The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Flitter on May 11, 2012, 11:05:24 AM

Title: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Flitter on May 11, 2012, 11:05:24 AM
I've seen several people mention that their childhood ponies were lost, given away, etc. as they "grew out of them" but then returned to pony collecting later.

When I started collecting G4s a little under a year ago I asked my parents about my old ponies I had left with them when I moved out but they can't find them and seem to remember giving them away.
I've considered re-buying the ones I can remember having but after picking up a couple G1s I found at a thrift store I realized I didn't love them as much as my G4s. I've pretty much decided that while I do feel nostalgic about the ones I once had I should just let them go and to only collect G4. (Though lately I have been considering maybe getting the G1s that the Mane 6 were based off of).
I wonder if most people who have had a gap in pony collecting such as mine make a point to re-buy their childhood ponies?
Does anyone else not have the desire to collect the gen. they grew up with?
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: NoDivision on May 11, 2012, 11:16:58 AM
I only had one pony as a kid (though I always wanted more) so of course I re-bought her as soon as I could. And her parents. And her sibling. And her american cousins XD I had baby sister apple delight when I was younger, and now I have both versions of the apple delight family, and also a family of customs! For me I just loved that little pony SO much and she was the only one I had so I knew instantly I wanted her back and I wanted to finally get her reunited with her whole family.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: saply on May 11, 2012, 11:17:18 AM
I know what you mean! When I first got back into collecting ponies, I thought the G1s were a little... weirder-looking than I remembered, and vowed to only collect the G4s like you did. But later I received a Moondancer as a freebie from one of the lovely Arena members here, and I have to say she has pulled me back into the older style with her strange cuteness! Now I have three different G1s ^_^

You could always collect G4 customs of your childhood ponies. That seems like a nice compromise!
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: StarDapple on May 11, 2012, 11:19:09 AM
I'm making a point to re-buy the ponies I either remember having, or remember really liking/wanting.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: TwistedWindSox on May 11, 2012, 11:25:11 AM
I grew up with G2, and my mum forced me to give all my ponies away when I moved a few years ago. When I got back into ponies, I thought G2's were a little weird looking (I started collecting G1, and G2's were soooo different!). I did receive a lot that had some of my childhood ponies in it, and I'm thinking about trying to find the rest of the ponies I remember having. :)
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: SweetScoops on May 11, 2012, 11:27:35 AM
yes, I'm trying to find my childhood ponies now accually. As a new collector I was stupid and sold of some of my childhood ponies :'(
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: gabumon on May 11, 2012, 12:11:39 PM
I bought G1 Magic Star, which was a childhood pony in my family, but I dont plan on buying the Baby Nursery ballet set.  I think it came with beddy-bye eye babies. (which I'm surprised didn't scar me for life )
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: sweetstuff on May 11, 2012, 12:45:10 PM
I may be odd, in that I have all my original MLPs (g1) from my childhood - however I would buy Remco fakies  to replace the ones that I had but I'm sure my mom got rid of at some point.

I also want to replace the Perm Shop since that was given away/tossed. Thankfully I was able to get a replacement for my Dream Castle.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: SkyCakes on May 11, 2012, 12:49:17 PM
yes I re-bought all of my childhood ponies I grew up with. Though I don't think I will stop collecting anytime soon. I just love G1 ponies. :)
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Flitter on May 11, 2012, 12:59:18 PM
Thanks for sharing your experiences everyone! I wonder if I'll break and get them eventually  :P
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Itajn on May 11, 2012, 01:20:54 PM
I still have the only childhood G1 I can clearly remember, and that's Cherry Sweet. I think I've had collector's pose Posey, but her plastic was very thin and broke fast - she was a fakie, probably. As for others, memory is too vague - I could remember blue pegasus (Whind Whistler maybe?) and my mother remembers purple unicorn with ice cream symbol (just no idea). So I couldn't buy them even if I wanted.
I like G1 in general, but only generation I currently collect is G4.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: GazeboMouse on May 11, 2012, 01:36:04 PM
Thankfully I still have my childhood Butterscotch, Cherries Jubilee and Parasol, but I bought my childhood grail Applejack, that my best friend had and that I desperately wanted.
But I bought my childhood Care Bears back on Ebay, and also am buying back my Charmkins and Strawberry Shortcake dolls too!
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: ValeofSpring on May 11, 2012, 01:53:42 PM
I only kept one pony from childhood (Cotton Candy) and sold/gave away all the others (w/ loads of accessories, playsets--ugh) in the 90s.  I've repurchased some duplicates of my original ponies but not all of them.  The funny thing is that I got most of the duplicates around 1998-1999 (when I discovered eBay) so I've now had my new collection about 13-14 years--longer than I had the old one! 

