The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: mayanbutterfly on September 18, 2012, 11:58:06 AM

Title: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: mayanbutterfly on September 18, 2012, 11:58:06 AM
I've been wanting to post something like this for a while.  Please post things you would like to say to Hasbro too!

Dear Hasbro,

Please, please, please release :muffin: Pony Hooves/ Ditzy Doo as a regular My Little Pony that would be available to everyone and with in everyone's price range! 

Please make plushie ponies that are more show accurate with better hair!  Just look at all the lovely fan made ones for ideas!

Finally, please improve your quality control!  I get tired of going to the store and seeing ponies mib that are dirty or have their symbols rubbed, or have their eyes stamped in the wrong places.

Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Jordan on September 18, 2012, 12:01:31 PM
Well, that would be kinda pointless for those people who spend hours in line at SDCC to get a :muffin: Pony toy. :huh: I overpayed for one on Ebay and would feel cheated if they went around and made more (even in the brushable size)
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Ianthe99 on September 18, 2012, 12:12:19 PM
Oh! A brushable Ditzy Doo would be great! No way and I spending a bunch of money on the big one!
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Salli on September 18, 2012, 12:14:20 PM
Dear Hasbro,

BOYS! BOOOOOOOYS! You would make soooooooooooooo much money over a Big Mac brushable. Not to mention the rest of the boys. I am a romantic and I was as a kid. I loved playing out romances with my dolls/toys.

Also, more non-mane six brushables please :)

I would love wave 2 of the european blind bags to be released here too.

Thank you
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: amberwolf on September 18, 2012, 12:31:55 PM
Dear Hasbro,

BOYS! BOOOOOOOYS! You would make soooooooooooooo much money over a Big Mac brushable. Not to mention the rest of the boys.
Also, more non-mane six brushables please :)

Same for me hasbro, I would like more non-mane 6 brushables please!! And a BigMac and Shining Armour brushable. A Shining Armour without troll-hair.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Sprinkles on September 18, 2012, 12:32:36 PM
Dear Hasbro,

Please make some clothing for the brushables. I would love to put my ponies into their Gala dresses :)

Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on September 18, 2012, 12:43:49 PM
Dear Hasbro,

Please bring manufacturing back home.  Employ those who loyally buy your products.  End the rampant employee theft and protect your intellectual property! 

Yeah yeah like they will listen to *that*.  But that's what I would tell them! 
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: mayanbutterfly on September 18, 2012, 02:41:05 PM
Well, that would be kinda pointless for those people who spend hours in line at SDCC to get a Ditzy Doo toy. :huh: I overpayed for one on Ebay and would feel cheated if they went around and made more (even in the brushable size)

I would agree with that, but my best friend went to SDCC and waited in line for hours, but she said that Ditzy Doo was sold out with in the first 20 minutes of Comicon and there were venders there that were reselling her for $50.00 or more.  So that's sad that the people who went to the event couldn't even get her!  And I know a similar problem happened at the mlpfair.  It's too bad they didn't just make more of them. 

And maybe they could release her in a different box or something, like they have some target exclusive sets  of ponies but then they release those ponies individually in other stores or things like that.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Jordan on September 18, 2012, 02:42:42 PM
Well, that would be kinda pointless for those people who spend hours in line at SDCC to get a Ditzy Doo toy. :huh: I overpayed for one on Ebay and would feel cheated if they went around and made more (even in the brushable size)

I would agree with that, but my best friend went to SDCC and waited in line for hours, but she said that Ditzy Doo was sold out with in the first 20 minutes of Comicon and there were venders there that were reselling her for $50.00 or more.  So that's sad that the people who went to the event couldn't even get her!  And I know a similar problem happened at the mlpfair.  It's too bad they didn't just make more of them. 

And maybe they could release her in a different box or something, like they have some target exclusive sets  of ponies but then they release those ponies individually in other stores or things like that.
Yeah. I payed $66 for mine. Still would feel cheated. :/
I heard them saying they're not going to be amking anymore Ditzy's
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Tulips on September 18, 2012, 03:04:44 PM
Dear Hasbro,

Please re-release the Fashion Style mane 6 ponies already, and make more characters (especially male) at that size, I would buy them all. Also, update your online store to allow international fans to purchase directly from you, we'd all appreciate that.

