The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => The Dollhouse => Topic started by: tuneful87 on July 25, 2012, 05:01:36 AM

Title: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: tuneful87 on July 25, 2012, 05:01:36 AM
Good morning, ghouls. It is time for your evaluation.

You recall our judges:

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Your critique, in alphabetical order:

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Janice: Not your strongest, I'm afraid... I understand orange is an incredibly difficult color to work with, though. A lot of photos this week would have benefited from incorporating the theme color onto the model somehow, though you do at least have the orange squares in the background to pull it together. Good job on putting yourself front and center! The pony may have the superhero mask, but if this were a comic book cover there'd be no doubt you were the star.

Tyra: Damn, girl, you’ve got hair down to your @ss! Maybe even farther! And it’s so sparkly! I love the sparkly. Gotta have the sparkly. *Nigel coughs and he receives a frown in return*. It’s a cute pic – you look happy, the pony looks super happy. The background coloring is lively and fun, but you’re dressed real dark for a toy shoot. A model can pull anything off though, so color shouldn’t be a limitation. You’re giving us lots of leg (always a good thing) but I think you could have gone even crazier with this and really given that pony a ride to remember.

Nigel: You command that pony like it's no one's business!  Am I the only one loving the use of pigtails for this shoot? LOVE! PURE LOVE!  It really matches the playful carefree vibe and runs with it!  I think I may have liked to see a bit more color with the outfit, but it really makes you pop in front of that colorful background and matches you to the pony so well. Your pose is a little static for me, very straight and not much going on other than your arm seeming to flail. Curves ghoul, I know you got em.

Geppetto: Turning your pony pal into a chair – clever! I like the colors going on, sorta like seeing a gothic chic trapped in Candyland. Like Nigel, I would have liked to see a little more to your pose. This was your chance to go totally crazy riding that pony!

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Janice: Where did you go?? You seem to be disappearing into your background this week, my dear! The mood you've set with the baby ponies is very sweet though and I love that dress! I would have loved to see slightly more contrast and maybe less saturation, even if it means drawing less attention to those striking eyes.

Tyra: Aesthetically speaking, you nailed it. The photo pulls you in, is engaging, and shows off the toys in a commercial yet artistic way. You don’t take attention away from the toys, and they don’t take it away from you – there’s a good balance. While you photograph beautifully, in general I’d love to see you a little more active in your shoots - three out of four weeks you’ve been in some sort of reclining position. But that’s just food for thought. You did a wonderful job, Aria. Keep it up, girl!

Nigel: Aria?  Are you feeling quite alright?  You look pale and listless and ... flat ... very unlike you.  Are the ponies holding you back?  I am in love with you take on Megan though, even the Rainbow of Light heart pendant is present, the details are ever present with you as always, bringing so many layers to the image ... but while the entire scene is spectacular, you nearly invisible yourself ghoul and it breaks my heart.

Geppetto: Fairyland, here I come! THIS is the land of sugar, spice, and everything nice. This could totally be a toy advertisement in a national magazine. The product placement is swell – not too structured, not too random. I particularly like that little piggy in the foreground. Where did you get him? As for you, Aria, you look adorable. The ribbon was a nice touch. Pink and yellow are your colors, babe.

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Janice: Smoldering as always. I love how fierce you are, but don't be a one trick pony! (Ha, I made a funny). Those baby blues really bring your color theme together, but I can't help feeling that the almost Gothic fashion style feels out of place. The lighting is stunning though, and shows off how fantastic ALL of your hair is.

Tyra: Girl, you smiled with your eyes! You’ve shown us Cupid’s naughty side, her crazy side, and her passionate side. This would definitely be her “I am queen of the Nile; worship me” side. You look super fabulous, and your corgi is trained so well! But if this was a toy advertisement, the client would not be happy because you’ve stolen all the attention, leaving little (if any) for ol’ Green and Blue Heavyhooves. Oh, and girl, hook me up with your hair and makeup guy! I need a weave that slick!

Nigel: *buries his face in his hands* ... all the cuteness ... I can't take it!  The corgi's, the pigtails, the brute strength of the Big Brother ponies ... THEY GOT ME TYRA! STRAIGHT TO MY STONY HEART! In all seriousness though, nice work!  The use of your lace pattern through the eyelets of the boots, is a small, but appreciated detail.  And how the lace pattern works perfectly with the crackled pattern top of your dress, which is FANTASTIC ghoul!  The balance of the colors is spot on as well, the blue in the upper right and lower left, the cool/creamy swath through the middle and your vibrant pop of blazing, take-no-prisoners-red/pink. *kisses finger tips* Beautiful!  Your pose might could be considered a little dull ... but a princess being carried has only one pose ... relaxed dignity, grace, and most of all ... balance.

