The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => The Dollhouse => Topic started by: Taxel on July 10, 2012, 10:53:41 PM

Title: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 10, 2012, 10:53:41 PM
If you guessed 16 or 17, you win! I have one horse and 16 dolls. One of those dolls will hopefully be traded to a friend (pink hair, though we don't yet know what wig she'll go with), but I technically currently have her so there she is. I only want four more Livs, and then I'm done. Hayden's House because its on sale for $25, Winter Formal Daniella, Winter Formal Alexis, and Sleepover Party Daniella. Because this is insane. D: I started collecting on March 22nd. Of this year. ._.

Fun fact: Facebook asked me to "tag my friends" in this photo for 11 or 12 dolls. xD
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They're not normally displayed like that, though. This is how they normally look, missing a few waiting to take photos in the living room.
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But hey guess what!!! I got two new dolls, oh gosh. They're in the group photo, but still. They haven't been posted yet. So here's the first! Yesterday my $5 + free shipping Spa Makeover Alexis arrived after some extreme frustration with the terrible UPS delivery people. I like her, but I would not pay $20 for her and would be a bit upset if I had.
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I swear people who design doll packaging know nothing about anatomy, or just how people can bend without having broken bones. Or they're sick, twisted people who like imagining dolls with broken bones. I don't know which is worse.
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I just opened a Barbie from my childhood two days ago, so dealing with the horror that is modern packaging was insane. Her crappy dollar store quality robe had 4x as much holding it in as the ENTIRE Barbie. And the Barbie is like, a trillion times higher quality than the robe. I hate these robes. I wish they were made better.
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The wig makes her look trashy, in my opinion. Its not so bad in her stock outfit, but in what she's sporting now it makes her look very bad. Guess she'll rock the painted on pixie cut.
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The dress looks absolutely awful on her, in my opinion. I don't think that shade of purple with those accent colors looks all that great with her skintone.
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I bought her literally just so I'd have another doll to take outside when its cool and laugh. My other Spa Makeover girl was great fun at the park once, when it was sunny with a cool wind. Her colors kept changing like mad. It was great. xD In 90 degree heat, however, its not as funny and basically doesn't work. And that water was in the freezer for like ten minutes. XP
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The dress looks MUCH better on this doll.
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Today my School's Out Alexis arrived! I am insanely happy with her, and I damn well better be after how annoying she was to get! The first person I bought her from on Amazon was a scammer I guess, because after a month she never arrived. So I had to file a claim, get Amazon credit, and buy another one. She ended up being $10 + free shipping.
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This doesn't show her skintone 100% accurately, its a bit darker. She's got a very cute outfit, although I didn't like the legging at first, and super adorable shoes ( She also has beautiful bird earrings (
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But compare her to Liv in Wonderland Alexis, and she looks like a different ethnicity! You can't see it very well in the photo, so they look even more different in person. Which I like, because the "white" Livs have like, almost no skintone variation. In photos I can kind of see it with some, but just displayed in my room they all look the same. I do not like this. Variety plz. XP
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She's a gorgeous doll, and a dream to photograph. Don't mind the off colors below, I don't have Photoshop right now and my lamp makes everything super yellow.
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Only problem? Now I really need some Barbie babies for her. And I want the Midge tummy for laughs. XP
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Dragonsummoner on July 10, 2012, 11:17:32 PM
Your collection is awesome! So cool you have a Liv horse! I totally want one. :D I just got into Liv dolls (talk about being late to the party!) I only have 3. One I bought brand new from Wally World's discount section and 2 I found at a thrift store, with 2 wigs each! :D I love all your other toys too! I want to come over to your house and play!  :happy:
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 10, 2012, 11:35:17 PM
Thanks! :D And congrats on your finds! The Walmarts here don't even carry Livs, so when I got a $40 Walmart gift card for my birthday I was very sad, haha.
The horse is definitely one of my favorite Liv things. I was lucky to get him. He came open with a few of his accessories and the doll he came with. They were owned by a child, so they were somewhat horrors when they arrived. Lots of time brushing/washing hair, and my poor horse has a bunch of marks/scratches. But they were only $20 or $30 so I'll live. xD

