The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Scraleos on April 10, 2012, 11:54:09 AM

Title: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Scraleos on April 10, 2012, 11:54:09 AM
Go to eBay UK and type in 'my little pony glamorized sweet stuff'

 :glitter: SPARKLE :glitter:
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Baby Sugarberry on April 10, 2012, 11:55:57 AM
Saw her before, so very sad people think this is an appropriate thing to do with a vintage toy.  :(
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: hathorcat on April 10, 2012, 11:58:16 AM
Woah....someone was bored...

Thats like "gypsy" bling...[a la My Big Fat Twinkle Eye Pony..this may be a UK ref only lol]
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: CrystalCrown on April 10, 2012, 12:00:22 PM
holy crap o.O

is this the reason why disco balls are no longer seen at dance parties? XD
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: on April 10, 2012, 12:01:06 PM
Saw her before, so very sad people think this is an appropriate thing to do with a vintage toy.  :(

So why is this worse than any other custom?
Yes most are done with a lot more care and attention, but it's all down to personal taste at the end of the day.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: CrystalCrown on April 10, 2012, 12:04:17 PM
Saw her before, so very sad people think this is an appropriate thing to do with a vintage toy.  :(

So why is this worse than any other custom?
its because someone piled random crap on a pony that looked good otherwise rather than doing proper rehairs, paintwork, sealing, etc etc...
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Baby Sugarberry on April 10, 2012, 12:06:32 PM
Spraying glue on a pony and rolling it in glitter isn't customization. There's no thought or effort put into it, not to mention that thing is going to shed glitter like crazy, pretty much forever.   It's no better than that lady who was painting a G3 Minty black.  They're just trying to cash in on the "OOAK" market. 

If you want to glitterify a pony for your collection (or a commission, or whatever, and hopefully do a decent job) that's fine, personal taste, but doing it in the hopes of making a quick buck off Ebay doesn't go over well with me.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Vampasaurus on April 10, 2012, 12:08:01 PM
anyone else tempted to buy her to try and restore her?
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Summer-blade on April 10, 2012, 12:09:13 PM
I'll admit it's a little bit of glitter over kill she could be a nice custom but it's one of those too much or not enough I think that maybe if she was rehaired maybe some sculpting or just had a little more attention to detail she might be nice but as she is....meh it just looks messy   
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: skyrocketneko on April 10, 2012, 12:12:00 PM
Nope, not tempted at all. Don't want to give those people money and make them think their "art" is valuable.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Baby Sugarberry on April 10, 2012, 12:12:45 PM
^ My thoughts exactly.  Buy it and they'll just go "HEY PEOPLE LIKE THIS STUFF" and make more. Sad as it is to see, the best thing you can do is ignore auctions like this. 
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Pinkie21 on April 10, 2012, 12:17:31 PM
OMG, poor Sweet Stuff! :( 
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: babystarz on April 10, 2012, 12:24:48 PM
 :shocked: Oh... oh dear.

Thats like "gypsy" bling...[a la My Big Fat Twinkle Eye Pony..this may be a UK ref only lol]

We actually have that show in the U.S. too, so I know what you're talking about! I guess their dresses and cakes are well made at least, even if they're totally over the top!
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Jadis4742 on April 10, 2012, 12:37:17 PM
What kills me is they didn't do a thing with that hair.

But who knows? The seller may have just picked it up at a garage sale or something like that. Kind of looks like kid's work to me.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: scarletjul on April 10, 2012, 12:41:36 PM
Poor Sweet Stuff. . .  :(
It looks like they just rolled her in glue and sequins.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Evening_Moonstone on April 10, 2012, 12:42:53 PM
She doesn't look like her hair's been brushed at all.  If someone's going to take the time to add bling to a pony (maybe she had awful cancer or marker stains, who knows), why wouldn't they at least give the poor thing a good brushing? At least before they sell it?
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: on April 10, 2012, 12:46:04 PM
Saw her before, so very sad people think this is an appropriate thing to do with a vintage toy.  :(

So why is this worse than any other custom?
its because someone piled random crap on a pony that looked good otherwise rather than doing proper rehairs, paintwork, sealing, etc etc...

