The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: mlpfan on March 23, 2012, 11:36:46 AM

Title: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: mlpfan on March 23, 2012, 11:36:46 AM
I thought it would be cool if we post when we see a brony or pegasister in real life, I have been spotting them everywhere it seems ! I was at mcdonalds the last time i saw a fellow brony. he was working the register and he had a mcdonalds raindow dash made into a cool looking key chain hanging from his belt.  anypony else been seeing lots of bronies out?
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Radiance on March 23, 2012, 11:43:54 AM
Sadly, where I live even if there were bronies or pegasisters about they'd likely not advertise it. I'd be thrilled to run into a fellow MLP lover but they're pretty thin on the ground out in rural Alabama. I do plan on decorating my car for the trip down to the Fair in July, so we'll see how many honks I get for my "I brake for Bronies" painted up rear window!
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: mlpfan on March 23, 2012, 11:50:11 AM
Sadly, where I live even if there were bronies or pegasisters about they'd likely not advertise it. I'd be thrilled to run into a fellow MLP lover but they're pretty thin on the ground out in rural Alabama. I do plan on decorating my car for the trip down to the Fair in July, so we'll see how many honks I get for my "I brake for Bronies" painted up rear window!

be sure to post pics!
I have spotted 3 since i started looking, they don't stand out. it is always a little thing. a random mlp referece, a keychain.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Wardah on March 23, 2012, 12:39:25 PM
Besides a few people in Anime Club, who weren't wearing any brony gear so I never would have guessed, I once saw someone on the city bus that was wearing one of those shirts that unless you were a FIM fan you wouldn't have known it was a pony reference and around the holidays someone who worked at TRU had a magnet on their car that was Rainbow Dash's cutie mark.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: hathorcat on March 23, 2012, 12:43:12 PM
Random spottings? Never...I dont think too many hang around the places I go I guess! 
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Rika_of_Thunder on March 23, 2012, 12:49:10 PM
I've seen a couple on campus, but in my one class there's this really awesome dude that's a total brony. And by that I mean he wears pony shirts almost every day, has a :muffin: Pony Hooves messenger bag, and and has a bunch of pony pins on his hat~! He's really sociable too, and gets along with pretty much everyone in the class, he exasperates the professor sometimes with his pony-ness though (and then I get started on it too and she's ready to blow a gasket XD)
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: mlpfan on March 23, 2012, 12:58:25 PM
I've seen a couple on campus, but in my one class there's this really awesome dude that's a total brony. And by that I mean he wears pony shirts almost every day, has a :muffin: Pony Hooves messenger bag, and and has a bunch of pony pins on his hat~! He's really sociable too, and gets along with pretty much everyone in the class, he exasperates the professor sometimes with his pony-ness though (and then I get started on it too and she's ready to blow a gasket XD)

sounds like a cool dude!
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Keiri on March 23, 2012, 01:07:37 PM
I know there's some in my school! Two of my friends are pegasisters, and I know there's a boy in one of my classes that likes ponies and two other boys that I don't know. One of them always wears his DJ P0N-3 jacket and the other has a Fluttershy shirt.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Sunset on March 23, 2012, 01:18:57 PM
I've worn my Twilight Sparkle "Read a Book" shirt to my job at the public library several times and had a couple of comments from the non-demographic set.  One teenage girl who was very excited and the mother of a college-aged brony.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Scraleos on March 23, 2012, 01:33:27 PM
I know a few bronies at school. I was putting up posters for a scavenger hunt, and I put Lyra on it, and they were like OMG LYRA. I had my :muffin: Pony bag too :D
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 23, 2012, 01:45:48 PM
I don't bother looking, nor do I care.  I live in a city of over a million people; they want to collect MLP, that's their business.    ;)  I would be horrified to think about people scoping me out at thrift stores to see what I'm into, or anywhere else, really.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: mlpfan on March 23, 2012, 01:50:51 PM
I have to say . you have to be very brave to be a brony in school! seems like you would be setting yourself up for bullying! my hat is off to them!
I don't bother looking, nor do I care.  I live in a city of over a million people; they want to collect MLP, that's their business.    ;)  I would be horrified to think about people scoping me out at thrift stores to see what I'm into, or anywhere else, really.
I look to get an idea of how many of us bronies are out there. and there are many!!!
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: TheBeatlesPkmnFan42 on March 23, 2012, 02:57:31 PM
I know 15 other bronies and pegasisters in real life. All of them at school, or were in school with me last year.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: scarletjul on March 23, 2012, 03:09:47 PM
I work at a middle school and I bring my lunch to work in a Twilight Sparkle bag.  Last week, someone had left a note complimenting my bag.  I don't know who it was but it was still pretty sweet.  :)
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: aellos on March 23, 2012, 03:12:24 PM
I look a bit into people who have the same interests as me...since I'm a new city with no friends.
No luck really. But I don't really look hard.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Zest on March 23, 2012, 03:16:44 PM
I'm happy to say I met my first fellow Brony... at my birthday! x) I had a super-small party and one of my friends asked if it was all right that she brought her friend that was visiting from out of town for spring break.

