The MLP Arena

TCB => Trader & Shipping Support => Topic started by: hikari_amaya on May 30, 2012, 08:10:40 PM

Title: Temp mini leave Hikari_amaya if your looking for me
Post by: hikari_amaya on May 30, 2012, 08:10:40 PM
We had a huge Family emergancy on the 25th, my great grandmother had fallen and broke her wrist then was unable to get up anymore. Been at the hospital off and on and haven't had a chance to even get online. We've had no choice but to put her into a home, which we're getting her transfered tonight.

Will be mailing ponies this weekend. For Tiella and my Newbie Swap partner. I get paid on Saturday. Its been a stressful few days.
Title: Re: Temp mini leave Hikari_amaya if your looking for me
Post by: ponylady on May 31, 2012, 02:23:35 AM
 :hug: Hikari.
I am sorry to her about your great grandma.  I hope things can settle down for you soon because we will miss you!
Title: Re: Temp mini leave Hikari_amaya if your looking for me
Post by: Ringlets on May 31, 2012, 05:47:34 PM
*hugs* Thanks for letting us know   :hug:  I'm so sorry to hear your RL situation has been so stressful lately :sad:   I hope that your great Grandmother starts to recover soon!
Title: Re: Temp mini leave Hikari_amaya if your looking for me
Post by: hikari_amaya on June 01, 2012, 12:26:06 AM
This all happened all at once :( About 2 weeks ago We found out she had been hospitalized but didnt know the extent. We found out she had broken her wrist and wasnt alone, she was with a woman we all frown upon. They released her but she was returned 2 days later because she wasnt able to get off the couch. So since then shes been in the hospital and shes turned mean and hateful, over these last few years, shes even made nurses cry and I've personally suffered from her abuse which lasted a month. The hospital social workers were insisting we take her to live with us and care for her, but we're unable to I work days and evenings, my mother now works graves.  Plus the previously mentioned abuse. So my great grandmother mentioned my aunt and it was brought up about her house and how shes taken care of the elderly before. Shes had to take care of our grandmother (her and my mom's mom) who eventually passed in 2005 and her boyfriend's grandmother who eventually turned nasty and very abusive as the alhztimers took hold, sadly she too passed last year, my loving aunt cant mentally take another loss of someone in her care either. We were stuck into a tight corner then the home option was brought up. Both my mom and my great grandmother were against it, because they are "close" but theyre not. :( We eventually convinced them both to give it a try. So far so good.

On Saturday was my brother's graduation from High School. It went smoothly as expected. I have all but 10 min on tape. :)
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