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What made you smile today?

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that reminds me of my credit card company that wouldn't increase my limit while i was using it regularly because they said i used it too much. i stopped using it and paid off the balance. then they wouldn't increase my limit because i didn't use it enough.

i'm happy today because it's my dog's birthday. she's the sweetest girl and genuinely wants to spread happiness to anyone she sees. :)

Heart Of Midnight:
Even though I freeze I love winter above all else!  :cold: :heart: Now the outdoor thermometer shows -23 degrees below zero!  :brr: :heart:
The yard looks great. Every place glitters.  :glitter: :glitter:

I love your enthusiasm for winter, Heart Of Midnight - I share the same feelings even though I don't live where it gets very cold or snows (but I was born and raised somewhere that does).


My cat is feeling better. I'm not sure what was going on with her but for a few days she was very restless and kept yowling loudly. She's spayed (and 19) so it wasn't that. I thought maybe she had a hairball so I gave her some medicine. Or maybe her arthritis was really bothering her since it was chilly. In any case, she hasn't done that in three days so whatever was causing her discomfort is gone.

i love winter too but after last year's freeze here in Texas i'm hoping it doesn't snow. i would love to someday live somewhere that has snow in the winter and the infrastructure to handle the snow :) I really want to visit Finland some day.

i'm glad it's cooling off here though. my partner hates it when it gets cold though.

I saw a car yesterday with a lot of anime stickers on it.  I couldn't recognize all of them but I know I saw Sailor Moon, Naturo, Zensitzu and his sister.  It looked like all of the characters were looking out the windows at the cars. :)



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