The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Sebby6 on September 16, 2012, 12:40:11 PM

Title: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Sebby6 on September 16, 2012, 12:40:11 PM
So I'd really love to join a swap, but I'm getting a bit... dunno... nervous? when I look at the brag posts.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for spoiling your partner and I know sticking to a budget can be difficult, but seriously? Some of this packages are easily 3 or 4 times over the agreed spend.

I wouldn't like receiving a $50 box in a $25 swap, but equally I shouldn't have to feel bad for "only" spending $25 on a $25 swap :(

I know this has been addressed before and things went back to normal for a while, but now we seem to be back here again.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Jordan on September 16, 2012, 12:52:34 PM
Yeah I know what you mean
I'd love to do my first custom in a swap (I know it wouldn't be great)
But if I get tons of stuff and I only send out a pony and a few things I'd feel bad :(
My family's budget's getting low due to the fact we have so much to do around the house
to fix up. So I don't know.  :huh:
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Lorelei Redfern on September 16, 2012, 12:59:32 PM
i would lvoe to do a swap. i'm  on a fixed income myself  (disabitly)  and i   dont have htat much to spend.  but to my knoledge if its  a  $15.00  swap  that you ahve to spend a minimum of 15.00 that isnt your  max amount. thats your minimum amount you should spend.  but as far as i know.. is there a cap? 

but yeah i would feel bad that  if i got into a swap.. and hte pther person was expecting a big grand box and ic ouldnt spend more then the  minimum.  and i got in a box that like  a 50.00 one
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: elvenwine26 on September 16, 2012, 02:02:09 PM
Extras are nice but they shouldn't be expected I think.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Gingerbread on September 16, 2012, 02:09:26 PM
This is a HUGE thing for me in the swap I am in at the moment. The budget stretched to a custom or a couple of ponies. I am not a customiser. So I have spent out for customs and ponies, as I don't want to look like a cheapskate. I have yet to get extras and trying to find the rest of the stuff I need for the swap is proving way more expensive than I thought :( I'm on disability too, so I have very little spare cash.
This has been stressing me out so bad, it's probably the last swap I will do for a while until I forget the fact that I have to go way overbudget to keep up with everyone else and do another one!
I really hope my partner likes her parcel and isn't disappointed :(
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: windsong on September 16, 2012, 02:17:27 PM
I know how you feel... anytime I ever did a swap, I would always be a little anxious about the package I was putting together. I probably went over a little bit (as in, the max was $25 and I may have done $28-30), but I never went that far overboard. Sometimes there's that one last pony you're looking for and it costs $8 instead of $5, so you go over. *shrugs* Still, you're right. When you sign up for a swap, you should to stay within the limits. Otherwise you're going to make someone feel guilty for not sending out as much when they can't afford to.

I'm not sure what the solution is. Maybe it would be better to do a private swap with someone instead of joining a swap. Then you can make it clear that there is a limit and not to go over/under it. :)
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Enolaalone on September 16, 2012, 02:18:48 PM
I can understand the problem with people going overboard, but everyone should definitely buy within their means and try not to get too worried about it. I'm sure anyone would be pleased to receive a box with lots of thought put into it, regardless of the amount of extras. :) Plus handmade things are lovely to get from anyone, so there's always that option if you are crafty.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: maycrestmom on September 16, 2012, 03:05:58 PM
I've yet to jump in on swaps here, but what I can say from having done TP swaps - what I can tell you it is not just all about the amount of stuff... I got more back than I ever just gave in stuff = see the secret to the swaps is that we get by giving ;-)

when I posted what I received for one swap, I had no idea that my partner was going through a bit of rough RL time and that it was my post that helped her get thru the day - heck get thru her week if I am remembering right... but the point is I had no idea how helpful my bit of gratitude could turn out to be = I had no idea my partner was all worried she couldn't do alot but I had specifically put together a "keep it kid friendly, keep it simple" list and she came through with flying colors :-) and that when I read her reply, heck that was a whole 'nother round of getting a happy feeling from the swap :-)

not to be all corny and all, but really = just do your best - don't skip eating for a week to try to impress = just be thoughtful and really show you read thru your person's list and believe me, the happiness at the other end is guaranteed :-) regardless of the $$ spent - it's about the time and effort

anyhow, sorry for taking so long giving just my two cents worth = I hope everyone enjoys the swaps for the sake of what they represent - spreading the pony joy :-)

give what you can = everybody is in the same boat of wanting to please their partner.  We all come from a huge variety of backgrounds/abilities/jobs/incomes etc. but we are all united as amazingly generous (why else be in a swap) :-)
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Eternia on September 16, 2012, 03:26:27 PM
I see what you mean. I have done quite a few swaps, and am always surprised at how...over-budget and stuffed some of the boxes are! While it is always nice to receive a box like this, it's a little nerve wracking when the box you've set isn't like that. Swaps didn't used to be about the huge boxes, and I do remember a time when all the boxes looked to be priced around the same. Lately I just don't know, I guess more and more members have lots of extra disposable income.
Whenever I have done a box, it has always come out over budget. But it's usually twice the amount, or a little over the limit amount.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: NovelNerd on September 16, 2012, 03:41:26 PM
I can understand this for sure. I'm new to swaps and just joined a few for the first time, and it's a little nerve wracking seeing such lovely things and knowing mine isn't as awesome. Then again just yesterday I realized on one box I've way overspent, but it was a bit of an accident.

