The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: hathorcat on May 11, 2012, 11:37:35 AM

Title: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: hathorcat on May 11, 2012, 11:37:35 AM
This will probably be a sentimental thread... :cry: ...warning in advance! So with the lovely couple of threads recently on which ponies brought you to MLP and what ponies you wanted when younger, its made me think of my most poignant or important pony memories [whether sweet or funny]...and I wondered what everyone else's can be from when you were little or something more important that happened recently...but it has to involve ponies of course!

For me:-
Ponies were very much birthday and Christmas gifts in my house - pester power simply didnt work [unless pestering for Birthday/Christmas of course] as even £4 for the odd pony was often outside of budget but when I was 5, we were moving house and I had to go to a new school - I was absolutely devastated at having to leave all my friends and shy enough to even now today remember being scared. After many days of tears, my mum finally decided to "bribe" me with a new pony - it was the only time I got to pick a pony and my mum took me to Woolworths to the amazing wall of ponies and I picked out the most sparkly pony there - Masquerade. I loved her...and though its a little materialistic it did make the move easier as she was my "new pony for my new home and my new school". It was only when I started recollecting that my mum confessed she had worked a weeks over time at her part time job just to afford that one pony to cheer me up! Still to this day it makes me smile that she knew a pony would make the difference and she went to such an effort to afford her for me.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Shenanigans on May 11, 2012, 12:41:48 PM
Aw, that's so sweet, hathorcat. Your mom sounds wonderful :)

I remember when I was little I begged and begged like crazy for a Sippin' Soda pony. I finally got her for Christmas and I don't think I ever screamed so loud in my life! I was the happiest little girl in the world :D

Also, (more recent) I was extremely depressed one day (I have bipolar disorder) and my sister went to the store especially to buy me a pony. She bought me Shenanigans and it cheered me up instantly and I've always treasured her. She's my favorite G3 ^_^
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: StarDragon on May 11, 2012, 01:13:02 PM
Such great memories. I did not have pony toys growing up. I remember seeing G3s on a coloring book when I was 15 or so, and I didn't realize they were actually a new line of MLP until months later. I thought they weren't "real" MLPs, because they were more glamorous than the G1 cartoon that I grew up with.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Sonata on May 11, 2012, 01:15:02 PM
The most found memories I have with ponies... Hmmm...

I remember playing with my grandmother in my first house when I still lived with both my parents ! We played in the hallway and rolled Jazzie around eachother on the floor ! It was a really simple way to have fun, but I'll never forget it - and neither will my grandmother ! Even today when I ask her if she remembers, she does ! :D

I also remember a few years later I was sick in bed and my grandmother came home - she was watching me and taking care of me while my parents were working - and she brought G2 Magic Motion Sundance ! I was SO happy; I'll never forget it ! :')
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Icecrystalline on May 11, 2012, 01:25:31 PM
When I was 3, my mum and I would find G1's in charity shops and at car boots very regularly, I remember finding my first and only ever Flutter  Honeysuckle in a charity shop, high up on a cd display podium and I remember being obessed with her immediate beauty and elegance, I begged mum to bring her down for me and she did and bought her for me, I've always loved her and never got rid of her. :) xxx
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Evening_Moonstone on May 11, 2012, 01:32:19 PM
When I was 5 years old, I entered a coloring contest at a local K-mart and won a prize - $10.  I never had spending money unless it was for birthday or Christmas, so that was an amazing amount of money to me at the time.  I bought myself and my sister each a pony with the winnings.  Moonstone for me, and Parasol for her.  I don't remember much about my pony collection, but I will never forget those two!
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Aienhime on May 11, 2012, 01:33:47 PM
Hmmm, wow, it's hard to pick just one... Going to Germany just because they still sell ponies there, or my dad building my pony house or randomly finding old gen1 stuff in a toy store in 1996... But I think this is the best one:

As ponies were hard to find when I was growing up here (1992-1994 ish), I always looked forward to Queen's day as people sell their old toys and I often found a lot of old ponies which was a blast for me as those were often ponies from the tv show / comics etc. However, in 1993 I think I ended up being really sick and I made myself go to one flea market but I was just too sick so without finding anything my parents took me home. I was so sad I hadn't found any ponies that my dad went out to look for some and he found like 10 ponies for me including baby Quackers, who ended up becoming my all time favourite pony!!!
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: willa on May 11, 2012, 02:26:40 PM
I have a vivid memory of my mum and grandma taking me to buy my first ever my little pony. 
I remember the adverts on tv and all the hype about them, all my friends at school were talking about them.
So my mum and grandma took me on a special trip to buy one.  I remember wanting the pink one! (Cotton Candy, this was the original G1 line)  I think alot of shops were sold out because we got her from a very random shop. When we got there they were almost sold out and they only had Butterscotch and Snuzzle... not many kids must have wanted the grey one right? Although the pink/grey colour combo was SO 80's!
So Butterscotch was my first ever pony! I still remember walking in the shop, seeing the ponies on display, I remember opening her and I distinctly remember her smell... The shop is no longer there but I go past the building often and remember my first pony experience....