Haha! My room would be perfect to come and play at. I've got ponies and dolls and plushies all over the place, and now I've taken over a little table in the living room for photos. :D
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Zombelina on July 10, 2012, 11:50:51 PM
Wow they're all gorgeous! And your room is too :D I love School's Out Alexis, she is beautiful! I don't think I've ever seen her in person. I really like the whole School's Out line :D The Spa line always looks not quiiite right to me either... they're pretty but there are little things off about them. For $5 they're great though! XD Congrats on your new girls!
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 11, 2012, 12:07:33 AM
Thanks! ^w^ The only dolls I've seen in person are some Making Waves, all of Sleepover Party but Daniella (my favorite XP), Spa Makeover, Twist and Dance, some? color, and Hayden's House + Hayden. I found about them online, and have only bought five in person (one had to be returned, so that might count as six total).

I LOVE my Spa Makeover Daniella, she's my favorite Liv (though she's now tied with School's Out Alexis), but Alexis always looked super weird in the store. I think Sophie looked okay, mostly, maybe a bit off. Daniella was the only one I *had* to have.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: jupiternwndrlnd on July 11, 2012, 09:20:39 AM
wow! awesome many cool looking wigs! I adore the outfit on your new School's Out Alexis ^_^ also, I never knew there were Liv Horses
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 11, 2012, 01:20:53 PM
Thank you! :D
And yep, there are three Liv horses. They're all super jointed like the dolls, and have the same type of eyes. They're really cool, but also really expensive I think? At least they were when I got mine.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: barbgirl1999 on July 11, 2012, 01:45:14 PM
Wow!  Great collection!  I have a small collection of Liv dolls *thinks* 7? I think?  LOL...School's Out Alexis was the second one I bought, I love her!  And I love seeing how other people display their dolls :heart:
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 11, 2012, 01:49:21 PM
Seven is still a lot! xD I wouldn't have nearly as many if I didn't get a great deal on the full Liv in Wonderland set. They took up a lot of my "Liv allowance", so to speak. But I absolutely adore them so its okay.

As soon as we get a few bucks my boyfriend is going to help me build risers for the white dresser, so my ponies and dolls can be displayed much better. And when we get a few more bucks, I'll either buy Hayden's House and/or make some stuff for the dark brown thing (beds, sofas, etc) to display them easier there.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: justkitter on July 11, 2012, 03:34:25 PM
Butting in to ask, does anyone know where I can find a good tutorial on building risers?  Since you mention it, Taxel, I've been meaning to google, but I couldn't think of the word "riser." :blush:  Anyway, I've got quite a few dolls, and I'd like to double or triple my space with risers, but have no idea what to do.  Maybe you and your boyfriend could enlighten me :lol:
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Zombelina on July 11, 2012, 03:46:26 PM
I LOVE my Spa Makeover Daniella, she's my favorite Liv (though she's now tied with School's Out Alexis), but Alexis always looked super weird in the store. I think Sophie looked okay, mostly, maybe a bit off. Daniella was the only one I *had* to have.

Yeah Daniella always looks gorgeous! I'm waiting for one of our stores to put their Livs on clearance and then I might get a Daniella and a Sophie (I have one each of the other three).  ^.^

grzankitter, I use stacks of books as makeshift risers :D Works until you want to read one of the books, lol. I've seen people mention wrapping tissue boxes or old VHS tapes in cute paper as well. I've no idea how to build nice permanent ones though XD

Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 11, 2012, 04:25:00 PM
grzankitter - There's a tutorial. I think here on the new Arena? But maybe on the old. I was going to use that. :3

Zombelina - Haha, I agree! Daniela is definitely my favorite. I love pretty much all of her outfits.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: barbgirl1999 on July 11, 2012, 04:52:03 PM
Seven is still a lot! xD I wouldn't have nearly as many if I didn't get a great deal on the full Liv in Wonderland set. They took up a lot of my "Liv allowance", so to speak. But I absolutely adore them so its okay.

As soon as we get a few bucks my boyfriend is going to help me build risers for the white dresser, so my ponies and dolls can be displayed much better. And when we get a few more bucks, I'll either buy Hayden's House and/or make some stuff for the dark brown thing (beds, sofas, etc) to display them easier there.

