The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: JigglesTheCat on September 03, 2012, 06:42:08 PM

Title: Pony Confessions!
Post by: JigglesTheCat on September 03, 2012, 06:42:08 PM
Basically you just share your pony confessions.. Happy, sad, funny, serious, anything! As long as it's SFW and isn't being rude to anyone. So you can be like, "Some bronies get on my nerves." But you can't be like, "[you] is a buttface.  :enraged:" Get it? (They can be about the show, fans, toys, ect.)

Here are miiiiiiine..

- Sometimes I sleep with Bowtie, and occasionally G4 Scootaloo.  :blush:
- So many people are embarrassed to tell their friends/family/ect. that they like ponies - and I really don't get why. I wore my Fluttershy shirt on the first day of school. When I met my new neighbors the first thing I said was, "Hi. I'm Sophia. I watch MLP."  :smug:
- I care more about my ponys' manes/hair than I do mine.
- I'm scared to go on any other pony forums/websites/communities.  :bolt:
- I kinda get offended when bronies say that they hate past generations.. Without G1 - G3.5 there would be no MLP - FiM.

EDIT: More!!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Pinecone on September 03, 2012, 06:44:01 PM
I like non-show pony dolls better than the show ones. I like glimmer wings ponies the best.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: JigglesTheCat on September 03, 2012, 06:45:50 PM
I like non-show pony dolls better than the show ones. I like glimmer wings ponies the best.

I agree. Brushable Lyra scares me, and I don't want SDCC Ditsy Doo. But I must admit that DJ PON3 is pretty cool..
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: gabumon on September 03, 2012, 06:52:22 PM
I like G3 Donkey Pose.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Mintymints on September 03, 2012, 07:00:33 PM
-I actually wish there were more G3.5 cartoons.... I don't really know why  :bolt:
-I found  a pony at good will once (Toola Roola I believe) and this guy in the aisle next to me gave me this look of shame, so I put it back and actually explained that I was looking for toys for my sick sister....
- I feel naked if I don't bring a pony or monster high related item, or actual doll, somewhere with me...
-I'm embarrassed to buy ponies, because of the brony haters...

I'm messed up in the head xD
Edit for spelling errors, and for some reason I said I didn't have a sister.... I'm an idiot
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: NoPonySpecial on September 03, 2012, 07:08:55 PM
I keep telling my little friends they're going to get spa days and deflocks and all that good stuff, but then I keep procrastinating. It's not like I have anything better to do!

One of my very favorite ponies is a Jaru Fakie of a Fakie. (But I'm not ashamed, I love her so!)

Now this, I'm ashamed of. Caution, confession of pony neglect:
When I was foolish and young I....I...  :cry: I threw away a pony! Forget-me-not was filthy and bent (and no wings, of course) and her hair was so tangled it had beads and plastic palm trees and a dead bug tangled in it. I had no idea ponies were even desirable! I had no idea you could re-hair a pony!! What was I thinking? Why? WHY??  :yikes: sob :yikes: sob :yikes: sob :yikes: sob :yikes: sob :yikes: It was so long ago, yet I can never forget it! The curse of Forget-me-not....and a curse I deserve!

I have lots of animal plushies and certainly don't need more, but I bought a Twilight Sparkle plush because I specifically wanted a pony to hug at night, and I'm too afraid of messing up Snuzzle's hair.

I let my cats nuzzle the heck out of Garden Glow's fizzpoof hair sometimes. But they may never bite!

I applied for a job at Target just so that, if I do get it, I could use an employee discount to get ponies.  :whistle:

Well, that felt good!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: rybett on September 03, 2012, 07:17:30 PM
My Lily Blossom is named for the pony.  Changed from Cupcake. 
3.5 look like cats.
I just stuck a bunch of G3's under my daughter's loft and took pics of them dangling there. 
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: LazuliRose on September 03, 2012, 07:24:48 PM
Ok...I'm gonna try this.... :yikes:

-I cried when I got my first pony from the arena (An almost perfect Fizzy) Because I missed being a pony lover so much.
-I want a big plushie pony because I wanna cuddle one at night....I still sleep with a stuffy most nights anyway
-I sometimes play with my ponies across my desk when I talk to people on skype...I get embarrassed if they hear the galloping though...
-Buying a pony I've wanted and getting it in the mail has made my day almost every time one comes home.
-Sometimes I just hold a pony in my makes me feel better.
-Most new bronies scare me...Even though I love the show too...
-I HATE when people say that generations are 'Worthless' and G3s are 'only ment for bait' and The old show is 'unwatchable garbage' I'm a fan of all ponies...I even like some of the G3.5s

Umm yeah so...Thats my confessions.... :yikes:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Sanadaookami on September 03, 2012, 07:34:59 PM
-I give my ponies combs and accessories from other toy lines- some of them look so good with ponies! (example- my Seaponys have Seawee combs rather then the official shell ones- I like the Seewee ones more!)

-I can't put a pony out on display unless they have at least one accessory. Even if its just a tail ribbon- I feel sorry for them when they are next to another pony who might have a full outfit and themed accessories!

-I always take a pony with me to the doctor/dentist because I have a phobia and it helps keep me calm.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: JigglesTheCat on September 03, 2012, 07:37:57 PM
I have a few more.

- I really want to make a pony comic. But I'm kinda scared that it will turn out bad and stuff..
- I hate some people's OCs. Some of them are just.. the most unoriginal things in all of Equestria.
- I'm somtimes reduced to tears when I look at other peoples' art is better than mine. I mean, I know they are often older and more experienced than me, but.. still. :cry:
- I've always wanted to join some sort of OC RP. But I can't RP. And like I've said, bronies are scary.  :yikes: And I can't RP.
- I really don't get why Mimic is so special. >.<
- When I'm sad a hug from g4 Scootaloo or Bowtie makes me feel atleast a teensy tiny bit better.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Dyzarktarzk on September 03, 2012, 07:44:18 PM
- Letting go a lot of G1s on years gone by due to: "Your sister, cousing (insert family member) already have it" *sad* *sad*

- I'm too lazy to match the accessories I have with the ponies I have *stares at drawer and two boxes*

- I'm too lazy to bath the ponies (hey! it's not my fault we're running low on water since two years ago, a pony does not need a bath!!!).

-  I love Mexican ponies and have a small army of them =)  (still missing 4...  as far as I know =P)
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: reanna-mator on September 03, 2012, 07:49:27 PM
I hate it when bronies don't give previous generations credit... but I also hate it when older fans hate on bronies. I'm like an MLP nomad! D: ... that's more of a rant than a confession.

Sometimes I feel like the only reason I update Saddled on time is because I know people are actually reading it. XD
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Bebopgroove on September 03, 2012, 07:49:36 PM

- Whenever I take a bath for myself, I usually bring two ponies along for a spa.
- I hate Bronies ._. (too many negatives going around the internets that I blame them for... "Bronies before Honies," anyone? M-olestia?) I'm actually in the process of making a big long rant about this.
- Oh man.. My first custom I ever bought.. Hair needed some touch-up so I took hot water to it (just bath water, not even that hot). All the body paint started to peel off T____T I didn't know that could happen -___-

Post Merge: September 03, 2012, 07:54:06 PM

but I also hate it when older fans hate on bronies.

My problem with them tends to be how a lot of them are immature male trolls who actually admit to being sexually attracted to little pony characters. I guess it's great that Hasbro is getting more money from this, but at the same time I feel it's only soiling the brand /:
Oh man I need to save this for my rant >.<
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: BabyRainbou on September 03, 2012, 07:54:29 PM
- I desperately want to be popular in the pony community.
- I often start crying when I think of ponies or am reminded of them.
- I sometimes have nightmares about bronies.
- I actually can't wait for FiM to end so collectors can have the fandom back.
- I get really jealous when I see people with multiples of a pony I want.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: RAMChYLD on September 03, 2012, 07:56:16 PM
- I had, on a few occasions, attempted to ride my Sing and Dance Pinkie Pie :yikes:
- I believe bronies ruined FIM by making Hasbro drop the Slice-of-Life in favor of fighting and villains.

- I actually can't wait for FiM to end so collectors can have the fandom back.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Mintymints on September 03, 2012, 08:09:21 PM
I have another....
When I am really sad, one of the only things that can make me happier than just happy.... (Other than my little sister, of course) is getting a new pony, or playing around with my ponies/monster high dolls.
It's just such a good feeling xD  :lookround:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Leopard_Print_Unicorn on September 03, 2012, 08:15:04 PM
1. I am sometimes embarrassed to shop for ponies and am fully prepared to say it is for "my daughter" (don't have one) or a child's birthday.

2. I swore my family to secrecy, told them it would "damage my bad girl image ;)"

3. I stopped watching FiM before the wedding episode because I am still bitter about my own wedding and divorce. I also want nothing to do with Shining Armor for this reason. I would watch it if it were a more realistic episode where Twilight Sparkle turns into Tequila Shots and gets miserably drunk and pathetic because her brother got married before she did, and she is "always a bridesmaid, never a bride." Yes, I am going through a petty phase. Whatever. It's better than some of the other phases I've gone through in all of this. *pouts*

4. Sometimes I dream about ponies.

5. I have, at least on one occasion, moved money from my savings to my checking account to buy ponies.

6. Winning or losing an e-bay auction for a pony can greatly affect my mood, probably more than it should any reasonably sane adult.

7. I really hope I can buy a three bedroom house instead of two so that I can have an "office." Yes there will be a computer in there, and some books. But mostly it will be a pony display room.

8. I "minimize" the amount of money and time I spend on ponies when talking to my mother. It's not a lie, it's just a... version?

