The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: DirePony on October 28, 2012, 04:58:54 AM

Title: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: DirePony on October 28, 2012, 04:58:54 AM
I don't know if anyone has seen this yet but welovefine is releasing a Rainbow Dash backpack!

I think it looks really cute but it doesn't look like it would hold very much. I really hope they do some more ponies as I would love to have a :muffin: Pony backpack!
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I actually just broke down and ordered it. I am not sure how much I will even use it but I think she will look cute just on display! As soon as I get it I will post up some pics!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Malicieuse on October 28, 2012, 05:19:55 AM
I hope they will be doing more characters. Like "that grey pegasus" and Vinyl.
But at the same time...Dash really looks like a monkey.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: majikarte on October 28, 2012, 05:58:15 AM
She looks really nice! WLF should be making regular plushies. (even if that doesn't really fit in with the stuff they make?)
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: popyduggan on October 28, 2012, 06:15:18 AM
It looks well made, but it reminds me of the $15 nintendo backpacks and the $50 price is only for the die hard among us.

I'm sure it'll have no trouble selling out though.

I can't help but think of this every time I see that bag;
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: kakenterprise on October 28, 2012, 06:16:14 AM
I'm still trying to talk myself out of it but I'd rather pick it up now.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Bergamot on October 28, 2012, 07:29:16 AM
I always have so much trouble with products like these! On one hand, this backpack looks great, and it's pretty well-made! On the other, I'd never actually use it, myself! Not my style, I guess. If I'm wearing my interests, I prefer to do so with a little more subtlety. :)

If they make one of the Grey Pegasus, I'd probably have to get it just because I accidentally a collection.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Yurusumaji on October 28, 2012, 07:46:21 AM
I have a backpack like this one, but it's Gir from Invader Zim. These are not made to hold much of anything. They're more for wearing for show or just displaying. Gir is on display in my Hobby Room.

$50 is really steep for one of these, especially since it's likely not going to be very functional. I also don't like the elongated legs, they look bizarre to me. As others have said, it still won't have any trouble selling. It's cute, but ultimately not worth the price to me.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: ZettaMomo on October 28, 2012, 08:16:17 AM
Really cute! I don't know if I would want to pay that much for a bag that barely holds anything, though. It would be more just for show. I think I would consider one if they made a Fluttershy or Rarity one.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on October 28, 2012, 11:19:56 AM
RD's face is classic - it looks like she KNOWS she just peed down your back!  ;) 
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: will2Bfree on October 28, 2012, 01:02:57 PM
I think the head looks great! Now if somebody made plushies with faces that good, I'd actually get one. I've been very unimpressed on that front, so far.

But this, you've almost gotta consider like a traveling plushy. A toy you can take with you that just happens to have a little pocket. Very cute, but not $50 cute, in my opinion.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: hathorcat on October 28, 2012, 01:10:05 PM
I used to have one like this of Kermit when I was 5...I am sure I still have it somewhere :) I agree they tend to be more for display and as a statement than as a functional backpack - although I am sure you ll fit a cell phone, car keys and a purse or wallet in there if need be but not much else.

Its certainly a cute piece of merchandise and I cant wait to see if they do more characters!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on October 28, 2012, 01:22:23 PM
It is  very cute but not something that strikes my interest much.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Brandi on October 28, 2012, 01:29:41 PM
I think she is really cute, but those looong arms and legs are a bit much. I'm not much of a g4 rd fan anyway so I'll pass on this..
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Lorelei Redfern on October 28, 2012, 02:38:50 PM
i have a ton of plush backpacks  and ther not really meant to hold much, a little money your id thats it.  but i have this on thats a  Horse.  and it holds a TON.  a can of soda. and a bunch of othe things.   i was sacutly surrprised at the amount of room.   
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: MilkyTaroMochi on October 28, 2012, 03:32:13 PM
I think the backpack's pretty cute! I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be hold much, but it's not really meant to be a "backpack backpack". Like others have said, it's more for either display or a fashion accessory (if that made sense). I have a Ryo-Ohki  (from the Tenchi Muyo! series/anime) plushie backpack kinda like this, and it was able to hold small stuff like keys, wallet, ect.