Another memory is having all the puffy stickers all over the side of my mums fridge, I had a ridiculous amount! I've been trying to find a photo of it for ages...     
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Aflame on May 11, 2012, 03:12:31 PM
one of my many memories was of me at 7 getting 8 of my baby teeth taken out and being groggy mum took me to woolies on the way home and i got to buy hopscotch  :) xaflamex
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Nienna on May 11, 2012, 03:53:07 PM
The best thing ever was the 'Castle' my dad made for my ponies when I was about seven. He'd taken these wooden crates that are used for shipping fruit, sanded them and painted them white, and my mom had furnished them all with old bits of carpet, and made a 'throne room' with the magic mirror Majesty always used in the comics. It was so awesome. I had begged for the Dream Castle for ages, but they couldn't afford it so instead they made me this. I loved it so much.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on May 11, 2012, 05:02:02 PM
for me it was playing with ponies with my baby sister i miss that terribly.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Eviecorn on May 11, 2012, 06:38:27 PM
When I was a child, my dad would work on contract in the UK for 6 months at a time (until we moved there to be with him.) One time when he came back, he brought my sister and I some presents - those happened to be Lightning, Tornado (for me) and a couple of the other Mountain Boys for my sister (I can't remember which ones.) I lost all my childhood ponies in a storage building fire years later, but I'll remember them always, especially these ones that came around at a special time.  :)
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: hyenacub on May 11, 2012, 07:41:01 PM
Aw hathor...I love that story!

lol  Kid Squeal!

Evening Moonstone--that was nice of you!

My favorite MLP story was when the Show Stable came out...I don't remember this except for VERY vaguely...but my mom tells the story.  It was Christmas time, and the Show Stable was sold out EVERYWHERE.  So I got a handwritten note from "Santa" saying that the elves did not make enough Show Stables, so I would have to wait for mine, and he would deliver it when more were made.  (Clever Mom and Dad lol)

So about a week later, I think, we were at...Montgomery Wards...?  I forget the store...but Mom spied one on a cashier's counter.  So she had Dad distract me and asked the cashier if it was for sale.  She said yes it was--a little girl had gotten FIVE of them from relatives, and so had to take four of them back, lol  So Mom bought it...and here I come back with Dad, and Mom said "Look!  Santa left this here for you, it's your Show Stable!"  I was so happy...I felt all special because Santa knew I was gonna be there and left it for me.  LOL  The Cashier played right along and said "So you're the one Santa left this for!"  I was so pleased with myself.  The box was almost as big as me lol  I was always tiny for my age.  But I wouldn't let anyone else carry it for me.  I was just a Show Stable with legs.  XD
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Elfpony on May 11, 2012, 07:55:48 PM
I remember the wall of Ponies in the toy section when I was a Mom was a very patient woman while I picked out which Pony I wanted.

My favourite memory though is of the birthday when I got the Dream Castle.  My Mom was a single parent, so often the "big" gifts came from my grandparents.  One birthday there was a huge box wrapped in two different wrapping papers.  On the back there was a little square that wasn't covered by the wrapping and as soon as I saw it, I knew what was in the box.  My grandparents thought it was hilarious that I recognized the box from that one tiny square.

Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: hathorcat on May 12, 2012, 03:19:03 AM
These stories are lovely! Thank you so much for sharing them guys...I am sitting going "awww" as I read each one!
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Einhornbaby on May 12, 2012, 05:25:42 AM
oooh so many lovely stories <3

I can share one too!
In 1991, when I was nine years old, there was a huge line of new ponies released in Germany. There was massive campaign for them in each children-magazine I knew and there were so many of the new ponies which I really wanted. Well it was hard to decise which one to buy. 
Back then, I lived in a small village in lower saxony / germany and we did not have any stores near us. My grandma lived in Hannover and near to her house there was a huge store and they had ponies. One day, my father wanted to pick up grandma to visit us (she had no car) and I wanted to accompany him. But sadly, he also had to transport a lot of other stuff, so there was no space left in the car for me. Since I wanted to visit the store at my grandmas home for ponies I was crying because of that. And so my dad made an offer to me. He said, he will take my pocket money and visit the store for me to buy a pony. When he asked which one I wanted, I rushed to my room, took my newest popny-pamphlet and hastily put a small cross beside every pony I liked and wanted to get somehow. Well... let me say, I could have also said "All of them" but, haha... you know what little girls are like ;) My dad left with my pamphlet to pick up grandma and when they arrived at our home they had a massive surprise for me!!
As you all remember, ponies where pretty expensive back then. They were hard to find in my part of germany too and normally I only got toys for christmas or my birthday... so imagine my face, when my grandma opened up a bag and handed two (!) ponies to me!!! She and dad told me, that dad had picked one for me, bought then with my pocket money and the other one was picked by my grandma, because they could not decide which one to bring home for me.
I got Pony Bride (picked by grandma) and Raincurl (picked by dad). I vividly remember sitting in my room, staring at their packages and slowly unpacking them one after another.
Well... I wasnt much into the whole stuff around wedding and brides and since I never made up a good name for Bride Pony, I have to admit I never really loved her as much as she would have deserved it. I wish I still had her, but I still have Raincurl and love her to pieces. Raincurl was the only pony my father ever picked for me as far as I know and he totally nailed my type of style for ponies when picking her.

