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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: SaphTalon on January 30, 2012, 05:46:16 AM

Title: sleeping habits
Post by: SaphTalon on January 30, 2012, 05:46:16 AM
Everyone sleeps differently. I even was talking to some one who sleeps with a pillow on top of their head. Me I have a pinkie pie plushy I sleep with. I get a lot of off coments whenever I go on trips with my church and other over night events. I cant sleep without it.

So what is your sleeping habits?
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: nuttertasha on January 30, 2012, 05:57:35 AM
well i have a cuddle little foot fron land before time he use to be in my bed with me all the time but recently was kidnapped by my son which is ok as i genral ended up throwing it out of bed i mostly snuggle up to my big pillow
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: PonyMonsters on January 30, 2012, 06:06:58 AM
I don't have anything for regular nights but when my wife is away I cuddle a pony plushy :)
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: kittybethy on January 30, 2012, 06:37:33 AM
I have to fall asleep on my stomach.  I don't always wake up there though!
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: kaoskat on January 30, 2012, 07:21:39 AM
I sleep with my stuffed puppy Jeffrey, with a mountain of various other stuffies next to me piled up between the wall and bed.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: SaphTalon on January 30, 2012, 07:38:55 AM
I don't have anything for regular nights but when my wife is away I cuddle a pony plushy :)
Nice to know I am not the only guy who does that. I don't have a GF and I need something to wrap my arms around.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: Moonstorm on January 30, 2012, 10:30:40 AM
I have a dog(teddy) I use as a pillow XD I don't have regular pillows but yea I can't sleep without it. very hard to sleep on sleepovers with friends and stuff because I always act like the tough girl (tomboy) so I can't take it with me :/
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: hathorcat on January 30, 2012, 11:44:41 AM
I have a cuddly polar bear - oddly called Paddington - who keeps me company in bed...he is an excellent pillow!
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: Echo_Shell on January 30, 2012, 11:54:11 AM
I must have the bear kat sent me when we were still dating years ago.  Without her (the bear) I cannot sleep so well.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: VanillaBean on January 30, 2012, 12:04:57 PM
I find it difficult to sleep without the covers pulled right over my head, squished up against the wall in complete & utter darkness.  xD  So comfy.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: ZennaBug on January 30, 2012, 12:07:29 PM
I have to have a cold pillow.  My pillowcase is silk and I usually flip it several times before falling asleep.  I also have to have a pillow between my knees, because of my hip pain.  And if I'm away from home, I have to sleep with a stuffed animal.  At home, I have the dogs.  But even if my husband and I are on vacation, I have to take one of my bears or my old dog stuffie, Sammy.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: bladed on January 30, 2012, 12:57:30 PM
I tend to sleep on my side and curl up in the corner.
I used to snuggle either my giant dog plushie or my winnie the pooh ones.. especially tigger..
I also used to sleep with a star shaped cushion. It had something on it that helped me sleep.
I have to be pushed right up against the frame of my bed, even though it is really hard.. XD
I also fall asleep with my TV on.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: Beldarna on January 30, 2012, 01:43:35 PM
We have six pillows in the bed. I sleep in a pile of five, boyfriend has one.
We have two cats, one have been with me since she was born ten years ago and I have a hard time getting to sleep if she's not somewhere on the bed, preferable next to me to the right. Luckily she knows this and often joins me when I go to bed. <3
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: stopxmotion on January 30, 2012, 02:11:54 PM
I sleep with a stuffed animal if I'm alone cause I need something to snuggle against! Usually it's a Lion King doll but recently I've had a build a bear dog in bed with me.
And I'm very picky with pillows. If they're big puffy ones my face smooshes down in them and I feel like I'm suffocating. Hahaha.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: sabathamk on January 30, 2012, 07:05:46 PM
I sleep with one pillow, NEED the blanket, and sometimes I have a habit of sticking one leg out of the blanket for awhile.  I used to have loads of plushes on the bed, but I didn't actually cuddle with them or anything.  I found them annoying!  I guess I prefer a simple bed.  (but I still want a MLP plush to cuddle... sigh)
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: Kiwi on January 30, 2012, 07:30:42 PM
I have my dolphin, hubby has his puppy. I will wake up in the night if my dolphin is missing (ie fallen on the floor, hubby's grabbed him instead of puppy, etc). Cannot sleep until he is in next to me again.

Hubby said the other night I was getting agitated in my sleep, so he rubbed my arm and gave me a little kiss and said it would be OK (bad dream, I guess), and also gave me back my dolphin because he was away from me. :heart:
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: TickledPink on January 30, 2012, 10:12:27 PM
I sleep with those u shaped travel pillows! I prefer to sleep with a cold air humidifier on too.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: cobalte on January 30, 2012, 11:38:07 PM
I have a purple fuzzy cushion that I tend to cuddle with at night. I migrated from soft toys to it :P unfortunately that specific one has actually got a tear, I don't know if I somehow did that or what...
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: Scraleos on January 31, 2012, 01:30:50 AM
I can't sleep without my blanket, which I've had since god knows when! I also always fall asleep to some sort of music, and the fan had to be on, because it gets very hot in my room at night.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: CuteyBina3 on January 31, 2012, 01:34:52 AM
I don't have anything for regular nights but when my wife is away I cuddle a pony plushy :)
Nice to know I am not the only guy who does that. I don't have a GF and I need something to wrap my arms around.