Now the duplicates feel like the originals to the point where I doubt I'd upgrade any of them:)
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Prismatic on May 11, 2012, 01:57:33 PM
I still have most of my actual childhood ponies (I refused to give them away) but at one point my mom gave both mine and my older sister's to my younger sister, and she did what she's notorious for: lost some of them.  She gave them all to me later on when she was a teen, saying I'd love them more than her.  Most were still there, but a few were missing, only one of mine, but a few of my older sister's.  So far I've replaced the only one I was missing (tumbleweed) and most of my sister's, but I still need at least 2: SS truly and star hopper, and I think maybe jangles (whichever twin has the gold hair, I think I have like 3 of the white one lol.)  From there I've added on ones I like, and now have an army of north star; baby north star was my favorite as a kid, so now she's got 4 fuzzy mommies and a nss one too.  And a couple of g4 versions also ^^
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Mapago on May 11, 2012, 02:09:34 PM
I have kept most of my childhood ponies too, some of them went missing but were faily easy to replace
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: SparklersOasis on May 11, 2012, 02:17:53 PM
I was actually lucky, my parents were cleaning out some of the storage area that had some of my childhood stuff and they found most of my childhood ponies still in the mlp duffel bag!  I'm in the process of cleaning them up as best I can, they definitely got a lot of play time!
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: gustystarr on May 11, 2012, 02:23:00 PM
I should say I bought my childhood dreams :)  But I have little instrest in G3's that I grew up with, mainly the earliyer ones I use to collect when I was little. It's fine to not really like a generation to each there own.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: EmberBright on May 11, 2012, 05:32:21 PM
I'm trying! But my situation is slightly different- I got into collecting for the G1's. Any other members of my collection, G4 included, were accidental (at least to start with). So there was no question of me not wanting them!

My brother found about a dozen of my actual childhood ponies a year or so ago, and it was very exciting! I've bought some more, but I don't have them all yet.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: hyenacub on May 11, 2012, 06:30:51 PM
I still have mine so I can't really say.  But hey, do what you want to do, whatever makes it fun for you!  C: C:
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: josiekat on May 11, 2012, 06:34:25 PM
Yup. Rebuying them is what started me collecting as an adult. :)
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on May 11, 2012, 06:41:23 PM
I only had two of them growing up and was so sure I still had them, but I guess I really don't since I got to go through the attic and found nothing. I bought them both back in March and don't regret it for a moment.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: kittybethy on May 11, 2012, 06:46:26 PM
I re-bought all the childhood ponies that I lost once I began recollecting!

 I lost 2/3 of my childhood collection in a family move while I was in college.

 Once I started recollecting, I remembered which ponies I was missing and bought them back.

 I've been adding to the collection ever since.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Elfpony on May 11, 2012, 08:18:17 PM
I gave away my collection when I was 13, but I regretted it almost immediately.  But it wasn't until I was in university that I started to buy them back.  I've bought most of the ponies I had in my childhood collection, but there were a few that I really didn't care to collect again.

Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Baby Sugarberry on May 11, 2012, 08:51:11 PM
Reacquiring the missing members of my childhood herd is what got me started on collecting, getting close to two decades ago.  Next best thing to having the originals.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Jupiter on May 11, 2012, 10:05:48 PM
I have most of the ponies from my childhood, but I lost or sold my pinwheel at some point and am always stalking ebay for a rust free not $15+ dollar auction of her. It drove me nuts for the longest time  because I swore I still had her but  i never found  her in any of my boxes of stuff.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Koudoawaia on May 11, 2012, 10:11:29 PM
I only had to rebuy baby Celebrations since I lost it while I was still little. My other three childhood ponies have been with me ever since I first got them though. :)
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: TexasGal on May 11, 2012, 11:05:16 PM
I ended up giving mine away when I got older because I thought I wouldn't need them any more.  I am now only missing two ponies from my original herd...  Mommy Apple Delight, and Baby Pineapple.  I can't find them anywhere...
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: scarletjul on May 11, 2012, 11:29:41 PM
I still have one of my childhood ponies (Raincurl,) but I rebought SS Windwhistler and Glory, which are the only other 2 I recall from childhood.  :)
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: NinaMarie on May 11, 2012, 11:44:11 PM
Only had 3 and 1 fakie between my sister and I. Still have Whizzer and Posey but Tic Tac Toe went missing  :cry:  I definitely would like to buy another one. I always thought she was the most beautiful pony in the world  :lol:
My sister and I got our ponies second hand from our cousins and Whizzer never had a tail that we could remember so two Christmases ago my sister bought me a Whizzer with a tail!
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: butterflybuttons on May 12, 2012, 12:37:09 AM
I've just finished my childhood ponies collection, well the ones I could remember, I had lots of hand me down ponies.

It was my first collecting goal!
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: moonflower on May 12, 2012, 02:18:10 AM
I had sold all my childhood ponies but when I started collecting they were some of the first ones I tracked down!
They were, shy pose Applejack, shy pose Bow Tie, Posey, Cherries Jubilee, Lickety-Split, Lemon Drop and Show Stable, Snowflake and Forget-Me-Not.

