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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Knibitz on July 22, 2012, 04:25:28 PM

Title: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Knibitz on July 22, 2012, 04:25:28 PM
FAIR WARNING - long story, lotsa photos and videos to break it up though XD

A few months ago I was looking for advice on dogs, specifically italian greyhounds. I had just graduated college and was moving across the US to michigan to start my life as an employeed adult.
Unfortunately, in my apartment search, it was quickly found that NOTHING was dog friendly :(  Every single apartment was no dogs, and most were even no cats!

I did eventually setting on an apartment that I love :)
(totally unique renovated retail space, and all of the apartments are store themed; I live in "landon boutique", I have a hat shop on one side of me and a theater on the other)

and they did end up being cat friendly, so I started thinking that I could make myself a cat person xD
I'd attempted to getmyself excited over cats, so I went ahead and planned my ideal cat. His name was supposed to be Henry, or Professory Henry McFluffikins III. And he was going to be an old snooty old man of a cat.

After a week or so of living in Michigan, I spent several days dipping into the local pet co and playing with the cats that were being shown for the local animal control.
The first couple times I went they were nothing that caught my eye specifically. I remember specifically a rambuncious kitten that was adorable, but not something I wanted to deal with.

BUT... then I walked in one day, and I just glance over at the cages and notice there was a new cat, but even before I saw the cat, I saw the new name sign for "Harry"
I squeed at his old man name and rushed over.
He was balled up and snoozin away, completely disinterested in me XD BUT HE WAS SO FLUFFY!!

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His paper said that he was a 6 year, front-declawed, old orange and white cat who was just lazy and sleepy and would do well as a single cat in a quiet home. PERFECT :D EXACTLY the cat for me! Professor /Harry/ McFluffikins III!

it was after work that day, the store was closing, and I didn't have all the paperwork they needed to adopt him out ;A; so I had to walk away and just pray that no one adopted him before I could get back. (which was easier said than done, because in my mind, this is the most perfect cat ever, and everyone is going to want my perfect kitty)

but! He was there when I went over at lunch the next day (because I was going crazy at work and had to make sure he was still there)

and he was still there when I finally came back after work to bring him home! Even though I had to give some lady and her family the stink eye when they were all hovering and petting him through the bars when I walked up XD "MY KITTY!"

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He seemed a bit less than impressed to see me, but I'd left him in kitty-jail twice before! So I don't know if I would have been thrilled to see me either :P

SO! I ran around the store spent some obnoxious amount of money on cat things!
(Which, by the way! if you adopt a cat from PetCo [and I'm sure petsmart], they give you a coupon book that gets you all kinds of deals! free litter, 50% off any food, a free toy, 10$ off a furminator brush, 10$ off a covered litter box, 10$ off a carrier, AND WAY MORE! I saved about a third of the cost from the coupons!)  plus, I signed up for a petco pals card that day and got another 10% of everything :)

so I packed harry up in his brand new carry, and he cried WEE WEE WEE all the way home oAo
I felt like the most evil person in the world XD

got him home and decided he'd spend the first night in the bathroom, just to make sure he'd be OK in a house, that he'd find his litter box OK, etc

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He was a little anxious at first, but! We broke out Mr. Flippers, the catnip turtle and he had a ball
(forgive my weirdo voice XD I awkwardly babytalk to my cat... idek)

except... After a few hours, I felt like a horrible person, so he ended up in my room... sleeping in my bed XD

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SO... needless to say, i have the greatest kitty in the world and I absolutely adore him.
He's s goofy, fluffy, adorable, loveable and just a good kitty ;u;

And he's a healthy kitty too :)  We went to the vet that weekend and he got a clean bill of health, and extra love from his vet since she said he looks just like her cat XD

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They even welcomed him XD I thought it was cute!
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;u; yes... I'm crazy cat lady extreme, I just condense all that crazy obsessive love down to my one kitty XD

because I'm like a mother with a new baby, every moment is precious and we must photograph IT ALL

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His favorite napping place on the back of my couch
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"Helping" me sew
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And the one time he actually slept in the bed I bought for him (he will choose to sleep on CONCRETE FLOORS over his lovely fluffy bed!)
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he just does this in the middle of me working, ALL THE TIME. Will just flop over my fingers
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Today, he compromised :P
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And photos I took with not my phone :P

Doing what he does best :P
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Playin with fluffies
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This one actually got explored on flickr :D
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one from last night when he was being a total goober
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I love taking photos of Harry ;A;
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Yurusumaji on July 22, 2012, 04:29:23 PM
Wow, congrats on your handsome new addition! :lovey:

I love long-haired kitties.
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: joce on July 22, 2012, 05:47:53 PM
Oh I'm in love! I used to be so so about orange cats. Then my waffle showed up in my driveway pregnant and skinny. We lured her in with a chicken nugget and now she is my shadow.

