The MLP Arena

TCB => Trader & Shipping Support => Topic started by: Scraleos on May 28, 2012, 01:23:20 PM

Title: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: Scraleos on May 28, 2012, 01:23:20 PM
I know she hasn't been officially announced, but I would love it if someone could get her for me if they're going to Comic Con :)
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: Yuitsu on May 28, 2012, 01:57:44 PM
If anyones going to Comic Con I would also love a Scarah... :lookround:
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: SFlame on May 28, 2012, 02:21:32 PM
Im a UKer who would love a comic con :muffin: Pony too!
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: Prismatic on May 28, 2012, 04:27:58 PM
I'm waiting for the last badge sale to come, and hoping I get a badge.  If I do, I may offer to pick up some for others.  However, I may charge a small fee (couple bucks, not a lot, I'm not trying to scalp >.<) for doing so, mainly because between this and the mh doll, I'll have a lot of stuff to carry and a lot of lines to wait in XD
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: egyptiondragon on May 28, 2012, 04:30:02 PM
me too please!!!! :D
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: HawaiianRain on May 28, 2012, 04:50:33 PM
I would like a pickup also and don't mind paying a 'finders fee' either :)
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: Ringlets on May 28, 2012, 05:28:36 PM
I'm pretty tempted to ask as well :P  I'm sure there will be a lot of interest so if there's  more than one  member going that could pick one or two up that would help , instead of one being asked by lots of people :awake:  Thanks for offering your help, Prismatic :hug:
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: GloriaFan on May 28, 2012, 06:09:25 PM
Depending on how much it winds up being, I might want one, too.
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: egyptiondragon on May 28, 2012, 06:10:02 PM
35 is what i think it will be
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: rybett on May 28, 2012, 06:23:05 PM
If it's :muffin: Pony, me too pretty please!!!!!!!!!! 
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: NoDivision on May 28, 2012, 06:32:15 PM
Good luck to all hunting!

insight based on my past experiences:

- the hasbro lines are insaaaaaaane Sometimes you can just sneak into the line. More often...
- You have to get an appointment to wait in line so you come as a specific time.
- There are limits on how many of each item you can buy. I believe last year the limit was 2 on ponies. But you can come back again, you just have to, you know, wait again.
- Some items sell out on preview night. However, Hasbro (in the past) has only sold to general admission holders on preview night. No sales to anyone with a pro, press, or exhibitor pass.

I have a feeling our demand for ponies will far surpass the number of people in the community able to purchase directly at comic con, sadly. But maybe people will get lucky :) Last year the exclusive pony wasn't one of the biggest sellers at the hasbro booth, so people were able to bypass the long lines if they just wanted a pony. But if it is confirmed to be :muffin: Pony I don't expect the same to be true this year.
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: rybett on May 28, 2012, 06:58:05 PM
Pshaw!!!  But I still want one, B-Day gift for myself.  I'll just let the Hurricane think it's hers.  ;)
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: egyptiondragon on May 28, 2012, 06:59:51 PM
she will be a bday present to myself lol my bdays 2 days before the con
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: Zenobiaa on May 28, 2012, 07:04:52 PM
I might need one from here too. We're waiting for the last of the badges to go on sale, but even if we manage to get some we most likely won't be attending until the last day. I'd imagine all the :muffin: Ponies will be gone by then.
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: Brightsong on May 28, 2012, 09:02:12 PM
I'm going to BroNYCon, which is going to be my big con trip for the year, otherwise I'd totally go myself.  I'm hoping that if I'm patient I'll be able to find one after the con for a not-so-cut-throat price. 
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: cobalte on May 28, 2012, 10:43:21 PM
35 is what i think it will be

I thought someone else said $15 for SDCC, $35 for the fair?
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: egyptiondragon on May 29, 2012, 12:09:24 AM
if it is 15 ill be so happy
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: ShortyBoo on May 29, 2012, 10:54:33 AM
I definitely want one as well. I certainly don't mind paying a bit extra for their trouble, either. In the past, haven't there been threads for stuff like this, to hook up people who are going to SDCC with people who need someone to pick up a pony for them? If not, there should be.
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: Sora on May 29, 2012, 11:32:14 AM
I'd love one too, and I also won't mind paying extra for the trouble :)
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: TokiBear on May 29, 2012, 12:53:29 PM
I'd love one too, and I also won't mind paying extra for the trouble :)

^Ditto on this.  I wish there was a way I could get there myself  lol
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: Bronley on May 29, 2012, 01:08:04 PM
I too would love it if someone picked her up for me. We need more people going so they can bring enough back for us all.  :(
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: egyptiondragon on May 29, 2012, 02:11:07 PM
I too would love it if someone picked her up for me. We need more people going so they can bring enough back for us all.  :(
i hope more ppl will go seems like alot of ppl want her
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: Chi on May 29, 2012, 04:02:52 PM
35 is what i think it will be

