The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Bellevi on May 19, 2012, 06:27:50 PM

Title: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Bellevi on May 19, 2012, 06:27:50 PM
I work at a store known for selling the likes of lotions and scented hand sanitizers (bet you know what store I'm talking about  ;) ). On the Friday before  Mother's Day, one of the customers who walked in was a teenage boy wearing a "Keep calm and brony on" hoodie, so I complimented it while I was helping him find a gift and said that I love MLP and collect it. We're supposed to compliment and make conversation with customers, but I really did mean it. He didn't really respond aside from a few words and he seemed flustered.

I'm 22, so not much older than him, so I guess it was a little weird to him to have a woman in a bright pink apron covered with sparkles start talking about MLP, with it being the hip thing with the young men. XP Oh, those awkward teens.

Has anyone else met a pony fan in public or at work?
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: xeevee on May 19, 2012, 06:43:53 PM
How funny. You'd think he'd be all like, bro hoof.  Maybe YOU should have said bro hoof.

I've never spontaneously met a brony.  I always think that is weird though, as I used to walk around a university campus that I know had a brony club, wearing rainbow dash shoes, carrying a apple jack bag with ponies hanging off it.  Where were the bronies.  Waaaah!
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Sunset on May 19, 2012, 07:15:43 PM
I was wearing a G4 Twilight Sparkle shirt at work and had a teenage girl get excited and proclaim that "Rainbow Dash is the best. Just saying."  I just smiled knowingly.  If she had asked me I might have talked pony with her.   I find it interesting this knew thing were a lot of FiM fans feel they have to proclaim their favorite pony a lot like we're all in a competition. 

I also met the mother of a brony who recognized Twilight.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Wardah on May 19, 2012, 07:27:51 PM
Aw. Maybe he is just awkward around girls? Some bronies identify with Fluttershy after all.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: ButtercreamDream on May 19, 2012, 07:52:21 PM
Lol, if it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure I scared John De Lancie (Q from Star Trek, and the voice of discord), by being way too excited about the Discord posters he had made for Ottawa Comic Con.  I kind of squeed and did a happy dance, and hey was like "oooooooo-kaaaaayyyyyy then" with a bit of a shell shocked look.  I don't think he knew what he was getting into with the whole pony thing =)
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: SwordPony on May 19, 2012, 07:59:38 PM
I meet a pony person at TRU one time and they seemed like they was disgusted to find that there was another pony person in there area. I don't live close to TRU but I was so excited to find another pony person that was kinda near me. Then it made me really sad cause the looks she was giving me. I felt so down. Like I had done something wrong. 
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: dippindot on May 19, 2012, 08:16:15 PM
I think that even though a lot of people love MLP, some still worry about being made fun of, so they are suspicious of other people who say they love MLP and do not react positively to being 'called out' about it, even as they are trying to show their love for it.  It's pretty natural, especially if he was kind of young.  They are trying to express themselves, but fear it being noticed.

I think the bro-hoof would have worked.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: elvenwine26 on May 19, 2012, 09:05:42 PM
Yes at work but i tried not to talk too him too much because he was a weird gawky kid.  I'm too much of a sassbasket to make good friends for teenagers.  Some people are too weird for me, I don't have patience for the full on brony4life front. Don't get me wrong, I love the show but...Ehhhhh.  I've probably encountered bunches of pony fans without even realizing it.  Anyone who visits the fancy chocolate store in new orleans will have encountered me at some point.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Rainbow-Starlight on May 19, 2012, 10:08:40 PM
Unfortunately, I have not met a fellow pony fan irl as far as I know. I hope I will eventually, though. I certainly don't keep my love for the series a secret. I carry around a pony bag, sometimes with a few McDonalds toys clipped to it. I have a MLP advertisement from a toy in my wallet, in the clear window thing. I take my ponies with me on trips and set them up, play brony music, watch the show, etc. I'm too shy to go up to people and ask if they like MLP, but I'm sure some people who see me irl wouldn't have a hard time figuring out that I love ponies.  :lol:  I really hope that one day, a brony will see me with my bag or something. I even put a sticker on it that says "20% cooler" so they would know I'm not just using it because it's cute.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: kamakazee82 on May 19, 2012, 10:16:50 PM
i met a brony near me the other week and went "bro hoof" in passing and surprisingly got a bro hoof fist bump lmao he was wearing a "keep calm and brony on" hoodie with a bunch of different patches on it and a we love fine :muffin: Pony hat, i had on my we love fine derp209 shirt lol, he kind of spun around real quick like "wait what was that?" but we past each other and swept in the crowd at that point lol
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Dee_Kary on May 19, 2012, 10:25:36 PM
Hehe for some reason I read "I think I'm scared of him" XD . I'm not all out with my ponies, the most I've done is hang my clear pinkie keychain to my purse but that was it. My collector side comes out though when I'm frantically looking behind EVERY box of MLP on the shelves to look for what I want XD .