Haha, yeah, after I posted that I thought, "Hmmm...the fact that I think 7 is a SMALL collection could mean I have an addiction...*shrugs*..."  LOL

As for the question someone asked about risers, I've used shoeboxes wrapped in wrapping paper, doll boxes (Tonner and BJD boxes are great!), books, and lots of random stuff as display risers.  Shoe boxes are some of my favorites because if you wrap the lid and the box seperately so that you can still open it, you can store things inside them still, lol.

And here, just so my post isn't totally boring...
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^_^ ( by barbgirl1999 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Novavelle on July 11, 2012, 05:37:18 PM
they had a few of these at ross last night, for under $10.

not sure what set they were though.... they had maybe three different ones.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 11, 2012, 06:44:54 PM
barbgirl1999 - At least you can comfort yourself with the fact that you don't have seventeen! xD
I've been using boxes and books as temporary risers, and they work alright. I just need something more organized so doll legs don't block access to the dresser. My boyfriend is not pleased about that, lol.

And don't you even start tempting me to want more! Hahaha.
But seriously, that's a pretty photo of them.

Novavelle - That's so awesome! At TRU today none of the single dolls were on clearance, and I haven't been to any other stores recently. But Fred Meyer had them like half off or so? Oh how I wish I was made of money! Damn these pretty dolls.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: justkitter on July 11, 2012, 07:11:58 PM
I've always liked the LIV in Wonderland dolls.  My Target has them, and I'm always tempted:)  Once I even pulled them all off the shelf to look at them (I'm strictly a MH collector.  A completionist, as well, so I can't get involved with any other brands.  There are hardly any flat surfaces left in my house as it is :lol:)  There are 6 of them, right? 
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 11, 2012, 07:27:33 PM
The Liv in Wonderland dolls are gorgeous. :D I got them all for my birthday, and there are five of them. The only issue I have with them is Daniela, the White Queen, has a glittery face but a normal body. It makes her look sweaty, usually, and I have a hard time photographing her. But she's one of my favorites still.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: justkitter on July 11, 2012, 08:17:13 PM
Ah!  5.  I was counting them in your photo, and I couldn't find the non-existant 6th one :lol:
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 11, 2012, 08:19:52 PM
She's the super rare and invisible Cheshire Cat Liv. xD

. . .Which I now want as a custom, fml. Lol.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: barbgirl1999 on July 12, 2012, 06:01:43 AM
She's the super rare and invisible Cheshire Cat Liv. xD

. . .Which I now want as a custom, fml. Lol.

I WISH they had made a Cheshire Cat!  I have the Queen, the White Rabbit, and the Mad Hatter from that line.  The Rabbit is LOVE :heart:
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: LuvlyMelody on July 12, 2012, 10:59:09 AM
Oh gheeze, you have so many now!! Even more than me! XD Still have 4. =_=; 1 alexis (School's out) 1 Hayden (School's out) 2 sophies (1st release and It's My Nature) I think I'm gonna get a 3rd sophie! the Making Waves one I found at Marshall's @,@; Still need a Daniella and Katie.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 12, 2012, 02:26:44 PM
A Cheshire Cat character would have been totally amazing. I was pretty disappointed when I looked them up and found out one didn't exist. I can't believe the rabbit won over the Cheshire Cat. XP

Luvly - Four is at least in control! xD MW Sophie is really pretty. I'm sad the one I bought broke so I don't have her swimsuit.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: LuvlyMelody on July 15, 2012, 11:44:57 AM
I wouldn't say in control, more like Neglected! lol >,<; I wish I was able to find more of the ones I wanted. MOstly looking for a making waves Katie (Love that swimsuit!) as well as another one to customize and switch one eye with Sophie and either put it into Katie or take both eyes out and put it into a Daniella. XP So basically a Daniella with a blue and green eye. XD

As for Daniella, I still don't know which one I'd want that has a good outfit that I like. Either School's Out or Dancin in the Moonlight. Most likely School's out.

I really love the School's Out Alexis outfit. Practically one of my all time faves!!
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This shot is actually one of my favorite shots out of all, followed by the preggy shots. That outfit actually looks prefect for a summer time maternity outfit.XD

I actually tried to make a pregnant tummy for my Liv dolls with half of an Easter egg. Didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. lol
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 15, 2012, 03:03:07 PM
Haha! That's another way of putting it. I have a Making Waves Katie and she's gorgeous. The only problem is her pigtails mean no sun-directly-behind-her photos, because her head glows and creates mismatch. xD A Daniela with a blue and a green eye would be so cool! If my trade with my friend falls through, I may try doing that.

