The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: tulagirl on February 18, 2012, 08:48:32 PM

Title: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: tulagirl on February 18, 2012, 08:48:32 PM
If you could time travel back to the 1980's and took 200.00  of 1980's marked bills, wore your 1980's outfit and landed in the middle of a store parkling lot that sold MLP.  Which ones would you bring back with you? Everything? :biggrin:
I sit and often think about this for many toys besides MLP.  I know I would love having those MOC ponies.  One thing is for sure I would love to get Baby Princess Sparkle...probably Mimic also and sea ponies..all the boy adults I could find, and Cha Cha the LLama, baby Leaper, the list would go on and on. :)
I have only lived in the USA so I can't imagine getting my hands on a moc Nirvana..that would be amazing.  Guess we could try to take the time machine to any country..that would really be a blast.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: KarentheUnicorn on February 18, 2012, 08:53:46 PM
Since I purchased  most of my USA G1 collection new I'd prefer to be dropped somewhere like Greece or some international location that sold ponies I couldn't get my hands on back in the 80's because I didn't know anything about them. I did pretty well on getting the usa ponies back then I was just never aware there was different stuff being sold overseas.

So I'd need a time machine and a passport please.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on February 18, 2012, 08:54:28 PM
I'd grab sea ponies and leave them out of the water so they stay fresh and don't get gunky and need to be cleaned. Probably also mountains of MOC Mimics to get me rich later, and Munchy! I'd also probably go back to my teen years and stop myself from ever getting rid of my childhood ponies, so I could still have them today. :(

ETA: 666th post. It's eeeeeviiiil! :devious:
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Calico_Star on February 18, 2012, 08:55:21 PM
Oh man...It's not so much a matter of what I'd get, but more of what I'd not get rid of! I HAD good stuff....problem is I got rid of it! :P

Knowing what I know now, I'd probably buy whatever rare and HTF ones the store had...and pick up a Glory and Sugarberry to keep MOC because they're so lovely~ :heart:

And the other 80s toys I collect now that are harder to find and more expensive than most ponies :P
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: tulagirl on February 18, 2012, 08:56:01 PM
Its so funny you mention that, about the other country because I had just updated my post after thinking that would be the best thing ever. I don't own any MOC pony items from the 80's so a USA pony would be super.

I agree about the sea ponies..having them clean and mildew free would be wonderful.  Oh yea..buying to resell in the current time would be super fun also.
I have to agree I love Glory see her brand new and sparkling
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: DazzleKitty on February 18, 2012, 08:58:10 PM
I'd snatch up all the MOC Mimics I could buy and then sell them on eBay. :P  Terrible I know but true. Of course I'd keep one or two for myself.

Too bad I couldn't get any mail orders unless I can stay back in time for a while. I'd get as many Rapunzels as I could. And sell them too....and keep a couple of myself of course!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Sunset on February 18, 2012, 09:17:29 PM
Of course, I'd love to own a mint on card Dancing Butterflies or any of the early unicorns.  But what I'd really like to do is go back to that McDonald's playground and tell my 5 year old self to remember to pick up Medley, my very first and beloved pony, and not trust that my great aunt had kept up with her.  Sadly, the pony who started my mlp addiction was lost that day.  :cry:
Of course, I got a lovely Heartthrob out of the deal from a very guilt ridden great aunt  ;)
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Starbright on February 18, 2012, 09:32:54 PM
Is it sad that I think about this sometimes?! I'd want a passport too so I could get all the Mountain Boys...two to open and one to keep MOC. Then two each of the first and second rainbows and the German NBBE babies. And then MOCs of the flutters and I'd order the TAF babies...and buy a bunch of Mimics to sell so I could get the rest of the ponies with the proceeds from selling them!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: xeevee on February 18, 2012, 09:39:44 PM
I'd get everything I could put my hands on!!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: BabyRainbou on February 18, 2012, 10:11:37 PM
Hmmm... Is about five of  'every single pony ever' too much?

ETA: 666th post. It's eeeeeviiiil! :devious:

667th post! I am now SAFE.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: scarletjul on February 18, 2012, 10:12:21 PM
If we all had access to a time machine and we all went back to the 1980's, we'd probably all buy MOC Mimics. . .  and then they wouldn't be worth nearly as much.  "Oh, you have a MOC Mimic, too?  Well, I have 5 from my trip to 1988."  :silly:

Anyway. . .

