The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Lon-san on April 24, 2012, 08:49:35 PM

Title: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Lon-san on April 24, 2012, 08:49:35 PM
This applies to anybody who has bought directly from Taobao or even bought items that you KNOW came from there and not a toy store after the official release date.

The "Hasbro Getting Tough on Prototypes On Fansites (,294078.45.html) is sort of debating the ethics of buying this stuff so I thought a poll to see in numbers how members who buy feel about their purchases might be interessting.

I believe this polls are anonymous, yes? :D
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 24, 2012, 09:13:53 PM
I won't buy ponies this way; I feel it's unfair and unethical to do so to Hasbro.  I'm not taking money away from them by collecting their products on the secondary market, but to condone factory theft and inappropriate employee gain... I won't deny that working life in China is unbearably difficult but they should not be stealing from the corporation - they should be blaming their supervisors and factory owners...  :(
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: ShannonInPonyland on April 24, 2012, 09:17:27 PM
I've never bought a pony from Taobao but honestly I don't think that I would feel that guilty.
I guess the way I think of it as, is a pony like the Fashion Style :muffin: Pony, is probably not going to be on shelves after the whole debate over it.. so in my opinion I don't see it as taking money from the company because they would be getting that money themselves if they had decided to actually market her.
As far as other ponies like the Canterlot Wedding set, that's kind of different because they're actually going to be releasing that in stores so I think that would be more in the realm of "stealing" from the company or whatever.

Idk. Personally I don't think that anyone who has bought from them should beat themselves up over it too much seeing as I doubt anyone on here was buying them as a direct jab towards the company.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Lon-san on April 24, 2012, 09:39:05 PM
There were about 30ish views before there were any votes. Non-buyers checking it out or were folks checking to see how others voted first?  :)

I sort of wish there was a way to add a sub-option to find out not only how guilty people feel but how likely people in each catagory would be to buy something again.

I can't remember where it is but there's some country where you can anonymously send them money if you cheated on your taxes, didn't get caught but feel really terrible. This is purely hypothetical but I wonder if anybody would feel bad enough to use something like that to slip Hasbro a few fivers for their Taobao Luna or whatever. Not because Hasbro is hurting for the money but to kill the guilt.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Koudoawaia on April 24, 2012, 09:45:00 PM
I haven't bought anything but I'd feel very guilty and very scared of getting into some kind of legal trouble.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Taxel on April 24, 2012, 10:03:10 PM
I bought a wingless FS Rainbow Dash through a group order here on the Arena.
I do NOT feel guilty at all, and if I could afford it I would buy from Taobao again. Not to resell, not after this, but for myself. Previously I would have bought to resell if I could afford it.

Now, with that out of the way, why I don't feel guilty. Wingless FS RD will never be in stores, not unless there's a packaging error, and the G4 FS wings are hideous (I cannot cut off the outermost feathers myself). Taobao was truly the only way I would get a wingless FS RD, as eBay etc prices were insane for her, and I couldn't stand having a winged one. And my AJ needed her RD (I ship them, lol).

If I had felt guilty previously, Hasbro's insane treatment of that person would have wiped that guilt away instantly. If Hasbro's lawyers are too stupid to do a little research (I still do not believe for a second they haven't heard about Taobao, especially with people contacting them asking if FS :muffin: Pony is "legit"), that's their own damn problem. And I agree fully with the points made in the other thread about them having to suffer the consequences (different laws) of having factories in China to save money.

I've also heard how horrendous the conditions are for factory workers in China, and it makes me sick. If they're smarter than Hasbro (as in giving us what we want) and making some money on the side, more power to them! I like to hope at least some Taobao purchases are from factory workers so the money can help them. This cannot be proven of course, but hey, I like to hope that happens so I will damnit. XP
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: lemontwist on April 24, 2012, 10:13:47 PM
I wouldn't feel very bad if it's something that will never make it to stores anyway, but something like the wedding castle I would just wait for. Hasbro wouldn't make a profit off of mixed up prototypes and never-to-be ponies anyway, but I'd rather give them my money when it comes to items that will be in stores. Hasbro is a relatively nice company, so even though it's not like they need an extra $40 from me, I still would feel bad shelling out money to someone else just to get it a little earlier.

That being said, I don't blame the people who sell on taobao, I don't know why they do it but I'm sure they have their reasons. Besides as we've seen with :muffin: Pony it's given some people a chance to own something they never could have dreamed of and that they'll treasure for a long time. I think that's pretty cool.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: saply on April 24, 2012, 10:20:33 PM
I feel a little guilty, and honestly after reading these threads I probably wouldn't buy pre-releases from TaoBao or others again. Like, I get that Chinese factory conditions are horrible, but does that justify stealing from them? It's almost unfair to the other workers who are being treated just as poorly, but don't resort to making money on the side via grey-market merchandise. Two wrongs do not make a right.

I wonder though, how do opponents of TaoBao feel about factory rejects and variants? I mean ponies that were obviously test runs (Twilight with Rarity's symbols and the like) or errors? To me, that's no worse than a burger restaurant giving away its "expired" burgers instead of wasting them, and those ponies would likely just end up in the trash anyways. Buying them would not discourage anyone from spending money on official Hasbro products, I don't think.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: teresat on April 25, 2012, 12:06:09 AM
Grr....I can't take it....I've been trying to keep quiet but I can't!

How does anyone know that items from Taobao are stolen? Has that actually been proven? Most of the pony items available on TaoBao have already been released. The prototypes/unreleased items just pop periodically and then disappear. I'll admit those could be questionable.