I want that Daniela so bad! She's been on my wishlist since the day you shot my wallet in the face got me into Liv, hahaha. Spa Makeover Daniela is my favorite. Her skull earrings are epic!

Her outfit is soooo gorgeous! I couldn't love it more. Her leggings still bug me a little, but they look great so I'll get over it. Her earrings are way up there on my favorites.

That shot of her is definitely my favorite as well. It really captures her personality.
I used balled up toilet paper with the back wet a bit so it wouldn't stick out. xD It worked pretty well, but since its tissue it was a bit hard to make look okay with her hands on it and whatnot. I looked up the Midge Barbie prices on eBay and just about cried. She was like $50ish, more or less depending on the listing, and there was only one black version. My sister had the white one when we were kids. I'll never get over my mom getting rid of all of our Barbie stuff, lol.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: LuvlyMelody on July 15, 2012, 05:45:16 PM
4 is not enough! lol The more I look at your photos the more I wanna get back in and get more Liv dolls or search for the main one's I need!! I basically dug a grave and we are both burying our wallets alive in it. XD

*Sigh* if I don't find SO Daniella or MW Katie in store, I'm gonna have to resolve going to Amazon, and I usually don't like shopping online. =_=;

Midge is still going for that high? *Goes to ebay* Being pulled from the shelves in 2002 10 years later and still going high, wow. XP There was also a denim dress variant?? I like that dress more than her original dress.

One thing I might wanna try to do for a baby bump is sew a wide enough pillow that'll go from one side to the waist to the other and sew an elastic to the sides of the pillow so it can easily slip on and off them.
If this works, I'll be coming up with all sorts of ideas for maternity dresses!
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 15, 2012, 06:27:07 PM
Hahaha! Don't tempt me to be evil and start the Liv "pretty much just talking to myself and spamming photos" thread I was thinking about. I could spam you daily now that I have a lamp I can use! ;D
Though my wallet/possibly boyfriend will forever hate you for being the person to get me to click a link to The Toy Box Philosopher. I now stalk that blog like mad, and while its saved me from a few bad purchases. . .its also sucked me to wanting others a lot more!

Amazon has AMAZING prices right now, or at least it did a few weeks ago when I was shopping there. If you go with Amazon, you should sign up for the free trial of Prime for free shipping. My Spa Makeover Alexis was like $5.40 total, and my School's Out Alexis was like $11 total. Right now, MW Katie is $10 and eligible for Prime. If I had money I would go on a wild Liv clothing/accessory shopping spree on Amazon.

Yep. >.< I love all of her accessories too (I remember them being awesome when I was a kid), and I'd adore to get them for a dollhouse. But at that price, I could make my own crib and buy other stuff. But really I mostly want the newborn babies, one white and one black hopefully both with a blanket. They're so tiny and cute.
I tried to find a guide for modern Barbie stuff (like 90's - 2000's) to plan some more baby purchases, but I got nothing.

That's a really brilliant idea! I'd be tempted to try it if I could get to my sewing stuff, and if I didn't need a fan on 24/7 right now (I have to sew by hand and fans have always caused hell for me).
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: LuvlyMelody on July 17, 2012, 09:22:08 AM
This might make me sound crazy, but I think you should!! If they're tempting me to get more Liv dolls again, I'm sure it'll do the same effect to others. And you won't be alone talking only to yourself. I'm here. XP

Not only that, There's a MH Photo thread, one for Pullips, other dolls, and Disney dolls. We could have one for Liv and hopefully people would gain interests. I still haven't given up on trying to make Liv popular again! (or at least get more people into them.)

As for your wallet & Boyfriend, I'm sure they'll forgive me eventually because I know some day karma gonna bite me back. XD If I ever get enough money (or sacrifice MH Money) I'll sign up for the Amazon prime trial to get free shipping and go on a spending spree or so on SO Daniella & MW Katie. After the trial is over, will they start billing me or anything?? What's your experience with it so far?