I wouldn't pay that much for the backpack, but then again I'm not really a RD fan. I'd probably say otherwise if there was one for Rarity, Applejack, Ditzy, or Octavia. xD Pretty sure the RD backpack will sell out, no problem.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: silverdragon54 on October 28, 2012, 04:56:18 PM
Omg that's beyond adorable! Still, sorry Dash, nothing will top my Yoda backpack. :nerdy:
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Pinecone on October 28, 2012, 05:07:53 PM
I remember seeing a Spider-Man backpack similar to this idea. I guess it's pretty common.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: ShortyBoo on October 29, 2012, 08:13:45 AM
It's cute, but nothing I'd spend $50 on. I won't even spend that much on a purse. Though, if they came out with a Fluttershy version, I admit, I'd have a really hard time resisting.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: therainbowtroll on October 29, 2012, 08:26:32 AM
I bought this and I am so exited! I cannot wait until she comes!  :frolic:

I really hope they make plushies that look like this. They would sell SO many.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: achab1984 on October 29, 2012, 08:30:43 AM
I saw it yesterday also. But I cant get myself to buy it and use it. I do like some of them other ones :)

The price is also not a good thing for me. I cant spend that much on something like that. I bought a very pretty horse bay on ebay for $10.00 and its made very good. I get alot of nice compliments from other people in the stores.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Galactica on October 29, 2012, 10:10:17 AM
She is cute and I was tempted- until I saw the price.

You couldn't even put a wallet/phone or keys in her pouch because they would fall out-  what could you put in there?  If the pouch had a zipper that would be better- but I don't think it does?
-Sorry I see on the welovefine pic there is a zipper- 

Still- she is cute.  I'd get her in a heartbeat for $25- and would be seriously tempted at $30...
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: xeevee on October 29, 2012, 10:21:08 AM
that is cute!! I think it may be a must have for me.

Ugh yeah, that price.  She isn't $50 good.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Saber-Toothed Crow on October 29, 2012, 10:28:10 AM
She does look pretty cute, but at that price point I'm just not tempted. If the price was lower then I would get her to use as a glorified wallet/cellphone holder, especially if they made more characters in this style.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: will2Bfree on October 29, 2012, 12:35:43 PM
She is cute and I was tempted- until I saw the price.

You couldn't even put a wallet/phone or keys in her pouch because they would fall out-  what could you put in there?  If the pouch had a zipper that would be better- but I don't think it does?

What makes you think that? Did you read something in the description, because it looks like it has one to me, but I didn't read anything about it. I just assumed it did.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: starrypawz on October 29, 2012, 12:54:46 PM
Cute, I don't think I could justify the price (especially with WLF's crazy shipping)
I've got a Toroto backpack like that, it's quite roomy though which is quite interesting
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Galactica on October 29, 2012, 01:29:42 PM
Oh - you are right- there is a zipper-  the photo I saw showed pens and a phone and things peaking out of the pocket- so I assumed no zipper- but there is a good pic on the welovefine website that does show a zipper-

- so anything that would fit in a 5"x5"x5" would fit-

But still I hesitate- it really should be just a bit less expensive...
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: HawaiianRain on October 29, 2012, 02:41:59 PM
I love rainbow dash as much as the next fan. The price I hate. A little to far outta of my range for me to justify spending on a backpack that I won't use.

but she's just so cute! ugh. someone out there, please make a decent plush, that actually have some type of shaped hair not made of fur or stands of fabric.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: therainbowtroll on October 29, 2012, 02:51:46 PM
I think the price is so high because shes limited edition. Well....Im pretty sure shes limited addition... :blink:
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: DirePony on October 29, 2012, 03:20:31 PM
I think the price is so high because shes limited edition. Well....Im pretty sure shes limited addition... :blink:

