The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: loverofbalto on July 26, 2012, 09:18:56 PM

Title: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: loverofbalto on July 26, 2012, 09:18:56 PM
Last time I went to Target I found the trading cards and grabbed 6 packs.  The cards are beautiful and I was really anxious to get some more.  The problem is that when I went today the cards and the box they come in were gone completely.  I hate saying this, but I really hope someone didn't nab them all just to sell them on ebay.  Also I hope they get some more soon, because that and Brave stickers are the only thing for me to collect right now.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: kiwimlp on July 26, 2012, 09:43:21 PM
We don't have the trading cards in my country yet, but I'm looking out for them.  I hope your local store replenishes it's stock for you soon :)
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Bebopgroove on July 26, 2012, 10:11:39 PM
My Target has them, but I haven't really seen what they look like, so I don't really know what to think of them yet :/
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: gargoylekitty on July 27, 2012, 01:53:25 AM
My Target got them and sold out already...

I'm sure I'm at least partially to blame  there though.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Nerdfins on July 27, 2012, 02:02:47 AM
I wasn't going to collect the cards at first, but after my big Pony run today I couldn't resist, so I bought 5 packs.  They're cute!
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: partypony566 on July 27, 2012, 04:58:07 AM
Wow that's so cool, I hope they come to UK soon :cheer:
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: knitgirl on July 27, 2012, 05:09:44 AM
My target is sold out already too... I got my hands on some but yesterday they were GONE and I was horrified!!
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Dewprincess on July 27, 2012, 06:06:35 AM
Toys R Us also sells the cards, but the packs cost .50 cents extra there.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Flutterblossom on July 27, 2012, 06:19:59 AM
I bought 5 packs yesterday at Target. I have checked three Targets this week and only one had them. I really hope my local target gets them in soon... I want to buy more!
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on July 27, 2012, 10:08:25 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if people are purchasing the whole box or case, just like with the BBs.  But I imagine you'll be able to complete your collection on Ebay!  ;)
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Dusky on July 27, 2012, 10:17:23 AM
There...are trading cards? I missed this completely!

Bleh. If I see Blind Bags/cards/etc in shops I never clear them out even if I buy extras purely for eBay. It just seems rude to the other local collectors and kids to deliberately buy out stock.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Dewprincess on July 27, 2012, 11:08:23 AM
I bought some more card packs today! 

I agree, I never buy out a whole case unless I actually need all the items in that case for my collection.  Buying them all just to flip them doesn't seem fair to me.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Gogobinsin on July 27, 2012, 11:35:05 AM
I need some of these aha :lol: I'm hoping they come to Europe or I'm gonna have to find someone to send loads of packs over here :P
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Yurusumaji on July 27, 2012, 11:41:48 AM
I was a nay-sayer when they were announced, but I love these cards. They're really nicely made (imo) and pretty unique. I printed out the card list ( to keep track of what I have so far. I've also managed to score 6 packs without any doubles, which I'm chalking up to dumb luck.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Souffaloufagous on July 27, 2012, 11:46:33 AM
I have no idea what they even look like!
Anyone have any pictures?
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Gogobinsin on July 27, 2012, 12:10:19 PM
I have no idea what they even look like!
Anyone have any pictures?
There's a trading card info page being constructed over on Strawberry Reef :)
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Yurusumaji on July 27, 2012, 12:23:47 PM
There's also the Elements of Harmony puzzle cards. I am waiting to see more of these. They're pretty! Kind of weird, because mine is Twilight Sparkle on the front and Rainbow Dash on the back. Er, wait, Rainbow Dash on the front and Twilight Sparkle on the back.  :blink:

Puzzle Side
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Character Side
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Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Eternia on July 27, 2012, 12:41:32 PM
I was a nay-sayer when they were announced, but I love these cards. They're really nicely made (imo) and pretty unique. I printed out the card list ( to keep track of what I have so far. I've also managed to score 6 packs without any doubles, which I'm chalking up to dumb luck.
I was a nay-sayer too, but actually seeing them, they are pretty nice. They are fun and have a good variety. I love all the detail put into each card, and there are 84 so lots to collect! It will also be fun to start trading with everyone on the forums ^^
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Yurusumaji on July 27, 2012, 12:49:20 PM
I was a nay-sayer too, but actually seeing them, they are pretty nice. They are fun and have a good variety. I love all the detail put into each card, and there are 84 so lots to collect! It will also be fun to start trading with everyone on the forums ^^

