The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Brag Arena => Topic started by: ladybrooklyn on May 02, 2012, 08:18:45 PM

Title: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: ladybrooklyn on May 02, 2012, 08:18:45 PM
Alrighty everyone... it's high time I re-posted by "Gusty" brag thread from the old Arena... ;) I've had a few new "members" join my Gusty Army... and it's high time they received their due! :lol:
First... we'll start with the gals that I've posted once or twice in other threads (but have just had new pics taken of them, as I added some "interference" Blue & Green to their eyes... or added "twinkle" :D )...
My Custom "Twinkle Eye" Mommy & Baby Gusty!  ^.^
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 :lovey: I hope to create another set... with "blue" eyes... I just have to find the baits first... ;)
Next... another pair that I have shared... sorta. ;)  These gals have me uber excited (as I'll, most likely, NEVER own the real thing)... Mommy & Baby "Reverse" Gusty!!!
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"Mommy" Reverse Gusty was a UK Gusty; rehaired and customized by Isabella Klien! And she did a fantastic job on her!
When I purchased her from Isabella... I asked her if she would be willing to rehair a Baby Glory to be a "Baby" Reverse Gusty for me... she agreed... and even let me have the pleasure of repainting her eyes and symbols. ;) (Baby Glory had a couple of cancer spots on her NDS... hence why her leaves appear to be a bit "off"... they were painted over the spots... :lol: )
I'm so happy with both of them... and I'm ridiculously happy with Baby's DS symbol!! it came out perfect! :frolic:
Aaaaaand.... lastly....
I'm still excited...
I actually have... a NIRVANA Gusty! :lol: Granted... "he's" not all that uncommon... and he did suffer a bit of a forelock trim... but regardless...
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....I have an Italian Gusty! :lol: I NEVER thought I'm branch out to Nirvanas... but I suppose it wasn't so much "would"... as "WHEN"... I would find a Nirvana Gusty to add to the herd! :lol:
Next I suppose I'd love to find a Brazilian Gusty (or baby Gusty)... maybe even the Scandinavian Gusty (tho I really could just do a head swap to fill that "hole" in the herd... :lol: )
And of course... what would this brag be... without an "army" shot! :frolic:
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Let's see... starting in the back row... from left to right...
Fashion Style Gusty, G4 Baby Gusty, G4 Unicorn Gusty, Italian Gusty, UK Gusty, US Gusty (my original childhood gal. :D ), G4 Pegasus Gusty.
Deflocked SS Gusty, "Mint" US Gusty, Custom Reverse Gusty, Custom TE Gusty.
BBE Baby Gusty, Dollymix Gusty, NBBE Baby Gusty, Custom Reverse Baby Gusty, Custom G3 Gusty (ornament), Custom TE Baby Gusty, Custom G3 Perfume Puff Gusty.
My poor photocube could barely hold these gals! :lol: The next time I add a member... I'll have to find somewhere else to take the "Army" shot! :lol:
Thanks for letting me share! :good:
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: NoDivision on May 02, 2012, 08:21:22 PM
Yay! Oh my goodness, I LOVE the twinkle eye Gusty!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: lemontwist on May 02, 2012, 09:33:44 PM
O.O wow!! That's quite a lot of Gusty ponies! Those TEs are just SO cool!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Saja on May 02, 2012, 10:30:30 PM
WOW, what a lovely army! I love your TE and all your G4 versions!! and those reverse gustys are amazing!!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Salli on May 02, 2012, 10:34:32 PM
So gorgeous! I am making an autumn-colored Gusty for myself out of a pretty beat-up bait. I always wanted a Gusty as a kid. Those Twinkle Eyes are fantastic!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Tiella on May 03, 2012, 03:21:39 AM
They are so pretty and your photos are so nice!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Gingerbread on May 03, 2012, 06:35:34 AM
They're gorgeous! And I love your TE Mommy and baby Gustys :lovey:
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 03, 2012, 07:57:00 AM
Fantastic army!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: kiwimlp on May 03, 2012, 01:59:24 PM
Eeeep!!  What a beautiful, beautiful army to own!  I love the TE girls, their eyes look original.  And of course the reverse pair are just to die for.  Major congrats :cheer:
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: ladybrooklyn on May 03, 2012, 02:47:50 PM
Thanks everyone! :frolic: I'm glad everyone can enjoy Gusty as much as I do! :lol: She really does hold a special place in my heart! :lovey:
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: xkappax on May 03, 2012, 07:31:13 PM
I love your gusty army! Gusty is my favorite g1 pony!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Marlin on May 03, 2012, 08:29:03 PM
Wow..... Cool army!!  :)  Gusty is such a great pony.
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: hokuspokus on May 04, 2012, 04:42:39 AM
aaah!! :D what a fantastic Gusty army!! :lovey:
I especially love the customs, they're wonderfully done!

Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: willa on May 04, 2012, 04:44:07 AM
Amazing collection! Love reverse mommy and baby xx
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: xkappax on May 04, 2012, 07:25:07 AM
You know, I think you may have inspired me to do a reverse baby gusty at some point. :) I have some leftover hair... was wondering what I was going to do with it. :)
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: kittybethy on May 04, 2012, 08:03:42 AM
Wow!! That is just amazing!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: balletpot on May 04, 2012, 02:35:24 PM
OMG. So jealous of your army, it's amazing! I really like that FS custom.
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: saply on May 04, 2012, 09:14:17 PM
Your Gusty army is the stuff of legends, Lady!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: ShannonInPonyland on May 04, 2012, 11:36:10 PM
That Gusty army  :drunk:  So beautiful, so many wants  :shocked:
Gusty is slowly becoming my top priority pony to get... yet I can't seem to find one anywhere  :cry:

Congrats on your newest members to your collection though! They are gorgeous  ^.^
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: saply on May 05, 2012, 08:34:24 PM
LOL, I just had the most brilliant idea. You need to get one of those loose TaoBao Shining Armors, and make... GUSTAVO.
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: scarletjul on May 05, 2012, 08:37:03 PM
Wow.  That's a lot of Gustys.  :D

They're all gorgeous - I especially like the reversed ones.  Congrats!  :)
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Gusty.87 on July 30, 2012, 06:40:44 PM
sorry to bring this post back again, but.....
Awesome collection...!! :D :biggrin:
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Diamond on July 30, 2012, 07:28:06 PM
Missed this first time around Lady B, you need a Breyer pony gusty, they make great MLP's as well as a G3 one.  Oh and I know a Brighty one!  Great army though lady.
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: michelle53 on July 31, 2012, 06:54:43 AM
Wow Lady B!!  They are stunningly beautiful!!!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: terabithianprince on July 31, 2012, 06:58:59 AM
Wow that's an impressive Gusty army!!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Desert Rose on July 31, 2012, 07:03:32 AM
Ooo I love Gusty too :D Was always one of my favorites. I love your Gusty army. So many pretty ponies =)
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: gustystarr on July 31, 2012, 10:37:24 AM
OH MY FLIPPIN GOODNESS!!!!!!-faints from over dose of Gusty- I love them all! :dribble: :nod: this is the best thing since the Beatles. I adore Gusty she's my absoulte favorite pony ever and these are awsome! I can hardly keep from going bonkers over them. Your army is so amazing it's beyond words. This just made my day. Best.Possible.Thing. Ever! :biggrin:
I'd die almost for a TE Gusty or a G4 Gusty or a reversed Gusty or... Lets just say I'm nuts for any Gusty! This just made my Gusty lovin' life!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: ladybrooklyn on July 31, 2012, 06:53:22 PM
:happy: Thanks everyone!!! Glad you enjoyed my bit of "insanity"... :lol: I'm tempted to take one of the "blindbag" Shining Armor's... and paint him as Daddy Gusty this week... I think I just might do it! :lol:

sorry to bring this post back again, but.....
Awesome collection...!! :D :biggrin:
Hey! Don't be sorry about bringing it back! Since I just "came back" too... it's nice to see it again! :biggrin:

Missed this first time around Lady B, you need a Breyer pony gusty, they make great MLP's as well as a G3 one.  Oh and I know a Brighty one!  Great army though lady.
:lol: Ooooh... I should paint MISTY as Gusty!!! It works perfectly with her "windblown" look!

But I do have this little gal... still haven't decided how to finish off her wings tho...

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Tee hee!! I need to make myself some "Gusty Goodness" to lift me up this week... :D
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Diamond on July 31, 2012, 08:08:53 PM
:happy: Thanks everyone!!! Glad you enjoyed my bit of "insanity"... :lol: I'm tempted to take one of the "blindbag" Shining Armor's... and paint him as Daddy Gusty this week... I think I just might do it! :lol:

sorry to bring this post back again, but.....
Awesome collection...!! :D :biggrin:
Hey! Don't be sorry about bringing it back! Since I just "came back" too... it's nice to see it again! :biggrin:

Missed this first time around Lady B, you need a Breyer pony gusty, they make great MLP's as well as a G3 one.  Oh and I know a Brighty one!  Great army though lady.
:lol: Ooooh... I should paint MISTY as Gusty!!! It works perfectly with her "windblown" look!

But I do have this little gal... still haven't decided how to finish off her wings tho...

