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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: MidnightFireflies on September 21, 2012, 04:07:54 PM

Title: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: MidnightFireflies on September 21, 2012, 04:07:54 PM
I have a small buff male cat named Aslan. He's about 2 1/2 years old. He's such a lover but he is quite odd.

His most odd trait becomes apparent while I am trying to go to sleep. I typically sleep on my side with one arm outstretched. Aslan will curl up on top of my outstretched arm to sleep. Not THAT bid of a deal right? Except I tend to toss and turn for awhile before I actually GO TO SLEEP. So, EVERY TIME I turn over, he will immediately jump over my head to sleep on my other arm. He will do this ALL NIGHT. EVERY time I turn. :lol:

Sometimes he doesnt quite jump far enough and sometimes lands ON MY FACE. :blink: While this is usually not a problem, I just find this behavior mostly amusing and quite odd.

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So what I'm leading up to is- I want to know what odd things your pets do!  :P :biggrin: :lol: :P :biggrin: :lol:

Edit: "Aslan" is indeed from Narnia =)
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on September 21, 2012, 05:01:12 PM
Samhain (who's asleep in my lap as I type), a one year old domestic short hair.  Whenever someone comes to the front door, he runs to sit in the livingroom or bedroom windows. Like a guard dog except he's my guard cat. :P
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: NoPonySpecial on September 21, 2012, 05:14:17 PM
My late cat Esmé used to lick the kitchen floor. Not the part where we'd drop food: the floor near our desk. The only thing that gathered there was dust. It was quite odd.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: kissthethunder on September 21, 2012, 06:23:42 PM
Today, Jarvis wanted to help me clean my new ponies XD

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Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: MidnightFireflies on September 21, 2012, 06:39:19 PM
SRS- OMG I love the name Samhain! What an awesome name. Reminds me of Samhain night by Loreena Mckennit (sp?)

NPS- Awww! That's too funny that Esme just sat there and licked the floor! Question...did she happen to eat plastic too by chance?

Kissthethunder- Jarvis looks a lot like Aslan! Looks like he likes to play in the water too! Whoever said cats were afraid of water clearly did not know what they were talking about!
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on September 21, 2012, 07:13:13 PM
our orange tabbies want us to watch them eat their food. You have to stand there and pet them a lot before they will even eat.  The two are brothers and bobo wants me to snuggle on the couch every time I am on the computer.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on September 21, 2012, 08:05:34 PM
MFF: Thank you. He showed up as a stray at my friends house, three days before Oct 1st last year. We're both Wiccan, so the perfect name was Samahin. And yes I like Loreena Mckennit.

KTT: Jarvis, the name reminds me of Tony Starks butler. :) My cat loves the water, isn't phased by it at all.

MFF: Narnia fan? I love the name and he's got intresting colored eyes.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: ButtercreamDream on September 21, 2012, 08:51:52 PM
I once gave my ferrets a box full of bait ponies to play with, just to see what they would do.  They took each and every green and greenish-blue pony, and perfume puff Lavender Lace, who has green hair, and they stashed them under their cage.  They have half the basement that's their own safe playroom, and they can't get out of that area.  That was about 2 years ago, and to this day, I still haven't found fizzy.  I've moved furniture, I sweep every day or two, and mop once a week.  I have no idea what happened to her, and I never figured out why they went for the green/blue ones.

Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Sarahlacewing on September 21, 2012, 08:59:20 PM
My dog star (welsh corgi) is very odd. She has back problems so she can't twist properly. When she has an itch on her back she takes a running start and kind of nose dives onto the carpet and then rolls onto her back so the carpet scratches her itch. It looks like she is skating or surfing on the floor.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: ZennaBug on September 21, 2012, 08:59:26 PM
My dachshund wedges his ball in tight places (under the couch, in a shoe, under the TV stand) and then cries like he's dying until you get it out for him.  Less than a minute later, the ball is back in the same spot.  It goes on for hours sometimes.

And my little mutt sleeps on my pillow at night.  Luckily, she's tiny... but I often wake up with a paw on my face or with a small dog as a hat.  Sometimes she switches positions in the middle of the night, gets tired mid-move, and belly flops my face.

Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Mirage on September 21, 2012, 09:15:04 PM
I took pity on a baity baby surprise and brought it home for the steep price of 25 cents lol. My one cat was immediately drawn to it and sniffed it, tapped it with his paw, bopped it on the head, and carried it around by the mane. He later on would bat it around a little and hug it, kick at it with his back feet.

Our "kitten" (now 13 months but 7lbs.) likes to sleep in our bed, particularly on my legs.. but I toss and turn. She usually just shifts around with me. Sometimes, she has been known to go flying, launched off the bed by a bad dream or other spaz.  :lookround:

Due to the new Furbies, I dug out my old Shelby. My Bichon Frise wants to lick it to death!
He also wants to lick just about anything alive, always. You can't wear shorts in my house without being followed down the hall being licked on the back of your calves. :P We call him a "kissy shark". 
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Sumire on September 21, 2012, 09:21:16 PM
The cat my husband brought to the marriage, Mystik, attacks the water in the water bowl.  It has a reservoir and every time it gurgles he gives it the eye but when we fill the reservoir up he hides behind something ready to pounce and the instant it is put down on the floor he's right at the bowl swiping at the water with his paw!  It's so weird but so cute!
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Eviecorn on September 21, 2012, 09:41:16 PM
My dog farts every time he jumps up on the couch ... XD
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: kaoskat on September 21, 2012, 10:47:04 PM
Onigiri has very few teeth, yet still manages to breathe in her food.