9. I really want to buy some MLP T-shirts but I don't know if I'd have the courage to wear them.

9. Sometimes I worry that people I used to know IRL will show up on Pony Forums.

10. Number 10 is too terrible to talk about. So there!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Bebopgroove on September 03, 2012, 08:19:32 PM
3. I stopped watching FiM before the wedding episode because I am still bitter about my own wedding and divorce. I also want nothing to do with Shining Armor for this reason. I would watch it if it were a more realistic episode where Twilight Sparkle turns into Tequila Shots and gets miserably drunk and pathetic because her brother got married before she did, and she is "always a bridesmaid, never a bride." Yes, I am going through a petty phase. Whatever. It's better than some of the other phases I've gone through in all of this. *pouts*
I actually won't watch anything wedding-related for a similar reason.. it's nice to know I'm not the only one.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: RAMChYLD on September 03, 2012, 08:27:55 PM
would watch it if it were a more realistic episode where Twilight Sparkle turns into Tequila Shots and gets miserably drunk and pathetic because her brother got married before she did, and she is "always a bridesmaid, never a bride."
I actually won't watch anything wedding-related for a similar reason.. it's nice to know I'm not the only one :)
That, I can relate to, too. Although the reason I hated the pony wedding was because there was a villain and pointless fighting. It was also the point of no return for me, when I lost faith in the show. Some may also remember me hitting a serious BSOD and going on hiatus for two months to rediscover myself.

But yeah, my sister is getting married soon, too. Me? well.... :(
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: LazuliRose on September 03, 2012, 08:31:19 PM
One more...
I have a terrible crush on Shining Armor, but I don't tell anyone because Cadence is like everyone's favorite pony and I've never seen him paired with anyone else and I think I'm the only one...

Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: reanna-mator on September 03, 2012, 08:32:37 PM
Um... making criticisms about the show is fine, but do you think we can tone down the brony bashing? I'm finding it to be very hurtful. Especially about having the fandom "stolen," as if some of us are interlopers that don't belong here.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: princeichi on September 03, 2012, 08:35:36 PM
I really like G2s. `__`

And I think some of the more sought-after G1s are really ugly...
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Yurusumaji on September 03, 2012, 08:40:53 PM
- Over-hyped ponies make me not like them and then I become sad because I think I could have liked them.
- I hate Pony Spa.
- I hate all the hate in this thread. We are all fans, new or old. Stop judging each other and making generalizations, that is not what this is about!
- I fell in love with the fandom as much as the ponies because everyone is so welcoming and friendly toward one another.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: MikaylaIsSoCoolLike on September 03, 2012, 08:42:29 PM
1. I'm scared that I qualify as a brony. I liked ponies when I was younger, but FiM has reintroduced me to them. I also don't quite fit with the My Little Wiki definition of a brony ("someone who a is a fanatic of the new Friendship is Magic G4 My Little Pony show." it's nice, but I wouldn't call myself a fanatic. "Generally male" not the last time I checked. "and not a fan of previous pony generations." nopenopenope. "They hang out in places like Equestria Daily" I'll admit to that, but it's just a website that reposts  pictures from here.  :huh:), but it still makes me feel uncomfortable. I dunno guys.

2. I really want to get defensive when someone insults me because I like ponies or insult the ponies themselves. Srsly dude. Come on now. It is 2012.

3. Even though I already have the pony, I really don't want to give it away to someone else  :yikes:
why am i so greedy oh mah gurd

4. I'm super scared about posting on here (well, websites in general, nothing against y'all). It took me about 30 minutes to post this!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: LazuliRose on September 03, 2012, 08:42:47 PM
Um... making criticisms about the show is fine, but do you think we can tone down the brony bashing? I'm finding it to be very hurtful. Especially about having the fandom "stolen," as if some of us are interlopers that don't belong here.
I don't think anyone 'stole' anything.  We just added to the collective XD.

And how could new collectors steal anything?  Don't older collectors still have their ponies?  Thought so XD.

-Again, I love all generations.  There are good points to all of them.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Sunset on September 03, 2012, 08:43:04 PM

- I believe bronies ruined FIM by making Hasbro drop the Slice-of-Life in favor of fighting and villains.

I don't consider myself a bronie but I for one love the adventure aspect of FIM.  I think its very in character for the MLP line.  My favorite MLP show is "Rescue at Midnight Castle" and that's has as much adventure as one could hope for.

My confession would in fact be that I didn't like "Tales" at all because it had no magic and no adventure. 
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Stuntmang on September 03, 2012, 08:44:54 PM
I hate the majority of the brony fandom. It's a wretched hive of misogyny, homophobia, rape jokes, transphobia, racism, and many other things. Don't get me wrong, I love G4 tons, but I really hate the fandom it's spawned in most circles. (MLParena and some other exceptions are excluded from this complaint, of course)
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: TurbinePony on September 03, 2012, 08:45:43 PM
Heres some

1. I really REALLY want a Large Fluttershy Plush to cuddle at night.

2. I am a brony and I find some bronies stuck up and arrogant and sometimes douchebags... Some friendship eh? At least from my experiences.

3. I sometimes get a sick feeling when I go buy ponies, not that I dont want to but that there may be that person either creeped out of me or will make me feel uncomfortable, and it has happened numerous times.

3. I really want to snag a MLP:FiM Blanket, Target had some but they are rare to find.

4. If I would living on my own I would have an MLP Bed, nuff said.

5. I find Clop images of Fan-Fics funny as flip rather hot.

There ya have it! XP
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Leopard_Print_Unicorn on September 03, 2012, 08:46:15 PM
would watch it if it were a more realistic episode where Twilight Sparkle turns into Tequila Shots and gets miserably drunk and pathetic because her brother got married before she did, and she is "always a bridesmaid, never a bride."
I actually won't watch anything wedding-related for a similar reason.. it's nice to know I'm not the only one :)
That, I can relate to, too. Although the reason I hated the pony wedding was because there was a villain and pointless fighting. It was also the point of no return for me, when I lost faith in the show. Some may also remember me hitting a serious BSOD and going on hiatus for two months to rediscover myself.

But yeah, my sister is getting married soon, too. Me? well.... :(

I'd like to say "nice to know I'm not alone" but then again I'm sorry others are going through the same.

And if there was there was a villain and pointless fighting at my wedding, too! Hmm, come to think of it, maybe I should watch it then...
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: reanna-mator on September 03, 2012, 08:50:53 PM
I hate the majority of the brony fandom. It's a wretched hive of misogyny, homophobia, rape jokes, transphobia, racism, and many other things. Don't get me wrong, I love G4 tons, but I really hate the fandom it's spawned in most circles. (MLParena and some other exceptions are excluded from this complaint, of course)

I don't see any of this, anywhere. I question your use of the word "majority." Please, can we just stop the hate?

Okay, here's a peaceful confession: I feel sad when I see an army of a pony I want but don't have yet, and a voice cries out, "save some for us!" And it makes me even more impatient to get that pony and I go running off to ebay (where I usually end up overpaying)!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Stuntmang on September 03, 2012, 08:52:28 PM
I hate the majority of the brony fandom. It's a wretched hive of misogyny, homophobia, rape jokes, transphobia, racism, and many other things. Don't get me wrong, I love G4 tons, but I really hate the fandom it's spawned in most circles. (MLParena and some other exceptions are excluded from this complaint, of course)

I don't see any of this, anywhere. I question your use of the word "majority." Please, can we just stop the hate?

Okay, here's a peaceful confession: I feel sad when I see an army of a pony I want but don't have yet, and a voice cries out, "save some for us!" And it makes me even more impatient to get that pony and I go running off to ebay (where I usually end up overpaying)!
I'd link to some very good examples, including this type of thing being perpetuated by conventions and their organizers, but every example I can think of isn't safe to post outside of Slaughterhouse.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: NoPonySpecial on September 03, 2012, 08:53:38 PM
Bronies are getting a lot of hate. I can't say I agree with all of it, but definitely with some of it. Want to hear a really wild confession?

Bronies hate bronies too.

Bronies started with people who really and truly loved the show. Yes, they are often people who didn't care about the previous toyline, but they love FiM for what it is.

Mini rebuttal that does not contribute to the post but I can't hold it in: We didn't make the show about villains: Lauren Faust planned Nightmare Moon and Discord before we even knew there was a new My Little Pony show. We like the villains, but we like the slice-of-life, too. (In fact, I prefer the slice-of-life stuff better, and I know I'm not the only one.)

With a fandom with half the people not taking themselves seriously and the other half taking it all way too seriously, I guess it's no surprise it attracted so many trolls. Trolls are who I hate. They are ruining the fandom. They are making you guys hate Bronies, and making it so I honestly can't blame you.  I practically live here on the Arena and avoid Brony hangouts. (Because I really do not want to look at sexualized ponies and constant flame wars, thank you very much!) One of my friends, the biggest brony I know, has decided he does not want to be one anymore after the behavior that went on at our last con (I forget the name of it, I'm afraid). And frankly, I can't blame him.

tl;dr confession: Bronies hate Bronies, too.

Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: karrie91 on September 03, 2012, 08:54:22 PM
 :blush: Here's some of mine..

-I only got into collecting ponies because my sister bought me a Dewdrop Dazzle from an after Christmas clearance sale. (but! but! I played with ponies as a kid!)

-I've only seen a couple episodes of FIM because Bronies ANNOY the crap out of me. I generally hate obsessers who think they know everything and hate anything but FIM. Also they say people aren't a fan because they didn't see every last episode of a show. The show is cute.... but I have a life. I can still collect ponies!

-I think G1 ponies aren't as cute as the other generations  >_< :blush: (don't kill me!)

-I sometimes wish I could play with my ponies like I did as a child.....  :cry: :(
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Yurusumaji on September 03, 2012, 08:55:18 PM
Stop hating on other fans.

This is an innocent thread and you're completely missing the point of it. It would be great if people could keep hateful confessions to themselves and give us confessions about the ponies and the shows, not hurtful opinions of other people.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Bebopgroove on September 03, 2012, 08:55:46 PM
During my two(?) year long hiatus, I slowly went to hating FiM because of brony fandom. I don't consider anyone on the Arena in that category. To me, "Brony" has come to mean a derogatory term. Collectors and Bronies are completely different. Bronies, being "bro" and therefore being male, like the show (especially the show) the blindbags and other merch, not usually the brushables, and may not even know about the previous gens (being guys and such), or find the previous gens completely lame and stupid -- as I understand it.

I was hunting all over Google looking for G3 lineart, and after my search results were largely clogged with FiM PORN, which I soley blame on bronies, I finally gave up the search.

