The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Shrojjy on March 12, 2012, 04:39:27 PM

Title: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Shrojjy on March 12, 2012, 04:39:27 PM
What's your opinion on fakies? I just picked up a pink Boley today, so my train of thought led to this, hehe.

I honestly love them, as they're part of my childhood herd. :P
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Baby Sugarberry on March 12, 2012, 04:41:39 PM
Never had any, don't want any. X3
I can understand why some people love them if they were part of their childhood toys though.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Snapdragon on March 12, 2012, 04:45:28 PM
I love 'em! ^^ Not sure why, I just think they're cute! They were also part of my childhood herd, so I am a bit biased towards them.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: ApertureScience on March 12, 2012, 04:46:13 PM
I used to avoid them like the plague, but because of this site, my heart has opened up for them a little.  Some of them anyway...  Takaras are my favorites.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: PrincessKnight on March 12, 2012, 04:48:44 PM
I think I would have been horrified as a child if someone had bought me a fakie. I was terribly spoiled and very picky :P
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: scarletjul on March 12, 2012, 05:02:07 PM
I'm not particularly fond of them but I can see why some people love them.  Personally, I'd just rather save the room for actual Hasbro ponies.  :)
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Gingerbread on March 12, 2012, 05:07:51 PM
I think I would have been horrified as a child if someone had bought me a fakie. I was terribly spoiled and very picky :P

Same! Apart from my glow-in-the-dark donkey pose fakie (who I would LOVE to replace one day) and a couple of those foot-raised fakies that you get with the little rainbow-bobbled hair thing (please excuse my lack of willpower, it's just gone midnight, I usually turn in at 10pm, I just have killer insomnia atm) i would have been shocked and upset at getting a non-Hasbro pony! Now I love most of them; the SHS and DnW fakies, and the ones with glass eyes I can leave, the rest are cool though :)
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: kittybethy on March 12, 2012, 05:11:46 PM
I love DG fakies. Don't care for the others!
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Jenn77 on March 12, 2012, 05:13:10 PM
I am okay with some of them like the Takaras and the DG baby fakies.. Some though are just plain scary lol :)
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: MissSleepless on March 12, 2012, 05:50:15 PM
It very much depends on the fakie ;)

I have some truly scary ones that shant be seeing the light of day anytime soon, and some sweeter ones I'll probably clean up.

But I never ever thought I'd be so excited about a fakie until the day I got my fakie takara. xD
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Rika_of_Thunder on March 12, 2012, 05:51:53 PM
I like most of em ok, but I absolutely love Lanards~!
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Squirrelypaws on March 12, 2012, 05:54:19 PM
For me, it depends on the fakie. Most of the ones I've personally come across are ugly beyond belief, but there are some that I actually found to be cute.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Shrojjy on March 12, 2012, 06:13:33 PM
I was expecting the DG babies when I went today. They're so adorable! All that was left was the Boley though.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: OctoberFlash on March 12, 2012, 06:25:15 PM
I'm okay with them, I have a small attachment towards the Cabbage Patch fakies since I had a couple mommy-and-baby sets in my childhood herd. There was a light yellow Cabbage Patch fakie mommy with green hair that I named Yogurt, I loved her to pieces. :D

I won't be collecting any, however I do like the more official-looking (or even Hasbro mold) fakies because they're useful for custom bait, I won't have to take apart a real pony if I have a fakie that looks just like one. c:
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Koudoawaia on March 12, 2012, 06:31:57 PM
I really don't like them much especially the ones that are blatantly copying off of Hasbro. Most of them are really weird looking to me. In fact, I don't like G2s because to me they look like fakies instead of official MLP.  The one exception to that is the yellow glow in the dark fakie I had when I was little. She was so pretty and glittery and....glowy. Man I loved her. Lost or donated her long ago though.

Edit: Guess another exception would be what's being termed the Cabbage Patch fakies here a lot. They're actually called Crimp n' Curl ponies. I had a purple Crimp n' Curl pony that came with the lovely name of Springsong. I had so much fun crimping and curling her hair.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: lemontwist on March 12, 2012, 07:02:46 PM
I'm not a fan of them but they're okay. I end up with them now and then from bags of ponies in thrift stores. I'm currently "fostering" a blue pegacorn fakie, I always try to find them homes before I re-donate them back to the stores lol.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Shrojjy on March 12, 2012, 07:09:31 PM
I might take in the blue pegacorn Lemontwist. Ill pm you about it. :)
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Saber-Toothed Crow on March 12, 2012, 07:10:31 PM
Some of them can be cute. I have a couple cabbage patch fakies, but that's it. For me it's a space issue, I don't have the room to house fakies, my other collections take up too much room.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: cloud_weaver on March 12, 2012, 07:12:22 PM
Never had any, don't want any. X3
I can understand why some people love them if they were part of their childhood toys though.

