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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Flamette on February 26, 2012, 12:16:51 AM

Title: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Flamette on February 26, 2012, 12:16:51 AM
"..Time Bandits.."

Time Bandits is a 1981 British fantasy film produced and directed by Terry Gilliam.[THE ASSES! Are remaking it >_< 2015, purposely..]

Terry Gilliam wrote the screenplay with fellow Monty Python alumnus Michael Palin, who appears with Shelley Duvall in the small, recurring roles of Vincent and Pansy. The film is one of the most famous of more than 30 theatrical features produced by HandMade Films. The London-based independent company was backed in part by former Beatle George Harrison, who wrote and performed the closing credits song "Dream Away" especially for this film, and is credited as being one of the executive producers of the film.
A young boy, Kevin. Accidentally joins a band of dwarves as they jump from time-period to time-period looking for treasure to steal.

Kevin learns that the dwarves, named Randall (the self-proclaimed leader), Fidgit, Strutter, Og, Wally, and Vermin, were employees of the Supreme Being, the creator of "all the big stuff" in the universe, while it was the regular job of the dwarves to create small bushes and trees. After designing a particularly foul-smelling tree, the dwarves were demoted to the job of repairing holes in the spacetime fabric. Instead, however, they spitefully stole the map of the holes' locations, which they are now using to travel around, stealing treasures from across history. Meanwhile, in secret, this journey is being observed via mystical powers by a malevolent being, known simply as Evil[Evil itself], who seeks the map for himself to recreate the universe to his liking.

"The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"
Is a 1988 British adventure fantasy comedy film written and directed by Terry Gilliam, starring John Neville, Sarah Polley, Eric Idle, Jonathan Pryce, Oliver Reed, Uma Thurman, and Robin Williams (credited as Ray D. Tutto).

The film begins in an unnamed war-torn European city in the late 18th century (dubbed "The Age of Reason" in an opening caption), where, amidst explosions and gunfire from a large Turkish army outside the city gates, a fanciful touring stage production of Baron Münchhausen's life and adventures is taking place. Backstage, city official "The Right Ordinary Horatio Jackson" reinforces the city's commitment to reason (here meaning uniformity and unexceptionality) by ordering the execution of a soldier (Sting in a cameo) who had just accomplished a near-superhuman feat of bravery, claiming that his bravery is demoralizing to other soldiers. Not far into the play, an elderly man claiming to be the real Baron interrupts the show, protesting its many inaccuracies.Over the complaints of the audience, the theatre company and Jackson, the "real" Baron gains the house's attention and narrates through flashback an account of one of his adventures, of a life-or-death wager with the Grand Turk, where the younger Baron's life is saved only by his amazing luck plus the assistance of his remarkable associates: Berthold, the world's fastest runner; Adolphus, a rifleman with superhuman eyesight; Gustavus, who possesses extraordinary hearing, and sufficient lung power to knock down an army by exhaling; and the fantastically strong Albrecht.
The fantastic tale of a 17th century aristocrat, his talented henchmen and a little girl in their efforts to save a town from defeat by the Turks. Being swallowed by a giant sea-monster, a trip to the moon, a dance with Venus and an escape from the Grim Reaper are only some of the improbable adventures.

Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Sarah-Bee on February 26, 2012, 01:31:40 AM
The Goonies!!
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: GazeboMouse on February 26, 2012, 01:47:44 AM
Whale Rider.
Fantastically acted Maori film about a little girl and the leadership of her tribe (over-simplified description, it's way better than that).

Master and Commander.
Sailing ships and life on the dangerous seas, without pirates! And a joke about weevils.

And something Bollywood, like 'Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham' (Bollywood warm fuzzy feel good traditional film with mega famous Indian actors in it!) or something.

Yeah, and 'The Goonies!'.
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Noasar on February 26, 2012, 02:40:11 AM
Rosemary's Baby.

It's a Wonderful Life.

The Life of David Gayle.

The Wrestler.