84 is actually just the "commons" (Characters, Pets, Locations & Moment of Friendship). Including Gold Series, Royal Wedding, Elements of Harmony, Discord, Special Foils and the Standees there are 130 cards to collect, not including the Fun Tats since they aren't cards.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on July 27, 2012, 05:22:26 PM
There is a really active thread over in FiM as well - there are links to a couple of sites which have a lot of the cards listed as well,298604.0.html

I think they are super cute but they are full of a surprising number of errors...I cant help but feel they were a little rushed into production unfortunately.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Rainbowjuice on July 27, 2012, 05:32:48 PM
The fact Lyra and Golden Harvest share a card annoys me to no end!
It should be BonBon and Lyra!

Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: xoVanille on July 27, 2012, 05:41:08 PM
My local Walmart has been cleaned out cards in back either. I'm only missing three of the "elements" cards though!
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Brandi on July 27, 2012, 05:41:44 PM
So far I've only come across two boxes in which I eagerly approached only to find that they were completely empty. :( One box was empty literally a day after it was put out because I was there the day before and they didn't even have the box out there, which makes me wonder if they really are that popular or if people are just buying them to put on ebay. >_<
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Moss on July 27, 2012, 05:43:18 PM
I think they are super cute but they are full of a surprising number of errors...I cant help but feel they were a little rushed into production unfortunately.
Yeah, I feel like they needed to proof read these a few more times before releasing them. Don't get me wrong, I love 'em and will collect them, but I hate the few errors I've come across.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: xoVanille on July 27, 2012, 05:43:43 PM
Does anyone know how "rare" the gold series & foil cards are? I'm just curious, I don't ever plan on selling my cards.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: gargoylekitty on July 27, 2012, 08:03:41 PM
Gold series seem most rare. After them, the normal foils, then the puzzle piece ones. But, I might be off and it's kinda hard to tell since there are different amounts of each(that is, with only four gold series of course they're going to be harder to find than a normal foil)
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: BigBrotherPony on July 28, 2012, 01:24:36 AM
I love these! I can't wait to get my hands on some!

I have read there are a few mistakes but in general I am so pleased that these seem to be done by a company who cares about the show and wants to get it right. The text and level of detail on the cards is really nice.... So much better than the usual ' Rainbow Dash likes to fly!' ... 'Cupcake likes Cupcakes!'

So bummed Dr Whooves real name is Time Turner though! Lol

I'm gonna buy them by the box load! :D
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on July 28, 2012, 04:52:19 AM
I'm gonna buy them by the box load! :D

I think a lot of people planned to do that! Everywhere that had full boxes is completely sold out! I cant believe how popular these are...amazing!
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: StarlightGaze on July 28, 2012, 04:57:30 AM
The standees seem pretty common... I've gotten 4 out of 4 packs so far, maybe I'm just getting weird odds.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Elfpony on July 28, 2012, 06:46:09 AM
Anyone know if these have shown up in Canada yet?

Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Ivy on July 28, 2012, 07:09:17 AM
I caved! I haven't been buying G4 stuff but bought a few packs of cards at Target today... I'm addicted to Trading cards...
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Yurusumaji on July 28, 2012, 07:13:43 AM
The standees seem pretty common... I've gotten 4 out of 4 packs so far, maybe I'm just getting weird odds.

That is pretty weird. I've only gotten 2 standees out of 6 packs. The odds don't always play out the way you expect them to.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: StrawberryReef on July 28, 2012, 05:12:29 PM
I have no idea what they even look like!
Anyone have any pictures?
There's a trading card info page being constructed over on Strawberry Reef :)

:) I just finished updating the index page but I had never seen the Enterplay card list so it looks like I need to add F29-34... other than that I think they are all there.  Click on the pics for bigger sizes.  And please note most pics came from
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Eternia on July 28, 2012, 05:26:10 PM
thank you so much for that strawberryreef!
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: StrawberryReef on July 28, 2012, 05:27:59 PM
thank you so much for that strawberryreef!

