The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: partypony566 on June 22, 2012, 01:49:20 AM

Title: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: partypony566 on June 22, 2012, 01:49:20 AM
So I hate to admit that I left a Scootaloo behind whilst out thrifting with my mum the other day. Even my mum was shocked that I left her behind ( mum is VERY well trained to look for ponies now ;) ) but..... It was just common old Scootaloo with matted hair for £2 :P

So.... Do any of you leave ponies behind, or do you rescue EVERY pony you find? :)
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Uninu on June 22, 2012, 02:09:03 AM
If the pony is reasonably priced I take them home with me, even if they are bait as I do customs. I do feel a bit of regret if I leave a pony behind, for example I once left a princess pony behind because she was a bit pricey and she's still nagging at me in my mind.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: gemini_pony on June 22, 2012, 02:10:43 AM
^ This!
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Gingerbread on June 22, 2012, 02:18:18 AM
It depends on the pony. I've never left a G1 behind, I just can't! G2s, depends if they are HTF or if they have their eye crystals. G3s that are expensive/manky/common are left behind. I left a Sparkleworks behind once and realised when I got home she was in the only pose I didn't have, thankfully I found her again a few weeks later. G4s, only found one at a bootsale, gave her a miss the first week then caved in and bought her when she was there the second week!
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: hathorcat on June 22, 2012, 02:51:50 AM
I would have done the same I am afraid...

If its a G1...I ll rescue it even if she is missing her tail and a leg! I cant leave a fellow 80s gal behind. Any other common gen pony in a ratty condition I would probably leave. Mind you if it was in a charity shop...I may have been guilted by my mum into buying the pony anyway! :P If it was on a market or elsewhere, no way are they getting £2 for a ratty Scootaloo.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: pinjalinnea on June 22, 2012, 03:00:50 AM
I have left behind a Boysenberry Pie once. She was covered in black permanent marker and priced at 10 euros. I just couldn't spend that much on one common poor pony. :(
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: banditpony on June 22, 2012, 03:18:34 AM
I do, if I do not want the pony. I've seen ponies, and then have seen brags about other arena members finding them and being so happy about it. :3
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Uninu on June 22, 2012, 04:02:52 AM
I cant leave a fellow 80s gal behind.
Such a lovely way to put it!  :lovey:
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: shockponie on June 22, 2012, 06:54:55 AM
I mostly find G3s I already have, so I rather think of it as leaving 'em behind for a little girl instead. :satisfied: I've only left behind one G1 (as I don't have many) because it had sharpie scribbles all over that I could tell were sinking into the platic. Poor pony :cry:
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: starrypawz on June 22, 2012, 07:28:23 AM
I've taken to leaving ponies behind, more if they're G3's or just in such a state I don't see myself as being able to restore. I tend to snatch up G1's though.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Aednatia on June 22, 2012, 07:34:49 AM
I found a Sweet Berry plush I left behind once, I already had one but it is stained so thought I should have upgraded and went back the next day it was gone.. The only other ponies i ever find are mcd's which i don't care for.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: dragonfly on June 22, 2012, 07:41:51 AM
I used to rescue every single pony.
Then I only rescued G1s or G3s I liked/needed.
Last time I was at the thrift store, I left behind a baity G1 and a slew of G3s because I already have the G1 and multiples of the G3s.
I almost always leave behind McDonald's ponies.

Sometimes it depends on my mood, though.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: windsong on June 22, 2012, 07:56:01 AM
I stick with either what I need for my own collection or ponies I know I could resell easily. If it's a common G3, I probably will end up donating it back in the end because I wouldn't be able to sell. Sometimes it depends on my mood. ;)
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Koudoawaia on June 22, 2012, 07:58:52 AM
I leave behind fakies, left behind a couple of McDonald's Pinkie Pies and one time I left behind a ratty looking Scootaloo who had some kind of athletic shoes painted on her. It was weird looking.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: gabumon on June 22, 2012, 08:04:03 AM
I leave behind fakies, unless they're REALLY cute and in good condition.  (There were a DOZEN fakies on the last run I did!)   I also usually leave behind McDonalds ponies too.  Everypony else!  Get in the cart!!! XD
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: sweetstuff on June 22, 2012, 08:24:19 AM
Not that I've found ponies lately, but I had to stop myself from picking up every G3 because I have bins that are overfilled! I don't pick up the McD ponies and for the most part I leave the fakies alone (though I have a weak spot for the G1 baby fakies).