Oh and there is that other story, which started many years ago and had its happy end in 2010.
When MLP G1 came to an end, the first TRU store near my home opened. It was TRU Altwarmbüchen (Hannover) and still today when I visit this store, I get that shiver when remembering the fun we had the day when it opened. It must have been around 1993. It was a nice warm day and I was visiting my grandma for the weekend. Grandma took me to the store opening, where they had games, prizes and all that stuff. I remember there was a candy booth where they had loose candy I had never seen before. Grandma let me buy everything I wanted and I ended up with candy for more than 10DM, which was really a lot of money, haha. But well, I should talk more about ponies, huh? :P When we got inside the store I was ... amazed!! I had never seen such a big store before and all those toys!! OMG. And of course they had the latest ponies. I was allowed to pick a new toy and I was totally puzzled by all those choices. I remember seeing the pony-families, Mom and Dad Berrytown for example and the others. And there were those cute 7 Tales ponies I loved so much from seeing them on TV. I had a hard time chosing one and finally decided on Clover (7 Tales). I remember sitting in the car, snuggling with her package <3 But when we got home, I realized that little Clover was far too big for being a kid at school as she was on TV. I was disappointed... :( I also got a brand new (talking) barbie that day, so I left Clover alone on the table and played with my Barbie instead. Clover never really got my heart...
Years later when I started collecting I took all my childhood ponies and decided which ojnes I liked and which ones I never loved much. I decided, that for example Clover had to go and sold her to a 12 year old girl, who payed 10€ for her. That, I thought, was a ton of money for an old toy pony. Well, soon I regretted selling her and wanted her back, but the girl who bought her, was gone. She left the community. I began stalking the internet for a new Clover. But I never had any luck. I tried Ebay, won one but she never arrived. Then I tried the Arena, did not find one soon. Later when somebody at the Arena had one, they asked 50$ for her and I wasnt able to pay that *sigh* A year later I had the chance to get one in a trade, but the member disappeared without sending me Clover. It was really really a sad thing. When I already had lost hope, I got a PM at the german MLP board. It was in december 2010, 6 years after I had sol Clover. There was a new user, an 18 year old girl from Germany, who had read my wishlist and stated that she had a Clover for sale. She said, she had gotten her when she was 12 years old, from somebody who was selling ponies on the internet. She also told, that Clover was mint and the only thing she had was a "V" under her hoof. I almost died when reading this. My Clover had been mint (of course, I never had played with her) and she also had that "V" under her hoof, as I always signed my ponies with that when I was a child. Of course (!!!!) I had to buy her, paying 12€ for her and she immidiately shipped her to me. Sadly the package got lost ... it lasted 3 weeks until they found it and one more until I got it. I remember me being white as the wall when unpacking the package. My hands were ice-cold and shaking until I finally opened up the package. And there she was... it was my old Clover, which had been sold 6 years ago. That present my grandma got me, that pony I never liked but so wanted to have her back. She was finally home. MY pony, she was back. I still can hardly believe it, but there is no doubt. I recognize her "V" under her hoof and old bank account statements tell, that the buyer had the same name as the girl who sent her to me in the end.
From the day I got her back, I swear, I have never ever thought about selling any childhood pony again.
I am so happy to have her back, she is part of a really precious childhood memory and one thing to remember my beloved grandmother, who passed away last year. I still miss her more than words can say.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Sonata on May 12, 2012, 06:37:35 AM
oooh so many lovely stories <3

I can share one too!
In 1991, when I was nine years old, there was a huge line of new ponies released in Germany. There was massive campaign for them in each children-magazine I knew and there were so many of the new ponies which I really wanted. Well it was hard to decise which one to buy. 
Back then, I lived in a small village in lower saxony / germany and we did not have any stores near us. My grandma lived in Hannover and near to her house there was a huge store and they had ponies. One day, my father wanted to pick up grandma to visit us (she had no car) and I wanted to accompany him. But sadly, he also had to transport a lot of other stuff, so there was no space left in the car for me. Since I wanted to visit the store at my grandmas home for ponies I was crying because of that. And so my dad made an offer to me. He said, he will take my pocket money and visit the store for me to buy a pony. When he asked which one I wanted, I rushed to my room, took my newest popny-pamphlet and hastily put a small cross beside every pony I liked and wanted to get somehow. Well... let me say, I could have also said "All of them" but, haha... you know what little girls are like ;) My dad left with my pamphlet to pick up grandma and when they arrived at our home they had a massive surprise for me!!
As you all remember, ponies where pretty expensive back then. They were hard to find in my part of germany too and normally I only got toys for christmas or my birthday... so imagine my face, when my grandma opened up a bag and handed two (!) ponies to me!!! She and dad told me, that dad had picked one for me, bought then with my pocket money and the other one was picked by my grandma, because they could not decide which one to bring home for me.
I got Pony Bride (picked by grandma) and Raincurl (picked by dad). I vividly remember sitting in my room, staring at their packages and slowly unpacking them one after another.
Well... I wasnt much into the whole stuff around wedding and brides and since I never made up a good name for Bride Pony, I have to admit I never really loved her as much as she would have deserved it. I wish I still had her, but I still have Raincurl and love her to pieces. Raincurl was the only pony my father ever picked for me as far as I know and he totally nailed my type of style for ponies when picking her.