Shada bonks you with her nose when she want's to be petted.

Nori licks everything and nothing obsessively.

Sandy climbs up to my face. Then he puts one front paw on each of my shoulders and squashes the side of his head against my face. Then he'll give me a kiss and then squash his head into my face again. And he'll do this over and over until I make him get down. He's been doing it since he was little.

Pixel falls asleep in his food dish.

Kyo plays in water and eats stinging insects.

Arachne mauls water.

Poseidon rides around on Kappa.

Kappa carries Poseidon around.

Alternity dances for his food.

Shayde will only eat his favorite color food. The rest he throws on the floor.

Lady Galadriel throws a fit if she she doesn't have her millet spray at all times.

Luna likes to play flashlight tag.

Pocket likes to rip the eyes out of stuffies, pull out all their stuffing, and nest in their skin.

I can't think of anything particularly odd the others do.

Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: NoPonySpecial on September 21, 2012, 11:27:06 PM
NPS- Awww! That's too funny that Esme just sat there and licked the floor! Question...did she happen to eat plastic too by chance?

No, she didn't, that was the weird thing: she showed no indication of having...that disease where you eat non-food things. Just that part of the floor. It had me baffled.

She also refused to drink from her water bowl, and would sit on the sink and meow until someone turned on the faucet for her.
Meatball once dropped his favorite toy in the toilet. *shrug* I guess he was experimenting to try and make it flush?
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: fingerpaints on September 22, 2012, 12:00:11 AM
Jack is a short hair brown tabby with wall eyes (one is blue & one yellow) he has so many odd habits, such a strange boy. He has been part of our family since a kitten, and is turning 14 later this year.

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*He learnt to shake & hi 5 like a dog.
*He makes strange little noises as he gets around / every time he jumps, its like a rolling sould, kinda *drrrp* its bloody strange lol.
*He likes to sleep on my bed with me which isn't an issue, he generally sleeps on my feet, and if its a cold night, my belly or hip depending on how I lay, well I turn alot in my sleep as I get alot of pain in the same position for too long, he literally has a temper tantrum and stomps on the bed until I settle again lol.
*He likes to sit up at the table if me & my parents are having a coffee together as though he is one of us humans, he looks at us whilst we talk as though he is following the conversations we have lol.
*He likes to come into the bathroom and wait whilst I have a shower, he demands pats as I undress & dry off, he just quietly sits on top of the box next to the shower and waits.
*He LOVES stuffed toys, especially my tiger that I sleep with. He cuddles up with them, its super cute. I was walking through the house one day with an armfull of plushies and a small stuffed duck fell on the floor, on my way back through, he was playing with it, batting it from one side of the room to the other, so I let him have it, its now "jacks duck" lol.
*I often wake up in the morning to him sitting on the headboard of my bed watching me, its very strange and not very nice to know you were being watched whilst you slept lol.

His sister Darla Boo is just as crazy, but in different ways

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*She LOVES groceries, when we come in with shopping bags she always runs to the kitchen so she can watch us unpack.
*She hates me & my mother, but absolutely adores my dad. She watches him, to the point its creepy.
*She climbs the front screen door at times (its security mesh, so she can't damage it) and then meows for someone to pick her up, when you go to pick her up she sticks her bum out for some reason lol, she really is strange.
*She will sometimes run so quickly through the house (they are all inside kitties, and we have hard floors throughout the house) her legs slip out from under her.

And miss Tiffany, our rescue cat, we took her on at the grand age of 13, she is now 17.

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*She sits on your chest with her chest in your face whilst you try your best to watch tv
*She likes to lick your nose when you sleep
*She has only pooped in her kitty litter about 3 times in 4 years, she always goes "beside" it, on the tiles (thankfully it is easy to clean up)
*She likes to have her gums rubbed
*She is a show pony when she knows we have visitors (she is deaf, so sometimes sleeps through it)
*She has a habbit of bopping the other two cats on the head, it is always quiet soft, and looks like she is patting them, but very fast and with hissing lol.
*She likes to "wipe her nose" on you
*If we give her a treat, but she is sleeping, we put it under her nose & she wakes up snapping at air, its like a turtle lol.
*She likes to sit on my mums arms and "help" her play her online game, she loves my mother to bits. It drives mum nuts, but I can't help but crack up & sing the lumberjack song, she is such a big, butch thing that every time she walks into the room you expect it to start blurting out of somewhere XD
*She is very amusing to watch when she runs. She likes to do what we call a "victory lap" of the house after she has pooped on the floor.

I know they all have more strange habits, but I can't think of them right now.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Beldarna on September 22, 2012, 12:05:46 AM
Younger cat Simba, 8 months, like to climb on chairs and shelves and play. For example he likes to hang on the back of a chair and chase his own tail.

Older boy, Ninja, one year, likes to watch us shower.

Oldest cat Tarzan, soon to be 11, likes my boyfriend a lot. Like I've had her since she was newborn, but John is the ones she comes to and listens to and cuddles up to everytime she gets a chance, she even sleeps on his tummy which she never does on mine. Except at bedtime, then she sleeps at my side.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: starrypawz on September 22, 2012, 12:13:24 AM
My 7 year old Westie Barney does the following:
Refuses to drink water from any bowl that isn't his but willingly drinks from puddes and rivers
Attempts to eat flies
If he's wet he'll run against the skirting board in an attempt to get dry
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Sarah-Bee on September 22, 2012, 01:52:38 AM
My cat Roxy drinks water from any glass that I may leave around the place, which is problematic as I like to have water by the bed at night but it's a risk of "has this had cat face in it?" when I want a drink :P

She also makes a sound like a velociraptor (sp?) when she chases flies.