The only MLP item I have from my childhood is the Surfdancer and the Little Mermaid cassette (just the cassette, although I replaced the book pretty quick).

Also, my cousin had Cotton Candy, Peachy and the Grooming Parlour, the first MLP Annual and Panini Sticker Album. These were also items I tracked down quickly because as I played with them as a kid I have a soft spot for them too.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Sarah-Bee on May 12, 2012, 02:25:58 AM
I bought all of mine back... and then a few hundred friends for them :P

I'm definitely a G1 girl; they're the ones I grew up with and they are MLP to me. I do however LOVE G4s and also collect them ;)
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: hathorcat on May 12, 2012, 04:36:05 AM
"Re-purchasing" the same ponies as I had when I was a little girl was the only reason I started collecting - I only had about a dozen-ish and they were all commons [Majesty, Windy, Sunlight, Cotton Candy, Apple Jack, Bow Tie, etc]...and those honestly were the only ones I intended to have but then...well the pony force took over...and everything just snowballed from there!  :P
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: xkappax on May 12, 2012, 04:56:38 AM
I'm actually finally starting to get my collection back. My parents accidentally threw out my favorite ponies, baby gusty, baby shady and baby moondancer. I got them back...

In college, I stupidly sold half of my collection for 100 dollars to a girl in south africa. I lost mimic, tic tac toe, bright eyes, a bunch of the animal friends like oakley the moose... a ton of the baby ponies... ALL my boy ponies... :( it breaks my heart to think how dumb I was...
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: mlp4me on May 12, 2012, 05:59:20 AM
I still have all of mine, yay!
Over all of these years I've only come across one double of the 10 that I had growing up... and that one wouldn't even be an upgrade...
Glad to hear pony peeps have been able to reclaim ponies from their childhood collections.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Shaiyeh on May 12, 2012, 06:58:47 AM
I didn't have to re-buy any ponies, as I kept all my childhood ones. I'm so glad I did, because Tuneful would have been irreplacable.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: xkappax on May 12, 2012, 10:07:09 AM
I think I'm kicking myself the most for selling my Mimic and getting rid of Paradise Estate. For free. :(
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Eskara1862 on May 12, 2012, 10:44:12 AM
Guess I'm one of the lucky ones! I still have my childhood ponies; all 100+ of them.  If I had sold any of them, I totally would have re-bought them!
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Opalescence on May 12, 2012, 10:53:04 AM
Not that I had any ponies in my childhood, but I probably wouldn't rebuy them if I had.
When I was around twenty I started looking on eBay for old He-Man and Ninja Turtles figures that I had. Most of them my parents gave away while I wasn't there, others were stolen...

Well anyway, I wanted them back and when the first couple packages arrived... The nostalgia just wasn't there anymore. Or maybe it just wasn't the same. As in "that particular one that I had"

Dunnoh, I just get overly attached to things like that.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: michelle53 on May 12, 2012, 12:55:34 PM
I had a huge childhood herd that I gave away to a cousin when I was a teenager.  In the last few years of collecting, I've only bought a specific type of pony.  I had these ponies when I was a kid, and they were my favorite.  Twenty year later, they are still my favorite ponies!  Although I had tons of G1's when I was little, I'm not interested in rebuying them all.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: AmethystDefender on May 12, 2012, 05:03:12 PM
I kept most of my childhood collection (you'd have to pry them from my cold, dead hands, XP )but when I was a kid, I managed to lose Baby Sparkle North Star...which I traded Baby Sparkle Glory to a friend who had one to get back, since I loved Baby Sparkle North Star more than any other for some reason. I later went to a pony meet and was able to buy the other sparkle babies, including Baby Sparkle Glory.

Also, I managed to lose a newborn twin when I was a kid (orange peg, swan symbol...I forget the name), but haven't been able to find her again. :(

One of my second-hand-aquired princesses may have also gone missing. (Royal Blue, I think)  Or maybe I just misplaced her and she's still with me...I'd have to go look.
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Chi on May 12, 2012, 05:11:39 PM
I'm still trying to hunt down some of my childhood G2s. I did buy back Sky Skimmer MOC and have managed to keep her on the card! I still have to find Sweet Berry (All I know is she wasn't the Magic Motion one and she wasn't Basket Surprise) and Light Heart. She also wasn't the Magic Motion version. She might have been the birthday one since I vaguely remember having Sundance but I might have gotten her separately. I also remember Ivy somewhere in there. I'd probably only get them if I could find them MOC as well since they were pretty special to me and I'd like to try and preserve the few childhood memories I have. I don't feel like this about any other ponies, just those. ;~;
Title: Re: Did you re-buy your childhood ponies?
Post by: Lon-san on May 12, 2012, 11:37:22 PM
I figured out that the baby pony I remembered from my childhood was more than likely a Dangles and bought a new one a while back. Paid more than I normally would have but she was a special circumstance :D
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