The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Gypsy_Nights on July 30, 2012, 01:01:46 AM

Title: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Gypsy_Nights on July 30, 2012, 01:01:46 AM
I found these minies a few days ago at the Harker Hieghts, TX Target for $5 each.  They are about 6 inches tall.  They are the only 3 characters they had.  I want a Fluttershy.  Maybe they will make the other main 3 in the next wave.  Of course it would be nice if they made some that arn't the main 6!

  Has anyone else seen these?  Even internationally?  I didn't even know they existed until I saw them at the store.  They were quite a surprise!

I'm rather disapointed with Rainbow Dash's hair.  It's is missing red and green so it doesn't look quite like a rainbow and I'm not quite sure I like her wings.  They are made of a soft, stiff kind of foam board, with plush on either side.  And they don't stand up to well.  But at least they are only $5.

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Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Binny on July 30, 2012, 01:23:31 AM
Hasbro seems to struggle with plushies. :(
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Gypsy_Nights on July 30, 2012, 01:33:59 AM
Yeah, It's funny I was looking on them to see if they said Target Exclusive on the tags any where and instead found that they are made in Vietnam!  And by Funrise Toy Corporation.  Surprising to see that they weren't made in China or Hong Kong
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Evening_Moonstone on July 30, 2012, 10:42:23 AM
I picked up Twilight Sparkle since I thought she was the cutest.  I don't know why they insist of giving RD the "softer" eyes, almost like Fluttershy, and I didn't like Pinkie's mane at all.
They are better than the first G4 plush they did, though!
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Malicieuse on July 30, 2012, 10:49:52 AM
I think they are pretty cute and a good deal for 5 dollars.
Needs more Rarity/Luna/Cadance though. XP
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Brandi on July 30, 2012, 12:07:13 PM
I got a rd and twilight for me and pinkie for my daughter. I sure do hope they make Fluttershy and Applejack eventually.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: hathorcat on July 30, 2012, 02:35:20 PM
There have been quite a few threads on these girls since they turned up...but they to look adorable and I so hope they make it over here :)
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Desert Rose on July 30, 2012, 02:39:00 PM
I've seen a bunch on Ebay, but not in any stores yet here in Sweden. Didn't expect that either though to be honest :P

They look abit silly to me. But I still want that Pinkie Pie xD
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: mimitchi33 on July 30, 2012, 02:55:21 PM
I didn't see any when I went there today, but my Mom is not letting me buy toys after an incident with the Tamagotchi Melody Charm, because it played a "baby song". I wouldn't have brought it if the description told us beforehand, but that's what you get!
Anyways, these look like they also not only could appear at Target, but in places with crane games like Dave and Buster's which also sell them to you with your tickets.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Stroggos on July 30, 2012, 03:10:56 PM
I would have thought Hasbro would put more effort into Getting It Right before sending things to be mass produced by the thousands.

Those girls are cute and all, but those plushies are still left in the dust by ones stitched together by fan hobbyists who work full time day jobs.. pretty shocking, all in all.

If the plushies genuinely captured the shape and style of the ponies and were big enough to hold and hug, I would definitely be first in line to buy.. but these are too small, odd hair, and the proportions are off..

Hasbro's faux pas after faux pas on this front is actually upsetting for me now, they offered me a product with the implicit promise that they would respect my emotional investment, but then they make lazy stuff like this.  :cloud:
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: hathorcat on July 30, 2012, 03:46:49 PM
I would have thought Hasbro would put more effort into Getting It Right before sending things to be mass produced by the thousands.

Those girls are cute and all, but those plushies are still left in the dust by ones stitched together by fan hobbyists who work full time day jobs.. pretty shocking, all in all.

If the plushies genuinely captured the shape and style of the ponies and were big enough to hold and hug, I would definitely be first in line to buy.. but these are too small, odd hair, and the proportions are off..

Hasbro's faux pas after faux pas on this front is actually upsetting for me now, they offered me a product with the implicit promise that they would respect my emotional investment, but then they make lazy stuff like this.  :cloud:

Yes but I think you have to remember who HBs core target market for these plushes are. Parents [and responsible others] are probably not going to drop large amounts of money on incredibly well done and intricate plush toys when the child they are for may grow fed up with the line reasonably fast.