G1s, I will usually pick up for sentimental reasons, unless they are so bad that i don't think anything could save them.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: MercuryStar on June 22, 2012, 08:41:23 AM
I have left behind ponies.   Mostly G3s, since I have so many already, including plenty of extras and bait.   I collect fakies, but I leave a lot behind now, unless they are Lanards or harder to find ones.   I don't see G2s much at all, and the only G4s I have were a few McD ponies that looked like a dog had chewed on them.   So they got left at Value Village.

As for G1s, I have left quite a few behind.   Years ago I had to leave G1s behind at Value Village and Salvation Army because my parents wouldn't let me get them (it was when I was still in school, and I was usually with them at the thrift shops)... I used to find them all the time then.   :(     
Later I left Pretty Beat behind, the only pony I ever found at the Pack Rat Mall, because the seller wanted somewhere around $20 or $30, and she was in restoration project/custom bait condition.   I don't even think I would pay that much for a loose mint one.   I believe I left a few G1s behind at a little Antique booth at the State Fair, though it is hard to remember for sure, since I did buy all the first year I found some (and got there first), and other years there were no ponies left by the time I arrived.

And more recently, a while after snagging a huge lot of ponies on Craigslist, I stumbled upon a bonanza at Value Village.   I took a bunch, but there were so many bags of ponies that the total VV price ran very close to $100, which I couldn't afford at that moment, so I had to leave a few bags behind.  I recall there was a nice looking Baby Apple Delight in one of the bags (one of the bags I did take home had another one of her in it, but she is pretty filthy, and has some tears around her ears), and a hornless, severely rubbed up, SS Ribbon.   Oddly enough, that Ribbon is the pony I regret not getting the most out of the lot I left behindl   
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Flitter on June 22, 2012, 08:52:38 AM
One thrift store near me almost always has ponies, mostly G3s, McDonalds and fakies but I leave them behind.
I feel a little bad leaving them but I haven't been able to sell the few G1s I picked up a while back for even less than what I've bought them for so last time I saw a G1 I left it too. Of course if it were something I knew was rare or sought after or something I'd particularly like for my own collection (like the g3 Sparkleworks plush I once found and just couldn't let go) I'd get it but after getting those G1s that one time I determined that I only really want to collect G4 and while the other gen ponies I see in thrift stores are temping I would only be getting them for the sake of putting them back into the collecting community. So if I'm unable to sell them for what I paid it's kinda pointless to even pick them up. I leave them in the hopes that someone who will truly enjoy them will get them  :hope:
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Skeen on June 22, 2012, 09:14:25 AM
I never leave G1's but if it's a G3 and I don't need her for a bait she stays behind for some little girl to love.  :)
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Shenanigans on June 22, 2012, 09:32:16 AM
There was a big box of ponies at the flea market last time I went. Several G3s I didn't have and some G4s and McDonald's. I picked out about 10 ponies (including some McD) and the guy wanted $37 for them!! If I'm going to pay full price for ponies I'll buy them new in the store :P So I only got about 5 or 6 that I really wanted and paid $15.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: TwistedWindSox on June 22, 2012, 09:38:04 AM
If they're cheap enough, I pick up all g3's and g1's that I find. If the g3 is in bad condition, I will just leave her, as I'm not an avid g3 collector. I don't think I could leave behind a g1, though, unless she was in just awful condition, or priced way too high.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Lancer on June 22, 2012, 09:57:29 AM
There was a time when I couldn't leave even the rattiest Peachy behind, but I actually very rarely buy duplicate ponies I see these days.  I HATE selling ponies, which is why I have boxes and boxes of duplicates (we're talking 2000-ish!) which I am only just now forcing myself to go through and photograph to sell.  It's not worth the heartache of buying more unwanted ponies to send off to an uncertain fate! :P
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Wardah on June 22, 2012, 10:11:48 AM
One time I left behind a common G3 because Savers had put her in a bag along with a bunch of junk I don't collect. If she was loose and a buck or less I would have snagged her but I didn't want the extra $2 worth of junk.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Crowning_Glory13 on June 22, 2012, 10:13:04 AM
I did leave a few G1's behind and have regretted for me NO G1 gets left behind...even if I have 4 of them already:P Any other generation I am ok...but I still feel bad...
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: TheBeatlesPkmnFan42 on June 22, 2012, 10:32:52 AM
I leave behind ponies in really bad condition, ones I already have, and fakies. For example, at the antique mall I shop at, there was a bag of 8 G1 ponies. However one was a secret surprise pony with tons of marker marks and she was missing her back, and there were also two of the same BBE with rusted eyes. I didn't get it because of those 3. The others were pretty bad too. I also don't have the power to restore ponies.