I think the biggest thing to keep in mind is that overspending is alright if someone wants to do it, but it shouldn't be expected. If I overspend my budget on a box. I shouldn't expect my partner to do the same, and if they do that's lovely and sweet....but still. My fear is just that someone will be unhappy with the boxes I make because they don't look as snazzy as some of the higher budget ones. Maybe I'm being over paranoid though.  :blush:
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: SourdoughStomper on September 16, 2012, 03:43:43 PM
I can't speak for all swaps, but there's a limit on the amount you can spend on extras in the upcoming holiday swap. :) Perhaps that takes off some of the pressure?
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: NovelNerd on September 16, 2012, 03:45:34 PM
I can't speak for all swaps, but there's a limit on the amount you can spend on extras in the upcoming holiday swap. :) Perhaps that takes off some of the pressure?
That's actually really neat. I like that idea. ^.^
Will the holiday swap then have a limit for items and extras with a cap on each?
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: NoDivision on September 16, 2012, 03:46:44 PM
I used to try my best to stay in limits, but some circumstances are different. For example in this year's army swap, the organizer let me know that my partner had a fairly disappointing box the previous year, so I went over the top to make up for it. Then there are swaps like the advent swap, where I feel like for most people it is next to impossible to stay within budget because you are required to provide 25 days os gifts on a pretty small budget.

I think pony prices are also getting quite inflated, especially when shopping on a time frame. While it might be easy to be patient and wait for the right pony at the right price when buying for yourself, in swaps we often have to turn to eBay or buy overpriced ponies just to be able to find anything for our partners. So it's very very east to go over budget. I mean it's all very well to set a small spending limit, but in reality, it's often a struggle to get things in under the limit. And at the same time, I shop by VALUE, not by price. Because it wouldn't be fair to my partner if I could only find them one pony because it cost $20 when I should have been able to buy 4 because they're valued at $5 - so then you spend 4 times the limit in order to meet the value of the swap.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: stopxmotion on September 16, 2012, 03:50:00 PM
From my experiences, I've had a hard time finding ponies that are cheap. If the limit is $15, I can usually find just one pony for that price (or maybe like $10 or $12) so if I wanted to send at least two ponies, I'm already over the limit.

I have to actually go shopping for ponies because I don't already have a collection that I can just dig into. I think that makes a difference as well. When you already have ponies your partner wants you can just estimate what the value is and it's probably a lot cheaper than going on ebay and buying one.

I've gotten boxes that I haven't been too thrilled with and others that I absolutely loved. I'm grateful just to participate. I'm sure there have been some things that my partners were not too excited about. How much stuff is in the box doesn't really matter.
I think for some swaps extras are not optional and I like that cause it's nice to get some candy or fun little trinkets as well.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: tulagirl on September 16, 2012, 03:54:03 PM
Sorry this is long. :blush:

Well for me I can't stay in the budget because the budgets are impossible when you have to purchase ponies without flaws.

 I want to add here as I love to give big boxes.  I am a huge collector of many things, so how do you know how much a person spends just because the box looks over the limit?  You might not know that they thrift a lot and find incredible deals, or its part of their collection.  I have had to deal with very difficult to find high priced ponies,  and short wanted lists in past years that make it impossible to do a swap easily and in budget.

 Some people expect MOC, to me this is very hard on a partner in a swap.  It is about what each of us wants to give from our heart. :satisfied:
I think what has cost me more than anything else in swaps is poorly described that I have to rebuy.  I have this fear the pony will not please my partner. :huh:  I would rather over do it then get something they hate.  I have felt that way with a swap box before.  Thats not a fun feeling.
Some of us really love to do a lot for our partners because it makes us feel good inside.  Yea there is some swap pressure now, but I think if we could get some standard Arena rules for swaps where people can't ask for certain ponies on their lists, lists are long enough to reduce stress, and there is a standard condition everyone must use it will help a lot.  I think we need to have a standard amount of extras set for everyone or say no extras at all.    There are too many unknowns that make you concerned your partner will be disappointed.  We shouldn't make extras optional, either we have them or we don't. I think standard Arena rules should be placed on all swaps.

Then there is just the good decision to not do one unless I know I can give it my all. :cool:
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Daiyuflower on September 16, 2012, 04:23:02 PM
I put a lot of time and effort into my boxes, but the thing is, for most swaps, the dollar amount list is a minimum.  I don't think there's anything wrong with going over on extras once you've reached the dollar amount on ponies.  I just wanted to put together a really special box because it makes me happy, and hopefully my partner will be happy as well. 
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on September 16, 2012, 04:40:26 PM
I have a limited budget so I try to be as creative as possible.  Ribbon goes a long way, especially when it's fabric so it can be used on ponies!  I have bought things on clearance and held onto them for a year in order to have the right themed things for a swap.  I have bought candy on sale just because I knew I would need it later.  I always keep an eye out for cute goodies at stores year-round.  I try to buy tea in foil-sealed pouches instead of the paper packaging so that I can toss in a few when I send things to people.  I have a whole basket of things I add to throughout the year and then it makes swaps much easier...  I probably got this habit from my mom.  She and I would buy baby clothes and whatnot from the clearance racks and therefore, whenever there was a baby shower, we'd just open up the "presents tub" and pick out whatever fit the family's needs best. 

I don't have Paypal so I can't buy people ponies from their wishlist - I send out ones from my collection.  :)  This makes the number of swaps I can join very limited, but I do try to have fun with it when I can.  I went a little over  budget on my last swap but the book was perfect for my partner's interests and I didn't include as much candy as I might have otherwise... 
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Yurusumaji on September 16, 2012, 04:58:49 PM
I have a limited budget so I try to be as creative as possible.  Ribbon goes a long way, especially when it's fabric so it can be used on ponies!  I have bought things on clearance and held onto them for a year in order to have the right themed things for a swap.  I have bought candy on sale just because I knew I would need it later.  I always keep an eye out for cute goodies at stores year-round.  I try to buy tea in foil-sealed pouches instead of the paper packaging so that I can toss in a few when I send things to people.  I have a whole basket of things I add to throughout the year and then it makes swaps much easier...  I probably got this habit from my mom.  She and I would buy baby clothes and whatnot from the clearance racks and therefore, whenever there was a baby shower, we'd just open up the "presents tub" and pick out whatever fit the family's needs best.

