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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Psivampyr on March 13, 2012, 07:58:07 AM

Title: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: Psivampyr on March 13, 2012, 07:58:07 AM
I love sims and ponies and dolls and just wanted to see who else here does too. Also do you use mods, custom content? Where are your favorite websites for said items? Do you have all of the expansions?
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: hokuspokus on March 13, 2012, 08:12:53 AM
I looooove the Sims, but i play version 2 instead of 3 :)
I had it complete and thought it would be a waste of money to buy 3, since it came so soon after the last expansion pack from 2.
But i think the differences are not too big, i played with a friend that has Sims 3.

It's an awesome game :D
I have almost all expansions, just missing a few asseccories packs. I didn't think they added enough for what they'd cost.
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: kittybethy on March 13, 2012, 08:15:12 AM
I played the old version back in college with my roomies!

 I loved it!
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: kaoskat on March 13, 2012, 08:37:50 AM
I don't but it seems interesting.
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: babystarz on March 13, 2012, 08:41:34 AM
Yep, when I have time :P I do use custom content and hacks. Including AwesomeMOD, which is, well, awesome :P I also like Mod The Sims, and of course The Sims Resource.

I don't have all the expansions because my computer wouldn't be able to handle them. I usually just have one or two installed at a time. I think my favorite is still World Adventures, and I would like Pets if the graphics weren't totally screwed up on my computer.
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: terabithianprince on March 13, 2012, 08:47:02 AM
I play Sims 3 all the time. I made all the characters from my favourite t.v shows. I have most of the expansions and I LOVE custom content. I love Late Night and World Adventures. :)
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: Beldarna on March 13, 2012, 08:53:56 AM
I do. It's a nice thing to do while watching TV and the like. I love to build and decorate houses.
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: Psivampyr on March 13, 2012, 10:55:45 AM
I totally agree about awesome mod and mod the sims being great. I tried the sims resource, but sometimes the quality just isn't like MTS. I also play 2 when I miss the silliness that sims 3 lacks. I don't do any of the modding or custom making myself for the game, I just am not talented enough like they are.
terabithianprince- what tv shows did you make sims from? I tried making Jem and the Holograms in my game, but the only one that looked like any relation to who they were was Stormer.
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: Nein on March 13, 2012, 11:18:19 AM
I play 3, because of the horses in the pets ep, theres now a huge online community revolved around breeding and showing the horses
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: hokuspokus on March 13, 2012, 12:21:57 PM
I also like Mod The Sims, and of course The Sims Resource.

Mod The Sims is wonderful :)
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 13, 2012, 01:52:07 PM
I would if Electronic Arts would acknowledge and fix all the problems.

Oh, Maxis. I miss you  :cry:
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: ShortyBoo on March 13, 2012, 02:32:43 PM
I play. I've been playing The Sims games for 12 years now. I have all the expansions and stuff packs and play with Awesome Mod, a few of Twallan's mods (Master Controller and Overwatch) as well as a ton of other custom content, mostly clothes and hairstyles. I have kind of a love/hate relationship with the game, though. I'll get really into the game, playing usually for like 4-5 hours at a time for like a week or so, then my game will crash, losing my progress (though, recently I've gotten better about saving more often) and I'll lose all desire to play for several weeks. Then I'll come across some new cc for the game, or a new EP will come out and I'll want to play again, and the cycle starts again.

I just can't quite get too into the game because I really want weather/seasons and I keep getting disappointed each time a new EP is announced and it's not a weather expansion. It really prevents me from getting excited about any other packs, because all I can think is that they're not the pack I want. I'm really disappointed with the magic themed EP that's coming up. I like my game to be somewhat realistic, so I've always avoided the creatures in the games since the original Sims. So an EP with fairies and werewolves just doesn't excite me at all.
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: babystarz on March 13, 2012, 06:56:42 PM
  I have kind of a love/hate relationship with the game, though. I'll get really into the game, playing usually for like 4-5 hours at a time for like a week or so, then my game will crash, losing my progress (though, recently I've gotten better about saving more often) and I'll lose all desire to play for several weeks.

This used to happen to me all the time; I finally set up the auto-save feature for Awesome Mod. I'm sure there must be other mods with auto-save too :)
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: terabithianprince on March 13, 2012, 07:53:58 PM
I made Sims from Criminal Minds and some books like The Hunger Games for fun. Then totally messed up the storylines. For mods I use thesimsresource, modthesims (rarely), Rose Sims and All about style.
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: Alrak on March 14, 2012, 03:38:07 AM
Mod the sims is the greatest place^^. I play sims 3 from time to time because i play a lot of hours straight and then get tired XD
Can i share my mom's blog? she makes things for sims. She just started on custom furniture and is learning to use milkshape. Take a look if you like ;)
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: cobalte on March 14, 2012, 05:00:58 AM
I play a bit... I have all 3 games. Sims 1 with all EPs, Sims 2 (tho my sister has all my EPs right now) and Sims 3 with EPs up to Pets

I've been getting into Sims 1 again because I'm having a problem with Sims 3 Pets where about 15 minutes in I'll order the pet dog to do something and the game will crash. -_-
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: Buddafly on March 14, 2012, 07:43:22 AM
simslice has some neat mods, but you have to pay for a subscription to their site.  the items are worth it, though.
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: ApertureScience on March 14, 2012, 07:48:47 AM
I love Sims 3.  If my parents would actually allow me to play it all day and never come out of my room, I would.  I haven't played in a while though, because I've been busy with customizing and other video games (Pikmin FTW!).
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: babystarz on March 14, 2012, 09:33:54 AM
simslice has some neat mods, but you have to pay for a subscription to their site.  the items are worth it, though.

