The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Destiny on June 29, 2012, 06:15:51 AM

Title: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Destiny on June 29, 2012, 06:15:51 AM
So yeah, I was recently wasting my time on youtube when I came across a comment on a mlp related video. Another topic here on the arena reminded me about it (the one about what we want Hasbro to make next. Seaponies seemed to be a very popular demand).

In the comment the person said something about seaponies being the G1 version of seaponies and in G4 they were going to be called Kelpies.

So uhm.... what is going on!? Is it just someone who THINKS they know something or have Hasbro said ANYTHING which indicates they're going to make seaponies?? Normally I would just ignore a comment like that and go "I'll believe it when I see it." but because this person says they're going to be called kelpies, I got curious.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: hathorcat on June 29, 2012, 06:28:22 AM a Scot...I would love them to be called Kelpies...although I live near a lake and my Gran used to freak me out with Kelpie stories - they are not nice characters Kelpies - to lure innocent passers by to their doom! But the name Kelpie as a creature with the magical abilities to shape-shift into the form of a beautiful horse [or handsome young man with dark eyes and pony weed in his hair of course] certainly fits the MLP theme. But for me they would have to be the bad guys! :P - thats maybe a Scottish perception thing though.

Back on topic - there has been no confirmation on sea ponies. Although as there were Ponyville and blind bag sea ponies in the last generation, I dont think I would be suprised if we see then at some point during G4.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Wadatsumi on June 29, 2012, 06:36:19 AM
i only know kelpies from shin megami tensei:

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and yes i like them!  :)
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: MsTwilight on June 29, 2012, 06:55:50 AM
I only know of Kelpy, the cereal mascot, on Spongebob.  :P

I don't think I would hold out on anything being truth until we hear it from an official source.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Cinnabar on June 29, 2012, 07:01:09 AM
I think they should make them and that they would be popular.
 My daughters love the G1 baby seaponies I let them have.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Phekzhen on June 29, 2012, 07:20:43 AM
Faust said that she'd LOVE to do a Seapony episode, but it never made it too far. She also wanted to bring back old villians and give Big Mac his own episode where he gets by with only facial expressions and his terse replies
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Destiny on June 29, 2012, 07:36:30 AM
I like kelpies too (though I've also always known them for being the dark creatures they are ^^) and would love for seaponies (kelpies) to return in G4. It would seem this person may just have picked up a fans ideas/hopes somewhere and misread them as news..
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Dragonflitter on June 29, 2012, 08:53:04 AM
Let's not go believing all the crud we hear on youtube, now!
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: BrightSide on June 29, 2012, 08:55:37 AM
*hides* don't want. sorry guys.. *runs away*

I'm not a fan of seaponies at all. :3 Why can't we have some G4 animal friends (like Edgar and Leafy) instead?
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Yurusumaji on June 29, 2012, 08:58:02 AM
I think G4 Seaponies would be rad! Come on, Faust! Pin this idea on the execs!
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Phekzhen on June 29, 2012, 10:48:12 AM
I think G4 Seaponies would be rad! Come on, Faust! Pin this idea on the execs!

She's not part of it anymore. She had a big hand in season 1, and she was only there if they needed advice for season 2. She has no power over what the show does now.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Shenanigans on June 29, 2012, 11:09:35 AM
I would loooove Sea Ponies! They're so cute... even if you have to prop them up XD
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: reanna-mator on June 29, 2012, 03:17:35 PM
I would loooove Sea Ponies! They're so cute... even if you have to prop them up XD

Perhaps the coiled tail could be done in a way that there is a part of the coil at the end that rests perpendicular to the rest of its body, so that it can be balanced on it. Hmm...

But yeah, I would love Seaponies/Mermaid ponies/kelpie ponies.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: saikune on June 29, 2012, 03:53:33 PM
*hides* don't want. sorry guys.. *runs away*

I'm not a fan of seaponies at all. :3 Why can't we have some G4 animal friends (like Edgar and Leafy) instead?
Heck, let's have both! : D
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: StarlightGaze on June 29, 2012, 06:07:06 PM
What about hippocamps? I think they would be sooo cute! I have a fan pony hippocamp.

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Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: reanna-mator on June 29, 2012, 06:22:30 PM
*hides* don't want. sorry guys.. *runs away*

I'm not a fan of seaponies at all. :3 Why can't we have some G4 animal friends (like Edgar and Leafy) instead?
Heck, let's have both! : D

Ooh yes, pony friends besides the little molded ones would be lovely.

Also, love the avatar.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on June 29, 2012, 06:43:21 PM
What I heard is that Hasbro has no intention of ever making G4 sea ponies because they are convinced that today's children don't know what a seahorse is.  :argh: I mean... really? Is your opinion of children so low that you honestly don't believe that they are intelligent enough to know what a seahorse is?

But then again, with G4 being so popular, and with fan demand bringing out a lot of character toys that were initially not intended to be made (such as Ditzy Doo or Nightmare Moon), who knows? We could absolutely have a chance of seeing some sea ponies if we keep expressing interest...

