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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: slj84 on October 21, 2012, 04:43:12 PM

Title: House hunting!
Post by: slj84 on October 21, 2012, 04:43:12 PM
So I'm currently house hunting and so far no luck with the houses I have gone through.  See I had the house I wanted all scouted out, went to the bank to get a pre approval and the day I got my pre approval they got a offer on the home!  So now I'm back to square one,  been through a few houses which were sadly disappointing.   As much as I love my parents beautiful house (and them too) I'm ready to get my own space, something I can call mine.

So those who own houses, how many did you have to go through to find one you liked?  I have what I want in mind but I'm pretty negotiable on everything but that I want at least 1/2 acre of land for my dogs.  So far I keep getting so excited about going through a house only to walk away disappointed.   The one tonight was a older ranch, that I actually liked but it would need all new windows, there where cracks in the basement wall,  there was very little insulation in the house ect.
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: kiwimlp on October 21, 2012, 05:05:56 PM
Goodness, we went through about 40+ homes before we bought our first house.  Our second house was a lot more limited (being a lifestyle property) but even then we still went through at least 20.  It was lots of fun if a little frustrating at times.  Our hearts were broken when we went to auction on the lifestyle property of our dreams - only to walk away as the under-bidders.  The funny thing is, the property we ended up with turned out to be far more suitable.  :)

Hang in there, slj84.  This is a major purchase and you want to be sure you have it right!  Your dream house is out there somewhere. Don't settle for anything less :hug: :frolic:
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: lochnessmomster on October 21, 2012, 05:13:26 PM
Thirteen years of marriage and three kids later, and we still don't own our own house.  So take heart. ;)
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on October 21, 2012, 05:21:03 PM
I am saving for one with my sister we have seen some we love but they are too expensive.
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: Eviecorn on October 21, 2012, 05:58:40 PM
I've never owned a house, so I don't know what to tell you.  Hopefully you get some good insight though!
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: kaoskat on October 21, 2012, 06:10:15 PM
We don't own a house yet but I wish you luck in your search.
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: zabe77 on October 21, 2012, 06:37:05 PM
We went through at least 30... and I think it was over 3months. It took a while to find one that had just what we wanted. Although now I realize I should've held out for a slightly larger kitchen! It has everything else just right for us though.  Best wishes in finding your home, it's out there, you'll know it when you see it!

PS I kinda liked house hunting, I saw some pretty cool stuff, like an amazing Star Wars collection, and a puppet in a basement close who still scares me a bit to think about.
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: achab1984 on October 21, 2012, 07:07:05 PM
You going to be looking at alot before you find the one. Just be patient and it will come along :)
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: steampunk on October 22, 2012, 05:33:28 AM
Never owned a house (military - we move around too much!) but I worked in mortgage and escrow for years. My main advice: do NOT settle! Unless it's something can you can change using the space the house has, like a kitchen remodel and you have the money for it, pass on that house. That is a lot of money you will be spending, buy only what is going to make you happy.
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: MonstarNomNom on October 22, 2012, 08:21:42 AM
I honestly think it's different for everyone :) my boyfriend and I fell in love with the very first house we looked at. Haha we are in the process of putting an offer in and crossing our fingers :) Best of luck to you and don't give up hope! When one door closes, another opens ^.^
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: joce on October 22, 2012, 10:25:00 AM
 Have a lot of patience and a good realtor and mortgage broker.

  We have been looking over a year again. Before that we looked and I got so frustrated I gave up.

 You sound like you know what you want and thats good so stick with it and don't give in! You could try offering a lot less to have the windows put in yourself or have them do it or fix the basement. The place we are in now they redug around the basement and fixed the walls before we moved in and paid for it.

 We have the horses and want room to board again,have our own hay, and to have fun with the four wheelers and shoot etc. We need at least ten acres to be able to do the tax credit CAUV but places we have put offers on have been over fifteen.  Want certain school district, not close to stop signs,or to close to the road or neighbors. Its hard to find all that!

 We had the perfect place and it was fannie mae and on the market so many times. We overbid 20,000 and still lost it the last time. Still upset about that one. Almost brand new house, geothermal heating, finished basement, beautiful land, ugh I really wanted it.