That's pretty ingenious.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: scarletjul on September 16, 2012, 05:02:03 PM
In the few swaps I've entered, my budget has honestly been all over the place.  I can always spend the minimum but I max out depending on how much I'm working, how much debt I'm paying off, etc.  I remember one swap I entered, my extras weren't big - I know I added ribbon and some cute cheap-ish extras and that was it.  But the box I got was so lovely and so full of stuff that the next swap I entered, I made sure I had more extra cash to spend and I bought a bunch of extras.  I love buying gifts, so honestly that was part of the fun.  And in both cases, I was able to pull at least one pony from my an ollections, so I think that helped.  :)

I don't think it matters how many extras you put in, as long as it shows that you put some thought into the swap.  People will understand that we're all under different budgets and not everyone can afford to buy a whole bunch of stuff.  Otherwise, I would just suggest getting creative, checking dollar stores, clearance racks and just seeing what you can find.  But keep in mind that the swap is supposed to be fun - so I wouldn't worry that much about the extras, as long as you show thoughtfulness.  :)
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on September 16, 2012, 05:41:27 PM
That's pretty ingenious.

Thank you!  It's really fun when I do get to participate in them, though my budget is pretty much one a year - for now.  ;D
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: stopxmotion on September 16, 2012, 05:52:41 PM
I have a limited budget so I try to be as creative as possible.  Ribbon goes a long way, especially when it's fabric so it can be used on ponies!  I have bought things on clearance and held onto them for a year in order to have the right themed things for a swap.  I have bought candy on sale just because I knew I would need it later.  I always keep an eye out for cute goodies at stores year-round.  I try to buy tea in foil-sealed pouches instead of the paper packaging so that I can toss in a few when I send things to people.  I have a whole basket of things I add to throughout the year and then it makes swaps much easier...  I probably got this habit from my mom.  She and I would buy baby clothes and whatnot from the clearance racks and therefore, whenever there was a baby shower, we'd just open up the "presents tub" and pick out whatever fit the family's needs best.   

I do this too! I also picked it up from my mom. The only difference is she tends to lose the things that she buys lol! She'll be like "Remember that thing I bought last summer..?" Or she find it years later, after completely forgetting about it. I've gotten old christmas and birthday gifts that she found hidden in her closet before..
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Lorelei Redfern on September 16, 2012, 05:59:15 PM

I do this too! I also picked it up from my mom. The only difference is she tends to lose the things that she buys lol! She'll be like "Remember that thing I bought last summer..?" Or she find it years later, after completely forgetting about it. I've gotten old christmas and birthday gifts that she found hidden in her closet before..

my mom does this too! shes liek i got you soemthign a nd i forgot where i put it.. lol
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: True on September 16, 2012, 06:00:19 PM
Eh *hides* I'm guilty of over spending xD I pretty much ignore the spending limit, I don't even know how many times over I whent on my last swap.

But I think if you really didn't feel comfortable getting a severely over budget box when you planned on staying within budget, I'm sure if you just mentioned someplace that you preferred you're partner to stay inside budget they would understand.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Tribble79 on September 16, 2012, 06:52:17 PM
Maybe if you are going to go overboard on the extras in a swap, a separate box could be send to your partner. Of course if you are sending to other countries where shipping is expensive, it might not be such a good idea... I wonder if a note could be included on what not to include in the brag thread, and a thank you pm could cover this.... Just so participants don't feel the pressure to spend over the min to spend if they can't afford it.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: gemini_pony on September 16, 2012, 07:05:39 PM
Yeah I know what you mean
I'd love to do my first custom in a swap (I know it wouldn't be great)
But if I get tons of stuff and I only send out a pony and a few things I'd feel bad :(
My family's budget's getting low due to the fact we have so much to do around the house
to fix up. So I don't know.  :huh:

I send extras when I can! But I don't think anyone should feel bad for not adding them..I have gotten both in custom swap awesome extras and ones with nothing but a note. I loved all equally! I understand if you can not add extras and I think most people feel the same ;3
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: ChipsteRJ on September 16, 2012, 07:22:50 PM
Budgets are difficult to stick to.

I'm an accessory lover- you tell me you are too? You get a huge ginormous box of goodies. You don't collect accessories. You get puny box box still fitting the requirements,  but honestly sometimes it embarrasses me...

This army swap is killing me. My partner's pony should NOT cost more than $10 I have yet to find one sell for under the $9 mark. There are 3 listed at over $17 each... I still have 1 month left, but I'm pretty disappointed in the box I have so far.

Basically if the pony I need is already in the trade box I count it "extra" in my own mind and still go out shopping for my partner, so sometimes my boxes are over done other times they are spot on.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: xkelpiex on September 16, 2012, 07:56:19 PM
I'm someone who overspends on swaps. I have a hard time finding inexpensive ponies, and then I just have to buy everything I see for extras lol BUT, I don;t expect a huge box in return. If you stick to the budget, but put your heart into it, your partner should not be disappointed!
And as an aftersay, I hope a new swap opens soon!
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: kissthethunder on September 16, 2012, 08:06:23 PM
I'll be honest.

The last swap I was in? I was very thrifty. I had a huge box packed full, but I read my partners list thoroughly before shopping, and I went to places where I knew I could get awesome stuff for good deals. It looked like I spent a ton, but in reality, I just knew how and where to spend :)

DOn't judge a book-er, swap box, by appearances, people may have spent less than you think they did!
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Marigold on September 16, 2012, 08:10:56 PM
Okay, so now I have to worry both about my box being good enough and it being too good.   Can't win. 

Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Shenanigans on September 16, 2012, 08:13:05 PM
I just participated in my first swap and I'll admit I did go overboard. But I didn't do it to make people feel bad :sad: I wanted my first experience to be grand and to make my partner so very happy. I'm like that IRL... I love to give presents to people and make people happy. I've not received my box from my partner, but I don't expect him/her to go above and beyond. It's something *I* wanted to do for my partner and I had a ton of fun buying for her and picking things out, wanting to make her happy. I don't see swaps as a competition on who can give the biggest boxes... We have a budget for a reason and I don't think anyone would expect someone else to go way over budget for them. I don't expect it anyway. I'm thrilled to see all the boxes and to get to know everyone in the swap. I just like to give.

Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Eternia on September 16, 2012, 08:32:10 PM
I just participated in my first swap and I'll admit I did go overboard. But I didn't do it to make people feel bad :sad: I wanted my first experience to be grand and to make my partner so very happy. I'm like that IRL... I love to give presents to people and make people happy. I've not received my box from my partner, but I don't expect him/her to go above and beyond. It's something *I* wanted to do for my partner and I had a ton of fun buying for her and picking things out, wanting to make her happy. I don't see swaps as a competition on who can give the biggest boxes... We have a budget for a reason and I don't think anyone would expect someone else to go way over budget for them. I don't expect it anyway. I'm thrilled to see all the boxes and to get to know everyone in the swap. I just like to give.

Shenanigans, I saw your box and it was lovely! you could tell you put a lot of thought into it. :)
That's the most important thing about swaps for me; getting things I know my partner wants and likes. I know I worry about how my box might compare to other people's- which I know is a little silly. I don't think anyone is mad about this, just a little worried that expectations for boxes might be higher than the budget.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: hathorcat on September 17, 2012, 04:02:53 AM
No one should ever feel bad for either spending too much or spending on budget...the only time that it is acceptable to be disappointed is when people spend too little or little effort is made.

Yes, I agree that a lot of boxes either look or are over budget - the key being that most swaps set a "minimum" rather than a maximum. Also with 4 to 6 weeks of shopping time it can be easy to spoil and keep adding little things here and there. Every swap member should be aware and happy to accept that if you send an over budget box you may receive an on budget box. As long as love and thought has been put into that box then hopefully everything will be fine.

I'll admit I tend to overspend but I tend to overspend on ponies and then come in on budget on extras...and I can understand where worry on sending an on budget box but receiving an over budget box could be upsetting. I also understand that sometimes the pressure in a swap to deliver that box which everyone swoons over is tough. The only thing I can offer as consolation is that, for me at least and I think for other people, sending and making the box is often more fun or as much fun as receiving it! In a swap I love getting to know the other participants - friendships are formed and it becomes its own little community a lot of the time. Therefore the gift can be in the giving so people are often more concerned about what they send than what they get. Plus no one - no one - should expect people to go over budget, the budget is there for a reason so people have an expectation level of what to send and what they will receive. Spending more than that is a personal decision - and a lovely generous one - by senders, but not something which everyone should or could do.

I think it ebbs and flows - sometimes a box looks higher value but someone may have sent something from their own collector or got an ebay bargain and sellers on here will also often offer swap discounts to buyers in order to help out.

Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: EmberBright on September 17, 2012, 04:38:43 AM
I used to try my best to stay in limits, but some circumstances are different. For example in this year's army swap, the organizer let me know that my partner had a fairly disappointing box the previous year, so I went over the top to make up for it. Then there are swaps like the advent swap, where I feel like for most people it is next to impossible to stay within budget because you are required to provide 25 days os gifts on a pretty small budget.

I think pony prices are also getting quite inflated, especially when shopping on a time frame. While it might be easy to be patient and wait for the right pony at the right price when buying for yourself, in swaps we often have to turn to eBay or buy overpriced ponies just to be able to find anything for our partners. So it's very very east to go over budget. I mean it's all very well to set a small spending limit, but in reality, it's often a struggle to get things in under the limit. And at the same time, I shop by VALUE, not by price. Because it wouldn't be fair to my partner if I could only find them one pony because it cost $20 when I should have been able to buy 4 because they're valued at $5 - so then you spend 4 times the limit in order to meet the value of the swap.

Took the words right out of my... fingers. XD  Except that I'm not in the army swap. I'm in the advent swap and I've done a few smaller swaps before. It it can be hard to stay close to the budget, especially if your partner has a small want list or is very picky about condition of ponies.  I know I've already overspent on a few ponies, but I feel better getting them now than waiting to see if I can get a better deal and maybe not having enough to send. As for extras, I don't know how anyone can stay on budget and still have 25 presents to send in the advent swap! Even if you got something from the dollar store for every day you'd be over...

I'm spending quite a bit over budget, but I'm doing it because I want to and it's fun for me. I'm aware that I might get a box that just meets minimum requirements, and I won't be disappointed. I certainly know what it's like to not have a lot of money for extras! If a lot of thought was put into my box, I'll be happy even if not much money was spent on it. :)
PS- If you're worried about other people sending too much and then you feeling badly, I highly recommend the "Just a Little Swap" if another one comes up. It's hard to overspend on extras when you have to fit everything into a 6" cube box, and even if you do, the brags all come out to be about the same size, anyway. It's a fun challenge. ;)
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Oneleo1 on September 17, 2012, 06:38:28 AM
I try to stay within $15 of the original limit of the swap. it's hard, but I agree a line needs to be drawn somewhere.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: SkyCakes on September 17, 2012, 08:13:22 AM
I did admit I spent way over my last swap I participated in. Though I do go over budget on swaps. I think it is hard to stay within the limits of a swap. I don't think its all about what I get or give in a swap. I think the main reason why I do go over-budget is I just want other people happy. Furthermore, if I have made one person happy then I did a good job. :)
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Marigold on September 17, 2012, 09:21:29 AM
The swap I am in now is my first ever swap and I know I am going overboard.  Then I get this wonderful package from Shenanigans and I am blown away, and I am glad I am hopefully going to spoil my partner as much as I was spoiled.  At least, I hope they feel spoiled and happy.  And as far as extras go, there are a lot of ways to find them for next to nothing.  Especially when they come from your own collection.  :) 

Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: tulagirl on September 17, 2012, 10:37:06 AM
This army swap is killing me. My partner's pony should NOT cost more than $10 I have yet to find one sell for under the $9 mark. There are 3 listed at over $17 each....