I do agree that a little larger would have been nice - but at least at $5 each and the size of an FS, if HB decided to create a whole range I could afford lots of them :)
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Stroggos on July 30, 2012, 03:57:28 PM
Speaking of which..


Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Gypsy_Nights on July 31, 2012, 01:31:32 AM
There have been quite a few threads on these girls since they turned up...but they to look adorable and I so hope they make it over here :)

Maybe they are seeing how they sell first.  They didn't last long at all at the store I found them in.  I saw them on a Friday and the entire box was there.  I spent so much on all the other new ponies I was buying I decided I'd wait on them, since I didn't even know if I wanted to start collecting plush too.  Went back to the store on Saturday and there were only 5 left!  So I got all 3 since I didn't want to miss out on something that might turn out to be really hard to find.  So only a RD and PP got left behind.  Like Evening_Moonstone, someone must have thought Twilight was the cutest too!    ^.^
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: gargoylekitty on July 31, 2012, 03:45:35 AM
Got all three yesterday, hit the store just after they'd finished setting up the pony aisle! :D 

Twilight is the absolute cutest, can't get over her little face. Though really hope they make a Rarity, she'd be my plushie grail.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Phekzhen on July 31, 2012, 03:57:25 AM
They're not made by Hasbro, they're licensed and made by someone else.

They're also going to make a Fluttershy later and 10" plushies as well.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Bergamot on July 31, 2012, 04:44:25 AM
I have several theories on the "Y U NOT PRETTY, HASBRO PLUSH!?" discussion.

The gorgeous fan-made plush that have spoiled us so much would not be well produced on a factory line. I think the whole "fan plush are better, why don't you make plush like that?" sentiment is like saying, "Why doesn't Buick make custom Hot Rods (and sell them at a stock sedan price point)?"

Were such plush produced, the amount of attention they'd be given would entail Steiff-like pricing, and they would end up being a small-run product with a relatively small return for the parent company, I figure. It would put them in direct competition with a custom market that they are unable to undercut, and it probably wouldn't work out for anybody involved.

Interestingly enough, these toys are not manufactured by Hasbro. They're licensed to a company called "Funrise." Like Hathorcat said, these girls aren't made for an audience that demands screen accuracy. Little girls will buy them... And so will adults, for the novelty of it. If you pick one of these toys up, you'll see that the patterning is actually pretty well done, especially for the body! Their faces aren't perfect, but they're hardly uncanny valley material. The hair choice is... interpretive, I guess, but so is the hair that we see on brushable toys.

At the end of the day, I'm glad that these were manufactured, and I can't wait to see what they come up with next. Maybe I'll be proven wrong and we'll be given some super-screen-accurate and official plush toys in the future!
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on July 31, 2012, 05:31:04 AM
I have to be perfectly honest.. I don't like them. :7
I even liked the 2 TRU plushes better than these... :<

Bergamot: While I think it is true that they could never reach a custom-plush level w/o being as expensive as Steiff etc. Disney generally does pretty decent plushes at an acceptable price, so I don't see why hasbro couldn't do at least a liiiiiittle bit better than this. Heck, even the dreaded Filly Ponies have plush that appear to be better done. XD
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: josiekat on July 31, 2012, 06:30:25 AM
Meh. They are cute, but I will pass on them.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Bag of Magic Food on July 31, 2012, 09:38:49 AM
I think that Rainbow Dash looks the cutest, with those little wings!
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: ChenilleTwist on July 31, 2012, 10:52:16 AM
I am inclined to disagree that this quality has anything at all to do with ease of mass-production, because I have a fantastic Zorua mini-plush (from Pokemon) right here that looks spot-on to his animated counterpart.

Many Pokemon are way more complex in design than the ponies, yet the company Jakks Pacific managed to produce enough complicated, quality plush (with variety no less) for the mass market and keep the price reasonable. It was originally $8 at TRU, yes, but judging by the way the boxes were picked over, people were willing to spend that amount on Zoruas, Tepigs and Snivys, but just not on Wubats and Munnas (Can't blame them there! :P). These weren't looked over because they were poorly made, but because they're lame Pokemon! :lol:

Hasbro/Funrise could have done much better, and would not have had the same problem Game Freak/Jakks Pacific has with their plushes (shelf warmers) because not only does every pony use the same body pattern, but the mane 6 are generally equally liked anyway. Bottom line is they just didn't care.