There was a very good amount of bronies at the Botcon this year :) they were even selling handmade "mane" beanies! xD those were cute and they sold well, with a ton of guys and girls wearing them in there. Too bad the only brony I got to talk to (more like got talked by) was... a little TOO much into it ^^; so I'm the one who got scared there lol.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: starrypawz on May 20, 2012, 12:11:03 AM
I met a brony a while back. I was out walking with my brother and we bumped into one of his friends who was out walking with one of his friends. I was wearing a Cupcake Cult hoody that has a grey pegasus on it, he took one look at it, went 'Brony?' and I went 'sort of' and then he gave me a bro hoof which was pretty cool.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Opalescence on May 20, 2012, 03:20:18 AM
I'm 22, so not much older than him, so I guess it was a little weird to him to have a woman in a bright pink apron covered with sparkles start talking about MLP, with it being the hip thing with the young men. XP Oh, those awkward teens.

Maybe he was just startled by seeing the mythical beast of female pony fan. That's like running into Bigfoot at McDonalds or something. lol
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Vulpy on May 20, 2012, 04:36:40 AM
I met a Brony at school once. It was in Art Club, after school. I heard him talking about it to his friend, and I was like "Are you talking about My Little Pony?" and he was like "Yeah! Twilight Sparkle! I like the Dragon." and then I was like "Yeah, Spike's cool." and then....There was an awkward silence. XD
I'm 22, so not much older than him, so I guess it was a little weird to him to have a woman in a bright pink apron covered with sparkles start talking about MLP, with it being the hip thing with the young men. XP Oh, those awkward teens.

Maybe he was just startled by seeing the mythical beast of female pony fan. That's like running into Bigfoot at McDonalds or something. lol
I'm a mythical creature? YAY!  :frolic:
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: kittybethy on May 20, 2012, 04:39:52 AM
I'm totally loving these stories!
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Moonracer on May 20, 2012, 05:03:53 AM
This is interesting.

I only saw a brony once, while I was coming back from school by a tram: it was a teenaged kid with a bag which had a couple of FiM badges on it (with Fluttershy, Princess Luna, :muffin: Pony Hooves among others). I wanted to compliment him on them, but I was too chicken to do so. Oh well... :P

As for your case, Bellevi, it's just a hypothesis of mine (since I don't know the guy), but you might've encountered another one of those bronies who are not fond of the previous generation and look down upon those who collect those "badly made" toys... Just sayin'. :(
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Majesty on May 20, 2012, 05:28:15 AM
That was a strange way for him to act.  Maybe in his mind MLP is for guys now so it was awkward for a female to declare her love for MLP.  MLP is for everyone, no matter their gender.

OK sorry I'm reading responses and am a little confused now.  I thought the term Brony was for boys who like ponies but I see girls who are being accused of being Bronies.  :lookround:
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Elisto on May 20, 2012, 05:42:19 AM
A lot of girls use the term brony too, seems like especially if they weren't fans of the other MLP lines. I still hear it and tend to think male FiM fan myself though...

Sounds to me like he might have just been surprised or shy.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Moonracer on May 20, 2012, 05:47:01 AM
Well, the official term for a MLP:FiM fan is "Pegasister", but I don't think it's used that often (or that people prefer to use this particular term), as I've seen both male and female fans identify themselves as Bronies.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: hathorcat on May 20, 2012, 05:47:50 AM
These stories are cute!