 I hope you find the perfect place!!! Maybe the contract will fall through on the one you want!
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: melodys_angel on October 22, 2012, 11:34:09 AM
Patience, you will eventually find the perfect house for you :)

Best of luck^^
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: slj84 on October 23, 2012, 11:30:06 AM
Thanks all!  Now turning down the houses I have seen doesn't make me feel so silly.  I think the house I want is there to tourment me because the person moved out, but it's still in all the sites as active contingent and showing up on all the search engines, but my realitor says that she talked to the owners realitor and all is going well so far on that deal. Hopefully soon sonething will pop up.
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: Tilas on October 23, 2012, 11:50:45 AM
My first house was more of a "too good of a deal to pass up". It wasn't even planned to buy a house, I just got it for such a steal that I was able to fix it up and flip it and make a tidy profit. 

My hubby and I just bought our first house together, but it wasn't a hard decision at all- I bought my PARENTS house! We've been living here with them, and since they were trying to sell it, we figured lets help out everyone and just buy it, so we did. It's...odd... having my parents master room as "our" bedroom now. I spent my whole life in this house, and to be in their room is odd now LOL. But I'll adjust I suppose, once we finish moving *everything*.

As for buying a house, be picky, very picky! Make sure you check over everything, especially the water/sewer/electrical. Many people just buy on the basis the house "looks" pretty. NEVER DO THAT. Make sure it's structurally sound before you ever lay down the cash. Have it inspected if you have to. My dad is a contractor, and way too many times has he been called in to fix a "new house" some poor sucker bought and later found was a dive.
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: kiwimlp on October 23, 2012, 12:37:11 PM
Interesting experiences in this thread.  Zabe, I would love to have seen that SW collection you mentioned!

Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: slj84 on October 23, 2012, 05:10:51 PM
The new owners are over at the house tonight, so I'm guessing all went through on their end.  Darn it :P Oh well, its not to say that house was perfect.  The inside was nice but they never upkept the outside and never planted a yard. Also had vaulted celings so heating bill could of been high.  Kinda been playing around with the idea of building too.  I would love to go that route (Waynes homes has a layout exactly how I want it), but by the time you pay for the house, land, clearing the land, ect ect. It may not be a great route for me right now. 

My only concern is i'm being offered a awsome interest rate and i'm afraid if I take too long i'll loose it. 

Oh I would love buy my parents house ;p I tease them all the time that they have been wanting to downsize into a ranch and I adore this house, but I'm apparently unconvincing :P They would like to get a smaller house, but they also love the neighbors and the location so I can't see them moving anytime soon.  I also tried to convince my dad to buy my a huge house that is way out of my price rangel) (And way more house then I need but beautiful, he told me to find 289,000 people to give me $1 and I'm good to go :P Silly parents.

As for looking over every detail.  My dad comes with me to each house I look at,  he's great at looking at things that I would miss like that.  He noticed the cracks in the basement and the places in the cealing that was repainted becaues of leaks. Hopefully soon something will work out.  There is another house down the road from here, but it doesn't have a garage which is a big thing for me.
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: zabe77 on October 24, 2012, 10:02:34 PM
That's so cool that your dad is coming along! It's so helpful to have someone experienced to come along and look for things you might not notice.

kiwimlp, I squealed so long at the SW collection, the realtor ran downstairs likely with the sad hope that I had found something super awesome that would make the sale! :P
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: prettypony55 on October 25, 2012, 01:29:04 AM
We bought a HUD home for our first house and ended up replacing the foundation walls. (among other major things) I like out house, but this is not out forever one. We have been looking here and there at homes, and I am super nit picky!! We have learned the hard way. Like for instance roofs. They claim to have a new roof put on, ok great! Did they remove the old one or shingle over it? How many roofs were on there? How did the decking look, did they replace any? Was there ever any leaks? Who replaced it? You and your brother on a weekend, or a roofing company I can call and that has a gaurentee?

I will never ever ever buy a house with any kind of foundation wall issues. I dont care if it inly has a tiny little itty bitty crack. Nope! We once looked at a house that someone drove a car through. Also, look at the neighbors of a home your looking at? Drive around the neighborrhod at various times of the day. Ask the neighbors about the people who are selling the home. Did they have crazy parties every night? Did they maintain the house well?

My husband and I figured things out for ourselves. I like our house and it suits us fine for now.But, we put a ton of blood sweat and tears, and a boat load of money into it.
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: slj84 on October 26, 2012, 09:56:30 PM
Those are all great thing to look for pretty pony, and that's why my dad tags along  :P He has built enough things and bought enough houses to help me see the difference between a pretty house that's hiding things that I wouldn't see.