Oh and there is that other story, which started many years ago and had its happy end in 2010.
When MLP G1 came to an end, the first TRU store near my home opened. It was TRU Altwarmbüchen (Hannover) and still today when I visit this store, I get that shiver when remembering the fun we had the day when it opened. It must have been around 1993. It was a nice warm day and I was visiting my grandma for the weekend. Grandma took me to the store opening, where they had games, prizes and all that stuff. I remember there was a candy booth where they had loose candy I had never seen before. Grandma let me buy everything I wanted and I ended up with candy for more than 10DM, which was really a lot of money, haha. But well, I should talk more about ponies, huh? :P When we got inside the store I was ... amazed!! I had never seen such a big store before and all those toys!! OMG. And of course they had the latest ponies. I was allowed to pick a new toy and I was totally puzzled by all those choices. I remember seeing the pony-families, Mom and Dad Berrytown for example and the others. And there were those cute 7 Tales ponies I loved so much from seeing them on TV. I had a hard time chosing one and finally decided on Clover (7 Tales). I remember sitting in the car, snuggling with her package <3 But when we got home, I realized that little Clover was far too big for being a kid at school as she was on TV. I was disappointed... :( I also got a brand new (talking) barbie that day, so I left Clover alone on the table and played with my Barbie instead. Clover never really got my heart...
Years later when I started collecting I took all my childhood ponies and decided which ojnes I liked and which ones I never loved much. I decided, that for example Clover had to go and sold her to a 12 year old girl, who payed 10€ for her. That, I thought, was a ton of money for an old toy pony. Well, soon I regretted selling her and wanted her back, but the girl who bought her, was gone. She left the community. I began stalking the internet for a new Clover. But I never had any luck. I tried Ebay, won one but she never arrived. Then I tried the Arena, did not find one soon. Later when somebody at the Arena had one, they asked 50$ for her and I wasnt able to pay that *sigh* A year later I had the chance to get one in a trade, but the member disappeared without sending me Clover. It was really really a sad thing. When I already had lost hope, I got a PM at the german MLP board. It was in december 2010, 6 years after I had sol Clover. There was a new user, an 18 year old girl from Germany, who had read my wishlist and stated that she had a Clover for sale. She said, she had gotten her when she was 12 years old, from somebody who was selling ponies on the internet. She also told, that Clover was mint and the only thing she had was a "V" under her hoof. I almost died when reading this. My Clover had been mint (of course, I never had played with her) and she also had that "V" under her hoof, as I always signed my ponies with that when I was a child. Of course (!!!!) I had to buy her, paying 12€ for her and she immidiately shipped her to me. Sadly the package got lost ... it lasted 3 weeks until they found it and one more until I got it. I remember me being white as the wall when unpacking the package. My hands were ice-cold and shaking until I finally opened up the package. And there she was... it was my old Clover, which had been sold 6 years ago. That present my grandma got me, that pony I never liked but so wanted to have her back. She was finally home. MY pony, she was back. I still can hardly believe it, but there is no doubt. I recognize her "V" under her hoof and old bank account statements tell, that the buyer had the same name as the girl who sent her to me in the end.
From the day I got her back, I swear, I have never ever thought about selling any childhood pony again.
I am so happy to have her back, she is part of a really precious childhood memory and one thing to remember my beloved grandmother, who passed away last year. I still miss her more than words can say.

Whoa, that is amazing !! Getting your pony back after all those years is just... wow !! :D I feel really happy for you !!
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: balletpot on May 12, 2012, 06:56:47 AM
These are all wonderful stories but Sugarminty's is exceptional. I'd love to see a picture of your Clover and of the "v" under her hoof.

Title: Re: Your Best \"Pony\" Memory!
Post by: Einhornbaby on May 12, 2012, 07:40:22 AM
These are all wonderful stories but Sugarminty's is exceptional. I'd love to see a picture of your Clover and of the "v" under her hoof.

here she is :
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need to take better pics of her, those are from the day I got her, when I was still trembling with joy :P
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: StarDragon on May 12, 2012, 10:21:02 AM
All of these stories are so amazing! The things parents do for their children... what a perfect thread before mother's day. :)
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Opalescence on May 12, 2012, 10:38:03 AM
Unboxing xanthestar's wonderful little crochet Celestia plushie last christmas.

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It's crazy how much I love that plush.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: rybett on May 12, 2012, 11:18:22 AM
SugarMinty, that is fab!!!  Watching Charlotte unwrap a package from Auntie.  It was her 9 yo cousin's pony collection.  12 ponies, I think all ones she did not have.  Watch this space for July 7th.  Her B-Day when she gets to unwrap her custom adult and baby Mimics.  :)  Might want to cover your ears... 
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: lunar_scythe on May 12, 2012, 01:36:28 PM
*grins*  I think it'd have to be when my aunt brought 2 bags full of ponies for me and my sister, these were the paper grocery bags so it was a *ton* of ponies!  And she'd picked a few out for my grandma and great grandma, lol, so they could have something to talk to us about.  Honestly, that's where most of my childhood herd came from; I had a few, but only 12 or so real ones, until that day.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: BrightSide on May 12, 2012, 01:49:16 PM
The day when I recieved my first ever pony, in the hospital.