Honestly, when my 8-year-old cousin comes over to visit, the first ponies that she wants to play with are not the actual ponies but the sea ponies. I think there's a child interest too! (Unless my cousin and I are just weird and really like seahorses.)
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: ashes on June 29, 2012, 07:08:26 PM
I think seaponies would be fun.  My girls have some of the G1 seaponies I've found from flea markets to play with in the tub (no worries, no adults from the second set, lol!).

I think kids would love them - especially if they market it as something you can play with in the water.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: kiwimlp on June 29, 2012, 07:16:17 PM
Oh.  I came into the thread thinking there really was going to be G4 sea ponies!  What a shame.  Still, you never know...
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: reanna-mator on June 29, 2012, 07:25:26 PM
Oh.  I came into the thread thinking there really was going to be G4 sea ponies!  What a shame.  Still, you never know...

I know! That happens any time I see the two terms in the same sentence. The thread could be called "Kumquat three G4 clouds superfreak Sea Ponies kablam lemony-fresh" and I'm pretty sure I would squeal "G4 seaponies?!"
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: StarlightGaze on June 29, 2012, 07:30:21 PM
What I heard is that Hasbro has no intention of ever making G4 sea ponies because they are convinced that today's children don't know what a seahorse is.  :argh: I mean... really? Is your opinion of children so low that you honestly don't believe that they are intelligent enough to know what a seahorse is?

But then again, with G4 being so popular, and with fan demand bringing out a lot of character toys that were initially not intended to be made (such as Ditzy Doo or Nightmare Moon), who knows? We could absolutely have a chance of seeing some sea ponies if we keep expressing interest...

Honestly, when my 8-year-old cousin comes over to visit, the first ponies that she wants to play with are not the actual ponies but the sea ponies. I think there's a child interest too! (Unless my cousin and I are just weird and really like seahorses.)

Who knows, maybe we will get some seaponies in an upcoming season of FIM. FIM has all kinds of stuff little kids normally wouldn't get, but who cares! If you don't expose kids to new things they'll be way behind on culture!

And kids LOVE bath toys. I took all kinds of plastic toys into the tub when I was a little girl. Who here hasn't?
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: tulagirl on June 29, 2012, 08:16:43 PM
I really never considered G3 ponyville mermaid ponies to be considered sea ponies.  Mermaid ponies yes..but as of today I have not seen modern sea ponies and I really want them unless they ruin them and make them look awful.  I fear what they might do to the look of them lol.....
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Saja on June 29, 2012, 08:24:48 PM
I hope they bring them out!
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: babylicketysplit on June 29, 2012, 08:55:40 PM
i have always known kelpies to be dark creatures  (in the celtic tradition)  beware the bogs!   :P
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Ivy on June 30, 2012, 06:47:05 AM
lol. You know I was thinking the other day - why are  they even called "Seaponies" We only ever see them in Fresh Bodies of waters like Lakes and Rivers.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: hathorcat on June 30, 2012, 06:50:01 AM
lol. You know I was thinking the other day - why are  they even called "Seaponies" We only ever see them in Fresh Bodies of waters like Lakes and Rivers.

"Fresh Water Ponies"...sounds like something edible you would get in one of those "weird" restaurants...
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Tiggums6 on June 30, 2012, 07:03:03 AM
I always think of the faerie kelpies...
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: bagheera86 on June 30, 2012, 07:06:02 AM
[or handsome young man with dark eyes and pony weed in his hair of course]

This.. This sounds like a tragegy romance waiting to be written.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: hathorcat on June 30, 2012, 07:10:16 AM
[or handsome young man with dark eyes and pony weed in his hair of course]

This.. This sounds like a tragegy romance waiting to be written.

Scottish legends, like most, tend to wax a little lyrical!
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: cesprins on June 30, 2012, 07:10:23 AM
I have a feeling eventually g4 seaponies will show up. Until then I sit and wait patiently. :)

 I would prefer the g1 style ones with no legs, not the "hippocampus" version.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: knitgirl on June 30, 2012, 07:38:45 AM
I want sea ponies so badly too. I would buy all of them!! I hope they are cute like the G1 versions too. Not creepy sea pony villians. That would ruin it for me.  And my 6 and 7 year old neices know what seahorses are and they are featured in other toy lines so that is no excuse!
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: xkelpiex on June 30, 2012, 08:28:06 AM
Hey, there are good kelpies, too! They take you down to live in Tir Na Nog in the ocean! I love kelpies. As you can quite tell from my username XD
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: sundaygirl on June 30, 2012, 09:39:18 AM
What I heard is that Hasbro has no intention of ever making G4 sea ponies because they are convinced that today's children don't know what a seahorse is.  :argh: I mean... really? Is your opinion of children so low that you honestly don't believe that they are intelligent enough to know what a seahorse is?

And even if they don't know (which I doubt) they would probably like the sea ponies anyway. As a child I didn't thought "hey here's my sea-pony, just like the marine fish living in the ocean". They were just fun toys to me, but I loved to play with them and having them in our bath tube anyway.