According to welovefine she is a limited edition. I would imagine that depending on how well she sells they will keep making more ponies. I don't think $50 is high especially with free shipping. I ordered one and according to their website she should be shipping out today! I am not sure how often I will actually use it but she will look really cute on display. Now they need to make a :muffin: Pony back pack and while they are at it Plushies!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: therainbowtroll on October 29, 2012, 03:29:09 PM
oh my got! Shipping today! I CAN"T WAITE DX

Im sure they will make more. I just hope they make plushies. They would sell so many.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Malicieuse on October 29, 2012, 03:37:21 PM
I think the price is so high because shes limited edition. Well....Im pretty sure shes limited addition... :blink:

According to welovefine she is a limited edition. I would imagine that depending on how well she sells they will keep making more ponies. I don't think $50 is high especially with free shipping. I ordered one and according to their website she should be shipping out today! I am not sure how often I will actually use it but she will look really cute on display. Now they need to make a :muffin: Pony back pack and while they are at it Plushies!

Pity that their shipping to Europe is rediculous.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Galactica on October 29, 2012, 03:41:11 PM
It is too bad they didn't make the plushies- because they would certainly have done a better job than the company that is making them- 

This is the best looking head for a licensed "plush" product that I've seen-
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Saja on October 29, 2012, 06:41:26 PM
Thats gorgeous! I want one!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: LadyMoondancer on October 29, 2012, 06:52:28 PM
Oh my, that is SO CUTE!!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Iceglider on October 30, 2012, 08:11:07 AM
I think it is super adorable. Maybe if it was 20% cheaper. ;)
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: hathorcat on October 30, 2012, 02:10:57 PM
I think it is super adorable. Maybe if it was 20% cheaper. ;)

And with that you win this thread :lol:
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: Galactica on October 30, 2012, 03:02:58 PM
I think it is super adorable. Maybe if it was 20% cheaper. ;)

Agreed... :happy:
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: banditpony on October 30, 2012, 04:16:35 PM
that is sweet!
I would LOOOVE to have an Applejack one, but she isn't a favorite of many.. so that won't be likely
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack!
Post by: DirePony on November 10, 2012, 10:54:23 AM
My Rainbow Dash backpack finally came in yesterday! I have to say the quality on it is fantastic! She is supersoft, cute and huggable! According to the tag she is 100% polyester. The eyes and cutie mark are all embroidered. All the seems and stitching are clean and there are no loose threads anywhere. The mane and tail are really well done and her colors are pretty much spot on. She sits up on her own pretty well with a little bit of work. The zipper pouch is incredibly small. You can't get much of anything in there. Anything bigger than a phone or a wallet isn't going to fit. Of course I didn't really buy her to use anyways. Although I could see where it could useful if you wore the backpack to a convention where you could keep your phone, keys and money close at hand without having to worry about someone picking your pocket. Anyways, here is some pictures. If anypony wants to see any other shots just let me know. My friend is coming over later today so I can get some pics of the backpack being worn. I really hope that this is successful for welovefine as I would love to have a :muffin: Pony backpack. And I really hope that they decide to make actual Plushies somewhere down the road because I will buy everyone they put out!

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Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Foxtale on November 10, 2012, 11:18:02 AM
Omg so cute! Thank you for the extensive review. They have to make a fluttershy one now!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Bread on November 10, 2012, 11:23:03 AM
Aww, she's adorable!

I'm trying to decide whether I should buy one or not. I'm most certainly able to afford it, but my spending habits over the past month have been overwhelming my allowance ( I spent about $160 total on various things, and earned $80 back in allowance. I still have plenty of money saved up though. )

Just wondering, when you got the backpack in the mail, did welovefine include the neat bonuses they offer for orders $50+?
I think I can easier convince myself to buy one if I know they'll send me free stuff along with it :P
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: DirePony on November 10, 2012, 11:28:51 AM
Aww, she's adorable!