For Barbie sized babies. There are 2 in this set: I Can Be Newborn Baby Doctor set ( Comes with Barbie, a nursery, and 2 twin babies. lol this set actually would've gone well with Midge. As well as the I Can Be Baby Caregiver playset. ( There's only one baby in this one. Hopefully these won't tempt you to go find or anything. >,<

ETA: Ack, as it turned out, karma did bite my in the butt. >,<; I spent some of my MH money I saved up on Making Waves Sophie. I also got a wig that was on clearance and now I'm tempted to go search for MW Katie and possibly more Liv dolls & Wigs to buy. @,@; *Sigh* Mh gonna have to wait for a little while longer. XP
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 17, 2012, 02:18:55 PM
Haha! I just might. It'd be nice to get more non-MH topics up, if absolutely nothing else. I would love to get some more people into Livs. They deserve so much more love than they get.

You can turn off the automatic billing as soon as you activate the trial, so that's what I did. I haven't had any issues with that, but they did charge me $1 when I used a gift card (that I had used on Amazon a few weeks before, same account and all) which made me unable to afford what I was buying. That really pissed me off.
Hm, aside from that I haven't had any problems. But "two day shipping" is NOT actually two day shipping. I never had any of my orders actually arrive within two days, it usually took a few days to even get them shipped. Part of that is the fault of the terrible UPS people here, but some of it is on Amazon.

Oh man, those sets are amazing! Totally perfect! :D The first one has the perfect babies, and super awesome accessories, and the second one has PERFECT accessories and a super cute dress. I'll definitely have to snag both of those when I can. Speaking of Barbie babies, my sister and I had this set ( too! And I had this ( one! Augh! Damn my mother for getting rid of the Barbie stuff without permission. Dx

Bwahahaha! Karma is getting you back!
Although dolls are about to bite me soon too. I'm getting a Merida later this week, and a True Hope as soon as another sale goes through.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: LuvlyMelody on July 18, 2012, 01:20:30 AM
Oh yeah, Karma has bitten my rump once again, and this time a lot harder and deeper!! >,<; Gotten another wig and I only went to Toys R Us just to look around, but they had ALL the Making Waves stuff!! All the girls, Jake, the Cabana, the wind surfer and the Kayak. I just had to let out a squee and grab Katie, then I looked at MW Daniela. The makeup on her looks so amazing I've decided to use that one as the base for my first Custom Liv Doll! I was so heartbroken that they had All of them and charging full price for them while I had only so little of what was left of my MH Money. That was when I heard the loudspeaker mention the Layaway program and ask a sales associate for details. It was like a sign from above or something XD. So I asked and ended up grabbing both MW Katie and Daniela and put them both on Layaway!!! Total was about $40ish and I have about 3 months or so to have it paid off. >,<; *Sigh* All that time and money could've been used on new MH Dolls!!! *Flops onto her bed in defeat*

So far now I think SO Daniela is gonna be the last girl I need (but not the last one I'll get lol) and I'll have all 5 BFFs once I get those last 2, I'll probably order her through Amazon. TRU Had a whole bunch of SO Haydens and got excited for a moment hoping there'd be more SO Girls like Daniela, but no there weren't. Just Haydens.

lol I found another one ( "Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought" list. XD While I was looking around TRU, I browsed around the Barbie Section and I actually liked some of the Fashion packs they had, some of them I want!! (although it kinda seems they're overdoing it with the pink and yellow) I also find it cute how Barbie's other sisters have their own size compared to each other.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 18, 2012, 01:42:41 AM
But it also got me again too. I got another person wanting to buy from me, so if that goes through I can get a True Hope doll and finally be done scrambling and worrying over needing more plastic friends and possibly missing out on them. And then I can save my money and stop having people whine at me, scold me, guilt me, etc. XP

Thankfully I haven't added more Liv dolls to my wishlist (aside from "ALL THE CLOTHING THAT FITS THEM EVER" and "oodles and oodles of accessories"), but I fear if I keep it up on Amazon my Barbie-for-the-accessories wishlist will be three miles long. They really have the best accessories (or at least used to, idk about now), and have the bonus of providing outfits for Livs. But I have been seriously considering just ripping open my remaining Barbies and stealing their outfits for my Livs. The only things stopping me are that one is a graduation outfit, so not all that useful, and the other is a super big fancy dress, which is more useful but will be a hassle and need its own bag and would rarely even be used.