And I get rather disturbed by the attitude many people have when it comes to childrens toys, books or films, like always the simplest possibly. Never something that could challenge them a little or -heaven forbid- teach them something. Well, I guess I went OT, but I just wanted too rant a bit. I love the idea with G4 sea ponies, but I believe them when I see them. ; )
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: TheBeatlesPkmnFan42 on June 30, 2012, 09:56:24 AM
They're totally lying.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: hathorcat on June 30, 2012, 12:40:53 PM
Hey, there are good kelpies, too! They take you down to live in Tir Na Nog in the ocean! I love kelpies. As you can quite tell from my username XD

Lol! Scotland that are all baddies...guess Ireland got the good ones!
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: rtattles on June 30, 2012, 12:52:51 PM
I just read up on Kelpies, and honestly they sound SCARY!!!! I don't think I want a G4 Kelpie. lol They sounded cute at first though....

I still like my seapony thank you, ponies with fish tails are just weird. At least seaponies relate directly to seahorses that are a lot more aesthetic and appealing to me.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: StarlightGaze on June 30, 2012, 01:27:42 PM
I just went to TRU today and I saw a mermaid toy with a seahorse in it next to the MLP section.

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Little girls don't know what seahorses are my butt!!
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on June 30, 2012, 02:02:51 PM
And I get rather disturbed by the attitude many people have when it comes to childrens toys, books or films, like always the simplest possibly. Never something that could challenge them a little or -heaven forbid- teach them something. Well, I guess I went OT, but I just wanted too rant a bit. I love the idea with G4 sea ponies, but I believe them when I see them. ; )

This! I could rant about that all day, but that unfortunately isn't the topic and I'm sure none of you have the time to hear me ramble about such things.

And just a thought... maybe something kelpie-themed would fit better with Monster High? I'd love to have a kelpie doll, perhaps something tying in with Lagoona.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: UnicornTamer on July 01, 2012, 07:42:52 AM
Seaponies! That would be awesome!
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Applejax on July 01, 2012, 10:54:53 AM
Best idea ever! Make G-4 sea ponies please Hasbro!
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Moonracer on July 01, 2012, 10:59:27 AM
Faust said that she'd LOVE to do a Seapony episode, but it never made it too far. She also wanted to bring back old villians and give Big Mac his own episode where he gets by with only facial expressions and his terse replies


Really? Like SERIOUSLY? O_O

Okay, Hasbro... please, please, please, please, please, please please, PLEASE make this happen. *_*

Please give us more G1 cameos in FiM. Transformers does G1 cameos almost all the time with every new series that come out. So why not make FiM do the same? A shoutout to the older fans would be so awesome! *_*
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: Gingerbread on July 01, 2012, 11:23:43 AM
Barbie has seaponies, they're cute. Would love to see a little baby G4 seapony...Scoots' head, G1-esque seapony body, in blue and green or something...
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: will2Bfree on July 04, 2012, 08:57:25 PM
I love the idea of a kelpie villain. It seems to fit so well.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on July 04, 2012, 09:14:00 PM
Ha ha ha, little girls don't know what seahorses are . . . sure.  I'm pretty sure Disney has put out multiple sets where Ariel has a seahorse steed.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: xkelpiex on July 04, 2012, 09:39:50 PM
Hey, there are good kelpies, too! They take you down to live in Tir Na Nog in the ocean! I love kelpies. As you can quite tell from my username XD

Lol! Scotland that are all baddies...guess Ireland got the good ones!
there are so many legends surrounding them it gets kinda confusing at times. There's even a welsh tale where the turn into big hairy men lol!

But, back OT, I have been wanting a g4 seapony since ai first got into this line. They would be soooo fun!
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: AnnaPommes on July 04, 2012, 09:44:54 PM
*hides* don't want. sorry guys.. *runs away*

I'm not a fan of seaponies at all. :3 Why can't we have some G4 animal friends (like Edgar and Leafy) instead?
Heck, let's have both! : D

hmmm, didn´t we had leafy more or less in the western episode? the buffalo calf looked like an g4 leafy to me, also the color. ^^

and yes, sea ponies would be great, as kelpies interesting.
Title: Re: G4 seaponies. WAIT WHAT!?
Post by: sd_dreamcrystal on July 04, 2012, 10:25:19 PM
*hides* don't want. sorry guys.. *runs away*

I'm not a fan of seaponies at all. :3 Why can't we have some G4 animal friends (like Edgar and Leafy) instead?
Heck, let's have both! : D

hmmm, didn´t we had leafy more or less in the western episode? the buffalo calf looked like an g4 leafy to me, also the color. ^^

and yes, sea ponies would be great, as kelpies interesting.
With hasbro's current quality on their toys for mlp... I say I would rather NOT see Seaponies.... I'm sorry but I just don't trust Hasbro's quality for them to introduce new species in the mix... whether it be Seaponies or pony friends...
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