I'm trying to decide whether I should buy one or not. I'm most certainly able to afford it, but my spending habits over the past month have been overwhelming my allowance ( I spent about $160 total on various things, and earned $80 back in allowance. I still have plenty of money saved up though. )

Just wondering, when you got the backpack in the mail, did welovefine include the neat bonuses they offer for orders $50+?
I think I can easier convince myself to buy one if I know they'll send me free stuff along with it :P

Yep! They sent me a giant tote bag with Adventure Time on one side and Hello Kitty on the other. And a DJ PON-3 poster. And a fabulous mustache!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Malicieuse on November 10, 2012, 11:41:38 AM
She looks really well made! Hope they will release more characters. : )
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: hathorcat on November 10, 2012, 11:50:34 AM
She looks really well done! Congrats on adding her.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: xeevee on November 10, 2012, 12:20:21 PM
she does look like her quality is worth the price.   I just wish I could justify paying it right now.  Maybe I'll put it on my christmas wish list, and I'll get lucky.  :P
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: sosoftbuttons on November 10, 2012, 12:34:49 PM
that is cute :P and i'm a hardcore G1 nut...  *feels the pressure of G4 eating into my soul* :lookround:
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: HawaiianRain on November 10, 2012, 12:36:22 PM
now I really want one... ugh..... Thanks for posting in hand pics!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Brandi on November 10, 2012, 01:13:27 PM
These guys really need to start a plushie line. They'd get rsuper rich if they did!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: starrypawz on November 10, 2012, 02:14:41 PM
Oooh nice to see she's so good 'irl'
(Still wish that the shipping wasn't so crazy as I'm so tempted)
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Rosencrantz on November 10, 2012, 02:18:24 PM
Oh, that's cute! I need actual carrying things backpacks (I go everywhere with notebooks, books, and computer equipment), but if I were a kid I'd be begging for that. Or, at least, begging for a Rarity or Fluttershy.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: DirePony on November 10, 2012, 02:36:12 PM
Oh, that's cute! I need actual carrying things backpacks (I go everywhere with notebooks, books, and computer equipment), but if I were a kid I'd be begging for that. Or, at least, begging for a Rarity or Fluttershy.

Yeah it really is a plushie that you can wear and not a backpack. But it was too cute to pass up. Besides I already have a cool backpack to carry my books and stuff in!
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Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Rosencrantz on November 10, 2012, 02:38:15 PM
Oh, that's cute! I need actual carrying things backpacks (I go everywhere with notebooks, books, and computer equipment), but if I were a kid I'd be begging for that. Or, at least, begging for a Rarity or Fluttershy.

Yeah it really is a plushie that you can wear and not a backpack. But it was too cute to pass up. Besides I already have a cool backpack to carry my books and stuff in!
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That is totally awesome.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: hathorcat on November 10, 2012, 03:35:40 PM
Oh, that's cute! I need actual carrying things backpacks (I go everywhere with notebooks, books, and computer equipment), but if I were a kid I'd be begging for that. Or, at least, begging for a Rarity or Fluttershy.

Yeah it really is a plushie that you can wear and not a backpack. But it was too cute to pass up. Besides I already have a cool backpack to carry my books and stuff in!
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I second Rosencrantz...I love thats a functional but funky backpack!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: xeevee on November 10, 2012, 04:11:12 PM
Oh, that's cute! I need actual carrying things backpacks (I go everywhere with notebooks, books, and computer equipment), but if I were a kid I'd be begging for that. Or, at least, begging for a Rarity or Fluttershy.

Yeah it really is a plushie that you can wear and not a backpack. But it was too cute to pass up. Besides I already have a cool backpack to carry my books and stuff in!
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That is totally awesome.

Thirded!  It wins all the things.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: BerryPunch on November 10, 2012, 04:24:04 PM
I seriously might try to get one and stuff it. Really good accuracy. Did good job with her legs, too. Could of seen them going with something that looked more like human legs  >_<
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: achab1984 on November 10, 2012, 04:26:20 PM
LOL She is very cute! :)
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: StarSwirl05 on November 10, 2012, 04:28:40 PM
Oh, that's cute! I need actual carrying things backpacks (I go everywhere with notebooks, books, and computer equipment), but if I were a kid I'd be begging for that. Or, at least, begging for a Rarity or Fluttershy.

