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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Tilas on September 28, 2012, 02:37:45 PM

Title: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: Tilas on September 28, 2012, 02:37:45 PM
Just thought this was amusing. Had an RCMP Officer come into work today to ask a few questions (nothing serious), and while we're talking he is of course maintaining "the look". Yknow, the stand tall, speak with authority, "I'm a cop" type posture.

Then he sees my candy bowl, and suddenly I have a big 6 foot tall KID in my office.

"OHH! Lollipops! Can I have one? Please?!"

So of course I say yes, and he just started digging through the bowl to find the flavor he wants and instantly pops it into his mouth with a big smile on his face. Then he's all "Ahh!! These are AMAZING! Where did you GET them!?" so I told him, and he pretty much wraps up the conversation, so he can go buy a box for himself. I think I just made his day.

Oh, and for the record, they were Jolly Rancher Lollipops.  :lmao:
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: Galactica on September 28, 2012, 02:41:16 PM
Hah- that's great!
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: Eviecorn on September 28, 2012, 03:13:19 PM
LOL!  I love it when tough guys break their facade.
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: NoPonySpecial on September 28, 2012, 04:21:13 PM
Well, we all know the need for sugar far outweighs the need for authority.  :lol:
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: MidnightFireflies on September 28, 2012, 04:29:10 PM
Bwahahahahahahahaha!  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: kamakazee82 on September 28, 2012, 06:17:07 PM
lol LOVE IT!

i have a g4 pony that goes around with me to my different work stations*changes daily sometimes* and one day i had this big guy come up and was all gruff and kind of barking out what he wanted so i was just smiling and getting him to get to the point of what he was needing, then he just kind of stops talking and i see he's looking towards my keyboard and it all goes belly up ...

"is ... is ... is that Dewdrop Dazzle? I have to aske where you found her? My daughter needs her something fierce."  I almost lost it right then and there, but I kindly told him a few places to try and find her but that she was a bit older and harder to find and that if he couldn't find her to just let me know.  He came back the next day, of course I wasn't at that station, but I peeked my head out when i heard the "voice" and he gave me a bag of jellybeans (what i had been descretly munching on when he came in the previous day lol) and told me had had found Dewdrop and a few others she needed lol so now every time he comes in he looks for the "pony lady" and usually brings a treat of some kind i share with the office lmao

tough guys are so cute lol
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: ZennaBug on September 28, 2012, 06:43:00 PM
That's adorable.  Most cops are actually pretty nice if you talk to them, they just seem scary.  And everyone loves lollypops!  :lovey:
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: Saja on September 28, 2012, 06:43:40 PM
lol, kinda cute!
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: ashes on September 28, 2012, 08:06:57 PM
Aww, that is a cute story!
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: kaoskat on September 28, 2012, 09:04:46 PM
Lollipops can make anyone into a big kid! Who doesn't love lollipops???
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: starrypawz on September 29, 2012, 04:29:49 AM
Awww that is so cute. XD

There's been this security guard posted near my house watching over this building that's tied up with it might be demolished it might not. He's been posted there since the summer and he has three dogs, two sniffer dogs and one 'proper' guard dog and he's actually really friendly and my brother an I talk to him most days.
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on September 29, 2012, 09:32:59 AM
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: Tilas on September 29, 2012, 10:04:43 AM
lol LOVE IT!

i have a g4 pony that goes around with me to my different work stations*changes daily sometimes* and one day i had this big guy come up and was all gruff and kind of barking out what he wanted so i was just smiling and getting him to get to the point of what he was needing, then he just kind of stops talking and i see he's looking towards my keyboard and it all goes belly up ...

"is ... is ... is that Dewdrop Dazzle? I have to aske where you found her? My daughter needs her something fierce."  I almost lost it right then and there, but I kindly told him a few places to try and find her but that she was a bit older and harder to find and that if he couldn't find her to just let me know.  He came back the next day, of course I wasn't at that station, but I peeked my head out when i heard the "voice" and he gave me a bag of jellybeans (what i had been descretly munching on when he came in the previous day lol) and told me had had found Dewdrop and a few others she needed lol so now every time he comes in he looks for the "pony lady" and usually brings a treat of some kind i share with the office lmao

tough guys are so cute lol

Aww that is adorable, and what a good daddy for knowing the name of the pony his daughter wanted!
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: Loona on September 29, 2012, 12:56:05 PM
aww, these stories made me smile, how cute! it's lovely when it turns out tough guys have their soft sides too ^^
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: cuddlebuggy on September 29, 2012, 02:07:14 PM
My Dad was a career Marine and went to the Sheriffs department after retirement. Big tough guy and the biggest kid in our family! Great stories ya'll!
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: SourdoughStomper on September 29, 2012, 02:28:00 PM
I like that. Officer Lollipop. ^.^
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: Oneleo1 on September 29, 2012, 03:28:45 PM
Oh that is funny! :)
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: partypony566 on October 01, 2012, 02:47:04 AM
LOL that's funny!! :lol:
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: Talismarr on October 01, 2012, 07:41:58 AM
That is so funny! Haha!
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: melodys_angel on October 01, 2012, 10:20:40 AM
Ok, thats awesome xD
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: Cadence on October 01, 2012, 08:09:19 PM
Too cute. XD
Title: Re: Rough tough police cream puff
Post by: spiderwax on October 02, 2012, 09:52:28 PM
Oh wow, that's so cute. XD
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