The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: PurpleCheeseStick on October 24, 2012, 07:26:59 PM

Title: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: PurpleCheeseStick on October 24, 2012, 07:26:59 PM
Throughout our adventures in collecting ponies, either searching through the vast sea of eBay or trekking through the lands of toy fairs, flee markets, thrift stores, Goodwills and conventions, I'm sure we've all met or seen collectors who might have been either a few hair plugs short or perhaps just gone completely cuckoo. I've even met one, and I'd like to hear your guys' stories, too! Of course for the sake of safety and general politeness and all that, names should not be mentioned nor any way for us to contact these silly collectors.

And it doesn't even have to be the collector that's silly in your story- perhaps an experience you had with a perfectly lovely collector that was just too crazy to believe?

To start, I'll share my story  :biggrin:

From what I gather this collector's been collecting ponies for a while, but she has particular attachment to G3.5s and G4s, and her... Attachment to Big Mac from the FiM cartoon was what really freaked me out. I saw she was sketching him in her notebook, so I asked if I could see since I like drawing ponies myself. At this point she proceeded to hiss at me, grab her notebook and hold it against her chest, stare at me like I'd just told her I was the antichrist and say "MY Big Mac!"

Her other friends would also try to ask or peek at her notebook- I caught a glimpse of it, all it was was a sideview of him standing, nothing naughty- and she would do the same, always chanting "He's mine!" "MY Big Macintosh!!"

If you try to ask her why she won't show you her sketches of him she'll just stare at you, hiss at your and/or stare at you some more. Needless to say, I do not talk with her about ponies anymore XD" Perhaps she feels particular attachment to him because she identifies with him, perhaps she just really likes his character, but either way... She acts pretty silly about him.

She also claims to sit down with her collection of ponies every night and brush their hair. Every pony. Every single night. For hours.  :blink:
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: achab1984 on October 24, 2012, 07:49:42 PM
Oh my.....I would not even know what to say if I was you. I kind of wonder what is going on in her mind? She must really like her Big Mac!
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: gabumon on October 24, 2012, 07:53:07 PM
the only crazy collector I know is the one I see on the mirror!

I do secretly hope to bump into a pony fan someday in my pony hunting escapades.
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: kakenterprise on October 24, 2012, 07:57:28 PM
I can't help but wonder what would happen if you drew Big Mac and showed her.
Or if you really want to make her brain explode wear him on a shirt!! 

I have yet to really meet a pony person in real life so no crazy stores.  I've meet lots of crazy Pokemon people though.
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: keikokukien on October 24, 2012, 08:14:18 PM
Oh...My. :x Oddly enough, she sounds like my friend from high school. She wasn't into ponies, but she was the exact same way when it came to a cartoon character from Rurouni Kenshin. <_< She was sweet as could be, but she actually firmly believed that her soul mate was that character (not even a main or secondary character, really) and that she had been reincarnated and was waiting for her "soul mate" to return to her...

I met her not too long ago after 7 years and she said she still hasn't found him...which meant that she is still actively searching for this cartoon character soul mate from an anime. Now, I may be an oddball, too about my games and bands, but there is a limit to how far the imagination should go. I hope it doesn't hinder her life to the point that she misses out on things she wouldn't have if she didn't hold her fantasies too close...:( I have always thought that, too.
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: PurpleCheeseStick on October 24, 2012, 09:26:22 PM
@ keikokukien
That sounds like me back in middle school, I was obsessed with the character Deidara from the anime Naruto. I'm glad I passed through that phase, and I hope that your friend passes through hers, too :c it's okay to like a character but there comes a time when you need to draw the line between "liking" and "obsession", I think.
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: Elisto on October 25, 2012, 05:11:22 AM
Maybe she just didn't like showing her art to people...
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: StarlightGaze on October 25, 2012, 06:04:48 AM
I've seen character worship/soulmate on levels of insanity, but it's due to mental disorders like schizophrenia.
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: PurpleCheeseStick on October 25, 2012, 06:36:55 AM
Maybe she just didn't like showing her art to people...