Geppetto: So this is what Cleopatra would look like if she were painted white and sported a pink wig! The intensity in your eyes is amazing, too. Ponies? What ponies? My eyes are centered on you and they ain’t strayin’!

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Janice: Ha! Now, here's a theme for vivid pink hair if ever I saw one. Your shoot was bright, colourful and visually interesting, even though socks with sandals ordinarily makes me want to cringe. You’re the sparkling candy center of one radical, Chinese iPad cover of a photoshoot.

Tyra: You and Abbey had a similar idea for this week’s shoot. You know what they say in Model Land – great models think alike! The purple sparkles lure me in, and the glowing stones, mini unicorns hopping around, and that ice cream cone that looks good enough to eat keep me there. The poor pony you’re sitting on is a bit dull in comparison…hope she doesn’t feel left out. I lovvvve the happy expression on your face, and your hair simply glows. I know you’re trying to sell me something, but I’m not sure exactly what as there is so much happening in this photo.

Nigel: JPop America Fun Time Now! You are totally channeling it ghoul! Playful, fun, crazy, non-sensical! You don't NEED anything in your hand, that's part of the magic, it could be ANYTHING! You seem to be saying  "Hey ... it happens." What happens, I don't know, but it does.  All it's missing is some crazy socks ... bright, colorful, zig-zaggy, polka-dotted socks.  A minor annoyance for sure. *chuckles*

Geppetto: There is soooo much going on here, dude, but somehow you work it out. Honest to god, it reminds me of some crazy Japanese advertisement. It's bright, it's crazy, it's in your face. Your outfit is a cool mishmash, and you're giving us lots of leg. My only criticism - I'm not too sure what your right hand is gesturing to? If you had been holding a miniature ice cream cone, I think everything would have come together for me!

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Janice: I admire your ability to look elegant and polished in every shoot, whether you're taking advantage of a pinup opportunity or posing with sweet pink ponies. Work it!! I'm a bit worried that you seem to be taking last week's critique to heart and playing it way too safe though. Last week may have been focusing more on the models than the background, but this week was all about having fun with the props! I would have loved to see more of that playful side... like what we saw in your hilarious mock entries!

Tyra: This is totally sweet. I want to buy that dress AND I want that pony, so you’re definitely doing your job. I feel like I’m getting a glimpse of Marie Guillonette on her downtime in the Palace of Versailles, playin’ with the ponies while outside the peasants demand her soul! It’s a lovely photo. You are always so put together in your shoots. One day I’d like to see you totally down and dirty – crazy hair, limbs modeling it out to the extreme, yadda yadda. But until that day comes, I’m content with soaking up all your regality.

Nigel: Sweets for the sweets!  I LOVE the delicately crossed legs, the tiny sweet cake, the timidity of the pony and your pose that highlights the stock-still nature needed to lure her out to eat from your dainty hand. My only complaint will be your arm resting on the back of the couch, it looks fairly uninteresting right now, a subtle shift to follow the curvature of the reclining chair would have added more interest and highlighted it more.  Your skirt is positively scrumptious!

Geppetto: Talk about pretty in pink! You've managed to lure that shy lil Cupcake out, but it's you who steals the show. You look bright and alert, and your hair is in perfect place. Love the crossed legs, and that dress is surely handmade! Did you do it yourself? Although, I would have liked to see your left arm making use of the arm rest behind you - it would've added another dimension to the photograph. Another job well done!

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Janice: You've come a long way, baby! This photo is pretty and demure but still fun with the zebra-print backdrop. I only wish you and your pony friend were making eye contact - it looks as if you're both looking up at something, almost. Still, you've improved a lot and I feel as if your picture tells a story.

Tyra: You were in the bottom two the first week, but since then you keep improving, and improving, and improving. This is your best shot yet. This reminds me of myself when I was a little monster playing with my voodoo and crocodile dolls. This photo triggers an emotional reaction – my heart feels all warm and fuzzy. Amazing work, Lil. I think you could have brightened things up a little bit, maybe adjusting your fill light or highlights. Other than that, flawless.