They're ones I've watched recently that spring to mind. All brilliant!!

Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: stopxmotion on February 26, 2012, 03:14:59 AM
Four Lions
The White Ribbon
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Noasar on February 26, 2012, 06:54:41 AM
Oooh I've heard about The White Ribbon being good. What's it actually about?
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: TokiBear on February 26, 2012, 07:22:36 AM
I actually just saw the top one on my list.
The Breakfast Club

Now I guess its Fried Green Tomatos... I haven't seen any of those old cult classic movies but apparently they are all must sees for everyone.
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Ginger on February 26, 2012, 08:10:41 AM
Star Wars... It's just one of those things. I'm always SO surprised when I meet people who have never seen it before.

TokiBear, I've been watching Fried Green Tomatoes since I was about five years old. I didn't know it was a cult movie, LOL. It was very good.
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: SheRa-dude on February 26, 2012, 09:14:15 AM
What Dreams May Come
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: mlpfan on February 26, 2012, 09:27:21 AM
the lion king, the lion king 2, the lion king 1.5.
spirit stallion of the cimarron
back to the future 1 2 3
honey i shrunk the kids
the matrix trilogy
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Roccoriel on February 26, 2012, 10:03:02 AM
In no order what so ever....

My Name is Nobody
Million Dollar Baby
The Fountain
The Longest Day
Those Magnificent Men and their Flying Machines
Dr. Strangelove
Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot, Mon Uncle, Playtime (Tati made excellent movies in general)
Gone with the Wind
the Man Who Would be King
La Cage Aux Folles (the original...)
Good Bye, Lenin!
Extreme Measures
Pan's Labyrinth
It's a Wonderful Life
Schindler's List
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Paint Your Wagon
Le Professionel
La Chevre
The Life of Brian
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

That's a mix of a bunch of genres from several counties....There are other movies that I want to see/are on my list that I'm sure I'd add later :)
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 26, 2012, 10:05:19 AM
Grave of the Fireflies. 
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Eviecorn on February 26, 2012, 10:16:47 AM

Also, in no particular order:
Zazie Dans La Metro
Harold and Maude
Grey Gardens
Dr. Strangelove
Blade Runner
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Noasar on February 26, 2012, 10:29:37 AM
In no order what so ever....

My Name is Nobody
Million Dollar Baby
The Fountain
The Longest Day
Those Magnificent Men and their Flying Machines
Dr. Strangelove
Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot, Mon Uncle, Playtime (Tati made excellent movies in general)
Gone with the Wind
the Man Who Would be King
La Cage Aux Folles (the original...)
Good Bye, Lenin!
Extreme Measures
Pan's Labyrinth
It's a Wonderful Life
Schindler's List
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Paint Your Wagon
Le Professionel
La Chevre
The Life of Brian
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

That's a mix of a bunch of genres from several counties....There are other movies that I want to see/are on my list that I'm sure I'd add later :)

So many good films on this list!

I love foreign films too, my wife's a linguist so she's always making me watch them.

Amores Perros
The Devil's Backbone
The House of Flying Daggers

Some of my favourite foreign films (not necessarily ones you have to see before you die but very, very good!).
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: kaoskat on February 26, 2012, 12:01:22 PM
The Labyrinth
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: VanillaBean on February 26, 2012, 12:13:06 PM
The Fly (80s remake)  Absolutely brilliant.   :cool:
I'd also recommend Black Christmas, an over-looked gem from the seventies. It's a shining example of atmospheric horror done right.
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: HavACrumpet452 on February 26, 2012, 12:33:21 PM
Grave of the Fireflies
Watership Down
The Plague Dogs
Everything is Illuminated
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Pinkie21 on February 26, 2012, 12:59:31 PM
Grave of the Fireflies
My Neighbour Totoro
Young Frankenstein
Kairo (the original Japanese version, not that awful American Pulse remake..*spits on Pulse*)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (some people don't like that kind of fake action, but the cinematogrophy, costumes, sets, and acting are beyond brilliant)
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: DoctorMowinckel on February 26, 2012, 01:17:40 PM
Grave of the Fireflies
Watership Down
The Plague Dogs
Everything is Illuminated

That is a great flick, one of my favourites.