Tis my general feelings as well.  :)  I totally get the love for them, but I don't rescue any, nor do I keep them. 
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Calico_Star on March 12, 2012, 07:44:57 PM
Most fakies I don't like at all. Mostly what it comes down to is that they're poorly-made and they're just not cute.
There are a few exceptions though. I collect Remco's when I find them, because I had a couple in my childhood herd. So they're more childhood ponies than fakies to me. I also collect Cabbage Patch Magic Meadow ponies, because they ARE cute, and they were also childhood ponies. (When I first started collecting, my special flower-scented MLP that I remembered from childhood that I was desperately trying to track down ended up being a Magic Meadow pony.) The third type of fakies I collect are Lanards. Because they're cute. I love how they each have one hoof that's painted a different color than the others :)

Other than that, though....most fakies I either give away here or pass along back to the thrift store.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: SkyCakes on March 12, 2012, 08:12:27 PM
I still kinda like fakies. I love Remco fakies. I also love G1 or G3 type fakies. I have some crumpet pose and a few remcos that I have kept. I don't see them often. I mainly save fakies for my daughter to play with. Though I kinda "sense" that she may know the difference already.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: sweetstuff on March 12, 2012, 09:00:16 PM
I personally like the g1 fakies, esp the babies. I never had them as a kid, but I find them cute. I would
Love to replace my missing remcos some day...
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: stopxmotion on March 12, 2012, 09:18:33 PM
I personally think they are all ugly, with a few very rare exceptions. I never had any as a kid either.. My family would have never bought me any fake ponies. That would have been weird.

I'm not a collector now - I only have a short list of special MLPs that I'd like to have, so no room for fakies :)
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: saply on March 12, 2012, 09:35:43 PM
I love them! I have a mini collection of Filly Princesses and Tokidoki Unicornos, and when I was at the grocery store I found this AWESOME Fisher Price "fakie" flashlight for my daughter.

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When you squeeze the tail it lights up and either neighs or makes sparkle sounds.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Tally Mark on March 12, 2012, 09:37:25 PM
Depends if they're cute! Don't know if I'd collect any, but if I end up with a cute one I'll probably hang onto it. I just rescued a Sweetsville peppermint zebra from my mom's has this big head but is weirdly charming. :)

I think its best when they have their own style and aren't trying to be a MLP. Otherwise they just come off distorted and have a "knockoff" feel to them.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: HavACrumpet452 on March 12, 2012, 10:26:48 PM
This was my fakie herd as of last year. How do you think I feel? visitors can't see pics , please register or login

I'll admit to not liking the walmart tootsie pose fakies with hippo heads though.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: foalpatrol on March 12, 2012, 10:42:53 PM
Generally I don't like fakies, I find them weird looking, their heads are often funny shapes, however if I spot one at an op shop that I do like, then I will buy it (which has happened only once, hehe).  I would also love a Princess Rinse'n'Spit - I think they are hilarious.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: PrincessKnight on March 13, 2012, 01:34:12 AM
I love them! I have a mini collection of Filly Princesses and Tokidoki Unicornos, and when I was at the grocery store I found this AWESOME Fisher Price "fakie" flashlight for my daughter.

When you squeeze the tail it lights up and either neighs or makes sparkle sounds.