One time I left behind a common G3 because Savers had put her in a bag along with a bunch of junk I don't collect. If she was loose and a buck or less I would have snagged her but I didn't want the extra $2 worth of junk.

Whenever I see a pony in a Goodwill/Value Village that I don't have, I get it, even if there's tons of junk. I just have my mom bring them back and donate them again next time she goes to donate cloths.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 22, 2012, 10:49:36 AM
I used to rescue every single pony.
Then I only rescued G1s or G3s I liked/needed.
Last time I was at the thrift store, I left behind a baity G1 and a slew of G3s because I already have the G1 and multiples of the G3s.
I almost always leave behind McDonald's ponies.

Sometimes it depends on my mood, though.  :biggrin:

Yeah, I'm pretty much the same way.  If the G1 is common then I typically leave it for someone else to brag about, or a child to get a toy they want.  If it's NOT common, then it's coming with me.  I also grab any G2s now.  G3's, well...  only if they are something I know was HTF - mostly I leave them.  And I always grab G4s because... well, I feel bad that they only got a few weeks of love from their previous owner. 

McD's, though... yeah I leave those, too.  Lots of people customize them or are collecting them now, so they can make someone else happy!
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Saber-Toothed Crow on June 22, 2012, 10:54:44 AM
I used to save every pony that I found. Then I started leaving behind McDs ponies because I was stockpiling too many of them. G1s I'll always try and rescue, unless the price being asked for is too ridiculous (happily this has yet to happen to me). I've only ever found one g2, and I saved her as well. As for G3s, I still grab pretty much all the ones I see, since I use the doubles as custom bait. but now I'm starting to accumulate quite a pile of doubles, and I haven't customized in ages so I'm being a bit more selective of the double ponies I grab.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: scarletjul on June 22, 2012, 11:01:53 AM
If it is a g1, it comes home with me regardless of condition (unless it's really overpriced) because I assume that there's someone out there who will want him or her.  Same goes for g2s.  :)

I used to bring every g3 home as well, which would explain the 50 Pinkie Pie doubles I have.  :P. Now, I will leave a g3 behind if it is common or in bad shape or overpriced but otherwise I'll bring it home.

I've only found 3 g4s do far and they've all come (2 I didn't have and 1 is a double.). I don't buy theMcDonald's ponies.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: assassin_kitty on June 22, 2012, 11:03:46 AM
I have only ever found 3 ponies in the charity shops round here, I swear there are pony hunting ninja's where i live!
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: SkyCakes on June 22, 2012, 11:50:55 AM
I used to leave G1s behind but the last time I went out I didnt and my wallet cried. Anyhow I gonna make it in the habit to not leave them behind unless its a super sky high price. I almost never find any at a thrift store I go to. I also swear there are pony hunting ninjas there too.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: RedSH on June 22, 2012, 11:52:28 AM
I have only ever found 3 ponies in the charity shops round here, I swear there are pony hunting ninja's where i live!

