The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: RavenWolf on May 18, 2012, 05:13:50 PM

Title: Collecting Toys...
Post by: RavenWolf on May 18, 2012, 05:13:50 PM
... Apparently its like stealing from children.  :|
I was at a thrift store earlier with my one friend (apparently I need to stop hanging out with Alice as she's a weird encounter magnet. LOL) Anyway I was over looking at the toys when she comes over all excited saying look what I found on a shelf over in housewares! and she hands me Lily Lightly and asked if I have her in my collection yet? I told her I didn't and how cool it was that she still worked, when this elderly lady comes up to us all upset and asked if I was really buying that toy for myself and then went into a rant saying "you adults who collect toys aught to be ashamed of yourselves! taking toys away from children, you should all grow up and get a real hobby and stop stealing from little children! why some little girl would come in here and love to have that toy! thats who should buy her! not adults who need to grow up" and then she just stormed away...  :shocked:
I can honestly say thats one of the oddest encounters I've had in a thriftstore and I'm not entirely sure how to feel about it. :huh:
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: SwordPony on May 18, 2012, 05:18:29 PM
Don't let some cranky old lady make you feel bad for liking ponies. You will love that pony just as much as any kid would.

Just like all of us we love our ponies and it makes us happy to find them as well.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: StoryDreamer on May 18, 2012, 05:24:31 PM
How did she know you weren't buying it for a little sister or something?  Judgmental people drive me crazy.   I would've laughed gleefully all the way to the register. 
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Emfen on May 18, 2012, 05:25:38 PM
I don't see the point in being ashamed of something that brings you joy? Maybe she don't get the joy in collecting?
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Shenanigans on May 18, 2012, 05:27:12 PM
Wow. I think she may have had a bad day and was just looking for a target. It's not like that was the last pony on earth. I think Hasbro keeps pony collectors in mind because they want to sell to both children and adults IMO anyway. So they're not just for kids, they're for the kids at heart too :)
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Elisto on May 18, 2012, 05:27:23 PM
Well that's just silly...if it makes you happy, it makes you happy. Age shouldn't matter. Besides, it's not like there aren't enough toys or even MLP to go around.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: KtKat on May 18, 2012, 05:27:34 PM
Wow, just because we get older we're supposed to quash our childhood joys?  I think not.  I was walking around Toys R Us today, grinning like a goon, and I wouldn't trade that unabashed joy for anything.  When it comes down to it, there's plenty of ponies out there for everyone- that lady needs to relax :O
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: ShannonInPonyland on May 18, 2012, 05:29:48 PM
Wow, that's really terrible that people think like that  :huh:
Everyone is entitled to collecting whatever they want to collect. Just because you choose what is technically a children's toy doesn't make you any different from someone who collects stamps or teapots. I don't know. I don't like it when people hate on others for their hobbies, especially when it comes to pony collecting. I mean if you're not doing anyone any harm then there's no reason for someone to come up to you out of no where and voice their opinion.
I would take it with a grain of salt really. You like ponies, you collect them and that's that. Not everyone understands it but oh well  :)
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: butterflybuttons on May 18, 2012, 05:34:02 PM
What a silly lady. That pony had to have come from somewhere, like a child who didn't want it anymore!
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: RavenWolf on May 18, 2012, 05:58:55 PM
I have to admit it upset me a little, mostly I was surprised and embarrassed as no one has ever reacted to my collecting MLPs like that before, not to mention Ive never had a complete stranger come up to me and start ranting at me, my overly shy self wanted to crawl away and hide...  :blush:
Of course my goof ball friend wouldn't let me, she marched me to the checkout saying rather loudly  "she's probably one of those closet collectors and just wanted the pony for herself" lol :lol:
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: cesprins on May 18, 2012, 05:59:37 PM
Haters gonna hate!

Old people can be so rude.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: josiekat on May 18, 2012, 06:19:01 PM
I would have pointed out that it's rude to shout at people.....and that it can be dangerous to talk to strangers. lol
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Dyzarktarzk on May 18, 2012, 06:21:46 PM
Maybe she's angry because she havs NOTHING to make her smile o.O