These discussions remind me of other controversies about product sources or manufacturing in countries overseas (from the US.) Apple in China, Blood Diamonds, Nike, Martha Stewart, counterfeiting, etc.... Some are obtained and produced in horrendous conditions. Big companies are trying do something about bad conditions but as another post pointed out, when companies move overseas to developing countries, they encounter new laws and new rules. American countries are learning they cannot control everything.

I live in the middle of an area (Silicon Valley) where IP is very crucial to many businesses here. The companies will protect the IP pretty harshly. I'm not surprised that Hasbro as done what they have but as other companies, some much bigger than Hasbro, have found out, proving guilt and enforcing the rules is very difficult.

End of Rant....Bottom line, guilt is all relative....Diamond rings, cheap electronics, brand name knock-offs, etc. I'm sure something questionable can be found in every household. Do I feel guilty? No. I don't know enough about many things in my house. I'm trying to learn but I cannot prove anything. And anyways, there are so many shades of gray!

ETA: I do my best but I'm not perfect so I'm guilt free!
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: moonflower on April 25, 2012, 12:54:27 AM
I have never bought anything from TaoBao but if I had I would not feel guilty about it.

These ponies are only lumps of rejected plastic at the end of the day.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: teresat on April 25, 2012, 01:02:43 AM
@Moonflower: You summarized the situation so much better than I did! XD
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Malicieuse on April 25, 2012, 03:12:28 AM
I wouldn't feel guilty when it comes to toys that will never hit the shelves. But i would never buy toys on taobao that will be released here sooner or later. Not only because they are possibly stolen but also because i rather make sure i support Hasbro, rather check myself if there are any flaws on the toys and because i actually have some patience.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: BerryMouse on April 25, 2012, 03:49:25 AM
The thing is that you never know what will be released for sure (some ponies are obviously prototypes)

I would feel guilty if I would buy them and resell them for a huge amount but buy them and keep them in my own lil room just for me that would be okay.

On the other hand - how hard is it to get just the ponies without the large playsets - it's almost impossible or you have to wait years till they'll pop up on ebay.
So taobao is an option getting just the single ponies. I would luve to purchase them from Hasbro directly but that's not Hasbro - they produce playsets with 10000 Pinkie Pie's or Applejack's or Rainbow Dash's and add an extra (bonus) Pony on every second set.... so in that case it's hard to resist buying just the single ponies they offer on taobao ... =)

just my 2 cents
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: tinrobo on April 25, 2012, 04:13:35 AM
I don't feel bad - if I knew for sure that goods were stolen and not just rejects to be trashed anyway then I wouldn't buy them but I give Hasbro tons of cash through buying the ponies that are released over here so why should I beat myself up over the couple I've ordered from taobao? ;)

I think they're more concerned about their exclusivity deals and being able to announce the toys when they're ready rather than losing money, at least that's the impression I got from the nerf gun thing.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: ristvak on April 25, 2012, 07:13:40 AM
I've only made one post-taobao purchase and... I don't really feel bad lol.

I got some of the metallic blind bags from a member here. I knew they came from taobao, but the 'damage' was already done and frankly I wanted them as meet prizes and had no faith (or indication) that they'd be released even internationally in time for that.
(Now when they ARE released in the real world? TOTALLY buying myself a set, they're amazing and I can't wait to add them to my collection)

So... I don't think I'd ever buy directly from Taobao (more due to the headaches I've heard about than any 'guilt') but I also make sure and keep my reseller purchases to pony sites. For some reason it's less guilt inducing to purchase from a member here than some faceless power seller on eBay.

Honestly, I feel more guilty about purchasing the later wave bling bags from international people (eBay or no). Every time I do I'm think "The economy is in the toilet and here's $60 that I could spend in the US that's being flittered away to Germany. Ah well *pony squee*"
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Dragonflitter on April 25, 2012, 07:49:34 AM
I have purchased from taboa and I do not feel guilty about it.

From a moral, hypothetical standpoint: yes, these are Hasbro products almost positively, and Hasbro is also (almost positively) not getting any profit from these.

Although we can NOT say for sure in any way, the general concensus is that these are somehow getting into the hands of Chinese factory workers and then they are selling them without giving any profit to Hasbro. However that has not been proven in any way. We can all make educated guesses, but there is no proof at all that shows where and how these products are getting on taobao. Until Hasbro comes out and says for sure "These products from this chinese website are being stolen from us," this is all just speculation.

Regardless on if our speculation is correct or not, I still don't feel guilty for this. Hasbro is a HUGE WORLDWIDE company. Their profits are NOT suffering from a few sellers on some Chinese website. They make HUGE profits every year, and probably drive home to their big fancy houses in a big fancy car every night, all much better than what we have. ;P

Do I feel guilty when I return a product to Walmart after I accidentally broke it, and exchange it for another item? No. Is it purely ethically innocent, no. I broke it myself, I shouldn't get a new one, technically. But Walmart is big enough and profitable enough that they don't care to nitpick over every little return. The same goes for Hasbro. They are making huge profits over children's toys. They are not suffering from taobao, and I refuse to feel guilty about it.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: mlp4me on April 25, 2012, 07:52:22 AM
I've made no purchases on there and do not feel guilty at all. Stolen goods are not something I'm into, plus I visited the site and for the life of me could not figure out how to get it translated into English!
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: ashes on April 25, 2012, 07:55:44 AM

I live in the middle of an area (Silicon Valley) where IP is very crucial to many businesses here.