Nigel: ZEBRA! MY ONE T RUE WEAKNESS! *falls off chair, slowly clambers back up* High contrast line break ... it is so very hard to go wrong with zebra for a playful fun vibe.  You clearly love that pony ghoul!  The darling way you hold it, the intense, perfectly matched eye contact ... I can hear you singing the MLP Theme and making her prance before you.  LOOKIT THOSE LEGS!  Unbeknownst to most ghouls, dots and stripes go perfectly well together when they aren't battling for supremacy against each other, just the right touch of dots to break up the stripes. You look FABULOUS!

Geppetto: Looking through your film, you gave us a lot to work with this week. On the couch, on the floor, different ponies. But when Tyra showed me this photo, I was floored. You managed to capture this youthful, playful energy with the baby pony. There is a whole story there, and yet you don't compromise the model in you - you're giving us tons of leg at all the right angles, your skirt and top fit perfectly, and your hair falls into place just right. The eye contact between you and your little friend is spot on. I see this photo and feel emotion. Splendid!

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Janice: I wish you'd just asked girl, because I totally would have lent you a yellow dress. This composition is really great, but I can't help feeling that you stick out a bit too much. The purple pony with the yellow hair really helps somewhat, but I think a yellow dress, accessory... even a hairclip would have helped here.

Tyra: Nobody can deny how pretty you look her, but I feel as if your model is getting lost in a sea of ponies. You’re purely relying on your face here – and a beautiful face at that – but your legs are totally lost. This was the chance to show off those gorgeous gams, girl! You definitely embraced the color yellow for this round, and that one purple pony mixes things up perfectly.

Nigel: So many wonderful pictures! But ... a sea of ponies and the only one who can navigate it? A gorgeous sea monster who almost blends in and becomes one with them.  Beautiful!  The play of colors, the purples with the yellows, and including a purple pony that accentuates YOU is a killer touch!  The sweep of the hair makes the illusion of waves and you floating among them.  The only thing I find a touch distracting is the "floating hand" to your right ... a little more visibility of the arm would have helped eliminate the "disembodied hand" vibe I get.  You must be part sea pony though ... your face beguiles me more and more saying "pony" ...

Geppetto: You look real pretty here, and I like that you stuck with the theme of purple and yellow. It’s real eye catching. The photo could have been a tiny bit brighter though – then all that color would have really POPPED!

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Janice: What are you two looking at? I think you really went above and beyond with the body language this week. It looks like you two are stargazing or watching the clouds. I know some of my fellow judges will wonder why you're laying on brick, but geez! Don't they know what grass does to a good hairdo???

Tyra: This is your first shot where I see the real Operetta. There’s an undeniable connection between you and Glory. There’s a story here, and you fit it perfectly. But the brick? Damn, girl, that’s gotta hurt! Next time pull out a soft blanket, fluff a pillow, and get comfortable on the grass. You and Glory draw me in totally, but your setting – that hard, uninviting brick – it makes me shudder.

Nigel: Plotting constellations.  Tracing comets.  Discussing black hole theorems ... I can see it all!  But bricks, my stoney back kills me just looking at it, then again, good friends make everything better.  I am dying to see you get out there and use more exotic backdrops, a blanket on the grass, an intriguing tree limb shot, a fence top, trellace.  EXPAND MY DEAR!  But the dynamics of your pose, both arms used, one to grasp your dearest pony friend the other to wave to the majesty of the night sky, the angle of the shot to assist BOTH of your upward glances ... keen!  I need to call my guarryman for a spinal adjustment though ... ow.  Does show the tenacity to do ANYTHING for a shot though.  I like that. *winks*

Geppetto: This would make a great advertisement for some sort of star-gazing organization. You look like a real caring big sister here, Operetta, and little Glory looks eager to learn what you're trying to explain to her. Maybe you're trying to show her where the star inscribed on her hip came from? That said, I think the theme could have had more of an impact if you were both lying on the grass or reclining on a blanket. Lying on bricks to watch the stars just ain’t right!

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Janice: Hello, Kitty! What a fun and playful wardrobe style in this photo! I can't help it though, I guess I've always just been a cat person.  Your right leg looks uncomfortable though, and I'm not really sure what's going on with your tail; it's a bit... droopy, I guess? Or are you trying to tempt one of your kitty friends to play with it? I hope a cat fight doesn't start as a result!

Tyra: More pigtails! Y’all copyin’ my style! You look sweet as pie, Perc. Your clothes are cool and funky, very kid-like and hip. But your right leg worries me. Instead of seeing it from straight on, try bending it at an angle like the left leg (or skewed in the opposite direction for a mirror image). A few loops in your tail would have softened things up too. Overall, well done.