It's the same where I am, I have only ever found one G3 and a baity Snowflake that my daughter loves to play with!
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: QueenGusty on June 22, 2012, 11:54:07 AM
I've never found ponies in charity shops :(

Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: BrightSide on June 22, 2012, 12:18:47 PM
I've never found ponies in charity shops :(

 Looking at your location, I think we actually live in the same place! :whoa:

I left behind a really gross looking Fakie at work.. I sent her to the cull room. She was covered in sticky nasties, disgusting mane and pen marks.. not even worth baiting.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: MsTwilight on June 22, 2012, 12:59:43 PM
I left a G3.5 Pinkie behind just yesterday. It was the styling size. I would have bought her but she was covered in pen and marker. Plus, Goodwill likes to use Sharpie to price toys. Just too much pen for me!
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: banditpony on June 22, 2012, 02:14:23 PM
Aww ~ I'm so sad no one else has the philosophy I do.

Leave behind ponies that are not needed/wanted so another collector has a chance of finding it (especially if its a great pony, at a great price). :3 No wonder why we all have a hard time finding, people scoop them up even if it's something they already have.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: StarDragon on June 22, 2012, 02:49:53 PM
I've left behind a bag of 3 or so G3s once, because back then I didn't think they were really worth saving (now I buy them, though!). I had to leave behind Shenanigans once who is one of my favorite G3s, simply because she was the only pony is a bag that cost $4 so it wasn't much of a deal.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: EvilMuffins on June 22, 2012, 03:34:21 PM
I left a G1 Sunlight and Baby Halfnote at the the Goodwill recently. My first time leaving ponies! I already had both and they were too pricey to bother reselling. ): It was a hard choice.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Sandi on June 22, 2012, 03:53:21 PM
I've never found a pony in a thrift store. If I did I wouldn't leave it behind, unless it a super common pony for a high price.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: SpaRx on June 22, 2012, 04:06:29 PM
I usually never find ponies at thrift stores so I haven't left any behind yet and so far I haven't found ponies I already have but maaaybe later.  :)
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Sora on June 22, 2012, 04:31:16 PM
If it's a G3/G2 pony I already have, I tend to leave it behind for someone else to enjoy (Unless it's one I really, really like). G1s I prefer to buy, as I always hope someone will be up for trading them :)
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: kissthethunder on June 22, 2012, 04:45:03 PM
Ugh....just two days ago my best guy friend stopped at a thrift store after work. He gets home that night5 and tells me saw a purple my little pony with butterfly wings and a snowflake on its butt for sale, and he wanted to know if he should pick it up tomorrow on his way through.

I nearly cracked my skull head desking. Flurry is a grail of mine and a childhood pony. I knew it wouldn't still be there when he went back, and we were right.

Uuuuuugh....I'm still in pain thinking about her.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Whoa1234 on June 22, 2012, 04:52:17 PM
I'll leave G3 behind any day...

G1's ALWAYS get rescued regardless of condition.

My favorite rescue of all time-
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I couldn't imagine myself parting with her now <3
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Jenn77 on June 22, 2012, 05:52:02 PM
I left a G1 behind today ..didn't want to and still kinda nags me a bit, but I          had already found four (2 bbe, posey, and taf fifif)  and I was getting low on dough and they where wanting 15 for her (don't know what she is worth) and she wasn't in that great of shape. I believe she was a so soft heart throb. .
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: apanda0622 on June 22, 2012, 06:09:41 PM
I never leave G1s or G2s.  But I do leave behind all G3.5 and common G3s.  And all G3 Mcd ponies but not G4.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Ponytails on June 22, 2012, 06:41:29 PM
I leave behine fakies and McD ponies.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: gabumon on June 22, 2012, 06:53:32 PM
my main thrift store is VERY agressive about toy rotation!!! they date-code the price tags and take them to the dump after a month or so.  so if I don't get it nobody will! afaik I'm the only pre-g4 collector in town.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: LadyMoondancer on June 22, 2012, 07:11:50 PM
I don't leave G1s behind unless they're in really rotten shape, super common, or really expensive.  (Or combinations thereof, ha ha!)