I'd like some boys, Crumpet, Wind Whistler, Nightglider and Paradise Estate for starters.

Then I'd hop over to the UK and buy some Mountain Boys and the kitchen.  :D
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: JazzMatazz on February 18, 2012, 10:35:09 PM
I would get some boy ponies, and all the animal friends!  ooo and all the TAFS!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: RAMChYLD on February 19, 2012, 12:46:05 AM
If I could go back to the 80s somehow, I'd try to get the specials on video again and the sticker book that my young self destroyed out of cluelessness.  I don't think there are show-accurate Megan dolls in that period, and my only interest in the original G1 was Megan, so no toys for me. Tales 7 didn't come along until the 90s iirc. Childhood ponies? None :P

Then I'd probably make a side-stop on a midnight sometime in 1986 to raid my home's garbage to rescue that music box my toddler self threw out and have regretted doing so since.

 Of course, I'd be worried about leaving a dent in history and setting off a chaos theory chain reaction that changes the future.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: willa on February 19, 2012, 01:01:47 AM
Now wouldn't that be great!  Original CP's, Mountain boys, flutters sea ponies, TAF's, Gusty! Loving Famlies...   
I would clear the shelves of G1's and get filling out those mail order forms : )  And if I happened to travel back in time to Greece, then that would be amazing! Wonder how many Ladybirds and unicorns 200 would buy?... x
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: starrypawz on February 19, 2012, 01:13:43 AM
I'd grab hmm...
Fireball, Tornado and Lighting :P
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Valkohai on February 19, 2012, 01:19:48 AM
I would buy Ghost Buster dolls and mother Godzilla. I also would like to have more of the old pet shop sets. </3
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: fingerpaints on February 19, 2012, 01:22:55 AM
I would grab mimic, ice crystal, oakly the moose, baby katie & kittie, baby billie & bunny, any lil litters (I love them but they are so hard to find, especially with their wee babies) surprise twins mommy, glowing & sparkle petites, the set of glow & show ponies, a couple of unicorn softies, posey pj case, and I am sure plenty more, I just can't think of them all lol. It would be pretty awesome being able to do that tho :D
I would have to grab some of the old care bear 13" plushies too, especially the horse & cat cousins, they are so dam pricey now, didn't even know they existed as a child or I would have wanted them :P
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Icecrystalline on February 19, 2012, 02:38:11 AM
Mimic. mimic. mimic. All of the year 3 seaponies. Although I wasn't born until 10 years later >.< xxx
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Lyra on February 19, 2012, 02:54:05 AM
Omg I'd rip through Toys R Us, sparing nopony and leaving nothing standing in my wake...
then make a throne out of MIB boxes.

No but really, I'd probably look for all the ones I have now and then preserve them properly so I could have mint condition ones :) And maybe take a trip to Venezuela and be rich.
(Then, I'd warn my younger self never to give away her Gentleheart care bear cousin cuddly cause she'll cry about it later, then I would dedicate my remaining time to stalking David Bowie and trying everything possible to appear in Labyrinth until escorted out by security. )
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: mercynova on February 19, 2012, 03:28:26 AM
then I would dedicate my remaining time to stalking David Bowie and trying everything possible to appear in Labyrinth until escorted out by security.


I would take a trip to Japan and see if I could find any Takaras... Even if I didn't manage to get hold of them it would still be awesome to go there.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Moondancer115 on February 19, 2012, 03:29:07 AM
A totaly mint Gray Macau Lemon Drop  :lovey:
Just love that pony so much!!!! Hopefully everything just work out in the postoffice because then i will own one! But for now the package is lost.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: terabithianprince on February 19, 2012, 03:57:15 AM
I would go back and not sell my My little ponies and Moondreamer lion so I could still have them with me. I did find my Dream Beauty though. I would also get some Mimics and other G1 ponies to sell now and get the ponies I need for my collection!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: SFlame on February 19, 2012, 04:36:10 AM
if this was here in the UK i would get as many moc jewellery/sweetie babies/mountain boys as possible!

