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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: tulagirl on March 14, 2012, 03:59:16 PM

Title: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: tulagirl on March 14, 2012, 03:59:16 PM
I was sitting on my chair in the living room and I saw the postal carrier walk up to my house and put the mail in my box. Then he walks off the porch, turns around and stands and the end of my porch and throws..yep throws :mad:   :dropjaw: my packagein the air and down on the concrete porch in front of my door...He just threw it and it had breakable things in it.  I had ordered some accessories that had glass parts and they shipped it in an envelope and the man just throws it about 5 feet in the air.  That is just so rude and so careless.  I could even hear that envelope land on the porch.  Why would he do that?  You know people in the world now days don't seem to care about anything anymore. :huh:
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: ashes on March 14, 2012, 04:06:20 PM
How awful!  I would report him to the local PO.  That's just not acceptable behavior from a postal employee.
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on March 14, 2012, 04:16:09 PM
I read this as you saw him throw up on your porch, not throw your package on your porch. In that first instance I might have felt a little sympathy for him. :/

But yeah, file a complaint. That's completely unacceptable. Did anything break? I certainly hope not. :(
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: teresat on March 14, 2012, 04:17:59 PM
I'm so sorry! That's so awful.
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: Marlin on March 14, 2012, 04:21:42 PM
OMG! What did you do? I so would have gone out there and accosted him!

That is completely unacceptable of him to have done - definitely report the incident.

I hope your items are ok?
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: LuvlyMelody on March 14, 2012, 04:24:00 PM
I hope the package is alright. If I saw that happen to my package, I would've ran out before he left, confront him and been like: "WTF, Really??" and then file a complaint to the post office. Hopefully they do the right thing and listen to this complaint instead of asking him if he threw it and sides with him if he says no. (I have no idea how PO complaint system works)
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: tuneful87 on March 14, 2012, 04:25:46 PM
I would have run out there and SCREAMED MY HEAD OFF!
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 14, 2012, 04:30:21 PM
I would have run out there and SCREAMED MY HEAD OFF!

Uhhh yeah, this.  OMG I hope you report him to the Head Postal Manager at that branch.
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: rybett on March 14, 2012, 04:43:11 PM
Insert various swear words!!!!!!!!!  Is anything broken?
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: Sebby6 on March 14, 2012, 04:47:54 PM
I would have right out that door and given him a piece of my mind.
In fact I did chase the postman down the street once.
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: JigglesTheCat on March 14, 2012, 04:49:04 PM
Grr! People these days. Why would someone do something so careless? Like everyone else said, file a complaint. I hope nothing got damaged D:
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: Alrak on March 14, 2012, 05:03:08 PM
That is really awful! inacceptable behavior, i would have chase him and then do the report! omg. If something is broken (i hope not) you should have to carry it to the PO and see if insurance covers your items.
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: kaoskat on March 14, 2012, 05:23:31 PM
Yeah...... I got a package with a fragile sculpted pony today and my mail carrier just dropped it onto the step. I wasn't too pleased but everything was ok. I'd be livid if I saw him throw it! Definitely report him.
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: tulagirl on March 14, 2012, 05:29:28 PM
Yea I had ordered 4 Anthropologie Bobbies that have glass beads on them. They are so beautiful and I love to use them to put my hair up in a bun. They have the best Bobbies for fine hair. They did survive and really I was expecting them to be broken. They were not in bubble wrap and just in a plastic tiny zip lock bag, inside and envelope that was not a bubble mailer either.  I guess I was so shocked I was stunned into silence.  I will be reporting him for doing that, I just don't have a lot of faith that anyone will care.  You know Anthropologie stuff is really expensive and that was totally unacceptable of him to throw my package in the air as if he figured there was nothing of any value in it. I am so mad but glad they were not damaged.
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: Whoa1234 on March 14, 2012, 05:34:14 PM
I would have chased him down the street!
I vote we throw him 5 feet into the air and let him land on the concrete, see how he likes it!
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: tulagirl on March 14, 2012, 05:37:07 PM
I would have chased him down the street!
I vote we throw him 5 feet into the air and let him land on the concrete, see how he likes it!