PS. Next time you make an exclusive like Ditzy Doo order enough to go around more fairly, not everyone can get an exclusive obviously but so many people missed out ^.^

Dear Hasbro Australia,

Please make your website an online store! I can find Fashion Style Applejack and Rarity in the product list but that 'Where to Buy' button is an arch enemy of mine, I know not a single one of those stores has them in stock and I'd much rather buy directly from Hasbro instead of running around hunting ponies down (and most often coming home empty handed)... Make that button a 'BUY IT NOW' button!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: karrie91 on September 18, 2012, 03:11:49 PM
Dear Hasbro,

Please release a special edition line of G2 mold ponies!
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Flutterwonder13 on September 18, 2012, 03:24:37 PM
Dear Hasbro,

Please gimme round eyed unicorns. And background ponies. And fillies of the main six. And an FS Big mac. And show accurate plushies.
Yes, they needed to be separate sentences!
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: hathorcat on September 18, 2012, 04:13:49 PM
Dear Hasbro...simply really...some more "new characters" please...4 new characters a year does not make me happy :(
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: kakenterprise on September 18, 2012, 04:16:00 PM
Stop putting out the main 6 pony's.  I'm sure we have enough of them to go around.

P.S  Boys please and thank you!!
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Rosencrantz on September 18, 2012, 04:22:10 PM
Well, that would be kinda pointless for those people who spend hours in line at SDCC to get a Ditzy Doo toy. :huh: I overpayed for one on Ebay and would feel cheated if they went around and made more (even in the brushable size)

Not really a fan of enforced scarcity, m'self. Not that I even *want* Ditzy Doo. I kind of hate that pony.

What am I trying to say? Bother.

Okay, I can understand keeping the SDCC big one scarce, but a brushable wouldn't be cheapening it, unless you just want the prestige of having something no one else does. YOU chose to pay that extra price, that's no reason why someone else shouldn't be allowed to have a toy they desperately want.

Oh man, I sound like I'm scolding. I'm not! I'm not! I'm just trying to explain my pov and I don't know how to soften it more D:
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: rayedelsol on September 18, 2012, 04:33:06 PM
Okay, I can understand keeping the SDCC big one scarce, but a brushable wouldn't be cheapening it, unless you just want the prestige of having something no one else does. YOU chose to pay that extra price, that's no reason why someone else shouldn't be allowed to have a toy they desperately want.

Oh man, I sound like I'm scolding. I'm not! I'm not! I'm just trying to explain my pov and I don't know how to soften it more D:

I understand and I concur!!

Dear Hasbro,
Please! For love of Celestia! Make those boy ponies! A FS or brushable Big Mac would be to die for! I might even pay crazy Grey Pegasus prices for one of those!

Also, I'm not one to say "stop making the mane six" because if you'd have done that, I wouldn't have been able to get them, like I wasn't able to get all of the FS ponies, because I got into the game late. Please continue to make them for new collectors, but also give the rest of us something too!!

Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Rosencrantz on September 18, 2012, 04:35:30 PM
Dear Hasbro:

Less mane six! Part of the appeal of the original line was the sheer variety! I thought the early line of g3s did it pretty good. Tons of different ponies, with the core being around once in a while. I hear it... didn't end well, though.

More poses, please. And more vivid non-pink and non-purple colours. I think we've got that covered. Even if I love those colours.


Rosencrantz esq.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Sugar on September 18, 2012, 04:47:07 PM
Dear Hasbro,

Please bring manufacturing back home.  Employ those who loyally buy your products.  End the rampant employee theft and protect your intellectual property! 

Yeah yeah like they will listen to *that*.  But that's what I would tell them!

This should be sent to all corporations, actually... after all, people can't buy stuff so readily if their factory jobs evaporate to other countries.

As for Dear Hasbro... hmmm...

How about more variety in poses, and also in ponies?  Not just canon background ponies from FiM, but new, non-series ponies (ya know, like they used to crank out thirty (or more) or so each year for years in the good ol' days of G1?).  And for the love of Celestia, give us some brushable boy ponies with no Troll hair!!!