And what's wrong on loving ponies and buying them for ouselves?  I know, ponies are children toys, but there's also a lot of adults who loves things designed or inted for kids.  And at least, I'm really happy to still being happy collecting thing that make me smile =)
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: xkelpiex on May 18, 2012, 06:22:18 PM
Sounds like my mom's view on thrift ponies haha She won't let me shop at goodwill because I would be taking away the "cooler" ponies (ie. G1, G3.) from kids who can't afford many awesome toys. But, if it was a regular thrift shop, she couldn't care less. WEIRD, I KNOW. I take only one thing away from it: MY mom thinks older ponies are cooler lol
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: teresat on May 18, 2012, 06:30:00 PM
I wonder if something that happened to her earlier put her into a bad mood.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Sunset on May 18, 2012, 06:58:26 PM
Ah, I'm really sorry that happened to you.  She must have absolutely no inner child left inside and that's kind of sad.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: gemini_pony on May 18, 2012, 07:01:39 PM
I can't post what I would have said to here as it is not PG....Hey it's your money you will buy what you want and im sure they don't care who they sell to.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Koudoawaia on May 18, 2012, 07:02:50 PM
Oh that woman needed to mind her own business and not judge toy collectors like that.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Wardah on May 18, 2012, 07:11:46 PM
I wonder if she has a granddaughter who likes Monster High or Lalaloopsy and when she was trying to buy them she saw a scalper with a cart full of them and assumed they were a collector because they didn't have any kids with them.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: scarletjul on May 18, 2012, 07:14:31 PM
I wouldn't let it bother you too much.  :hug:

If you get joy out of something and there's no harm in it, then it doesn't matter for whom it was originally intended.  I'm sure you get just as much joy out of Lily Lightly as any kid would - and you probably won't be outgrowing it and donating it to the thrift shop any time soon.  :)
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: gabumon on May 18, 2012, 07:15:52 PM
grown-ups need toys too!

pay no mind to what she said.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: saply on May 18, 2012, 07:17:48 PM
I have to admit it upset me a little, mostly I was surprised and embarrassed as no one has ever reacted to my collecting MLPs like that before, not to mention Ive never had a complete stranger come up to me and start ranting at me, my overly shy self wanted to crawl away and hide...  :blush:
Of course my goof ball friend wouldn't let me, she marched me to the checkout saying rather loudly  "she's probably one of those closet collectors and just wanted the pony for herself" lol :lol:
Lol! She was probably just mad that you got to her first! >:/
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Nonnavlis on May 18, 2012, 07:19:00 PM
Wow. Sounds like she is the one that needs a hobby. It's true a kid probably would have enjoyed it, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get to!

If it makes you feel any better, children who actually like ponies tend to think collectors are awesome in my experience, not that we're thieves. They think it's neat that we can relate to what they like.

It's sad to think that someone would berate you like that for your interests, but please don't let it get to you! There's always going to be negative people, but it's best to ignore them. Her negative attitude is going to have a worse effect on the world than your toys, anyhow.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Anitas_Mom on May 18, 2012, 09:02:50 PM
Ignore the ol' busy body!  I'm sorry you were upset by her words.  The fact of the matter is, what you do (or anybody else does) is really none of her business!
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Unicorn_pops on May 18, 2012, 09:15:29 PM
I was thinking like your friend...She probably got mad that she didn't get to it first! Then thought if she made a scene you'd put it down where she'd scoop it up :) 
Don't let people get to you! I have to hear it enough from my family (not my hubby though) So if I heard something like that from a complete stranger...well lets just say you handeled it Way better than I would've! People just can't understand if something makes you happy and theirs no harm to anyone...then what's the problem! It's your money and time and it's certainly not hurting anyone. Like someone else said...plenty of ponies out their for kids! Enjoy your pony collecting and have FUN!
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: TickledPink on May 18, 2012, 11:15:53 PM
I've had people do that to me before. And I straight up tell them to MYOB and that I leave behind the ponies I already have.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: zzzova on May 18, 2012, 11:22:50 PM
I have to admit it upset me a little, mostly I was surprised and embarrassed as no one has ever reacted to my collecting MLPs like that before, not to mention Ive never had a complete stranger come up to me and start ranting at me, my overly shy self wanted to crawl away and hide...  :blush:
Of course my goof ball friend wouldn't let me, she marched me to the checkout saying rather loudly  "she's probably one of those closet collectors and just wanted the pony for herself" lol :lol:
Lol! She was probably just mad that you got to her first! >:/

Haha This!
But you shouldn't mind her, i know its not fun getting yeald at and such, but she is just an crazy lady!!
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Tropical_Sunset on May 18, 2012, 11:24:04 PM
Whaaat?  So rude! 
Not to mention completely illogical.  I guess that means I'm stealing Spongebob-shaped popsicles from children every time I buy one for myself.  I mean, it's marketed to children, and yet I bought some for myself.  Well don't I feel just terrible!
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: BrightIdea on May 19, 2012, 12:42:17 AM
Maaann I hate when people get all preachy. "Grow up", how are old ladies that collect china and figurines  different than pony collectors? :huh:

C'mon lady!  The ponies are at a thrift store because some CHILD doesn't want them! If the owners wanted them to go to less fortunate kids, there are other outlets out there. That lady should be happy you are supporting the thrift shop at all.

Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Aednatia on May 19, 2012, 01:02:04 AM
congratz on the find!!  I swear that there is an employee at each thrift store that collections or at least knows that other people collect and so buys them before the get to the floor. Only MC D ponies, fakies, or extreme baits seem to make it to the sales floor.

How did she know you weren't buying it for a little sister or something?  Judgmental people drive me crazy.     
She likely heard her friend ask if it was going in her collection.. When ever I buy a pony at the store the clerks always ask if it is a present. I just say yes. I don't understand why they need to know.

I would have replied "WHO do you think gave this pony up? some child that didn't want it! and could have probably easily have directly given it to another kid if they wanted to, but they didn't care. This pony is going to be loved where it is going so bugger off"

I never understood collecting before I started my ponies. Even though I was always given teddy bears I never considered them my collection since they are just given to me as presents and expected that I keep them (but I still really like them). And my family likes that I have a hobby but doesn't support my collecting them, but they support the bears, so I don't understand their thinking on why bears are ok but ponies aren't

Even with bad reviews I'm sure you gave some one else out there hope to start a collection they can love. What is the price of you collection??
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Sarah-Bee on May 19, 2012, 01:18:05 AM
Silly old ...... Best stop there.  I'd have given her a piece of my mind if she'd said that to me.  Don't let narrow minded busy bodies get you down Hun, she's not worth it x
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: hathorcat on May 19, 2012, 02:34:55 AM
What a silly lady! I wouldnt let that kind of thing bother you - you are entitled to purchase anything you wish after all!
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Gingerbread on May 19, 2012, 03:18:21 AM
What a cantankerous old biddy! I would have said it's none of her business who the pony is for, be it child or adult, then I would have told her to do one. Honestly some people are just not happy unless they're making other people miserable.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Sandi on May 19, 2012, 03:47:11 AM
What a bi... rude old lady! It's not like there's not enough toys for all the (spoiled) children already. I'd say collectors enjoy them as much as kids. Sometimes even more. The kids usually just through them away after a while.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Moonracer on May 19, 2012, 04:35:14 AM
Oh my... that's definitely not the best encounter. :(

You know, I actually been thinking for a couple of days now, about what if something like this should happen to me one day - I've bought a couple of ponies in a second-hand store once or twice, and nothing like that happened to me before, but I'm still cautious, because you never know when some mother or grandmother might come up to me and throw a hissyfit because I "dared" to buy a pony which little girl could play with.

I actually prefer buying stuff off the internet, because you can stay anonymous and you don't have to worry that someone might come up to me and ranting to me on how I shouldn't buy ponies.

But then, again, on the second thought, there's this small feeling of guilt I sometimes have: I mean, what if there really are kids who'd like to have a toy like that to play with? I know many parents, here in Poland, like to buy pony lots off the interenet auctions etc. because they find it cheaper, then buying ones in a regular store (which can sometimes go for ridiculos prices) and they want to give their kid something. So in a sense I do feel kind of guilty, that I might've taken something that could've easily ended up being a child's toy, which could make him/her happy.

On the other hand, I do feel the need to buy certain ponies (G1 especially), because who knows what might happen to them if they end up in the wrong hands. And we all know how kids can sometimes be - cutting the pony's hair, painting stuff all over it, smearing it with lipstick and other cosmetics etc.. And after the kid gets tired of it, there are only couple of options where the pony might end up: being passed on to a younger relative, being sold to another person, being thrown away (the horror!), being given away to a charity/day care centre etc..

So in a sense, when I buy these ponies, I'm also saving them, in a sense, from a fate that might await them.

Coming back to the old lady, while she may have had her reason's to go into a rant, I don't think it was a nice thing of her: first of, you can buy whatever you want and it's really none of everyone else's buisness. Then, as many people before me have already pointed out, how does she know you're buying it for yourself? You could've bought this for a younger sister/cousin/niece for all she knew. :P
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: aellos on May 19, 2012, 05:16:59 AM
It's only stealing if you take it out of a children's hands. That and if I see a child eyeing something I plan on buying and legit asking her parents for it and they say yes? Then I'll leave it be and let them have it. :D
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Jenn77 on May 19, 2012, 08:57:00 AM
I have to admit it upset me a little, mostly I was surprised and embarrassed as no one has ever reacted to my collecting MLPs like that before, not to mention Ive never had a complete stranger come up to me and start ranting at me, my overly shy self wanted to crawl away and hide...  :blush:
Of course my goof ball friend wouldn't let me, she marched me to the checkout saying rather loudly  "she's probably one of those closet collectors and just wanted the pony for herself" lol :lol:

The older lady probably was and was irked that she didn't find the pony Really though not to pick on the older lady but that was kinda rude. I mean I could see if you grab the toy out of a kids hand (not that you would) for her to say something like that but I mean really.. Oh well some people will never understand other people's hobbies.  I wouldn't feel to bad about it
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: hyenacub on May 19, 2012, 09:04:57 AM
How did she know you weren't buying it for a little sister or something?  Judgmental people drive me crazy.   I would've laughed gleefully all the way to the register. 

