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Topics - Thimble

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Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Stardew Valley, do you still play?
« on: December 28, 2020, 03:20:31 AM »
Is fishing-rage a thing? Is that the appropriate term for this feeling I have?   :pout:

Ugh. Also, why does the shop not have a confirm screen. If I accidentally buy one more thing...... >_<

All I want is a pony, game. Why must you thwart me?

Has anyone played coop? How is it? :lookround:

The Dollhouse / Doll clothes sewing book recs
« on: September 27, 2020, 04:16:03 AM »
It has eeeeeenglish lol. Also, awesome step by step photos with written instructions for each step. Very good if you're new to sewing clothes of any size, but includes some tricks specific to miniature clothes.
Patterns are a nice mix of basics, so you can make a mix and match wardrobe. Much, much better quality clothes than the garbage that dolls get sold with lately. Looks like things you could and would wear yourself, lol.

Title is  "Doll Sewing Book HANON", available from for 1800 yen. (About 18 bucks, depending on exchange rate.)

Off Topic / Pattern book rec
« on: September 14, 2020, 09:38:11 PM »
I got this yesterday, I'd been eyeing for a while. It's a pattern book for dolls. The really stand out thing about it is that it gives you variations for different doll sizes. It's in japanese, but with google translate and some effort you could probably work it out. The instructions are quite good.

Anyway, if you're looking for patterns to make your own
outfits, I can recommend this book. :)

Post Merge: September 15, 2020, 08:13:17 AM

Whoops, this was supposed be in the Dollhouse. Oh well.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Let's make stuff together?
« on: September 10, 2020, 10:24:53 PM »
So I've been super bored and frustrated with my lack of inspiration lately. Anyone else in the same boat?

Anyway, since I never finish anything when I work by myself, I was wondering if anyone would like to do some crafting projects together? I'll post the pattern I'd like to do, and everyone is welcome to use it to make their own version. And after that, anyone else who's got a pattern can post too, of course. If there's any interest, we can discuss what kind of project to do next. Kind of like a bookclub, but for crafting, lol. I'm thinking to keep all the projects to things that can be finished easily in one weekend, and my own projects tend to be mostly useful things. But any project would be welcome, practical or not, lol.
I sew by hand, so my version will be simpler than anybody who's got a sewing machine, but I'm really curious to see all the different results from the same pattern....

Right now I'm in need of reusable shopping bags, so I was thinking we could start with one of those. Easy, quick, and useful, my favorite! Lol.

If anyone is interested, I'll post the pattern some time this weekend. It's a very simple one, but there's room for freestyling.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Problem solving.
« on: April 03, 2020, 02:44:04 AM »
Problem: Want to go clothes shopping. Can't. :pout:
Solution!: Make my own!

...Problem: Limited supplies. >_<
Solution!: Make small things...Doll clothes!Perfect!

...Problem: Have no doll.  :huh:

Hee. She has many, many flaws, but all in all, an extremely productive use of my afternoon.  The hair is so fun. When it's its done it's gonna be so floofy!  Still deciding what face to give her.

Off Topic / Anyone up for a tea party?
« on: March 26, 2020, 12:25:06 AM »
So, we're all bored, right? Let's have some silly indoor fun!

General idea:

1. make some (at least one, but 2-3 different kinds recommended, lol) cute  or fancy bite sized tea snacks

2. make some tea! (or the beverage of your choice. If it's in a teacup, it counts, lol.)

3. dress up your table a bit (and yourself, if you want)
    Put down a tablecloth, a pretty place setting, use your fancy china, make a little flower arrangement, whatever you have access to and makes you happy to look at. Follow your own aesthetic, let's see some fun styles! And of course, wear a cute outfit to go with and make it more fun, if you like.

4. Take and upload a photo of your treat!(no selfies required, but if you want to include ponies somehow, hey that sounds fun. )  :biggrin:

(And then we can swap recipes after, lol.)

No time limit, but ideally share your pics sometime this weekend. :)

Anyone interested?

Off Topic / So what would you do....
« on: March 03, 2020, 02:47:48 AM »
If you suddenly found yourself with copious amounts of free time, but had to stay home? :lookround:

Boredom threshold has been reached, and barely 5 days in.  I'm stir crazy already, so random post time it is!

So what do you do to kill time when you can't go outside?
...wish i knew how to do polls, lol.

Arts & Crafts Corral / so do you diy things for your house?
« on: February 29, 2020, 05:57:01 AM »
....Because that is my jam. I literally go into fancy home stores looking for ideas to crib for my own purposes.  :P

And the dollar stores here are amazing, so they keep me in materials of all sorts, but most importantly, paper and fabric! because I have a problem, I admit it.