I live in Silicon Valley too!  Born and raised.  :)  My dad (before he retired) worked for HP and they would send him worldwide to oversees sites, warehouses, and factories to implement security training, features, and even set up stings where product was being stolen. 

Now back on topic - I won't buy from Taobao since I don't know where the merchandise comes from.  I just don't feel right about it.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: NoDivision on April 25, 2012, 08:07:16 AM
I won't buy from Taobao since I don't know where the merchandise comes from.  I just don't feel right about it.

I'm in the same mindset. And honestly I don't think there could be any explanation or outcome that would make me want to buy from there. Stolen by poor factory workers, hoarded by higher ups, freely given out as rejects, someone's little side project... no matter how they get there, I'm just not inclined to buy from taobao.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: knitgirl on April 25, 2012, 08:12:05 AM
I haven't purchased, but I wish I had been able to get myself a :muffin: Pony since it's most likely never going to be widely produced and I will have to settle for a custom.

I'd feel more guilty if Hasbro actually paid attention and seemed to care what fans wanted.  Even my 6 and 7 year old nieces are tired of the same ponies being released over and over.  It's boring and it's really Hasbro shooting themselves in the foot when people WANT to give them money.  There are so many beautiful background ponies that could be released and would do well.  I collect all gens and I don't understand why there could be such a huge variety of G1s and G3s but not G4s.. it makes no sense to me.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: fiwen30 on April 25, 2012, 08:23:01 AM
I won't buy from Taobao since I don't know where the merchandise comes from.  I just don't feel right about it.

I'm in the same mindset. And honestly I don't think there could be any explanation or outcome that would make me want to buy from there. Stolen by poor factory workers, hoarded by higher ups, freely given out as rejects, someone's little side project... no matter how they get there, I'm just not inclined to buy from taobao.

This. To me everything about Taobao seems dodgy. I would much rather own official, Hasbro produced and packaged ponies, if only because I want the line to continue. I believe in supporting things I'm fond of, and dealing under the table just to get a pony with different coloured hair doesn't sit right with me. But then I was never one for pirated movies, or downloaded music either.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: xelli on April 25, 2012, 08:26:15 AM
I made a post-Taobao purchase and I'm very proud of it. They're the wedding couple, I know they will be released but to me having them earlier (for a nice price) is something I as a collector am proud of ;) Firstly I just wanted them separately but realized that it would take ages of waiting till someone buys the castle and then decides to sell the ponies  (plus the castle will probably be reeaaally expensive in my country as all the toys are). And suddenly they pop up. So I took the chance ;)
I don't consider it as stealing. Hasbro sells millions of toys everyday so that won't get any poorer by loosing those maybe 500 ponies that leak out somehow. And in my opinion trying to make criminals of those sellers  is a bad and a stupid strategy for the company: those leak outs are simply one big advertisement for them. And market research by the way. People buying the wedding ponies=hey the set will probably sell nicely; people buying :muffin: Pony= release her as soon as possible and you'll get lots and lots more money than from trial with some poor Chinese guy. Make profit of it but in a more reasonable way.
Summing to me getting ponies that aren't and never will be in stores (as the prototypes) is one of the biggest fun of collecting. And I don't feel a tiny bit guilty and would definitely buy something that is rare and uncommon from Taobao if only I could read Chinesse ;)
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Malicieuse on April 25, 2012, 08:41:33 AM

I don't consider it as stealing. Hasbro sells millions of toys everyday so that won't get any poorer by loosing those maybe 500 ponies that leak out somehow.

I'm sorry but this kind of bothers me. Just because Hasbro is doing well (at least i assume Hasbro is doing well) doesn't make it perfectly fine to just take their stuff. I don't get why people think that as soon as you are dealing with a big company it is no longer theft. Not to mention that not everyone working at this company is some big money maker. Seriously, i don't care if people buy stuff from taobao but stuff like this just sounds like excuses to me. Again, you wouldn't just steal a pony from a store and say "well Hasbro makes a lot of money anyway!".
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: moonflower on April 25, 2012, 09:08:14 AM

I don't consider it as stealing. Hasbro sells millions of toys everyday so that won't get any poorer by loosing those maybe 500 ponies that leak out somehow.

I'm sorry but this kind of bothers me. Just because Hasbro is doing well (at least i assume Hasbro is doing well) doesn't make it perfectly fine to just take their stuff. I don't get why people think that as soon as you are dealing with a big company it is no longer theft. Not to mention that not everyone working at this company is some big money maker. Seriously, i don't care if people buy stuff from taobao but stuff like this just sounds like excuses to me. Again, you wouldn't just steal a pony from a store and say "well Hasbro makes a lot of money anyway!".

To be honest though, Hasbro would not have made money out of these rejects; they are worthless to them. It is not quite the same as stealing a pony from a store.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Varkolak on April 25, 2012, 09:26:18 AM
i do not feel guilty at all. i paid for a product, and i got it.
its like if other people get items on sale or for free, and sell them on ebay and make more than what they're worth. i bought the wedding castle because i didn't want to wait at all, i was way too impatient. but when they come to stores, i do plan on buying a couple more. so hasbro will still be getting money from me.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Dragonflitter on April 25, 2012, 10:04:03 AM

To be honest though, Hasbro would not have made money out of these rejects; they are worthless to them. It is not quite the same as stealing a pony from a store.