Aw that's cute! But I don't see baby blankets so I can get away safe. I love the baby blankets. xD Speaking of, earlier I found a Barbie baby blanket in one of my doll clothing bags. But of course I don't have a baby, and that only added insult to injury. Thanks Barbie. And speaking of "Customers Also Bought", this ( is absolutely terrifying.

Anyways, back to Barbie. Obviously I cannot possibly avoid the Barbie aisles seeing as I collect toys for little girls, and that really disappoints me. The current look the Barbies have going on in their faces? TERRIFYING!!! My boyfriend and I can't stand them. And all of the obnoxious hot pink gets on my nerves. I realize girl toys have probably always been "YAY PINK PINK IS FOR GIRLS LOVE PINK YAY", not that I paid attention when I was a kid, but not *everything* was pink. I had a pink/white/green Barbie house, but it was pastels. My sister had a blue Barbie house and the blue Barbie plane. But I swear it all seems to be bright in-your-face hot pink now, but honestly I still don't pay much attention because Barbie, Barbie's "sisters" (I have always believed they were her illegitimate children, especially her "baby sister" when she's like 30), Barbie's "friends" (Barbie can't have friends in my headcannon, too psycho), Barbie's "boyfriend", and probably also Barbie's "pets" have all had some severe plastic surgery so they no longer look human (or like animals, in the case of the pets).
I obviously do not like Barbie. xD
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: LuvlyMelody on July 18, 2012, 10:25:59 AM
At some point like a few months ago, I was tempted to get into Barbie, but geeze I do not like the way her face is done/shaped (Too supermode-ish) as well as how she isn't that posable. Iono, Maybe I just like dolls with bigger heads (MH, Liv, MGz) that aren't as "realistic" over dolls with a proportionate body:heads ratio like Barbie. Maybe that's why I don't like barbie much compared to the dolls I collect, the way their faces are, they look so cute. X3

I actually saw that creepy set at TRU, very disturbing. If she had a removable stomach like Midge had, i bet she would sell a lot better. lol

I'm gonna need Eye donors for the operation and if the price goes down enough for the Living for Color, they'll be the perfect candidates!! (As well as test subjects for popping their eyes out). Gonna need Katie for her green eyes. Gah I know I said to myself this first custom would be the only one, but now I'm thinking "What if Katie had brown eyes or Alexis had blue eyes" When they say they are versatile, they were not kidding. >,>

Now I'm just thinking of all kinds of ways to make girls to go along with the original Liv girls XD
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: Taxel on July 18, 2012, 04:54:03 PM
My boyfriend thinks current Barbies look like Kim Kardashian, as in completely fake. xD I know I definitely prefer bigger heads, whether they're not that big like Livs or huge like Pullips. Possibly because of my love of cute chibi things.

If she had a removable stomach I'd buy one just for that, and donate the creepy dolls. Haha. That would be a near perfect alternative to Midge if they'd done that.

On man, don't even get me thinking about customs! If my trade with my friend for my extra Liv falls through, I'm gonna get her legitimately customized one day. New non-Liv eyes and a nice faceup. I would absolutely love that! I've wanted to pick up a few spare Livs to save for that purpose, but my wishlist makes me hit my limit so oh well. D:

Also, I think I may start that Liv thread tonight. I have a girl I never introduced.
Title: Re: Guess how many Liv dolls I have! [pic heavy]
Post by: LuvlyMelody on July 18, 2012, 11:11:00 PM
That's great! I might work on a "Liv Dolls FAQ and What's coming came out" thread too just to spread the awareness as well as a list of the webisodes. XP

I'd want all my customs to have the same face style compared to the other liv dolls but different colored eyes would actually be great to have! Like purple or yellow or even red. Ooo I'm just so excited about customizing that Daniela!! I need to have them paid off first though!! lol Gonna have to come up with a name for her and an outfit. Since I really like Alexis's SO outfit, I'll probably come up with a similar summer time dress with leggings or something like that. Then I'll have to make her a pregnant tummy pillow!! XD

I actually watched the new Barbie webisode series yesterday. Even though it was a really corny show, it was actually pretty entertaining. Like if The Office and Toy Story had a child Show, this would be it.
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