It's perfectly fine to like (or even love!) a product for what it is and despite its flaws, but we shouldn't make excuses for Hasbro when they decide to put out a rather flawed product, either. It lets them know we're wiling to be taken advantage of by them and we'll justify it with reasons/limitations that don't seem to apply to other toy companies. I'm just not willing to give Hasbro a pass because I like other things they make, they've really let QC slide on this new gen and they continue to do so. With the money they've saved on no longer giving bangs to ponies, cheaping out on the tails, letting them roll in the dirt before being packaged and printing the Cutie mark on one side, I expect plushes at LEAST on the same level as the Adventure Time plushes! :P

I have seen hair done much better on cheap anime plushes with much more complicated hair, which would have been even easier than what they chose to do and would have looked less like wet sheepdog hair.

They could get away with this strip hair in previous gens because the hair really was all the same, but the hair on these new 'toon ponies are an integral part of their character designs (and their personality), so this is why a lot of new fans get riled over Hasbro actively ignoring this factor. It's the equivalent of forgetting a character's glasses or giving them the wrong eyes just because it was cheaper that way.  >_<

But I will agree, MUCH better than the last round! :P
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: hathorcat on July 31, 2012, 01:43:24 PM
I have to be perfectly honest.. I don't like them. :7
I even liked the 2 TRU plushes better than these... :<

Bergamot: While I think it is true that they could never reach a custom-plush level w/o being as expensive as Steiff etc. Disney generally does pretty decent plushes at an acceptable price, so I don't see why hasbro couldn't do at least a liiiiiittle bit better than this. Heck, even the dreaded Filly Ponies have plush that appear to be better done. XD

Yes but Disney plush are largely more expensive at this scale of item. If I ever found a nicely made Disney plush for $5 I would grab it :)

Dont get me wrong I am not a huge fan of these - I just think for the target market and the price point they are perfectly fine but hey we each need our own opinions! 
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on July 31, 2012, 01:57:28 PM
Oh, over here they aren't much more expensive than the Pokemon Plush that ChenilleTwist mentioned (very good example, btw! Those are nicely done as well!), and the Filly Pony plush are even cheaper than anything MLP. :)
And I have to stress that even those Fillies look better, since the mane and tail are executed in a way similar to the MLP custom plushes. And I hate Filly. :|
Might be that germany has overpriced MLP merch, tho. :<

BTW, this is a mini Filly-Plush that retails €4.99 in stores (so same price range and size I suppose?)
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And the TRU plushes at 20-25$ for example, I own them and love them, and the eyes were VERY nicely done! - But the mane and tail... just why? :<
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: hathorcat on July 31, 2012, 02:58:33 PM
Seriously jealous of your reasonably priced Disney toys :P

I wonder if its just me then because I am not understanding what the quality issue is with them then? Is it because they dont resemble the toy line enough or the brushables enough or just their general appearance?
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: windsong on July 31, 2012, 03:04:40 PM
So cute! Need to plan a shopping trip soon. :) Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: StarlightGaze on July 31, 2012, 03:58:19 PM

They're gonna add 5" Fluttershy, 10" Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight. Also 20" Pinkie Pie from Argos Ltd. THAT'S A BIG PONY. Not sure if that's the arcade pony or not.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Bergamot on July 31, 2012, 04:16:45 PM
Jakks does make some great plush with the Pokemon line, but as far as I'm concerned, the level of "derp" with these pony plush is, at worst, on par with the Glaceon and Leafeon plush in that line. They looked pretty good, buuuuut... There's something about them.

Shape-wise, these Pony plush are great. Just try to look past that hair, and you'll see a pretty darn nice piece for five bucks. :)

Disney's plush tend to look pretty good, but I think that for plush toys at a similar price point, we are more forgiving with them in general for reasons that I can't entirely explain. Consider these two situations:

Beanie Baby-style Simba plush. Disney has made them, and everybody was thrilled to have them and buy them. "Yay! It's Simba!"

Beanie-style Ponies. Nobody would buy them, everybody would be mad that they didn't look exactly like the ponies on the show. "Ew! How could you do that!?" (I admit that I probably wouldn't buy one!)

