This ended up being a very dolly Christmas for me, the only non-pony/doll thing I received was a keep calm and kill zombies t-shirt.
Title: Re: Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
Post by: Akemi-chan on December 26, 2012, 08:26:03 PM
I'm starting to get into 18" dolls as well, and I keep looking at these girls.  Some of their faces are ok, but I love their size!  Can you do a mini-review later on Squirmy?  BTW, grats on your dolly scores!

Thank you!  I will try to write up some kind of review on this Journey Girl doll ... any specific questions?

I think I'm most interested in their hair quality.  I realize their pose ability is limited since they aren't double jointed (I've been spoiled by BJDS, Pullips, and MH >_<).

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This ended up being a very dolly Christmas for me, the only non-pony/doll thing I received was a keep calm and kill zombies t-shirt.

OMG Klein, I would've fainted if I woke up to all those pairs of gorgeous eyes looking at me.  Congrats!  Makes me think I should start sharing my love for dolls with my friends and family so they know what to get me next year. ^_~
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