I'm not good at suggesting films, because I'm into films for the sake of cinema, not story or emotional impact. Basically I'm a movie snob.

Map of the Sounds of Tokyo is brilliant, the cinematography is amazing, it's one of the most well shot flicks I've seen. Delectably understated. In it, a high ranking businessmans daughter commits suicide. He blames her suicide on her boyfriend, and puts a hit out on him. The hit doesn't go as planned, and that's when the flick starts. It's so calm, reserved, and well shot. I enjoy the heck out of it.

For a look at what movies can't be, which is a weird thing to say, check out 35 Shots of Rum. Again, wonderfully shot film, understated drama. Story is irrelevant, it's all about the shots and the interactions of the characters. If you're used to story driven blockbusters, 35 Shots of Rum is a different kind of cinema.
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: PandaBerryInSpace on February 26, 2012, 01:53:43 PM
I think The Wizard of Oz should be on the list. Seriously, how can anyone not like that movie?
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: SparklersOasis on February 26, 2012, 02:28:51 PM
The Labyrinth

Totally agree!

Also:  Legend, the original TMNT movie, Avatar (for the graphics if nothing else), and The Sting (I don't know how many times I've seen this one, but I still see new things every time I watch it!)
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: PonySeeker128 on February 26, 2012, 06:22:39 PM
Off the top of my head..
Leaving las vegas
Kill bill 1 and 2
Maria full of grace
Thankskilling (foul "crappy" horror movie)
Vampires kiss
Love and other drugs
The labyrinth.. YES!! David bowie is epic enough to make that whole movie!
Let the right one in
Nick and norahs infinate playlist (according to my husband)
The big lebowski
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Rika_of_Thunder on February 26, 2012, 06:32:02 PM
Arsenic and Old Lace- One of my all-time favorite movies, an absolutely hilarious dark comedy that I could watch over and over again. Though with Cary Grant in the lead role, what else would you expect?

The Secret of Kells- This movie is an absolutely gorgeous piece of animated art, you could really tell the creators were passionate about what they were making.

Also Leafie: a Hen into the Wild- The animation is absolutely stunning, and the plot is both heart warming and heart wrenching with one of saddest endings I've ever seen in a "kid's" movie. I would also love to see this movie get an English dub (though the original Korean voice work was fantastic)
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Juri on February 26, 2012, 07:37:13 PM
Fido (comedy with zombies!)

Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Eviecorn on February 26, 2012, 07:48:28 PM
I think The Wizard of Oz should be on the list. Seriously, how can anyone not like that movie?

My BD hates that movie and refuses to watch it all the way.  I've asked him why repeatedly, and he gives no good reason other than "it's annoying."

The Wiz was pretty awesome as well!
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: JazzMatazz on February 26, 2012, 07:56:34 PM
A lot of my favorites have been listed so sorry for repeats!

Brain Damage (amazing B-Horror)
Gorjia (Godzilla) The first godzilla ever ^-^
El Mariachi
Wristcutters: A Love Story
Hard Candy
Howl's Moving Castle
12 Angry Men
O Brother Where Art Thou
V for Vendetta or read the comic.. your choice
American Beauty
Song of The South (not the best but since Disney is so ashamed of it I think everyone should watch it!)

I love films! I have such a backlog to watch too! people gift me vhs all the time I have 3 months worth waiting for me to have time to watch! I walk treadmill and watch movies anything under 100 min run time. :p and yes.. I have 3 months of 1 movie a day under 100 min in vhs 0.o
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: toralei on February 26, 2012, 09:25:27 PM
El Labertino del Fauno/ Pan's Labyrinth
Persepolis (or read the books)
absolutely anything by David Lynch or Stanley Kubrick
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Beldarna on February 27, 2012, 03:24:00 AM
Some of these will be repeats, it's good to see that so many has great taste :).