This, exactly. We have multiple examples showing that a lot of these are not finished products (like Cupcake's changed hair, Blossomforth with bangs, etc). They would never have ended up in stores to sell, and would NEVER be making Hasbro profit, even if the website taobao did not exist.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on April 25, 2012, 10:09:25 AM
I haven't bought anything off of there, but I wouldn't feel guilty about it if I did.  There is no way to know if anything on Taobao will ever be released at all (unless it's already in stores, obviously), and it's better for the stuff to get bought by a collector rather than thrown in the trash.

Case in point:

Fashion Styling :muffin: Pony - we don't know if she'll be released.
FIM Minty - No sign of a release yet.
Prototype Gardenia Glow (different color symbols) - not mass released, obviously
G3 Breast Cancer Awareness ponies - never released.

Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Sarah-Bee on April 25, 2012, 10:10:25 AM
I've bought from them before and I will do again and don't feel guilty about it.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: michelle53 on April 25, 2012, 10:26:56 AM
I purchased a few international exclusives from a Taobao group order here at the Arena, and I don't feel bad about it at all.  Sorry Hasbro, but why can't you release Sky Wishes and Star Swirl in the United States??  I contemplated buying from Taobao, but decided against it because I love the thrill of the hunt!!  I mean really if you think about it, Hasbro makes zero money from people selling their G1's and other older ponies.  Sure they had the initial sale, but they are not making any money off the resale.  Considering these ponies literally cost $5-10 back in the day, Hasbro must be pretty bummed about not getting a piece of that $900 Rapunzel sale last week (congrats!)!! 

I sum it up, I don't think it is unethical to buy ponies from Taobao. 
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Dragonflitter on April 25, 2012, 11:16:45 AM
And do people who feel guilty about buying from taoao also feel guilty about buying G4 plushies/other merchandise from people on ebay, because Hasbro sees no profit from these? Sure the felt and stuffing materials didn't come from Hasbro but the characters ARE copyrighted, and the toy company is seeing no profit from any plushies that are fan made. Technically, these plushies (and other things) are being made with stolen copyrighted characters.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: xelli on April 25, 2012, 11:18:42 AM

I don't consider it as stealing. Hasbro sells millions of toys everyday so that won't get any poorer by loosing those maybe 500 ponies that leak out somehow.

I'm sorry but this kind of bothers me. Just because Hasbro is doing well (at least i assume Hasbro is doing well) doesn't make it perfectly fine to just take their stuff. I don't get why people think that as soon as you are dealing with a big company it is no longer theft. Not to mention that not everyone working at this company is some big money maker. Seriously, i don't care if people buy stuff from taobao but stuff like this just sounds like excuses to me. Again, you wouldn't just steal a pony from a store and say "well Hasbro makes a lot of money anyway!".

Read it and after putting it into consideration I think you're right at some point, but allow me to tell you a story ;)

My step-mother works in a big company producing fruit juice. Many of the workers there are simply taking out the juices from the factory. If someone told me it to that point, I would say that they are thieves. BUT after hearing stories about hundreds or even thousands of those juice being thrown away or poured out because there was a glitch in their packaging or an small error in the ingredients proportion that didn't even change the taste, and the workers being not allowed to take them for free (since they already won't go to the shops) but having to pay about 60% of their original price (they aren't cheap believe me). Plus the workers don't get any pay rises, have to work on holidays, getting more and more stressed, having to think over their every decision, being fired after making small failures. Knowing all of this judging them wouldn't be so simple anymore. 

So it all depends on the situation. I know taking juices for yourself is different than taking toys for sell, but we don't know how it all goes. If it is as those toys are glitches meant to be thrown away than it's better that the collecting community gets them. Also if the workers are treated poorly and can't even get a free toy for their children for Christmas (example) than it doesn't surprise me that they're selling them. But if they're working in really good conditions and just wanting some extra money than it won't be ok.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Chi on April 25, 2012, 11:23:01 AM

I feel a little guilty, and honestly after reading these threads I probably wouldn't buy pre-releases from TaoBao or others again. Like, I get that Chinese factory conditions are horrible, but does that justify stealing from them? It's almost unfair to the other workers who are being treated just as poorly, but don't resort to making money on the side via grey-market merchandise. Two wrongs do not make a right.

I wonder though, how do opponents of TaoBao feel about factory rejects and variants? I mean ponies that were obviously test runs (Twilight with Rarity's symbols and the like) or errors? To me, that's no worse than a burger restaurant giving away its "expired" burgers instead of wasting them, and those ponies would likely just end up in the trash anyways. Buying them would not discourage anyone from spending money on official Hasbro products, I don't think.

This pretty much sums up my feelings.  :unsure:
I felt pretty guilty owning :muffin: Pony, but now that I don't have her I have mixed feelings of "What if she's never released" and then of course "Well, if there is then I'd have no problem buying her in stores"..
Worst case scenario, she isn't and I have to commission a custom. That won't be an issue considering how many amazing artists (like the very person I am quoting! :heart: ) are willing to make great customs for commissions. That way, I could also get her made to my own specifications. :)   At least I know those who currently own any of them do not feel guilty themselves and are most likely very, very glad to have her. However, I don't see myself ordering from Taobao again unless my feelings somehow magically change regarding the entire issue itself.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: saply on April 25, 2012, 11:32:56 AM

I feel a little guilty, and honestly after reading these threads I probably wouldn't buy pre-releases from TaoBao or others again. Like, I get that Chinese factory conditions are horrible, but does that justify stealing from them? It's almost unfair to the other workers who are being treated just as poorly, but don't resort to making money on the side via grey-market merchandise. Two wrongs do not make a right.