It wasn't so late. I'd had a bad day.. I hadn't eaten, I'd been crying, I just felt defeated. For some reason I must've gone to lay down on my bed and fallen asleep (with my kitty ears on.. I usually fall asleep with a kitty eared hoody), the nurses were all quite worried. Rachel (otherwise known as 'Pinkie'  ;) ), who became one of my inspirations, came over from the children's ward after I'd been asleep for a while (she came simply to visit me) and sat watching over me for a while.. then she woke me gently, and told me not to feel so low.. she wanted me to smile, because that made her happy. She put two tins of the MLP pasta onto my bed and said that she'd used me as an excuse to her fiance to buy them (:lol:).. and then she opened my palm and put her own Rainbow Dash figurine into it. She told me this:

'Now this, my dear, you should always keep with you. Remember that no matter what is happening, someone always cares about you, and that I am thinking of you.' <3

I have carried that pony on me every single day since that night. And I will never forget. That awesome, hilarious, supportive, incredibly inspirational person will be forever in my gratitude. She gives me strength, and hope. :lovey: :lovey:
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: xkelpiex on May 12, 2012, 03:26:28 PM
I have only one very vague memory. I had a Starglow and I was brushing her hair and bragging about how she had magical powers to my cousin. And that's it. I also remember having a fancy mermaid pony, but no actual physical memories to go with it.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: scarletjul on May 12, 2012, 04:04:21 PM
These are such sweet stories; I'm kind of tearing up.  :lovey:

My best pony memory is probably opening my MLP themed birthday present from my best friend six years ago.  We've been best friends since middle school and she knew I was a toy collector but I didn't collect ponies.  I remember she was so excited to see me open my present.  I started opening it and found a Pinkie Pie card, followed by g3 play doh, a puzzle and finally g3 Merriweather.  She explained to me that ponies were back and I told her that I'd only had a few as a kid but apparently she'd had a bunch and loved the sea ponies.  She got me to start remembering my childhood ponies, and I immediately bought Merriweather a friend (Silver Glow) and was soon hunting out 80s ponies on eBay.  :)

Besides the nostalgia factor, I think part of the reason ponies are so special to me is because they remind me of my best friend.  :)
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: FrostButt on May 12, 2012, 05:07:27 PM
Oh goodness, all of these stories are sooooo sweet~ Sugarminty's story was absolutely beautiful. X3

I'd say my best pony memory took place when I was ten. My parents bought me the first season of "My Little Pony 'n Friends" on DVD and I was watching it nonstop. When I saw Galaxy on screen, I felt like I made a connection with her character. She seemed so wise and graceful; I really adored her! When I finished the entire season, I would go back and rewatch episodes featuring Galaxy just so I could see her again. Finally, I started browsing eBay to find her. Auction after auction, I begged my parents to let me buy her. Auction after auction, I lost.
I was THIS close to giving up when I found Galaxy in a lot with Masquerade and Locket, thankfully for a fairly cheap price. I begged my parents one last time....and I won! Being as immature as I am, I usually dance around the house when I get a new pony. Not that time; I just sat in awe...I was finally getting Galaxy.
My package arrived five days later. I tore open the box and saw Masquerade and Locket. They were in lovely condition, and I was happy to have them, but when I pulled Galaxy out of the box, I just closed my eyes and held her close to me. I've never made a connection like that with another character before or since, and at that moment I finally had her.

And that's my favorite pony memory! I just love my Galaxy to pieces. <3
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Nonnavlis on May 12, 2012, 06:24:16 PM
These thread is great! I love hearing everyone's pony memories and being reminded of my own. You all have shared some truly lovely stories! I enjoyed reading them so much I thought I'd come out of lurking to share one of my own pony memories.

My best pony memory so far actually happened at the start of this year. I was having health problems, and ended up becoming bedridden just before my birthday. I was devastated, because I'd made special plans for a perfect day out with my parents that unfortunately wasn't going to happen. I'd already received my present the week before my birthday (Final Fantasy XIII-2), so I wasn't expecting anything, but nonetheless my mother presented me with a gift bag. Inside was a loose pony, Lily Lightly. My mother had stopped buying ponies for me by now, but she said she knew I had to have this one, because it was special. It totally made my day, and my week actually. It was great to have a new cute little pony to keep me company and cheer me up with her flashing lights and pretty eyes. And to make it extra special, I'd never seen her before, either, so she was a complete surprise. She's my favourite G3 now. I can't help but smile whenever I catch sight of her on the end of my desk.

Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: hyenacub on May 12, 2012, 07:18:51 PM
BrightSide....AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!  :lovey:

I love these stories!
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Koudoawaia on May 12, 2012, 08:00:50 PM
Mine are when my husband let me pick out Rarity for Valentine's Day last year and when he and I watched the wedding episode together.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Margos on May 12, 2012, 10:19:19 PM
Man, I wish my story was that epic, Sugarminty!  You almost made me cry!