I have never accidentally run into a pony person in public - whether new fan or old...but from the number of ponies that stay on the shelves in my local supermarket I am coming to the conclusion SW Scotland is not a hot bed of pony people!
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Sanadaookami on May 20, 2012, 05:59:45 AM
I was abducted by a bronie once... I was at an anime con, warring my fluffiest cutest pastel dress- featuring carousel horses and carrying a G1 sunlight (she matched the outfit) When I hear someone yelling about Rainbow Dash down the hall- Next thing I know this big guy has picked me up and is running off with me! Lol I didn't know what to think! He took me down a side hall where a large group of people were gathered in a circle saying there names and who there favorite pony was. I had been abducted for a bronie pony meet XD
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Opalescence on May 20, 2012, 06:38:05 AM
Well, the official term for a MLP:FiM fan is "Pegasister", but I don't think it's used that often (or that people prefer to use this particular term)

Certain brony-run sites like "some other site with horses" consider the use of Pegasister as trolling. No idea why.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Scraleos on May 20, 2012, 07:00:26 AM
I met a few at comic-con, there are a few in my animation classes, and there are some at my school. One of them even gave me pony stickers as a birthday present XD
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Moonracer on May 20, 2012, 07:09:22 AM
Well, the official term for a MLP:FiM fan is "Pegasister", but I don't think it's used that often (or that people prefer to use this particular term)

Certain brony-run sites like "some other site with horses" consider the use of Pegasister as trolling. No idea why.

Trolling? Really? That's... odd. O_O

I personally don't really see anything about the term which could be considered trolling. Even the bronies from the polish MLP:FiM forum use the term Pegasister as a rank for the female fans.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: mlp4me on May 20, 2012, 07:21:23 AM
I've never encountered a single Brony here in WI.
Awhile back I told a co-worker that I collect ponies and on a random day she asked me one day what Brony meant cuz her son-in-law had a pony shirt... So as a x-mas gift he now has a Halo commission FIM ornament from me... LOL, spread the pony love!
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: mlpfan on May 20, 2012, 07:32:05 AM
I have seen other bronies, but never spoken to one , shy like fluttershy:)
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: cobalte on May 20, 2012, 07:36:50 AM
I've never met one in real life myself, hopefully soon tho
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Bergamot on May 20, 2012, 07:45:32 AM
Pony fans can be timid on the whole. :) I like the idea of a simple "bro-hoof" as others have suggested. I don't think you did anything wrong, though! I'm not sure what your personality type is, but it might've been a simple case of extroverted enthusiasm versus introverted caution.

I approach other fans of the band Rush in a similar fashion. I think we're a fanbase largely made up of introverts. As much as I hate to pigeonhole, I suspect the G4-oriented crew might be similar. Introverts very carefully assess social situations, but we sure do open up when talking about something we enjoy!

If I see somebody sporting a Rush shirt when I'm out-and-about, I just kind of do the double-point "Heeeyyy, rock on!" thing or a simple, "I like your shirt." Inevitably, a good four times out of five, this evolves into a conversation about our favorite songs and albums, and why the band is the best thing since sliced bread. I'd wager Pony conversations would often develop similarly if begun with such subtlety.:)
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: mlpfan on May 20, 2012, 07:48:12 AM
Well, the official term for a MLP:FiM fan is "Pegasister", but I don't think it's used that often (or that people prefer to use this particular term), as I've seen both male and female fans identify themselves as Bronies.