I wonder though, how do opponents of TaoBao feel about factory rejects and variants? I mean ponies that were obviously test runs (Twilight with Rarity's symbols and the like) or errors? To me, that's no worse than a burger restaurant giving away its "expired" burgers instead of wasting them, and those ponies would likely just end up in the trash anyways. Buying them would not discourage anyone from spending money on official Hasbro products, I don't think.

This pretty much sums up my feelings.  :unsure:
I felt pretty guilty owning :muffin: Pony, but now that I don't have her I have mixed feelings of "What if she's never released" and then of course "Well, if there is then I'd have no problem buying her in stores"..
Worst case scenario, she isn't and I have to commission a custom. That won't be an issue considering how many amazing artists (like the very person I am quoting! :heart: ) are willing to make great customs for commissions. That way, I could also get her made to my own specifications. :)   At least I know those who currently own any of them do not feel guilty themselves and are most likely very, very glad to have her. However, I don't see myself ordering from Taobao again unless my feelings somehow magically change regarding the entire issue itself.
The more I think about it though, the more I realize the :muffin: Ponies at least all seemed to have factory flaws (symbol rubs, missing plugs, etc). I think it's possible that they might have been rejects from the assembly lines or something, but we'll never know for sure. I don't think I would feel guilty about having her though because if she's released, I'd get her without errors (and accessories), and if she ISN'T released, well, obviously that isn't going to cut into Hasbro's :muffin: Pony sales. :P
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: TokiBear on April 25, 2012, 11:38:58 AM
I purchased a few international exclusives from a Taobao group order here at the Arena, and I don't feel bad about it at all.  Sorry Hasbro, but why can't you release Sky Wishes and Star Swirl in the United States??  I contemplated buying from Taobao, but decided against it...

^ This
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: banditpony on April 25, 2012, 11:55:56 AM
I have purchased off of taobao, and I have helped others purchase pony items. Because if people wanted the ponies, I didn't want them to have to pay what resellers were charging on ebay.

I don't bother thinking about the ethical issues, because in reality, if I started doing that-- I probably wouldn't even buy directly from the store and only from second hand from those who were discarding them-- aka thrift store, fleamarket, etc etc. (And I'd apply it to most purchases, and I'd go on a handmade/local spree-- if I really started letting ethical issues bug me).

And further more, we don't even know how these ponies are obtained. Period. It is a grey area issue. We don't know if someone is taking them illegally, we don't know who that person is (some poor underpaid worker, some management person-- which btw , I believe its the latter), if they are thrown away and someone is taking them out of the garbage, or if are considered samples and free for people to take, ETC ETC ETC.

While my company makes another product, we get tons of samples from the factory, and as workers we can take it all home-- otherwise it goes into the trash. And I have been the person who throws the samples in the trash... and it's nauseating to see a large bin of product thrown out, when 99% of it has no flaws. I do have permission to take it home for my own use, but I don't have permission to resell it.

So whatever people think, the fact is we just don't know.

With not knowing, it is a bit easier to not feel guilty. And I feel no guilt for any taobao purchase I have made for myself, or on the behalf of others.

One last edit: All of the taobao ponies I own, are not released. If they are ever released, I would buy them in a proper way-- because that is how I feel about it, and that's how I do things with other hobbies. I am happy to support Hasbro.   
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Prismatic on April 25, 2012, 12:05:09 PM
I don't feel guilty.  When Hasbro comes out and states they're stolen, I'll stop buying.  Otherwise, we don't know that they are or not, or that they're simply tossed out rejects that will never be sold.  There's so many possibilities that it's pointless for me to worry about it.

Taobao was the only way I got Star Swirl, for a reasonable price.  I couldn't get her anywhere for less than $50, and I can't justify spending $50 on her...  Now she's a part of my collection, and one of my favorites (she's blue, and has stars...doesn't get much better than that lol)  Of course after I got her I started seeing her for less, but that's how it works XD
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Emfen on April 25, 2012, 12:22:19 PM
I haven't bought from tabao yet, but I wish to do so soon.
As for the illegal part.. I do not really feel any guilt of downloading, I remember tho when I was smaller my elder cousin used to steal stuff from stores even sometimes for me. Where I live you can't be naive and think everyone is doing the right thing. I mean like, when I went in high school I heard classmates talking about a dude selling items cheaper referred to as "baxade" which is a slang for stolen in Swedish.
When it comes to myself I'd feel guilty if I stole I guess, I did take items once as a child but not on purpose.

On the other hand we DO know people in china do live under strict rulers. I follow news often and hear a lot of the problems they are facing and based on that I think people that sell these items are just in need of an extra coin.

Based on facts
>China has very strict rules, the government love to censor stuff - even chairs!
>West have used countries like this as we did with africa during the 1700th
>Most of these countries have issues with economics

Not everyone in the world have the kind of money to be able to swim in ponies or any luxurious items for that matter.

(Somehow it feels like that itunes thing all over again, when copyright claimers wanted to take down piratebay...)
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Stuntmang on April 25, 2012, 01:49:00 PM
I'd much rather give money to an underpaid, overworked factory worker than Hasbro.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Sora on April 25, 2012, 03:04:30 PM
I won't buy from Taobao since I don't know where the merchandise comes from.  I just don't feel right about it.

I'm in the same mindset. And honestly I don't think there could be any explanation or outcome that would make me want to buy from there. Stolen by poor factory workers, hoarded by higher ups, freely given out as rejects, someone's little side project... no matter how they get there, I'm just not inclined to buy from taobao.