Mine's pretty simple, mostly because I didn't collect ponies when I was a child.
It was about a month before my birthday, and my boyfriend went to check the mail.  We had a whole big stack of packages!  The first was for me; I opened it to find the Starshine I had ordered from eBay.  My boyfriend's was next; he opened it and got the Bride Pony he'd won at the same time (she was his favorite Pony until Toola Roola came along, LOL).  Finally, there was a huge box.  Now, my boyfriend had ordered a big lot of fakies for his big box o' fakies that he bought for custom experimentation.  Excitedly, he began tearing open the box, chuckling darkly, "Mwahahaha!  My new victims have arrived!" or something like that.  Suddenly, he makes a shocked, helpless facial expression.  He reaches into the box and sheepishly pulled out.... her.
A big Surprise plush (that I later found out was a Hasbro Softy, but had never heard of them before).
"....Happy birthday," he said, as if he had did something very wrong.
I didn't know what to say!  I held her in my arms and thanked him and showered him with kisses!
He told me that she would be with me when he couldn't be, and I went to my grandma's house that night.  I took Surprise to bed and cuddled with her.  She was so warm and lovely!
That night I dreamed that she was alive, and that she was not only my comfort when I'm not with my boyfriend, but also my guardian and protector.  She chases away nightmares and fear and keeps me safe from harm.
When I picked her up in the morning, she had migrated to another part of the bed.  With the dream fresh in my mind, I picked her up, and she was warm, like a living creature.  She felt like she was aware, like she was watching me.  And I wasn't afraid at all.
I don't sleep without Surprise in the room anymore.  Even when I stay with my boyfriend, she's always sitting on the armchair across from the bed. 
I'll never forget that moment when I got my very first birthday gift from my boyfriend, and how little I suspected at that moment exactly how much she would mean to me.  It's also one heck of a memory to share with him, and boy was he proud of his amazing present-buying skills, LOL!

......Kinda silly, maybe.  But she's my favorite pony for a reason, now, and that's why.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: hyenacub on May 13, 2012, 10:16:26 AM
Margos..not silly at all!  You've got a great boyfriend...and Kudos to him! 
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Koudoawaia on May 13, 2012, 10:48:26 AM
That is not silly at all and what an epic story. I understand what you mean about your Surprise plushie. I have a giant realistic lioness plush named Ghali who is kinda the same thing for me as your Surprise is for you. I always felt a great amount of comfort when laying on her and now that I'm married, she sits on top of the couch and I view her as guardian of the house whereas she used to watch over me as I slept when I lived at my grandparents' house.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: FirecrackerBurst on May 13, 2012, 11:40:43 AM
Playing in Mudd puddles with G1 SugarApple my favorite ever pony!!!  (Shortly later my mother threw her away..) I MISS YOU SUGARAPPLE!!!!!!
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Lavender_Lace on May 13, 2012, 03:38:19 PM
All of these stories are so great!!  I've been tearing up a little reading them too.  :) 

That is so awesome that your Clover came back to you Sugarminty!!  Almost all of my childhood ponies were stolen out of a storage unit in Washington years ago, except for Lavender Lace (hence the username) that hadn't been put in storage.  I wish mine could find their way back to me, but I never marked mine. 

I have so many good memories surrounding ponies.  I had other toys, like some barbies and she-ra dolls when I was little, but primarily it was ponies.  I loved horses, unicorns, etc. so mlps were perfect for me.  My Dad used to take me to the toy store once or twice a month and let me pick one out.  He worked a lot of hours and was always really tired, but he always made time for that since it was "our thing".

I have 2 that I can't decide which is my favorite.  The first would be when I was 5.  I had gotten Butterscotch from my Dad (I don't remember it, but my that's what my Mom says) and I just loved her to pieces.  Anyway, I remember that we'd went shopping with my uncle and cousin and while my Dad and uncle were looking at electronics or tools or something otherwise boring to kids, my cousin and I went to look at the toys.  While were looking at the toys, I found a bin where they had ponies and I remember just being amazed that there were more of them.  I picked out Minty and my cousin and I figured out that she was $3.  At the time, $3 was so much money to me and I was worried that my Dad would say she was too much, but he didn't and so I was able to get her.  That was the beginning of my collecting.  I would take them with me everywhere.  :)

My second memory would be when I got my Paradise Estate.  It was Christmas and I would have been 10.  I remember being sad because I'd hardly gotten anything and thinking I must've been on Santa's naughty list.  After opening gifts at home, we went over to my Grandma's to have dinner and open gifts.  After all of that was over and everyone was just sitting around watching tv and talking, my Grandma comes over and tells me that there is another present in the breezeway.  I didn't believe her because I'd just been through there earlier but she told me to go look.   There was a huge package out there that had no name on it.  I asked who it was for and no one knew, so they told me to just tear a little corner to see what it was so we could figure out who it was for.  (my whole family was out there by now)  So tore a little piece of the paper off and was in disbelief.  I said "It's the Paradise Estate!"  My Mom and Dad were like, "Well I don't think it would be for anyone else but you, so it must be yours!"  I was completely shocked and was like really?!  After being told yes probably 3 times, I finally believed that it was really for me and proceeded to rip the paper off, squealing the whole time.  I spent the rest of the day putting it together with my Grandma.  I still have one of the milk cartons from it.