She's never had problems showing us her art before, though. She'll come up to us all the time with new sketches that aren't Big Mac related.

I'm surprised nobody has any stiries they'd like to share, though xD"
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: MimiTheMuse on October 25, 2012, 01:15:33 PM
I've seen character worship/soulmate on levels of insanity, but it's due to mental disorders like schizophrenia.

We have a member in on the Baby Sitters Snark LJ comm that has "soul bounds" and she's provided us with information about it. She's a very intelligent girl and very creative, I sincerely doubt she's schitzophrenic. I do think maybe the whole 'soul bonding' thing is a self-help mechanism. I mean, when I went through some pretty rough stuff (and sometimes now when I have memories poking at me) I like to take my writing characters and put them in that situation too. It's therapudic and their survival makes me stronger by the time I'm done with the story. So I think it's a shade of the same thing, only they use fictional characters that speak to them. I can't completely say it's nuts when I've rallied myself in hard times with thoughts of Severus Snape, Agent Scully and Murphy Brown. They just take it an another, perhaps excessive, step.
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: elvenwine26 on October 25, 2012, 01:33:57 PM
There's always going to be someone who's a bigger fan than me. Lol.  I've don't know that I've had extended conversations with scary pony fans but I've met some pretty intense members of other fandoms. It's definitely an experience. Haha 
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on October 25, 2012, 03:49:58 PM
Many of the more colorful pony collectors tend to get banned from the community for tasteless behavior or scamming in various forms.  Not all, but a great majority of them.
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: hathorcat on October 25, 2012, 04:35:56 PM
I can't say I have come across anything to that extent - for her sake I hope your friend just means it in jest!
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: Taxel on October 25, 2012, 04:53:24 PM
The possessive thing sounds like what I've seen with crazy anime fanatics (and other fandoms too, but I've mostly seen it with anime). People claim a character is their husband/wife/soulmate/etc and FREAK OUT if anyone else dares to like the character and stuff like that. Its absolutely insane. I stop associating with people like that really quickly.

As far as the hair brushing thing goes, it could be something really calming for her? I've picked up a pony and mindlessly combed its hair with my fingers for quite a while, I find it calming and kind of fun in a way. Its a nice way to bond with my ponies (and dolls) too.
Or maybe she's just nuts. -shrug-
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: UnicornTamer on October 25, 2012, 06:02:27 PM
I laughed so hard. That is so funny.
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: Like A Tea Spoon on October 25, 2012, 07:04:08 PM
 ^.^ Anime crush? Kakashi from Naruto. Thought I'd at least date a real guy with the same laid back attitude.  :cool:

Socially awkward situations and people, sometimes it's funny but mostly is just really weird.
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: Eskara1862 on October 26, 2012, 09:03:01 AM
I knew a girl like this in high school.  Nobody ever called her by her real name; she was simply Pikachu.  Pikachu was the only word she would say.  She'd sit at an entire table by herself at lunch (which was saying something for a lunchroom that was often so packed people would steal chairs out from others because there weren't enough) with her pikachu pokemon lined up around her.  She'd eat and keep muttering "pi- pi- pi-pika! Pika chu!" to them.

Granted, she was a foster child and had probably been through some situations that nobody her age should have had to deal with.  But, still, her complete retreat into the pokemon fandom was extremely offputting to a lot of people.  I still can't see a single Pokemon without thinking of her.

As far as crazy pony collectors go?  Drop by a brony convention sometime. You will see things and meet people  who behave in ways you would never expect.
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: Galactica on October 26, 2012, 09:36:00 AM
Hahaha- that is funny- sounds like she is being a dramatic teen.  Probably not mentally ill I would guess- just a hunch.

The pikachu girl sounds a little more troubled...
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: PurpleCheeseStick on October 26, 2012, 10:26:59 PM
The possessive thing sounds like what I've seen with crazy anime fanatics (and other fandoms too, but I've mostly seen it with anime). People claim a character is their husband/wife/soulmate/etc and FREAK OUT if anyone else dares to like the character and stuff like that. Its absolutely insane. I stop associating with people like that really quickly.