Max, one of my other cats likes to watch people on the toilet and will put his paws on the toilet seat between your knees and kiss you while you pee :P

Magpie, our third cat, does a 'silent meow' which is too cute for words - she opens her mouth really wide like she's going to meow but no sound comes out :P
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: WildBlue on September 22, 2012, 03:25:02 AM
We have five cats, but my cat Trey is probably the weirdest. Trey is my little shadow, but my boyfriends taught him to do some tricks.
When he pulls his collar off he gets feisty. He has hid a few collars. We call it being a nakie wild cat when they take their collars off. He thinks it is a game and will run around with his collar in his mouth like a trophy. Or if you are trying to put his collar back on he will run away.
Trey cat also is a parrot. He will sit or stand on your shoulders like a parrot. My boyfriend is just over six feet tall and Trey will jump straight up from the floor and land on his shoulders.
He has kitty soft paws. He is very gentle when he does it.
Trey also sleeps on his own face, sometimes on my face, on the key board, in my fruit bowls, towel baskets, sink, boxes. Any small container that he can squeeze into he will fall asleep in.
One of the computers has touch screen. We had to turn it off because he will touch screen.
I have to keep the toilet seats closed because he likes to play in the toilet bowl.... yuck!
He attacks the water bowl when it makes a glug sound when the bowl refills. Then he dumps all the water on the floor.
He opens drawers and cabinets.
We have a potato box that has a front door that closes with a magnet. He pulls it open all the time and it hits the floor with a loud thud. The other day I know he was just doing it to annoy me. I tried to pull it open before he could and the little brat pushed it closed instead. LOL  :biggrin:
ETA: classic cat in sink picture....This is my little beast Trey.
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Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: fingerpaints on September 22, 2012, 03:52:15 AM
WildBlue - Trey sounds like such a character :D

My boy jack opens stuff too, wardrobes and cupboards mainly that are closed with magnets, he gets his claw in the crack and you hear a clicking noise until he opens it and crawls in lol.

Such a pretty kitty he is :D I love tabbies! Ive always said I will never be without one, we have jack and the two girls are muted calies, calico's are cute, but bloody full of themselves lol.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: WildBlue on September 22, 2012, 04:25:17 AM
Hello fingerpaints - I saw the pictures you put of your cats. I thought it was kind of funny because Trey has a sister named Darla Binks aka Binky Boo and you have a sister cat named Darla Boo. Too cute! Your cats are very pretty. Jack's eyes are amazing.
I love tabbies also. I have 3 tabbies that are related - 2 boys and a girl. When they were kittens they each had to have their own color collars. I could not tell them apart then. lol
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: fingerpaints on September 22, 2012, 04:32:14 AM
Hello fingerpaints - I saw the pictures you put of your cats. I thought it was kind of funny because Trey has a sister named Darla Binks aka Binky Boo and you have a sister cat named Darla Boo. Too cute! Your cats are very pretty. Jack's eyes are amazing.
I love tabbies also. I have 3 tabbies that are related - 2 boys and a girl. When they were kittens they each had to have their own color collars. I could not tell them apart then. lol

lol - that is so strange XD

Oh yeah I totally understand with the collar thing, Tiffany & Darla Boo (although they are not related) I still mix up from time to time, they do have obvious differences if you know them as well as we all do, but they are so similar in resemblence. When I brought Tiffany home, my dad did not know she was coming, and I took her in to the kitchen (he was preparing dinner) and said "dad meet Tiffany" he had a quick glampse and said "its Boo" I said "dad, have another look, this is Tiffany, she is a new cat" he had a look and said "Oh, she is too" lol.

Jack and Darla Boo were both feeding off mummy cat together when we went to choose a kitten, and decided we couldn't split them up, we wanted a male and Jack was the only boy in the litter, the rest were all longhaired females, and I fell in love with Boo, so took her home as well. None of the other kittens were Callico's though, all white with either grey tabby or ginger markings, all very pretty though. Jack with his eyes though, he was just such an unushual little guy, he was actually quiet an ugly ducking, I found him cute, but others said he looked all out of proportion, he has grown into quiet a handsome boy though, but I may be biased ;) cause I am his mummy lol.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Majesty on September 22, 2012, 06:04:38 AM
I have an 8 year old orange tabby.  His name is Victor.  We got him at Petsmart when he was 13 weeks old.  Ever since we got him he would put his arms up to me like a little kid to be picked up.  He still does it and because it's over weight it gets harder to pick him up.  :P  He's an indoor cat.  He also talks to you sometimes.  Sometimes he yells at you too like if he's somewhere he's not supposed to be and you tell him to get down or get out he'll meow back like he's yelling at you.

Victor also likes to have a shower every morning.  My Mom turns on the faucet to the shower so it's dripping and my cat goes in there and washes his face and paws.  The door to the shower is a sliding glass door and if you don't let him in he bangs his paws on the door so it rattles.  But, if you try to give him a bath he freaks out as most cats do with water.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Kiwi on September 22, 2012, 07:23:18 AM
Our cat Mystic LOVES shoes. She doesn't chew them or destroy, she just lays near them / on them / hugs them.

One bun, Chaos, demands attention/head rubs when he wants them. For a couple weeks I couldn't go to bed without giving him a little rub - if I did he would stomp and carry on until I got out of bed and gave him a rub.