  The pics are great. You can tell there's personality in there!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: mollldoll on July 22, 2012, 05:52:23 PM
Harry is lovely, his eyes are beautiful
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: SourdoughStomper on July 22, 2012, 06:12:46 PM
He's so awesome. :grouphug: (We'll pretend the smiley is hugging a kitty).
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: kaoskat on July 22, 2012, 07:13:05 PM
Congrats on your new cat!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Eviecorn on July 22, 2012, 09:03:38 PM
I LOVE HIM.  He's seriously a cat that knows what makes a good photo.  Congrats on him!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: kittybethy on July 22, 2012, 09:37:22 PM
Congrats on your sweet kitty!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: ZennaBug on July 22, 2012, 10:53:43 PM
Congratulations on your very first furbaby!  He is an absolute doll, I love that little nose of his!  Cats are wonderful, I've always wanted one (hubby is allergic, poo).  And good for you, adopting an older cat!  :hug:
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Nerdfins on July 22, 2012, 11:22:38 PM
Congrats on the new kitty!  I remember the joy I had from adopting my furry one.   :lovey:
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: TwistedWindSox on July 22, 2012, 11:56:51 PM
What a handsome fella! :D
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: kiwimlp on July 23, 2012, 12:14:57 AM
Now that is one well-loved cat!  :D
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: gemini_pony on July 23, 2012, 12:31:12 AM
That face is too cute!!! I just want to squish his belly <3 Congrats on the new fluffy family member!!!!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Gingerbread on July 23, 2012, 12:48:05 AM
Wow he is a handsome boy! :lovey: :lovey: :lovey:
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: True on July 23, 2012, 01:07:03 AM
Omg hes like a more fluffy version of my frank! Hes so handsom i love the pictures especially the last one xD his eyes are like OMG!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Maniah on July 23, 2012, 01:22:59 AM
He is so sweet looking! An you adopted an adult cat!! That makes me so happy! So many people want kittens instead!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Nerdfins on July 23, 2012, 01:34:34 AM
Thank you for adopting an older kitty, btw.  They don't get adopted as much, so I'm happy to see when one gets a home.  My baby is 6 years old.
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Sweet_Cicely on July 23, 2012, 02:03:51 AM
Awww so cute! huge congrats, hes darling :)
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: lose on July 23, 2012, 02:23:54 AM
oooh he looks just like my pixie pie! i love him! just want to give him a big hug!

heres my pixel (before he lost his eye)

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Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: fiwen30 on July 23, 2012, 03:41:45 AM
Too adorable! It's been said, but thank you for giving an adult cat a home! It's something that really should be done more often, but sadly isn't.
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Knibitz on July 23, 2012, 05:48:24 AM
Thank you everyone :)
An adult cat just seemed right for me :)  They already have documents on their health (hopefully), I was able to get one declawed and didn't have to deal with the moral and financial bearing of taking care of that, I dont have to worry about buying all of the kitten stuff then even more when he grows into a cat, and as everyone has said, not many people adopt adult kitties so if I'm not keen on a kitten, why not go for an older kitty :)

That's actually the the title of that photo! XD his face was too lully!

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and omg lose! our kitties do look alike! ;3; Long lost brothers!!! Separated by oceans XD
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Beldarna on July 23, 2012, 07:18:36 AM
Aaaw, he is precious! I adore cats, I have three myself and would have a ton more if I had the time for it. I have a red boy as well, but he's shorthaired (which was a bummer, I thought he would be longhaired since his mom is) and I love him to death. Well, I love all my cats. They have such wonderful personalities.
I am happy to hear you adopted an adult cat, not many people do that. I hope he'll have a long and happy life with you :)
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Moss on July 23, 2012, 08:46:11 AM
It makes me happy when people give the older cats a chance. I have a cat, myself, who's about 5, and every time I go to a pet store it breaks my heart to see the older guys there for so long. My cat's kinda neurotic, though, so I don't think a housemate would work out too well XD