The Tokidoki unicornos are cute! Hard to find in NZ though. I bought 3 when I was staying in another city and got the ones I liked least :( - all I wanted was a girly pink one.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Lady.Arachnia on March 13, 2012, 04:15:03 AM
My very first childhood pony was a fakie!
I find some fakies terrible cute and some terrible ugly...
I have a box full of them but i do not display them, only real mlp and some very cute fakies.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: PandoraFox on March 13, 2012, 04:35:58 AM
I mostly prefer the hasbro molds, but I find quite a few fakies cute in their own right. If I ever acquired more I'd probably have a hard time trowing them out. I do currently already have a slight fakie army, mostly because they were part of my own childhood herd, and of the childhood herd someone recently donated to me. None of those are going anywhere.
I do remember not likng my own fakies quite as much as my real my little ponies,  but that was mostly because most of them had cheap hair, that turned into an impossible to salvageable rats nest within a week. And brushing hair and braiding it was one of my favorite things to do with my ponies. I'm actually hoping to take the fakies suffering from that the most, and giving them some nice new high quality manes at some point.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: PonySeeker128 on March 13, 2012, 08:01:58 AM
I don't collect fakies, the ones I aquire I give to my daughter to deter her from grabbing my ponies. Unfortunately they are starting to overflow from her pony bag so it may be time to find some new homes..
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: HavACrumpet452 on March 13, 2012, 11:31:21 AM
The funny thing is I liked fakies better in most of my toys as a child. I had a Remco and Buddy L that I played with more than my ponies. I had Lanard Jelly Bean dolls I played with more than Strawberry Shortcake. I had Breyers and Grand Champions but the matriarch of my herd was a Kid Kore horse. I had Sweetie pups but played with my Cititoy knockoff more. Only my vintage LPS and Puppy in my Pocket were equal to their knock offs in how much I played with them.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Mandy85 on March 13, 2012, 11:35:10 AM
I'm not that big on fakies, though I owned and played with quite a few of them growing up. I admit that I adore the fakie "Princess Rinse n' Spit" though and make an exception for her. Something about her makes me crack up whenever I see one. She's just so goofy looking, I just have to love anything that can put a smile on my face like that. I also like the Takara baby fakies, though I wouldn't be willing to pay the going rate for them.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: toralei on March 13, 2012, 11:45:52 AM
Some are cute! I think if I had one, I'd use them to customize. I've always wanted to, but, I'm soooo scared of messig up on a hasbro pony.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: partypony566 on March 13, 2012, 12:03:39 PM
I like the scary 1984 Lanards...I have them in purple, yellow, green and brown. I don't collect other fakies :)
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: JigglesTheCat on March 13, 2012, 12:13:50 PM
I like them, but I like the actual MLP better. I have one, but I don't want more than 2 or 3 more fakies in my collection.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: MimicMLP on March 13, 2012, 12:15:50 PM
Some fakies are really cute and I want them but i just dont have the room to collect them too... I already collect CPK ponies as well as all generations of MLP.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: DazzleKitty on March 13, 2012, 07:31:36 PM
There are some I like and wouldn't mind owning but I simply have no room for them all. I adore the older Lanard fakies. I used to own a lot of them but sold them off. :(  I wish I had kept them.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Mintymints on March 13, 2012, 10:15:44 PM
My childhood herd was all bought by my dad xD
He wanted me to have them ALLLLL  :P
I only have 3 fakies that I took from my little sister... :blush:
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: darknessunisousboy on March 13, 2012, 10:35:38 PM
I dislike fakies do to that's all I really had going mom thought they where just as good as my little ponies.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on March 14, 2012, 01:21:50 AM
I actually started collecting fakies before I eased into Hasbro. Maybe at first it was simple defiance, but I really do love the variance and the mysterious nature of fakies. I guess I'm just weird, but I have such a soft spot for things that are ugly cute, so while I admit that some fakies are very ugly, I still tend to find things about them that are simply adorable. (Like the CPK fakies are kind of ugly, with their big heads and everything, but I have this bright red one with an apple symbol and cute little hearts on the hooves!)

Not only that, but I find knockoffs in general to be quite fascinating. No matter what it is, if it exists, someone else has tried to rip it off. You can tell a lot about a fad just by looking at the kinds of fakies it has.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: tehrin on March 14, 2012, 02:29:23 AM
I had some fakies growing up, namely Remcos and other misc. kinds. My mom thought they were My Little Pony because they were horses with hair and tails, and didn't think I could tell the difference. But I knew. :P I was 3 and could tell a cheap Barbie doll from the real thing.

I don't own a lot of fakies. I do have a few. Sometimes, I'll pick up some at work that might look cute. Other times, I don't really bother. XD I'm running out of room for my real ponies right now, much less fakies!
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Roogna on March 14, 2012, 08:45:27 AM
I like a few
shs fakies
big brother fakies
rinse n spit
and one other (unnamed - but a pic in my want thread)
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Leegeta on March 14, 2012, 08:52:18 AM
I personally don't care for them. Majority of them are creepy looking and it's not something i grew up with. There are some cute one's, but not cute enough for me to grab =P
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on March 14, 2012, 09:16:27 AM
And dang it. Thanks to this thread, I had a dream last night that I found a random Rinse N Spit at my grandma's house. I was so sure it was real.
Title: Re: Your opinion on Fakies?
Post by: MoonStars on March 14, 2012, 11:14:49 AM
I love the DG babies--see one, buy one LOL. And the Princess Rinse-n-SPits. I love their teeth. Heh. One is enough, though.  She's the Generalisimo of the DG baby army. Hmm. I should take a pic.
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