All of our animals have their own little quirks, but we love them. :)
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: rybett on September 22, 2012, 08:00:05 AM
Pixel loves my pillow.  It's one of those microbead ones that conform to your head/kitty body.  I frequently wake up with only a corner as she has stolen the rest.  If she is not there, she is under the covers, behind my knees.  But, I have to lift the covers for her to get there.  She will paw the blankets until I do. 
Sophia is a klutzy kitten.  Last night she came streaking into the bathroom, tried to jump onto the toilet.  Instead, skidded right over it, tripped over the plunger, then tried to hop on the edge of the tub, instead went tush over teakettle into it.  And me without a video camera.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Malancaiwen on September 22, 2012, 09:13:50 AM
My dog is afraid of wind. She'll run for shelter on windy days, she'll run away if you gently blow on her (no matter where, can be on the face or on her butt, it's equally scary).

We adopted her and don't know much about her early life, she's very sweet and loves us (mostly me :p) but she can't be forced to do anyhting. I taught her to give her paw for some food, she won't do it if she knows there's no other reward than a good belly rub (she loves it tough).
She'll also go away and give a puppy sad face when scolded.

She's the cutest dog I've ever met and the first dog I really have a bond with.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Mandy85 on September 22, 2012, 09:57:04 AM
My cats act like cartoon characters, there's never a dull moment having them in my life. :) All cats are very aware of their names and will come individually and immediately when you call them.

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Noisy Smile ( by WhiteNoise_85 (, on Flickr

My cat Noisy loves to go for walks and is leash-trained. If I go to reach for his harness he starts freaking out and pacing until I lower it for him and he slips his head through for me to fasten it. He then proceeds to drag me across the apartment and down the stairs like a dog, lol. My neighbors probably think I'm crazy, especially since he's been wearing a little turtleneck sweater when he goes outside now because of the weather and the fact that his breed doesn't have an undercoat for warmth.

He also:

-Takes showers with me in the morning and plays in any water he can find.
-Is extremely curious and can open any cabinet, drawer, or door in the house, so there's child locks on everything. My friend jokes that he must be part raccoon.
-Will jump from the floor to the top of a door frame and hang out there, swatting playfully at anyone who walks under him.
-Will squeeze himself into any discarded boxes laying around, or attempt to. Whenever I'm trying to pack items for shipping I have to shoo him away because he tries to test them all.
-If I'm putting makeup on in the morning, he will come and sit next to the mirror I'm using and purr about two inches from my face. If I'm watching TV, he'll stand in front of the screen. If I'm on the computer, he'll try to sleep on the keyboard.
-Loves wearing pet clothes and has no shame about it.
-Loves taking baths and purrs when you're lathering him up. He grew up as a show cat, so it's probably a part of it.
-Is freakishly strong. He's naturally a very long and  lean cat so many people have commented to me on how he "needs to eat more", until they pick him up and learn that he's 10 lbs of pure muscle. It's taken five adults to hold him down for blood work or to administer medicine when he was sick.
-Has to eat in the bedroom and will herd you in there if you have his food dish. I don't know where this quirk came from.
-Slams on our alarm clock's buttons in the morning until it goes off. The thought process being that my bf feeds the cats first thing when he gets up, so Noisy tries to expedite the process.
-Snatches any flying insects in mid air. I rarely have found any kind of bug in my house since we brought him home.
-Likes to sit on your shoulder and will jump from the floor to your shoulder sometimes to hang out. My bf taught him to jump and monkey-grab his outstretched arm and shimmy down to his hand for cat treats.
-Will stand on his hind legs and pull repeatedly on the back of my shirt when I'm working in the kitchen to see what I'm doing. Scared the heck out of me the first time he did it because I was home alone and thought someone was standing behind me.

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Miss Granger ( by WhiteNoise_85 (, on Flickr

Hermione, the youngest of my other kitties, is the biggest baby of a cat I've ever owned. She has to know where you are at all times when you're home or else she panic-cries until she finds you. Once you're in the room, if you're not fawning all over her or picking her up for cuddles she whines and nips at your ankles until you're paying attention to her. Sometimes she'll even latch to your leg like a little kid and you can literally pull her as you walk, lol.

She kneads on any surface and will "attack-knead" you once she catches you sitting down. It's funny to look at her "sitting still" in a room looking at you, because she can't stop moving her paws, they're always going. She also has an obsession with trying to suck on our faces when we're sleeping. I have to blow in her face to get her to stop.

We call her the "interior decorator" because she likes to haul objects to different points in the house. If you move them back to where they go, she'll do it all over again. Every morning I wake up to the couch pillows in the kitchen, her cat bed on the other side of the living room, our clothes from the bathroom hamper under the kitchen table, blankets moved from one couch over to another, slippers in random places, drinking glasses rolled to different rooms, etc. It's annoying, yet funny when you catch her doing it, but it's something she's done ever since she was a kitten (when her size made it even more hilarious) so we're used to it.

She also stashes objects. Whenever I'm missing a piece of jewelry or something small, I know she's taken it. She has a few hoarding spaces where I know to look whenever I'm cleaning the house. I'll almost always find something of mine in these spots.

She's terrified of the sound of plastic bags and will go skidding out of the room whenever she hears one. She likes to tip over drinks if they're left unattended so you need to watch her. Will occasionally play fetch if she's in the mood.