If it was another country im stuck between spain tafs and piggys that i would buy and greek babies mib!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: hathorcat on February 19, 2012, 04:45:35 AM
I would prefer early 90s to be honest....and I would pretty much clear out Woolworths of all those Jewellery Babies, Sweetie Babies, Great Hair and on and on and on.....just wow!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: michelle53 on February 19, 2012, 04:52:07 AM
I would buy all the Summer and Windy wingers I could find, but I'd buy two MIB Starry Wings, so when I time travel back I could give one to FlyingPonyMonster:).  I'd buy Rapunzel too, she is seriously growing on me!  You know, I'd buy pretty much any pony I could get my hands on, then give them away to Arena members. 
**I would travel to the day I gave all my ponies away**.  That is one moment in time I'd like to have back. 
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80\'s what would you get?
Post by: Umiyuri on February 19, 2012, 05:02:07 AM
…Since I wouldn't be able to get Mimic (since she wasn't sold in this country and I doubt I'd be able to make an international order)…

…I would track down and get Tornado, Locket and Posey.

Post Merge: February 19, 2012, 05:29:56 AM

…Since I wouldn't be able to get Mimic (since she wasn't sold in this country and I doubt I'd be able to make an international order)…

…I would have Tornado, Locket and Posey.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: BigBrotherPony on February 19, 2012, 05:42:59 AM
I'd grab every mountain boy I possibly could!

Then Jewellry Babies, Seaside Babies, and Sweetie Babies!

If only I has known back in the 80s how rare these guys would have been in the future!!!! Lol
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: apanda0622 on February 19, 2012, 06:26:40 AM
I would go to TRU and buy all the rare items MOC & MIB--MLP and other toys--and come back to now and sell them on ebay.  Then I would use that money made off ebay to buy loose ponies and other toys.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: tulagirl on February 19, 2012, 06:29:09 AM
Its so interesting to see what everyone would buy.  I wonder how long mail order took..a month or more?

Thats a sad story about the lost pony at McD and the pony missing in the mail.  I had bought an adorable elephant outfit and it got lost. Sigh..never got it ever.  Wonder who has it.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: mlp4me on February 19, 2012, 06:49:09 AM
I'd be dropped in summer 1988 with $200 USD, and a DeLorean to haul everything (insert evil snickering laugh here).
There I would procure 3 PE's (they'll be on clearance as they're old stock-sweetness!) and 2 of every pony item on the shelf: TE's, TAF's, Boys, Princesses, Pony Friends, Newborn Twins, Wingers, pony wear, other playsets, and previous years ponies that are still lingering. Oh, I almost forgot coloring books... (Then I'd hit some yard sales and thrift shops)! The car would be bursting at the seams with pony goodness!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Taffeta on February 19, 2012, 07:15:09 AM
To think, the Mountain boys cost about £5.99 when new....

In my case, rather than go back and buy a whole ton of stuff I didn't have, I'd rather go back and make sure I didn't throw out things like my MB pony cards and kept all the bits and pieces that I lost.

My area was really poor for ponies, but I guess that if push came to shove the two things I'd want to bring back from the UK of the past are Princess Pearl and Fiery MIB and Nibbles and Dibbles MIB, just because I wanted them so much as a child...

The other MBs would be tempting, too, but I think I'd rather have what I threw away than a bunch of new stuff otherwise...

The geek in me would also want to take a notebook and pen and make copious lists/take photos of everything that was available where and when to settle a lot of age old questions about Hasbro's distribution...
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: KarentheUnicorn on February 19, 2012, 07:57:17 AM
To think, the Mountain boys cost about £5.99 when new....

In my case, rather than go back and buy a whole ton of stuff I didn't have, I'd rather go back and make sure I didn't throw out things like my MB pony cards and kept all the bits and pieces that I lost.

My area was really poor for ponies, but I guess that if push came to shove the two things I'd want to bring back from the UK of the past are Princess Pearl and Fiery MIB and Nibbles and Dibbles MIB, just because I wanted them so much as a child...

The other MBs would be tempting, too, but I think I'd rather have what I threw away than a bunch of new stuff otherwise...

The geek in me would also want to take a notebook and pen and make copious lists/take photos of everything that was available where and when to settle a lot of age old questions about Hasbro's distribution...

There were a lot of pamphlets and things that I cut up for the pictures. So like you, I'd go back and tell my younger self to not destroy those things.