ROFLOL yea well I am only 5 ft anyone else want to come over tomorrow and help out with this task lol? Just kidding..but seriously yea..I bet he would appreciate someone throwing his mail up in the air and possibly breaking it.  It just felt like the guy had a lot of anger or built up resentment or something..I mean why else do that...or maybe he was too lazy to walk back and set it on my porch.
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: mlpfan on March 14, 2012, 06:13:06 PM
report him!!! he needs to learn to respect other peoples things
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: JigglesTheCat on March 14, 2012, 06:15:15 PM
It's good that nothing ended up broken! I just hope he hasn't been throwing the whole neighborhoods' mail all around, i'd hate to see a whole group of people with broken gifts and presents.
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: kittybethy on March 14, 2012, 08:55:23 PM
Another shining example of the postal system!
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: prowlsgirl on March 14, 2012, 11:15:08 PM
I was sitting on my chair in the living room and I saw the postal carrier walk up to my house and put the mail in my box. Then he walks off the porch, turns around and stands and the end of my porch and throws..yep throws :mad:   :dropjaw: my packagein the air and down on the concrete porch in front of my door...He just threw it and it had breakable things in it.  I had ordered some accessories that had glass parts and they shipped it in an envelope and the man just throws it about 5 feet in the air.  That is just so rude and so careless.  I could even hear that envelope land on the porch.  Why would he do that?  You know people in the world now days don't seem to care about anything anymore. :huh:
Did they put fragle(sp?) on your package or did the dude just couldn't read?
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: stopxmotion on March 15, 2012, 03:11:34 AM
I would have ran right out there as well. How awful.
I just can't believe a mail carrier would do such a thing. Mine have always been so nice! I guess it depends on where you live though.
The only time I ever saw someone throw a package was a UPS guy but I kinda understood cause he rang someone's bell and there was no answer and couldn't get in through the gate, so he just tossed the box over into the yard.

I started reading your post as "throwing up" too. Haha oops.
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: tulagirl on March 15, 2012, 07:44:08 AM
No the company didn't mark my package as fragile at all.  Honestly I just think the guy was too lazy to walk back on my porch so thats why he threw it. 
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: Radiance on March 15, 2012, 09:30:15 AM
Wow, what a jerk! He was just too lazy to actually do his job! My postal carrier is just lovely. She calls me if she has a package for me (our house sits off the road and there's a fence, so she can't drive up to the house). If the package seems damaged, she'll come back to my house after she finishes the neighborhood to check if the contents are ok. So not all postal workers are such *insert swear word*.
Did anyone see the video of the Fed Ex man throwing the flat screen TV over the fence? He was caught on security film. Mail carriers and delivery service workers are paid to deliver our mail/packages safely and without damage (and I understand that accidents do happen). It burns me up when people are just too lazy/careless to do the job that we consumers pay them for! /rant over/
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: goddessofpeep on March 15, 2012, 01:26:12 PM
I used to live in a two story house that had been converted to apartments.  I lived directly at the top of the stairs.  At the bottom of the stairs was the common mailbox that the postman visited most days.  I had a lot of packages coming in on a regular basis, and it wasn't unusual for me to hear a loud *thump* on my door followed by a strange skittering noise.  The postman used to stand at the bottom of the stairs and chuck my packages at my door. 

He was a terrible postman even without that.  We must've been one of the last houses on his route or something.  It was a very rare thing to get my mail before 7pm.  He once came by after 10pm.  And some days he just didn't come by at all.  We wouldn't get mail for a day or more, and then one day at 8am there'd be a PILE of mail from the last however many days he didn't deliver sitting out.  I eventually found out why this was.  I went to a local pizza place for dinner one night and saw him sitting at one of the tables, chowing down on some pizza and chatting with the owner.  His mail cart was right next to him, still relatively full.
Title: Re: OM I can't believe what I just saw
Post by: tulagirl on March 15, 2012, 02:35:36 PM
Thats just awful
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