Oh yeah.  And Flim and Flam.  'Cause ponies with moustaches make me :lol:.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Pinecone on September 18, 2012, 04:47:54 PM
Dear Hasbro

Never forget your target audience.

Also agreeing with more non-main 6.

Edit--oh yeah, and I agree with more poses!

Oh and please a Minty!
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Tulips on September 18, 2012, 04:54:27 PM
Oh yeah.  And Flim and Flam.  'Cause ponies with moustaches make me :lol:.

Omg if they were actual brushable moustaches I might just rofl right there in the store, that would be pure epic! XD
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: ZeldaTheSwordsman on September 18, 2012, 05:01:08 PM
Dear Hasbro,
G1 reissue ponies, please?
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: MnDancer on September 18, 2012, 05:10:32 PM
Dear Hasbro,

Please make different create-your-own ponies in different molds, like a unicorn and a pegasus and the G1 molds you remade for the 25th anniversary! Don't you want to get your money's worth out of those molds? Many of us would love to make G1 customs, but don't want to ruin vintage ponies in the process.
I also would be in favor of re-releasing mane 6 fashion style ponies, I like those a little better than the little ponies, even though they're a little over-priced.

One other thing: Please put the SMACK-DOWN  on Toys'r'us for raising the price of Zecora and other recent ponies.
Thank you,

Post Merge: September 18, 2012, 05:13:05 PM

Oh Yeah!

Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Tulips on September 18, 2012, 05:13:40 PM
And Hasbro, how about a fully poseable ball jointed pony? There's already someone designing and creating them with a 3D printer and I reckon they're awesome, if a bit creepy! :P
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Zenobiaa on September 18, 2012, 05:19:00 PM
Dear Hasbro,

More pegasi please? I feel like they hardly get love from you sometimes. Also, more Ditzy Doo! Brushables, plushies, heck, pencils and erasers even. I just want to build an army of my favorite pony that won't cost me 100 bucks for each addition (or about 40-50 if I go down the custom route).

Oh, and please, if you do ANYTHING, let it be to hire a real quality control.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: shabbychicdee on September 18, 2012, 05:50:47 PM
stop the main six, im so sick of double ups, triple ups, quadruplet ups, quintuplet ups .......
use some more prettier colour combo's and throw in some green ponies
make a minty
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: ZeldaTheSwordsman on September 18, 2012, 05:51:35 PM
Oh, and please, if you do ANYTHING, let it be to hire a real quality control.

Ha! Lost cause, I'm afraid. Just ask TFWiki.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: ButtercreamDream on September 18, 2012, 06:17:11 PM
Dear Hasbro,

Please bring back art ponies for comic con and the MLPfair.  I don't even mind the FiM FS, I just want more art ponies!

Also, brushable boys, sea ponies and newborn twins!
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: JigglesTheCat on September 18, 2012, 06:24:55 PM
Dear Hasbro,

Sea ponies!!!!

...That is all.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: glitter the unicorn on September 18, 2012, 06:27:54 PM
       Dear hasbro,
Please please please make fs ponies out of ponies like starbeam twinkle and feathermay!
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Galactica on September 18, 2012, 06:30:29 PM
Dear Hasbro:

Please continue to work on and improve factory conditions of your Chinese workers - or put your manufacturing in countries that actually have fair labor regulations. 

Please make some boy ponies- I like Shining Armor with a mohawk- but maybe a few other boys would be nice... FS and brushable.

Also- make some high quality ponies and plush! You have the market now - check out what customizers and ponyfans are making and charging- you are missing out!
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: michelle53 on September 18, 2012, 06:43:23 PM
Dear Hasbro-

Remember when you made cute little ponies with delicate butterfly wings in the mid-80's?  Yeah.  Make those again please. 

Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Yurusumaji on September 18, 2012, 06:50:32 PM
For the Love of Ponies, Hasbro,

You gave us a unique villain when you gave us Discord. I know I'm asking a lot here, but make him into a figure! PLEASE! A BB is acceptable, but it would be awesome to have one that's a good size compared to brushables.

