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Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: BigBrotherPony on May 27, 2012, 10:26:15 AM

Title: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: BigBrotherPony on May 27, 2012, 10:26:15 AM
Hi Guys

I know this is possibly the most morbid depressing topic in the whole of ponydom, but I just have this horrible nagging feeling about this!

I am spending so much money trying to buy the mintiest G1s now to have a beautiful pristine collection, but it is really scary thinking I have no idea what they may all look like ten years from now:/ I have nearly 1000 minty ponies now, and I would be devistated if they all started to degrade .

Does anyone else have a bad feeling about this, and how do u deal with it?

Sorry to put a downer on everyone's day!

Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: Elisto on May 27, 2012, 10:33:53 AM
It's possible, but I'd be surprised if all of them did. If we're talking about plastic breakdown caused by bacteria, we don't know where the bacteria comes from to begin with. If it's just plastic breakdown in general, I'd imagine conditions they're stored in make a difference, as does exactly what went into that batch of plastic. And plastic in general doesn't decompose well and tends to stick around for a long time, so I think the "lifespan" of a G1 will be pretty long.
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: BrightIdea on May 27, 2012, 10:55:50 AM
I truly think they will live longer than us. Aww now I am thinking about our own mortality now rather than decaying ponies.  >_<

Although, if the pony is kept in poor conditions, then, yeah I could imagine it getting cancer.

Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: moonflower on May 27, 2012, 10:57:00 AM
I'm afraid all ponies will degrade at some point, it is just what plastic does. Whether this means cancer though I don't know, but they will break down.

I found this interesting article on plastic degradation:- (

I love this quote from it! ^^

Derek Pullen, a conservator at the Tate Gallery, explains, ‘Plastics are giant molecules held together by forces which can be broken by attacking energy forces such as light. All the conservator can do is to keep mouldings in a very stable, low energy environment (the burial chambers of the Pyramids were ideal)’.

Looks like we all need to build a pony pyramid! lol
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: NoDivision on May 27, 2012, 10:57:43 AM
I think it's possible, but not inevitable. The fact that some of one particular pony have cancer while others of that same pony do not indicates that there are variables in play that we can't fully understand.
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: hyenacub on May 27, 2012, 11:10:44 AM
A pony pyramid...  :lmao:  I love it!
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 27, 2012, 11:33:50 AM
I'd say that it's likely to happen after several decades more but it all depends on the conditions in which the vinyl was manufactured and how much reground plastic the batch contains.  Not something you can do any tests for... 

Then there is also the factor of "how was it stored?" - introducing new microbes to the vinyl can also cause this process to start.  :(  So I'd say that in a few decades, the "trouble" ponies will likely be impossible to find in perfection (Party Time, Cloud Puff, Bright Eyes, etc.) because we already know that the majority of plastic batches from them are made of regrind and discolor quickly. 

However, the value of ponies is totally subjective.  My MIL collects antique chairs and glassware.  I would have no idea how much a chair from 1760 is worth but it fits nicely under me at dinner so YAY SHE HAS CHAIR.  Likewise, she can ramble on about a $300 sherbet glass but it looks like something you can buy at Target for $4.99 so I have no perspective.  If the ponies make you HAPPY then what does it matter what you paid for them... 
Do you think Beyonce and Paris Hilton cared whether or not they flung $100 at a $10 pony just to make sure they had it?  Does it make them any more or less happy to display it and brush it than it would you in your pony room?  Okay then!  Pony is pony is pony!  :D  *pony hugs*
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: Sakuyamon on May 27, 2012, 12:44:20 PM
Some ponies gets cancer and age spots easier than other ponies, like Night Light... so I'm thinking that it depends on where and how and what the pony is made of that plays a big role.
I'm more afraid of that all ponies will loose their plasticiser and become rock hard! XD
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: Itajn on May 27, 2012, 12:48:19 PM
I think, as the time passes, more and more people will be interested in preservation of various plastics. Not only collectors, but museums and scientists too.
So, may be in a future we'll have the way to at least prevent breakdown, if not cure completely.
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: Sunset on May 27, 2012, 12:59:36 PM
Some ponies gets cancer and age spots easier than other ponies, like Night Light... so I'm thinking that it depends on where and how and what the pony is made of that plays a big role.
I'm more afraid of that all ponies will loose their plasticiser and become rock hard! XD

At least they would still look pretty for display, yes?
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: mlpfan on May 27, 2012, 01:05:19 PM
most of the ponies will outlive you so do not worry
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: Sakuyamon on May 27, 2012, 01:27:25 PM
Some ponies gets cancer and age spots easier than other ponies, like Night Light... so I'm thinking that it depends on where and how and what the pony is made of that plays a big role.
I'm more afraid of that all ponies will loose their plasticiser and become rock hard! XD

At least they would still look pretty for display, yes?

Yeees, but if they fell from a shelf (like during an earthquake) onto you, it might knock ya out cold.

And we wouldnt be able to throw around fakies anymore XD
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: Aienhime on May 27, 2012, 01:45:06 PM

Yeees, but if they fell from a shelf (like during an earthquake) onto you, it might knock ya out cold.

And we wouldnt be able to throw around fakies anymore XD

Death by pony. What a way to go.
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: BigBrotherPony on May 27, 2012, 02:21:30 PM
Thanks for the reassurance everypony!!!

Oh and did I miss something are Beyonce and Paris Hilton known pony collectors?!?!?

Confused :/
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: mlpfan on May 27, 2012, 02:28:39 PM
Thanks for the reassurance everypony!!!

Oh and did I miss something are Beyonce and Paris Hilton known pony collectors?!?!?

Confused :/
they collect some I guess. lady gaga does some pony related stuff also.
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: ValeofSpring on May 27, 2012, 08:53:21 PM
I wouldn't worry too much about it--I think G1s are holding up amazingly well!  The ones I have look just about new and they are almost 30 years old.  I do think there are some ponies that are more prone to aging, discoloration, etc., and we know who those are.  I keep my ponies stored in a cabinet that stands against an inside wall, so they are in a dark, relatively dust-free, temperature-controlled area.  What more can I do?  My friend though whose ponies were stored for 15+ years in a hot attic pulled hers down for me and they looked as good as mine!  Ponies are quite durable.
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 27, 2012, 09:52:57 PM
Thanks for the reassurance everypony!!!

Oh and did I miss something are Beyonce and Paris Hilton known pony collectors?!?!?

Confused :/

Beyonce for sure is... Paris has a bunch of G3 Pinkie Pies... don't know if that's her collection or not, but she has been seen with them.  :D  And yes, Lady Gaga thinks they are cool as well.
Title: Re: Will all G1 ponies get cancer ultimately?
Post by: hathorcat on May 28, 2012, 02:33:12 AM
I ll agree with everyone!

They are made of plastic - over decades or centuries all plastic will breakdown so yes, "in theory" our ponies wont last forever. However, whether they all get cancer or all breakdown within our lifetimes I think is unlikely - some ponies [i.e. some plastic batches] are clearly more prone to it than others and will develop issues probably no matter the life they have lived or the conditions we keep them in. While others may never have any problems that we see at all.
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