I'm pretty sure Ponymonsters is a girl though ;) lol ♥

OT: There's a little almost 5-year old that loves to crawl in our bed haha, so sometimes I wake up on the edge of the bed, with her laying very comfy lol!
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: Taxel on January 31, 2012, 01:53:39 AM
I can't sleep without my plush otters (daddy holding a baby). My boyfriend got them for me not long after we started dating, and I've slept with them every night since. Since my boyfriend left (he visited for over a month) I've gotten into the habit of putting his pillow in the bed next to me in his spot, with a soft blanket rolled up next to it. I could probably sleep without that though.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: fingerpaints on January 31, 2012, 02:11:16 AM
I find it difficult to get to sleep most nights, my body clock has no real idea whats going on due to years of abuse through shift work, but I find if I have alot of trouble dozing off, if I swap ends of the bed (feet where head was, head where feet were) I can generally get to sleep a bit easier. I used to sleep with my old care bear, but I lost her in a flood in 2007, I replaced her with a stuffed tiger as I had no time to shop at all and they were selling them at the supermarket when I went for some supplies, at the time I was not fussy, it was cute, and it would do lol. Apparently the supermarkets ran out of garbage bags & cigarettes :P

Anyhow, I sleep with generally the tiger plushie, a sweetsong plushie or a black & neon coloured build a bear that I picked out & made myself on a trip out with my brother & his partner. It really depends on what sort of a mood I am in.

I also generally have my fat tabby cat come in & sleep on my feet.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: PonyMonsters on January 31, 2012, 03:16:51 AM
I don't have anything for regular nights but when my wife is away I cuddle a pony plushy :)
Nice to know I am not the only guy who does that. I don't have a GF and I need something to wrap my arms around.

I'm pretty sure Ponymonsters is a girl though ;) lol ♥

PonyMonsters is a girl :) but I'm sure there are other guys who do that!
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: Lady.Arachnia on January 31, 2012, 06:29:22 AM
I sleep with 3 different pillows on top of each other. One who contains tiny balls like hail and a very soft one who feel cool and lay on top and 1 to lift it al up a little because i like a high pillow. And on my boxspring bed i have an extra matrass. I sleep under a duvet with on top a very soft blanket. And i have still my childhood Glowy the Gloworm from Hasbro with me every night!
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And when my fiance is not sleeping with me...i take my doggie with me to bed to feel safe...mind you i have a very little dog...hihihi!
And the cats come in then also...only not when he is home because they keep him up at night.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: SourdoughStomper on January 31, 2012, 06:34:53 AM
I sleep halfway between my belly and my side. One arm under my pillow beneath my head. Other arm wrapped around pillow #2 (known as "old lumpy") placed next to my chest. Most the time, using ear plugs so that Mr. Stomper's snoring does not keep me awake.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: mlp4me on January 31, 2012, 07:09:04 AM
I sleep on my right side, usually one arm sticks out for climate control-keeps me cool. Hubby and I alternate sleeping sides, (if hubby is working overnights then the greyhound warms his side). I must have a feather pillow and a regular flat pillow under it. Then there's the stuffed dog, Buffy who I've slept with since I was 2... Man, sleeping is very complex...
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: cobalte on February 01, 2012, 12:39:08 AM
I used to sleep with my old care bear, but I lost her in a flood in 2007, I replaced her with a stuffed tiger as I had no time to shop at all and they were selling them at the supermarket when I went for some supplies, at the time I was not fussy, it was cute, and it would do lol. Apparently the supermarkets ran out of garbage bags & cigarettes :P

I'm surprised the supermarket didn't have a commotion on hand with the latter somehow being out of stock!
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: CadePony on February 01, 2012, 07:10:07 AM
My sleeping habits vary. But I always sleep with 1 pillow. During the warmer months, I just sleep with a comforter on my bed, but during the winter months I have to have three bedsheets underneath my comforter. Once in a great while, I might sleep with a plushie.

I used to play music softly to lure me to sleep, but I haven't done that in I don't know how many years.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: creampuf on February 01, 2012, 07:24:41 AM
I have to curl up into my husband, with his leg in between mine and his arm around me and my head under his chin. during the night I'll move around but I'm only happy to sleep in that position.

If he's not around I have a gloomy bear I cuddle and then sleep in the fetal position holding him...not moving at all.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: Koudoawaia on February 01, 2012, 11:16:03 AM
I sleep with a stuffed animal. I go through cycles where I'll sleep with the same one for awhile then change to another. Since November or so now, that has been my adult Nala plushie. I also prefer sleeping on my left side.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: megsense on February 01, 2012, 11:34:07 AM
Used to sleep with a pillow on my head, now I use my pound puppy, he has long floppy ears I rest over my eyes. Three pillows (not very plush anymore) and one folded between my knees/ankles. I have a bad back. I usually get up in the middle of the night and sit up and sleep sitting up for a little bit, then lay back down until morning.

My back rules my sleeping life.
Title: Re: sleeping habits
Post by: Bee-chan on February 01, 2012, 11:53:56 AM
I have to have to HAVE to fall asleep on my side, but because of that, I need two pillows and head HAS to be propped up with my neck supported, so I bunch the top pillow up.
I need to sleep with something in my arms ( acts as a sort of boob support, and keeps my chest warm ). Recently, I've been snuggling with this ADORABLE and totally soft and snuggly plushie of Thumper from Bambi. Before him, it was my G1 Donatello stuffed toy.

Oh, and a fan HAS to be blowing on me. I need to feel the cool breeze while sleeping, and the sound of the blades cutting through the air acts as a soothing white noise. Even if it's freezing in the room, there is something about the feel of a cool moving breeze on me that helps me sleep. But it's the same even when I'm not sleeping. In a house where the air doesn't flow naturally, ESPECIALLY during the winter when the windows are all closed, the fans help keep the air from becoming stale. That, and I like cooler air. Yes, I'm the crazy one who doesn't have a problem living all year long in short sleeved shirts.
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