Harry's so pretty, too! Gorgeous colors, and so fluffy! Congrats on your new friend!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: ZennaBug on July 23, 2012, 01:31:13 PM
My mom got her first cat a year and a half ago.  She adopted a very skinny 5 year-old tabby from the adoption center at Petsmart and those two are best buddies now.  The cat gained a couple pounds, so now her ribs aren't poking out and her coat is beautiful and shiny instead of gross.  My mom never thought she'd be a cat person, but she sends me pictures of Sooza napping on her lap all the time.  It's very sweet.  I'm glad that you have a new best friend, I just want to rub that fluffy tummy!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: TwoMore on July 23, 2012, 08:06:11 PM
I love your narration! And all the photos! And Harry!!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Rhini on July 23, 2012, 08:39:30 PM
And you didn't want a cat!  :P
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: rearing_palomino164 on July 23, 2012, 08:47:42 PM
SO CUTE. I'd hug and squeeze!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Saja on July 23, 2012, 10:42:18 PM
He is adorable, congrats, sounds like he has the perfect new home with you, Love those big eye photos! Hes great!!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: gemini_pony on July 23, 2012, 10:52:15 PM
OMG that belly soooooo cute!!!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: karrie91 on July 24, 2012, 01:45:35 AM
Absolutely love this story! He's a handsome kitty for sure! And fluffy! I'm a crazy cat lady. I've raised all but two of my cats from the day they were born. (I have 7...) I don't have any really fluffy ones though! He's really lucky to have found you because most people won't adopt a full grown kitty, no matter how fluffy they are! I'm happy you found one. He's a very nice looking cat!

All but one of my cats are indoor outdoor. I have six males and one female. She doesn't care for other cats.. She's 8 or 9 years old and I've had her since she was itty bitty. I think I was in middle school at the time! Her name is Chloe and she's a fat siamese mix. She does however play with my two Gray cats Gus and Louie. She however is very unfond of William, my black cat. He.. may have tried to 'get with her' once.. lol. It's very easy to become a crazy cat lady lol. I started with just Chloe and my mothers 2 cats and now I have 5 male cats that are from several different litters of a stray I started feeding. I couldn't part with my boys though. I love them all. Accept for one who is my sisters cat that is a very VERY bad boy!

My kitties names are: Chloe, Benny, Ricky, Blizzard, William, Gus, Louie :)

Glad to see some cat love! I can't have a doggy though I'd love to someday far in the future lol.
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Kiwi on July 24, 2012, 06:51:16 AM
Awww, so cute! Congrats on your kitty :)
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Loona on July 24, 2012, 07:18:31 AM
awww, congrats on your new furry friend, Harry seems to be a really handsome boy! :3
I loved to read your story accompanied by the tons of photos and that video... so cute! and, just as TwoMore stated, because of the really nice narrative it was a pleasure to read :)
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Knibitz on July 24, 2012, 08:20:15 AM
And you didn't want a cat!  :P

And still wouldn't have one if I could have gotten a dog :P
I still really want a dog, it's just not doable.
Not to say I don't love my cat XD I do love Harry, it's just not what I ideally planned.

So now i'm going to have a cat AND a dog whenever I get to a point in my life where I can A) have a dog B) afford to keep harry and the dog :P  I already had to hand over my apartment 350$ + 50$ pet rent just to keep harry =_=, and that's per cat (up to two)    (though my landlord is dense, and didn't bat an eyelash when I didn't pay pet rent this past month o___0 [I've had harry for a little over a month now]) :B I'm not paying it until it shows up on my bill 8D

.A. and Karrie, I love the name gus >3< SO CUTES!
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: JazzMatazz on July 24, 2012, 09:06:57 AM
I love big fluffy kitties! That's why I got my cat Yuri! Well... I love kittens got him off of craigslist being part maine coon mix he is HUGE!
Then I got him a kitten friend that is the first cat I've never attached to but they are bonded so he isn't so lonely while I'm gone at school.

I've always had cats, living on a farm. My dad never wanted dogs so someday.. I will have a dog. I'm rather fond of pit bulls and collies. My grandparents had collies.

Congrats on your new friend!!
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Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Knibitz on July 24, 2012, 04:55:22 PM
I've been told Harry is a mainecoon mix too! he has the signature "M" on his forhead, and he's big too! 12 pound kitty oAo

I really want a little italian greyhound, I think they're so goofy XD

Can someone please explain why Mr. Harry prefers sleeping on cardboard and concrete over carpet and his fluffy bed? XD
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Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: JazzMatazz on July 24, 2012, 05:53:48 PM
I do not know but Yuri prefers concrete or cardboard to soft things too! Also not a cuddler which is a maine coon trait to be more playful than cuddly
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: Knibitz on July 24, 2012, 06:57:19 PM
I'm wondering if it's because it's cooler? They have big fluffy coats...
But he curls up, and you'd think if he were hot, he'd sprawl out

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Harry was so thrilled XD
Title: Re: Got my first furry friend :) Meet Harry!
Post by: JazzMatazz on July 24, 2012, 07:44:40 PM
cute!! hehe my cat is rather tolerates the photos I set him up in. Of course they all get posted to lolcats XD I baited him into this one... had the dangle string on the other side of the opening camera ready!

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