You are very welcome :)
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Dragonflitter on July 28, 2012, 05:41:08 PM
There's a trading thread in the trading forum where we can all post our extras in one place, if you're interested in trading with other Arena members! :D,303344.0.html
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Shenanigans on July 28, 2012, 09:36:59 PM
I wasn't going to collect these, buuuuut I saw them for the first time at TRU yesterday and couldn't resist! :drunk: I got six packs and I only got two standees. And they were both Pinkie Pie :P
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: okiegurl1981 on July 28, 2012, 10:35:19 PM
How much are these a pack??
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Nerdfins on July 29, 2012, 01:50:00 AM
$1.99 if I remember right.  I see it for $1.44 on Amazon.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: SabreMau on July 29, 2012, 02:05:19 AM
Enterplay also has a convenient printable checklist PDF on their site (
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Gogobinsin on July 29, 2012, 03:16:52 AM
:) I just finished updating the index page but I had never seen the Enterplay card list so it looks like I need to add F29-34... other than that I think they are all there.  Click on the pics for bigger sizes.  And please note most pics came from
Ah cool thanks, I love your website by the way it's so helpful ;)
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: MonstarNomNom on July 29, 2012, 05:54:27 AM
Yessssss! I have already become addicted to these little buggers x'D I bought 6 when I spotted them at Target and wished I had bought more. I will most definitely probably be trading once I start getting doubles :3 I think my fave one so far is The Cakes! :heart:  :heart:
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: ShortyBoo on July 29, 2012, 09:05:19 AM
So has anyone found these at Wal-Mart, or am I going to have to make a separate trip to Target to find these? I'm going to be going to Wal-Mart anyway within the next few days, but if they haven't even been found at Wal-Mart, I won't bother looking since the cards are on the opposite end of the store from where I normally am.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: JazzMatazz on July 29, 2012, 09:18:12 AM
I bought 2 packs today! :D I'm on a budget but they are really cute! However.. I cannot find this said sweepstakes code that was supposed to be in them :/
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: amylynnamylynn on July 29, 2012, 09:40:36 AM
I bought 2 packs today! :D I'm on a budget but they are really cute! However.. I cannot find this said sweepstakes code that was supposed to be in them :/

The sweepstakes code is on the "location" cards.

I want more, but personally I think $1.99 is high for 5 cards plus a tattoo.  I would have no problem if there was a couple more cards in there.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: MLPlyte on July 29, 2012, 10:13:19 AM
Are these with the ponies or with the pokemon/magic/sports cards? Also, what are the standees?
I haven't heard of these today - they are so cute!
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: SabreMau on July 29, 2012, 01:17:46 PM
They were over with the other cards, at least at Target.

Standee cards are ones that have perforations so you can separate the character from the card, fold the rest of the card to form a base, and stand the character up.

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Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Clipper on July 29, 2012, 01:41:13 PM
found them in 2 targets and 2 toys r us' in Fort lauderdale yesterday :-P
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: dxgirly on July 29, 2012, 01:42:20 PM
I made a post with everything I have to trade/need over in the trading thread if anyone wants to look. :lovey:
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on July 29, 2012, 03:15:03 PM
Are these with the ponies or with the pokemon/magic/sports cards? Also, what are the standees?
I haven't heard of these today - they are so cute!

Here is one of the Standees cards "standing"

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Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Snapdragon on July 29, 2012, 03:32:51 PM
Okay, this is weird ... I found the cards at Target last week, then I found them again at TRU today, but they were in different boxes! They were similar, but definitely not the same. What gives?
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: dxgirly on July 29, 2012, 03:33:46 PM
Okay, this is weird ... I found the cards at Target last week, then I found them again at TRU today, but they were in different boxes! They were similar, but definitely not the same. What gives?

Was one a "hanging" box and one a "sitting" box that just sits on the shelf?
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Snapdragon on July 30, 2012, 09:10:47 PM
Okay, this is weird ... I found the cards at Target last week, then I found them again at TRU today, but they were in different boxes! They were similar, but definitely not the same. What gives?

Was one a "hanging" box and one a "sitting" box that just sits on the shelf?