More FS ponies. Males, Females, Fillies? Whatever, just more!
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Ringlets on September 18, 2012, 06:51:38 PM
Dear Hasbro:
lets start this with a thanks for the effort you've already made with the G4 line  :bigups:    A great show, new characters as well as the mane 6 , a wedding couple, boys , bling bag ponies ... - thats really fantastic  :cheer:
I would ask that you continue to make more characters, and definitely more boys in the regular size and FS  please ;)   
( oh and to make some more retro ponies in the G1 molds - that would be really awesome! :frolic:  I also think that it would be a shame to stop making the art ponies in the G3 mold for the fair/comic con, since those were popular too. Maybe release one of those as well as a G4 pony at the fair/con. I'm sure they would still sell really well.  )
Also, please dont forget about us UK collectors in the future when it comes to our exclusive pony for the UK Ponycon. It makes me sad that there were no grey peg ponies set aside for our convention this year :sad: I hope that this was due to a mistake, and that things will be different in the future.
thank you
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: svleonard on September 18, 2012, 06:57:30 PM
Dear Hasbro:

Please make special edition holiday ponies! I would LOVE some special Christmas and Valentines' Day ponies.  Not just current characters in holiday attire, but actual new special holiday brushables in collector packaging.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: scarletjul on September 18, 2012, 06:59:52 PM
Dear Hasbro,

Please, please just make more brushables and more boys.  Please?  :)

I am also more than willing to pay more money for ponies a)made in the US ('know, slinkies are made here) and b) with better quality control.

Thanks!  :)
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: GustyFox on September 18, 2012, 07:34:17 PM
It's kinda off topic but my wish I would like Hasbro to hear is actually:

Please, please, please, make Rarity, Fluttershy and Raindom Dash with beautiful molded hair to match this set:
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

This is TOTALLY NEEDED!!! I don't like incomplete sets and these were great/awesome/beautiful ponies o.o

Meh, I won't even talk about DD again, she is a symbol of frustration for me now.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: spiderwax on September 18, 2012, 07:39:20 PM
Dear Hasbro,

Please rethink unleashing furbies upon the world for a second time. They scare me as today as much as they did growing up.

PLEASE bring out some more boy ponies other than shining armor. We like boy ponies too. I would prefer a brushable  Big Mac. Also, I would some re-releases of older gens in g4s (burshable).

Also, your quality of FIM plushies makes me sob.

Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Stuntmang on September 18, 2012, 07:41:05 PM
Dear Hasbro,
Gradient-legged G4s would be amazing.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: spiderwax on September 18, 2012, 07:55:50 PM
Oh, Oh,
on the note of reissuing some older gens, who else would love to see some G4 Big Brothers? I would!
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Pinecone on September 18, 2012, 07:57:48 PM
Oh and Hasbro: Please don't ignore Spike. Possibly a new pose for him?

A filly Twilight and baby Spike set might be cute, too.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: MnDancer on September 18, 2012, 08:37:02 PM
Oh, Oh,
on the note of reissuing some older gens, who else would love to see some G4 Big Brothers? I would!
I'm with you on that! I just made a custom Quarterback BB and it is awesome! It seriously needs to be reproduced! I'd love to see Hasbro do brushable ones!
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Sunset on September 18, 2012, 08:42:31 PM
Dear Hasbro:

Please make special edition holiday ponies! I would LOVE some special Christmas and Valentines' Day ponies.  Not just current characters in holiday attire, but actual new special holiday brushables in collector packaging.

I totally agree with this.  Though, if you have to reissue something, recolor the train to make it a Christmas train with Christmas accessories.  I would totally buy it. (again)
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: RAMChYLD on September 18, 2012, 09:07:33 PM
Well, that would be kinda pointless for those people who spend hours in line at SDCC to get a Ditzy Doo toy. :huh: I overpayed for one on Ebay and would feel cheated if they went around and made more (even in the brushable size)
I'd love to see Ditzy released for the general public. Please think about those who live outside the US who can't visit the SDCC due to plane tickets being uber-expensive. Seriously, a a one-way ticket to the San Diego Airport in the US from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia costs over six thousand Malaysian dollars!. I don't even earn anywhere near that much each month after taxes and daily expenses, and I'm a IT professional!

Not that I'm a fan of the pony. In fact, I can't be bothered to fight for that pony anymore due to the scarcity of that pony due to it's price, combined with the fact that I don't like the direction the show has taken.