childhood xmas pony fun pics:
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Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Juri on May 13, 2012, 06:46:48 PM
I dont have very many memories of ponies from when I was little, but I do remember getting the schoolhouse for my birthday - i would have been only 3 or so. I was instantly in love with it - I think my granddad was given all the credit for that one :)
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: hyenacub on May 13, 2012, 07:06:22 PM
Love the pics!! how fun!
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Deines on May 13, 2012, 10:58:11 PM
Oh gosh.
My sister had this Easter basket hanging from her ceiling. She's much older than me, by about 11 years (unsure due to her moving out before I got to really know her) and this basket had a bunch of so soft ponies, a g1 Applejack and one I'm unsure of. I always tried to get at this basket. I stacked books, stacked boxes, jumped off the bed to get air to get this basket. I never made it.
One of my brothers, whom constantly picks on my sister, got it down for me one day and I played with them till she got home and she caught me and smacked me over the head for it. xD She tied the ribbon even higher than before the next time.
My mom saw that I was constantly staring at this basket for days, envious of my older sister's ponies that she never played with. So one day she came home with a whole BOX for me. (she works at a re-sale, an amazing indoor garage sale place that gives all it's proceeds to the hospital) I cried I was so happy. I remember what they all look like, but I wasn't aware they already had names since I never purchased one in a box before so I gave them all names myself. I had a favorite, which I found out was Twinkler. She was the prettiest thing I've ever owned as a kid. Since I have five siblings, we had to share everything, but my mom told me these were mine and mine only. I felt blessed. It wasn't even Christmas!

The others I had were: (the names I gave, I was 5 lol)
Sky Rocket (July) <she was translucent
Twinkler (Danilion) <she was taller than the rest
Napper (Cloudy Bib) XD <also translucent
Posey (Boquie)
Sweet Notes (Jammy)
Pinwheel (Spring)
Hippity Hop (Ban-Ban)
Quarterback (Lance) <cutie mark was a football and my cousin Lance played football
Princess Tiffiany (April)
And a few others my sister can't identify.

I've since given them to my cousins that I used to babysit for, so I'm not sure where they're at. XD
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: lose on May 14, 2012, 01:36:07 AM
i remember one christmass morning opening all my pressents and not finding a single pony i was really disappointed! i had been asking for a "sparkle pony" for months!

a happier memory is when i had tonsilitis really bad they where going to take my tonsils out and my mum brought me a baby pineapple ^_^ i was so happy i didnt mind being stuck in the hospital.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Iceglider on May 14, 2012, 07:35:27 AM
 :bawl: Awww your stories are so cute and heartwarming. It is no wonder ponies have a special meaning to us. They are also expressions of love from people we know. I love that that nurse gave you Rainbowdash, Brightside. All the family stories are so sweet. I love the reuniting of childhood ponies too. Amazing! Many of my childhood ponies would probably be considered custom bait if I ever sold them, but I love them more than the shiny new ones. :)

My memory is kind of humorous, though not at the time to me. When I was little about 5 years old, I had about 5 ponies or so. I decided I wanted a boy pony for my birthday. I didn't even know there was such a thing as big brother ponies or anything I just wanted a boy pony. My mother had never seen any boy ponies so she did the best she could and bought me Nightglider. She told me later that Nightglider was the only pony she could find at the store that wasn't pink or girly.

I loved Nightglider (I named him Moonlight), but one day I was playing with my ponies with a girl who came over to my house. The girl was kind of snobby and told me "That is not a boy, boy's don't have eyelashes." I was devastated. Since the girl was several years older than me, she obviously knew what she was talking about.

So I went crying/whining to my mom. My mom actually used an exacto knife and scraped the top eyelashes off of Moonlight (Nighglider). I did not witness this, but she told me later. She then gave me him back after he was "fixed". I was perfectly happy with him. A couple years later my parents got me and my sister the Apple Delight Family so I knew what a real boy pony was supposed to look like, but Nightglider stayed the same and was always one of my favorite ponies. I also realized how dumb that girl really was, because boy ponies DO have eyelashes.  :lol: I love that my mom humored her distressed daughter by fixing her pony "problem". I still have most of my childhood ponies and Nightglider is my favorite one. Eyelashless and all he was/is well loved.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: hyenacub on May 14, 2012, 10:19:03 AM
Eyelashes.. LOL How fuN!!  I like that story.  XD 
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: hokuspokus on May 14, 2012, 10:27:38 AM
1. Cherry Treats was called 'Puttens' thanks to me :P She was a fancy lady, always wore the pink earrings from dance-and-prance DJ. She also used to wear the fancy cape and boa from a clothing set. She was my favorite adult pony.

2. Mainsail was called "Blauwie" thanks to my sister. She became a he. Blauwie was a daddy, married to SHS Dainty :lmao: They had children, G2 berry bright, Baby sunribbon and baby glider.

3. Throwing a fake-ish pony in the 'swimming pool' (barbie pool we used for ponies) and his mane immidiately fell of when touching the water. I cried about that.

4. Baby Saphire falling out of the window when playing.... and again, me crying :P

5. Being tóó good in hide-and-seek and not able to find baby count a lot back. Well, actually wasn't funny at the time. I hid her under the tent we had at vacation and she fell too far away for me to reach. I was sad that whole summer. Breaking our tents in the fall made her pop up again.