As far as the hair brushing thing goes, it could be something really calming for her? I've picked up a pony and mindlessly combed its hair with my fingers for quite a while, I find it calming and kind of fun in a way. Its a nice way to bond with my ponies (and dolls) too.
Or maybe she's just nuts. -shrug-

Ohhh yes it is incredibly common in anime fandoms, I wonder why that is? And you know, I could believe that theory about her brushing their hair, because she does have a very stressful life. We've all tried numerous times to help her out but she outright refuses our help, perhaps her ponies are the only things she feels like she can really draw comfort from? I was like that for most of my childhood with my toys. And your last comment made my night, thank you.  :lol:

I knew a girl like this in high school.  Nobody ever called her by her real name; she was simply Pikachu.  Pikachu was the only word she would say.  She'd sit at an entire table by herself at lunch (which was saying something for a lunchroom that was often so packed people would steal chairs out from others because there weren't enough) with her pikachu pokemon lined up around her.  She'd eat and keep muttering "pi- pi- pi-pika! Pika chu!" to them.

Granted, she was a foster child and had probably been through some situations that nobody her age should have had to deal with.  But, still, her complete retreat into the pokemon fandom was extremely offputting to a lot of people.  I still can't see a single Pokemon without thinking of her.

As far as crazy pony collectors go?  Drop by a brony convention sometime. You will see things and meet people  who behave in ways you would never expect.

I live in pretty much the middle of nowhere so at the moment we have no established brony conventions that I'm aware of. Do tell? XD Also yikes, that's... That's pretty serious. I hope she eventually got some help. :c
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: Pythia on October 27, 2012, 06:38:11 AM
^.^ Anime crush? Kakashi from Naruto. Thought I'd at least date a real guy with the same laid back attitude.  :cool:

*HISS* MY Kakashi!
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: FlitterRose on October 27, 2012, 08:24:23 AM
it's okay to like a character but there comes a time when you need to draw the line between "liking" and "obsession", I think.

I remember being obsessed with a cartoon,even tho I have a boyfriend,I still love that cartoon guy.Not being obsessed with him,though,but I still have crush on him :lovey:

I have a friend,who's a pony collector and she's totally obsessed with Gman from Half Life.Gman this,Gman that...It's actually pretty funny to listen to her and her little dreams most of the time.But when you draw somebody from a cartoon,show or a game which you ,,only like'' and you as ponies,who are ready to kiss each other,it gets a bt weird. :lookround: Let's not mention she says ,,Gmanieeeeeeee'' everytime I say his name  :what:
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: partypony566 on October 27, 2012, 08:38:00 AM
Maybe she just didn't like showing her art to people...

She's never had problems showing us her art before, though. She'll come up to us all the time with new sketches that aren't Big Mac related.

I'm surprised nobody has any stiries they'd like to share, though xD"

That's because I don't have anything close as crazy as that :lol:
Title: Re: Crazy Collectors?
Post by: Eskara1862 on October 27, 2012, 10:05:30 AM
From what I hear, Pikachu chick is married now.  Hopefully her life did take a turn for the positive and she's in a healthy relationship.

Let's just say that Brony conventions are filled with a very wide array of collectors, fans, and fanatics. You'll get the people who truly appreciate the art, the story, and the atmosphere of being around other fans.  Then, you get the people dressed up like :muffin: Pony, bumping into everybody, saying they don't know what went wrong, and bumbling off to do it again.  And then there are the people who see you have one thing of a pony they love at your booth and won't leave, but they won't buy that one thing either! It's a very interesting place to bee.  I've sold at two Brony conventions, attended multiple meets, and plan on going to more. In general, they're really positive, happy people that are fun to be around.  It's just the occasional reclusive male dressed as Gala Rainbow Dash that you have to avoid.
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