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Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Marian on December 01, 2012, 08:40:54 PM

Title: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Marian on December 01, 2012, 08:40:54 PM
A few days ago I could get a Remove Zit on ebay, my idea is to use it on some very ink stained argies that I have, but first I would love to hear experiences or advices about it. Can it be used on any plastic color without having discolorations? what kind of stains does it remove?
Please tell me about your experiences!
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: kittybethy on December 01, 2012, 09:37:15 PM
I have used it a LOT!!

 My advice- do not use it on a dark color pony!!  (blue, purple, red, dark pink, etc...)

 It WILL fade the plastic! 

  Also, use Formula 911 after you take off the Remove Zit.  Formula 911 helps remove the residue of Remove Zit that will continue fading ponies after you remove the Remove Zit.
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: NoDivision on December 01, 2012, 09:48:18 PM
I used some to lighten a weird brown stain on a yellow pony. It worked out really well. But I've never used it other than that.
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Doedeardarling on December 01, 2012, 10:16:59 PM
Ooh, do you guys think it could be used to evenly fade the color of a whole pony?
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Tiggums6 on December 02, 2012, 01:53:47 AM
I had a Mimic arrive and after a while in the herd, a large pale spot emerged. I've been told that it can take a while to take aeffect and keep acting for a while so I assume this is what happened.
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Eldarwen on December 02, 2012, 04:32:55 AM
Just try some inside of the pony's neck or under her hooves to see if her colour bleaches out. Not every dark pony loses its colour, i've succesfully removed bad ink stains from a Pina Colada for example. It can take a week or so before anything happens, but it works.  :) I change the cream every morning and evening and I also kept them in sun to speed to process.

Here's some of mine:

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Unfortunately I dont have a picture of that Pina Colada, but she was exactly the same as Baby Sapphire.  :) Oh and the lemondrop in the middle didnt change colour, its just the camera.
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Marian on December 02, 2012, 04:34:04 AM
I have used it a LOT!!

 My advice- do not use it on a dark color pony!!  (blue, purple, red, dark pink, etc...)

 It WILL fade the plastic! 

  Also, use Formula 911 after you take off the Remove Zit.  Formula 911 helps remove the residue of Remove Zit that will continue fading ponies after you remove the Remove Zit.
Oh man! I wanted to use it to fix an argie sparkler with pen marks, but I don't think I'll take the risk now ... What about more pale color ponies? like pink or yellow, does it fade there too?
And also I was wondering, does it affect the symbol/eyes paint?
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Pythia on December 02, 2012, 04:36:46 AM
I really wouldn't risk it on rarer ponies.
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Baby Sugarberry on December 02, 2012, 06:19:58 AM
Past experience tells us that Remove Zit and similar products are extremely risky choices for restoration.  I wouldn't use them on a pony that wasn't common / already bait condition / one I was willing to lose.  Damage can take weeks, months or more to show up. 
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: kittybethy on December 02, 2012, 06:40:17 AM
I would suggest sunfading on the rarer ponies.

 It is a lot safer, but it taks much longer.

  Best of luck to you!
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: hathorcat on December 02, 2012, 09:45:45 AM
I will admit that I have seen people have success with it over the years but personally I would warn against it. It is surprisingly powerful stuff - and even after you think you have removed it it could easily still have soaked into the plastic pores and be working without you realising. It is prone to leaching colour pigments from plastic and turning white plastic yellow. It has benzyl peroxide as its active ingredient - the key part there obviously being peroxide and we all know what that does.

If you decide to use it, do so in very short bursts and prepare for the fact that over time [even after you have finished using it] the area used may become patchy/blotchy.
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Ivy on December 02, 2012, 09:59:18 AM
I bought a beautiful Seashell once --only to have 4 months later this happen to her...
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Yes another victim of Remove-zit - Poor Seashell...
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Marian on December 02, 2012, 12:57:49 PM
I've seen you mention this product, formula 911 to remove the remains of remove zit, but I can't get it on my country or on the internet as I did with remove zit. So I'm wondering, do you have any idea of it's chemical composition? I might be able to get something similar to avoid disasters with remove zit.
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Marlin on December 02, 2012, 02:25:18 PM
I bought a beautiful Italian Starflower. The seller however unfortunately tried to remove a couple of spots that I was intending to sunfade. She did it with the best of intentions, but here's what happened to my gorgeous pony on her trip from Europe  :cry:

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Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: rybett on December 02, 2012, 02:33:51 PM
Poor ponies!  I got some stain remover from Retro UK.  No clue what's in it other than it smells like vinegar.  Anyone else try it?  It has lightened a Moon Dancer, but also attacks glitter.  Removed a pen mark from a "baity" Sparkler.  (not my definition)   
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: hathorcat on December 02, 2012, 03:41:22 PM
Dont have a clue whats in it - although I would be interested to know. Maybe Retro Dolls UK can let us know some of what is in it just as a rough comparison to other stain removers - I know they are members here of course. [I dont expect them to give their secret formula away of course :)]
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: partypony566 on December 02, 2012, 04:00:24 PM
I bought a beautiful Italian Starflower. The seller however unfortunately tried to remove a couple of spots that I was intending to sunfade. She did it with the best of intentions, but here's what happened to my gorgeous pony on her trip from Europe  :cry:

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Holy heck! :shocked:
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: kayveryn on December 02, 2012, 09:05:53 PM
I got this poor girl in a bait lot, and always assumed it was removezit...haven't tried painting it or anything yet to know if that may be more stable...
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Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: rybett on December 02, 2012, 09:51:08 PM
With some more of it,she could be all yellow.
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: HollowZero on December 02, 2012, 10:12:23 PM
Yeah, has anyone tried to "bleach" a pony yellow with the stuff? The poor pony above might be better off being just one color.
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Tiggums6 on December 03, 2012, 01:50:04 AM
wow I feel better about Mimic wit the stories here, all I could first think was "how have I not noticed THAT" but she got worse...Incidentally, the seller was banned from here only 6 months later for shill bidding. I think it's a bad practice.
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 03, 2012, 08:46:25 AM
Don't do it.  That's all.  :-p  Sunfading is much safer even if it takes a few years.
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Mandy85 on December 03, 2012, 10:07:05 AM
I used it five years ago on a Big Brother Chief I purchased who was absolutely covered in mold spots/pony cancer and it cleared him right up without a trace of any discoloration. I washed him with Formula 911 to clean him after and to this day his plastic is fine. I've also used it successfully in smaller cases to get rid of marks from ball point pen, sharpie, and staining from pony clothing/saddles.

As mentioned already, I also can't express enough how you have to make sure the product is completely removed after use though, as putting a treated pony with the product still on it next to others on display may run the risk of damaging those surrounding it. The plastic may also discolor/yellow from it being left on for long after the recommended treatment period. Formula 911 or a good degreaser will do the trick.

Remove Zit was made with the mindset of removing ink out of lighter, flesh-tone colored plastics on dolls, so that's why it bleaches out colors like blue and purple. I would only trust it on white, yellow, or peach ponies.
As exemplified in the above photos, anything else would likely run the risk of the product pulling the color right out of the plastic. I remember seeing some customizers in the past actually use it to completely bleach ponies like G1 Seashell, for example, in order to get a white bait in a unique pose.
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Tiggums6 on December 04, 2012, 06:43:54 PM
That's a good thing to note Mandy85, that'd be the easy way to get a Lambaditsa. I wonder if it would sort out all those yellowed Cherry Treats?
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: enchantress41580 on December 05, 2012, 12:18:09 AM
Dont have a clue whats in it - although I would be interested to know. Maybe Retro Dolls UK can let us know some of what is in it just as a rough comparison to other stain removers - I know they are members here of course. [I dont expect them to give their secret formula away of course :)]
  Hi there! Melanie doesn't have an account here any longer, but I passed along your question to her, here's her response :)