Anyway.  If you diy, what have you made recently? I'm really curious what kinds of things people make instead of buying. I tend to make things to deal with annoyances, rather than decorate, lol. How about you?

This week, I made a plastic bag holder. (Google it, it's awesome. I used a long narrow curtain I already had from the 100 yen shop, so it was already half done. It only took like 15 minutes even hand sewing. 5/5 totally recommend. I've also seen it done with tea towels, but any old scrap would do. If you've got some old knit pj pants you don't wear, whack off the leg, lol. Save even more time!) 

It turned out so useful I'm making another to hold fluffy socks. I have tons of them, since I basically live in them. And I totally don't care if they match, so I figure, a dispenser-style tube with a hole at the bottom to pop them out of sounds like a fantastic way to get them out of the way and speed up sorting my laundry.

Oh, tip: If you decide you need a bag/sock holder, I recommend doing it with the open, handle at the top method. Making the hole at the top a narrow squeeze seems counter productive to me.

Off Topic / Anybody else get frustrated with shopping?
« on: February 20, 2020, 07:34:19 PM »
It's like, yeah, I'm a little taller and curvier than most Japanese girl, but not that much.
And yet. There are entire stores that sell nothing larger than a medium, and the ultra cute boho style just does not exist in my size. I have severe skirt envy every time I go through a department store. Of course, it doesn't help that the clothes I can wear are made for grannies.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / I'm always super late to the party...
« on: January 30, 2020, 10:41:08 PM »
But wheeee, Stardew Valley! :lol:

Steam sale finally happened when I was paying attention, and thus, I farm!
Muahaha....The chicken will be mine!

What's your favorite game that everyone else is over?

Arts & Crafts Corral / Anybody ever join a random mail swap?
« on: January 20, 2020, 03:08:03 AM »
You know, one of those big international ones where you send a postcard and get one from somewhere random?

I've been really tempted. I've really gotten into sending postcards lately, and kinda wanna try it.  But without a po box I'm a little leery of putting my address out there, you know? Maybe I'm paranoid.

Off Topic / New buddy feature in pokemon go
« on: December 19, 2019, 12:34:58 AM »
Anybody else spend the last 20 minutes just repeating omgomgSOCUUUUTE!!eeeeeeeeeeee

I am 1000 percent sold on the new buddy system, tho i may die of the cute.....
I am literally sitting here watching Oddish run circles around my feet and it is the BEST.

What do you think so far? :biggrin:

Pony Corral / Been overseas for 3 years....any recs?
« on: December 18, 2019, 11:11:04 PM »
What's available right now in stores? I won't have time to shop around, so for a long lost pony fan, what's the best US store to hit right now? Where can I maybe find actual ponies on the shelves? I know Target had things for a while, but what about now? I especially want the g1 ponies....

Off Topic / Anybody else got a youtube outage?
« on: November 20, 2019, 03:14:04 AM »
Or is it just me? Other people seem to have issues too, so I'm curious how widespread it is. The site is up, and videos load, but wont play.  Anybody else?

Off Topic / Priorities?(kinda ranty)
« on: October 10, 2019, 08:55:51 PM »
So my town's about to get clobbered by a second typhoon, before we even finish clearing up the last one, and everyone is scrambling to prepare. 

Meanwhile, the international news is actually interested in japan for once. Yep, we're all over the place.

Goes something like this: typhoon, japan, damagemumblemumbleDangermeh, ....RUGBY OHNOES!!

I've even seen articles implying deliberate cheating on japans part regarding the cancelled games. And ever the reasonable news seems to treat a missed game as a tragedy on par with all the destruction a storm like this could cause.

Are rugby fans really this crazy? I mean rugby's a total non issue where I'm from, but I know better than to underestimate how  upset about those cancelled games japan is. They were unbelievably thrilled to have the world cup here. These are some hard core fans we're talking about. And japan is a country that only cancels things when its really, really desperate. My students have been asking for news about the Cup all day.

To have actual newspapers hinting at bribery and shady deals, just because japan decided to be proactive and spare a bunch people of the joy of being trapped in a flooded hotel or airport with no supplies seems pretty ridiculous.

I mean, it took nearly two weeks to get power back up in my town last month, we ran out of food all over town by day three, and everyone had to go to other towns for supplies! Which is impossible if you dont drive or if you run out of gas. Because the trains and buses are stopped too.

The whole thing just seems really absurd to me. I mean, is a game really worth risking lives over?
So yeah, I'm pretty salty about the international response, but i'll forgive the guy who wistfully wished they'd postpone a day or two instead of cancel...he's clearly from somewhere landlocked, lol.

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