Nigel: *hums* How much is that corgi in the lower left? The one with the waggely tail? ruff ruff!  *other judges just look at him* I happen to adore my corgi-worgies!  Fiercely playful pose!  I'm not sure how it works, but you nailed it!  Watch your lines and edges, your right leg is too stiff and tense, a bend would have done it wonders, a nice S-curve would be nice, but a playful bend to the opposite side would have lent to the playful a touch more.  Pigtails are adorable, remember the stylists though, they have a brush to help tame flyaways, but when you're busy playing with pretties, who has time?  And the tail dearie-cat, it's a big asset if used correctly, but can also be a distraction if not kept in control, don't forget to pose it too.

Geppetto: Which toy are you selling? Oh, it doesn't matter! I want them ALL!!!! The pigtails definitely go with the kiddie theme, so props to that! The toys you're selling are so bright and colorful, so it might have been nice to see a background matching that vibrancy. As a toy designer, I know firsthand just how important product placement is, and many of the animals in your set are upside down, on their side, their faces away from the camera, etc. While that’s OK here and there for the ‘avalanche’ effect, I want to see more of the toys, more of what you’re trying to sell me. P.S. I know you’re going for a sweet little kitten theme here, but you’re looking hot as hell from where I’m sittin’!

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Janice: Girl, you are BRINGING it! And I'm not just saying that because you remind me of myself. Everything about this exudes model quality. Too bad the world must be deprived of those gams; the only fullbody shot we had of you this week had your legs twisted something awful! Ouch! Better call an orthopedic surgeon... and pass his number on to me, while you're at it. Ha!

Tyra: You’re so serene here, gently stroking Sunbeam’s chin. But that sort of gesture might work better selling expensive jewelry instead of toy horses. I really like the polka dots, and girl, that dress is couture all the way. But looking through your film, only one of your photos included a full body shot. You had the MOST AMAZING sparkly red shoes in that shot, but your right leg was a bit crooked and your shoe was facing a direction that would make a zombie cringe! I wish I had seen more leg (and those shoes) in your best shot.

Nigel: Blue with green can NEVER fail!  I adore the intimacy of the close up shots dearie, but you've got a cute dress, and long lovely legs to show off ... and the shoes ... why hide their perfection?  SHOW OFF A LITTLE MORE!  Take care where things are pointing, one shot looks almost as if the pony of your affections is going to gore you.  You captured a fun loving vibe to perfection with the colorful props and a playful but not too distracting background and successfully managed to keep the attention on you.

Geppetto: Babe, you totally embraced your color this week! Blue, blue, blue! That dress is killer, and props for applying face makeup - it shows how much you really wanted to get into the playful theme going on. There's a very calm sweetness in your face, and I wish I had had the brains to design that little doll; I bet she'd sell like crazy! Overall, you killed it in the cuteness department.

 Good luck, everyone! You did a fabulous job! May the best ghoul win!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Icecrystalline on July 25, 2012, 05:06:53 AM
I was torn between Aria and Nanami this week, Nanami had such a beautiful face and I loved the composition, but Aria, for the fourth week running, you stole my heart ! Those colours and elegant posing, won me over! Good work everyone! I loved everybody's unique photos, Kalma's was awesome too, just wish that there had been more props, it looked a little bare, but everything else was spot on! xxx
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: rayedelsol on July 25, 2012, 05:22:09 AM
I'm going to hold off voting until I can see them all. For some reason Operetta's picture won't load on my work computer. This is a tough choice this week too!! I have several favorites, but I think that there is one front-runner for me.

Edit: I lied. Lilitha's shot is just so well done! I love the tights, and then hint of her tattoo :) The picture isn't too busy, its just perfect! There were others I liked, but this one is the one that stood out in my mind when I was done browsing :) Great job, ghouls!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: fiwen30 on July 25, 2012, 06:05:59 AM
Aria, Jordon and Percie are all tied for my vote this week!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Gingerbread on July 25, 2012, 06:10:50 AM
OMG they are amazing! I am so torn between Jordan and Operetta.....and Rhonda....and the rest are all so cute too...crikey I do not envy the judges at all this week...
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Moss on July 25, 2012, 06:30:15 AM
Geez, this keeps getting harder as the weeks go on! Well done, everyone!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: JigglesTheCat on July 25, 2012, 07:12:20 AM
Percie did an amazing job this week! :3
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: NoDivision on July 25, 2012, 07:19:37 AM
Welp... I tried to go simpler this week since my critique last week was that I shouldn't rely on elaborate props... but I guess that didn't work either. Oh well, at least no one can say I'm not listening to my critiques! And yes, the skirt is hand made - those are real cupcake sprinkles :D Kalma had to tempt the pony with cake to stop her skirt from being eaten!