Please make plushie ponies that are more show accurate with better hair!
The plushies aren't by Hasbro, unless you count in the semi-plushies that are the so-soft newborns. They're licensed and produced by Funrise (regular plushies) and KidDesigns (Animated Storytellers).

You gave us a unique villain when you gave us Discord. I know I'm asking a lot here, but make him into a figure! PLEASE! A BB is acceptable, but it would be awesome to have one that's a good size compared to brushables
God, no. Please, no villains. But if you must, Hasbro, please don't package it with the ponies! That way, I don't have to pay money for something I don't want AT ALL, then buy a propane torch and a HD camera, and do like Ashens does to blind bag toys that he doesn't like. I don't like to destroy toys. But if I must hurt people who hurt or corrupt the ones I love, then I will unleash hurt.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Feathermay on September 18, 2012, 09:16:34 PM
More FS ponies. Males, Females, Fillies? Whatever, just more!

Hasbro! This please!

A FS filly Sweetie Belle would make me sooo happy. Or Apple Bloom with that giant bow of hers.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: kissthethunder on September 18, 2012, 09:21:49 PM
Dear Hasbro,

Please bring manufacturing back home.  Employ those who loyally buy your products.  End the rampant employee theft and protect your intellectual property! 

Yeah yeah like they will listen to *that*.  But that's what I would tell them! 

this, I agree completely
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Wardah on September 18, 2012, 10:21:12 PM
Dear Hasbro,

Please bring manufacturing back home.  Employ those who loyally buy your products.  End the rampant employee theft and protect your intellectual property! 

Yeah yeah like they will listen to *that*.  But that's what I would tell them! 

this, I agree completely

As great as it would be to have manufacturing back in the US, with the way this country is right now it just wouldn't work. Manufacturing moving overseas was not the cause of the mess we are in but is just a symptom of a much larger problem. Only if that larger problem is fixed can things more complex than a simple spring be made here.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Dawn on September 19, 2012, 01:35:54 AM
I love reading this thread, especially people's comments about the hasbro's manufacturing processes. When I got into collecting ponies again, I spent a long time reading the "corporate social ethics" section of their website. It seems they already do a lot for the health, safety and working conditions of their employees, both in their own factories and in licensee factories. If this is all actually carried out, and not just corporate blah-blah, then I'm very happy about it, and would definitely congratulate them in a hypothetical "Dear Hasbro.." style letter.  :)

Other than that, I would put... Bring back the fringes on G4 ponies, and bring out more non-mane 6 brushables - pleez  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: partypony566 on September 19, 2012, 01:37:46 AM
Oh! A brushable Ditzy Doo would be great! No way and I spending a bunch of money on the big one!

I agree!
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: sweetapple on September 19, 2012, 05:30:12 AM
I agree about bringing back bangs!

Also, boy pony brushables and more characters in unique colours. More greens, blues, whites, reds and less pinks!!!!

Also, please more poses for the brushables! I'm so tired of the same two poses over and over again..
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Tulips on September 19, 2012, 05:43:05 AM
Oh, and while everyone is asking for boy ponies FS size and brushable size, with brushable hair or mohawks, can I add that I'd love to see some shaggy hooves! Painted would be fine but to have a unique design for boys with molded shaggy hooves like Big Brothers would be so squeee!  :biggrin:

It'd be a great chance start to adding a little more pose variety too.  ;)
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Galactica on September 19, 2012, 09:24:59 AM
They are definitely making an effort to be responsible which is something I deeply appreciate-  they actually do inspect from time to time- I guess the concern is what goes on when they are not there.  The allegations are that the factories make everything look great when they visit- but things tend to slip without constant oversight.   You can't really believe everything that Hasbro is saying about how great they are any more than you can believe some of the inflammatory articles trying to tear them down-

Still- they are trying.  Which is more than I can say for many corporate giants. And that does mean something.

More boy ponies Hasbro!  And cuter plush-  and higher quality....

Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: RAMChYLD on September 19, 2012, 10:02:31 AM
but things tend to slip without constant oversight.
My mom was transferred to work for a water filteration machine factory in China from '07 to '09. And welp, that's what she said. They have to be put under constant supervision or all sorts of hanky panky will happen. Even worse is that they sometimes treat those tools as toys and would accidentally hurt their colleagues with it.