I have a very friendly dog and when he had "interrupted" our conversation I said: "Oh yes, you just want to be friends with everyone think friendship is magic, don't you?" One thing lead to another and he, my friend's friend, and myself started singing the MLP:FIM theme song. Much to the confusion of other party guests. xD!
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: ashes on March 23, 2012, 03:39:46 PM
The only time I saw someone wearing a brony shirt was at my local flea market a couple months ago.  I saw a girl (who looked to be in her late teens/early 20s) wearing a brony hoodie.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: hyenacub on March 23, 2012, 04:05:53 PM
I met a guy at a NaNoWriMo write-in last November.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: ApertureScience on March 23, 2012, 04:39:02 PM
I helped one of my friends become a brony (she's a girl, but I hate the term "pegasister").  And a boy that we knew became a brony as well when he saw how well written the show was.

I went to the mall with a friend once and I was wearing a shirt that said "Brony" and had Rainbow Dash on it and a guy said he liked the shirt and that Rainbow Dash was his favorite pony.  It was my first time ever meeting a true brony.  I loved it. X3
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: StarLite on March 23, 2012, 08:40:49 PM
A handful of kids at my school have stopped me randomly to comment on my FiM shirts, and an employee at McDonald's said, "Good luck, my fellow Brony," when he didn't have the toys I was looking for.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Rhini on March 23, 2012, 08:54:28 PM
I met a suuper cute guy at an anime convention who commented on my rainbow dash key chain, but he didnt live near me! *heartbreak*  :cloud:

I also saw a younger guy with his mom at trader joes with a rainbow dash patch on his hoodie  :satisfied:
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Bee-chan on March 23, 2012, 09:54:24 PM
In my area of New Jersey, not too many people are willing  be open about their fandoms, unless they're football fans, specifically Giants fans ( RABID Giants fans in my area ).

I really only know of one other open My Little Pony fan in my area... my friend, Heather.

I've tried finding other collectors and fans in my area, buuuuut... yeah, people are kind of chickens out here. ^^;;;;
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: karrie91 on March 23, 2012, 11:53:07 PM
None yet :( I'm in a small town way at the bottom of Michigan on the Toledo Ohio line so if there are any Pony fans, their probably south of me in Toledo lol.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Rika_of_Thunder on March 24, 2012, 06:04:20 AM
Oh I forgot to mention, I'm not really sure who did it but there are posters of Princess Celestia all over one of the art buildings on campus XD
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Moony on March 24, 2012, 06:40:21 AM
I met a TON of bronies at the anime convention I went to over the weekend xD I went to three pony panles and they were always PACKED!!! I haven't really seen any on campus though... maybe because 42,000 students go to my University lol
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: partypony566 on March 24, 2012, 09:50:42 AM
Never seen any :)
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Eternia on March 24, 2012, 11:36:27 AM
my friend is a brony, and I just convinced him to buy a rainbow dash brony shirt. he loves pony hunting with me. hhehe
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: dippindot on March 24, 2012, 01:06:03 PM
We had a small convention at my school last weekend, and the My Little Pony panel was PACKED!  To give you an idea, most of the panels had 5-10 people attending.  The MLP panel actually drew in so many people that one of the organizers came in and said "Oh, this is where the convention ran off to!"  Seriously, we ran out of chairs.