I've gone back to liking FiM again, but it's hard to watch when you know it's become the main staple of thousands of immature trolls.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: princeichi on September 03, 2012, 08:58:04 PM
I hate the majority of the brony fandom. It's a wretched hive of misogyny, homophobia, rape jokes, transphobia, racism, and many other things. Don't get me wrong, I love G4 tons, but I really hate the fandom it's spawned in most circles. (MLParena and some other exceptions are excluded from this complaint, of course)

I don't see any of this, anywhere. I question your use of the word "majority." Please, can we just stop the hate?

Okay, here's a peaceful confession: I feel sad when I see an army of a pony I want but don't have yet, and a voice cries out, "save some for us!" And it makes me even more impatient to get that pony and I go running off to ebay (where I usually end up overpaying)!
Dude the brony fandom is notorious for being comprised of horrible people, who spout horrible things.

Most of the dwell in their own little circles on reddit and some other site, though so idk. It's not genuine hate so much as expressing an opinion of disinterest that certain people flock to the same thing we like.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Bebopgroove on September 03, 2012, 09:00:38 PM
I think we need a vent thread. Maybe everyone's reached a point where it's time to let out a little steam :P
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: karrie91 on September 03, 2012, 09:02:34 PM
I think we need a vent thread. Maybe everyone's reached a point where it's time to let out a little steam :P

Just ponywise or all things? Because I could so use that though everyone might think I'm a big ball of crazy! lol  :biggrin: :lol:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Bebopgroove on September 03, 2012, 09:06:01 PM
With a fandom with half the people not taking themselves seriously and the other half taking it all way too seriously, I guess it's no surprise it attracted so many trolls. Trolls are who I hate. They are ruining the fandom. They are making you guys hate Bronies, and making it so I honestly can't blame you.

Post Merge: September 03, 2012, 09:07:01 PM

I think we need a vent thread. Maybe everyone's reached a point where it's time to let out a little steam :P

Just ponywise or all things? Because I could so use that though everyone might think I'm a big ball of crazy! lol  :biggrin: :lol:
Mm.. We could always post one in the Corral and Off-Topic :biggrin:

On a different note, I apologize if I offended anyone who considers themselves a brony. I guess you could say I aim my criticisms at the awful trolls who call themselves bronies, the ones with the terrible memes and sexualized art, and I know no one on the Arena behaves that way. Maybe someday I'll come to understand bronies, or meet a decent brony in person, and I'll feel better.

Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Malancaiwen on September 03, 2012, 09:20:42 PM
And I think some of the more sought-after G1s are really ugly...
OMG! Me too! Some of the most sought after ponies just look "meh" to me (saves me some money at least ^^)

Also, I contemplated baiting perfectly fine and HTF G3 for custom purposes (but didn't, don't worry) several times.

I like customs more than collecting.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: ApertureScience on September 03, 2012, 09:21:19 PM
I don't approve of people blaming the Brony group as a whole for what the MINORITY is doing wrong.

Can we please stop with the "them vs. us" though?  It's happening way too often.

My confessions: 
-I gave away my Star Catcher to a friend who was moving away.  I never saw or heard from her again.
-I keep my eye out for most sought-after ponies because of their rarity and nothing else.  Many think Mimic is beautiful, but I don't agree.  I just like her because she's so rare. :P
-I often prefer common ponies to rare ones anyway.
-I have an issue with greed and don't like to debox my ponies due to the fact that it lowers their value.
-My customs suck.

[edit for language ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: pop-girl on September 03, 2012, 09:29:15 PM
This thread is quickly going south - please be respectful of each other or this thread will be locked.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Zenobiaa on September 03, 2012, 09:37:17 PM

-I dearly wish there were more Pegasus ponies in G4. It seems like it's always either a unicorn or an earth pony (especially in the blind bags). I really only collect pegasi/winged ponies, so I find it annoying seeing nothing but earth pony and unicorn releases.
-I'm extremely OCD about my ponies touching each other (I have this paranoia that any two ponies touching will result in stains :U) or blocking one another from view.
-I wish I had a camera for the sole purpose of doing photo shoots with my ponies.
-I love brushing my ponies' hair but I always hold myself back because I'm terrible at the burshie brushies and always make it look worse ;o;
-I want Hasbro to release more playsets. Then I want to be left in the house alone so I can play with said playsets.
-I am determined to watch every single MLP TV episode, movie, ect. of every generation (but I keep procrastinating :B).
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: scarletjul on September 03, 2012, 09:40:07 PM
Confession time:

I have a giant box of g3 ponies that desperately need cleaning.  I know I should catch up before I buy more but I hate to leave them behind at the thrift store.  :)

I once donated a gorgeous g1 Spring Song.  It was early into my collecting days and I was doing a major clean up.  I wasn't into sweetheart sisters at the time, nor was I selling/trading and so I let her go.  *kicks former self*
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Bebopgroove on September 03, 2012, 09:42:06 PM
I haven't finished through FiM Season 1 ._. So yeah, I don't even know about Discord and his character or purpose.  :argh:

I do have season 2 on my comp ready for watching.

And I still need Star Song to complete my Clone Sevens.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Leopard_Print_Unicorn on September 03, 2012, 09:45:25 PM
Ooh ooh! I thought of some more:

11. I have deflocked several ponies which some might consider worthy of saving as flocked. In my defense, most of my deflocks were baity, though.

12. I dislike any pony with a teddy bear theme or symbol. I love plushies, but dislike teddy bears overall. Always have. I think it is because they are given human, non-realistic proportions, like two arms and two legs instead of four legs. I like my plushies to have some sort of realistic animal shape, even if they are purple :) Does that make sense? Anyway. Although I am usually a set completist, I will not go out of my way to buy a pony with a teddy bear theme or symbol even if I have every other pony in that set. The exception is baby/newborn ponies, but even then I'm not thrilled about it.

13. I make up complex family, social, and hierarchical pony relationships for each Generation in my head. Possibly this might be considered "fan-fic" if committed to paper, I don't know. I don't read enough fan fic to say. They're really not a lot of stories, though. Just overall ideas of relationships and connections and background.

14. My childhood ponies sat for years in an unheated, unairconditioned attic sat my parents' house for years when I was "too cool" to be interested in them. When I decided I wanted them again, most were salvageable, but many had cancer spots or other damage that probably would not be there if they had been properly cared for all along. :( I also cannot find my Pretty Parlor, Show Stable, Nursery, Baby Buggy, or any other play set, although I can find some of the accessories. This makes me unsure if I sold them at a garage sale or not (because why would I have kept the accessories??)

15. I am woefully behind at my pony salon. I have many G1's and the majority of my G3's that need to be washed and styled, or at least brushed. But I just don't see the sense in doing it until I have a place to display them all because putting them back in bins messes up their 'dos.

16. When I got reinterested in collecting about 2 years ago, I can think of at least several ponies that I way overspent on on e-bay because I didn't know that they were actually common and was not all that experienced with sales here or at the TP. I see what they go for on the forums and want to kick myself. I try to feel better by thinking about some of the bargains I've gotten, and hope that I broke even.

17. Sometimes I wish I could scale down my collection just for simplicity of maintenance and display, but then I feel guilty about even thinking that I don't like certain ponies enough to have them, almost like dissing a friend for no reason.

18. Along the not-realistic animal line, I also dislike ponies with humanized features. Most of these are babies, like First Tooth, Fancy Pants, Drink N' Wet. Real equines do not have a tooth sticking out over their lip, they don't wear diapers, and they certainly don't PEE in diapers. Come to think of it, I dislike most of the baby accessories (bottles, bibs, playpens, toys) because they are too humanized. REAL horses don't use these things!! Ponies in clothes or little hair accessories or whatever are ok though, just not the ones that are permanently part of the mold, like G2 Satin Slipper as an example.

19. If I were ever to get access to a time machine, the first thing I would do would be go back in time and buy all the ponies that I didn't have when they were on the shelves. This applies to other toys I missed, too, like Jem, Fashion Star Fillies, and the larger versions of the little guy in my signature who I desperately, desperately want so bad it keeps me up at night sometimes. (Seriously, but a lot keeps me up at night). Then I might do some more "important" stuff like things that would improve the world overall (I mean, whatever. Ponies come first!!)
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: karrie91 on September 03, 2012, 09:46:07 PM
-I desperately want to buy Fashion Style Ponies but am afraid it will open the gateway to more than one pony of each character!

-A guy at work teases me about my collection.

-I LOVE G3.5's and feel ashamed because most people don't  :( :blush:

-I want a whole collection of G3.5 Ponyvilles!

-I can't bring myself to ever sell a Pony.

-I like to smell my ponies....... :lookround:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Calico_Star on September 03, 2012, 09:47:15 PM
1) I don't love all my ponies the same  :ninja:
2) I have a very hard time parting with ponies even if I have duplicates of them. No you may not have one of my 2,000 G2 Sundances; they're all mine and I need them all!
3) I can't tell anymore if I like some of the more HTF ponies because they're pretty or just because they're rare
4) It makes me sad to see people with armies of a pony that I still don't have in my collection. Set them free, they want to come live with me!  :whistle:
5) I get very irritable and snarky if I find a secondhand pony I'm interested in that's overpriced, and usually complain about it to whoever I'm with loud enough for everyone else to hear. I don't know what's wrong with me  :blush:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Bebopgroove on September 03, 2012, 09:50:59 PM
Don't know if anyone here remembers this...

One of the first G1 ponies I bought was on eBay.. I forget the sellers name, but she always heavily styles the ponies' manes and tails in epic curls and hairspray, and her ponies are always over-priced, and because of her photos, her ponies usually incite a bidding war. Well I was trying to bid on a Galaxy, and the bidding was getting heated, and instead of typing in $40 in the bid box, I accidentally put in $40000. I was so scared, but obviously the bidding never went that high, and I learned an important lesson in ebay bidding :P 
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Yurusumaji on September 03, 2012, 09:53:37 PM
I like customs more than collecting.

Holy cow I'm not the only one!!! I only have one custom, but she is easily one of my favorite ponies (besides my Pinkie Pies, 'cause, I mean, Pinkie Pie!) and I always want customs more than I ever want factory ponies. Pony customizers are just so creative, artistic and amazing. I can oft be seen drooling over a custom and internally sobbing that I can't snatch them up!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: karrie91 on September 03, 2012, 09:55:15 PM
Don't know if anyone here remembers this...

