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Pony Talk => Off Topic => The Dollhouse => Topic started by: FlyingPonyMonster on February 22, 2012, 02:03:53 PM

Title: Scalpers!
Post by: FlyingPonyMonster on February 22, 2012, 02:03:53 PM
Ugh new limited edition (8000) Disney Rapunzel doll just released for pre-order and she is all over eBay for at least twice her retail price!!! So unfair for people who actually want her from the store!! I wouldn't mind if they went that high on bidding but these are all BINs!!!
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: Knibitz on February 22, 2012, 02:20:07 PM
I know you're frustrated, but think about the unemployment rates right now. People are finding and reselling things like this doll and monster high to make a living now, since it's impossible to find work.

That may not be the case here, but there are people who do this as their only income.
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: Jadis4742 on February 22, 2012, 02:52:56 PM
Lots of buyers are unemployed right now, too, you know.
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: lemontwist on February 22, 2012, 02:54:50 PM
Sure it's a way to make money for people who can't get a job but then some of us are in the same boat, employment-wise, but can't/won't scalp which means we just can't afford the drastically inflated prices that scalpers sell for. And I dunno about you guys but I can't go shopping at 3 AM every night to buy out all the good toys to sell them, lol.

I've seen discussions on this get closed around here so I'll just leave it at that, it's great that some people can generate income from it but it's no fun for those of us who can't afford their prices. No hard feelings to anyone who has to do it to make money though. Everyone has to make a living somehow, right?

In any case I don't like any of the Rapunzel dolls enough to buy one for any price really. I'm picky about face shape and she just never looks right to me. The short haired one is the cutest so far, and the one where she's a kid.
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: Knibitz on February 22, 2012, 04:19:19 PM
No, but these people aren't greedy, they're trying to make a living.
Dolls are collector luxury items and not necessities. If people need to scalp to pay rent or feed their families, I see no wrong in that.  I was also not implying that these people have no interest in the doll - they may like it, but know that they can't spend money on frivolous things at the moment and turn it into income.

People with children see the collectors in an equally evil way, I would like to point out. Many parents see dolls as toys, and get equally frustrated when young adult collectors have the free time to race out and grab dolls up to shelve them, when their children are dying to play with them.

There is no right and wrong in this. Everyone has a reason for what they do. I see collectors just as evil as the scalpers who resell, an the parents who buy them for their children who will only play with them for a week and get bored. We're all frustrated with each other, because we're each keeping each other from what we want. We just have to learn to deal with each other and may be fastest person win.
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: karin_h on February 22, 2012, 05:00:18 PM
I saw that,  but  they doll in question is still at the Disneystore site available for pre-order. So people can still get her directly.
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: wystearya on February 22, 2012, 05:23:25 PM
No, but these people aren't greedy, they're trying to make a living.
Dolls are collector luxury items and not necessities. If people need to scalp to pay rent or feed their families, I see no wrong in that.  I was also not implying that these people have no interest in the doll - they may like it, but know that they can't spend money on frivolous things at the moment and turn it into income.

People with children see the collectors in an equally evil way, I would like to point out. Many parents see dolls as toys, and get equally frustrated when young adult collectors have the free time to race out and grab dolls up to shelve them, when their children are dying to play with them.

There is no right and wrong in this. Everyone has a reason for what they do. I see collectors just as evil as the scalpers who resell, an the parents who buy them for their children who will only play with them for a week and get bored. We're all frustrated with each other, because we're each keeping each other from what we want. We just have to learn to deal with each other and may be fastest person win.

This is a really good answer.  I know that a lot of people (parents) do think the dolls should just be as kids toys and don't like or understand adults who also love the dolls.

I myself didn't even think of the scalpers really needing the money to make a living.  So, now my eyes are opened to that possibility.   I do think some people are just greedy, then again they bought the doll for their reason (to resell) and we buy it for ours (to enjoy/collect).   

I think Knibitz is correct, there is no right or wrong.  Just different people with different reasons to buy. 
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: okapishomapi on February 22, 2012, 05:23:54 PM
People with children see the collectors in an equally evil way, I would like to point out. Many parents see dolls as toys, and get equally frustrated when young adult collectors have the free time to race out and grab dolls up to shelve them, when their children are dying to play with them.

I feel so bad about this. I tell myself that I play with my toys too and I have just as much of a right to them, but I still feel sad that I may be preventing a kid from getting the toy s/he wants.