It would be really neat if we knew somebody at Hasbro and could pick their brains about stuff like this, because I am quite interested in learning more about how the industry works and why things are the way they are. :)
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: dxgirly on July 31, 2012, 07:35:11 PM
Awww man. I want the 20" pony!! I guess I'll have to settle for the 10" ones from Walmart. haha
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: hathorcat on August 01, 2012, 02:48:17 AM
20inch Pinkie in Argos! Me sees some trips to my local Argos stores :) - considering their on going "lack of pony" I have been impressed with some of the exclusive items they have been carrying recently.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: RAMChYLD on August 01, 2012, 03:08:40 AM
I didn't see any when I went there today, but my Mom is not letting me buy toys after an incident with the Tamagotchi Melody Charm, because it played a "baby song".
Personally tho, I'm not concerned if a toy play "baby songs". Then again, I'm desensitized against them too, since outside of MLP, I also collect Leapfrog and VTech toys as well as wind-up and pull-string musical toys, most of them made for soothing babies.

They're licensed to a company called "Funrise." Like Hathorcat said, these girls aren't made for an audience that demands screen accuracy. Little girls will buy them... And so will adults, for the novelty of it. If you pick one of these toys up, you'll see that the patterning is actually pretty well done, especially for the body! Their faces aren't perfect, but they're hardly uncanny valley material. The hair choice is... interpretive, I guess, but so is the hair that we see on brushable toys.

At the end of the day, I'm glad that these were manufactured, and I can't wait to see what they come up with next. Maybe I'll be proven wrong and we'll be given some super-screen-accurate and official plush toys in the future!
Agreed. And also, the Animated Storyteller Cadence is by a company called Kid Designs.

And I don't understand the thing about toy accuracy either. I just wish those group of people would stop complaining about them. Accuracy would mean sacrificing durability in many cases (as well as warranting price increase), and well, last thing you want is a child accidentally ripping an uber-expensive toy apart due to rough play.

To be honest tho, i don't think these will turn up anywhere outside of Target, or outside the US for that matter (except for the Argos one, which will turn up probably only in the UK). Malaysia has never seen any MLP plushes outside of 25th Anniversary Jumbo (24") Pinkie Pie.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: FlitterRose on August 01, 2012, 03:48:45 AM
They seem cute,but I'm not sure I like their haor material  :huh:
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on August 01, 2012, 05:53:43 AM
Seriously jealous of your reasonably priced Disney toys :P

I wonder if its just me then because I am not understanding what the quality issue is with them then? Is it because they dont resemble the toy line enough or the brushables enough or just their general appearance?

No need to be jealous, I don't think they're cheap - Just that everything else is overpriced to match them. haha. xD

It's not really a 'quality'-issue for me. More a design-issue, since I REALLY do not like the way they've done the manes and tails. As someone here mentioned, it might have worked for G3, but with G4 the hairstyle is part of the character, so I think they should pay a tribute to that. And it is possible, even at a low price and in a small beanie child toy, since Filly (and also PKMN I think) proves this.

Ah well, I don't actually want to pick any fights here. I was just excited to hear 'beanie plushes released!' and then got very disappointed upon seeing those. I really don't like 'em. Sadly.  :huh:

But hey, those of you who do, good luck on your hunt and have fun with them!! :heart:
After all, like I mentioned before, I own&love the two TRU plushes that most people here think of as abominations. :D ^^;
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: ChenilleTwist on August 01, 2012, 10:21:25 AM
I'm not whining, I'm complaining! :P

I'm agreeing with Fräulein_Kim, it's not the quality, it's the design. The quality is fine. The design, could be better.

If the confetti-ribbon hair was the only issue, it would be just as easy as buying them up and re-hairing them proper. That is not the case. The eyes are WAY too small on these, their snouts are large, and the material on the inside of the ears gives them a decidedly cat-like quality to them. They just look like cutesy little cartoon hippos!

Honestly, after looking them over I'd even forgive the awful hair if their eyes were just a little bigger. They need to be at least 40% bigger in fact, I just tinkered with the first photo in photoshop, and now they look like something I would buy! I gave them a slight mouth lift as well.

(I don't think it would be proper to post the results without Gypsy_Nights permission though!)

Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: hathorcat on August 01, 2012, 01:16:13 PM
Seriously jealous of your reasonably priced Disney toys :P

I wonder if its just me then because I am not understanding what the quality issue is with them then? Is it because they dont resemble the toy line enough or the brushables enough or just their general appearance?

No need to be jealous, I don't think they're cheap - Just that everything else is overpriced to match them. haha. xD

It's not really a 'quality'-issue for me. More a design-issue, since I REALLY do not like the way they've done the manes and tails. As someone here mentioned, it might have worked for G3, but with G4 the hairstyle is part of the character, so I think they should pay a tribute to that. And it is possible, even at a low price and in a small beanie child toy, since Filly (and also PKMN I think) proves this.

Ah well, I don't actually want to pick any fights here. I was just excited to hear 'beanie plushes released!' and then got very disappointed upon seeing those. I really don't like 'em. Sadly.  :huh:

But hey, those of you who do, good luck on your hunt and have fun with them!! :heart:
After all, like I mentioned before, I own&love the two TRU plushes that most people here think of as abominations. :D ^^;

I get that :) I was honestly just wondering what about them was off putting for some people [I am with you on the hair being weird :P]...nicer to know and understand than always wonder.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Malicieuse on August 01, 2012, 01:41:35 PM
I am inclined to disagree that this quality has anything at all to do with ease of mass-production, because I have a fantastic Zorua mini-plush (from Pokemon) right here that looks spot-on to his animated counterpart.

Many Pokemon are way more complex in design than the ponies, yet the company Jakks Pacific managed to produce enough complicated, quality plush (with variety no less) for the mass market and keep the price reasonable. It was originally $8 at TRU, yes, but judging by the way the boxes were picked over, people were willing to spend that amount on Zoruas, Tepigs and Snivys, but just not on Wubats and Munnas (Can't blame them there! :P). These weren't looked over because they were poorly made, but because they're lame Pokemon! :lol:

Hasbro/Funrise could have done much better, and would not have had the same problem Game Freak/Jakks Pacific has with their plushes (shelf warmers) because not only does every pony use the same body pattern, but the mane 6 are generally equally liked anyway. Bottom line is they just didn't care.

From what i gathered Jakks pokemon plush are not that great. I own a snivy plush from them and not only is the design not "show accurate" but the quality is also kinda "meh". It's definitely a "you get what you pay for" deal. I don't see them being better than those pony plush.
I also heard Jakks plush are not getting restocked untill they get rid of Woobat/Munna and Jakks has actually been pretty negligent of their pokemon toyline. ^^;
So i wouldn't use them as a good example.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Stroggos on August 02, 2012, 04:58:59 AM
I'm looking forward to the larger versions. An increase in size will mean an increase in price, and hopefully this will correspond to an increase in quality. Hopefully there are some Funrise or Hasbro reps reading this aswell to get a feel for how they are received by more dedicated collectors. Mighty darn glad Pinkie is going to be in UK shores, though.

I might have to deal with some funny looks when people visit my apartment, but on the other hand I'm an adult now and that makes it my turn to decide what that means. Argos here I come.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: gabumon on August 20, 2012, 09:29:39 PM
Does any pony have the Target product codes for these? (sorry if wrong thread)
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Bronley on August 20, 2012, 10:05:57 PM
Does any pony have the Target product codes for these? (sorry if wrong thread)
All 3 are under DPCI 086-02-0932
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: sabathamk on August 24, 2012, 09:59:37 AM
Aww!  I think they're cute!  Especially for $5!
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: will2Bfree on August 24, 2012, 05:23:25 PM
I have to be perfectly honest.. I don't like them. :7
I even liked the 2 TRU plushes better than these... :<

I'm agreeing with Fräulein_Kim, it's not the quality, it's the design. The quality is fine. The design, could be better.

If the confetti-ribbon hair was the only issue, it would be just as easy as buying them up and re-hairing them proper. That is not the case. The eyes are WAY too small on these, their snouts are large, and the material on the inside of the ears gives them a decidedly cat-like quality to them. They just look like cutesy little cartoon hippos!