Yeah! You know, that is a big distinction I never thought of before, haha! But yes, the Target one was hanging on a rack, and the TRU box sat on top of a shelf, although they were both rectangular. I thought maybe TRU just didn't set up the little 'hook,' but it's possible they're just made differently!
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: SabreMau on August 01, 2012, 12:52:56 AM
So, according to the cardlist, there are Gold Series cards (#G1-#G4) and Gold Series: Box Toppers (#G5-#G8). Now, I went and ordered a box off of Amazon (, but it won't arrive until next week because I clicked free shipping. Do these Box Topper cards come in the box separate from the packs, or is it something where each box contains exactly one of them somewhere within the individual packs?
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on August 01, 2012, 03:31:21 AM
So, according to the cardlist, there are Gold Series cards (#G1-#G4) and Gold Series: Box Toppers (#G5-#G8). Now, I went and ordered a box off of Amazon (, but it won't arrive until next week because I clicked free shipping. Do these Box Topper cards come in the box separate from the packs, or is it something where each box contains exactly one of them somewhere within the individual packs?

Every box doesnt get every card unfortunately. However, I believe every box is supposed to contain at least 1 of the gold cards - the "special card in each back is a standee or a foil plus and occasional the foil becomes a gold series card
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: SabreMau on August 01, 2012, 04:32:33 AM
Yeah, I figured it wouldn't have every card, but I'd never heard of "box topper cards" until looking at the card list for this set. Looked it up and it sounds like the usual way those go is you get one of them in a box, so presumably one of #G5, #G6, #G7, or #G8, with the usual other card probabilities inside each of the 30 packs. Just wasn't exactly sure how that goes. Are those four cards impossible to get randomly within the individual packs? And the four gold cards, the ones that aren't titled "box toppers" in the official list, are subject to usual chances?
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: majikarte on August 01, 2012, 11:06:55 AM
I want to start collecting these so badly but on Ebay they're so overpriced, and Toywiz has ridiculously high shipping costs. Have these been found anywhere outside of the states?
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Eternia on August 01, 2012, 11:34:47 AM
Are these with the ponies or with the pokemon/magic/sports cards? Also, what are the standees?
I haven't heard of these today - they are so cute!

Here is one of the Standees cards "standing"

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they actually stand better than that, you want to fold it again (in the middle, there should be another fold line)so that the edges with the name overlap, and then they have slits where they lock into each other.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on August 01, 2012, 01:49:19 PM
Thanks Eternia - not my picture unfortunately! I havent managed to track down any of these as yet...

Yeah, I figured it wouldn't have every card, but I'd never heard of "box topper cards" until looking at the card list for this set. Looked it up and it sounds like the usual way those go is you get one of them in a box, so presumably one of #G5, #G6, #G7, or #G8, with the usual other card probabilities inside each of the 30 packs. Just wasn't exactly sure how that goes. Are those four cards impossible to get randomly within the individual packs? And the four gold cards, the ones that aren't titled "box toppers" in the official list, are subject to usual chances?

I actually think G1 through G8 are all classed as the same rather than being two separate types of cards - they are all "toppers" i.e. one per box [assuming packed properly]
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: SabreMau on August 01, 2012, 02:02:49 PM

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Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on August 01, 2012, 03:52:43 PM
Ok - I caved and asked...because I was more confused.

From the horses mouth [no pun intended :P]...

"A box topper is an item inserted into a box of trading cards as an incentive for the purchase of the entire box ["box" being defined and called "booster box"]. Box toppers are usually cards not available in packs of the product."

Therefore it looks as though the first 4 Gold cards are randomly included in packs as an alternative to the standee/foil. And the other 4 are ONLY available when you buy a complete box - they are not packaged inside any of the packets inside but are a stand alone item inside the box, i.e. a "box topper". So in order to get all 4 you would need to buy a minimum of 4 booster boxes in the hope of getting a different one each time [wow no wonder toywiz are charging $30 plus per card for them!!]
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: SabreMau on August 01, 2012, 04:32:14 PM
Seems like the regular gold cards are even rarer than 1 per 30 packs. They list those at $30-$50 while box toppers (guaranteed one per box) are only $20-$25.

Of course, some of those have price listed but if you click on them they're "Sorry, just sold the last one." And it's just one shop so they could be equally rare and demand is higher on certain ones.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on August 01, 2012, 04:36:43 PM
Seems like the regular gold cards are even rarer than 1 per 30 packs. They list those at $30-$50 while box toppers (guaranteed one per box) are only $20-$25.

Of course, some of those have price listed but if you click on them they're "Sorry, just sold the last one." And it's just one shop so they could be equally rare and demand is higher on certain ones.