all the girl MLP-FIM fans i have ever called pegasister have HATED being called that name, they all seem to want to be called bronies, at least that is what i have seen.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: SparklersOasis on May 20, 2012, 08:04:04 AM
I saw a 20's guy walk by me at walmart with a brony shirt on, and I just about said something, but ended up not saying anything because I didn't want to embarrass my husband!
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Koudoawaia on May 20, 2012, 10:19:14 AM
Someone at work saw me drawing ponies on my break and she admitted to liking MLP.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: lunar_scythe on May 20, 2012, 10:55:57 AM
*grins* he was probably intimidated by a 22 year old women speaking to him, a teenage guy, more then anything, haha!
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: on May 20, 2012, 11:21:38 AM
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Emfen on May 20, 2012, 11:44:54 AM
I have yet to meet a brony. But I've heard other students sing the shows songs during lunch, once when they discussed who's best pony I simply passed by and said "pony on ;)".
I did meet a fella online tho, he seemed interested a relatioship as he lived nearby and we started talking. Then it sort of stopped. Most of the time people ask me "are you a brony?" when I play games online, this knowledge often makes people turn in disgust.
I see myself as a Brony not as Pegasister as it sounds degrading, Bronies are equal thus a gender split is unnecessary. Usually when greeting bronies I "bro hoof" them, this seems to open them up a bit. But in general guys are very surprised there are gals that like MLP as it seems to be kind of a boys thing now a days?
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Eternia on May 20, 2012, 11:46:48 AM
At work one time, this group of teenagers came through my line and one of the girls was buying a pony coloring book, and both of the G1 movies. I was super stoked. "omg! you like my little pony?! I totally wanted to buy these" She was all "yeah! that's awesome! sorry I beat you to the videos ^^"
Then we talked briefly about how cool FiM is. What was really great about this encounter, was that this girl was too young to have known G1, but was obviously interested in it.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Sunset on May 20, 2012, 12:15:27 PM
I have yet to meet a brony. But I've heard other students sing the shows songs during lunch, once when they discussed who's best pony I simply passed by and said "pony on ;)".
I did meet a fella online tho, he seemed interested a relatioship as he lived nearby and we started talking. Then it sort of stopped. Most of the time people ask me "are you a brony?" when I play games online, this knowledge often makes people turn in disgust.
I see myself as a Brony not as Pegasister as it sounds degrading, Bronies are equal thus a gender split is unnecessary. Usually when greeting bronies I "bro hoof" them, this seems to open them up a bit. But in general guys are very surprised there are gals that like MLP as it seems to be kind of a boys thing now a days?

See, I don't understand this.  "Brony" means "Bro- pony", yes?  So why is "pega-sister" degrading?  I don't consider myself either, but I would personally find it more offensive that I as a female fan can't use a female term.  This is after all, a female oriented show/toy line.  Why would a male oriented label be more acceptable?
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Zilla on May 20, 2012, 12:48:29 PM
I was running the register at work and a girl came up wearing a homemade Rainbow Dash hoodie with the cutie mark on the back, but she was on the phone so I whispered "You like ponies? So do I!"

And then she says into the phone, "Dad! I just met someone who likes ponies! See, it is cool!" And she holds the phone out to me and I go "Yup."
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: on May 20, 2012, 12:54:20 PM
I was running the register at work and a girl came up wearing a homemade Rainbow Dash hoodie with the cutie mark on the back, but she was on the phone so I whispered "You like ponies? So do I!"

And then she says into the phone, "Dad! I just met someone who likes ponies! See, it is cool!" And she holds the phone out to me and I go "Yup."

Such a cute story!
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: SheRa-dude on May 20, 2012, 01:00:55 PM
But in general guys are very surprised there are gals that like MLP as it seems to be kind of a boys thing now a days?


Here's the secret: makes us look less cool when girls like our boy toys, that's why we are reluctant about it. ;)
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Greylady on May 20, 2012, 01:29:08 PM
As it turns out, there's two bronies in my school. They're cousins (one having made the other join the herd). The only time I've ever scared them was when I started singing Pinkie Pie's "Singing Telegram" in what was apparently a convincing Pinkie Pie voice.  :nerdy:  I'm fairly well known 'round these parts for convincing impersonations, especially as far as voices go. I kind of crept up on them when I was singing it, and it was the first time I had spoken to them, so I can see why it startled them.
We're pretty good friends now, I tend to supply them with a steady stream of :muffin: Pony Hooves fan art, so... Yeah.  ^^;
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Bellevi on May 20, 2012, 01:38:50 PM
What is this "bro-hoof"? lol, I had to look it up. I collect G4 as well, but I haven't been watching the show or sticking close to the FiM fan community. I guess I'll have to try that if one of 'em ever wanders into my store again.

@Wardah: I thought that might be the case. I'll have to change my strategy for approaching teenage brony customers! By golly, they WILL talk to me about ponies!