One of the first G1 ponies I bought was on eBay.. I forget the sellers name, but she always heavily styles the ponies' manes and tails in epic curls and hairspray, and her ponies are always over-priced, and because of her photos, her ponies usually incite a bidding war. Well I was trying to bid on a Galaxy, and the bidding was getting heated, and instead of typing in $40 in the bid box, I accidentally put in $40000. I was so scared, but obviously the bidding never went that high, and I learned an important lesson in ebay bidding :P

I would probably need a pair of clean pants if that happened to me!!!  :shocked: :shocked:  :lol:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Bebopgroove on September 03, 2012, 09:57:54 PM
Don't know if anyone here remembers this...

One of the first G1 ponies I bought was on eBay.. I forget the sellers name, but she always heavily styles the ponies' manes and tails in epic curls and hairspray, and her ponies are always over-priced, and because of her photos, her ponies usually incite a bidding war. Well I was trying to bid on a Galaxy, and the bidding was getting heated, and instead of typing in $40 in the bid box, I accidentally put in $40000. I was so scared, but obviously the bidding never went that high, and I learned an important lesson in ebay bidding :P

I would probably need a pair of clean pants if that happened to me!!!  :shocked: :shocked:  :lol:
:lol: Lol I was pretty sick with nervousness.. But I only paid about $50 for her in the end :)
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: MoongazerThePony on September 03, 2012, 10:01:56 PM
A few

- I hate when people call my OTP's stupid ;n;
- I hate when people say "I love every generation - except for g3.5"

Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: karrie91 on September 03, 2012, 10:04:37 PM
A few

- I hate when people call my OTP's stupid ;n;
- I hate when people say "I love every generation - except for g3.5"


G3.5 were adorable. Why no love for them? I only have some ponyville mermaids and a Sweetiebelle but if they still had them in stores, I'd have a bunch more!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Bebopgroove on September 03, 2012, 10:07:19 PM
I really didn't like them at first... I think it was the huge heads and strangely out of place pigtails, but they've grown on me since then. Not really sure who I want to acquire first :P
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Yurusumaji on September 03, 2012, 10:08:42 PM
Not really sure who I want to acquire first :P

Get one of the moms if you can. :) They're the most liked of the generation and just gorgeous.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Varkolak on September 03, 2012, 10:11:59 PM
-i stole a pony from the dr's office. :/ it was a G3 periwinkle. she was dirty and germy and her hair was tangled and a huge mess. i just casually slipped her into my purse when the doc left, and i felt like everyone was talking about it the whole time i was in the pharmacy. (just my guilt kicking in). i cleaned her up real nice though.

- put some ponies in a plastic storage bin yesterday and cried a little. its not that i don't love them, i just don't have room for them AND my LPS on the shelf. its about half and half right now. i feel like i'm cheating on them with LPS.

-at work on my breaks, i make a list of pony familes. my favorite is Mimic, Barnacle, and their baby is Feathermay.

- i get jealous when i see someone with a bigger and better applejack and mimic army than me. its just because i want it and can't have it lol nothing against the person.

-i once spent so much money on ponies, my fiance had to lend me money for bills T-T that one still eats me alive at night.

Post Merge: September 03, 2012, 10:12:47 PM

also, i have a G3.5 talking baby cheerilee doll in my closet. she terrifies me.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: karrie91 on September 03, 2012, 10:16:19 PM
Here's a confession:

I'm considering spending my entire check this week on My Little Ponies because I've been looking at all this G4 stuff I want including the Wedding Castle and Twilight Sparkle Remote Control Car!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: NoPonySpecial on September 03, 2012, 10:21:41 PM
-I'm so relieved I'm not the only one who gets upset over people having armies of a pony I want! I feel bad about it, but I keep wondering.

-I don't like the faces on G4 ponies. I love that gen and that's why I started. I like the variety in manes, bodies are cute, but the faces - I don't like them on principle! Sure they're cute, but ponies don't have nubby noses; they have long faces and big nostrils! I'm annoyed at G3.5 for having started that - I agree with Rybett, that generation looks like cats. Cats are cute, but they aren't ponies.

-I don't like real life ponies or horses. I mean, I respect them, I think they're cool, but I'd never have the patience to live with a pony myself.

-I have occasionally given ponies haircuts. (Not G1s...not anymore.)

-I have a Meadowbrook who has something wrong with her tail washer: when I brushed the frizzy part of her tail, bunches of hair came out. And my mild OCD made me keep going...oops. (On the plus side, I think she's pretty with a thinner tail!)

[edit for content ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]
^ Thanks for the edit! Thank you for looking after my big mouth. :blush:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Dragonflitter on September 03, 2012, 10:22:59 PM
Okay when I first read the title of this thread, I thought this was for confessions of the ponies in your collection, not yourself! :lmao:

So here's what I was going to write:

-My G1 Sunnybuch has some issues indulging in wine a little too much. She can't stand up. :blush:

-G1 Tassles is her best friend and props her up so she doesn't fall on her face all the time.

-G4 Scootaloo took Starbeam Twinkle's tiara and wears it all the time, even though Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle don't have any accessories and are next to her on the shelf.

-G4 Dizzy Doo is not an actual living pony, she's some sort of giant stone statue, trapped behind an invisible force field (I tell myself this to feel better because I can't bring myself to take her out of the box lol)

-Gilda the Griffin keeps knocking over the other blind bag pegsi, because she is jealous that Rainbow Dash is standing with them instead of with her

-The fact is, the two G1 Newborn Baby Yo-Yos are really identical twins, certainly not that one is a duplicate I bought because I forgot I already had the other >_>;

-Daddy Sweet Celebrations is deeply ashamed that most of his symbols are rubbed off, but he still sits with all the other mint and near-mint G1's on the shelf because he's a beloved childhood pony and deserves to be on display!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Whoa1234 on September 03, 2012, 10:38:27 PM
1. I almost baited a g1 factory error Bluebelle, but got really sick with mono and didn't.
Luckily, I posed a brag and an awesome member clued me in on factory errors.

2. I cried the first time my nieces came over and man-handled my ponies.

3. I've gotten my boyfriend to drive me hours away from home just to pick up ponies.

4. There isn't a room in my house that doesn't have a pony in it.

5. I've given up buying clothes and make up so I could have more ponies.

6. I'm taking a sewing class at my college just so I  can make myself pony plushies.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Water_Fire on September 04, 2012, 01:40:10 AM
1. If it weren't for the brony movement, I'd never have got back into collecting (and I'd have a lot more money!).

2. The bronies both delight and worry me. Delight because it makes glad to see people crossing over the gender lines to say 'I LIKE THIS AND YOU CAN ALL DEAL WITH IT.' Worry because there are the bad apples who seem intent on ruining it for everyone else.

3. Whenever I see pics of someone's pony room, I'm always sick with jealousy.

4. I wish there was less PINK in the MLP world. Yeah, pink's a lovely colour, but you know there are other ones, Hasbro?

5. Sometimes I feel bad for all the ponies that I've bought still boxed, as they've never been played with...

6. If I'm feeling down of anxious, I tend to grab a pony and play with it's hair to calm myself down.

7. I can't keep a pony MIB. I feel too bad to leave them in there!

8. My customs also suck.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Eldarwen on September 04, 2012, 01:53:29 AM

1. I talk to my ponies.  :lol: First time a few ponies from UK joined my collection, I told them 'welcome' in english. I mean, ofc they would't understand finnish! But I know I can't be the onlyone because my friend (who is a collector too) admits that she also talks to her ponies. "you're going to be so pretty!" while cleaning etc.

2. I know I have one "competitor" where I live. I know she collects ponies and she often talks on facebook about how and when she is going to check the fleamarket. She just said she's going to drive to another city for one "special flea market" (I dont know the word, sorry) next saturday. Im going to drive there before her and check if there are any ponies. I know! Im so mean.. But omg Im so jealous how she always finds the ponies in our city before me.  :yikes:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Stormness_1 on September 04, 2012, 01:57:13 AM
1. I married the first boyfriend I told about my ponies!

2. my hubby is watching me write this. He's laughing at me...

3. I got my mum to cut ruby lips' mane into a bob when I was four. Hey, at least I didn't cut it myself!

4. I can't stand to leave ponies I actually like in their packaging... Free the ponies!

5. I don't like having more than one of each pony. Armies annoy me, I like to share the pony love... and the only pony I've kept multiples of is g3 pinkie pie... there's a few nice ones I can't choose from!

6. I rename ponies that have the same name. I have 3 gens of apple jacks... Apple Jack, Jack Apple (UK), Apple Stack (G3) & AJ (G4).

7. My ponies have families. They always have, always will!

Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Enolaalone on September 04, 2012, 02:28:17 AM
When I was a child I drew on all my ponies, with a kind of crayony pencil, which I thought would come off afterwards and then didn't. I felt so guilty  :blush: I hope someone somewhere in the UK has some ponies that had red crayony pencil stuff on them that they managed to get off, and they have a new life.

I also sleep with a Rainbow Dash plushie, but my boyf knows about that so it's not really a confession. And sometimes other ponies, but not all of the time.

There is no space in my flat! I am afraid to put baity ponies in boxes until I get the time to fix them up, but I think I'll have to.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Luxrayx on September 04, 2012, 02:35:58 AM
-I'm scared of telling my friends about my collection. When my best friend almost saw them i stuffed my pillow into the shelf :P

-I want a pony plushie not for the collection's sake, but to cuddle with at night.

-I brush ponies more than i brush myself. (And i have long hair!)

-My ponies were even secret for my family the first months i collected.

There is more, probably... just too lazy to write more now :P
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Gingerbread on September 04, 2012, 02:58:29 AM
My confessions -

If I see a pony in a charity shop/bootsale that I want, I will push past people to get it. :blush:

I sometimes spend food money on ponies :blush:

I have so many ponies that I've got second hand, all stuck in carrier them though is always a job for tomorrow :D

I'm jealous of other peoples TE armies... <_<

I like sniffing my ponies :ninja:

Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Luxrayx on September 04, 2012, 03:02:24 AM
Oh yea and the first thing i do when i get a new pony is pop off the head to check for... Things and smell on them ^^'
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Taxel on September 04, 2012, 03:02:43 AM
1. I opened a G1 in "mint" packaging and don't regret it for a second. Granted, she was just bagged, not in a box or on a card, and I fully support debagging G1s. Bags are ugly and do nothing but mess up their hair. My girl also has some faint marks from her little card thing in the bag.