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Nina Glow ( by WhiteNoise_85 (, on Flickr

Nina, my other female cat is very quirky and a bit of a diva. She was the only one that came to us as an adult and we had to learn her "rules."

-Likes to be held, but this is only if you're sitting on the floor. If you're sitting on the couch, this is a big no.
-Will only drink spring water from a clear glass, and it has to be fresh. If the other cats have touched it, it's then tainted and no good. If it's tap water, she'll literally make a scoffing sound, though she will drink from the sink.
-Will not use the litter box if anyone is within eye/ear sight. Will jump out and wait for you to leave if you enter the room and she's about to do her business.
-Food plates must be flat, if there's a depth at all to it, she'll turn her nose up at it. She also gets bored with being fed the same type of food for too long, so we have to switch it up every now and then to keep her interested.
-Has a certain time every day that she wants attention, can not be before or after this time or she gets bent out of shape.
-Other cats can't look at, or so much as breathe the same air as her or she starts growling and walks away in a huff. She won't fight with them, just treats them like an annoyance (unless it's cold weather, then she begrudgingly uses them for warmth).
-If you're eating anything she wants she will flip over on her back and air-knead to beg for it. Just about the only time she'll lower herself, lol.
-Likes to lay near you at night, but if you touch her it's over and she's gone, lol.
-Loves children and gets giddy when my friends' kids come over.
-Loves MLP's (we suspect it's the hair) and goes into a type of catnip high whenever I give one to her.
-Loves collars and intentionally tries to make her bell jingle whenever she's wearing one. I put a little rhinestone heart charm on her collar once and I caught her admiring herself in my bedroom mirror soon after.
-Goes catatonic when she's frightened. My vet can literally do anything to her once she's in "survival mode."
-Is terrified of my geckos and gets wide-eyed and fluffed out when you get one near her.
-Learned the command "sit" for her food.
-Is easy to pose for photos and will do whatever you want her to as long as you're gentle with her. When I try to take photos of other things she will try and get in front of me because she's so used to the camera and the attention she gets.
-Likes to watch TV and listen to music and will come running when either is on. She spent a year in  a cat hotel before we brought her home and they used both as a means of entertainment for the cats.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Eluluu on September 22, 2012, 10:37:45 AM
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hmm... lets see... off the top of my head, Cubby's quirks are:

he gets super excited when we get home with groceries... and will find the bag with the bag of potatoes in it... even if we try to hide or camoflage it... and will give it loveys, headbutts and headrubs and evenutally will just lay on it. if we move it onto the table hell follow it and repeat the process... throughout the week well find cubby sleeping on the bag haha

we buy him a ton of toys, which he has zero interest in... he just wants a rubberband. ill get him going with a lazer pointer once in a while.

hes an arm sleeper too... hell start pushing me with his head until i shift and give him his arm so he can lay down. hell follow me as i toss and turn, hes taught me to scoop him up when i flip over so he still has an arm. most of the time im not even really awake when i do it now haha

he wont drink out of a waterbowl. we have to leave a faucet trickling for him, and sometimes hell boss us to turn on a different tap somewhere in the house, like the water is coming from somewhere else =P when we moved to a friends for a temporary thing and brought him with he wouldnt drink from the sinks cause they were deeper and just not HIS... now hell only drink from my glass of water... so i make sure to have a full glass with me wherever i am so hell have something... sometimes hell sit by me, staring at me, until i take an obvious sip from the glass, THEN hell drink it cause its mine.

he chews on crunchy plastic... like the plastic rings on tubs of dip etc... i let him play with them for a little while then take them away before he eats them... hell do the same thing with the clear plastic wrapping on cigarrette packs. i yell at the bf and roommate to throw that stuff away immediately cause he WILL find and eat it... i know, ive cleaned it up when hes hacked it back up again. =/

hes a creative begger... he wont ust run up to you and stare at your food... he will sloooowly creep up until hes sitting almost on you... then sloooooowly lean in..... and slooooowly move the paw up to your hand with the fork in it... and sloooowly grab you by the wrist or hand, and try to pull your hand to him. we're like, 'we can see you... youre not being sneaky' but he thinks hes a ninja. XD

he will do anything for a potato chip... especially Pringles.

he follows me literally EVERYWHERE i go... if i go in a room, that door better be open or hell cry like holy hell and scratch at the door or wall until i let him in... he does the same thing when i go to the bathroom, i have to lean over and crack the door for him to sneak in, then hell sit on my lap. nothing like icey kitty paws on your legs on a winters night when youre trying to go potty. the roommate thought i was joking til he saw the cat demand entrance to the bathroom with me.

im sure theres more... but thats the big stuff. =P
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: JigglesTheCat on September 22, 2012, 10:43:22 AM
One of my dogs, Sprocket, ( a papillion) is one of the weirdest dogs I know.

He is obsessed with his toy rat that my mom got him in Arkansas. It looks exactly like a real rat, and he LOVES it. He sits on the back of the sofa, and bites on it REALLY hard, and starts squealing like a chicken being slaughtered.  >_<

And one time, we put an ice cream cone around his muzzle. It was hilarious! XD

EDIT: I have more :D

Snoopy, one of my 4 cats, is well, a scaredy cat when it comes to thunderstorms. He hides behind the toilet for hours at a time.. I've even seen him hide in the bathtub once or twice.. XD
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: rybett on September 22, 2012, 10:53:38 AM
Mark McGwire (orange tabby) will chase the CNN scroll.  First he tries to catch it with a paw on the right side of the screen.  Then he tries the left side.  When that fails, he goes to the side of the tv and waits for it to come out.  Fun to watch, but even more so when you know he is blind in one eye.
Lily Blossom is a MLP fan.  She loves to pull them off the shelf.  Turn on the train and she is there, trying to derail it.  DH has a mouse game on his IPad, she loves it.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: MidnightFireflies on September 22, 2012, 11:22:49 AM
Oh My Gosh! All these stories are GREAT!!!!!!