Now I know why Walmart is always out of blind bags around here.

Oh, and the guy who sits next to me in my C++ class was at the panel, so next class period I oh so casually drew a Pinkie Pie sketch on my notes to spark conversation, lol.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: mlpfan on March 24, 2012, 01:57:04 PM
We had a small convention at my school last weekend, and the My Little Pony panel was PACKED!  To give you an idea, most of the panels had 5-10 people attending.  The MLP panel actually drew in so many people that one of the organizers came in and said "Oh, this is where the convention ran off to!"  Seriously, we ran out of chairs.

Now I know why Walmart is always out of blind bags around here.

Oh, and the guy who sits next to me in my C++ class was at the panel, so next class period I oh so casually drew a Pinkie Pie sketch on my notes to spark conversation, lol.

that is so cool! my little pony is turning into something very big~!
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: fluttersquid on March 24, 2012, 05:18:17 PM
There was a guy in a Fluttershy shirt at a board-game cafe in Toronto that actually saw my friend and I first (because she had a sweater relating to another fandom). It was a very brief but interesting moment of "Oh my god great God Tier hoodie!" "Oh my god I love your Fluttershy shirt! So cute!" and then both parties parted ways.

I often see people with MLP:FiM merch around downtown Toronto, but never in my city.... (granted I do live is a gross area)
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Tally Mark on March 24, 2012, 11:09:11 PM
I go to the Boston Brony meetups so I see them pretty regularly. ^_^;; We actually had a NH meetup today, there's quite a few bronies in the Nashua and Derry areas. If you were in the area...we'd have been hard to miss. ;) After the official meetup we went to McDonald's for pony toys, sang songs (to the bemusement of the McDonald's staff), and then sat in a parking lot brushing pony manes for an hour. My inner little girl couldn't be happier right now.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Foxtale on March 25, 2012, 08:24:54 AM
I went into a comic book store yesterday and walked into a heated debate about the best pony from FIM. >.< Never was in that store before, nor did they have any pony merchandise It was pretty random sighting lol
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: EmBee on March 25, 2012, 08:27:18 AM
*Waves at Renee_Chan*  :wave:

Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Moss on March 26, 2012, 06:14:04 PM
Two people I've known for years but have never really spoken to wound up being bronies! One guy in school saw me wearing my Pinkie Pie shirt and thought it was great that I had the guts to wear it in school, so he joined my lunch table. A girl at the table saw my shirt and it turned out she'd been watching the show and had never mentioned it! The three of us discuss the show all the time now, and we even went to McDonald's as a group to get the toys. It's great to have someone to talk to about a fandom you love, even if we get weird looks from the others at the lunch table!
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: saply on March 26, 2012, 07:27:12 PM
I just hung out with the awesome xSexyWafflesx and her fiance on Saturday for the first time! You know you are jealous.

Does that count? XD
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: BrightSide on March 27, 2012, 06:44:22 AM
MLP doesn't seem as popular in this country D: but I know of 3 other ponyfolk: a nurse on my old ward (who introduced me to MLP!), one of my best friends and a friend of a friend.