Yeah it really is a plushie that you can wear and not a backpack. But it was too cute to pass up. Besides I already have a cool backpack to carry my books and stuff in!
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That backpack reminds me of Rainbow Dash's pet Tank. Just needs a head and some spots.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Galactica on November 13, 2012, 10:22:57 AM
Nice quality! You might have just swayed me...

I have always loved that turtle bag- there is a kid who rides my train who wears one (I think he is college age) - I think it is so cute but if I got one he would think I was copying :D   (also- peeps at the office may be a bit judgmental, heh)
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Bread on November 15, 2012, 11:17:42 PM
I remember you said that you had pictures of your friend wearing the backpack? Could you please show us those?
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Spike on November 15, 2012, 11:51:40 PM
I think the price is so high because shes limited edition. Well....Im pretty sure shes limited addition... :blink:

According to welovefine she is a limited edition. I would imagine that depending on how well she sells they will keep making more ponies. I don't think $50 is high especially with free shipping. I ordered one and according to their website she should be shipping out today! I am not sure how often I will actually use it but she will look really cute on display. Now they need to make a :muffin: Pony back pack and while they are at it Plushies!

Pity that their shipping to Europe is rediculous.

Lol and to Australia. You'd be paying $50 for the damn shipping here let alone $50 for the stupid bag.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: therainbowtroll on November 16, 2012, 02:09:29 PM
I got mine as well! I am SO SO happy with her. I try to take her every where with me  :happy:  I am honestly in love. She is huge but her pouch isent that bug haha. But Its still really useful for keeping your most importent things like ipod,phone, wallet and keys.

I have had alot of complements since I got her. People telling me shes cute, asking me what she is and some newer fans have  been complementing me.  I acctully made a new friend at my collage beacuse of her. Seriously I love my dashie so so much! Shes also a really good cuddly :blush:

I also got a whole bunch of stuff from we love fine I got

A HUGE adventure time bag.
A mushtash pin

And a Vinyl scratch poster.

*sigh* I am so happy! It was more then worth the price.

Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: kakenterprise on November 16, 2012, 02:28:35 PM
I don't know if it's been mentioned yet but there are two versions of the back pack out there.  There's a cheaper version that doesn't look half as good that I've seen with an official tag on ebay. 
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Betelgeuse on November 16, 2012, 03:29:36 PM
Awwwww, cute. However, I'd only spend that much if it was Firefly. :3
If the price drops or something I'll definitely get one.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: HawaiianRain on November 16, 2012, 06:24:00 PM
So they just released a DJ backpack as well. IMHO I think dash looks better.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: BerryPunch on November 16, 2012, 06:25:28 PM
I'll pray for a :muffin: Pony one... just put her face on the tag like the :muffin: Pony figure!  :satisfied:

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I like it, and awesome character choice, but the mane needs to be WAY MORE FULL!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks so thinning on the backpack!  :lookround:
Still, more hope for :muffin: Pony since another favorite has been made.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: kakenterprise on November 16, 2012, 06:42:41 PM
I'm glad they didn't put out :muffin: Pony I'm fighting myself not to buy Dash....
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Bread on November 16, 2012, 07:18:08 PM
Shoot, now I have to choose between the two! They're both far too cute to resist!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: DirePony on November 16, 2012, 08:09:29 PM
Well I just ordered the DJ PON-3 backpack. Now they need to make a :muffin: Pony one and better yet start making some actual Plushies! Also I don't know if anyone caught the price but they lowered it to $49 so the free shipping promotion doesn't apply! Very sneaky on welovefine's part. I had a 10% discount coupon so she came up to just over $53.00. I am sure they were losing money on the free shipping on the Rainbow Dash backpacks which caused the price reduction. As soon as she comes in I will post pics!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: BerryPunch on November 16, 2012, 08:42:55 PM
Yeah, aside from a few things (the arms and the felt mane), it seems like a pretty nice plushie start.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Malicieuse on November 17, 2012, 03:09:04 AM
I want one badly! But $97 shipped !?
That's some overkill. D :
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: hathorcat on November 17, 2012, 05:14:00 AM
Oh I dont think I am finding that one as cute as Dash to be honest
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: DerbyGirl on November 17, 2012, 08:34:21 AM
Personally, I like the looks of the Dash better.