The crow (first one, with Brandon Lee). The best lovestory that's ever been told.

Snow White in the black forest / a tale of terror The most beautiful version of the story ever told. The surroundings, the clothings.. it just beautiful. It's described as a horror movie but I don't think so. I can't do horror, and this one I love.

The Name of the Rose A crime novel set in a monestary in northern Italy during the 14th century. Sean Connery is enough to watch it. The book is written by Umberto Eco and I highly reccomend that one too.

The wizard of Oz They show it on TV here every christmasseason. I don't know why but I hope they'll never stop. I always looked for the man who apparently hanged himself during set and never saw him and got a little bit dissapointed when I learnt it was a myth. How stupid is that? :P

Croutching Tiger Hidden Dragon Again, the set, the enviroment, the costumes. Just pure love.

Indiana Jones 1-3 A good looking man with a wip and a hat. 'Nough said. Ok, a few more words. Sean Connery in the third. Now 'nough.

Star wars IV-VI It's three (one?) good stories, very good. BUT! Han Solo! R2D2! DARTH VADER!

Labyrinth David Bowie in tight tight tight tight.. eh.. I mean singing a lot. :cool:

Pan's Labyrinth Again, the enviroments, the seetings, the actors..

LotR 1-3 I mean come on! I don't even need to tell why do I?

Secret of NIMH, The Land before Time, All Dogs Go to Heaven, An American Tail.. Don Bluth knows how to make an emotional film emotional enough to make adult hardcore guys cry. I have no words. They're just beautiful and wonderful and sad.

O Brother Where Art Thou Georige Clooney. Singing. Watch it!

V for Vendetta Amazing.

The man from Earth A proffessor is ending his employment and his collegues comes to his cottage to ask him why. The entire movie takes place in his livingroom with them just talking, but you never care because the dialogue is intruiging and interesting and fascinating.. Lots and lots and lots of Star Trek references.

The Corpse Bride Tim Burtons animated masterpiece in my humble opinion.

Spirited Away, My Neighbour Totoro and a couple of more.. Studio Ghibli. Is. Love. Period. I just need to take on some books before I watch the ones I'm really interesting in watching. Is Tales from Earth Sea Good btw? I am in so much love with the books and I'm afraid to watch the cartoon since the real movie got sour bad for the autor to hate it.
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Stormpony6 on February 27, 2012, 03:41:54 AM
The boy who could fly
9 - the animated film not the musical
Pan's Labyrinth
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Koudoawaia on February 27, 2012, 09:00:56 AM
Back to the Future
The Lion King
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Wizard of Oz
All Dogs Go to Heaven and Don Bluth's other 80s animated films
Prince of Egypt
How to Train Your Dragon
G-Force if you're a guinea pig fanatic like me
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Lilith1981 on February 27, 2012, 09:06:27 AM
Beldarna, is that Snow White film the one with Sigourney Weaver?

My two all time faves are Donnie Darko and Citizen Kane :)
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Beldarna on February 27, 2012, 10:46:46 AM
Beldarna, is that Snow White film the one with Sigourney Weaver?

My two all time faves are Donnie Darko and Citizen Kane :)

Yes it is :)
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Noasar on February 27, 2012, 02:14:10 PM
V for Vendetta, NIMH, All Dogs go to Heaven and of COURSE the Lion King...such great movies!!
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: mollldoll on February 27, 2012, 03:04:03 PM
Some of my favourite "must sees" have been listed to ill try not to repeat :)

The Last Unicorn
City of lost children
Alice in Wonderland (Animated Disney version)
Goodnight Mr Tom
Ghost World
Battle Royal
Heavenly Creatures
Watership Down <3
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Lilith1981 on February 28, 2012, 12:47:53 AM
Beldarna, is that Snow White film the one with Sigourney Weaver?