The problem with the G1-G4 is you wont be guaranteed one per box as with 9 standees and 34 foil cards, assuming they have added 1 gold card for each standee/foil set, you would need 44 different/unique packs and there is only 30 in the box as you know. But with G5-G8 you are guaranteed at least one of these per box - so you get 1 of G5-G8 for every 30 packs and one of G1-G4 for every 44 packs [and that 44 is a minimum assuming no doubles and you get one of each standee or foil per pack].
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: SabreMau on August 01, 2012, 10:02:00 PM
Yeah, gonna have to hope to get enough of the set in the initial sweep, enough doubles for trading, and then go out shopping for the missing pieces.

Also, the Amazon price for the box just got much less affordable today. I hit F5 to see how many they still had in stock, and they had some, but their price jumped from $69.95 to $109.95. From $2.33 a pack to $3.67. Makes Target's prices much better for now, minus box toppers and Target's tendency to run out.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Novavelle on August 01, 2012, 11:32:55 PM
I bought the last 4 packs at my target today, and got a gold card with cadence on it... is that what you guy's are talking about?
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Dragonflitter on August 03, 2012, 11:29:52 AM
So does anyone know anything about this Discord foil puzzle set? I've seen online examples of almost every card scanned on the various MLP websites, except for any from this set. And with the number of people buying them, I can't believe it's just bad luck that no one has stumbled across these cards yet. Maybe Enterplay isn't going to put them out until later, ensuring a new round of rabid buying when they announce 'new rare cards now included in some packs'?
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: xoVanille on August 03, 2012, 01:43:06 PM
I cleaned out the box at Target pretty decently when they finally arrived.
I managed to get two gold series cards, Twilght Sparkle & Celestia. A LOT of foils, and I'm only missing one of the "element" cards.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Novavelle on August 03, 2012, 01:45:17 PM
I cleaned out the box at Target pretty decently when they finally arrived.
I managed to get two gold series cards, Twilght Sparkle & Celestia. A LOT of foils, and I'm only missing one of the "element" cards.

Wish I was as successful... I bought over 40 packs... and don't have half of the foils :/
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on August 03, 2012, 03:07:29 PM
So does anyone know anything about this Discord foil puzzle set? I've seen online examples of almost every card scanned on the various MLP websites, except for any from this set. And with the number of people buying them, I can't believe it's just bad luck that no one has stumbled across these cards yet. Maybe Enterplay isn't going to put them out until later, ensuring a new round of rabid buying when they announce 'new rare cards now included in some packs'?

Yes this sounds likely - back when the press release on the product went out the Discord 6 card puzzle set was confirmed in the same breath as the gold box toppers. i.e. the set contains all these [tattoos, commons, standees, foils, etc] and in addition there will be 4 box toppers and a Discord puzzle set. It sounds suspiciously as though these are following a similar pattern to the gold foils and will be only occasional appearances.

I bought the last 4 packs at my target today, and got a gold card with cadence on it... is that what you guy's are talking about?

This is the "gold series" Cadence who is very hard to find.
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And this is the "gold series box topper" who is only available if you buy a complete box :)
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Congrats if you got the top one :)
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: missbonbon on August 03, 2012, 04:23:25 PM
Ooops Didn't see this thread earlier  :blush:  :blush:  :blush:

I love these cards! Wondered if anyone had extras they maybe want to try swapping? I have quite a few extras and instead of buying a lot more packs to finish, maybe this would be a good place to try :)
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on August 03, 2012, 04:25:03 PM
Ooops Didn't see this thread earlier  :blush:  :blush:  :blush:

I love these cards! Wondered if anyone had extras they maybe want to try swapping? I have quite a few extras and instead of buying a lot more packs to finish, maybe this would be a good place to try :)

Dragonflitter started a trading thread over in For Trade,303344.0.html :)
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Gogobinsin on August 03, 2012, 05:22:42 PM
"A box topper is an item inserted into a box of trading cards as an incentive for the purchase of the entire box ["box" being defined and called "booster box"]. Box toppers are usually cards not available in packs of the product."
What? But no! They can't do that! Aha :( How many people can really afford to keep buying loads of boxes in hope that they'll find all of the exclusive box topper cards? I guess if you got any doubles you could make your money back by selling it ;) But still...Guess I'll just give up my dream of getting every card and try to get the main ones I'm bothered about the most :D By the way, what do stores do with these cards when they open the boxes? ...
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: dxgirly on August 03, 2012, 07:04:03 PM
I got a Gold Luna when I bought the last 5 packs at a Target about 25 minutes away from me. hurrah! :frolic:
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: babyblueducky on August 03, 2012, 07:19:17 PM
i saw them at target recently, but its $1.99 for one pack. i'd rather go to walmart and get a blind bag for about that price instead.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Wysteria on August 03, 2012, 08:08:46 PM
So does anyone know anything about this Discord foil puzzle set? I've seen online examples of almost every card scanned on the various MLP websites, except for any from this set. And with the number of people buying them, I can't believe it's just bad luck that no one has stumbled across these cards yet. Maybe Enterplay isn't going to put them out until later, ensuring a new round of rabid buying when they announce 'new rare cards now included in some packs'?