@dippindot: Yeah, you're probably right. I'm normally quiet when I talk, but at work, I pretty much shout, so he was probably taken aback by someone calling out his pony hoodie the very second he walked into the store. XD
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 20, 2012, 02:26:49 PM
I was in line at Target once and I noticed the girl in front of me had G1 ponies tattooed on her leg. I wanted to say something, but she seemed in a hurry and I was having an awkward day :huh:
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Mintymints on May 20, 2012, 04:14:08 PM
when I was younger, and obsessed with g3s my brother would shun me...
Now he has a creepy group of bronies, running around being annoying.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Stuntmang on May 20, 2012, 04:34:02 PM
I've sold MLPs to people at my school before.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: EStRanger on May 20, 2012, 04:50:51 PM
I meet a pony person at TRU one time and they seemed like they was disgusted to find that there was another pony person in there area. I don't live close to TRU but I was so excited to find another pony person that was kinda near me. Then it made me really sad cause the looks she was giving me. I felt so down. Like I had done something wrong. 

I see by your info that you and I both live in the same state. I also encountered someone locally who acted like meeting another pony fan was offensive to her. If we live near each other, maybe we ran into the same angry person!

Some newer pony fans seem to view pony fandom as some kind of competition, like there's not enough room for all of us.  :rolleyes: This girl acted like she was superior to me/everyone in her knowledge of pony fan-ness *LOL*, but she had no clue what I was talking about when I brought up my favourite G1s. (She was born in the 90s.) Haha, I wanted to put my nose in the air like she was doing and inform her, "Child, I was collecting ponies before you were born!" (I put it more politely, though. I'm not interested in pony fandom competition.)
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: ZennaBug on May 20, 2012, 11:01:50 PM
I am a brony magnet.  I have had people attempt to bro-hoof me at Target while buying pony stuff and then there was a whole bunch of them cosplaying at the mall on St. Patrick's Day this year.  I observed from the top level for a while and decided not to introduce myself.  Loud teenagers wearing tails and belly shirts to the mall is not my scene lol.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Snapdragon on May 20, 2012, 11:12:44 PM
I have yet to meet a brony. But I've heard other students sing the shows songs during lunch, once when they discussed who's best pony I simply passed by and said "pony on ;)".
I did meet a fella online tho, he seemed interested a relatioship as he lived nearby and we started talking. Then it sort of stopped. Most of the time people ask me "are you a brony?" when I play games online, this knowledge often makes people turn in disgust.
I see myself as a Brony not as Pegasister as it sounds degrading, Bronies are equal thus a gender split is unnecessary. Usually when greeting bronies I "bro hoof" them, this seems to open them up a bit. But in general guys are very surprised there are gals that like MLP as it seems to be kind of a boys thing now a days?

See, I don't understand this.  "Brony" means "Bro- pony", yes?  So why is "pega-sister" degrading?  I don't consider myself either, but I would personally find it more offensive that I as a female fan can't use a female term.  This is after all, a female oriented show/toy line.  Why would a male oriented label be more acceptable?

I think, aside from the few loud "women can't be Bronies!" neigh-sayers, fans are allowed to call themselves whatever they would like, without issue. The problem is that Brony was the first, primary word; Pegasister came about as an 'answer' to Brony, which already puts it in a "lesser" position. Think about it - how many G4 sites are oriented around Bronies, or have Brony in the title? Now consider how many are catered towards/center around Pegasister - I have yet to find one. That is why some people avoid the word - it feels like a "you can't have our word, go make your own" or "separate and (in)equal" type of situation, to a lot of us.

I was abducted by a bronie once... I was at an anime con, warring my fluffiest cutest pastel dress- featuring carousel horses and carrying a G1 sunlight (she matched the outfit) When I hear someone yelling about Rainbow Dash down the hall- Next thing I know this big guy has picked me up and is running off with me! Lol I didn't know what to think! He took me down a side hall where a large group of people were gathered in a circle saying there names and who there favorite pony was. I had been abducted for a bronie pony meet XD

Excuse me while I flip a **** - holygodalmighty WHAT? WHO IN THEIR RIGHT FLIPPING MIND THINKS THAT THIS IS OKAY?! Takes one helluva special kind of STUPID (insert cuss here) to pick up some poor person and drag them to another room. What the eff!!! >:( I hope you were okay with it, because oh my Lord, I would have been terrified and probably fought like hell if some strange grown-ass man grabbed me and started carrying me off to parts unknown.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: hathorcat on May 21, 2012, 03:01:37 AM
I was running the register at work and a girl came up wearing a homemade Rainbow Dash hoodie with the cutie mark on the back, but she was on the phone so I whispered "You like ponies? So do I!"