But I don't have any qualms about leaving G3s, G4s, or even G2s behind.  (Mind you, I am in the US so there aren't any uncommon G2s to be found here.)  I don't really consider buying a pony to be "rescuing it."  I mean, it's not like the thrift store is going to dump it in the trash;  they'll sell it to someone else.  I hope that the ponies I leave behind either get bought by little kids who will love them or collectors who will appreciate them.  If one collector "rescues" every pony they find, doesn't that make things a little tough for the second collector who comes along?  ;)
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: saikune on June 22, 2012, 07:14:43 PM
I try to get all G1/G2 ponies unless they are ridiculously expensive/baity. I also look for non-repeat ok condition G3/G4 ponies that I don't have. G3.5 ponies can just stay there unless they are really cheap though... they just have not grown on me yet! lol
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Varkolak on June 22, 2012, 07:34:27 PM
so far i've rescued every pony i've found. but they've all been for a good deal.  the only way i'd leave one behind is if its really over priced. i'd feel guilty about it though
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Axalth on June 22, 2012, 08:15:56 PM
I have a tendancy to take them. I only live in a small city so not that many ponies make it to the thrift store.
They tend to sell them in a bag full of toys, so you pay $2 for a bag full of toys. Ive only found G3's so far, and a few fakies and 3.5's that i left behind.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Englishgothgirl on June 23, 2012, 03:14:23 PM
G1's I can't leave behind

any other gen I would rescue if its reasonably priced, even if I don't want it it could go for bait rather than being left to rot, or if its in good condition could be traded to someone who would want it :p
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: partypony566 on June 23, 2012, 03:41:42 PM
I have really enjoyed reading all your responses! :)

I forgot to clarify I would NEVER leave a G1 behind! Just today, My mum found me a G1 Applejack ( collectors pose version) for 50p and the only thing that's wrong is she has had the first 5 hair plugs scalped.

I'll leave G3 behind any day...

G1's ALWAYS get rescued regardless of condition.

My favorite rescue of all time-
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I couldn't imagine myself parting with her now <3

I love her, lol :biggrin:
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: WickedWonderland on June 23, 2012, 03:49:39 PM
I started leaving behind G3s because the thrift store raised the prices on ponies and I've just amassed so freaking many of them. Unless it's one I really want or a rare one, I don't buy them. I also usually don't buy G2s or G4s unless it's a bunch of them altogether or there's one I want/a rare one, but I will NEVER leave a G1 pony behind.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: amylynnamylynn on June 23, 2012, 05:47:50 PM
I actually work at a thrift store, I try to rescue the ponies I can.  Someone else sometimes beats me to it, because we have a strict two day wait period to purchase anything we put out, but I figure if that happens it wasn't meant to be.  My coworker and I have a system, I help him price ponies at a fair rate, he helps me price Hot Wheels :)

And if anyone is worried, we recycle toys, not throw them out.  They get boxed up and sent to third world countries.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: SweetScoops on June 23, 2012, 06:25:44 PM
If reasonably priced my rule is to never ever leave a G1 or G2 pony behind. I find there's always somebody who could use a bait or are'nt as picky as I am about condition :)
I have on the other hand left plenty of G3's and G3,5s behind, I don't really collect them and I find them impossible to sell without losing money on shipping. I've yet to see a G4 at second hand though ^__^
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: SourdoughStomper on June 23, 2012, 06:36:58 PM
I rescue G1s. I picked up a teeny tiny Tabby (my first teeny tiny!) the other day, along with her big sister Baby Hearts N Flowers (I think that's her name - I'm not familiar with the fancy pants babies). Baby HNF has bad blush rub, but she's still cute. She's also my first fancy pants!