LOL Fun mental picture...

"she's probably one of those closet collectors and just wanted the pony for herself"

Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Wysteria on May 19, 2012, 10:02:42 AM
Older people really just want someone to nag to sometimes. I work for Kohls (retail clothing store) and this past wed, (our senior day, go figure) I had 4 especially rude ones come up to me and just rant about everything they thought was wrong with our merchandise lol. I'm sorry I'm not a buyer or designer, I can't explain why this dress has a raw edge mesh, why our store is so huge and the bathrooms are only on one side, or why our clothing is so cheaply made and how come you can't find any nice dresses to wear for church...While it all comes off extremely rude and leaves you completely dumbfounded at the time, you just have to shrug it off and laugh;)
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: TheBeatlesPkmnFan42 on May 19, 2012, 10:34:57 AM
Well, that's very rude to say. We're allowed to collect toys just as much as kids are. Especially since we generally take care of them lot more, too. Thank God I've never had an encounter like that.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: moondancer1 on May 19, 2012, 04:54:25 PM
I dont think you should feel bad!  I am sorry that she was so rude to you!  If ponies make you happy you are just as entitled to buy them as anyone else be it an adult or child.  Sounds like that lady was having a bad day. Congrats on finding the pony!  :) 
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: GloriaFan on May 19, 2012, 05:04:07 PM
That's very...interesting? People just don't understand collectors. Just shake it off, though. When mothers and their daughters look at me strange whilst I am shopping in the pony aisle I proceed and smile politely. "U mad? Stay mad."
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: babystarz on May 19, 2012, 05:41:24 PM
ROFL, elderly people come up with the most creative ways to disapprove of people XD Honestly, the most interesting and odd complaints when I worked in retail came from seniors. I think the combination of being in pain (a lot of them have old injuries and arthritis and can't get around all that well) coupled with the world being so different culturally from when they were young just gets a lot of them them cranky. Which is not to say they're all like that of course.

I can totally see why you would be embarrassed, I would have been bright red if some nosy person came up to me and said that. Especially because it didn't even make any sense. How are you stealing from anyone if you're paying for an item? And how did she know you weren't buy the pony for a child in the first place? Anyway, try your best to shrug it off and don't let it prevent you from pony hunting in the future. There's nothing wrong with collectors and we're not harming anyone so really, it isn't anyone else's business what we buy and why we do it.
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: TokiBear on May 19, 2012, 05:48:27 PM
Wow, silly old lady... its none of her business why you are or aren't buying something.  And it most definitely isn't stealing lol I whenever anyone asks me why I'm buying ponies or even says, "oh, isn't that cute" when I check out, I always tell them its for one of my nieces.  Its just easier that way. haha
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Clementine on May 19, 2012, 06:17:46 PM
why some little girl would come in here and love to have that toy! thats who should buy her! not adults who need to grow up"

At this point I would have gone off on a rant about gender stereotyping and that a little boy might like ponies just as much as a little girl might :P lol, if people want to nitpick and rant over other peoples actions, choices or statements than they should have no problem being nitpicked/ranted at themselves X)
Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Elfpony on May 19, 2012, 06:33:18 PM
Seriously, some people might do well to mind their own business.  It's none of hers what you are or aren't buying and why.  It's not like you were beating a child with a cane to take the pony out of her hands.

I can understand why some collectors might feel guilt over buying 2nd hand ponies for the reasons discussed, but we can't live our lives thinking "what if" for everything.  Sure, if you left the pony a child might have bought it, but it might just as likely have gone to someone who would've immediately put it up on ebay to make a quick buck.

Title: Re: Collecting Toys...
Post by: Wardah on May 19, 2012, 07:16:46 PM
The only other thing I could think of besides what I mentioned before was that she wanted to buy it for her granddaughter. Of course maybe if she was nice about it and just said that she wanted to buy it for her granddaughter you might have let her have it since it was just a G3 but she had to be rude and crabby and now she doesn't get it. I guess she never heard you can get more flies with honey than vinegar.
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