Yes this sounds likely - back when the press release on the product went out the Discord 6 card puzzle set was confirmed in the same breath as the gold box toppers. i.e. the set contains all these [tattoos, commons, standees, foils, etc] and in addition there will be 4 box toppers and a Discord puzzle set. It sounds suspiciously as though these are following a similar pattern to the gold foils and will be only occasional appearances.

I bought the last 4 packs at my target today, and got a gold card with cadence on it... is that what you guy's are talking about?

This is the "gold series" Cadence who is very hard to find.
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And this is the "gold series box topper" who is only available if you buy a complete box :)
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Congrats if you got the top one :)

I bought out a whole box from target with 36 packs and actually got 2 gold cards:D One was Cadence G3 and Celestia. But now I feel kind of cheated on the G5-G8, do you only get those if you buy an unsealed box from a dealer? I caved and bought a whole set of the last 4 on ebay but if they're not inside the packs, it's makes sense how the dealer had over 20 sets available of all 4 toppers:/ I did get super lucky though to get all of the first 4 gold ones and 2 extras:)
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Dragonflitter on August 03, 2012, 08:29:18 PM

What? But no! They can't do that! Aha :( How many people can really afford to keep buying loads of boxes in hope that they'll find all of the exclusive box topper cards?

Heh heh, when I was a kid I collected all the Skybox The Lion King cards, including all the special foil and holographic cards. To this day I have two shoeboxes FULL of my duplicates. I must have at least 10 sets of all the regular common cards. I forget how much each pack cost, but I must have spent hundreds of dollars...of my parents' money. @_@

Oh, the things we do to feed our collecting habits, eh? :P
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: dxgirly on August 03, 2012, 08:39:48 PM
Well, thank you, Hathorcat, for the explanation on the gold series. Since I never intend on buying at least 4 full boxes to try to get those cards, I went and just bought them by themselves on ebay. It wasn't too, too bad.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on August 04, 2012, 04:47:00 AM
@Gogobinsin - Yes unfortunately it does make it tough to complete a set but thats how the manufacturer makes people spend money and buy complete sets even if they are going to end up with dozens of doubles. There are also another 3 cards which were released only a BronyCon, ComicCon and one more yet to be confirmed location. Unless someone at these events who got lucky to get one of the exclusive cards decides to sell them these are going to be tough to track down as well.

@Wysteria - yes the toppers dont come in packs so you would need an unopened box in order to get one - if you are buying a complete box make sure it says "including box topper" or "unopened" Thats fantastic that you have managed to track all 4 of the first 4 golds down...congrats :)

Edit: To add that you also need to make sure its a "booster box" you purchase and not a regular retail box as only the "booster boxes" have the box topper gold cards - the boxes sent to stores for regular retail are packed differently and dont have the box toppers.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: SabreMau on August 04, 2012, 11:32:55 AM
Just arrived, two days ahead of schedule.

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Quarter's there for scale. The Fun Pack box is much, much smaller than the boxes they put on display at TRU or Target (at least the vertical hanging ones).

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And the gold topper card is sitting loose on top of the sealed packs. I would have expected them to at least give it an individual clear plastic wrap, but this is fine too.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on August 04, 2012, 04:24:14 PM
Yeah! You got Discord thats great.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Dragonflitter on August 04, 2012, 04:36:07 PM
Thanks for the pics, SabreMau! How much does a 'booster' pack cost, and where can you order them?
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: SabreMau on August 04, 2012, 04:40:29 PM
I got mine off Amazon and linked it in my August 1st post, but that was when it was selling for $70 and the price there has since gone up to $104. Also one on eBay for $140. Not sure I'd recommend it at those prices. Everywhere else I've checked is all sold out.