Most G3s I leave behind unless I find one that really catches my attention.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: ShannonInPonyland on June 23, 2012, 07:00:59 PM
Personally I've never ran into any ponies at thrift shops (yet) except for a G3.5 Scootaloo that I ended up leaving behind since I don't collect that generation.
I would say that I would most likely leave behind any G3s or G3.5s that I find since I don't really collect them. I might buy G3s if they were really inexpensive for customs but other than that they would probably get left.
On the other hand, if I found any G1, G2 or G4 I would definitely grab them up. I doubt I would care of the condition of the G1 to be honest.. I would feel guilty leaving it there  :lol:
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: QueenGusty on July 08, 2012, 07:38:42 AM
I'd pick up any G1s I could find even if I already had them because chances are if they can't be cleaned up and restored, there will that someone might need/want. :)

Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: LadySatine on July 08, 2012, 08:13:02 AM
No ponies left behind! ...except fakies and G3/G3.5 Mcdonalds. I've been finding the G4 McDs now, that's exciting! And even a G4 AJ.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: BrightSide on July 08, 2012, 08:50:23 AM
And if anyone is worried, we recycle toys, not throw them out.  They get boxed up and sent to third world countries.

We're the same at the charity shop I work at, only toys which aren't sold are transferred to another of our branches in the area. We swap things, basically.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: elish2 on July 08, 2012, 10:59:25 AM
 I have left some behind...because I don't have enough money for all sometimes. I am on the call list for mlps at a nearby thrift shop, but they rarely have g1s...I still buy up others because I feel that even if i do not want the pony, someone out there does, or I give them to my daughters as prizes for this and that.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: TrixieStix on July 08, 2012, 11:18:01 AM
I try to pick up G4s whenever I see them and recently there have been quite a few blossomforth ponies floating around for whatever reason!

G3s I will pick up if they are ok priced, at the flea market a lady wanted too much for really ratty ones. 

G1s I grab and have yet to see too many of them but when I do, home they go! (As long as they are not too expensive of course!)

G2s I would love to find and surely would take em.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Yurusumaji on July 08, 2012, 11:30:57 AM
I left a bunch of ponies at the flea market yesterday. One in particular I remember I wanted to grab, but the part around the hoof magnet had been chewed off.  :blink: I also feel silly because I left behind some doubles of one I had already purchased at another stall, not realizing the others I found were upgrades of the one I got earlier. LOL. Also left behind a ton of Breyer's, fakies, So Softs and other horse plush. There was too much for me to buy it all, so I had to be more choosy about the ponies I grabbed.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: celticowgirl88 on July 08, 2012, 12:02:22 PM
I just found my first ever G1s at a thrift shop! Applejack, Bowtie, Moondancer, Majesty, and a fakie in a ziplock. They are all in sad shape, but I brought them home.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: gabumon on July 08, 2012, 12:02:40 PM
I left some G3s at thrift yesterday.  I feel a little guilty, but I think I've plateaued-out on G3s, esp common ones.   
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: egyptiondragon on July 08, 2012, 12:06:09 PM
i left some g3s at  a swapmeet today 2 wystiria a mcd cherrilee star catcher Pink Sunsparkle and Princess peppermint i wanted to get them i just didnt have any cash
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Jahlila on July 08, 2012, 12:25:19 PM
lol I love this thread. :D I also have a "No G1 Left Behind" policy. I've only left 2 or 3 behind at an antique mall once because they were marked $15 each and were very common. I usually have no problems with pricing at the flea markets though. The vendors know me and give me a little break on purchasing multiple items (i.e. 6 ponies for $3 when they're usually $1 each). I rarely find G2s, but usually scoop them up if I do. G3s get left behind, unless it's one that I want or know I can resell. G4s only get bought if I need them. And if I find an Applejack, regardless of generation, she becomes mine.  :happy:  Fakies only get purchased if I like them or if I know I can resell them to someone else.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: ponybanker on July 08, 2012, 02:57:04 PM
I leave behind the baits, there are a few customizers where i live who I know will put good use to them. I will usually pick up G3's if they have resale value or there are 3 or more in the bag at the thrift stores, we dont really have a regular flea market here in the summer months which is lame. G1's I will leave behind if they have major flaws or are very common otherwise I will snatch em up :)
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Jupiter on July 08, 2012, 06:23:53 PM
I never leave a G1, even if they are all manky. I used to  always get G3's but  after a G3 herd downsize I rarely buy them  from thrift shops. On the rare occasions that I have seen G2's I usually buy them. g3.5 get no love from me.