Ooh agreed. I haven't used any of their Sims 3 items yet, but I had a bunch of their Sims 2 items and loved them.
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: VanillaBean on March 14, 2012, 10:08:16 AM
Am I a goon for liking the original Sims best?  :P
I have all the expansion packs for it, & got really into it a while back, then I uninstalled everything cos my old computer started getting really slow. I had all the characters from a book I'm writing, & was testing out different storylines. xD
It's a dangerous game, you sit down for a quick play, then before you know it, three hours have passed. D:
I also have Sims 2 & the Seasons expansion pack, but I just can't get into it the same way. Freetime & Open for Business look awesome though :)
Sims 3 doesn't look like my cup of tea, at least graphics-wise.
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: Psivampyr on March 14, 2012, 11:25:25 AM
I totally agree that if there is a crash it bums you out and makes you not want to play. When I first got TS3 I made a guy sim, he was great and then a patch happened or something and the file became corrupted. It took me a very long time to get back into the spirit of playing, I also figured out how to resurrect corrupted games so I could atleast extract that sim out of the game. So he is back in my game.
And if you go to a certain website you can get certain cc that is paid for without paying for it. It's not illegal either since it against EA to sell your cc. I used simslice's water sprinkler in TS2, it removed all weeds, which was so great. I DO want weather and ocean swimming/sandcastles in TS3, I miss all of that. I play 2 when I miss the weather and sunbathing.
I have sims 1, but I just can't get into it. Is there something I am missing about it? Everyone on MTS raves about 1, but I find it very difficult to keep them happy and it just seems really hard. Are there mods or something I should have to play?
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: RAMChYLD on March 14, 2012, 08:49:09 PM
Does the iPad version of The Sims 3 count?
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: Psivampyr on March 14, 2012, 08:52:14 PM
Sure, so does sims social on FB. If you like sims, then it counts lol
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: RAMChYLD on March 14, 2012, 11:26:25 PM

Well, I play the iPad version of The Sime 3 Ambitions from time to time.

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This is Dash. He's a preschool teacher, married to Sarah, who was his boss, and lives happily with one baby girl.

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This is Alan. Single, a genius, and aims to master every single occupation in town before finally settling down. Currently, he's a fire fighter.

I also have the original iPad versions of the base The Sims 3 game and iPad version of The Sims 3 World Adventuress (yeah, EA made each one a separate game for iOS instead of releasing just one game and letting you download expansions as DLC), but I quit playing the base game after getting Ambitions, and I can't wrap my head around World Adventures.
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: terabithianprince on March 15, 2012, 05:00:11 PM
I love the Sims 3 Ambitions the jobs are much more fun. I enjoy the firefighter/stylist/ghost hunter careers. For awhile my sim was an investigator and got paid for silly things. :lol:
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: toralei on March 15, 2012, 05:21:34 PM
I've been playing since the days of the The Sims 1.... I love all the games. I especially love taking photos/screenshots. The sims themselves are a little wonky in The Sims 3, but, the scenery is amazing (especially in World Adventures)!
 Not too sure I want to get showtime, though  :huh:
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 15, 2012, 06:03:32 PM
Am I a goon for liking the original Sims best?

Nope, I'm right there with you. I have all the EPs for it too, on PC. I switched to Mac, and haven't replaced them like I did some other games. It was definitely my favorite, and my favorite place for custom stuff was Persimmon Grove... maaaaaan, those were the coolest objects. I've got the whole site saved to a ZipDisk. I think it went down a couple years ago.

I dabbled in custom stuff for Sims 1 back in the day, never made anything super awesome (Petz was where I really shined edit-wise) but it was fun.

/ramble :P
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: cobalte on March 16, 2012, 02:36:28 AM
I like Sims 1 best expansions-wise :) Sims 2 and Sims 3 have failed trying to replicate the challenge and fun that was the original fame careers in my eyes, and we'll have to see how they go for the magic EP.
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: Buddafly on March 16, 2012, 03:14:24 AM
I had all the EPs for sims 1, but was soooo stoked for sims 2 when there was more customizing options.  I got a few expansions for sims 2, and then I saw the trailer for sims 3 - and I gave up sims 2 because I knew nothing would be as awesome.  I just wish they'd hurry up with some new EPS.

my husband got me the sims medieval for christmas.  it's fun, and really cute - but only if you like questing, which is what the game revolves around.  I didn't know that when I started playing it.  it's still fun, but the game gets very hard sometimes.
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: cobalte on March 16, 2012, 07:37:30 AM
Nope, I'm right there with you. I have all the EPs for it too, on PC. I switched to Mac, and haven't replaced them like I did some other games. It was definitely my favorite, and my favorite place for custom stuff was Persimmon Grove... maaaaaan, those were the coolest objects. I've got the whole site saved to a ZipDisk. I think it went down a couple years ago.

I just visited that site, since I'm just getting back into Sims 1 and need CC... (yes it is still up, link is here ( and holy cow, some of the landscaping options  :dribble: pretties! I must have! *grabby hands*
Title: Re: Who here plays The Sims 3?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 16, 2012, 03:09:44 PM

I just visited that site, since I'm just getting back into Sims 1 and need CC... (yes it is still up, link is here ( and holy cow, some of the landscaping options  :dribble: pretties! I must have! *grabby hands*

That is great to see! I think she had hosting issues at one time but it looks like those were abated. I looooove everything she made. Way before Unleashed, my Sims had (functional!) pet chickens thanks to her.

Gah! Seeing that again and talking about it makes me want to play so bad :cry: I wonder if the Complete Collection works with Snow Leopard? Hmm...
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