And yes, I would like to go back with a digital camera and take a picture of the MLP section i the store just to show the difference in what we had in the 80's and what the MLP section looks like now.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: littlexflitter on February 19, 2012, 08:03:36 AM
I think I would have purchased more So Softs. I really love them, and I would be able to enjoy them without so much flocking wear and tear. ♥
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: SkyCakes on February 19, 2012, 08:33:42 AM
I probably would "wait" it out on the mail orders. I would grab every US pony I could find. I wish it would be easier to "jump through time periods like Final fantasy 13-2." Then I could go to parts of the globe in the 80s time period and get access to all nirvana's too. I don't think I would tell my younger self to not to get rid of all her ponies but, I wouldn't want to change history too much.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: emera_lazzaly on February 19, 2012, 08:41:02 AM
Oh gosh! I would try to get to my aunt's yard sale before she sold half of her collection! I got there in time to get whatever was left but I know there was more that gold sold before I got there! We were talking about that the other day! About how she wished she never sold them!

But as far as stores go, I would get Mimic, Bright Eyes, and Quackers for sure!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: hokuspokus on February 19, 2012, 08:42:04 AM
I would save my childhood ponies if i could go back in time!
I had to re-buy most of them because i lost almost all of them. I also gave away alot of ponies when i was a kid, so if i could go back i would protect myself from trying to be nice and give away my lovely ponies.

Oh, i would do so much if i could go back! Well, not too much, since i was little and didn't have much money :lmao:
But i would definitely never give or trade my old ponies again!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Dyzarktarzk on February 19, 2012, 09:23:58 AM
Mimic!  Munchy!  The Sea Ponies (White Cap...)!!!   Nirvanas included?  The Mountain Boys *drools*

And If I was ever capable of...  Get a PE, it's so expensive now ;_;
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: VanillaBean on February 19, 2012, 09:48:09 AM
I sometimes agonize over the thought of going back in time like this  :<  If only
I would snag 2 of each: Gypsy, Honeycomb, TE Bright Eyes, SS Twilight & Crumpet. One to open & one to keep MOC.
I don't even know if the last three were sold here  xD  If not, I'd have to construct some kind of country portal.
I'd also grab a complete set of rainbow ponies.  :lovey:
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on February 19, 2012, 09:51:08 AM
Honestly, I wasn't born until '89, so there are quite a few things I would grab besides ponies. Namely Brush-A-Loves, Ice Cream dolls, C.U.T.I.E., and Jem! I'm so sad that I missed out on those... they were so cute! I'd also go back to the early '90s and just walk around the toy aisle for the sake of nostalgia. We had a local department store called Hills that was absorbed by a now-defunct business... I miss Hills. Grandma didn't live far from it, so she took me there all the time and that's where half of my toys came from.

I'd also go back to the '60s and tell my mom to take better care of her (now rare) Barbies, specifically first-edition Skipper and her Twiggy doll! (I had to throw Twiggy out a few days ago for mold. I was so sad.) Honestly, toys fascinate me so much I wouldn't just stop at the '80s and '90s. I'd go as far back as I could.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: ashes on February 19, 2012, 09:52:21 AM
I'd probably get all the flutters (because their wings move) and the Dance n Prance ponies.  I just love the accessories to the DnP's.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: emery on February 19, 2012, 10:11:19 AM
Hmm... let's see $200 would probably buy an average of 25 or 30 ponies depending on price. I would most likely go for these first:

year 3 sea ponies
any babies that came with stack toys
Oakly since I can't seem to find him for a decent price in the present!
Lavender Woosie
Red Roses
2nd set of Princess Ponies
Paradise Estate
petite ponies
And the rest of the petites from the very early 90's if I could sneak those in along with the Li'l Litters Nursery Families!

Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Majesty on February 19, 2012, 10:35:27 AM
I'd get everything I could put my hands on!!

Me too.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: CadePony on February 19, 2012, 10:39:28 AM
I would probably buy up all of the Sea Ponies. Or even better, get the Paradise Estate.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Visage on February 19, 2012, 10:53:03 AM
I have thought of this many times!
I would buy all the greek ponies double,
so that I have them all both loose and MOC!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: toralei on February 19, 2012, 11:44:44 AM
I would go to Greece to also visit my grandparents  :)  While I was there I would get all the ponies in the sitting pose (minus that one exclusive to Brazil) and some unicorns, namely Gusty and Gypsy. OH and also Blueberry Baskets.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: tulagirl on February 19, 2012, 12:14:42 PM
I think I would have purchased more So Softs. I really love them, and I would be able to enjoy them without so much flocking wear and tear. ♥

I agree with this have SS ponies with no damage would be wonderful.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: PinkRosedust on February 19, 2012, 12:34:59 PM
Would I be able to travel around throughout the decade and get ponies from different years? There are so many I'd snatch up. A few Rainbows, some early unicorns, the Rockin Beats, a couple Twinkle Eyes, a Summer/Windy wing or two, the Tropicals, a Princess or two, Sweetheart Sisters, a few TAFs, ooh gotta grab a Flutter...I think by this time my money would be gone lol!