Ordering straight from Enterplay would be the cheapest option, at $60 there (, but they're at "Availability: Back Ordered" which is why the price is jumping up everywhere else.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Dragonflitter on August 04, 2012, 04:56:35 PM
$60 retail!? o.0 Holy cow, how many packs come in the booster box?
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on August 04, 2012, 05:27:49 PM
$60 retail!? o.0 Holy cow, how many packs come in the booster box?

30 packs I believe.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Dragonflitter on August 04, 2012, 06:07:34 PM
Oh, I guess that makes sense then, since they retail at $2 a pack. XD
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: DazzleKitty on August 04, 2012, 07:28:31 PM
It's probably already been asked but I am too lazy to read through six many different cards are there?

I've already bought about ten packs of these. They pretty nifty! I am tempted to get one of those card sleeves and put them in those, but I don't wanna spend extra money, heh.

I love the foil cards! This kinda reminds me of the day I was into Pokemon cards. That was sooooo long ago.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Wilford B Wolf on August 04, 2012, 10:11:55 PM
sooooo pissed i didnt buy BOXES for the gold have more cards i need and less i dont if id bought 2 boxes
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: SabreMau on August 04, 2012, 10:13:30 PM
It's probably already been asked but I am too lazy to read through six many different cards are there?

There are 84 normal cards, split into the categories: Characters, Villians, Pets, Moments of Friendship, Locations/Sweepstakes. Location cards also come with a sweepstakes code that you can enter into their website, but every card I've tried so far hasn't won anything.

Then there are 9 standee cards, as seen here (,303774.msg323794.html#msg323794). These come in every pack, unless that pack comes with a foil card instead.

Finally, there are (currently) 38 foil cards, split into subcategories. The first 6 foil cards have an Elements of Harmony theme and you can place them side-by-side so the backs form a picture. The next 9 foil cards have a Royal Wedding theme, and fit together to form a similar puzzle picture. Next 13 cards are just shiny foil versions of Character cards. Then there are 4 Gold Series foil cards which are the rarest randomly-found ones.

The remaining foil cards are special cases, that you can't get randomly just buying individual packs. There's a 6-card Discord set in the card list which doesn't actually appear to be in circulation at the moment. Nobody has pictures of them and they're not on Toywiz or eBay yet. There's a special Rainbow Dash foil card that was only available at SDCC, and a special Rarity foil card that was only available at BronyCon. And then there are the final 4 gold foils which only come when you buy a booster pack box.

Or, there are pictures of all of 'em here (
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: dxgirly on August 04, 2012, 10:19:38 PM
I'm not missing too many now, thanks to trades with awesome Arena members. I wish I could buy a few more packs, but my two closest Targets are completely out, and they even shown up yet in my TRU. The next closest Target is half an hour away..... hmmmm.....
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: DazzleKitty on August 05, 2012, 07:52:26 AM
Thanks for all the info, SabreMau! :)
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: BerryPunch on August 05, 2012, 09:11:58 AM
Let's see what I have. My sister and I cleaned out our local Kmart thar surprisingly had cards. We got some dupes, but it didn't really matter since we were dividing the cards. She got some I wanted, I got some she wanted. Since we bought them all, I got to keep the cool little card box. visitors can't see pics , please register or login
My favorite cards I have so far are Vinyl and Octavia's card, and my shining Shining Armor card! Hopefully we get more soon. I want some of the golds. And Steven Magnet! XD
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: ShortyBoo on August 05, 2012, 11:23:52 AM
I finally found some at Wal-Mart. There were 16 packs in the box, but I'd just bought the wave 8 ponies and the Target blind bag rainbow set and didn't have much money left, so I just bought six. I was happy to find I didn't get any duplicates at all. I need to get more, but I'll have to wait until my money replenishes.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Dragonflitter on August 05, 2012, 04:15:36 PM
For people finding them at Walmart: Where are they? Between the cash registers on the shelf with all the baseball/Pokemon cards and the "As Soon On TV" items? Or in the toy aisle with the ponies?

Oh, and are they $1.99 like Target, or $2.50 like TRU?
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: sugar_apple on August 05, 2012, 04:24:49 PM
These cards look pretty nice :3

So has anyone spotted these outside US yet?
When (/if..) they get over here, I just might go crazy for them. Because hey, collectables, cards! xD (I still have like hundreds of Pokemon cards neatly stashed away in some closet) I just seem to looove all kinds of papery stuff, so these would really hit the spot.