And then she says into the phone, "Dad! I just met someone who likes ponies! See, it is cool!" And she holds the phone out to me and I go "Yup."

I love that story!
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Tulips on May 21, 2012, 04:37:44 AM
I met a fellow female Brony today!

I took my dog to the dog park and a girl (late teens to 20s maybe?) came over to comment on the fact that my black and white dog has an orange tail (faded from red, his heart cutie mark has shed out too *pout*) AND that my hair looks a lot like Rainbow Dash (yes, I've dyed my lazy mohawk rainbow)... there was a small pause then both me and my Mum said "Yes, Rainbow Dash, exactly!"... Then me and the chick both held up a fist solemnly and said bro-hoof (tho did not actually bro-hoof, I will never do that lol)
Didn't stay to chat though, my dog was being a loon lol
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 21, 2012, 08:23:01 AM
*grins* he was probably intimidated by a 22 year old women speaking to him, a teenage guy, more then anything, haha!

Gotta agree.  :D
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: mercynova on May 21, 2012, 08:59:55 AM
A girl who comes into the shop where I work is always wearing FIM T-shirts. One time I tried to make conversation with her but she wasn't too keen when she found out that I was into G1s. Ah well..
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Varkolak on May 21, 2012, 09:33:43 AM
the closet i ever got to meeting a pony fan was when i bought the "BRONY" rainbow dash pin at hot topic. the cashier was like "oh yeah, goin with the brony pin!" and i said "hells yes i am." and that was that.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Sanadaookami on May 21, 2012, 09:38:54 AM
I was abducted by a bronie once... I was at an anime con, warring my fluffiest cutest pastel dress- featuring carousel horses and carrying a G1 sunlight (she matched the outfit) When I hear someone yelling about Rainbow Dash down the hall- Next thing I know this big guy has picked me up and is running off with me! Lol I didn't know what to think! He took me down a side hall where a large group of people were gathered in a circle saying there names and who there favorite pony was. I had been abducted for a bronie pony meet XD

Excuse me while I flip a **** - holygodalmighty WHAT? WHO IN THEIR RIGHT FLIPPING MIND THINKS THAT THIS IS OKAY?! Takes one helluva special kind of STUPID (insert cuss here) to pick up some poor person and drag them to another room. What the eff!!! > :( I hope you were okay with it, because oh my Lord, I would have been terrified and probably fought like hell if some strange grown-ass man grabbed me and started carrying me off to parts unknown.

Well when it happened I was just shocked. He had ran me around the corner and put me down before I could even think of what to do with the situation. At fist I was just trying to figure out if it was someone I knew- all I could see was the back of his shirt after all, and I have a few male friends who do pick me up on a regular bases- So not to strange for me. I was a little upset when I found out it was a stranger but he apologized profusely for scaring me and seemed like a nice person, just a bit over excited. In the end it turned out ok, the little meet was fun and most of them had never seen a G1 before and were interested in her and surprised at how big she was. Now I just think it was sort of funny.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Daisysmom on May 21, 2012, 10:19:11 AM
I haven't met a pony fan, but my poor husband has.  He was sent to pick up the giant wedding cake-style princess celestia cake that I ordered for my daughter's birthday.  The teenage girl cashier at the bakery just pounced on him and he escaped about 15 min. later.  No joke.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: hathorcat on May 21, 2012, 01:40:58 PM
I met a fellow female Brony today!