2. It REALLY upsets me when people don't respect G1s and don't care that they're destroying them forever. If I see a customizer (no matter how good) say that they've baited a perfectly fine G1 I add them to a list of people I will never buy from. It blows my mind that people expect thirty year old TOYS to be in absolute perfect condition and will happily destroy them if they have the tiniest flaw.
(And I do own three G1 customs, and G1 customs are by far my favorite.)

There's more but its time for bed. XP
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Skeen on September 04, 2012, 11:35:39 AM
I spend more money on haircare products for my ponies than I do on products for myself.  I don't think I even own a hairbrush (I have a pixie cut, so I don't really need one anyway...).

Aadra310 and I once found a Merry Treats that smelled SO BAD that after several months of trying everything we could think of to de-stink her we finally buried her.  We couldn't stand to just toss her. 

I will occasionally hide a pony in Mr. Skeen's Man Room, just to see how long it takes him to find it.

I have lied about how much I spent on a pony.  More than once.  A lot, actually.  And I plan to do it again. 
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: klein on September 04, 2012, 11:42:35 AM
- If not for Friendship is Magic/G4 I probably wouldn't be collecting ponies now. I had a gigantic G1 collection as a child (somewhere in storage now) and I've flirted with the idea of starting to collect them again as an adult especially after seeing some of DGRequiem's customs in person. I even bought a few random ponies like the Mizuno Junko collector pony but though I was interested in them I never really pursued them much. Then G4 came out, I saw an Applejack (AJ was my childhood favorite) in the store and I couldn't resist her. My daughter started watching the show, then I started watching the show and we both started seriously collecting G4s. Now I collect almost all of the generations and she has a small army of G3/3.5/4s. We even have a few matching MLP tshirts.

- I've lurked on the arena for years when I did become interested in ponies again, I was almost afraid to post as my primary interest is/was G4   :cry: I collect the other generations too (G1/G3 mostly) but it is too a lesser extent ie. I probably have as many G4s as I do the other generations combined.

- I love G1=>G4 customs, I love the original G1s but to me the G4 customs based on them are like a concentrated form of cuteness and I can't resist them (I think it is a size thing, I love tiny downsized things).

- I absolutely love the G1 Friends/Pretty Pals lines, I think they are absolutely absurd yet the most awesome things ever. Someday, I will have that llama! 

-  Someday I will have an Applejack from each generation even if that means going custom.

- I had a single g2 as a child, I thought it was a fakie as it didn't look like any of the others  :blush:

- I find it very relaxing to fuss about with my ponies either brushing their hair or rearranging them on the shelves.

- One of my male friends used to play My Little Pony with me when we were kids, some of my other male friends would play to humor me but he really enjoyed it. His favorite was Firefly which he always played as a male villain. I bumped into him recently and kind of scoff at one of his male employees for wearing a Rainbow Dash tshirt to work, I kind of teased about his own MLP past. We talked about my starting to collect again and he was rather aghast I did not have a Firefly, the next time I saw him I had purchased two Fireflys one for me and one for him. I don't think I have ever seen him happier in our like 25 years of friendship than he was when I gave him Firefly, (s)he now proudly adorns his desk at work. 
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Dragonflitter on September 04, 2012, 12:43:39 PM

- One of my male friends used to play My Little Pony with me when we were kids, some of my other male friends would play to humor me but he really enjoyed it. His favorite was Firefly which he always played as a male villain. I bumped into him recently and kind of scoff at one of his male employees for wearing a Rainbow Dash tshirt to work, I kind of teased about his own MLP past. We talked about my starting to collect again and he was rather aghast I did not have a Firefly, the next time I saw him I had purchased two Fireflys one for me and one for him. I don't think I have ever seen him happier in our like 25 years of friendship than he was when I gave him Firefly, (s)he now proudly adorns his desk at work. 

BEST STORY EVER. You win the interwebs!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: ApertureScience on September 04, 2012, 12:50:56 PM
- One of my male friends used to play My Little Pony with me when we were kids, some of my other male friends would play to humor me but he really enjoyed it. His favorite was Firefly which he always played as a male villain. I bumped into him recently and kind of scoff at one of his male employees for wearing a Rainbow Dash tshirt to work, I kind of teased about his own MLP past. We talked about my starting to collect again and he was rather aghast I did not have a Firefly, the next time I saw him I had purchased two Fireflys one for me and one for him. I don't think I have ever seen him happier in our like 25 years of friendship than he was when I gave him Firefly, (s)he now proudly adorns his desk at work.

That is one of the most amazing things I have ever read!  I wish I had a friend that cool!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Loona on September 04, 2012, 12:51:23 PM
- I sometimes hide new ponies from my boyfriend (especially when they arrive in groups) and clean them in the morning so that they dry and can be hidden by the afternoon when he comes home. later they just... randomly show up all clean and nice, like they were always there :P so if he occasionally spots someone new out there, I can say "oh, I bought them awhile ago" :angel:

- I once asked my sister to lend me some money for a bunch of ponies I desperately wanted to buy but I was oh so broke. I never had the courage to tell my boyfriend, nor to ask him for money (and we live together -____- )

- somewhere around my early teens I gave, traded or sold (to be able to buy something I thought I needed more atm) some of my ponies to my sister, and now I feel a little jealous of her having them. I know it's all stupid, and I love her, but... I'm still a little jealous about those ponies O_o

1. I talk to my ponies.  :lol: First time a few ponies from UK joined my collection, I told them 'welcome' in english. I mean, ofc they would't understand finnish! But I know I can't be the onlyone because my friend (who is a collector too) admits that she also talks to her ponies. "you're going to be so pretty!" while cleaning etc.
me too, me too!
apart from my childhood ponies who I think of someone who either learned or got used to Hungarian I usually talk to them in English too, so that they can understand  XD
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Sandra on September 04, 2012, 12:57:09 PM
1. I often overspend on eBay for mint/near mint ponies. I have mild OCD and do not like flawed ponies in my collection. In fact, I always send messages to sellers asking them to re-examine their ponies just to make SURE they have no visible flaws, and send additional pictures if possible. I know my pickiness is annoying, but I can't help myself. I actually don't mind overspending on ponies, even the common ones. Buying only minties/near minties is bittersweet as it is expensive but helps keep my herd down (since I don't have that much space to display them yet.)

2. I buy MIB mainly because they are almost guaranteed mint condition. However, as soon as I get them, I take them out of the box. It feels unfair to me to keep them in the box when all the others are free to roam my shelves.

3. I once bought a MIB Big Brother and found out he had mild stains on his body from the packaging. I couldn't remove them with anything, so I sold him for $20 less than what I paid for him. ._.

4. Whenever I have a bad day, buying a pony makes me feel a lot better. Sometimes my boyfriend will buy one for me. Also, washing and styling ponies helps me feel better too. My boyfriend calls buying/cleaning ponies when I'm sad "pony therapy."

5. I see my ponies as alive with feelings and personalities. I once caught myself apologizing to a pony that I accidentally dropped on the ground.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: FlitterRose on September 04, 2012, 01:43:30 PM
- I believe bronies ruined FIM by making Hasbro drop the Slice-of-Life in favor of fighting and villains.

Agree with that! :ohyeah:
Here are mine:

~My friends don't know I'm collecting ponies,but I put G3 Pinkie Pie in my purse everyday.They never notice.  :biggrin:

~G3.5 is one of my favorite gens!Not afraid to admit it!

~I feel weird when I pop up at the cash register with ponies in my hands and all the people look at me like that  :blink:

~My boyfriend calls G3.5 Cheerilee ,,the hot pink kitty with the pigtails'' and even tho I love G3.5s,this cracks me out everytime  :lol:

~I don't wanna be rude,but I think I'm the only one who just doesn't like Ditzy Doo.I don't know what's the big deal of her and I don't understand the point of making fun in a pony with a problem.I even think that the big attention of her and all the ,,funny'' comments discriminate the people with deseases.

~Bronies who consider the other gens as useless annoy me.Without the older gens,they'll never get FiM.

Sorry,I just had to let it out  :lookround:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Loona on September 04, 2012, 01:50:22 PM
ah, I forgot to add (the Arena died on me, and I was glad I could post my prevous one :3 ) I don't like MIBs or MOCs either. it makes me sad that they can't get hugged or cuddled with.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: anna4810 on September 04, 2012, 01:54:09 PM
thank you for mentioning me in your thread its a mature thing to do i have no idea why u would chose me to do that do but its not nice i dont even no u pretty harsh really im new here and its hard to make friends let alone when someone speaks badly about u in a open forum so everyone can see thanks alot
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Dragonflitter on September 04, 2012, 01:58:32 PM
thank you for mentioning me in your thread its a mature thing to do i have no idea why u would chose me to do that do but its not nice i dont even no u pretty harsh really im new here and its hard to make friends let alone when someone speaks badly about u in a open forum so everyone can see thanks alot

*hugs* Honey, no one is mentioning you. That's a joke on the Arena, it's just a gimick that posts the name of the person reading it. Each person will see their own username there.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: anna4810 on September 04, 2012, 02:03:31 PM
thank you for mentioning me in your thread its a mature thing to do i have no idea why u would chose me to do that do but its not nice i dont even no u pretty harsh really im new here and its hard to make friends let alone when someone speaks badly about u in a open forum so everyone can see thanks alot

*hugs* Honey, no one is mentioning you. That's a joke on the Arena, it's just a gimick that posts the name of the person reading it. Each person will see their own username there.

:O really ? omg now i feel like a fool i was thinking what i could have done to upset anyone ops sorry to the person who made the post if so i feel totally stupid  :blush:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: NovelNerd on September 04, 2012, 02:29:50 PM
thank you for mentioning me in your thread its a mature thing to do i have no idea why u would chose me to do that do but its not nice i dont even no u pretty harsh really im new here and its hard to make friends let alone when someone speaks badly about u in a open forum so everyone can see thanks alot

*hugs* Honey, no one is mentioning you. That's a joke on the Arena, it's just a gimick that posts the name of the person reading it. Each person will see their own username there.