Everyone did a great job this week - there none that really stand out to me above the others, which makes it so hard to pick a favorite! They're all lovely!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Tiffoes on July 25, 2012, 07:39:55 AM
Everyone did such an amazing job. I honestly can't pick a favourite. Every picture has these great details that make me love them.

I loved how colourful and happy most of these pictures are! I'm going to have a really tough time choosing just one. ;_;
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: NoDivision on July 25, 2012, 07:59:24 AM
I think one of the tough things about this chellenge - both in shooting and in voting - was that the challenge was left so open. Are the models supposed to be selling the toys? Selling themselves? Should it be more innocent, childlike, sexy, serene, crazy? We get a range of all of that so everyone's pictures are great for different reasons, so it makes it hard to pick a best picture.
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: jupiternwndrlnd on July 25, 2012, 08:02:37 AM
aww...but Cupid's hair isn't in pigtails...i worked really hard to get it straight, cause I was going for the "queen of the Nial" only other option was to be drowning in baby ponies XD
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: NoDivision on July 25, 2012, 08:09:06 AM
aww...but Cupid's hair isn't in pigtails...i worked really hard to get it straight, cause I was going for the "queen of the Nial"

I totally got that! I thought Cupid looked great and you really showcased her. Very elegant and powerful.
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Colorscapesart on July 25, 2012, 08:12:25 AM
Aria~ You are always so elegant!  I love the scene you created, there is so much depth there!

Cupid~Holy WOW thats HOT!  Your face, you outfit, the pose, just HAWT!

Jordan~Very fun!  I love all of the crazy fun you have going on here. 

Kalma~Such a dainty shot!  It's fun and totally elegant all at the same time.  How do you do that voodoo that you do so well?

Lilitha~Lovely composition and expression, I think you nailed it.

Nanami~Ohhh the colors!!  I want to put this pretty pic up on my wall!

Operetta~Gorgeous! I love the green grass contrasting Operetta's gorg hair and the expressions/angles are spot on!

Percie~You seem relaxed and fun.  I love your face in this pic!

Rhonda~Lovely pic!  I adore the little uni on the right looking up at you in adoration!

Abbey~I really tried to show a different side of myself this week.  Fierce and fun!  I really enjoyed the shredded look and the black ties in with the pony.

Tough contest!  Fab work all!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Eviecorn on July 25, 2012, 08:14:33 AM
Each week just gets HARDER AND HARDER!  I have so many favorites ... can't I vote for more than one?  XD

Okay ... I'm gonna choose!  ARGH!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Echo_Shell on July 25, 2012, 08:15:21 AM
Where are Percie's ponies?  I see none.
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: EmberBright on July 25, 2012, 08:19:33 AM
I think one of the tough things about this chellenge - both in shooting and in voting - was that the challenge was left so open. Are the models supposed to be selling the toys? Selling themselves? Should it be more innocent, childlike, sexy, serene, crazy? We get a range of all of that so everyone's pictures are great for different reasons, so it makes it hard to pick a best picture.
This is exactly why I'm having trouble voting!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: tuneful87 on July 25, 2012, 08:37:46 AM
Just checking in!

After a 3 hour ride, I'm on Cape Cod. Another hour before I hit my destination, Provincetown. NOT lookin forward to determining the next callout and elimination with my fellow judges. So, so tough.
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: aellos on July 25, 2012, 08:57:51 AM
Where are Percie's ponies?  I see none.

She didn't own any, so I assume the judges worked around that? I didn't even notice! ROFL

Everyone did so well. Thank you judges for setting this up around your vacays (I've been busy myself with little time to a computer!)

I wish I could've gotten better fullbody shots. Sadly, most of them just didn't work out with the ponies, or she looked too bored, or it would've looked exactly like Cupid and Abbey's shot. ROFL!