Yes it is :)

I love that film, it's beautiful!
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Roccoriel on February 28, 2012, 12:23:40 PM
One to add to my first list: Little Miss Sunshine.  Every time I see it, I love it more. 
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: creampuf on February 28, 2012, 05:48:05 PM
The Watchmen
Dangerous Beauty
Shawshank Redemption

Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: mlp4me on February 28, 2012, 08:37:34 PM
Have we had 'IT' yet?
(Now we to get into the Robin Williams movies that haven't been mentioned...)
World's Greatest Dad
Old Dogs
Patch Adams
Death to Smoochy
Bicentennial Man
The Bird Cage
To Wong Foo, Thanks for everything Julie Newmar
Shakes the Clown
Being Human
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Shorelines on March 11, 2012, 01:51:10 PM
how funny :)
i saw The Adventures of Baron Munchausen about 3 weeks ago :)

*edit ... i add Junior and Twins with arnold and devito :D
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Kiwi on March 11, 2012, 04:15:30 PM
So many good movies!
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: ZennaBug on March 11, 2012, 08:53:35 PM
Star Wars
Lord of the Rings
Princess Bride
August Rush
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: TwistedWindSox on March 11, 2012, 10:07:35 PM
Princess Bride for sure!
I would also say the Breakfast Club and sixteen Candles. c:
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: kittykat7 on March 12, 2012, 05:39:27 AM
The Adventure of Baron Munchausen is one of my all time favorite movies.  When I was in high school I would tell my friends about it and they all thought I was crazy and making it up... lol

Here is my list (for now)
Anchors Aweigh... Gene Kelly playing a sailor (that is all I need to say)
Singing in the Rain
A League of Their Own
Moulin Rouge
The Incredible Mr. Limpet... Love it
The House of Sand and Fog
Drop Dead Fred (still makes me sad)
Lilo and Stitch (by far the best movie... EVER!!!)
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Psivampyr on March 12, 2012, 01:01:27 PM
I love teen movies like Heathers, Jawbreaker and Scream- but since these aren't really everyone's flavor of movies, I will just put movies that aren't creepy.
Bringing up baby- 19398- very classic and funny- Katharine Hepburn, Carey Grant
Pillow Talk- 1959- Doris Day and Rock Hudson
Never Been Kissed- just totally relive my high school years in that movie
Princess Bride
Frankenstein- 1935
50 First Dates
Curious George- 2006
Whip It- 2009
Practical Magic
Tank Girl
Harry Potter series
Indiana Jones
Sixth Sense
Die Hard movies

Now for horror-
Land of the dead
30 days of night

Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: jeapos88 on March 13, 2012, 01:15:31 PM
Here's mine for now

The men who stare at goats
The brave-a johnny depp move never released in the usa
History of the world pt. 1
Edward scissorhands
From hell
The omen(original version)
Dr. Strangelove
The hannibal movies (except hannibal rising)
Cool runnings

Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: terabithianprince on March 13, 2012, 09:58:36 PM
I love these:

The Birdcage
Shawshank Redemption
Star Wars
Lord of the Rings
The Adventures of Tintin
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: ApertureScience on March 14, 2012, 08:11:18 AM
The Room.  It's the worst movie ever but you'll laugh your butt off at how bad the acting is.  "You're tearing me APART, Lisa!"

Rango and Sonic the Hedgehog OVARango was awesome.  I loved that movie so much that I had dreams about it.  And as for Sonic, the voice acting is laughable, but the art and plot is pretty boss.  Well, okay, the art is more nostalgic than boss, but you get it.
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Rarityfan2011 on March 15, 2012, 12:03:34 PM
Gone with the Wind
Citizen Kane
Ghost Busters
The Big Lebowski
Spirit Stallion of Cimarron
Title: Re: Films you all must see, before you die[..Don't be shy to add to the list]
Post by: Flamette on March 15, 2012, 03:32:23 PM
  I though I would  write a list, from all ones you guys have posted..That I've seen/not seen