:O really ? omg now i feel like a fool i was thinking what i could have done to upset anyone ops sorry to the person who made the post if so i feel totally stupid  :blush:
Aww yes dear it's just a code you put in, and it shows the username of the person that is reading the post. Don't feel stupid though. Plenty of people have been confused by it, and I still catch myself sometimes going. 'Why are they talking about me?"  :blink:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: cazz25 on September 04, 2012, 02:32:24 PM
1. I have a small group of G1 doubles displayed in my wardrobe that I want to sell but the other day my boyfriend pretended to be them and said 'Mummy why are we being put in a padded envelope? where are we going? it's dark in here I don't like it' and now I can't sell them.

2. Me and my 3 1/2 old son have started watching FIM together and we both love it. His fave is Pinkie Pie.

3. I have started collecting G4s as well as G1s and I go armed to the shops with a complete background story of how its my nieces birthday and how she's only just started collecting and i'm starting up her collection, as if anyone is really going to ask.

4. Sometimes I just pick up a pony and hold them for a while.

5. I constantly tell my boyfriend how much I love my ponies.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Pinecone on September 04, 2012, 03:28:20 PM
I'm scared of Tirac
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: JigglesTheCat on September 04, 2012, 05:24:26 PM
One more...
I have a terrible crush on Shining Armor, but I don't tell anyone because Cadence is like everyone's favorite pony and I've never seen him paired with anyone else and I think I'm the only one...


Well, actually, she's one of my least favorite.  :lookround:
thank you for mentioning me in your thread its a mature thing to do i have no idea why u would chose me to do that do but its not nice i dont even no u pretty harsh really im new here and its hard to make friends let alone when someone speaks badly about u in a open forum so everyone can see thanks alot

*hugs* Honey, no one is mentioning you. That's a joke on the Arena, it's just a gimick that posts the name of the person reading it. Each person will see their own username there.

:O really ? omg now i feel like a fool i was thinking what i could have done to upset anyone ops sorry to the person who made the post if so i feel totally stupid  :blush:

It's fine!  :tackleglomp:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: loverofbalto on September 04, 2012, 05:30:28 PM
At first I saw my name in the example of what not to say and I was like what did I do, but I realized it was a computer trick.

My confession is some nights I can't fall asleep without listening to one of Storyteller Twlight Sparkle's songs or stories.  It calms me down and makes me really happy.  I love her.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: JigglesTheCat on September 04, 2012, 05:34:59 PM
I'm taking a sewing class at my college just so I  can make myself pony plushies.

I'm taking a sewing class to sew I can sew pony things too!

5. I see my ponies as alive with feelings and personalities. I once caught myself apologizing to a pony that I accidentally dropped on the ground.

Same here! My g4 ponies that are from the mane six have personalities from the show, but the rest each have their own "back story" that I made myself  :smug:

Here are more of mine:

- I don't really care about Ditsy Doo. I mean, I like her, she was a nice find and all, but I don't think she deserves to be the SDCC pony.

-  I'm fully convinced one of my teachers is a Brony and I will find out if he is or not!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Stormness_1 on September 04, 2012, 05:53:18 PM
OOh.. i have more now that hubby has gone to work.. yay for my day off!

I have lied about how much a pony was purchased for.. and subsequently how much they are worth for 'resale' -as if I'm actually going to!!!  :P

I'd rather clean ponies than watch boring movies with hubby. sometimes I'll sit up half the night. They MUST be cleaned! eek!
(actually I'm pretty sure he knows that....)

I buy hubby RC cars and choppers and stuff so that he will have a collection that he has to store somewhere... and we can go halfsies in a collection room.. hehe devious (yet genius) plan!

I buy pony themed biccies and lollies for work... and for the stickers....  :huh:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: rayedelsol on September 04, 2012, 05:55:45 PM
thank you for mentioning me in your thread its a mature thing to do i have no idea why u would chose me to do that do but its not nice i dont even no u pretty harsh really im new here and its hard to make friends let alone when someone speaks badly about u in a open forum so everyone can see thanks alot

*hugs* Honey, no one is mentioning you. That's a joke on the Arena, it's just a gimick that posts the name of the person reading it. Each person will see their own username there.

:O really ? omg now i feel like a fool i was thinking what i could have done to upset anyone ops sorry to the person who made the post if so i feel totally stupid  :blush:

My little confession about this? The first time I saw my name in it, I knew it was a bot or a programming thingie, because I'm not that popular around here.  :blush:

Anyways! Other pony confessions!
1.) I am really obsessed with finding my original childhood ponies. REALLY! I'm pretty sure they were tossed/given away/yard saled. I'm trying not to give up hope.
2.) I go through phases where I love G4 ponies, and then I absolutely must get my hands on  G1, and then I go back to G4. I'm in a G1 phase right now.
3.) When I first started collecting G4s, the thought of rehairing a Rainbow Dash to be accurate made me cringe. I hated the idea of "ruining" a pony like that. Now I realize it is my pony to do with what I want.
4.) Armies make me jealous too, especially when I am looking for a specific pony, and there is someone that has dozens of them. At the same time, I really want an army of my own :)
5.) All my [high school] students know I collect ponies. They are trying to find a way to get me a Batman/pony cross-over present for Christmas.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Kalavista on September 04, 2012, 06:01:01 PM
I have lied about how much I spent on a pony.  More than once.  A lot, actually.  And I plan to do it again.

THIS IS ME. Hubby has no CLUE how much I spent for Ice Crystal. XD
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: rayedelsol on September 04, 2012, 06:03:25 PM
I have lied about how much I spent on a pony.  More than once.  A lot, actually.  And I plan to do it again.

THIS IS ME. Hubby has no CLUE how much I spent for Ice Crystal. XD

Ditto! Hubby has no clue how much Chief really cost me....
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Starly on September 04, 2012, 06:05:28 PM
2.) I go through phases where I love G4 ponies, and then I absolutely must get my hands on  G1, and then I go back to G4. I'm in a G1 phase right now.
3.) When I first started collecting G4s, the thought of rehairing a Rainbow Dash to be accurate made me cringe. I hated the idea of "ruining" a pony like that. Now I realize it is my pony to do with what I want.
4.) Armies make me jealous too, especially when I am looking for a specific pony, and there is someone that has dozens of them. At the same time, I really want an army of my own :)
These, and these:

1: I love opening current G4 pony packaging, all the tape, hair elastics, plastic hair things and all. I just grab a pair of scissors, sit in my bed with them, and take my time opening them, preserving the box as much as I can, even putting all the tape and junk back in the box and closing it up.

2: I love the smell of a brand new G4, it smells so nice to me, I sniff them on occassion to smell the fresh pony scent, and they stay that way for awhile.

3: I keep box hair too, not even washing my new G4s for long periods of time, if at all.

4: I disagree when people say G4 is the only gen that matters, but I also dislike when people say that G1 is the only gen that matters. Get what I mean? I see a LOT of G4 or G1 elitism all over, and it makes me sad, I like all the gens (though G4 is my fav) and none of them should be seen as more important than the rest. Though G1 and G4 are very similar in many ways, in both the toys and cartoons, honestly fans of them both should get along more.

5: I dislike the word brony, but not the fanbase, I like the shipping filled, 'clop' based art, the amazing handmade plushies, BG pony love, and crazy FiM theorys.

6: I also lie about pony prices all the time to my family and lie about some ponies being 'rare' and 'only at this store/there's only one left!'.

Post Merge: September 04, 2012, 06:06:10 PM

I have lied about how much I spent on a pony.  More than once.  A lot, actually.  And I plan to do it again.

THIS IS ME. Hubby has no CLUE how much I spent for Ice Crystal. XD

Ditto! Hubby has no clue how much Chief really cost me....
My DJ-pon3 one must know her true cost..
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Bebopgroove on September 04, 2012, 06:11:34 PM
thank you for mentioning me in your thread its a mature thing to do i have no idea why u would chose me to do that do but its not nice i dont even no u pretty harsh really im new here and its hard to make friends let alone when someone speaks badly about u in a open forum so everyone can see thanks alot

*hugs* Honey, no one is mentioning you. That's a joke on the Arena, it's just a gimick that posts the name of the person reading it. Each person will see their own username there.

I forget who it was... but I literally died on the floor when her's said "______ is a sexy momma" XDD
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: majikarte on September 04, 2012, 06:39:34 PM
It kind of bugs me when people call any kind of toy horse that isn't MLP a fakie. If it doesn't have symbols, I don't really consider it to be copying MLP. But the symbols are what make MLP special. (However, I guess if a toy horse used an actual MLP mold, even if it didn't have symols it would still be a copy of MLP.)

I think it'll be pretty funny when the Brony fad dies down, and then they start to regret spending hundreds of dollars on those custom made plush and other merch. But because I only became a fan of MLP from FiM, I worry about myself losing interest in MLP. Unlike most female fans, this isn't any kind of lifelong love for me. Also, I lived that feeling, of joining a fandom and spending money on merch, and then eventually losing interest, and it really kind of sucks.

I feel a little sad whenever I see a custom G1. I mean, I have no idea what the condition of the pony was like before it was customised, maybe it was something common like Cotton Candy, and with an extreme hair cut and missing most of the eyes and symbols, and the custom greatly improved the looks of the pony, but there's a tiny part of me that thinks about the little possibility of it being someone HTF and in decent condition.

The boy ponies don't really look much like boys to me... Shining Armour is the exception, and the boy blindbags too. But it's easy for me to imagine the Big Brothers as girls, and even easier with the baby ones.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: StoryDreamer on September 04, 2012, 06:53:17 PM
I go through stages with ponies. I like certain things about MLP and sometimes those change. Like I used to love fanfic, now not so much. Right now I'm more about just collecting the ones I have - not getting any new.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: rybett on September 04, 2012, 06:59:27 PM
I have decided that somehow Denim Blue is related to Shining Armor.
Brushing pony hair is very soothing. 
Hubby does not know how much I paid for the The Filter Is There For A Reason :drama: Pony.  Close, but not quite.  Then I made sure to tell him how much they were on E-bay.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Honeycomb on September 04, 2012, 07:07:32 PM
I don't like MLP cartoons, be it old or new.
I don't get why FIM is so popular, even with boys.
I want G3 back, I miss their variety.
I'm terrified of my ponies developing cancer or mold.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: RAMChYLD on September 04, 2012, 07:37:57 PM
My confession is some nights I can't fall asleep without listening to one of Storyteller Twlight Sparkle's songs or stories.  It calms me down and makes me really happy.  I love her.
+1 . Though my Animated Storyteller of choice is Pinkie Pie. I tend to switch between the G3.5 and G4 depending on my mood.