"Our stain remover was developed for vinyl dolls and is similar to the removezit stain remover. I do not know what is in it but it is chemical. I always suggest that with any product designed to take stains away you test it on an area that cannot be seen first. I have noticed fading and non fading on the same type of doll so it's always best to try first. If it removes paint it will remove glitter easily. The other tip is to use a cotton bud to dab only the area affected. Some people use butter (pure butter no drivatives) and put it in a hot place/sunshine and that can work. Also many use Oxy10 spot creme the same way. It's never worked for me but has for others. I suppose on a pony that has coloured skin any bleaching will be more noticeable whereas on skin colours it's often not so bad. The other advice I would give which is worse the stain or a faded patch - can it be touched up with paint? Hope this helps x"
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: rybett on December 05, 2012, 01:14:13 AM
OK, playing with this stuff on several G1s.  Blueberry Baskets, no fade, ink gone.  Posey, no body fade, ink faded.  Might have gone completely if I left it longer.  Sparkler, no fade, ink gone.  Light purple Sweetheart Sister, tiny bit of fading, ink much better.  Baby Moon Dancer is hanging in the window with a coat of stain remover on her.  Left the symbols alone, seeing if she whitens.  Did not think to do before pics of course.  I don't know exactly what the pen marks were, but all of them were in the same lot, same color ink, same marking.  There's a Sundance in the same box, I'll try her ink next.   :biggrin: 
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: hathorcat on December 05, 2012, 02:05:59 PM
Dont have a clue whats in it - although I would be interested to know. Maybe Retro Dolls UK can let us know some of what is in it just as a rough comparison to other stain removers - I know they are members here of course. [I dont expect them to give their secret formula away of course :)]
  Hi there! Melanie doesn't have an account here any longer, but I passed along your question to her, here's her response :)

"Our stain remover was developed for vinyl dolls and is similar to the removezit stain remover. I do not know what is in it but it is chemical. I always suggest that with any product designed to take stains away you test it on an area that cannot be seen first. I have noticed fading and non fading on the same type of doll so it's always best to try first. If it removes paint it will remove glitter easily. The other tip is to use a cotton bud to dab only the area affected. Some people use butter (pure butter no drivatives) and put it in a hot place/sunshine and that can work. Also many use Oxy10 spot creme the same way. It's never worked for me but has for others. I suppose on a pony that has coloured skin any bleaching will be more noticeable whereas on skin colours it's often not so bad. The other advice I would give which is worse the stain or a faded patch - can it be touched up with paint? Hope this helps x"

Thats awesome information :) Thank you!
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: kittisiubhan on December 05, 2012, 05:11:58 PM
Please please PLEASE don't do it!

I don't know why this advice keeps popping up but seriously I hope it STOPS!

Remove Zit can have bad long term affects. It may remove the spot and look fantastic now but in a few days, weeks or even months - the plastic can fade HORRIFICALLY.

I've purchase ponies that looked fine then suddenly they have these "bleached" spots all over them only to discover somewhere along the line someone used Removed Zit.

Leaving them with the profits, me with a screwed up "collectable", and another otherwise decent pony lost forever because of a bad decision...
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Marian on December 06, 2012, 06:25:38 AM
I'm gonna try it on a bait I think and then we will see, it's crazy how so many people had different experiences. Also I'll try to get that famous formula 911, to avoind future damages
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: FantasticFirefly on December 06, 2012, 09:30:57 AM
Baits are fine test subjects. :)

Since we have other ways of removing marks, I say use those first. Unless it's a flaw sunfading and h202 bath/treatment will do nothing for, and the pony is white or yellow. - AND you clean the pony really, really well and never resell without saying what was treated and when then I can see the use of remove-zit.

I have used remove zit to remove brown staining off a couple white ponies and it worked well, but took time. I did sections at a time as the product fumes WILL damage paint. so, if a stain is below the symbol I had the pony rested on it's side, never standing. Like the chief pony, mine worked beautifully. I washed her a bunch of times to be on the safe side too. She went from being a test bait to a pony I put on display. and 6 years later she's fine. Always test somewhere you don't see first. My pony came out with brown removed and gleaming white- but others have said remove-zit CAUSED brown stains so you never know.
Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: EmBee on December 06, 2012, 09:48:47 AM
I bought a beautiful Italian Starflower. The seller however unfortunately tried to remove a couple of spots that I was intending to sunfade. She did it with the best of intentions, but here's what happened to my gorgeous pony on her trip from Europe  :cry:

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Oh my goodness, that is so sad!  She is beautiful!  I would be crushed. :(

Title: Re: Want to hear about Remove Zit experiences!
Post by: Marlin on December 06, 2012, 07:02:44 PM
Aww... thanks, EmBee.

Yeah... I'd be lying if I said I didn't nearly cry when I pulled her out of the box   :(   The seller (who is really lovely) was only trying to be helpful removing the marks for me, and wouldn't have seen the damage when packaging Starflower up. It's such a pity it had such an adverse result, particularly on such a stunning pony otherwise  :cry:

I personally would never use the stuff on my ponies.
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