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Tee hee!! I need to make myself some "Gusty Goodness" to lift me up this week... :D
You so do and she is a cutie, Misty would be good, but I still think you need to combine your loves with a Brighty Gusty. 
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: katrine2309 on August 05, 2012, 01:14:57 PM
oh wow - that is an army of Gusty! I love that pony - she has such vibrant colors, yet so simple. I totally understand why you would want an army of her! Can't wait to see the next addition to the herd!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: ladybrooklyn on November 07, 2012, 10:50:14 AM
Boy it's been a while... but I'm dredging up my old topic... because I've acquired some new Gustys for the army... :D

Can you spot them!? :devious:

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They're on the "small" side... :lol: And msot of them are up front. ;)

Probably the easiest to find... would be the Blindbag customs! :cheer:

I finished these three up months ago... and I'm finally getting around to photographing them...  :lookround:

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Gusty just looks so good in Blindbag form! :D

The next pair... are probably harder to pick out... but that's because they are less than an INCH tall!

Check these gals out!

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I'm calling them my "Pixie" Gustys! :lovey:

They are Original... minitature... sculptures by "Flowersinherhair"!

These gals are... AH-MAZING!!! The detail (those symbols have GLITTER on them!).... I'm in awe! Their eyes are perfect.... and about the size of a pen tip!  :shocked: I can't even BEGIN to imagine painting that small, and having them look THAT perfect...  :blink:

I had issues painting the leaves on my blindbags!  :blink: I had to redo each one several times. I just can't contemplate painting anything smaller...

Anywho... cause I can... more photo spam of these cuties!!!

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They're even TINY compared to Blindbags! I love it! :happy:
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Shenanigans on November 07, 2012, 11:34:25 AM
Look at all those Gustys :dribble: Congrats!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: achab1984 on November 07, 2012, 11:45:50 AM
You have a very nice Gusty army there. You should be very proud of them :)
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: ladybrooklyn on November 07, 2012, 02:22:47 PM
Thanks ladies! :good:

You know... odd thing though. Looking over my post... I see your replies... but I don't see my newest post or pictures on the thread... Why can't I see my post from today!? :lookround:
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: zabe77 on November 07, 2012, 05:11:32 PM
Wow, that's quite the army! Congrat's on your new additions!
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: ladybrooklyn on November 23, 2012, 08:34:19 PM
Ok... because I can... I'm "quoting" the message I posted a few weeks ago... that seems to have spontaneously disappeared! So it can be a part of this thread again... :lol:

Boy it's been a while... but I'm dredging up my old topic... because I've acquired some new Gustys for the army... :D

Can you spot them!? :devious:

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They're on the "small" side... :lol: And msot of them are up front. ;)

Probably the easiest to find... would be the Blindbag customs! :cheer:

I finished these three up months ago... and I'm finally getting around to photographing them...  :lookround:

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Gusty just looks so good in Blindbag form! :D

The next pair... are probably harder to pick out... but that's because they are less than an INCH tall!

Check these gals out!

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I'm calling them my "Pixie" Gustys! :lovey:

They are Original... minitature... sculptures by "Flowersinherhair"!

These gals are... AH-MAZING!!! The detail (those symbols have GLITTER on them!).... I'm in awe! Their eyes are perfect.... and about the size of a pen tip!  :shocked: I can't even BEGIN to imagine painting that small, and having them look THAT perfect...  :blink:

I had issues painting the leaves on my blindbags!  :blink: I had to redo each one several times. I just can't contemplate painting anything smaller...

Anywho... cause I can... more photo spam of these cuties!!!

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They're even TINY compared to Blindbags! I love it! :happy:
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Foxtale on November 26, 2012, 06:49:27 PM
I love Gusty! You have a lovely collection.
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Doedeardarling on November 26, 2012, 08:04:56 PM
What a lovely collection! That twinkle eyed one is just amazing. Gusty is my sister's very favorite pony too.
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: GustyFox on November 26, 2012, 08:10:00 PM
A love Gusty too. My top favorite pony ever! these tiny micro Gustys are very impressive o.o Considering their sizer they are awesomely well detailed. Amazing.

I still need a G4 and blind bag Gusties on my army.

Congrats on your collection, it is very impressive (and adorable)! :)
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: HorsingAround on November 26, 2012, 08:13:39 PM
You have an AMAZING Gusty collection!!!  :)
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Chikecion on November 27, 2012, 07:04:38 AM
Gusty is gorgeous! You've got a really nice army, love all the customs.  :lovey:
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: baby_yoyo on November 27, 2012, 12:52:41 PM
Such an adorable collection!!!! Id love to start an army one day  ^.^
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: Ligress on December 13, 2012, 04:50:32 AM
Title: Re: Gusty Brag!! New members to the "Army"!! ^.^
Post by: hilamb on December 14, 2012, 03:59:42 AM
Wow. Congrats! They tiny ones are really cute  ^.^
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