Thank you though!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Icicle on July 25, 2012, 09:10:09 AM
You know, I probably should have tried to set up the scene more... I just didn't have anything good enough that would have made the shot look better (frankly I think it would have just killed it, imo! And my grass is so high I wouldn't want any of my toys in it.. even on a blanket. You do not want to see the kinds of spiders, roaches and ants that are lurking in this yard  :yikes:). But I certainly will take those critiques to heart in future challenges :3.

Eek, picking someone to vote for is going to be so darn hard aaaaa.
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Prismatic on July 25, 2012, 09:14:03 AM
My big issue this week was the dress color, I knew someone was going to mention that lol.  I didn't have a yellow dress, and was so busy this week that I didn't have time to make one.  So I went with the other predominant color: purple.  I think any other color probably would have stood out too much compared to the other colors.  And Lily Blossom is like exactly the same color as Nanami, I'm glad I added her in there XD  I was thrilled to get a chance to use my Fluttershy army as well :D (There's more of her, not all are in there lol)

I guiltily admit voting for my own model <.<  This week, they were all so good, and I couldn't pick a favorite, so my thought was "she's gonna need all the help she can get!" XD  I usually don't vote for my own, I consider it kinda snobbish to do so, but I think I had good reason this week lol.
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: aellos on July 25, 2012, 09:18:13 AM
I liked Nanami's purple dress. She's my second favorite this week honestly! If you went yellow, I believe we would've lost your body in with the fluttershys.
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Gingerbread on July 25, 2012, 09:18:30 AM
You do not want to see the kinds of spiders, roaches and ants that are lurking in this yard ...

I do! :D

I loved your pic :D
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on July 25, 2012, 10:05:02 AM
*votes then brushes her teeth*  OH THE SWEETNESS!  :D  Fantastic job everyone!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: NoDivision on July 25, 2012, 10:19:51 AM
I liked the purple dress too. I personally wouldn't have minded seeing her all in purple surrounded completely by yellow ponies - it's such a great color combo! And there's something very cool about it beign an army of fluttershys. It reminds be a bit of the scene in toy story where they fall into the claw machie and are surrounded by all the identical alien toys, haha.
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: PandaBerryInSpace on July 25, 2012, 10:27:41 AM
My favorite was Aria. I loved the softness, and the nursery vibe I got from her picture. It was just so adorable. <3 Everyone did a fantastic job here!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Cate_Dartfinger on July 25, 2012, 10:32:36 AM
Beautiful work everyone! Another tough one for the judges!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: JigglesTheCat on July 25, 2012, 10:35:32 AM
My favorite was Aria. I loved the softness, and the nursery vibe I got from her picture. It was just so adorable. <3 Everyone did a fantastic job here!

She was my second choice - Baby ponies are my weakness! :happy:
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Ravie on July 25, 2012, 10:43:13 AM
Where are Percie's ponies?  I see none.

I happen to be the only person on this board who doesn't have a pony to her name but I was allowed to participate anyways.

Everyone's entry look good. And I'm glad my lack of pony wasn't too big of a hindrance ^^
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: NoDivision on July 25, 2012, 10:56:39 AM
That's interesting, Ravie! I know there are some newer members with no ponies, especially as our board has such an active doll community as well, but you have been a forum member for so long I never would have imagined! Did you used to collect ponies when you first siged up for the arena?
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Rhini on July 25, 2012, 11:40:18 AM
Yaay apparently the Megan vibe I was channeling came through! I just loved that scene in the nursery with her and the babies. I did worry about it being too busy and her getting lost though which I guess she did a little  :huh: Definitely will take the criticism into account for next week.

This shoot was really hard for me to get right for some reason, nothing wanted to cooperate and it all seemed ever so slightly off all the time. I'm a little sad I didn't get to include more G2 babeis like I originally intended, but oh well. Better next time!

Thanks for the votes everyone! Gives Aria the confidence to keep moving forward and getting better each week!  :cheer:
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: tuneful87 on July 25, 2012, 11:49:21 AM
That's interesting, Ravie! I know there are some newer members with no ponies, especially as our board has such an active doll community as well, but you have been a forum member for so long I never would have imagined! Did you used to collect ponies when you first siged up for the arena?

