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Creativity => Customs => Topic started by: rybett on May 13, 2012, 09:07:38 AM

Title: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: rybett on May 13, 2012, 09:07:38 AM
The plan was, stick a Majesty head on a really discolored Firefly and make a pony for Mouse.  Leaving an Earth body and head laying around.  Soo, started painting those.  I just tried them together to see how the paint match is coming.  She won't stand!!!  No matter how I turn the head.  Tried a Majesty head, same thing.  Any ideas?   
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on May 13, 2012, 09:26:22 AM
what pose is it in? how is it falling over (what direction)? pictures?
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: rybett on May 13, 2012, 09:39:03 AM
No pics as can't find memory card.  Majesty pose.  Tips right if either Majesty or Firefly head is on.  Comparing to another Majesty, it looks as if the left back leg on the painted one does not make as much contact with the table.  ? fill her with hot water and hope that this resolves?  Maybe fill the legs with something to give weight?  Not sure what though.
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on May 13, 2012, 10:47:20 AM
try adding some weight to the rear leg diagonal from the lifted leg
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: hyenacub on May 13, 2012, 11:13:38 AM
oh yeah--weight it down with a fishing sinker or something....good idea
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: Ellis1342 on May 13, 2012, 11:16:29 AM
Another option is to heat her up, reposition the leg (moving it) Place aluminum foil between and around to hold in one spot and let cool. Should help some.
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: Alatariel-Silimaure on May 13, 2012, 11:29:54 AM
yup, that's also another option :3
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: rybett on May 13, 2012, 11:55:49 AM
OK, used glass beads on that leg.  No change.  Filled all three legs, she stands, but is unsteady.  So, seems the answer is to fill the legs with something.  Flat oval beads are not the bestest choice.  Now seeking ideas for what to use that will also stay in place.  My evil little brain says clumping cat litter, but not sure how that would work long term. 
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: DaffyDilly on May 13, 2012, 01:06:26 PM
I used shots, for a shotgun, with a bit of air drying clay to keep them in the back legs. :)
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: kamakazee82 on May 13, 2012, 01:15:26 PM
glass marbles? it's what i used when i was little lol
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: sd_dreamcrystal on May 13, 2012, 01:26:09 PM
I know what you mean with that pose, I have a custom in that pose but she is able to stand on her own. The problem with mine is that the front down leg is crooked. If yours is the same case then weighing the back leg on that same side should work... I vote a fishing anchor.
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: rybett on May 13, 2012, 01:29:14 PM
OK, so shopping for fishing stuff, or raiding DH's if I can find it.  Votes on an air drying clay?  I figure do one leg at a time and see what happens.
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: PonySeeker128 on May 13, 2012, 06:54:43 PM
Just remember to get fishing sinkers that don't contain lead as most of them are made with it. I am not sure if lead can go through the vinyl of ponies so its probably best to just avoid it all together. You can pick up ones from walmart or fishing stores without though.
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: rybett on May 13, 2012, 07:26:54 PM
Good point there.  Not sure I would have thought of it right away.
Title: Re: Pony won\'t stand with the head on.
Post by: Maniah on May 13, 2012, 07:28:08 PM
Keep in mind that whatever you put inside the pony may be visible when in bright light depending on the body color. You could have the shadows basically darkening parts of it. Test it out first before doing anything permanent.

Post Merge: May 13, 2012, 07:29:39 PM

You could always anchor the pony to a display base when she is done, or use a design with sculpting that adds weight and balance to the pony.
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: rybett on May 13, 2012, 07:50:35 PM
OK, so since this is a pale pony, what about stuffing the legs with airdry clay only?  I s'pose I need to hit the craft store tomorrow.  The beads worked, just the wrong shape, and colored.  Clear ones have to exist.  Or, if we are talking base, how does one secure a pony to one?  We are now venturing outside my knowledge base.  I just know a sufficient amount of medical tape won't cut it.  ;)
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: Maniah on May 14, 2012, 01:37:05 AM
I had a yellow pony that I tried to weight with apoxie but it made the back legs look darker than the rest of the body.

If I were to attach it to a base I would use a wooden one from hobby lobby and stick a screw or nail in it from the bottom and just poke it into the ponies rear foot.

I've never done it before though but that's what I would do.
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: lizstaley on May 14, 2012, 03:36:49 AM
I've attached two ponies to bases. One I attached permanently with screws and glue, the other I made removable from the base. The removable one has two screws in the top of the base at the positions where the pony's feet are, then I used an X-acto to cut Xs in the bottom of the feet and slipped the feet down over the heads of the screws. It's secure on the base and doesn't fall over, but with a bit of gently wiggling she can come off the base for easier transport. It was also a lot easier to do that way than the previous way.
Title: Re: Pony won't stand with the head on.
Post by: rybett on May 14, 2012, 04:05:00 PM
Success!!!!!!!!!!!  Small clear marbles in the legs.  Held in place with white airdry clay.  Thanks for the help!
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