6. Ponys wrote letter to other ponies. Me and my sis even had 2 mailboxes made: one in het 'ponytown'and one in mine. God, we had the most fun with it. So excited to read the letters we wrote ourselves. Now it seems kinda silly :P
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Betelgeuse on May 15, 2012, 12:37:15 AM
The ammount of nostalgia in this thread is making me tear up. It's wonderful how ponies have played such a big part in our lives.

I can remember sitting down one lazy afternoon sometime in the summer with my friend Johnathan and watching his VHS of Rescue at Midnight Castle and acting it out with my G2 ponies. After that we'd do some pony fantasy roleplay in my backyard and bounce with my ponies on my trampoline. :) Memories sure are wonderful things.
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: knitgirl on May 15, 2012, 05:39:02 AM
My best pony memory was from high school.  One of my best friends at the time moved away and I was going through a bad breakup and some family drama so he bought me the G1 Pony sheet to cuddle up in off of ebay and had it shipped to me.  I loved it for so many years but it got lost in one of my moves and I've been searching for a replacement ever since, but I don't see them come up for sale a lot anymore and when they do I keep getting outbid :(
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: Moonracer on May 15, 2012, 11:09:42 AM
My best pony-related memory?

There've been a few.

1. When I got Stardazzle and Little Giggles. I got Stardazzle for Christmas when I was like four or five. When I got her I couldn't believe how big she was! At the time the only other ponies I had were Daffodil, Tootie Tails and  baby Splashes, so Stardazzle was the biggest pony out of them all. I also had a lot of fun playing with her: I totally dig that gimmick of the saddle popping open. I still have pictures from that Christmas Eve. :D

Little Giggles I got one day after coming back from kindergarten. It was winter, and Saint Nicholas' Day at that (in Poland children get small gifts on that day). My Mom came to pick me up, and she told me that she's got something special for me: and the she took out Little Giggles. I was more than happy about that! :D Also, this was the last G1 I got before I started collecting ponies again.

2. When I got some more ponies for my herd. This was, I guess, a year after I got Stardazzle. Together with my parents and my sister, we went to England, to spend some time at my parents' friends' house. Also, we happened to stay not far from the place where Car Boot Sale was being held. My parents took us there one time, I don't remember much from it, since I was just a little kid back then (all I remember was a field full of cars with people selling loads of stuff), what I remember was that when we got back, we found that our parents got us some more ponies for our growing herd. These were: Peachy, Skydancer and Baby Brother Apple Delight. Not much, but still something! Also we got couple of story books, the Twilight suitcase and the (incomplete) show stable. :)

3. Watching all the My Little Pony shows - those were really fun! :)

4. Playing "family" with all of my herd. Since I had no Big Brother Pony in my collection (I wanted one badly, but I didn't get one as we never came back to England after that last visit... :( ) or any other male pony (BB Apple Delight was a girl in my herd, because I didn't know it was a boy), either Tootie Tails or Stardazzle were always in charge, and Daffodil was the foster mom to all the baby ponies (including the fakies).

5. Making up names for my ponies: Tootie Tails was Calypso, Apple Delight was just Apple (or Apples), Splashes was Ducky (because of the duck pattern on her panties), Skydancer was Rainbow... and that's all I can recall really. XD

6. Reenacting scenes from films with my ponies... I don't really have to explain that one. XD

7. Playing with my friends' pony herd. My Mom's friend's daughter (who was much older than I was), both of whome lived not far away from us, had a bunch of her own ponies, I think six of them. I don't exactly remember which ones she had, but I can recall that among hers there were Sundance, NSS Buttons and Gusty (I think) - I really loved to play with those ponies, and whenever we would pay them a visit, the girl would always take out her ponies so that we could play with them. I think my Mom even took a photo of me playing with Sundance.

And that's all I can come up with. If something else comes to my mind I'll edit the post. :)
Title: Re: Your Best "Pony" Memory!
Post by: FiddlePhan on May 15, 2012, 02:08:42 PM
Hathor and SugarMinty, your stories had my eyes watering up.  Loved reading all the other stories too.  So many wonderful memories these little equines have brought us.

One of my best memories is getting my first pony.  I'd seen a circus on TV that had a 'real' unicorn.  In reality it's a one horned goat but I was unicorn mad so to me it was awesome and I wanted something to remember it by.  The next day I was with my Granny and she took me shopping with her and said I could have a toy.  My family didn't have lots of money so it was huge to get a brand new toy.  Before this I'd always thought MLP's were silly (I was 7) but decided I must have one because of the TV unicorn but there were none that were all white.  So I picked out Gusty and now that I'm almost 35, I still have her and will not part with her.   My Grandmother passed away last September so Gusty is even more precious now.   (has to get a few Gusty's from this week's auction)

Another special memory was my mom and stepdad sending me two boxes by motorcoach to the city I lived in as a young adult.  I eagerly opened the boxes when I got to my apartment and they were jam packed with PONIES!!!  There was a large charity yard sale each year and my stepdad went when it first opened and bought every pony they had.  Inside was one of my all time favorites that I'd always wanted as a child but couldn't afford it...Masquerade.  There was also a mail order pearlized Baby Moondancer and a mint Birthflower pony.  Exciting, exciting going through the 50 or so ponies in there.  Definitely was on cloud 9.
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