I'm surprised Loa hasn't banned her yet! Muahahaha! (Kidding, just kidding!)
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Ravie on July 25, 2012, 12:11:59 PM
That's interesting, Ravie! I know there are some newer members with no ponies, especially as our board has such an active doll community as well, but you have been a forum member for so long I never would have imagined! Did you used to collect ponies when you first siged up for the arena?

nope, actually it's all dollhouse stuff. I first came for the pullip stuff, forgot and then when i came back i realized i had an account, but MH is really the thing that made me more active (i'm usually the lurker sort)
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: NoDivision on July 25, 2012, 12:21:52 PM
Cool! I guess I didn't realize that dollhouse section was enough of a draw to pull non ponp people onto a pony forum. Good to know we're just that awesome :D
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: PandaBerryInSpace on July 25, 2012, 12:23:38 PM
I initially joined the Arena to play in the Dollhouse. XD I like ponies, but I like dolls better. The Dollhouse is a really nice board.
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Alicat on July 25, 2012, 02:00:16 PM
I initially joined the Arena to play in the Dollhouse. XD I like ponies, but I like dolls better. The Dollhouse is a really nice board.

me too! I came for the ponies to begins with, but the Dollhouse drew me in!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Gingerbread on July 25, 2012, 02:34:49 PM
I don't think I was drawn into the Dollhouse. You guys all pulled me in kicking and screaming.... :P :lmao:
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Colorscapesart on July 25, 2012, 02:45:46 PM
Thanks for everyone showing their support to the models, and a big thank you to those who voted for Abbey :snuggles:

This contest has been an absolute blast!  I am really happy with my pic and feel like I did my very best.  Huge congrats to the amazing ghouls in the lead!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Cate_Dartfinger on July 25, 2012, 02:49:47 PM
I don't think I was drawn into the Dollhouse. You guys all pulled me in kicking and screaming.... :P :lmao:

I joined for the ponies...but I blame Tuney 110% on getting me addicted to the MH dolls. I never knew that they even existed until I saw the ANTM Cycle 1 threads, and I got caught, hook line and sinker! :D
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: tuneful87 on July 25, 2012, 05:41:58 PM
I don't think I was drawn into the Dollhouse. You guys all pulled me in kicking and screaming.... :P :lmao:

I joined for the ponies...but I blame Tuney 110% on getting me addicted to the MH dolls. I never knew that they even existed until I saw the ANTM Cycle 1 threads, and I got caught, hook line and sinker! :D

And I blame...I blame...

OK, I have no one to blame but myself! HA!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Cate_Dartfinger on July 25, 2012, 05:48:50 PM
 :P I blame out of love! If it weren't for you my dear, I wouldn't have that beautiful little monster with the pink hairs!  ;)
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Mintymints on July 25, 2012, 07:54:36 PM
I always vote Percie, she is absolutely beautiful <3
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: saply on July 25, 2012, 10:07:42 PM
It just keeps getting tougher to choose. I had to think about it a bit, but in the end I think I like Rhonda's pic the best. :3 That dress and star makeup are just too awesome.
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Gingerbread on July 26, 2012, 02:15:36 AM
I don't think I was drawn into the Dollhouse. You guys all pulled me in kicking and screaming.... :P :lmao:

I joined for the ponies...but I blame Tuney 110% on getting me addicted to the MH dolls. I never knew that they even existed until I saw the ANTM Cycle 1 threads, and I got caught, hook line and sinker! :D

And I blame...I blame...

OK, I have no one to blame but myself! HA!

It's OK, everyone else blames you too :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: aellos on July 26, 2012, 06:39:45 AM
It just keeps getting tougher to choose. I had to think about it a bit, but in the end I think I like Rhonda's pic the best. :3 That dress and star makeup are just too awesome.

Haha! Thank you! <3

I just felt like adding a bit to it, and it worked.
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Ravie on July 26, 2012, 07:40:22 PM
I always vote Percie, she is absolutely beautiful <3

Woo! Thanks so much. It's always awesome to know we have fans ^^
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: LuvMyBoy on July 26, 2012, 07:55:05 PM
I want Jordan's hair! Did you custom make it or was this sold?
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Kalavista on July 26, 2012, 07:57:17 PM
These pictures are eye-poppingly gorgeous!!
Abbey, LOVED the outfit!
Aria, you're so sweet in that nursery!
Cupid - sorry, Nefera, there's a new queen of the Nile.
Jordan - your fabulous hair glows against the sparkly purple!!
Kalma - never did a skeleton look so sweet - LOVE the backdrop.
Lilitha - you're perfectly posed on that darling sofa.
Nanami - utterly sweet and gorgeous in your sea of ponies.
Operetta - perfect posing - you and the pony are looking in the exact same direction!
Percie - you're so striking on your pile of preciousness!
Rhonda - your expression is lovely and your dress is amazing!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Salli on July 26, 2012, 08:01:38 PM
Everyone did such a great job I was really surprised at a lot of the judges critiques. I really liked Abby's a lot! I thought the colors looked great :) I really liked this week's theme a lot too. I voted for Nanami because I thought her beautiful face popped through but harmonized with her setting. I don't know how to explain what I liked about it. Seriously so many people tied for 3rd most favorite in my mind. Great job!! Beautiful pix!
NoD, your dress and props are amazing!! (As always.)