I took my dog to the dog park and a girl (late teens to 20s maybe?) came over to comment on the fact that my black and white dog has an orange tail (faded from red, his heart cutie mark has shed out too *pout*) AND that my hair looks a lot like Rainbow Dash (yes, I've dyed my lazy mohawk rainbow)... there was a small pause then both me and my Mum said "Yes, Rainbow Dash, exactly!"... Then me and the chick both held up a fist solemnly and said bro-hoof (tho did not actually bro-hoof, I will never do that lol)
Didn't stay to chat though, my dog was being a loon lol

He he he...I completely visualised a "slow motion" fist pump here! Cute story
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: apanda0622 on May 21, 2012, 03:45:31 PM
I met a five year old and her dad at Goodwill today that were FIM fans.  The five year old had a pinkie pie backpack and she told me she had 5 ponies.  I told the dad I had 300-400 and I think I scared him because he was like--I hope she doesn't get that many. LOL.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: ZennaBug on May 21, 2012, 08:01:23 PM
I was abducted by a bronie once... I was at an anime con, warring my fluffiest cutest pastel dress- featuring carousel horses and carrying a G1 sunlight (she matched the outfit) When I hear someone yelling about Rainbow Dash down the hall- Next thing I know this big guy has picked me up and is running off with me! Lol I didn't know what to think! He took me down a side hall where a large group of people were gathered in a circle saying there names and who there favorite pony was. I had been abducted for a bronie pony meet XD

I would have flipped the hell out and kicked his butt.  I'm not even kidding.  I'm stronger than I look and I do know self defense.  He would not have escaped unscathed.  Who picks up total strangers and carries them away??
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: LadyMoondancer on May 21, 2012, 09:45:18 PM
Then me and the chick both held up a fist solemnly and said bro-hoof (tho did not actually bro-hoof, I will never do that lol)

Ha ha haaaa, that is just awesome!  I wish I met people like you guys!  I did see a guy in a Fluttershy shirt once, but he was walking the opposite direction from me down the sidewalk and I was in a hurry so I didn't get a chance to stop and chat.

I also saw a "MLP FIM fan club" thing on my college campus, with a giant Twilight Sparkle cut-out signed by the VA, and I did stop to chat with them for a while. :)
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: EStRanger on May 22, 2012, 12:23:52 AM
I would have flipped the hell out and kicked his butt.  I'm not even kidding.  I'm stronger than I look and I do know self defense.  He would not have escaped unscathed.  Who picks up total strangers and carries them away??

People who REALLY need to learn about personal boundaries and proper social behaviour.

To anyone out there who might be thinking that this sounds like a funny way to make new friends, let me give you a little lesson in social interactions: it is NEVER okay to touch someone if you don't know whether they're okay with it, let alone pick them up and run off with them.

I wish I could say this is the first time I've heard of this happening, but....

About ten years ago, I was at a geek convention with a big group of pals. It was the first-time con for one of my friends, whose parents had been really hesitant about letting her go to one. We had all, seriously, JUST left the admission line with our badges when some big guy ran up, grabbed my friend, and ran off with her. I don't know what she said or did to make him drop her, but he just suddenly stopped, put her down, and then shuffled off with this confused expression on his face--like HE was the one who couldn't understand what had just happened! According to my friend, the guy could not understand why someone would be upset over this behaviour. The worst part was, my friend's mother was standing right there with all of us and had seen the whole thing. It had taken so long to convince her that conventions were safe as long as you stayed with the group and didn't act stupidly, only to have this happen. I don't think my friend was allowed go to another con after that till she was an adult and could make her own choices. :/

And just a few months ago, another friend got pounced by an idiot at a different con. He'd just had knee surgery and had a big sign at his artists' alley table that said something like, "I'm healing from knee surgery, so please don't get mad if I can't stand up to shake your hand." A big guy (maybe the same one, since all my stories of this seem to involve big guys :P ) walked up to the table and read the sign. Then he stepped around the table and picked up my friend in a huge bear hug, breaking some of the stitches in his knee and (we later learned) causing further damage in the process. My friend yelped because OW, and the guy got startled and dropped him, ON THE FLOOR because hello, friend has injured knee and can't stand!, and took off running. Didn't even stick around to apologize.

I've never been picked up by a total stranger, but I have a few acquaintances (not friends) who love to pick me up because I'm so tiny, which is usually painful or at the very least uncomfortable for me, and I'm sure others who get scooped up in the same manner. Sometimes they swing me around in circles, which is REALLY bad because of my motion sickness. Last time one of them picked me up, it took two of my *real* friends to get him to stop carrying me/swinging me about and put me down, because he apparently thought my "OW OW OW THAT HURTS MY RIBS AND I'M NAUSEOUS, DUDE PUT ME DOWN" meant "Keep doing that, it makes you seem so awesome and cool!" No means no, y'all!