Yes this is what happens to me.  A lower cost pony being sold for a giant price that its not worth and sometimes you have no choice but to buy it if you can't find it at a lesser price anywhere.  Its hard.  I am sorry you are going through this.  This happened to me in a swap last year.  Just really tough.

I went over the top to make up for it. Then there are swaps like the advent swap, where I feel like for most people it is next to impossible to stay within budget because you are required to provide 25 days os gifts on a pretty small budget.

With the Advent swap its impossible to work with that price limit. I won't use the dollar store as I don't like anything from a dollar store myself.  So, yea..over budget on that one. I accounted for that though and it will be my last swap this season.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Crowning_Glory13 on September 17, 2012, 10:39:19 AM said what I feel and I only did 1 swap. I would like to see more lower cost swaps and not just for get ponies is very limited to me. I do know when it comes to the pony cost its the value...or that's how I have read it. So if I paid $5.00 for a pony but its worth $2.00 I have only spent $2.00.  If I am wrong thinking that...very sorry:)

I just like things to be simple. Long lists and a generalization that swaps are fun. Even if I want Mint pony and to my standards I do not think its mint....I should still say I got a mint pony and be happy:) I have only been in 1 swap and it took my emotional sanity:P

I love them but I like the idea of standard rules. Maybe $2-5 pony spending limit $2-5 on extra limit. I think we are getting so many different people(Which is totally great:) that I think swaps need to be more specific:)
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: xeevee on September 17, 2012, 10:58:07 AM
I tend to go over by a lot.  The problem as I see it, is that in Australia it is impossible not to blow the budget and give someone a fair box.  As shipping is stupidly expensive and you have to import most of the ponies.  But also I like spoiling people.  I think the budgets are often a bit silly, $10 isn't going to get you much.  In Australia, it won't get you a single pony. 

I once tried to address the issue in a swap by saying there was no monetary budget as its impossible to be fair like that, instead you had to spend what it would cost you in your country to buy 3 single ponies new from the shops, but no one thought it was fair. 

The other problem I've had in swaps is there are people who join that have really hard to find things on their list.  A puffy sticker may not cost much, but they're hard to find, and so if they only have puffy stickers and expensive ponies, you end up blowing your budget on the ponies because you can't find the stickers.

I personally feel there are a few things that need to be addressed in swaps, a) higher budgets or a budget range, and what exactly that should relate too.  (so no less than $x but no more than $y - but it has to include 1 pony from their wish list or something) b) peoples wish lists need to include cheaper ponies, and b) international exchange rates and pony costs need to be taken into account, it wouldn't be too fun sending a bunch of ponies within America only to receive your box from Italy and the person only being able to buy 1 pony because they cost more there.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: tulagirl on September 17, 2012, 11:49:15 AM
@Xeevee  I am right there with you on this one.  The Arena Mods really need to think this over and make standard swap rules for everyone for each level swap they may want to have.  You are so right about everything you said and it needs to be addressed and made the same for all swaps.  So, for instance the realization that  with foreign issues a 10.00 and even 15.00 swap will be impossible for that person, perhaps that swap is not realistic to have unless 2 people sign up from the same area.  I really do feel this can be done, but it will take a lot of planning, some math and serious look at what ponies are selling for now.  I feel that the guide we have for pony values is not very accurate when it comes to what people expect to make off of ponies on ebay.  Yes I agree about the stickers also.  I really think a wanted list that someone sends in should be approved and not just glanced over, but an expert really needs to look at every one of them and decide if they qualify and if not what changes should be made.  Its going to be a huge project, but I feel it will reduce our swap issues in the long run and make things run smoothly as all swaps will have the same expectations for each money level they pick.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Lorelei Redfern on September 17, 2012, 11:51:24 AM
ont he questin of swaps i ahve a question. what if you  get partnered with soemone  who only  takes  ponys moc or mob.  or  only does the nirvanna ponys and you couldnt afford to  get them ponys? what would you do int hat case? i know some people are picky and some dont really care as long as its a pony.. lol

also another..   i think if you put a lot of thought  and caring itno the persons likes and wants.  doesnts that  be taken into account?if they  put a lot of thought adn love into the box. even if it sint so big?
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Salli on September 17, 2012, 11:59:07 AM
I only expect what the swap was originally for, and I've always loved the boxes I've gotten, whether it's filled with extras, a note or my swap pony :) I love to shop, I try not to go too overboard, but that's part of the fun for me. I don't expect others to do it back, but every once in a while they do :)
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: hathorcat on September 17, 2012, 12:42:26 PM said what I feel and I only did 1 swap. I would like to see more lower cost swaps and not just for get ponies is very limited to me. I do know when it comes to the pony cost its the value...or that's how I have read it. So if I paid $5.00 for a pony but its worth $2.00 I have only spent $2.00.  If I am wrong thinking that...very sorry:)

I just like things to be simple. Long lists and a generalization that swaps are fun. Even if I want Mint pony and to my standards I do not think its mint....I should still say I got a mint pony and be happy:) I have only been in 1 swap and it took my emotional sanity:P