          *will also pee in the bathtub right by the drain. He only uses the litterbox to poop in. (Why?!?!?!?)
          * If he starts yowling, I yowl back at him and he comes right to me
           * Chews plastic bags for some unknown reason

       *comes when she's called
       * So picky about her food it drives me crazy sometimes and I want to pull my hair out! She'll be by her food and will continue to meow for something when she already has like 5 different choices
       * Will crawl under my covers to sleep
       * Occasionally will give me kitty massages by kneading my back if im on my stomach
       * is the best rodent catcher I have ever seen. Even though she has no front claws
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Eldarwen on September 22, 2012, 01:04:00 PM
My chocolate lab loves ponies. He just stares at my pony collection and begs for ponies. I sometimes let him look at them and smell them and he just loves it. He would just lick them all day long if i let him.  :lol: I know he would never chew them or anything, he doesnt destroy stuff. (unlike my younger lab, i bet his dream is to destroy my pony collection)

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Even in this pic he is just staring at the rest of my pony collection. As you can see, Bright eyes just got a dog spa day.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: WildBlue on September 22, 2012, 02:03:07 PM

lol - that is so strange XD

Oh yeah I totally understand with the collar thing, Tiffany & Darla Boo (although they are not related) I still mix up from time to time, they do have obvious differences if you know them as well as we all do, but they are so similar in resemblence. When I brought Tiffany home, my dad did not know she was coming, and I took her in to the kitchen (he was preparing dinner) and said "dad meet Tiffany" he had a quick glampse and said "its Boo" I said "dad, have another look, this is Tiffany, she is a new cat" he had a look and said "Oh, she is too" lol.

Jack and Darla Boo were both feeding off mummy cat together when we went to choose a kitten, and decided we couldn't split them up, we wanted a male and Jack was the only boy in the litter, the rest were all longhaired females, and I fell in love with Boo, so took her home as well. None of the other kittens were Callico's though, all white with either grey tabby or ginger markings, all very pretty though. Jack with his eyes though, he was just such an unushual little guy, he was actually quiet an ugly ducking, I found him cute, but others said he looked all out of proportion, he has grown into quiet a handsome boy though, but I may be biased ;) cause I am his mummy lol.

Yeah it is strange! I have not met too many cats named Darla.
That is too funny what you did to your dad with Tiffany. I bet that was fun.
That must have been such a sweet site seeing Jack and Darla Boo nursing together.
Trey, Reuben, and Darla were born under our porch steps so we did not get to see them nursing. The mother was either stray or feral and after a while she disappeared or stopped coming. So we had to get them out, which was easy because when my boyfriend pulled up the porch boards they crawled right out. The first one came out with a big meow. They were just too cute. We did not want to split them up either, so I know what you mean about that!! Plus, I like knowing where they are and that they are healthy and happy.
Darla Binks had some kind of creepy parasite in her neck as a kitten though. It was very yucky.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: tikibirds on September 22, 2012, 07:20:52 PM
my dog needs to have a beenie baby in his mouth at ALL times
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Tulips on September 22, 2012, 10:52:54 PM
My dog Moose does a few weird things...

He does plenty more weird things but I could talk about him for hours  ^.^
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Maniah on September 22, 2012, 11:24:10 PM
My oldest cat, Charlotte, is so in love with my husband that if he falls asleep with one arm above his head, she will snuggle up to him and groom his armpit. Eww! We both joke that she is a "hussy" and is trying to steal him from me because she is just SUPER affectionate to him.

My youngest cat Noob will be in the other room and just start crying. Mew mew mew mew, nonstop, untill I speak up. "Im out here honey, come on!" And she will come running to me.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: LeighAnnApanites on September 24, 2012, 11:36:50 AM
I'm loving these stories. So many have made me Lol. I don't understand how people live without pets!

My kitty, Yuki, brings us dirty socks. I have no idea why, but she'll start making this strange noise and then comes down the hall into the living room with a wadded up dirty sock in her mouth. If she can't find a dirty one, she'll bring a clean one and occasionally it's underwear. She'll drop it in the middle of the floor and leave it there. She also carries around a little felt cat that's one of my daughter's toys, and I suspect, that she likes my Target mini Twilight Sparkle plushie. It keeps being places I didn't leave it. When she wants attention, she'll come up next to me and pat my arm with her paw, very gently, but insistently, until I pet her. She licks sheer material and loves to knead anything squishy very vigorously with all four feet. Sometimes she'll get a stuffed animal and it can look quite . . . inappropriate. Lol

One of my dogs, Zoie, is an enthusiastic licker. Sometimes we joke that she doesn't actually have control over her tongue. She did finally learn that we don't want our faces licked, so she licks as closely as she can without actually touching. She'll get so close I can feel the wind from her tongue on my face, but she's not actually touching me, so that must be ok, right?
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: WildBlue on September 25, 2012, 06:34:31 AM
These stories are great! Makes me smile and I need some smiles.
I was playing with my dogs yesterday and this thread came to mind. We play a game called 'get the toy'. Duke and Tabitha have a 30 gallon Rubbermaid bin full of toys. I will say 'get the toy' and they both run for a toy. The funny/weird thing is that they will only play with one toy at a time and they both want the same toy. It is hilarious when they do it.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Skeen on September 25, 2012, 03:32:14 PM
I have 6 cats.