They always seem to pick me up in such a way that I can't get at them to give them a solid punch when they don't listen to me, too. :/

If a stranger ever picks me up and manhandles me at a con, though, I am yanking off their badge if I can get to it, memorizing their badge name and their face if I can't, and reporting their butt to security for attacking me. Because that crap is NOT okay, and yes, if a cop saw you doing that to someone without their permission, you'd probably get escorted out at the very least, if not arrested for assault if the cop fears you might be a danger to others.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Tulips on May 22, 2012, 01:03:16 AM
if a cop saw you doing that to someone without their permission, you'd probably get escorted out at the very least, if not arrested for assault if the cop fears you might be a danger to others.

Stuff like 'Glomping', hug attacks and physical stuff like that is usually banned at cons and you need to get permission from the victim first. This rule certainly applies to public attacking con speakers and stuff but actions like this are illegal and considered assault in the real world, laws apply at cons as well. If anyone picked me up like that they'd have hell to pay!

On another note, it's funny that some Bronies are so shy about it even while wearing Brony shirts... but then on the other hand I don't like it when Bronies do weird stuff like abduct people. Lol... I was pretty surprised to meet a fellow Brony and have them casually mention Rainbow Dash because of my hair, bet she was pretty surprised I knew who that was lol.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: josiekat on May 22, 2012, 05:54:24 AM
The closest I come to is I was talking with my cousin's wife over facebook. We were talking about her daughter's upcoming 3rd birthday. She was commenting on my FiM pics in my pony album, and saying which playsets she was getting for Violet. We were talking about ponies, and she said her and her husband were definitely bronies. It made me chuckle. It's nice to know the pony love runs in the family.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: SwordPony on May 22, 2012, 06:14:49 AM
I meet a pony person at TRU one time and they seemed like they was disgusted to find that there was another pony person in there area. I don't live close to TRU but I was so excited to find another pony person that was kinda near me. Then it made me really sad cause the looks she was giving me. I felt so down. Like I had done something wrong. 

I see by your info that you and I both live in the same state. I also encountered someone locally who acted like meeting another pony fan was offensive to her. If we live near each other, maybe we ran into the same angry person!

Some newer pony fans seem to view pony fandom as some kind of competition, like there's not enough room for all of us.  :rolleyes: This girl acted like she was superior to me/everyone in her knowledge of pony fan-ness *LOL*, but she had no clue what I was talking about when I brought up my favourite G1s. (She was born in the 90s.) Haha, I wanted to put my nose in the air like she was doing and inform her, "Child, I was collecting ponies before you were born!" (I put it more politely, though. I'm not interested in pony fandom competition.)

My TRU was outta state. I'd love to run into nice pony fans. It made me wonder for a little while if I should even collect anymore. I'm downsizing alot but I still love my ponies. And I didn't wanna let meeting one nasty collector throw me off my love of ponies.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Bellevi on May 22, 2012, 11:51:59 AM
I met a five year old and her dad at Goodwill today that were FIM fans.  The five year old had a pinkie pie backpack and she told me she had 5 ponies.  I told the dad I had 300-400 and I think I scared him because he was like--I hope she doesn't get that many. LOL.
Aw, how cute! Maybe she's a collector in the making.

On the subject of physical contact from strangers at cons, I think that a lot of the perpetrators think it's okay because, for a very short period of time, they think that everyone there is their specific nerd culture brethren. Not that it excuses picking up and running off with a woman because really, do they really not know what the first thing in most people's minds would be? I would be terrified!

@Swordpony: Maybe she thought that it meant less ponies for her. Nothin' wrong with a little healthy competition!
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: RedheadedBeauty on May 22, 2012, 12:31:53 PM
Wait I'm confused does 'brony' mean male collector or fan on the FIM line?
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: Opalescence on May 22, 2012, 12:57:19 PM
Wait I'm confused does 'brony' mean male collector or fan on the FIM line?

mostly just the latter. Unless the toys are fanmade, those are acceptable.
Title: Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
Post by: RedheadedBeauty on May 23, 2012, 06:21:28 PM
Thank you I couldn't figure it out since most keep posting brony when saying something about a male collector.
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