This. To me everything about Taobao seems dodgy. I would much rather own official, Hasbro produced and packaged ponies, if only because I want the line to continue. I believe in supporting things I'm fond of, and dealing under the table just to get a pony with different coloured hair doesn't sit right with me. But then I was never one for pirated movies, or downloaded music either.
Also agreeing with this. I'd much rather just wait it out and get them when they're released. And if they're never released, well, shame, but it's nothing that really bothers me.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Tropical_Sunset on April 25, 2012, 03:39:52 PM
I don't bother thinking about the ethical issues, because in reality, if I started doing that-- I probably wouldn't even buy directly from the store and only from second hand from those who were discarding them-- aka thrift store, fleamarket, etc etc. (And I'd apply it to most purchases, and I'd go on a handmade/local spree-- if I really started letting ethical issues bug me).

And further more, we don't even know how these ponies are obtained. Period. It is a grey area issue. We don't know if someone is taking them illegally, we don't know who that person is (some poor underpaid worker, some management person-- which btw , I believe its the latter), if they are thrown away and someone is taking them out of the garbage, or if are considered samples and free for people to take, ETC ETC ETC.

While my company makes another product, we get tons of samples from the factory, and as workers we can take it all home-- otherwise it goes into the trash. And I have been the person who throws the samples in the trash... and it's nauseating to see a large bin of product thrown out, when 99% of it has no flaws. I do have permission to take it home for my own use, but I don't have permission to resell it.

So whatever people think, the fact is we just don't know.

With not knowing, it is a bit easier to not feel guilty. And I feel no guilt for any taobao purchase I have made for myself, or on the behalf of others.

One last edit: All of the taobao ponies I own, are not released. If they are ever released, I would buy them in a proper way-- because that is how I feel about it, and that's how I do things with other hobbies. I am happy to support Hasbro.   

Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on April 25, 2012, 03:48:33 PM
I wanted to add that if anyone is curious about life for China's factory workers, the documentary Last Train Home is an informative look at them.

Every spring, China's cities are plunged into chaos as 130 million migrant workers travel back to their home villages for the New Year's holiday. This mass exodus is the world's largest human migration, an epic spectacle that exposes a nation tragically caught between its rural past and industrial future.
[/size]Working over several years in classic cinéma vérité ( style, director Lixin Fan travelled with one couple who have embarked on this annual trek for almost two decades. Like many of China's rural poor, the Zhangs have left their native village of Huilong in Sichuan ( province and their newborn daughter to find work in Guangzhou ( in a garment factory for 16 years and see her only once a year during the Spring Festival ( Their daughter Qin, now a restless and rebellious teenager- bitterly resents her parents' absence and longs for her own freedom away from school and her rural hometown, much to the dismay of her parents. She eventually leaves school, against the wishes of her parents, to work in the city. Emotionally charged and starkly beautiful, Last Train Home examines one fractured family to shed light on the human cost of China's ascendence as an economic superpower.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: EverfreeNorthwest on April 25, 2012, 04:19:58 PM
Well, you guys did hear what's happening in the Nerf fandom over Tabao, yes? (

I do admit, I think the article is VERY slanted in its reporting, and would love to hear an unbiased report though.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Stormy31685 on April 25, 2012, 04:42:23 PM

I feel a little guilty, and honestly after reading these threads I probably wouldn't buy pre-releases from TaoBao or others again. Like, I get that Chinese factory conditions are horrible, but does that justify stealing from them? It's almost unfair to the other workers who are being treated just as poorly, but don't resort to making money on the side via grey-market merchandise. Two wrongs do not make a right.

I wonder though, how do opponents of TaoBao feel about factory rejects and variants? I mean ponies that were obviously test runs (Twilight with Rarity's symbols and the like) or errors? To me, that's no worse than a burger restaurant giving away its "expired" burgers instead of wasting them, and those ponies would likely just end up in the trash anyways. Buying them would not discourage anyone from spending money on official Hasbro products, I don't think.

This pretty much sums up my feelings.  :unsure:
I felt pretty guilty owning :muffin: Pony, but now that I don't have her I have mixed feelings of "What if she's never released" and then of course "Well, if there is then I'd have no problem buying her in stores"..
Worst case scenario, she isn't and I have to commission a custom. That won't be an issue considering how many amazing artists (like the very person I am quoting! :heart: ) are willing to make great customs for commissions. That way, I could also get her made to my own specifications. :)   At least I know those who currently own any of them do not feel guilty themselves and are most likely very, very glad to have her. However, I don't see myself ordering from Taobao again unless my feelings somehow magically change regarding the entire issue itself.


     I am having a very difficult time accepting this "guilt" you are feeling.

You shouldn't.

As for Hasbro and all the legalities,

I think it was a complete slap in the face to those in the community who poured a lot of time and money and personal risk into figuring out how to buy these items from overseas sellers to even post the info on how to do it.  Buying from Taobao through agents is a risk - paypal or no paypal.  Not a risk for inexperienced buyers to take. 

Sadly, if sellers or buyers would just lay low (on all sites) and not say anything, EVERYONE would have benefited from it - people would still have been running group orders, overseas sellers would still be able to sell, and Hasbro would be none the wiser.

So, do I feel bad?  NO.  Not now, not ever.  Does Hasbro feel bad for selling My Little Pony toys (that they know are partially directed at adult fans with more discretionary income than a small child) that cost them around 10 cents to manufacture for $5 - 20 dollars?  I bet not in a million years.

Everything is based on supply and demand.