Slick gets in the bath with me and wanders around like that is perfectly normal.  He also hoards small bits of food under the loveseat.  He ALSO get so worked up when he's upset that he will barf, then get embarrassed and hide.

Ember disembowels her toys and brings them to me.  But only the disemboweled ones, and sometimes she pees on them.

Fuzzy licks the wall. 

Stevie brings mouthfuls of food into the living room so she can eat with us.

Jupiter chases her tail and poops in the sink.  She will also occasionally poop in Mr. Skeen's pajamas.  Jupiter has brain damage.  :(

Flora will occasionally seek out one of the other cats and slap them upside the head for no reason we can see. 
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Marlin on September 25, 2012, 03:56:54 PM
A big thing that springs to mind for me, is when I had my first baby, my girl cat Maddy got rather maternal. 

She would sleep beneath the bassinet when we brought it into the lounge, and loved being close to my daughter when she was having floor time. I had to be careful that Maddy didn't sleep on top of/near my baby's face if they nodded off together!

But notably weird, was Maddy started bringing leaves into the house. She'd go out hunting for them, and several times a day would bring in all manner of half decayed foliage! Fortunately she never brought it directly to my baby, but it was like his compulsive habit she got into. We wondered whether it was a form of her 'providing' or maybe a cry for attention (since she had kind of been the baby before the human one came along!).

Maddy still loves both of our kids now. Some of you may have seen photos I've posted in the past of her putting up with all sorts of things the kids do to her.  I'll post a couple of my favs below:

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She also likes sleeping on tissue boxes....

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Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Galactica on September 25, 2012, 04:02:11 PM
Okay- this is a little embarrassing - but my cat is a super over-active bengal mix.  We got her this stupid loud huge cat-wheel that is like a hamster wheel for cats... she started running on it immediately- here is her 5 minutes after we set it up (

It has been months and she still LOVES it - she has slowly built up her stamina and she seriously will trot, run, walk on it for hours...

That in itself I think is weird.   But cute.  But it gets weirder.  And considerably less cute.

About once every 2 weeks (occasionally more frequently) - she runs on the wheel so long that she craps her pants.  She POOPS while running.  She sometimes doesn't even realize what she has done and will keep running- with the little poopies rolling around with her.  It is the most shockingly gross thing !

But if we try to lock down the wheel or limit her activity on it- she strikes out- the last time she peed on the sofa- which is harder to clean than a cat crap on the wheel.

Needless to say- she is both bad and weird....

Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: rybett on September 25, 2012, 05:17:22 PM
Where in the world do you find a cat wheel?  I think my Siamese mix needs one.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: OLumeVaSti on September 25, 2012, 09:53:34 PM
My cat is one of those cats who thinks she is a dog. She walks on leashes, loves to ride in cars, greets me at the door meowing, chase children off the yard,  and plays fetch. Also when you sing Quiet Riot songs she will bite you.  :blink:
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Rosencrantz on September 25, 2012, 10:15:21 PM
My cats do some weird things, but the weirdest is one they have no control over:

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And that is their massive difference in size.

French Fry, the little one, doesn't do this anymore but whenever women would walk past her, she'd reach out and slap them on the butt.

Nimbus, the big one, will have a whole conversation with you. Especially if you're not currently giving him food (often the state with me. It's my mom who's the soft touch. He'll start chewing on people who don't feed him too). He also responds when I quote Jabba the Hutt at him.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: dragonfly on September 26, 2012, 07:20:01 AM
Our window curtains go all the way to the floor. He likes to get behind the curtains and pull them around him and make a little doggy fort.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Englishgothgirl on September 28, 2012, 07:28:02 AM
I have a sphynx cat who says "brown" instead of meow
a sphynx cat who sucks his own nipples like a dummy
and a pug who brings me her fork when she wants feeding
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she also sits on my OH's drums when she's playing
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sunbathes in the windowsill with the cat
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sleeps with the cat
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Even uses the scratching post  :huh:
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Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Princess-Sparkles on September 28, 2012, 07:36:28 AM
My Husky pup, Scarlett, crosses her paws. She being lady like. ;)

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The doggy one the left is Scarlett. I love this photo!!
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: starrypawz on September 28, 2012, 09:34:50 AM
Aww gothpony your pug is so cute. XD
And aww at the paw crossing husky, I know a few dogs who do that.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Galactica on September 28, 2012, 03:04:38 PM
Hah! That pug is so cute- hysterical that he brings a fork when he is hungry-
I like the way Sphynx cats feel- like velvet!  I have heard though they can be as problematic as bengals...

Poor Maddy cat all tied up!!

Rosencranz- your cats are so cute all sacked out

Princess Sparkles- your dogs are beautiful and cute- but alas not weird, lol
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: MidnightFireflies on September 28, 2012, 04:26:43 PM
I love all of these stories!! They are so funny! I also love seeing pictures of everyone's pets!
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: LeighAnnApanites on September 28, 2012, 10:15:18 PM
These are such great stories and pics. Thanks for brightening my day, everybody!
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: BrightSide on September 29, 2012, 11:16:11 AM
Gary's such a silly kitty. :lovey:

We think he has OCD, as he washes himself so much!! He sometimes thinks he's a dog and chases his tail.. he's also known to do forwards rolls whilst playing, and he used to try and drag my mom's fork to his mouth when she was eating (he probably still does!). Sometimes he walks into a room with a mouthful of food, still chewing! When he's having a bad dream he snuffles and squeaks and flails around.