I love them but I like the idea of standard rules. Maybe $2-5 pony spending limit $2-5 on extra limit. I think we are getting so many different people(Which is totally great:) that I think swaps need to be more specific:)

I think thats a lovely idea and there are some swaps, such as the Little Swap which clones has previously run, which allows for a small box, small budget and small shipping. Likewise there is typically a low budget Arena swap. However, a pony budget of a couple of $ could be very restrictive on wish lists as very few ponies are in that price range. $10-15 is the lowest amount most swaps come in at.

ont he questin of swaps i ahve a question. what if you  get partnered with soemone  who only  takes  ponys moc or mob.  or  only does the nirvanna ponys and you couldnt afford to  get them ponys? what would you do int hat case? i know some people are picky and some dont really care as long as its a pony.. lol

also another..   i think if you put a lot of thought  and caring itno the persons likes and wants.  doesnts that  be taken into account?if they  put a lot of thought adn love into the box. even if it sint so big?

A wish list like that wouldnt be permitted - a swap host would simply refuse such a list. Most swap hosts should specify in their rules that wish lists must take into consideration budget. So if you are in a $20 swap your wish list cant include Red Roses and Rapunzel. Its for a host to spot this and simply refuse if the entire list is beyond budget.

And yes, a swap box is as much about thought and care of what you partner likes and loves as it is about money. Some of the most special boxes are those where the sender has taken time to consider their partner and added extras which are perfectly suited.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: tulagirl on September 17, 2012, 12:48:23 PM
A wish list like that wouldnt be permitted - a swap host would simply refuse such a list. Most swap hosts should specify in their rules that wish lists must take into consideration budget. So if you are in a $20 swap your wish list cant include Red Roses and Rapunzel. Its for a host to spot this and simply refuse if the entire list is beyond budget.

I have been in several swaps and not all of them really check wanted lists very well, you can tell that when you get a tough wanted list.  The other thing to note too is that in some swaps I have been in there has not always been a notation in the rules about only placing ponies of certain values on your wanted list.  Perhaps if this was an Arena Rule it would help.  People are putting nirvana on their lists right here in the Arena and it has been allowed.  I have seen it myself.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: hathorcat on September 17, 2012, 12:57:46 PM
To address some points. Outside the Arena holiday swaps, all swaps on the Arena are run by individual members. We have set rules for hosts in order to protect members. The individual rules for the swap are up to the host - if a host meets our guidelines then they have been a member long enough and traded long enough that they are able to establish their own rules for their own swap. Its not for the Arena to set guidelines for individual swaps; monitoring participants and the process of a swap is the responsibility of a host. This includes deciding on who joins, posts/feedback/membership duration limits as well as budget and if their wish list is acceptable.

No one needs to join a swap should they not wish to and it is up to those signing up to keep to their budget and ensure they are joining a swap which will permit for shipping considerations. We cant control overspending on swaps - consideration for this is down to individual participants. Some swaps do allow for domestic only shipping requests and some swaps are even country/continent specific but we are an international forum and its down to an individual joining a swap to agree with the host as to whether where they are willing and where they will be expected to ship.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: tulagirl on September 17, 2012, 01:15:26 PM
Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't the requirements only about feedback and time posting?   How do those two things let us know they know how to run a swap:  scan wanted lists, make sure members change things and list very appropriate rules from the beginning?  These are just my thoughts and questions. I realize that you can't be responsible for everything.   I personally do okay with swaps, but I have had issues in the past so I know how it feels to get a bad box and I know how it feels to get a bad list. I also  know how it feels to have an inexperienced host who is trying so hard but some very important steps are missed.  I would have not had any way to know what I was getting into and that those things mentioned above were going to happen to me until I signed up and was in the swap and got a list.  That doesn't always help someone make a decision early if a swap is right for them.   I am concerned mainly for the newest swappers that join those types of swaps...they can be stressful and not so fun.  I hear what you are saying though on a lot of points.  Some of us could certainly notify the swap host if something is missing, many of us feel uncomfortable doing that.  The newest of swappers would not even know how to do this really.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: hathorcat on September 17, 2012, 01:40:37 PM
If you check the rules listed you will see that a swap host has to submit their overview of a swap for consideration and for approval so its not just about us seeing a host's feedback, membership length and post count, we have to be assured that they know how to be a host.

The issues you raised are, as mentioned previously, the responsibility of a host but they are also the responsibility of those participating in a swap. It make sense to most that if you sign up to be part of a swap you need to engage with your host - ask questions, ask advice and if you are ever worried then speak to them. That seems like a logical part of being part of any trade or swap. Swaps have rules set up by the host, whether a newbie or an established member, these should be read and these should be enough to guide everyone through a swap. And if a person is uncertain the obvious answer is do not sign up. You would know what you are getting into with budget, shipping etc prior to a sign up - that's why hosts post the information in a starting swap thread. Yes, you may not know your partner or their wish list prior to sign up but if a participant ever felt they have been given an over ambitious swap list, then I would expect them to make the logical step of speaking to their host about the situation.

Its up to a host to guide through new members. Part of the reason swaps ask participants to have a certain level of trading history and membership is so that they can be assured the member knows how trades work, how swaps work, how the Arena works. If a host accepts new members they should be there to guide and make sure everything goes smoothly and it is also up to the new member - in fact it is up to all members - to ensure they do not get out of depth and ask the questions they should as the swap progresses.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: tulagirl on September 17, 2012, 01:56:50 PM
Oh okay I have read the rules but didn't remember some of that.  You are right about the communication factor.  Very good points!! :ohyeah:

I guess then the best thing for everyone is if you are not certain, talk with the host prior to signing up.  If your partner's wanted list is too difficult contact the swap host early so changes can be made. .Don't be afraid to do this... . and don't sign up for a swap unless you feel really comfortable you can pay the asked prices for ponies regardless of their value.  Even though the value price is what you count toward your swap total.