*edited to clarify my feelings and as an apology to Chi, as I inadvertently directed other frustrations her way which were not intended*
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Elisto on April 25, 2012, 04:57:40 PM
I've never bought from Taobao because it just seems suspicious to me. Hasbro doesn't have to come out and say "these toys are stolen" for me to question it because companies don't release their prototypes like that that, both because of how valuable they know prototypes are to collectors, and to keep their creative process away from competitors. I don't know what they do with the prototypes, maybe melt them down or maybe keep them for future reference, but whatever it is, I'm pretty sure the item still belongs to the company until they destroy it. I doubt they'd just throw it in the trash where anyone can get to it.

Now, I do know someone who works in a US plastic factory, and she and others who work there do all have personal collection of error pieces (mostly small storage/food containers that are miscolored). And I totally see nothing wrong with that, and would hope the companies don't mind because that would be a huge waste otherwise. Certainly, some companies don't mind since they'll sell "errors" like the discounted package of mis-sized socks that I bought recently.

But if that's what's going on with Taobao, well it doesn't seem to be the same thing because they're clearly reselling the items, not keeping them for personal use. I don't blame them, given the likely conditions and pay, but I also think it might be illegal. Is buying from Taobao helping factory workers? No idea, maybe it is, maybe it's just a different level of dependency on the factory. I don't know what their situation is, so I'd rather try to figure out a different way to change that system of companies depending on cheap labor than support potential stealing from them, even if I don't blame the people who may be doing it. Besides, there must be a better way than helping workers get a few extra dollars here and there. (Also, just to be clear, most of my ponies...and most of everything else I own...are second-hand, even my G4s)

Also, unless the ponies on Taobao are customs that people are making and selling as MLP (which I still suspect the FS :muffin: Pony is), then this isn't an intellectual property/copyright/trademark issue, but a potential stolen items issue because the items were made under the company's direction.

I'm not judging anyone who does buy from Taobao. There's a lot we don't know about what's going on. I'm just saying that if you're going to say it doesn't matter if the ponies are stolen or not because of how workers are probably treated, well I don't think two wrongs make a right.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Chi on April 25, 2012, 06:00:09 PM


     I am having a very difficult time accepting this "guilt" you are feeling.  I find it odd that any member would publicly post how easy it is to buy from TaoBao (which it is absolutely not, and not to mention how many of us searched painfully on our own time and suffered losses to order and even try and help out the community), order enough of a controversial pony (which, you are no fool - we all knew the chance she would be truly released was slim) to make a cool $900 (at least), and then turn around and say you feel bad about it.  I have watched and read a lot of your posts and they are shocking to say the least.

I think it was a complete slap in the face to those in the community who poured a lot of time and money and personal risk into figuring out how to buy these items from overseas sellers to even post the info on how to do it.  Buying from Taobao through agents is a risk - paypal or no paypal.  Not a risk for inexperienced buyers to take.  Not that they can't, but I would have felt horrible right then and there for even posting how to do it.  I mean, my almost 2-year-old knows how to operate my hairdryer and the general direction to point the dryer to dry his hair, but I would never actually let him do it for fear that he could burn himself or set our house on fire.  I care enough to keep it away from him.

Sadly, if sellers or buyers would just lay low and not say anything, EVERYONE would have benefited from it - people would still have been running group orders, overseas sellers would still be able to sell, and Hasbro would be none the wiser.

So, as for the topic, do I feel bad?  NO.  Not now, not ever.  Does Hasbro feel bad for selling My Little Pony toys (that they know are partially directed at adult fans with more discretionary income than a small child) that cost them around 10 cents to manufacture for $5 - 20 dollars?  I bet not in a million years.

Everything is based on supply and demand.

I truly feel sorry for all the collectors who spent a lot of time and energy in teaching themselves how to order from Taobao, who have and would have ordered for other members.  Because now, they will likely never get their hands on a :muffin: Pony (because a lot of them weren't awake for your post about it at 3AM), and now Hasbro won't be issuing any additional.

I'm sorry you feel this way. At the moment when I was buying them, I didn't truly realize everyone's opinions on the matter. I was just thinking, get these things to people on the arena. I would have gladly ordered more for people at the time, but there just weren't any left to order. I asked my agent if I could add more onto the order after seeing the demand but she stated the seller did not have any more and did not know when/if they would restock. It's not necessarily that I feel bad about buying them, it's just the posts about people saying how it's wrong for people to be buying from Taobao. That they're stolen, that people who buy from Taobao are supporting a grey market, etc. Maybe I just let other people's opinions get to me, but they did. I felt like I was doing something wrong, even though it was already over. Of course buying anything overseas and even within your country through a website that's not moderated and protected with a buyer protection program like eBay is a risk, and I just assumed people were aware of that since there is a lot of buying and selling going on from every corner of the globe for nirvanas, dolls, toys, etc.  I'm sorry if I somehow upset you or anyone else, but I was just trying to help people get to things they wanted since they were curious as to how to do it and it's better to at least have a sense of what to do rather than go in at it alone.

I'm honestly not entirely sure what the purpose of the first part of your post was other than to make me feel even worse about the way I'm currently feeling. If anything, your post just solidifies the choice of me no longer buying from Taobao and leaving it up to those who can handle the controversy and emotional confusion I felt when buying in the first place and am currently feeling. I really just can't handle posts like this very well.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: saply on April 25, 2012, 06:31:20 PM
Chi didn't set those prices at $300 apiece, WE the USERS who bid on them did. :| If she was so concerned about making a "cool" anything, she would have put them on eBay, not held a private auction only for Arena Members. There is no need to make baseless accusations and derail this thread into a hostile witch hunt.