I'll buy the new McD's ponies since I  only bought AJ while they were out.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: reanna-mator on July 08, 2012, 06:39:33 PM
No pony left behind!

Er, not quite. I don't pick up doubles unless they're bagged up with someone I don't have. I get fakies quite often as long as I like how they look, too. :) I'll even go for McDs or Ponyvilles if I don't have them.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: TheBeatlesPkmnFan42 on July 08, 2012, 07:01:31 PM
I left a G3.5 Pinkie behind just yesterday. It was the styling size. I would have bought her but she was covered in pen and marker. Plus, Goodwill likes to use Sharpie to price toys. Just too much pen for me!
My Goodwill types the price on a sticker and puts it on the item. A few days ago at the Antique Mall, when I got my ponies (I posted them in the brag areana), I was comtemplating on whether or not to get a TE Sweet Stuff who had a 50 cent price written on her NDS from whatever thrift store she was at before. She was a 2 for $5 deal. I'll probably get her next time, I need sunfading practice.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Englishgothgirl on July 09, 2012, 06:17:41 AM
lol jahlila your post inspired me!

(pics not mine it came off google!)

support your G1's people!

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Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: TimeDance on July 09, 2012, 08:57:49 AM
There was a time when I couldn't leave even the rattiest Peachy behind, but I actually very rarely buy duplicate ponies I see these days.  I HATE selling ponies, which is why I have boxes and boxes of duplicates (we're talking 2000-ish!) which I am only just now forcing myself to go through and photograph to sell.  It's not worth the heartache of buying more unwanted ponies to send off to an uncertain fate! :P

That is one reason I love the pony community and these types of boards. When I sell ponies on the board to other members, I know they're going to someone who loves them and wants them.

I feel bad about the ratty ponies sitting in people's bait boxes waiting for someone to make them pretty. I totally love restoring old G1s and making them pretty again so people will want them and want to take care of them. I like to think of myself as a pony half way house. I give them a bath, some new hair or paint as needed and get them back on their hooves. And then send them on their way where they will find their true herd with someone who loves them. I love the pony community. ^.^

But more on topic, I have left a pony or two behind for various reasons. They haunt me, but I do hope another pony fan or even a little girl picked them up and are enjoying them.

Gothpony: Awesome pic. I would so buy that pony! LOL
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: HollowZero on July 09, 2012, 10:16:07 AM
I would find it incredibly difficult to leave a G1 behind. But if it was a G3 I already have, I'd most definitely leave it there, unless of course it was rare.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Shorelines on July 09, 2012, 10:21:39 AM
i have left plenty :P

yesterday i didnt buy a tailless peachy.
and i have left baby celebration without a tail... 
a showstable with lemondrop
2 soft g3s
plenty of g2s..
and some expensive rotten g3s ;)
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Elisto on July 09, 2012, 03:59:08 PM
Heh, I broke my rule of no pony left behind again, and for the same reason I've done it in the past...I found yet ANOTHER Moondancer. I used to lover her, but I'm so sick of her now! And since I've had no luck lately selling any of my unwanted ponies, even those in good shape, I didn't see the point in spending money on yet another Moondancer that needs work.
Title: Re: Ponies left behind in charity shops
Post by: Jahlila on July 09, 2012, 04:11:33 PM
lol jahlila your post inspired me!

(pics not mine it came off google!)

support your G1's people!

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I love that banner! :D lol I'm happy to be of inspiration.
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