Well, we think it looks horrid but they probably don't. To them it's (hopefully) not piling random crap on a pony. When people in the community post their customs everyone is nothing but supportive, but because this person chose to list it on eBay instead of here it's an abomination?
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Vintergatan on April 10, 2012, 01:03:47 PM
Kind of looks like kid's work to me.

This was my first guess. It looks like some kid got bored with their toy and decided to "fix" her. kinda like some kids scribble on their ponies or cut their hair.

And, some of us don't like to see G1s customized at all, or not until they are completely beyond hope etc. just because we´re not going around bashing people here on the arena doesn't mean that we adore every custom that's being posted here.
But again, I just don't think this .. thing..was made to be a custom, just a school project of some kid :P

Edit: Also, just to not involve anyone, every "we" etc here just read as "I" I guess.

oh and I guess people are just a bit more honest when they don't think the one in question will actually read all the comments :P
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Baby Sugarberry on April 10, 2012, 01:47:16 PM
There are plenty of customs I don't think should have been made that are shown off here - while I'm not of the "never customize G1" camp, I do cringe when I see shoddy paint jobs, especially FBR's, or uncommon/rare ponies sacrificed as bait simply because they were missing hair or had a symbol rub. I don't think sticking a ton of Swarovski crystals, tons of apoxie and bedroom eyes on a pony is appealing - but people are free to do what they want with their property. 

However, at least most customizers have the good sense to ask first if their pony is in bait condition, or would be better off restored to her original finish.  I have yet to see anyone post a custom where they didn't at least try to make them look presentable, aka brushed hair, a ribbon or accessory, some time spent on the design, even if their skills are abysmal. 

Edit: and it's pretty clear by the usual slew of "good jobs!" that rarely does anyone want honest critique on things posted in the Customs forum, which is why I stay away from it most of the time.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: babystarz on April 10, 2012, 02:16:56 PM
Saw her before, so very sad people think this is an appropriate thing to do with a vintage toy.  :(

So why is this worse than any other custom?
Yes most are done with a lot more care and attention, but it's all down to personal taste at the end of the day.

I don't think it's simply a matter of personal taste. This pony is objectively a sloppily executed custom, without even a simple hair-brushing. There was no painting, rehairing, cleaning(?), or altering of any kind other than slapping some glue and glitter on the pony, and even that was done haphazardly. The seller even admits that the glitter will probably come off during shipping :/

Edit: and it's pretty clear by the usual slew of "good jobs!" that rarely does anyone want honest critique on things posted in the Customs forum, which is why I stay away from it most of the time.

Agreed. Most people in the customizing forum are their own worst critics, too. They know what they've done well and what they need to work on, and they mention it in the initial post. People don't need to pile on over a point that the artist is aware of and working on. And the few people who really aren't aware that they are doing sloppy work don't usually ask for critiques, or they demand to know why people aren't buying their customs in a way that makes it clear they think the customs are the best thing since sliced bread. So it's not like anyone feels comfortable pointing anything out that could use improvement, because they don't want to offend the artist. This fear can carry over even into situations where the artist really does want critique. So the customs forum is more of an "ask questions about technique/show off your creations for admiration" place than an "honest critique on what needs improvement" place. It doesn't mean that everyone thinks every custom ever presented there is amazing, just that people try to remain positive. This isn't always a good thing, especially because sometimes people don't know if anyone actually does like their customs, or if they're just being nice.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: CrystalCrown on April 10, 2012, 02:54:29 PM
Saw her before, so very sad people think this is an appropriate thing to do with a vintage toy.  :(

So why is this worse than any other custom?
its because someone piled random crap on a pony that looked good otherwise rather than doing proper rehairs, paintwork, sealing, etc etc...