Sunday im trying again.  It's a rather dull looking ranch with no garage, basement or air condition installed and it would be a short sale.  The inside looks really nice and had a nice open layout.  I'm hoping if I like it, see if I can get a contractor out to see about adding a attached garage if I can get the price down on the house.  The basement wasn't something on my must have list and the AC can be added if I find I need it.  Looking at the pictures, I might be able to add a garage making the house a L shape, and using the current entry point as the garage entry.  I would have to see about moving the entry to the house, which all depends on the layout of the house itself. 

I think if I can do the changes I would like within my budget I could turn it into a nice looking little house.  It's down the road from my parents so I know the neighborhood, has a nice piece of land with it and doesn't really have neighbors right next door.  So I'm crossing my fingers on this one and hoping if I do like it the bank wants it out of there hands because I think without a garage it's going to be s hard thing to sell in this neighborhood.

Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: Novavelle on October 26, 2012, 11:06:38 PM
the very first house we saw, I fell in love with, and the people weren't budging on price (and asking about 25k more then market value) so I had to let it go, but after about 10 we found one (same builder) and they accepted our offer... I love my house I'm so glad I didn't over pay too!
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: Mori_LeStrange on October 27, 2012, 01:48:22 AM
Kinda been playing around with the idea of building too.  I would love to go that route (Waynes homes has a layout exactly how I want it), but by the time you pay for the house, land, clearing the land, ect ect. It may not be a great route for me right now. 

Ohhh you could build a Victorian mansion! With lots of wrought iron fencing and gargoyles! Yes that would be the perfect house. I have a feeling a future roommate would love that house.  :P
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: banditpony on October 27, 2012, 01:04:47 PM
I'm sooo picky, I can't imagine house hunting. I am somewhat lucky that I plan to buy my childhood house (when my dad is ready to sell). It's got lots of land for animals + large area for garden, is in a good location, a deck that overlooks lots of pretty land, large basement, nice layout (Though it is tiny), is away from the road, good schools... ;O;* I can't imagine anywhere else.
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: lochnessmomster on October 27, 2012, 02:07:32 PM
I'm sooo picky, I can't imagine house hunting. I am somewhat lucky that I plan to buy my childhood house (when my dad is ready to sell). It's got lots of land for animals + large area for garden, is in a good location, a deck that overlooks lots of pretty land, large basement, nice layout (Though it is tiny), is away from the road, good schools... ;O;* I can't imagine anywhere else.

Sounds lovely!  ^.^
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: slj84 on October 27, 2012, 02:16:30 PM
Yes Mori! You just pay for it and we are good to go :p   
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: Mori_LeStrange on October 27, 2012, 08:54:35 PM
Ok!..... Can I borrow some money? :biggrin:
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: StoryDreamer on October 28, 2012, 08:47:09 AM
Open all cabinets and closets and doors. Pay attention to water spots, wood floor condition etc. Find out about average taxes, etc.
Title: Re: House hunting!
Post by: slj84 on October 28, 2012, 11:47:10 AM
Ok!..... Can I borrow some money? :biggrin:

Nope I'm buying a house (well hopefully sometime in the next 10 years :p)

Open all cabinets and closets and doors. Pay attention to water spots, wood floor condition etc. Find out about average taxes, etc.

Good suggestions!  The last two owners have stayed, I feel so awkward going Into strangers houses and just opening there closests and cupboards.  Hopefully the one today won't be there.  This is the one that I would be having a contractor look at to see about adding a garage and moving the front door if I decide I like it.  Crossing my fingers on this one!

UPDATE: Loved this house, going tomorrow to put a offer in on it to start the process, Dad is pretty sure we can put that garage on it no problem and maybe even a little front porch, but I am going to get in contact tomorrow to set up for a contractor to come out and take a look before we get to far into the process.  When I first started looking I thought nope not going to touch that house, but now I'm looking at it more of a house that I get to plan more of what I want the outside to look like!  Will be a long time from start to finish on it for the whole buying process but I am okay with that!  It has a beautiful kitchen, a nice sized master bedroom with a really nice walk in bathroom and a walk through closet (Not walk in, I guess it longer and a little wider then a normal closet but not a full walk in closest). Instead of a basement, it has a walk up attic which all the more I would need. 
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