Hm...scratch all that. I think I'll do what everyone else is doing...I'd go raid Europe for Mountain Boys, Jewelry Babies, GYPSY AND SNOWFLAKE, Rosette, Sweetie Babies (I'd have to hang around until the 90s...that's cool, right? XD ) and Nirvanas galore. :dribble: Ooh and hop over to Australia for some alternate Birthflowers!

Maybe I'd grab a Transformer or two for my brother also, you know, while I'm in the decade. :biggrin:
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: mlpfan on February 19, 2012, 01:24:53 PM
transformers and mlp!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Juri on February 19, 2012, 04:32:08 PM
I would get straight on a plane to Japan lol.

If I had to be dropped back in the UK where I grew up though, I would find all the Jewellery babies somehow!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: tulagirl on February 19, 2012, 05:55:31 PM
Would I be able to travel around throughout the decade and get ponies from different years? There are so many I'd snatch up. A few Rainbows, some early unicorns, the Rockin Beats, a couple Twinkle Eyes, a Summer/Windy wing or two, the Tropicals, a Princess or two, Sweetheart Sisters, a few TAFs, ooh gotta grab a Flutter...I think by this time my money would be gone lol!

Hm...scratch all that. I think I'll do what everyone else is doing...I'd go raid Europe for Mountain Boys, Jewelry Babies, GYPSY AND SNOWFLAKE, Rosette, Sweetie Babies (I'd have to hang around until the 90s...that's cool, right? XD ) and Nirvanas galore. :dribble: Ooh and hop over to Australia for some alternate Birthflowers!

Maybe I'd grab a Transformer or two for my brother also, you know, while I'm in the decade. :biggrin:

Yay I love your list!  I had not really thought about going back for each year and grabbing stuff.  I wonder how fast pony stuff flew off the shelves back in those days...?
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: EStRanger on February 19, 2012, 08:22:42 PM
I would walk into the store, find the ponies, revel in the colourful bubble cards, the new-pony smells....

....Then walk past the ponies, across the store, to the cigarette/customer service counter, where I'd buy a lottery ticket for the biggest jackpot of the year. XD

Then I'd take the remaining $199 and buy as many ponies as I could, so I'd have duplicates all shiny and new to give away in the present. After all, it's not like I'd need to sell them, with all my millions and millions of dollars at my disposal. :D
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: babystarz on February 19, 2012, 08:28:28 PM
I think I would just pass out on the floor at the nearest pony store.

Upon awakening, I would order quadruples of the mail order ponies and book a trip to Thailand.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Varkolak on February 19, 2012, 08:29:34 PM
i'd grab me some mimics and barnacles :) as many as i could buy. and an ice crystal. and a rapunzel. for sure.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: tuneful87 on February 19, 2012, 08:31:57 PM
Tons of Red Roses!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Betelgeuse on February 21, 2012, 12:36:38 PM
I'd get ponies. and other 80s toys...
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Koudoawaia on February 21, 2012, 12:45:10 PM
I would get another Wish Bear and baby Popple. Miss mine so much. Maybe I'd get a few Popples and Care Bears in addition to that also as well as some Pound Puppies and if we're assuming we're time traveling loaded with cash, I'd also get the G1 ponies that are on my wish list.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Wardah on February 21, 2012, 05:18:51 PM
The mention of the Perfume Puffs reminds me I'd love to get some Sweetie Kitties. The ones I see for sale that have been played with always have such matted hair. The one time I managed to find one that was still in its box, despite having a gross looking box, I couldn't believe how beautiful it was. I'd like to have the whole set in that condition.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Buddafly on February 21, 2012, 05:20:40 PM
MIB fashion star fillies!  all the twinkle eye ponies!  geeze... if I only knew then what I know now. 
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Cool.Breeze on February 21, 2012, 06:05:32 PM
every single winger absolutely mint! :heart:
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: CrystalCrown on February 21, 2012, 06:06:15 PM
if i had that much money in the 80's, i'd get myself frontrow seats to a megadeth or a metallica concert (or both!) before i spend any of it on ponies! then if i had anything leftover i would spend it on whatever i could get my hands on!
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: michelle53 on February 21, 2012, 08:05:23 PM
every single winger absolutely mint! :heart:
My thought exactely!!!  I like how you think;)
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Flora on February 21, 2012, 11:07:20 PM
 Entire sets of Summer and Windy wingers for sure, I love those little guys.  I'd go to England/Europe and get myself a set of Mountain Boys, even Tornado, who I don't actually like that much, especially with pink hair.  Two MOC Mimics, so I could debox one and keep the other.  An entire set of the flutters because they have pretty wings. I'd get nice white Gusty, Glory and Moondancer.