He does something mom calls his 'Elvis impression' - if you call his name, on the odd occasion he'll turn his head and do the lip curl Elvis used to do!! XD

He likes being danced with, and being gently swung from side to side.. he allows me to rock him like a baby also, and sometimes falls asleep in my arms ^.^
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Cassie85 on September 30, 2012, 03:15:01 PM
My male cat, Butters, plays fetch. You throw his ball and he'll chase it and bring it back to you. He also licks furniture.
My other cat, Annchen, eats cotton candy. She will snub her nose to chicken and fish, but goes bonkers for cotton candy.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Twizel on October 01, 2012, 06:57:17 PM
lol this is a cute topic.

My cat Ferdinand chases flies and spiders, but then doesn't know how to kill them. He tries somewhat unsuccessfully to eat them. He is very aggressive within the house (its his turf lol), but if you open the door to let him outside, he'll take one step outside, and then slink back in, all cowardly. He hates it when men come over (he got used to living with small women lol), and will hide in all sorts of unlikely places. For example, he has been found between the mattress and the headboard, in a closet with his nose to the wall, inside the wall of the couch, and inside a box spring mattress. Finally, his strongest sign of affection is when he sucks your thumb.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Salli on October 01, 2012, 09:04:19 PM
Princess-Sparkles, my dog is named Scarlett too! She's a red doberman and I have wanted one for a long time :D She's a big dufus, though and has this crazy anti-aircraft neurosis. We live next to a baseball field and sometimes our neighbors go fly remote control model airplanes out there. She goes INSANE if she sees it. No force in the world could stop her from running around trying to catch it. It's hilarious to watch how intent she is on catching that plane. She will plow over people and once she ran over the operator of the airplane.

My kitties are new, so we don't have a ton of stories about them yet, but I do have piccys of our house panthers...
Severus, my snuggly, super-soft kitty
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and Miss Poe (she came with the name)
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Miss Poe has been known to lay on her side and chase her tail like she's break-dancing. She also chases the squirrels in our trees by shimmying sideways hanging from her claws. We adopted both cats from our local shelter a couple of months ago and we just love them. Poe has since gotten a sparkly pink collar that suits her better :)
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Squirrelypaws on October 01, 2012, 10:32:04 PM
Oh, gosh. I could seriously write a book about weird things my pets do. Mostly my cats.

Plum Loco does what I call "flying hugs". She will literally launch herself from the floor, wrap her paws around my neck, and hug me. Then she climbs up on my shoulder and will actually balance herself there as I walk around.

Pippi really really likes water. She has to "help" every time someone showers. And not just watch. Nooooo, that'd be normal. This little monster will actually get right on the edge of the tub and sit there, batting at the water. There's even been instances where she's gotten right IN the shower; she sits on my grandma's shower chair.

Fancy taught herself to pee in the toilet. I'm totally serious here; we never once attempted to train her to do it. I heard the tinkling one day when I knew nobody was in the bathroom, went to investigate, and there's Fancy finishing up her business. She doesn't do it every time she goes, but she has done it multiple times.

Smudgie had "pet" glow-in-the-dark spiders from our Halloween decorations that she carried everywhere. Didn't want anything else, just those spiders; she gave me dirty looks when I offered her a non-glowing one to replace the one she'd batted under the fridge. I think the glow stuff must have been attractive to her.

Monkey somehow managed to turn a coffee can into a litter box. We're talking very large cat and rather small coffee can here, too. No clue how he managed that.

Creamora likes to sleep in bowls, buckets, small totes... Anything that she can cram herself into and curl up in.

Cowboy was madly in love with our Husky, Lucky. I mean, literally; he'd climb all over him, cuddle him, knead his fur. Luck tolerated it pretty well, never hurt him or anything, but somehow I don't think the feeling was entirely mutual.

Chomper thought she was married to me or something. She slept with me every night, and she'd bite me if I so much as looked at one of our other cats.

Yeah... I have strange animals.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Sea_Breeze on October 02, 2012, 01:57:10 AM
We have an office cat called Missy, who we think was thrown from the nearby bridge as a kitten. We took her in and she's been with us ever since, she's 12 now.

But her quirky feature is her ability to basically kick box without drawing blood, so she nuzzles her head in your hand then front paws wrap around the wrist while the back legs kick along your forearm, kinda like a rabbit..all without a single scratch!!! Thats right a fighting cat that won't scratch, she's a real dag. Although now that she's getting a bit older she is starting to loose her control a teeny bit.
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: svleonard on October 03, 2012, 09:11:41 PM
My cats deposit pony tail holders, rubber bands, and bangles into their water dish.  One time there were five pony tail holders in there at once.

They also eat and poop out/vomit up gross things, like rubber bands, paper, lengths of ribbon, and other stuff from the trash.  Another gross thing they like to do is to kick turds out of the litter box and then play with them.   >_<  They're so cute but so nasty sometimes!
Title: Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
Post by: Binkyfinder on October 03, 2012, 10:41:32 PM
I used to have a pair of cockatiels that would appear to read the newspaper every single evening - and spent over an hour doing so. 

My senegal parrot will tell my kiddos when it's bedtime and will squawk at them until they're in their bedrooms.  I'm not sure why since he seems to enjoy their presence during the day. 
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