I think the fact that the popular vote is so dispersed shows that you guys all did amazing!!

Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: NoDivision on July 26, 2012, 08:50:15 PM
I was really surprised at a lot of the judges critiques. I really liked Abby's a lot! I thought the colors looked great :)

I agree! She was one of my favorites :)
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Kimmers4Ever on July 26, 2012, 09:02:13 PM
My vote was for Abby.  Unlike the judges, I thought her outfit was perfect for the shoot.  The background tied wonderfully into the pony, while Abby's outfit helped keep her from blending in with the background like so many.  And this is Arena's Top Monster, not Arena's Top Pony. ;)  So I loved it.

The use of color was brilliant. 

Nanami was my next favorite.  Her use of contrasting colors was brilliant and did well to frame her doll. The ponies didn't over power the subject and just enhanced the overall look. And I love that she popped. I WANT to see the model since that's what this is all about.

If the focus was suppose to be the ponies, I think that needed to be clearer in the rules. ^_^;

Anyhow! That's just me~

Good job all!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: jupiternwndrlnd on July 26, 2012, 09:06:46 PM
i love that abbey's outfit gives her a little attitude ^_^

and seriously, I adore the sprinkles on kalma's skirt!

all the shots this week were amazing!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Prismatic on July 26, 2012, 09:56:27 PM
Thank you everyone for the compliments  :blush:  and thank you to those that have voted for Nanami. 
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: tuneful87 on July 26, 2012, 10:03:49 PM
I've been drinking a bit too much tonight..and dancing...but hope to post the Results thread at some point tomorrow. I *think* the judges have reached a decision...
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: JigglesTheCat on July 26, 2012, 10:06:50 PM
I'm anxious and scared to figure out the results tomorrow - everyone did so good this week! 3':
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: NoDivision on July 26, 2012, 10:15:04 PM
Oh dear, Tuney! Sounds like fun though :D
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Cate_Dartfinger on July 26, 2012, 11:31:58 PM
I want Jordan's hair! Did you custom make it or was this sold?

Thank you!! I love it too, it suits her attitude to a tee! And its actually a Liv wig!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: NoDivision on July 27, 2012, 06:23:31 AM
Kalma and I are so grateful for everyone who voted for her! She feels the love <3
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Heliodor on July 27, 2012, 07:06:15 AM
I voted for Percie :)
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: tuneful87 on July 27, 2012, 07:26:21 AM
I'm anxious and scared to figure out the results tomorrow - everyone did so good this week! 3':

I'll be pasting later today. Busy day ahead!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: aellos on July 27, 2012, 07:28:43 AM
Hope it's a fun day though! :D

Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Tiffoes on July 27, 2012, 09:26:09 AM
Oh man I didn't get a chance to vote. ;_;
I wanted to vote for Aria because I loved how she was channeling Megan, better luck next time I guess?
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Gingerbread on July 27, 2012, 09:56:40 AM
Thank you so much everyone who voted for Lilitha!  :grouphug:

Can't wait for the results.... *bites fingernails*
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: aellos on July 27, 2012, 10:24:27 AM
Thank you for those who voted for Rhonda! She appreciates it!

And congrats to the possible winner!
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Ravie on July 27, 2012, 10:43:44 AM
Thanks everyone who voted for Percie ^^ I can't wait to see the results myself
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Rhini on July 27, 2012, 11:45:51 AM
Oh man I didn't get a chance to vote. ;_;
I wanted to vote for Aria because I loved how she was channeling Megan, better luck next time I guess?
Thank you for your vote of confidence, it still counts! :P
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: tuneful87 on July 27, 2012, 02:53:25 PM
Posting results momentarily.
Title: Re: Challenge 4 - Evaluation
Post by: Tiffoes on July 27, 2012, 03:10:08 PM
Oh man I didn't get a chance to vote. ;_;
I wanted to vote for Aria because I loved how she was channeling Megan, better luck next time I guess?
Thank you for your vote of confidence, it still counts! :P

Yay, that's great! You're most welcome!
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