The only way I can justify spending 50 bucks on a backpack is for them to put out a :muffin: Pony. If they do, they can haz all my money. xD I wear a lot of plush backpacks already (Yoshi, a generic pony, and a whole ton of others), I gotta have a MLP one at some point.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: therainbowtroll on November 17, 2012, 10:46:25 AM
Im kind of annoyed that the vinyl scratch one only a few days after I got my rainbow dash back pack.

But still she looks really really nice and I will most likely get it after I afford it.

I would KILL for a pinkie pie X3
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: DreamLight on November 17, 2012, 11:19:26 AM
I want the Pon-3 one sooooo bad but she just cost SOOOOOOO much
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: DirePony on November 17, 2012, 11:23:06 AM
I am willing to bet that a :muffin: Pony backpack is going to be coming up next. And when she does I will be adding her to my growing backpack that really can't be used as a backpack collection!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: BerryPunch on November 17, 2012, 01:35:35 PM
Personally, I like the looks of the Dash better.

The only way I can justify spending 50 bucks on a backpack is for them to put out a :muffin: Pony. If they do, they can haz all my money. xD I wear a lot of plush backpacks already (Yoshi, a generic pony, and a whole ton of others), I gotta have a MLP one at some point.
It would be mandatory to buy the :muffin: Pony right when she came out if the made one of her!  :rofl:
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: DirePony on November 17, 2012, 09:02:17 PM
I was in Hot Topic this afternoon and saw a different style Rainbow Dash backpack from a company called Bioworld. It was $22 and while I guess it is okay it is no where near the quality of my welovefine backpack. It does look like it can hold more though. I didn't get a pic while I was in the store but I checked and they have it on their website now.

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Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: BerryPunch on November 17, 2012, 09:34:58 PM

The mouth.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: hathorcat on November 18, 2012, 07:04:51 AM
Lol...other than the purple lipstick I actually quite like that one!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Zenobiaa on November 18, 2012, 08:19:17 AM
Lol...other than the purple lipstick I actually quite like that one!
I think the mouth is just open. But now I will never be able to unsee that. XP
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: hathorcat on November 18, 2012, 09:21:27 AM
Lol...other than the purple lipstick I actually quite like that one!
I think the mouth is just open. But now I will never be able to unsee that. XP

He he may be open...but it looks like lipstick! Sorry!!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: therainbowtroll on November 18, 2012, 11:25:40 AM
the other backpack is no where near as nice as the welovefine one.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Galactica on November 20, 2012, 03:45:30 PM
I agree the Welovefine one is the cutest! 

If only they had buy one get one free (since they now have DJ Pon)
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: kakenterprise on November 20, 2012, 03:58:38 PM
I agree the Welovefine one is the cutest! 

If only they had buy one get one free (since they now have DJ Pon)

that would be magical.  They might have a black Friday sale!!
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: HawaiianRain on November 20, 2012, 04:00:12 PM
Does welovefine usually have some type of black Friday/cyber Monday sale?
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: kakenterprise on November 20, 2012, 04:02:13 PM
I have no idea but one can hope.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: DerbyGirl on November 21, 2012, 02:03:36 PM
I don't have too much of a prob with the look of the HT one...I hope to pick one up this weekend. The only thing is yeah. the open mouth. xD
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Starly on November 21, 2012, 03:20:29 PM
I actually like the hot topic Backpack better.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Poppeto on November 22, 2012, 04:20:34 PM
WLF has a 25% off pony merch sale for Black friday, but they smartly excluded the hug me backpacks! :(
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: HawaiianRain on November 22, 2012, 05:31:44 PM
saw that in my E-mail. yeah darn it all.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: kakenterprise on November 22, 2012, 08:05:43 PM
WLF has a 25% off pony merch sale for Black friday, but they smartly excluded the hug me backpacks! :(