I'm scared of Tirac
I'm more scared of that shapeshifting lizard in Escape from Katrina. Then again, shapeshifters scare the hell out of me. All the time. I'm just that paranoid. For "Rescue from Midnight Castle", well, the kitchen table again.

More confessions:
- I love the animated storytellers so much that they all have had a battery change since coming into my possession. Especially Pinkie Pie. I'd just keep pressing her buttons until she says that she loves me (yes, she does that! Both G3.5 and G4 versions!)
- At one point in my childhood I actually had fantasies of being married to Megan. I'm a weirdo.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: NovelNerd on September 04, 2012, 08:00:47 PM
Sometimes I make sure to get to the mailbox early or come home from my lunch break if I'm getting ponies. I even will open a box and stuff them all in the same box to keep my other half from panicking. I also tear off customs forms that say how much they cost. :blink:

I keep BBE baby Lofty in random parts of the house to scare my wife. One time she was on the bathroom counter, then by the t.v. and then on her night stand

I have a winger missing a bit of tail hair. I accidentally left her on the table and my dog got her. Although if you mention it I'll swear she came here that way. :lookround:

Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: rayedelsol on September 04, 2012, 08:08:51 PM
Sometimes I make sure to get to the mailbox early or come home from my lunch break if I'm getting ponies. I even will open a box and stuff them all in the same box to keep my other half from panicking.

Checking the mail first! Always! And then "Oh, I've had that [pony/doll/insert new purchase here] for awhile, you just haven't noticed her yet!"
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: NoPonySpecial on September 04, 2012, 08:30:18 PM
-Probably not a very good confession, but: I love love love ponies with haircuts! (Obviously, it's better if the cut looks nice, of course!) No, I do not cut pony hair now (although I did when I was a kid if the hair was really long or tangled) but if I see one being sold on eBay with a little cut, I'm immediately drawn to it. It just gives the collection variety!

-Now this is a confession, and small redaction of previous statement: I cut Dolly Mix Medley's hair. It was SO long and awful looking and the haircut turned out really cute! I regret nothing!

-I only like (Gen4) Sweetie Belle because of the way her voice cracks. Now I'm hoping the writers develop her more as a character so that I have a better reason!

-While rebuilding/replacing my childhood collection, I purchased flat-foot Snuzzle even though the one I had was concave foot!  :shocked: Teeheeheehee...

-I'm wracking my brain to think up more confessions because this thread is so fun! That's why these ones are kinda lame.  :P
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Taxel on September 04, 2012, 08:46:49 PM
-Probably not a very good confession, but: I love love love ponies with haircuts! (Obviously, it's better if the cut looks nice, of course!) No, I do not cut pony hair now (although I did when I was a kid if the hair was really long or tangled) but if I see one being sold on eBay with a little cut, I'm immediately drawn to it. It just gives the collection variety!

I feel this way too! In fact, I actually prefer most G1s with missing tails, and love trims/hair cuts on them as well. Similarly, I cannot stand having "identical" ponies in my army. They need to have differences, like missing tails or different hair cuts or cancer or pindot or an outfit or *something* else big. I don't understand how people can have armies of "identical" ponies.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: FlitterRose on September 04, 2012, 10:58:08 PM
I have decided that somehow Denim Blue is related to Shining Armor.

Now that you said it,they do look similar  :huh: Never noticed!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: karrie91 on September 04, 2012, 11:22:28 PM
Some more confessions of mine:

I've gotten my sister into My Little Pony. She has this thing for Minty and I see her watching ebay all the time!

When I'm feeling down, I sometimes pick up a pony and it makes me feel better.

I want to get all the Ponyville playsets and figures and play with them!

If I ever get a car, I want to get a white Pontiac G8 and get a custom My Little Pony paint job.

I've considered getting a My Little Pony tattoo.

I've bought happy meals from Mcdonalds just to get Pony toys. Never got Pinkie Pie though :(

I want the wedding castle really really badly even though I have no room for it.

I got upset at my cats once because they took one of my super long haired G3's off the bottom shelf of my book case and matted her hair!  :shocked:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: xkelpiex on September 05, 2012, 12:54:22 AM
When I see someone has already bid on something, I usually pass it by because I don't want to hurt their feelings if I win it. Unless it's something I reeeaaalllly want and will never come across again, like an ooak custom. Then it's game on.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Sarah-Bee on September 05, 2012, 05:17:52 AM
Ok I'll play...

- I spend that much time cleaning up sale ponies that I don't have time or inclination to clean up my own so a lot of them look a mess

- I'm also one of the ones who's lied about how much a pony has cost... on more than one occasion

- Even though I should be saving my cash for Ponycon I keep buying more ponies :throw:

- It bugs me when I see keychains etc made out of blind bag ponies I don't yet have :silly:

- I got cross with one of my sale ponies who fell out of the cupboard yesterday (was having a bad day!) and then felt really guilty :P
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Ivy on September 05, 2012, 05:51:40 AM
- I can name every G1 on sight except for the Sweetheart Sisters - I still have to look them up.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: lolaandbean on September 05, 2012, 05:55:47 AM

2. Me and my 3 1/2 old son have started watching FIM together and we both love it. His fave is Pinkie Pie.

Mine is 4 and his favorite is Applejack. He plays with my Applejack from childhood. I'm so afraid he's going to break her.

1. I'm not entirely sure what bronies are.

2. I want a Blossom army.

3. I don't care for g2s because their necks remind me of giraffes

4. I've never told anyone about my collection.

5. I brush pony hair when I have a bad day. Something about it is calming.

6. I find BBEs creepy.

7. My husband will look on thrift store shelves with me for ponies. He even knows which ones are fakies.

8. This is the worst confession. Please don't kick me out of the arena. I toss all of my ponies in one big cardboard box. My collection is refered to as "Busted Ponies" so nothing in perfect shape is in there.

9. I got way too excited yesterday when my Snuzzle came in the mail and completed my Earth Pony set.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Mapago on September 05, 2012, 06:27:20 AM
Let's see...

1. I don't like Rapunzel, not sure why, but I simply don't like her :P

2. half my family still don't know about my collection, the other half prefer not to talk about it XD

3. I avoid getting any MOC or MIB pony, I'm absolutely sure I won't be able to keep them that way

4. My biggest ambition at the moment is to successfully make a decent pony plush

5. Everyday when getting home from work I will run to the mailbox to see if there's any pony package, and I get pretty sad when I don't find any

6. I love making pony dresses
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: StarBee on September 05, 2012, 10:17:38 AM
Ok here goes:

-I really don't care for Friendship is Magic anymore; When it first came on I was watching it a lot, but nowadays I'll maybe watch the Rarity focused episodes but that's about it; The :muffin: Pony talking episode was a big part of the reason I stopped.

- I really love the G3 cartoon and Dancing in the Clouds made me cry.

- I bought a G1 Bowtie head from a charity shop as I felt sorry for it (I will try and get her a body when I'm buying again).

- I like to attach my G3 magnetic hoofed ponies onto the side of my computer case and let their hair dangle down.

- The little stickers from my G4 traveling Rarity & Cherry pie went on my Roller Derby helmet.

- My mum is still under the illusion that all the ponies I buy are to resell.

-I'm kind of waiting too see what will happen when FiM ends and/or in a few years time when the next trend has come in. I'm just imagining how many G4s we will find in charity shops with terrible hair because of cuts to make them 'show accurate'.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Crowning_Glory13 on September 05, 2012, 10:40:16 AM
I have a doozey...I keep a lot of my pony buys a secret from my husband....he would flip if he knew how much I spent on blind bags...even if was over the span of 3 months. I am slowing stopping this habit as My Hubbie was looking for a B-day gift and wanted to get me Blind Bags:P

I like G3.5 but on the ones I have:P

I love all things pony but do not collect it all.

Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: karrie91 on September 05, 2012, 03:09:38 PM
I have another one...

 :blush: I don't like customs!

Don't kill me! I just feel sorry for the ponies who get customized because they were already so perfect and it makes me feel like someone thought they weren't good enough  :cry:
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Skeen on September 05, 2012, 03:31:41 PM
I have lied about how much I spent on a pony.  More than once.  A lot, actually.  And I plan to do it again.

THIS IS ME. Hubby has no CLUE how much I spent for Ice Crystal. XD

If Mr. Skeen had ANY idea how much I actually spend on ponies we'd probably be divorced.

Well not really, but he'd be mad.  And probably start researching better insurance policies.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: SweetScoops on September 05, 2012, 03:36:46 PM
- I have nothing against bronies, But I hate beeing called a "brony" myself :( it makes me feel like some people don't care to even ask how long I've been collecting. (6years now) Some of my "friends" tend to "know" all about this brony hype without really knowing theres more than one generation of ponies...
- I'm scared to go on any other pony forums/websites/communities too!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Flutterwonder13 on September 05, 2012, 06:10:21 PM
- I feel guilty and ashamed after being ponies at times, and I feel like I should grow up and stop buying so many toys. (Then it stops and I  go buy more toys)
- I make customs but have yet to get commissioned.  :cry:
- In the beginning I said I just want flutter shy. 30+ ponies later and no chance of stopping. I collect Monster High now too.
- I like looking at others' collections to make myself feel better.
- I've felt like a loser. (I even put a thread on "What's your Problem?")
- When my friends come over (except for one of them) I stash all my ponies/MH away. This is getting increasing more difficult.
- Sometimes I feel like I'm being overly obsessive but then I get over it.