I'm trying to convert my boyfriend into a brony, but it isn't working very well.. We'll see about that. :lol:
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Clementine on March 28, 2012, 02:39:15 PM
I was listening to an author talk and he mentioned something about background characters from books/tv/movies being picked up on by the fans and turned into something massive and everyone started yelling out examples, someone in the row right behind me yelled out ":muffin: Pony HOOVES" at the top of their lungs X) I hurt my neck as I turned around so fast! I've also ran into probably 10+ fans at school including a fellow all gen fan, collecter and customiser :D
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: tehrin on March 28, 2012, 05:02:07 PM
There's this one guy that always has this huge grin whenever I go into the craft/hobby store wearing a pony shirt. :p  I also saw a few guys go up to the ponies after I walked away to oogle them. And... another time, I saw an older girl, probably about my age at Target looking over all the ponies for one to customize, and settled on Rarity. Her boyfriend wasn't too pleased about the ponies! XD It was funny because I was looking for a Rarity to customize too. :p

But otherwise, outside of anime cons and associated people that I usually hang out with, that's about the gist of the pony-ness I've come in contact with. :p
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: mayanbutterfly on March 28, 2012, 10:24:29 PM
I just learned that a 15 yer old boy in my college Spanish class is a brony and he thinks Fluttershy is sooo cute!
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Vesperline on March 29, 2012, 01:26:48 AM
We had a meetup here in SoCal recently for Disneyland's 24 hour event.  So there were a lot of bronies there anyways, but while walking around with one member holding a Pinkie Pie plush (She acted as a beacon in the crowd for our group) we had tons of shout outs from other people all through the night.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: mlpfan on April 06, 2012, 02:00:30 PM
I work at a middle school and I bring my lunch to work in a Twilight Sparkle bag.  Last week, someone had left a note complimenting my bag.  I don't know who it was but it was still pretty sweet.  :)

must have been a brony who is not ready to say he is a brony yet:)
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Sandi on April 06, 2012, 05:15:47 PM
Nope, haven't seen any. Haven't been looking either though.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: MonstarNomNom on April 06, 2012, 07:18:33 PM
Ummmmm I haven't really had any other than a few people telling me they like my FiM backpack xD One time I was walking to class these two obnoxious guys were walking behind me and talking to themselves about my backpack like I couldn't hear them and promptly took a picture of it as well. How annoying is that? -_- I wanted to turn around and say something but I couldn't make myself do it :/
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Obsydian on April 06, 2012, 07:27:27 PM
I haven't seen any others around but I guess most tend to hide it.  I shamelessly have Pinkie Pie and Applejack dangling from my purse.  As a female I can get away with it though.
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Angelshy on April 06, 2012, 08:20:26 PM
I did see a random guy leaving a shop in a pony t-shirt as I was entering and that was amusing.  Also, not that long ago I went to the beach and while I was looking for my friends I stumbled upon a Brony meet up (they all had pony t-shirts and one had even brought a Twilight Sparkle tent). If I hadn't found my friends I was going to ask to join them XD

Some of my friends are Bronies/Pegasisters but not many  :P
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: Snapdragon on April 06, 2012, 10:37:18 PM
When I went to TRU for the last BOGO event they had, there was a young lady in the aisle who said, "Are you looking for Spike from the My Little Pony show?" And I said, "Yeah!" and she kind of nodded and went back to looking at the Littest Pet Shops. I thought she might be a fan, but I wasn't sure, so I didn't want to go full-Pinkie-Pie on her. "DO YOU LIKE PONIES I SURE LIKE PONIES OH BOY THERE'S NOTHING I LOVE MORE THAN PONIES WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE PONY?" :lmao:
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: kerry483 on April 07, 2012, 07:08:29 AM
I saw one in the mall the other day :)
It turned out it was one of my male brony facebook friends, who was visiting from Melbourne, and staying with one of my pegasister friends. It was such a great coincidence seeing him :)
I was having a really crappy day, and seeing him wearing his Twilight sparkle shirt brightened me up like nothing else :)
Title: Re: Post your BRONY/pegasister sightings here!
Post by: starrypawz on April 07, 2012, 10:52:08 AM
A while back I was out for a walk with my brother, we were headed to a local woodland to take photos we bumped into my brother's friend who had a friend with him (call him B) . I was wearing a Cupcake Cult hoody the 'Loner' one with the grey pegasus on it. B took one look at it and went 'brony?' so I went 'kinda' as it seemed the best thing to do and he went 'BROHOOF!' I've never seen him since.
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