what!!!  I missed that part.....  O well it's not like I really needed her anyway. 
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Heliodor on November 22, 2012, 08:59:53 PM
WLF has a 25% off pony merch sale for Black friday, but they smartly excluded the hug me backpacks! :(

ughhhhh seriously what?!?!  :cry:
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: StarSwirl05 on November 23, 2012, 04:49:29 AM
They actually have two going on today, though I doubt there's much difference for what is on sale.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: DerbyGirl on November 27, 2012, 02:12:27 AM
I bought the HT one, it's actually cuter in person. ^.^ The only thing off about it is that the head seems a bit big.
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: DirePony on November 27, 2012, 07:16:31 PM
DJ PON-3 is in the house! I came home from work this evening and sitting on my doorstep was a big old box from welovefine. And inside was my DJ PON-3 hug me backpack! She is just as soft and huggable as Rainbow Dash! She is pretty much the same design as Rainbow Dash. The zipper pouch is just as tiny but they did put a small hole so you can put your MP3 player in the pouch and run your headphones through it. And of course Vinyl has a horn and no wings. The sunglasses are vinyl and and stitched on, they are not removable. She has a different style mane but I am not completely sold on it as I think it should have been bigger and fuller. Her horn is nicely made and stands up perfectly. The quality on the stitching is just as nice as my Rainbow Dash. She can sit up on her own pretty well with a little bit of work. She came with a little led flashing music note button that you can attach to the straps. The straps are made out of a silver/gray material that are super reflective. I took some pictures with a flash and the reflections were so bright that they washed out the rest of the picture. So if some of the pictures below look a little dark it is because of the reflection off the straps. Overall I am very pleased with her and cannot wait for the next welovefine backpack. Fingers crossed it is :muffin: Pony!

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Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: BerryPunch on November 27, 2012, 07:28:35 PM
Hmm, cuter than I thought she would be. Love her cute little snout.

THey still forgot her EYELASHES XD
I do agree, though, her mane needs to be fuller, it looks like she's balding o.o
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: Brandi on November 27, 2012, 07:33:19 PM
I love DJ Pon-3 but this backpack is an easy pass for me. It just doesn't seem to do her justice. Thanks for sharing the pics though!
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on November 27, 2012, 07:59:37 PM
DJ-Pon3 totally works as a backpack!  :D  Love it.
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: BerryPunch on November 27, 2012, 08:06:06 PM
Vinyl Pack XD
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: Honeycomb on November 27, 2012, 08:23:28 PM
Scary!! Wouldn't want to have that on my bag, it looks as if it is going to strangle you any minute with those creepy arms ....  :bolt:
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: Foxtale on November 27, 2012, 08:27:37 PM
Thanks for sharing. These bags are so cute. If they make a fluttershy I don't think id be able to resist
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: Spike on November 27, 2012, 08:28:52 PM
I wouldn't buy either of them anyway. The shipping for 1 backpack is like $50 and the price of it is already like $50.
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: MsTwilight on November 27, 2012, 09:12:23 PM
Ha! They remind me of the plushie animal backpacks that we had back in the 80's! I loved mine. I think I still have it somewhere. If only I could find my Watchimal!  :lookround:
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: BerryPunch on November 27, 2012, 09:18:43 PM
I wouldn't buy either of them anyway. The shipping for 1 backpack is like $50 and the price of it is already like $50.
wat  :shocked:
Title: Re: Welovefine Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack Edit: She just came in! Pics on Page 3!
Post by: Bread on November 27, 2012, 09:38:02 PM
The sunglasses are vinyl and stitched on, they are not removable.

I see what they did there :P
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: DerbyGirl on November 28, 2012, 02:18:57 AM
I love DJ Pon-3 but this backpack is an easy pass for me. It just doesn't seem to do her justice. Thanks for sharing the pics though!