Also I'd be evil and buy my old MLP collection off of myself.  I am so mad now that I gave them to Goodwill.

I'll add more to this list when I figure them out.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: sweetstuff on February 22, 2012, 08:00:45 AM
time machine?

I'd go back to KB Toy Store and pick up that lone Baby Ember/book set that was in there forever (yet I could never convince my mom to buy), I'd get the Apple Delight Family (that I really wanted, but instead got Family Celebrations), I'd also try to locate Rose Dust's wings - because for the life of me I don't know when/where they broke off. I'd also keep my mom from chucking my Perm Shop and original Dream Castle (but then I'd have two of them... *lol*)

I'd also try to find Mimic, Bright Eyes and Munchy, oh and buy the baby ponies with their purses - THEN I would have ordered all of the mail order ponies that I REALLY wanted (Dabbles, Scribbles, TAF Babies and Pearly Babies).

Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: rtattles on February 22, 2012, 08:10:33 AM
Heaps! I'll buy heaps and heaps of extra Twinkle-Eyed and So Soft ponies to keep MOC. I'll have a crazy army of Sweetpop like never before, then once I have enough of that, it'll be Speedy.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: FlyingPonyMonster on February 22, 2012, 01:12:31 PM
I would buy all the Summer and Windy wingers I could find, but I'd buy two MIB Starry Wings, so when I time travel back I could give one to FlyingPonyMonster:).  I'd buy Rapunzel too, she is seriously growing on me!  You know, I'd buy pretty much any pony I could get my hands on, then give them away to Arena members. 
**I would travel to the day I gave all my ponies away**.  That is one moment in time I'd like to have back. 

Awwww yay starry wings :lovey:
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: partypony566 on February 22, 2012, 02:20:17 PM
Crikey :drunk: I would order every mail order Birthflower pony ( the colourful variants!) Mimic, all the Satin n Lace ponies, 12 of each Mountain Boy, nbbe Gusty, and every MOC Minty I could find :faint: I would also buy 2 paradise estates, one to play and display and one to keep MIB :dribble: *goes nuts thinking about shopping in the 80s*  :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: WickedWonderland on February 22, 2012, 04:16:16 PM
I don't think I could get it all with $200, but I'd want Paradise Estate, the Lullaby Nursery, the Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe, and a brand new Gingerbread in all her pristine white cancer free goodness.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: ZeldaTheSwordsman on February 22, 2012, 06:45:30 PM
I would make sure to grab the main G1s, with priority on show characters. I'd definitely grab all the Flutter Ponies.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Brightglowpony on February 22, 2012, 07:10:03 PM
I remember seeing all of the watercolor sea ponies hanging on the shelf and I only got Wavedancer.  If I could go back I would grab the whole set!!!  And Dream Castle- it still has yet to become a part of my collection.  As a kid I wanted it SO badly, but it was no longer in stores.
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: Crowning_Glory13 on February 22, 2012, 07:17:50 PM
Megan....i have wanted her and molly for a long time...dream castle purple and pink...princess ponies with bush willies and ALL plushies....that might take my budget
Title: Re: If you could time travel back to the 80's what would you get?
Post by: MintySocks on February 22, 2012, 07:29:48 PM
Since I purchased  most of my USA G1 collection new I'd prefer to be dropped somewhere like Greece or some international location that sold ponies I couldn't get my hands on back in the 80's because I didn't know anything about them. I did pretty well on getting the usa ponies back then I was just never aware there was different stuff being sold overseas.

So I'd need a time machine and a passport please.

THIS!!! I'd go to Greece and get a baby Minty and some of those ladybug ponies. Then I'd head over to Spain and get me some piggies. And TAF's. and lots of Mimics and allllllll the flutter poniez!

I love this thread by the way. I've often thought the same thing. XD
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