I thought someone else said $15 for SDCC, $35 for the fair?
I believe people are estimating she would be more is because is normal FS ponies in the US usually run for $11 - $19 depending on what store you buy them from. So since she's a SDCC exclusive it seems safe to assume she will cost more than a normal FS pony. I guess we'll find out, though!
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: ClosetAvalanche on May 29, 2012, 07:26:34 PM
I want one, too! :muffin: Pony is my favorite!
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: TwistedWindSox on May 29, 2012, 07:34:43 PM
I want one! Ahh! Id love to have a :muffin: Pony! <3
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: NoDivision on May 29, 2012, 09:28:36 PM
I too would love it if someone picked her up for me. We need more people going so they can bring enough back for us all.  :(
i hope more ppl will go seems like alot of ppl want her
Unfortunately it's not easy to go to comic con. It sells out every year and tickets are really hard to come by - at this point most of whats left are for the last day of the convention, when a lot of the exclusives are sold out. Yet another reason that SDCC needs to rethink its location and planning... they're just too big!
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: Prismatic on May 29, 2012, 09:52:05 PM
I too would love it if someone picked her up for me. We need more people going so they can bring enough back for us all.  :(
i hope more ppl will go seems like alot of ppl want her
Unfortunately it's not easy to go to comic con. It sells out every year and tickets are really hard to come by - at this point most of whats left are for the last day of the convention, when a lot of the exclusives are sold out. Yet another reason that SDCC needs to rethink its location and planning... they're just too big!

San Diego fought long and hard a couple years ago to keep Comic Con here.  It's by far their largest source of income.  It'd suck to see it go.  The convention center is too small, yes, but from what I've read they've enlisted the meeting rooms/halls of the local hotels to help expand.  Even if they expanded, it'd still sell out :/ because it's one of (if not THE) the biggest conventions in the world (they also have to abide by the rules of the fire marshall, which only allows a certain number of people to be in any given area at once).  It sold out in 80 minutes when the original sales started.  They also spend months planning for it, working with the businesses in the area to get prepared.  Yet it does still seem like they have no idea what they're doing lol.

Their last sale is on thurs, and it's for all 4 days of the convention, so it's possible to get thurs - sat even now.  I'm praying I get one XD
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: cobalte on May 29, 2012, 11:16:19 PM
If :muffin: Pony is indeed announced as the SDCC pony I'd be very grateful if someone could also do the same and get one for me, being in Aussieland means getting these exclusives is very difficult :(
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: NoDivision on May 30, 2012, 07:54:11 AM
Yeah I mean don't get me wrong, I love SDCC, I love that it's in San Diego, it would suck for it to move and it is a huge part of the economy for the area. But they're running out of spaces to expand to. Even with the regulations on admission, that whole place is just a huge hazard. The show floor is a nightmare, it's not safe with that many people. I don't know that there's a good solution, but it's getting pretty absurd. And the area amenities are starting to not be able to keep up, either. The scramble for hotels this year was crazier than ever, with people who are huge players in the comic industry who are listed event guests not even being able to find a hotel! I think someone just needs to bash some heads together and think of some new solutions, because the problems aren't going away.
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: Dragonflitter on May 30, 2012, 09:19:04 AM
The scramble for hotels this year was crazier than ever, with people who are huge players in the comic industry who are listed event guests not even being able to find a hotel!


I... I have no words. I am on the staff of some other (much smaller of course) cons and we would DIE of embarrassment if we couldn't offer hotel space to our guests!!
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: NoDivision on May 30, 2012, 08:30:04 PM
inorite? XD I don't know how the con handles accommodation for guests... I guess some take higher priority than others? Everyone else it's just a fend-for-yourself free for all!
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: BerryMouse on May 30, 2012, 11:05:34 PM
Dunno if it was mentioned somewhere but the selling price should be $19.99
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: wiccanpony1 on May 31, 2012, 03:51:12 AM
I wish i was going to comic con but living in the uk it would be super exspensive:( if someone is going and would be willing to pick me up a Scarah Screams i would be super greatful and willing to pay extra for your time and effort x x x
Title: Re: Is Someone Willing to get me :muffin: Pony from Comic Con?
Post by: BerryMouse on May 31, 2012, 04:56:14 AM
What if this will be really the fair pony as well?
Aren't we almost all able to grab one, US Fair also UK fair always had the same fair ponies the last few years right?

*me wants one as well - don't care if it's from comic con or fair :D*
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