Well, we think it looks horrid but they probably don't. To them it's (hopefully) not piling random crap on a pony. When people in the community post their customs everyone is nothing but supportive, but because this person chose to list it on eBay instead of here it's an abomination?
no, it's not an abomination just because it's on ebay instead of here, in fact, most customs on eBay are at least decent, except that black minty and the other customs that same person made, and this one. There was no effort put into this pony, and most likely proper materials were not used. The person did that just to make a quick buck, and that's not ok in my eyes. Sweet stuff didn't appear to have any stains or marks or anything, but it's hard to tell with the glitter in the way. If anything poor sweet stuff should have been restored. But now she's instant bait.
And the reason people think that (almost all) customs on the forum are good is because the artists put effort into their customs, they have a specific design in mind, then they re-root, repaint, dye, seal, style the hair, add accessories... Not drench the pony in glitter glue.... Heck, even some artists use the original hair the pony cane with (if the pony had any in the first place, some baits are hairless) but at least they make the hair look nice... By brushing it out, or conditioning, or straightening, or trimming off frizzy ends. The hair has to look nice too, having a nicely made custom with ratty hair isn't gonna look good, and likely won't sell...
That's what makes a custom good, not the website the artist chooses to put the pony on.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: ashes on April 10, 2012, 03:14:09 PM

I admit it's kind of random, but for all we know she was covered in pindot mold and had her symbols scratched off.  *shrugs* 
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: TheBeatlesPkmnFan42 on April 10, 2012, 03:33:06 PM
Wow. Maybe whoever buys it will use her as a disco ball! XD Interesting custom idea.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: banditpony on April 10, 2012, 04:47:06 PM
I don't think it's enough glitter! Seriously. I think it could of been done with more attention to detail, but I think it is on par to some "beginner" stuff (I don't mean any offense by that!) . *shrug* I like the concept.

This reminds me of a custom pony I thought I saw once... it was covered in broken glass? or small squares of glass or something similar, and it looked like a discoball. It was sooo amazing. ??? I wonder if that actually existed, or if it only was in a dream. o_O
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: partypony566 on April 10, 2012, 04:49:26 PM
Wow. Maybe whoever buys it will use her as a disco ball! XD Interesting custom idea.

I love this idea. Also I personally can't get enough bling :biggrin:
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Ringlets on April 10, 2012, 05:02:59 PM
I am allllmost too afraid to look :yikes:  This pony is in my fave pose, and I might be tempted to buy it for my army :crazy:   shall I risk checking it out ?.....
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: TwistedWindSox on April 10, 2012, 05:24:29 PM
...Was anyone else's first though Lady Gaga? Or was that just me? :P
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: KiwiSquirtBottle on April 10, 2012, 05:36:40 PM
...Was anyone else's first though Lady Gaga? Or was that just me? :P
Nope, I did that too. XD
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Ringlets on April 10, 2012, 05:49:01 PM
Ok.. I gave in and looked. I've seen better customs.. but then again I've also seen worse! :P   the idea aint that bad TBH, but the hair really needs some work.  Personally while I'm only in favor of customising reeeaaally baity literally beyond restoration G1 ponies,  I dont think we can make a judgement on whether she should have been customised or not cos who knows what that glitter is hiding ;) 
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: MsGatamon on April 10, 2012, 06:51:01 PM
Call me crazy because I like this style.  I wish there were better pics so I could see how smooth a job the sequins were applied and what sequins were used.
This is either a newbie customizer or someone who thinks they can make money off selling customs.  "some sequins may come off during posatge but i have put a lot on" to me means I didnt care enough to do a proper job.  I also agree that they should have rehaired.  They could have considered the cutie mark in the design instead of poorly covering it.
But you need to give the customizer some points for admitting the flaws and starting out at a low price instead of starting out with a high price.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: saply on April 10, 2012, 06:54:41 PM
Looks like I've found a new hood ornament.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: josiekat on April 10, 2012, 06:57:11 PM
I kind of like her. I would love to know her story. That....and I love disco...which is what I would name her. lol
Ps: So, if someone was looking to RAOPK me.....I'll be waiting for this girl. :p
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: rybett on April 10, 2012, 07:28:09 PM
Fair warning, one of my WIP is a g3 FS with seaglass on her rumpus.  BUT, she's not covered in it and the pieces fit together to some extent.  This one, too much shine.  BTW, he also has a "larger than life" Scootaloo.  Who's she?
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Chi on April 10, 2012, 07:37:46 PM
Woah....someone was bored...

Thats like "gypsy" bling...[a la My Big Fat Twinkle Eye Pony..this may be a UK ref only lol]
That show is on in North America as well. :)

Poor pony, looks like a disco ball..Except not as nice. ):
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Eternia on April 10, 2012, 07:43:09 PM
Good idea, poor execution.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: ButtercreamDream on April 10, 2012, 08:00:30 PM
I don't think it's enough glitter! Seriously. I think it could of been done with more attention to detail, but I think it is on par to some "beginner" stuff (I don't mean any offense by that!) . *shrug* I like the concept.