This is kind of how I do it. I decide based on the swap requirements if I can afford the pony amount based not on value but on what I spend knowing that value is what counts in the swap, but I still have to have the money for the ponies because they will be priced double or triple the value most times.  Usually if a swap starts at 15.00 I figure I will spend 30.00 on ponies because of the inflated prices for nice ponies.  For me I don't mind this at all. If I have signed up its because, I know I can afford that. 

You are really right it has to be at the swap level that everyone deals with issues.  I was really hoping more could be done, but I guess not really.  It seems you guys have already thought this through pretty well and I have a better understanding of how you guys that run the Arena see things when it comes to swaps.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: KaibaGirl007 on September 17, 2012, 02:17:16 PM
I'm pretty sure that I've overspent in all the swaps I've taken part in :blush: Nothing too extravagant though; I just like giving when I can ^.^ I certainly haven't and wouldn't enter into a swap expecting my partner to exceed the minimum requirements. I have been grateful and love the things sent to me, though in one of my early swaps my partner went way overboard and of course declared the full value on the customs forms which landed me with a pretty hefty customs fee  >_<
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: tulagirl on September 17, 2012, 03:31:16 PM
I'm pretty sure that I've overspent in all the swaps I've taken part in :blush: Nothing too extravagant though; I just like giving when I can ^.^ I certainly haven't and wouldn't enter into a swap expecting my partner to exceed the minimum requirements. I have been grateful and love the things sent to me, though in one of my early swaps my partner went way overboard and of course declared the full value on the customs forms which landed me with a pretty hefty customs fee  >_<

Thats not right why didn't they mark it as a gift? It was a gift.  Do you still have to pay a customs fee for a gift?  Thats just terrible.  As far as I am concerned when I send a swap box it is a gift and not a sale so that should have been marked. Yikes.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: hathorcat on September 17, 2012, 04:39:11 PM
I'm pretty sure that I've overspent in all the swaps I've taken part in :blush: Nothing too extravagant though; I just like giving when I can ^.^ I certainly haven't and wouldn't enter into a swap expecting my partner to exceed the minimum requirements. I have been grateful and love the things sent to me, though in one of my early swaps my partner went way overboard and of course declared the full value on the customs forms which landed me with a pretty hefty customs fee  >_<

Thats not right why didn't they mark it as a gift? It was a gift.  Do you still have to pay a customs fee for a gift?  Thats just terrible.  As far as I am concerned when I send a swap box it is a gift and not a sale so that should have been marked. Yikes.

Yes in the UK you still have to pay customs for a gift if it is over a certain value - £40 I believe.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: ZennaBug on September 17, 2012, 05:03:17 PM
I try to stay close to budget usually, since I don't have much money to spend.  But I spend my entire budget on the swap items and then go over with the extras, which are typically not included in the budget anyway.  For example, I spent my entire budget + a little extra on one of last year's holiday swaps and then added in the extras, so it was about double the set limit.  After a shipping mishap, I recovered the box and added in some more extras because I felt awful that the PO had messed up so badly.  By the end, I was about $25-30 over limit?  That's the most I've ever gone over the swap limit, but I felt it was justified in that case, since waiting until Feb/March for your Christmas present is pretty awful.  I typically try to stay within $10-15, since I don't really have a lot of spare cash these days.  The key is snagging good prices on ponies, I like to get ones that need a trip to the spa, but are in good shape behind the dirt.  That way, I can afford more.  If they don't clean up nice enough, then I try to find a different one.

*edited because I can't spell on my phone*
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: tulagirl on September 17, 2012, 05:09:48 PM
@Hathorcat: That is so unfair seriously. I am going to keep that in mind if I ever get a UK partner.  This is something everyone needs to know about.  I wonder if we have that issue here and I don't know about it. :shocked:  Mark it worth 39.99 dollars lol  :lol:
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Aurora on September 17, 2012, 05:14:59 PM
For anyone worried about what your partner thinks of your package, please don't worry. Just by being concerned that your package isn't good enough, you've proven that you care, and THAT is what makes the package awesome.

For one swap, I fretted about my package for weeks- seriously, I lost sleep- and when my partner got it, they gushed about how awesome it was. I didn't go over budget- honestly, since the ponies were from my collection I was way under budget. I only had room to include one box of candy, and it was cheap candy. Her stated favorite, but still cheap. And whenever I feel worried about the package I'm about to send, I remember that little swap and how everything was good, even though I thought it wasn't.

If you are truly worried about the swap, don't join yet. Just watch one, two, all of them. Chances are pretty good that you'll catch the fever, but you don't have to.

I'm in the Advent Swap right now, and I'm going to be close to budget. I shop the thrift stores and keep a box of ponies for trades/sales, I also have a present box to gather gifts through the year, and my partner will be getting clearance Halloween candy- hopefully the stuff without bats on it, but we all know it won't go bad in a month! I know the package will look like I overspent, but I can truthfully say I didn't.

Some valid points that have already been said, but are worth repeating:
*A box might look expensive without being expensive. You never know what people find at thrift stores!
*Homemade items really are amazing, and will touch the heart of the person opening the package. Think how much surgeons get paid to touch hearts- that swap package is WAY over budget!
*If you get spoiled, enjoy it! How often do we really get to be spoiled in real life?
*Spend what you can afford- don't blow the bank just to impress your partner. Impress them by doing the pony's hair in a really fancy way, or writing a silly little poem/drawing a picture. (I personally can't draw worth a lick and can't do more than braid pony hair, so I truly appreciate when their hair is pretty or I get pony art in a swap!) Anyone can spend money, after all!

Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: Saja on September 17, 2012, 05:20:58 PM
I love swaps, and I am a generous person in real life, so am also generous in swaps. being in australia its just like being said before, its hard to buy within budget. But I know it will cost me more to be in a swap, and I am more than fine with that, as am I about the ridiculous shipping costs from australia. I think like what has been said, If you dont like the rules or think its too much money, then just dont join.
I ALWAYS put gift, and ALWAYS put it at $10. regardless of whats inside. Really sorry you guys have had to pay customs for gifts! thats ridiculous!
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: InkyMilk on September 17, 2012, 05:40:19 PM
I don't think anyone is saying that they think the minimum price set point for many swaps is too much for them, so telling them not to join on that account really isn't fair. The problem arises when it seems many people like to go way beyond the minimum, and for those who simply can't afford to go beyond what was initially agreed, are feeling like they aren't good enough. If you're following the rules of the swap and spending at least the minimum amount, I say go for it :) No one should expect you to pay more than what is agreed for the swap just because they spent a lot themselves. It's not about being stingy or non-generous or rude, it's about the basic fact that we don't all have a lot of disposable income (especially around the holidays), and so long, and so long as we put thought and care into the items we can afford, all should be well  :enthralled:
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: DazzleKitty on September 17, 2012, 05:40:59 PM
I can understand how someone who actually WANTS to stay in the budget due to monetary reasons can be turned off by what they see in the brag threads and definitely be deterred from joining one. More than once recently I have felt that my boxes, even though waaaay over the budget, were severely inadequate compared to the others.
But I still will continue to join swaps. Why? I really, really have fun doing them. And if you compared your boxes to others, the fun is going to be lost. Not everyone has the ability to spend what looks like maybe a couple hundred dollars on someone else (namely complete strangers), but I know when I've done a good job for what resources I have. And yes, I'd love to be able to send someone a super amazing box, but sometimes I can't invest in tons and tons of ponies on someone else because I have responsibilities. But if you have the means and want to do it, then do it! The person who receives that box is lucky. BUT, I don't think most people join a swap and expect someone to shower them with a bunch of expensive gifts. It's the luck of the draw if you get the person who really likes to spoil their partner.

So to those who are intimidated, don't be. I know most people here are kind and will be happy to receive what you give them.

Oh, and like mentioned above, they may not have spend as much as you think. They may have already had the ponies on hand or gotten an amazing deal at a thrift shop or flea market.
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: elvenwine26 on September 17, 2012, 06:38:03 PM
I sort of feel that if your wishlist has gotten so narrow that you only need a handful of hard to finds and rares that perhaps being in a swap isn't a good idea.  It's a large part of the reason I don't swap anymore.  I've gotten some difficult wishlists in the past from all types of price ranges that would have me in a sweat trying to figure out how I would be able to make a decent box.
If you can't add extras then you can't.  One time I made a box for someone with a difficult wishlist and all it had a pony on her wishlist and it's accessory and a nice wrap job.  It didn't make for an impressive looking box but it was over the price range at that point.  I don't recall if that one went over well or not, but you try finding a good condition seapony with her float for under $15.  It's not a particularly easy task. lol

Most of the extras I gave were from the dollar store, sales items at the target, pony bits I had about the house that needed to move out, or recycled extras from past swap boxes and pony mail.  It's crazy how quickly that stuff will start stacking up.  I've even made super simple custom or added a nice pony from my trade box that was not on the list so it wouldn't just be one pony in the box.

My favorite extras that I've kept have been the handmade items though.  Someone sewed a tiny plush for me and another person made me a really nifty foam picture frame, I still have those.  I adore the amount of thought that went into them.  I think it would be radical if someone made me just a small box of tiny plushes of ponies on a want list instead of buying me the actual ponies. lol how cute would that be?  Let's have a lightly-stuffed handmade plush swap! Ship them in bubble mailers to save shipping! :D  Okay, I'm totally getting OT.

If you don't feel like adding extras then don't, they're not mandatory. 
As an over all rule of thumb, even if your box is simple without frills, if you would be happy receiving the box that you send out, then I think you've done your end of the deal. 
Title: Re: Going nuts on the swaps
Post by: kaoskat on September 17, 2012, 07:53:24 PM
I mostly join holiday themed swaps and I usually send tons of stuff! But other than a few person-specific purchases and candy, most of my extras were bought on extreme clearance the year before! I paid around 10 cents or so for them alot of times and then saved them all year just for my future swap partner! So yeah, just because the box is huge doesn't mean they spent alot and just because it's small doesn't mean the value of it is any less either. I have loved every box I've ever gotten and alot of my favorite things were drawings and customs and once someone got these cute little boxes and painted my favorite ponies on them and another time someone made me a necklace. I love love LOVE things people make themselves. They make the boxes super special and don't cost much at all. It's really not about what you spend, it's about that little something special that says "Hey, I care about you and wanted to make you smile." And that could be something as simple as finding their favorite candy or getting/making a card with something they really like on it. Watch your partner's posts and find out what they REALLY like and send something they may not have mentioned on their form. Those are what make boxes great, not tons of money spent. Of course, if you can afford to and want to send lots of stuff, that's good too.

I know I tend to go overboard, I like to shop :silly: , but I don't expect that of my partner at all. All I expect from my partner is to do their best to make a nice box inside the swap limits/guidelines. I'm easy to make happy really. I mean xeevee filled my Christmas card from the card swap last year with glitter and I was thrilled. I opened the card and glitter got everywhere and I laughed and laughed and every time I saw the glitter afterwards (I really did manage to get it everywhere) I laughed again. See? Easy to please. So just do your best with what you have to make your box with and stop worrying. If you meet the limits, you are fine. If your partner is disappointed because they expected a huge box way over the limit, then they are the ones who messed up, not you. They need to not be so ungrateful when they got exactly what they were supposed to get. You shouldn't feel bad for that.
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