More boy ponies Hasbro!  And cuter plush-  and higher quality....
*sigh* How do you knock it into peoples' head that Hasbro did not make any of the plushes save for the newborn cuties? (which I don't classify as a plush given that their head is made of plastic and is technically half the size of the toy).
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: all4fun on September 19, 2012, 12:04:07 PM
I say "Dear Hasbro...." often, usually when I'm thinking about how much money they could make by offering a line of boy brushables or new background character brushables, or ANYTHING other than the mane 6 in brushables again. Though I do think the mane 6 should be continued to be offered for new buyers. When I first started buying about a year ago for my daughters I could not find any brushables in my stores for a long time, they were just cleaned out. And Pinkie was the hardest to find (and the one my daughter most wanted). Hard to believe that I have 7 or 8 of Pinkie Pie today.

Also, THANK YOU Hasbro for re-releasing Rarity in FS size, and hopefully Applejack (pretty please?) And I hope there are more different characters coming too :)
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Sugar on September 19, 2012, 04:48:05 PM
Dear Hasbro:

Please make special edition holiday ponies! I would LOVE some special Christmas and Valentines' Day ponies.  Not just current characters in holiday attire, but actual new special holiday brushables in collector packaging.

I totally agree with this.  Though, if you have to reissue something, recolor the train to make it a Christmas train with Christmas accessories.  I would totally buy it. (again)

Totally. Want. Christmas. Train!!!

Seriously... how cute would that look under the tree? :xmas:
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Sunset on September 19, 2012, 06:35:07 PM
Dear Hasbro:

Please make special edition holiday ponies! I would LOVE some special Christmas and Valentines' Day ponies.  Not just current characters in holiday attire, but actual new special holiday brushables in collector packaging.

I totally agree with this.  Though, if you have to reissue something, recolor the train to make it a Christmas train with Christmas accessories.  I would totally buy it. (again)

Totally. Want. Christmas. Train!!!

Seriously... how cute would that look under the tree? :xmas:

I know, right?!  I'm just envisioning it with a G4 Minty at the helm and Snowcatcher along for the ride.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Honeycomb on September 19, 2012, 06:53:41 PM
Please bring back G3 style exclusives!
And please give us boys and Halloween and Christmas ponies, NEW characters and not the core six blablabla.
Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: TrixieStix on September 19, 2012, 07:07:41 PM
Dear Hasbro!

PLEASE pretty please with a pony on top:

Make more non-mane six brushables and Fashion Styles. It would be just ever so more fun and make you more money if you made more characters from the background of the show or even some brand new ones. You need to make this line more vibrant. All those cool blindbags? Make them brushables! Definitely add some stallions. We need more than one gentlecolt for all the thousands of mane 6s we have.


Also, THANK YOU Hasbro for re-releasing Rarity in FS size, and hopefully Applejack (pretty please?) And I hope there are more different characters coming too :)

Plus THIS ^

Oh, and while everyone is asking for boy ponies FS size and brushable size, with brushable hair or mohawks, can I add that I'd love to see some shaggy hooves! Painted would be fine but to have a unique design for boys with molded shaggy hooves like Big Brothers would be so squeee!  :biggrin:

and THIS ^

Shaggy hooves could be super neat even maybe...maybe with Shining Armor hair.


Title: Re: Dear Hasbro...
Post by: Oneleo1 on September 20, 2012, 03:04:32 PM
More boy ponies Hasbro!  And cuter plush-  and higher quality....
*sigh* How do you knock it into peoples' head that Hasbro did not make any of the plushes save for the newborn cuties? (which I don't classify as a plush given that their head is made of plastic and is technically half the size of the toy).

Most people think that because they are a Hasbro licensed character that Hasbro produces them. But when it comes down to it, it's still a Hasbro toy even if they were made by another company on behalf of Hasbro. Any quality or sales of such toy still reflects directly on Hasbro, whether they produced it or not.

So all in all, it does not really matter if they are made by Hasbro or not, they are still a Hasbro toy to most people, and I don't think that will ever change :)
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