Despite all of this, I STILL collect and have no plans on stopping.  :cool:

Post Merge: September 05, 2012, 06:13:52 PM


- I only collect G4. I just can't get into the other generations. I played with G3 as a child, but I have no desire to collect them.
- I style all my ponies. Each and every one. YES I make them show accurate since I love the show, and I'm just the teensiest bit insulted that some members seem to think that apparently that makes their hair "horrible"!
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Sugar on September 05, 2012, 06:21:27 PM
7. My husband will look on thrift store shelves with me for ponies. He even knows which ones are fakies.

^ I usually drag one of my coworkers to the thrift shop with me on our coffee breaks; he's so good about it and also knows fakies from real ponies. :blush:  So does my son, who often has better pony luck than I do. ^.^

- I bought a G1 Bowtie head from a charity shop as I felt sorry for it (I will try and get her a body when I'm buying again).

OMG that is so sweet!  If ever I find a Bowtie body, it's yours. ^.^

And a confession of my own:

I sometimes look at my ponies and they make me think of real life people.  I just got Steamer, and the way his hair is flopped to hide half his face (and heck, the expression, too) is irresistibly reminding me of Mark Holmes, the lead singer of Platinum Blonde.  (Yep, I'm a product of my musical generation, all right... :lol:)
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: michelle53 on September 05, 2012, 06:34:54 PM
Here are my confessions: 
I feel no guilt whatsoever about my army:). 

I Hate losing auctions, even if it's for a pony I already own in spades.

I rehair ponies with really frizzy hair.

I deboxed a G1 Nirvana.  (The package was gross!!)

I'd like to diversify my collection, but I just don't enjoy other ponies as much as wingers.

I log on to the Arena while I'm at work.  Actually, the Arena is the only place I really go on the Internet!

I'm not a fan of Blind Bags.

Honestly, I have no clue what "cannon", "shipping" and other terms mean.  That makes me sound old:(
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: JigglesTheCat on September 05, 2012, 06:39:04 PM
- I make customs but have yet to get commissioned.  :cry:!

Can I see them? I love seeing peoples customs! (PM me or something)

Post Merge: September 05, 2012, 06:43:33 PM

I deboxed a G1 Nirvana.  (The package was gross!!)

I log on to the Arena while I'm at work.  Actually, the Arena is the only place I really go on the Internet!

Honestly, I have no clue what "cannon", "shipping" and other terms mean.  That makes me sound old:(

I don't get why people don't debox them every single time! Just last week I figured out its "wrong" or whatever. Either way, once I get my first MOC Nirvana, that pony will be FREEEEED!

Yeah, I only go on Pony sites XD

That took me forever to learn. Then I found out that Cannon means what FiM says (Like they call :muffin: Pony as Ditsy Doo), and Shipping is when people believe 2 ponies should be in love or whatever. Thats really all the terms I know. XP
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Argentum-Zeena on September 05, 2012, 06:53:30 PM
I have quite a few confessions, but for now here's one:
- I'm often looking around my room for things to sell so I can buy more ponies ^^;
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: InkyMilk on September 05, 2012, 07:05:14 PM
That took me forever to learn. Then I found out that Cannon means what FiM says (Like they call :muffin: Pony as Ditsy Doo), and Shipping is when people believe 2 ponies should be in love or whatever. Thats really all the terms I know. XP

Well, not just what FiM says, but cannon is what Hasbro (or any company) has officially created about its product. For example, cannon would be that G1 Megan and Molly come from the regular world and the ponies do not. That is true (thus, cannon), according to Hasbro. Fannon (or fan-made, something I made up myself), is that Megan and Molly are actually from a special moon colony and not on earth at all.  But yes, it applies all Gens, such that it is cannon that G4 Twilight Sparkle has an older brother named Shining Armor, yet it might be fannon that she also has a little sister. Make sense?
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Starly on September 05, 2012, 07:41:07 PM
- I make customs but have yet to get commissioned.  :cry:

Can I see?
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Bag of Magic Food on September 05, 2012, 07:53:41 PM
- I can name every G1 on sight except for the Sweetheart Sisters - I still have to look them up.
I was trying to reach this point with the G3s, but I might just settle for being able to identify all the background ponies in the cartoons.  (Once you know who's who, you start to realize the selection of extras is actually pretty limited.)
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Flutterwonder13 on September 05, 2012, 07:54:48 PM
My internet spazzed...anyway here's my DA with the customs.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Dyzarktarzk on September 05, 2012, 08:08:40 PM

- I actually can't wait for FiM to end so collectors can have the fandom back.
- I get really jealous when I see people with multiples of a pony I want.

Oh, yes -.-  To both...

Another confession?

It REALLY gets on my nerves reading/hearing "Cutie Mark" (avoids flying bricks, fakies, bronies, ponies, books, all things).  Why?  I...  It has always been for me a symbol that identified ponies, specially G1-G3(.5).  So when FiM arrived calling it Cutie Mark...  It sounds really weird for me...  like trying to force myself into a new thing that does not belong to what I know.  And...  Cutie Mark?  No.  I don't like it =P  Maybe if it wasn't a 'cutie'...  (that word ticks me off at the mean and saying it XDD  (actually, I still call a street the name it had until 10-15 years ago...  and still gets on my nerves younger people calling it SNM insteado of DS...  /bricked).
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Argentum-Zeena on September 05, 2012, 08:23:57 PM

Oh, yes -.-  To both...

Another confession?

It REALLY gets on my nerves reading/hearing "Cutie Mark" (avoids flying bricks, fakies, bronies, ponies, books, all things).  Why?  I...  It has always been for me a symbol that identified ponies, specially G1-G3(.5).  So when FiM arrived calling it Cutie Mark...  It sounds really weird for me...  like trying to force myself into a new thing that does not belong to what I know.  And...  Cutie Mark?  No.  I don't like it =P  Maybe if it wasn't a 'cutie'...  (that word ticks me off at the mean and saying it XDD  (actually, I still call a street the name it had until 10-15 years ago...  and still gets on my nerves younger people calling it SNM insteado of DS...  /bricked).

I may be wrong, but I believe the term cutie mark began being used in g3 at some point. Again, I may be wrong, as I've only heard this secondhand ^^;
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Dyzarktarzk on September 05, 2012, 08:29:22 PM

Oh, yes -.-  To both...

Another confession?

It REALLY gets on my nerves reading/hearing "Cutie Mark" (avoids flying bricks, fakies, bronies, ponies, books, all things).  Why?  I...  It has always been for me a symbol that identified ponies, specially G1-G3(.5).  So when FiM arrived calling it Cutie Mark...  It sounds really weird for me...  like trying to force myself into a new thing that does not belong to what I know.  And...  Cutie Mark?  No.  I don't like it =P  Maybe if it wasn't a 'cutie'...  (that word ticks me off at the mean and saying it XDD  (actually, I still call a street the name it had until 10-15 years ago...  and still gets on my nerves younger people calling it SNM insteado of DS...  /bricked).

I may be wrong, but I believe the term cutie mark began being used in g3 at some point. Again, I may be wrong, as I've only heard this secondhand ^^;

Not sure XD

For me, I still used (and use) only "symbol" XDD

I think it was more used for the heart mark on the hoof, but...  not as widely used as Cutie Mark with FiM nowadays o.o
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Starly on September 05, 2012, 09:30:04 PM
My internet spazzed...anyway here's my DA with the customs.
I like your Surprise.
Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Princess-Sparkles on September 05, 2012, 09:43:47 PM
Okay time for my pony confessions.  :biggrin:

>I go into nutcase mode when there's a pony I have been waiting for a long time for the price to go down and it seems like they're all sold. Like serioulsy i just about tore down Big W looking for that darn Rairty and the bonus pony that comes with her.

>When my fiance was on arvo shift, I used to have a sleep about 9pm and I'd have a plush pony with me. ^.^

>I paid $10 for a not so good condition Dance and Prance pony at the markets and knew was getting ripped off

>I'm sometimes really tempted when no one is home to sit down and play with my G3's since I had to sort of miss out on it.

>I give my ponies a personality and a back story for just about all of them. My childhood Princess Sparkle (Lucy) was known as a demom slayer and still is.

>I write so many lists of what ponies I want it's not funny, I think I'm a little OCD about. :P

>I want to take a pony with me everywhere, but I'm afraid I'll get too attatched and I'll accident;y lose. I'd be heart broken if that happened.

>When I was a kid, Princess Sparkles (Lucy) was like once of my best friends even though she was a toy andd I'm going to try and have her in a photo on my wedding day, but we'll see. :heart:

Okay all done now!  ^.^

Title: Re: Pony Confessions!
Post by: Silver_mirror46 on September 05, 2012, 10:33:26 PM

- I actually can't wait for FiM to end so collectors can have the fandom back.
- I get really jealous when I see people with multiples of a pony I want.

YES (ranting time, oh goodness)

First, I cannot stand bronies in general (the general label and some folks, I know not all those who call themselves Bronies are like this), they do not only give us a TERRIBLE name but are often beyond "mean" (I'm not going to curse here) to everyone, especially us older collectors and the older MLP, how they rant about FIM not being "as girly" (such statement... dear me, it makes me rabid, seriously) and how they reject everything else for the sake of being FIM purists.

I miss the nice and quiet fandom we used to have and have always cherished. I cannot stand the fact that someone is proud about being sexually aroused by cartoon horses either, we don't choose our weird turn-ons but we should be able to control them

I HATE it when people mislabel us as bronies or pegasisters


oh god, everytime I see someone with more than one of my pony grails my stomach shrinks XD it makes me SO JEALOUS, like "Why couldn't you spare ONE so I (or another pony) could have it D': )

I have never understood why have the same pony more than once (BUT I am a fan of reissue armies), I have duplicates yes, and looking how to get rid of them XD

Let's see..... more confessions mmmm

I actually like G3.5s.... eeeh this is tricky... I don't like the molds but I do ADORE the hair, eyes and Oh-My-God the packaging is glorious, they are the reason I started collecting MIP ponies

I've felt guilty about buying ponies, especially as I started getting older, to me it was like "dude, you're too old to buy toys :cry:" but aaahh they're irresistible! I still feel it sometimes, mixed with a teeny bits of shame but have started to overcome it via solving my self-esteem issues <3

after all, it something I love and harms no one
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