I think at the end of the day we all love ponies and want ponies and just wish Hasbro would release everything all at once so we could throw our money at them!
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: teresat on April 25, 2012, 06:56:09 PM
Chi, please do not feel guilty about how you chose to share the :muffin: Pony ponies! I think you were so nice to give Arena members the opportunity to get one. You and saply and itajn have been very generous! You could have easily kept them all for an army! (I certainly would have been tempted!) I'm glad there are people like you kind members here on the Arena!
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: ashes on April 25, 2012, 07:05:54 PM
Dropping a warning as this thread is NOT to single out any one person.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: michelle53 on April 25, 2012, 07:37:40 PM
Well said Salpy!  Ok, 'scuse me for my two cents, but I don't see how Chi can possibly be held personally responsible for failed Taobao transactions.  As I recall, Arena members ASKED for instructions on how to order.  There have been many Taobao threads and many members posting on how to order from it, not just "one person".  I'm not trying to insult anyone or create waves, but Chi is a good person and I consider her a friend. And I consider it unethical to not defend a friend.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: LuvlyMelody on April 25, 2012, 08:51:48 PM
Chi is a good person and I see no reason as to why that uncalled for (not to mention rude) attack had to be said. She ordered them so she could help people on the arena who couldn't get them. Like saply said, if she only posted it to brag and show off like a certain someone says she's done, she would have just made a Brag Thread about how she has 3 of them and no body is going to get them. But no, instead, she's posted them wanting to help them find new homes, but since there were only 3 available, the person with the highest bid is the one who gets it. Just like ebay, if there's an auction that someone wants to win, they bid, no matter how high it gets. This is nothing different.

Chi you did nothing wrong and you do not need to feel guilty. All you did was buy some ponies from an overseas site for people that were not able to get them and I see nothing wrong with that.

I haven't bought anything yet from Taobao (too much of a hassle). but if I were to buy something from there, I would not feel guilty from buying from them.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Varkolak on April 25, 2012, 09:16:47 PM
chi is a wonderful person, she helped people who asked for help, and was kind enough to share her good luck of getting :muffin: Pony's with the rest of us. it was an auction, the one who wants it the most, will pay the most. and that's not her fault. she didn't set the price high, the people who wanted :muffin: Pony did. can't do anything about that. there aren't many :muffin: Pony's to go around, but its no need to get huffy about it if you can't get one.
hasbro has been emailed with questions about :muffin: Pony, and its been mentioned to them that they saw them on a site called the information has been provided to them. if it were a serious crime, i'm sure they would have acted by now. they've been sent the link to taobao several times and yet nothing has been done about it. we don't know where these items come from, much like we don't know where the items on ebay come from. we could be buying a cd, a doll, anything, from someone, and it could have been stolen from a store. we just don't know. its not the buyer's fault if the seller committed a crime and the buyer was unaware. we don't even know that they were stolen. half of these ponies, maybe more, don't even make it to store shelves. they sell them at a fair price too, not jacking it up as high as they could possibly go. i see no problem with taobao and if another item pops up on there that i want, i will buy it. i see no difference in buying off there, than buying something overseas on ebay.
feel guilty if you want for purchasing a toy from someone that wasn't in a store. but if you feel that way, then why not feel guilty for buying from a garage sale, or a thrift store, or ebay, or even here. hasbro sees no profit from our customs, or our 2nd hand selling of ponies. boo hoo.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Lon-san on April 25, 2012, 09:30:46 PM
I was kind of hoping this thread could be about how buyers feel about their own purchasing rather than what others are doing.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Megans_Cousin on April 25, 2012, 09:40:01 PM
Chi did what she could in the fairest way possible considering the limited quantity of :muffin: Ponies and huge demand. She offered them to us, rather than eBay and let people decide what they were willing to pay. If you were following the original thread, she was going to use the money for bills anyway. Please don't pass judgement on her. It's uncalled for and not what this thread was about. It was asking whether or not you felt guilty regarding Taobao, not criticising others' feelings.
Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: Stormy31685 on April 25, 2012, 11:13:21 PM

   I apologize for how rudely that came across.  I really didn't read it as I had just gotten off work when I wrote it.

I think it was more the string of all the events that got put together as a total.  I do understand that you did not have any poor intentions at any time with any of your actions as they occurred.

I guess I just don't think you should be feeling bad about anything you did because the community appreciates those :muffin: Ponies, and Hasbro rips us off enough.

I am also more upset I guess because I don't understand why this is all of a sudden being made such a public deal over.  Prototypes have been in circulation for years, Hasbro knows about it and has for a long time, so why choose now to make buyers feel bad about it?

We aren't manufacturing them to directly compete with Hasbro.  We are only collectors.

I also edited the original post to clarify.  My extreme frustration about all this has to do with greedy people on other sites that cause problems for everyone.
 In the situation with Nerf, it becomes a bigger problem because some of those leaks may actually harm a child if they are bought because they have not been through the testing process.  But I get upset that people here have taken on feeling bad about the ponies.

I mean, there is a whole board on this forum dedicated to ponies made elsewhere that were stolen or overproduced - why wait until now to do anything about it?

Title: Re: Taobao Buyers: How Guilty (Or Not Guilty) Do You Feel?
Post by: partypony566 on April 26, 2012, 02:04:17 AM
Locking this as it's been hashed out enough.
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