So I try not to think about it at all  :yikes:
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: wystearya on February 22, 2012, 05:28:32 PM
There is no reason to feel guilty!   Honestly, I am sure there are a lot of kids who have more toys than they can or will play with.  Those who don't have much probably get their toys from Goodwill and not online or full-price stores.

Please don't feel bad for enjoying toys!   Besides, you can think of it another way.  Your keeping the dolls in good shape for when these kids grow up and want their childhood items.  ;) 
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: Wardah on February 22, 2012, 06:24:35 PM
That limited Rapunzel doll is meant for collectors not children anyways. Then again I think that for a parent to spend $100 plus on a doll just for it to get destroyed is really crazy.

Of course if you think the price they are selling it for is ridonkulous, the best thing to do is not buy it. If someone wants to be foolish enough to spend that much money, well you know the saying "a fool and his money are soon parted".
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: FlyingPonyMonster on February 22, 2012, 08:41:38 PM

I myself didn't even think of the scalpers really needing the money to make a living.  So, now my eyes are opened to that possibility.   I do think some people are just greedy, then again they bought the doll for their reason (to resell) and we buy it for ours (to enjoy/collect).   

^^this..... Thank you for your replies :)
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: SummerSkye on February 23, 2012, 04:51:25 AM
That limited Rapunzel doll is meant for collectors not children anyways. Then again I think that for a parent to spend $100 plus on a doll just for it to get destroyed is really crazy.

Of course if you think the price they are selling it for is ridonkulous, the best thing to do is not buy it. If someone wants to be foolish enough to spend that much money, well you know the saying "a fool and his money are soon parted".

I agree. I get more upset with scalpers when they are doing it with current, play toys like MH and MLPs. If its a collector line theres much less of a chance that scalpers are going to keep toys from kids. I personally think toy scalping is in line with telemarketing- a scumbag way to make a living but thats my opinion. I refuse to pay inflated scalper prices- I won't support that. Even with collectors items but it does mean theres no pullip Kirakishou, Isolde or Jouet in my future.
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: tehrin on February 23, 2012, 05:01:10 AM
Telemarketers aren't scumbags. XD It just happens to be what is easily availble to a lot of people. I tried for it a few times when I was desperate, but thankfully never got hired or really pursued it further than turning in an application. It's about on par with McDonalds, except you're not bothering people there! XD

I do feel a bit guilty at times for buying toys like MH from the stores around here. I've started getting the ones that are a bit harder to find online, like on Amazon. But the more common ones, I don't feel bad about getting at the stores since they are restocked fairly often (except at Walmart).

MLP I don't feel bad about because the toys aren't really rushing off the shelves in my area. I think maybe a handfull sell every day. But they usually go poof when something new and cool is released. Then, once all the collectors in the area have it, it's pretty much restocked and left for the kids. XD
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: SummerSkye on February 23, 2012, 05:14:10 AM
It's the bothering part I object to. At McDs at least you are smehow getting people something they want/something they came in for. I don't think anyone should feel bad about collecting unless you are hoarding. If there are 3 Toraleis and you buy all 3 instead of only 1...  >_<
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: aellos on February 23, 2012, 06:38:30 AM
I have issues believing that scalpers are doing this to feed their families. Wouldn't they just use the tons of money they're spending on dolls, rather than taking a gamble and hoping people will buy them for double?

*shrugs* But since I don't talk to them, I won't judge. Maybe someone's trying to save up for something, or something equally as innocent. :D

I agree though, when it's a collector item, it's simply annoying, but not bad.
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: tuneful87 on February 23, 2012, 12:57:15 PM
The good news is, wait long enough and search hard enough and you'll always find a better deal ;)
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: Wardah on February 23, 2012, 03:24:09 PM
I do think there is a point when it is no longer making money to support one's family and pure greed when it comes to reselling. A small profit is okay, even tho I am the thrifty sort and won't pay that much if someone has the money then why not? However when they start asking for around triple the original price it seems greedy to me.
Title: Re: Scalpers!
Post by: Taxel on February 23, 2012, 05:33:47 PM
I absolutely despise scalpers. I haven't seen a new MH in real life (the newest I've seen are Classrooms and CAM), and I haven't even seen an MH doll in stock at Walmart (I check two), TRU, or Target in over a month. I can't afford to buy the dolls from stores, much less at crazy scalper prices (not like I'd buy from scalpers anyways). All I want to do is look at them in real life, but I can't even do that.
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