And stickers. Oh my, if they ever make FIM into collectable stickers...  :drunk:
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: okiegurl1981 on August 05, 2012, 04:54:22 PM
For people finding them at Walmart: Where are they? Between the cash registers on the shelf with all the baseball/Pokemon cards and the "As Soon On TV" items? Or in the toy aisle with the ponies?

Oh, and are they $1.99 like Target, or $2.50 like TRU?

My question too.  I was just at WM and couldn't find any!
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: PolkaDot99 on August 05, 2012, 05:00:03 PM
These look so cool! i have to look for them next time
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: MikaylaIsSoCoolLike on August 05, 2012, 05:23:31 PM
Finally got around to going to WalMart (who didn't have them...) and Target (who did!). I scored six packs for $1.99. The only repeat I saw was a Twilight  tattoo. yissss.

edit: i had two repeats. im hoping that my friend has some so i can trade.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: PolkaDot99 on August 05, 2012, 09:42:15 PM
One of the targets we went to had some so i got 6 packs!!! theyre so cool
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: ShortyBoo on August 06, 2012, 04:53:47 AM
For people finding them at Walmart: Where are they? Between the cash registers on the shelf with all the baseball/Pokemon cards and the "As Soon On TV" items? Or in the toy aisle with the ponies?

Oh, and are they $1.99 like Target, or $2.50 like TRU?

They were with the Pokemon cards. I actually almost didn't see them because the box they're in is much smaller than I was expecting and it was down on a low shelf between a bunch of other kinds of cards. They were I think $1.96 each. So, yeah, they're cheaper than TRU and Target.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: Dragonflitter on August 06, 2012, 10:59:12 AM
Nice! Haha if my Walmarts ever get around to stocking them I'll save 3 cents per pack! XD

The sheer amount of baseball cards that Walmart stocks astounds me...
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on August 06, 2012, 03:57:51 PM
These cards look pretty nice :3

So has anyone spotted these outside US yet?
When (/if..) they get over here, I just might go crazy for them. Because hey, collectables, cards! xD (I still have like hundreds of Pokemon cards neatly stashed away in some closet) I just seem to looove all kinds of papery stuff, so these would really hit the spot.

And stickers. Oh my, if they ever make FIM into collectable stickers...  :drunk:

At the moment its pretty much US only - although I believe Enterplays website will ship to anywhere except for Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands, United Kingdom - so assuming that means they will ship everywhere else perhaps if you were interested you could order them online.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: sugar_apple on August 06, 2012, 05:39:01 PM
These cards look pretty nice :3

So has anyone spotted these outside US yet?
When (/if..) they get over here, I just might go crazy for them. Because hey, collectables, cards! xD (I still have like hundreds of Pokemon cards neatly stashed away in some closet) I just seem to looove all kinds of papery stuff, so these would really hit the spot.

And stickers. Oh my, if they ever make FIM into collectable stickers...  :drunk:

At the moment its pretty much US only - although I believe Enterplays website will ship to anywhere except for Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands, United Kingdom - so assuming that means they will ship everywhere else perhaps if you were interested you could order them online.

Hmm, sadly they don't seem to ship to my country. :/  (the shipping would probably cost more than the actual items, anyway. lol)
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: hathorcat on August 06, 2012, 06:15:50 PM
These cards look pretty nice :3

So has anyone spotted these outside US yet?
When (/if..) they get over here, I just might go crazy for them. Because hey, collectables, cards! xD (I still have like hundreds of Pokemon cards neatly stashed away in some closet) I just seem to looove all kinds of papery stuff, so these would really hit the spot.

And stickers. Oh my, if they ever make FIM into collectable stickers...  :drunk:

At the moment its pretty much US only - although I believe Enterplays website will ship to anywhere except for Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands, United Kingdom - so assuming that means they will ship everywhere else perhaps if you were interested you could order them online.

Hmm, sadly they don't seem to ship to my country. :/  (the shipping would probably cost more than the actual items, anyway. lol)

Thats a shame...hopefully if they are successful they may consider an international release or maybe even if you post over in the Wanted forum you could get someone in the US to help you purchase a full box.
Title: Re: The Trading Cards have Shown Up
Post by: gabumon on October 22, 2012, 12:16:20 PM
Found these at Walmart today.
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