I am just checking in. I never cared for adoptable much, but lately, and I remember it being significant to Pony collectors.
Lately, I am bothered by massive AI Art flooding deviantArt first page all the time. Many of them are adoptable.
It is sad, really. Each of these sellers has over 3,000, selling at an insane price of $6.00 buy one, get one free. I remember that 10 years ago, $10.00 for a sketch for skilled artist is considered cheap already.
As an artist, all that AI adoptable are just feel disrespectful to their buyers, even ignoring if their AI steal art data or not. They didn't even generate the frame separately, filled with unintelligible shapes that resemble letters, the character details change between different angle, left ear and right ear never look the same, and they all generate that feathery foxes.
Is there still an strong adoptable market somewhere? Because it is not deviantArt any more.