I was beginning to feel like the only one who didn't like them. I actually think they're rather hideous. While they definitely lose personality with that hair, my main problem is with their snouts. While the heads on these are a little better than the older Target Twilight Sparkle with the "puckered" mouth, I think the best so far have been the "Jumbo" TRU plush, despite their slightly too pyramidish legs. I know people didn't like the faux fur style hair, but I prefer it to these weird ribbons, and the head was shaped great.

While I'm not a pokemon fan, I've seen those little plushes and thought they were amazingly well done compared to the pony plush curse we seem to have going on. They really do look like the creatures in the show (with correct proportions and everything! Imagine!) and several of them are quite a bit more complicated than a pony.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: NoDivision on August 26, 2012, 07:39:09 AM
I'm looking forward to the larger versions. An increase in size will mean an increase in price, and hopefully this will correspond to an increase in quality. Hopefully there are some Funrise or Hasbro reps reading this aswell to get a feel for how they are received by more dedicated collectors. Mighty darn glad Pinkie is going to be in UK shores, though.

I've seen the larger version of these at walmart :)
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: Dragonflitter on August 26, 2012, 08:00:54 AM
I FINALLY found one of these!! I'm so happy! :D

My personal review:

So I was walking through the Target pony aisle for the 50th time looking for the plushies, since I love plush stuff. I have never seen a box of these pony plushies at my Target but what do you know, they must have sold out because I found one lone Rainbow Dash tucked away in a box of Disney plushies right next to the pony stuff! I gleefully picked her up and ran to the cash register.

First I have to say I was really surprised at the size. I was expecting something a little bigger, from pics I've seen here at the Arena. I think she's smaller than a FS! But for $5, that's not too surprising.

The hair I don't think is that bad. It was an interesting design choice. I wish they would have chosen red and yellow for the top of RD's mane rather than orange and yellow, it would have given the 'rainbow' feel a little better. But I understand they had to limit it to four colors. Rainbow's hair is probably a pain for toy makers lol.

Like someone else said, her wings are really cute. They're made of some kind of stiff foam covered in faux fur like the rest of the body, and the inside details are a glued on decal rather than sewn on like the eyes and cutie mark.

The only issue I have with this product is the size of the head. I know they were trying to mimic the show style. If you compare the plush to vectors from the show, the proportions are about right. (They really do have big heads on the show! lol) However, the large head and small body make these plushies very unstable and my plushie is always falling forward onto her face! >.< It took a lot of moving her legs around to get her stance wide enough to hold up her heavy head lol.

Other than that, I really like the plushie and I'm keeping an eye out for the larger Walmart ones as well. ;)
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: TheBeatlesPkmnFan42 on August 26, 2012, 08:12:47 AM

They're gonna add 5" Fluttershy, 10" Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight. Also 20" Pinkie Pie from Argos Ltd. THAT'S A BIG PONY. Not sure if that's the arcade pony or not.

Sweet! I must add more items to my Pinkie army!

Anyway, I'm totally getting these Target plushies. Because I get all ponies. XD
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: DazzleKitty on August 26, 2012, 09:13:30 AM
I'm wishing that they'd come out with a Rarity one. She seems to have the least amount of merchadise featuring he. I'd simply ADORE to have a large plush of her. It's funny....I disliked her at first in FiM, but now she's my absolute FAVORITE character in the show.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: PolkaDot99 on August 26, 2012, 10:59:12 AM
Our stores seemed to sell out of these fast. I do hope they make Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight Sparkle all in the same size/look. Of course first I have to figure out if I'm even going to keep them or not.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: kakenterprise on August 26, 2012, 11:13:32 AM
I'm not a big fan I knew they would be small but it was way to small for my taste.
I was able to find the larger ones at Walmart and I like them allot more.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: hathorcat on August 26, 2012, 11:58:36 AM
Our stores seemed to sell out of these fast. I do hope they make Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight Sparkle all in the same size/look. Of course first I have to figure out if I'm even going to keep them or not.

They have confirmed a Fluttershy for next year but nothing else as yet in this particular size.
Title: Re: New G4 Mini Plushies of Twilight, PP, and RD at Target- Pics!
Post by: SilverLinedStars on August 26, 2012, 05:32:50 PM
I wasn't fond of these when I initially saw pictures online. But after seeing them at Target, they are really much cuter in person. Decided to pass on them though and get the crystal empire blindbag set instead.
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