This. ^ So true. She just doesn't look like she's fully herself.
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: Malicieuse on November 28, 2012, 02:42:30 AM
I wish they would stuff those arms just a bit. Make them look a bit less like flat noodles. O:
I do also think Dash looks a lot cuter. Vinyl looks slightly alien. Might have been better if they had given her eyes.
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: StarlightGaze on November 28, 2012, 04:02:46 AM
They're kind of cute! Wish I had the money to add them to my pony collection, but $50 is a bit steep. I bet they will do a :muffin: Pony one later too. I probably won't buy any of these backpacks though unless they made a Luna.
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: DirePony on November 28, 2012, 04:19:13 AM
I wish they would stuff those arms just a bit. Make them look a bit less like flat noodles. O:
I do also think Dash looks a lot cuter. Vinyl looks slightly alien. Might have been better if they had given her eyes.

I agree about the eyes. I would have prefered they had given her embroidered eyes like Rainbow Dash and then the sunglasses as a separate piece. That way she could have displayed her both ways. Of course that would have raised the price up I am sure. As far as the arms since they are part of the straps that go over shoulders so if they stuffed them too much that would make them too bulky to wear.
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: Spike on November 28, 2012, 04:25:03 AM
I wouldn't buy either of them anyway. The shipping for 1 backpack is like $50 and the price of it is already like $50.
wat  :shocked:

Yeah it's shipping to Australia -_- It's a COMPLETE RIP OFF!
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: HollowZero on November 28, 2012, 11:32:00 AM
WeLoveFine's main store is usually a ripoff. :P

That DJ is just...ugly. Geez, what a price to pay for something that looks half-finished. The RD isn't too bad, though.
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: BerryPunch on November 28, 2012, 12:04:52 PM
They're kind of cute! Wish I had the money to add them to my pony collection, but $50 is a bit steep. I bet they will do a Annoying Pony one later too. I probably won't buy any of these backpacks though unless they made a Luna.

Oh god if they made a :muffin: Pony one, I would get it in a heartbeat.
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: Starly on November 28, 2012, 12:25:08 PM
I would love to get all of them if they weren't so espensive. So I settled on the Hot Topic backpack instead.
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: hathorcat on November 28, 2012, 03:01:59 PM
Congrats on your new backpack DirePony :)

Personally I don't think the style works anywhere near as well for Vinyl Scratch as for Dash - the Dash looks really cute in a dopey way but as others have said Vinyl Scratch looks almost a little unfinished or not as well thought out. Although that could simply be down to the fact the design was for Dash and then maybe they adapted it quickly in order to release a second backpack.
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: Galactica on November 30, 2012, 04:53:44 PM
Congrats!  DJ Pon is super cute!  I love her face-   

I love the DJ Pon character and especially her haircut :D
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: HawaiianRain on November 30, 2012, 06:55:56 PM
I've got Dashie coming! I do want to say, that if you only follow the welovefine updates via e-mail, you miss out on alot via facebook and twitter. They also give out different discount codes which DID work with the backpack. I ended up getting 25% off plus free shipping since I bought some shirts as well.
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: BerryPunch on November 30, 2012, 07:28:50 PM
Congrats on your new backpack DirePony :)

Personally I don't think the style works anywhere near as well for Vinyl Scratch as for Dash - the Dash looks really cute in a dopey way but as others have said Vinyl Scratch looks almost a little unfinished or not as well thought out. Although that could simply be down to the fact the design was for Dash and then maybe they adapted it quickly in order to release a second backpack.
I agree. It seems... lacking.
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: Pinecone on December 01, 2012, 01:47:13 AM
Cute. Too bad they probably won't make a Spike, because Twilight cosplayers would love that.
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: hathorcat on December 01, 2012, 05:28:51 AM
Cute. Too bad they probably won't make a Spike, because Twilight cosplayers would love that.

Oh my goodness! A Spike backback would be perfect!
Title: Re: Welovefine Hug Me Backpacks! Edit: DJ PON-3 in the House! Pics on page 7!
Post by: Flutterwonder13 on December 01, 2012, 07:50:50 PM
I feel like Vinyl needs more hair. :/
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