This reminds me of a custom pony I thought I saw once... it was covered in broken glass? or small squares of glass or something similar, and it looked like a discoball. It was sooo amazing. ??? I wonder if that actually existed, or if it only was in a dream. o_O

There was a disco ball pony project pony.  Maybe that's the one you are thinking of....visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Leopard_Print_Unicorn on April 10, 2012, 08:15:55 PM
Woah....someone was bored...

Thats like "gypsy" bling...[a la My Big Fat Twinkle Eye Pony..this may be a UK ref only lol]

Nah. I'm part-Gypsy and even I was like "Oh my. Just no." when I saw that poor pony.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: babyblueducky on April 10, 2012, 09:44:39 PM
did someone throw up glitter on her? poor sweet stuff. i wonder if the person who bid on her will save her and give her a makeover.
Title: Re: I think that\'s TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: bladed on April 11, 2012, 01:13:47 AM
I admit, I kinda want to buy her and hang her up as a disco ball.. PONY DISCO BALL!
But, seriously, if she winded up with me, I'd get that glitter off and brush and style her hair!

Post Merge: April 11, 2012, 01:16:52 AM

Fair warning, one of my WIP is a g3 FS with seaglass on her rumpus.  BUT, she's not covered in it and the pieces fit together to some extent.  This one, too much shine.  BTW, he also has a "larger than life" Scootaloo.  Who's she?
Its just a large baby scootaloo.. I think..
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: hathorcat on April 11, 2012, 01:18:54 AM
Woah....someone was bored...

Thats like "gypsy" bling...[a la My Big Fat Twinkle Eye Pony..this may be a UK ref only lol]

Nah. I'm part-Gypsy and even I was like "Oh my. Just no." when I saw that poor pony.

He he he...just reminded me of the over done ness of some of the stuff on that show...hey do you get an American version of it or do you get our UK version?

Is it now bad that because I truly believe in the bling, this pony is now growing on me and I kinda want a custom completely covered in sparkleness...
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Leopard_Print_Unicorn on April 11, 2012, 04:10:28 AM
Woah....someone was bored...

Thats like "gypsy" bling...[a la My Big Fat Twinkle Eye Pony..this may be a UK ref only lol]

Nah. I'm part-Gypsy and even I was like "Oh my. Just no." when I saw that poor pony.

He he he...just reminded me of the over done ness of some of the stuff on that show...hey do you get an American version of it or do you get our UK version?

Is it now bad that because I truly believe in the bling, this pony is now growing on me and I kinda want a custom completely covered in sparkleness...

We get the UK version right now. I don't think many people in America even know that Gypsies are real. But I think I heard they are doing an American spin-off.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Sarah-Bee on April 11, 2012, 05:16:48 AM
I'm going to get my baitiest bait, cover her in PVA and dunk her in glitter! :P (well probably not but it's a good job those supplies aren't at hand right now cos I'm bored (at work))
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: rybett on April 11, 2012, 06:27:47 AM
Better off buying hologram glitter paint and layering it.  I think I did 4-5 layers on "Sparkle Minty".  Could have gone further if I had wanted to repaint her cutie mark.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: Princess-Sparkles on April 11, 2012, 07:24:46 AM
I haven't seen this pony yet because my phone is stupid and won't let me look worldwide. :/ but it makes me think of UK Princess Sparkle.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: ApertureScience on April 11, 2012, 07:30:22 AM

There was a disco ball pony project pony.  Maybe that's the one you are thinking of....visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Now THAT is an awesome custom!

As for Sweet Stuff, are you sure that glitter?  To me it looks like aluminum foil pieces... especially in the second picture.
Title: Re: I think that's TOO much twinkle Sweet Stuff...
Post by: PinkRosedust on April 11, 2012, 10:12:22 AM
Unless it's a child who owns that account, then it was not a child who did that to Sweet Stuff. The seller said they did it.

I don't like it personally. However I will say that it's by far not the worst thing I've seen done to an innocent pony...
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