The Goonies [But barely remember it]
It's a Wonderful Life.
Star Wars.
the lion king, ALL!
spirit stallion of the cimarron
back to the future 1 2 3
honey i shrunk the kids
the matrix trilogy [Barely remember it]
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Gone with the Wind
Pan's Labyrinth
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
The Life of Brian
Harold and Maude[Saw a last 15 mins..But so want to see it again!]
The Labyrinth
Grave of the Fireflies[The Anime one right?]
My Neighbour Totoro
Young Frankenstein
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
The Wizard of Oz
The Secret of Kells
Howl's Moving Castle
12 Angry Men
O Brother Where Art Thou
V for Vendetta[Saw but never paid attention lol]
Snow White in the black forest / a tale of terror
Indiana Jones
Secret of NIMH
The Land before Time
All Dogs Go to Heaven
An American Tail
Corpse Bride
Spirited Away
The boy who could fly
Back to the Future
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Prince of Egypt
How to Train Your Dragon
Donnie Darko
The Last Unicorn
Alice in Wonderland (Animated Disney version)
Dangerous Beauty
Shawshank Redemption
Patch Adams

Bicentennial Man 
Being Human [BBC]
Princess Bride
Singing in the Rain
Moulin Rouge
Lilo and Stitch
History of the world pt. 1
Edward scissorhands
From hell
The omen(original version, that had David Warner right? YUM! <3]
Cool runnings
Harry Potter series

Edward scissorhands
Frankenstein- 1935
50 First Dates
History of the world pt. 1
Die Hard[I saw the first one]
Sixth Sense
The Adventures of Tintin [The animated series yes]
Ghost Busters


-Not seen-

Whale Rider
Master and Commander.

Rosemary's Baby.
The Life of David Gayle.
The Wrestler.
Four Lions
The White Ribbon
The Breakfast Club
What Dreams May Come
My Name is Nobody
Million Dollar Baby
The Fountain
The Longest Day
Those Magnificent Men and their Flying Machines
Dr. Strangelove
Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot, Mon Uncle, Playtime
the Man Who Would be King
La Cage Aux Folles (the original...)
Good Bye, Lenin!
Extreme Measures
Paint Your Wagon
Le Professionel
La Chevre
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Zazie Dans La Metro
Grey Gardens
Dr. Strangelove
Blade Runner
Amores Perros
The Devil's Backbone
The Fly (80s remake)
Watership Down
The Plague Dogs
Everything is Illuminated
Kairo (the original Japanese version, not that awful American Pulse remake..*spits on Pulse*)
Off the top of my head..
Leaving las vegas
Kill bill 1 and 2
Maria full of grace
Vampires kiss
Love and other drugs
Let the right one in
Nick and norahs infinate playlist
The big lebowski
Arsenic and Old Lace
Brain Damage (amazing B-Horror)
Gorjia (Godzilla) The first godzilla ever ^-^
El Mariachi
Wristcutters: A Love Story
Hard Candy
American Beauty
Song of The South (not the best but since Disney is so ashamed of it I think everyone should watch it!)

The Crow
The Name of the Rose
The man from Earth
Citizen Kane
Goodnight Mr Tom
City of lost children
Ghost World
Battle Royal
Heavenly Creatures
Watership Down
Little Miss Sunshine
The Watchmen
Old Dogs
Death to Smoochy
The Bird Cage
To Wong Foo
Shakes the Clown
August Rush
Sixteen Candles
Anchors Aweigh
A League of Their Own
The Incredible Mr. Limpet... Love it
The House of Sand and Fog
Drop Dead Fred
Bringing up baby
Pillow Talk- 1959
Never Been Kissed
Curious George- 2006
Whip It- 2009
Practical Magic
Tank Girl
Land of the dead
30 days of night
The men who stare at goats
The brave-a johnny depp move never released in the usa
Dr. Strangelove
The hannibal movies (except hannibal rising)
The Birdcage
The Adventures of Tintin[The remake no]
The RoomRango and Sonic the Hedgehog OVA

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